The HyperCube has 3 main input modes: PC, PS4, & Nintendo Switch. By default, the HyperCube will be in PC mode. To change modes, hold the respective button in the diagram below while plugging in the controller. See the back of this pamphlet for button configurations.
Mechanical Switches
The HyperCube comes equipped with hot-swappable mechanical switches. In order to remove a switch, we recommend unscrewing the HyperCube from the back and pushing out the respective switch from the rear of the board to avoid potentially damaging your controller.
To change SOCD Modes, hold the red highlighted aux buttons in the diagram to left + a directional button while controller is in use. (The controller will be in neutral mode by default.)
NEUTRAL MODE: Red auxiliary buttons + Down input
UP PRIORITY: Red auxiliary buttons + Up input
LAST-INPUT PRIORITY: Aux buttons + Left input
The HyperCube runs GP2040-CE. For more advanced usage information, please visit: