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3. Robot personality designer

Future occupation no. 3: Robot personality designer

Why this occupation is needed


As social robots become a more common component in workplaces, we need developers who can design context-sensitive robot personalities to ensure that they get along with colleagues and represent the company’s values.

Examples of tasks

•Study social contexts to gain an understanding of social interaction • Analyse the culture and brand of the company in question in order to design robot personalities that fit in with the workplace, for example by adapting to the jargon of the employees and structuring their encounters with customers in a way that reflects the corporate brand.

Examples of skills

• • • • • • Computer science AI Sociology Psychology Behavioural science Design

Key takeaways

• Exactly how and to what extent AI and automation will affect working life in the future is controversial. However, we can conclude that they will transform most tasks and jobs, by taking over some while also creating new ones. • As robots become increasingly common, a large proportion of employees of the future will work together with robots in one way or another. And rather than viewing robots as a threat, they should be seen as colleagues who help, streamline, and strengthen the work effort.