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Basis for the content of the report


How do you go about investigating a subject as broad as “the working life of the future”? We wanted to create content that was relevant and interesting, but also somewhat different. To do so, we used a combination of methods that provided statistics, as well as exciting new insights and reflections from leaders in areas related to the working life of the future. Because while numbers can provide a basis for predicting trends and developments, insight-driven analyses and reflections are needed to create a more truthful picture.

The work, which was carried out by United Minds and Prime on behalf of and together with TRR in the autumn of 2018, entailed three phases: knowledge acquisition, creative workshop with expert panel and an in-depth study.

1. Knowledge acquisition

The first phase involved reading reports, studies and articles on working life today and in the future to identify relevant and interesting areas for further investigation. In all, we read hundreds of reports, articles and studies from sources such as the World Bank, McKinsey, Deloitte, Quartz and J. Walter Thompson Intelligence. Armed with this knowledge, we then identified a number of areas that reflected different trends and transitions.

2. Creative workshop with expert panel

The identified areas were then tested, validated and developed in a creative workshop with some of the country’s foremost experts in these fields. Together, we conjured up five potential future occupations, which were then further developed.

The expert panel consisted of:

Kamjar Hajabdolahi, CEO, Serendipity.

Kamjar runs the investment management company Serendipity, which invests in and builds companies that solve problems for businesses through innovative services or products.

Harald Cavalli-Björkman, head of communications, Re:newcell.

Harald works for the Swedish innovation company Re:newcell, which has developed a technology for large-scale recycling of textiles. The goal is to make fashion circular.

Viktor Qvarfordt, AI developer, Sana Labs.

Viktor develops EdTech products at Sana Labs to adapt education to the needs of each individual through AI and machine learning.

Deborah Muhlrad, head of digital health at BlueCall.

BlueCall provides employers and their employees with a digital platform for anonymous therapeutic counselling by phone and chat. The purpose of BlueCall is to prevent mental ill health by making it easier for employees to speak with a therapist, where the vision is to improve well-being worldwide.

Patrik Åström, CEO, Helio. Patrik runs Helio, one of the first “coworking spaces” in the world. The idea is to make it possible for good and big ideas to succeed by providing flexible office space and an integrated community.

Maureen Hoppers, head of communications, Rik

steatern. Maureen was previously communications director for Axfoundation’s “Open the Door” project, which creates meetings between established and new Swedes to encourage integration. Now she works with similar tasks in cultural and performing arts for the Riksteatern with a nationwide focus.

Anne-Marie Andric, CHRO, iZettle. Anne-Marie’s job at iZettle, which has rapidly grown in number of employees and markets, is to manage and lead HR by further developing an organisation in constant change and recruiting new talent for its ongoing expansion.

3. In-depth study

After the expert panel validated and developed the areas, supplementary in-depth research was carried out – in part by reading additional reports, articles and studies, and in part through in-depth interviews with experts associated with the identified subjects.

The experts included: Mia Kleregård, former CEO, Plantagon Sverige.

Mia was previously CEO of Plantagon Production Sweden AB. Plantagon is a global innovation leader in urban farming, working with agritecture to meet the increased need for locally grown food in cities worldwide. By using vertical farming technology, the company minimises the need for transports, land, energy and water.

Gabriel Skantze, chief scientist, Furhat Robotics.

Gabriel is co-founder of Furhat Robotics, a start-up that develops “social robots” – robots that can communicate with humans and that are able to hear and understand speech. The robots can also show emotions through facial expressions. The company is currently working with about seventy Swedish and international companies, including Disney, Merck and Honda.

Maria Idebro, management consultant, Thread.

Over the past ten years, Maria has worked with various types of leadership in IT. One area she is particularly interested in is what happens in the meeting between man and technology.

Ellinor Axell, head of sales and marketing, Telenor.

Ellinor has used a combination of the digital channels that strengthen physical customer encounters to put the focus on the customer experience, thereby helping to position Telenor as a more human player. She has also been involved in integrating departments into cross-functional teams to promote collaboration and the exchange of knowledge across departmental boundaries.

Gunilla Yhuel Sätterberg, digital coach for pensioners.

Gunilla was named 2018 Volunteer of the Year for her commitment to educating seniors in new technology. Her accomplishments include starting a “mobile junta” at SeniorNet Botkyrka, where seniors help each other to understand smartphones and tablets.


Anna Troberg, chairperson of DIK, the union for

culture and communication. Anna was previously operations manager at Wikimedia Sverige, party leader of the Pirate Party and the head of a publishing house. She is currently the chair of the union DIK, and is deeply involved in the discussions on the need for a Swedish model for sole proprietorships.

Frida Lundmark, programme director, Vinnova.

Frida is programme director for Swelife, a strategic innovation initiative that Vinnova funds within the framework of strategic innovation programmes focusing on Life Science. She is also the project manager for Vinnova’s precision medicine initiative.

Sven Wolf, co-founder and CEO, Bzzt. Along with two partners, Sven runs the battery-powered taxi service Bzzt. The company's goal is to build a new way of travelling in Stockholm that will take both the climate and driver working conditions into account.

Based on all of the analyses and interviews, we identified six areas, each of which will be addressed in a chapter in this report. These areas are:

Flexibility & Mobility AI & Automation Human Qualities Sustainability Purpose & Ethics Health