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7. Ethics developer

Future occupation no. 7: Ethics developer

Why this occupation is needed


Demands are growing from both employees and consumers for companies to accept their corporate social responsibility. Meanwhile, some companies are finding it difficult to precisely identify and define their higher purpose. Other companies strive to do good, but find it difficult to transition from ambition to action, while those that are taking measures to improve society do not always know how to communicate such actions. And those companies that were founded based on a higher purpose are at risk of losing sight of it as they expand. Consequently, businesses may need help with everything from identifying and communicating to retaining their higher purpose.

Examples of tasks (depending on occupational category)

•Help companies to define, communicate and adhere to a higher purpose • Ensure that the company follows sustainable and ethical guidelines and fo• cuses on the needs and best interests of its users and customers Ensure that subcontractors adhere to ethical and sustainable practices and do not contribute to slavery, child labour, corruption or other unethical and • illegal activities Develop a consistent approach to the company's business development and use of data

Examples of skills

•Finance • Ethics • Philosophy

Secure and ethical of data

The amount of data generated continues to increase each year, and by 2020, each person on earth will generate an estimated 1.7 MB of data per second. To ensure that data are readily accessible, cloud services are often used to store them, including a large portion which is sensitive. In recent years we have witnessed a number of scandals linked to handling of data and how they are either at risk of being disseminated or used for nefarious purposes. The revelation that analytics company Cambridge Analytica collected personal information about millions of Facebook users – in many cases without their knowledge – and subsequently used that information for purposes such as helping Donald Trump in the 2016 election, and that the web service Unroll.me sold user data to other companies, are just two in a long line of examples.

The cost of cybercrime is estimated to reach USD 3 trillion by 2020

75% of executives globally consider cybersecurity to be a top priority for their companies, but only 16% are well prepared to withstand network risks

As a result, a debate has emerged regarding handling of personal data and data security. For example, Apple CEO Tim Cook recently called for stricter privacy protections and passage of digital rights legislation in the US. In January 2018, the World Economic Forum announced a new global cybersecurity centre, and in May of the same year, Sweden and other EU countries adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), under which companies and organisations have been forced to review how they collect, process and store personal data. Despite implementation of the GDPR, many Swedes continue to feel insecure about how their personal data are handled; according to a survey conducted by security company NTT Security, only one in three Swedes responded that the GDPR has made them feel more confident that their personal data are being handled more securely than before, while more than four in ten responded that they did not feel more confident about how their personal data were handled.

Create new jobs and services

As data collection becomes increasingly common in more and more companies and industries, the demand for expertise in IT security is growing, thereby creating new occupations linked to data management. In 2018, network and information security ranked tenth on LinkedIn's list of in-demand hard skills that companies needed most, and in January 2019, cloud-based CRM provider Salesforce hired a “chief ethical and human use officer”, whose job is to ensure that their technology and data are handled ethically within the company. New forms of initiatives and platforms are also emerging that are aimed

The global network security market is expected to be worth more than USD 248 billion by 2023

at increasing security and consumer control over data and security. At the end of 2016, a group of AI researchers from Apple, Amazon, DeepMind, Google, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft formed the Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society, a non-profit organisation aimed at studying and formulating leading methods of AI technology to increase public understanding of AI, and to act as an open platform for discussion and engagement relating to AI and its impact on people and society at large. Another example is the Dectify platform, which helps companies protect their websites by gathering knowledge from 120 top-ranked “friendly hackers”. The platform is an Amazon Web Services partner and recently received backing from venture capital firm Insight Venture Partners to enter the US market. Another example is the Loomia platform, which gives consumers full control over their personal data by allowing them to choose to keep their data private, or to sell it securely.