Trussell Trust Newslink Autumn 2012

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Recent media coverage has resulted in more foodbanks, greater support and more hungry people fed! Our annual statistics on numbers fed by foodbanks were reported by media including BBC News, ITV News, Sky, BBC Breakfast, ITV Daybreak, BBC Radio 4, Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 5Live as well the Guardian and FT.

‘VOLUNTEERING HELPED ME TO GET A JOB’ Chris, 19, has just finished volunteering at Salisbury foodbank. The Trussell Trust is sad to see him go but we’re delighted that he’s leaving us to start a paid job, and he says volunteering with us is what helped him to get it. After struggling with a difficult illness during school, Chris’ confidence and studies had taken a serious knock. Chris joined our Salisbury foodbank

team in October 2011 and says: ‘I used to be really shy but volunteering has improved my confidence a lot. It’s also given me the experience I needed. The Trussell Trust and Sarum Academy have turned my life around. I have belief in myself, I’m hoping to go to university, I know what I’m good at and I feel positive about the future.’

Fancy volunteering? Call Monica on 01722 580184

Salisbury’s recycling centre and volunteering programme are being transformed by two wonderful ladies who’ve just joined our team. Why not volunteer and say hello?!

A customer came to our Bemerton shop recently who had been the victim of a serious attack and was suicidal as a result. After talking to Leanne, our assistant manager, she emailed the next day asking us to thank Leanne saying:

Schools across the UK are learning about local poverty by volunteering at a foodbank. Sebastian (left) and his Year 8 classmates from Salisbury Cathedral School spent the afternoon packing foodboxes recently. He says: ‘It’s shocking that people go hungry in Salisbury, you don’t expect it but it’s nice to feel part of helping a family to get food.’ ‘Every pupil should be taught about The Trussell Trust and not to take food for granted, to learn that life’s not perfect and we should give generously.’


01722 580 180 Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7HL The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity that partners with local communities to combat poverty in the UK and Bulgaria Reg. Charity No. 1110522 Reg. Ltd. Co. No. 5434524 Reg. in England & Wales


Almost 130,000 people received emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks in 2011-12, double the numbers fed in 2010-11. Many families have been forced to go hungry by rising costs of food and fuel combined with static incomes, high unemployment and changes to benefits. Thanks to your support, 128,697 people did not go hungry last year. Here are just a few stories from people who wanted to say thank you:

“Thank you!” - Samantha and family

Over 200 UK foodbanks launched

‘She really cared. She made me feel strong to handle the situation. She saved my life.’


Autumn 2012


After eight years of service, foodbank legend Jeremy Ravn is retiring in September for a well earned rest. We will miss him and wish him all the best.

In April we opened a new charity shop on Salisbury High Street to help generate funds to support The Trussell Trust’s rapid growth. We now have six shops in the Wiltshire and Dorset area.

Autumn2012FINAL.indd 1

Restoring dignity and reviving hope in Salisbury, the UK and Bulgaria

A fond farewell to Jeremy


The shop has been a huge success so far, but we need more good quality clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery to keep the shelves stocked. If you have items to donate please drop them in or call 01722 580185, thank you!


Hello Monica and Karen!


Nationwide, over 1,400 schools helped their local foodbank last year.

w w w . t r u s s e l l t r u s t . o r g

Media, media, media!

1 in 5 mums skip meals to feed their children

You’ve donated 1200 tonnes of food in 12 months

SCOTLAND ‘We were going to bed hungry every night. If it wasn’t for the foodbank Steve and I would be in a box.’ Barbara’s husband Steve took pleasure in being the breadwinner for the family until the bones in his neck began to crumble. He was left unable to work and forced to live on statutory sick pay. A family crisis meant finances went from bad to worse leaving the couple with no money for food.

people fed by foodbanks in 2011-12

3 new foodbanks launched every week

Help stop people going hungry by filling out the response form inside SALISBURY Alison* came to the foodbank after domestic abuse caused her to lose everything. She was so touched by her visit that she wrote a poem about the experience. She said: ‘I was made to feel I belonged to the human race.’ Read the poem at

CORNWALL Philip, his wife and three young children lost everything when 350 gallons of water flooded their childrens bedroom and the ceiling collapsed. Philip said: ‘The foodbank was a Godsend, when the food arrived it was like Christmas Day, the children were so excited.’

LONDON ‘It’s very hard to look at your baby and not be able to feed him, but with your help today I was able to, so thank you very much.’ - Young working couple struggling on low income

HOME COUNTIES When 13-year-old Sophie’s Dad died, the cost of funeral expenses tipped the family over the edge and they were forced to turn to the foodbank: ‘It was such a massive help and the people there were really kind,’ said Sophie. She added that the food parcel helped them to get back on their feet but that without it ‘it would have been impossible to cope.’

7/13/2012 10:07:15 AM

FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS... 15 YEARS OF TRUSSELL TRUST When Paddy Henderson met baby Boris (left) in Bulgaria 15 years ago no-one could have predicted where this encounter would lead.

Paddy with baby Boris in Bulgaria, 1997

This small street baby’s life was in the balance. His mother, an abandoned child herself, could not feed him. Paddy and his wife Carol decided to do something to help Bulgaria’s abandoned children. Using a modest legacy from Carol’s mum, The Trussell Trust was born. To date, over 700 abandoned children have been helped by our Bulgaria projects. But The Trussell Trust didn’t stop there...

afford to feed her children led Paddy to start Salisbury Foodbank in his garden shed. Today, The Trussell Trust is launching three new foodbanks every week, has over 200 UK foodbanks and fed over 128,000 people last year. Our vision is ‘a foodbank in every UK town, creating a nation where no-one goes hungry’. Paddy’s compassion for Boris started something big, but we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for being part of our story.

In 2000 a phone call from a distressed mother in Salisbury who could not

MARIANA'S STORY INSPIRES LIFE CHANGING PROJECT As a small girl, Mariana hated going home. ‘Home’ meant beatings from her mother and uncle. They thought that her slightly malformed leg meant she was cursed and as a result they beat her. She says: “I used to wander in the streets until late at night waiting for my mum and my uncle to go to sleep before I came home.’ Eventually she was sent to Lipnitza Orphanage School, here she met Trussell Trust founders Paddy and Carol. Bright and engaging, Mariana wanted to complete her studies but found herself homeless when she became too old for the orphanage. The Trussell Trust paid for Mariana to live in a hostel for two years and she finished her education.



15 years ago Betty Trussell left her daughter Carol a legacy that founded The Trussell Trust. Today Betty’s gift is still transforming lives. Could you follow in Betty’s footsteps and leave The Trussell Trust a legacy in your Will? Big or small, your gift will help to us to continue changing lives for generations to come. For more visit or call Mark Ward on 01722 580176.

The Trussell Trust is one of the first charities to partner with ‘Pennies’ electronic charity box, an innovative initiative that enables customers in participating stores to donate a few extra pennies to charity when paying by card.

Today, Mariana, now 25, is married to a young pastor, has just had her first baby and is working to help disadvantaged people in her community. Seeing the impact of a small investment in Mariana’s life inspired the Trust to start The House of Opportunity Programme, which this year celebrates its fifth birthday. The programme has helped over 30 orphanage leavers to turn their lives around. We now have three Houses of Opportunity in Bulgaria and are fundraising to open new houses in Varna and Sofia soon. Could you help?

Thank you for helping The Trussell Trust to transform lives. Please complete this form and send it back to us at the address below. If you are a UK taxpayer please add 25% to your donation by filling out the gift aid section. Thank you! You can also give online at or by card over the phone: 01722 580176.


Her life was turned around.

Help change lives

Could your shop or business raise funds for The Trussell Trust by using a ‘Pennies’ machine? If you want to see how it works, visit any of our shops or

I enclose a gift of £_____________ Please make cheques payable to The Trussell Trust standing order form To: (name and address of your bank)

Sort code:

Account No:

Please pay a regular gift of




£100 or other


to The Trussell Trust each month (please also state amount in words):

Please start on ___/ ____/ ____ and from then on each month until further notice This cancels any previous standing order instructions to The Trussell Trust. Signature:


____/ ____/ ______

your details: Title: (Mr/Mrs/Dr etc)

Full name:

Address: Postcode: Email:


Tick if you would prefer NOT to receive e-news

make your gift go further! Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you

Mariana, 25, with baby Ilian

Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

To give please fill out the response form opposite

Please send me more information about: Sign up for Newswire, our fortnightly e-news: Name: Email: Trussell Trust volunteer Charlie James and Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank’s Daphine Aikens were chosen to carry the Olympic /Paralympic Torches in recognition of their contribution to communities - well done! Autumn2012FINAL.indd 2

Louise raised over £1,800 by chopping off her trademark dreadlocks to send 18 abandoned children on our Bulgaria summer camp. Thanks Louise!

Historian Rex Sawyer is kindly donating all royalties from his new book ‘Tisbury and the Nadder Valley Through Time’ to us. Amazing! Why not help fundraise by buying a copy?

Patersons Payroll Services held a ‘Big Lunch’ in aid of foodbanks. Could your business support The Trussell Trust? Could we be your Charity of the Year? Our new corporate fundraiser Mike would love to hear from you:

Please send your completed form to: The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

! u o y k n a Th 7/13/2012 10:07:21 AM

FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS... 15 YEARS OF TRUSSELL TRUST When Paddy Henderson met baby Boris (left) in Bulgaria 15 years ago no-one could have predicted where this encounter would lead.

Paddy with baby Boris in Bulgaria, 1997

This small street baby’s life was in the balance. His mother, an abandoned child herself, could not feed him. Paddy and his wife Carol decided to do something to help Bulgaria’s abandoned children. Using a modest legacy from Carol’s mum, The Trussell Trust was born. To date, over 700 abandoned children have been helped by our Bulgaria projects. But The Trussell Trust didn’t stop there...

afford to feed her children led Paddy to start Salisbury Foodbank in his garden shed. Today, The Trussell Trust is launching three new foodbanks every week, has over 200 UK foodbanks and fed over 128,000 people last year. Our vision is ‘a foodbank in every UK town, creating a nation where no-one goes hungry’. Paddy’s compassion for Boris started something big, but we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for being part of our story.

In 2000 a phone call from a distressed mother in Salisbury who could not

MARIANA'S STORY INSPIRES LIFE CHANGING PROJECT As a small girl, Mariana hated going home. ‘Home’ meant beatings from her mother and uncle. They thought that her slightly malformed leg meant she was cursed and as a result they beat her. She says: “I used to wander in the streets until late at night waiting for my mum and my uncle to go to sleep before I came home.’ Eventually she was sent to Lipnitza Orphanage School, here she met Trussell Trust founders Paddy and Carol. Bright and engaging, Mariana wanted to complete her studies but found herself homeless when she became too old for the orphanage. The Trussell Trust paid for Mariana to live in a hostel for two years and she finished her education.



15 years ago Betty Trussell left her daughter Carol a legacy that founded The Trussell Trust. Today Betty’s gift is still transforming lives. Could you follow in Betty’s footsteps and leave The Trussell Trust a legacy in your Will? Big or small, your gift will help to us to continue changing lives for generations to come. For more visit or call Mark Ward on 01722 580176.

The Trussell Trust is one of the first charities to partner with ‘Pennies’ electronic charity box, an innovative initiative that enables customers in participating stores to donate a few extra pennies to charity when paying by card.

Today, Mariana, now 25, is married to a young pastor, has just had her first baby and is working to help disadvantaged people in her community. Seeing the impact of a small investment in Mariana’s life inspired the Trust to start The House of Opportunity Programme, which this year celebrates its fifth birthday. The programme has helped over 30 orphanage leavers to turn their lives around. We now have three Houses of Opportunity in Bulgaria and are fundraising to open new houses in Varna and Sofia soon. Could you help?

Thank you for helping The Trussell Trust to transform lives. Please complete this form and send it back to us at the address below. If you are a UK taxpayer please add 25% to your donation by filling out the gift aid section. Thank you! You can also give online at or by card over the phone: 01722 580176.


Her life was turned around.

Help change lives

Could your shop or business raise funds for The Trussell Trust by using a ‘Pennies’ machine? If you want to see how it works, visit any of our shops or

I enclose a gift of £_____________ Please make cheques payable to The Trussell Trust standing order form To: (name and address of your bank)

Sort code:

Account No:

Please pay a regular gift of




£100 or other


to The Trussell Trust each month (please also state amount in words):

Please start on ___/ ____/ ____ and from then on each month until further notice This cancels any previous standing order instructions to The Trussell Trust. Signature:


____/ ____/ ______

your details: Title: (Mr/Mrs/Dr etc)

Full name:

Address: Postcode: Email:


Tick if you would prefer NOT to receive e-news

make your gift go further! Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you

Mariana, 25, with baby Ilian

Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

To give please fill out the response form opposite

Please send me more information about: Sign up for Newswire, our fortnightly e-news: Name: Email: Trussell Trust volunteer Charlie James and Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank’s Daphine Aikens were chosen to carry the Olympic /Paralympic Torches in recognition of their contribution to communities - well done! Autumn2012FINAL.indd 2

Louise raised over £1,800 by chopping off her trademark dreadlocks to send 18 abandoned children on our Bulgaria summer camp. Thanks Louise!

Historian Rex Sawyer is kindly donating all royalties from his new book ‘Tisbury and the Nadder Valley Through Time’ to us. Amazing! Why not help fundraise by buying a copy?

Patersons Payroll Services held a ‘Big Lunch’ in aid of foodbanks. Could your business support The Trussell Trust? Could we be your Charity of the Year? Our new corporate fundraiser Mike would love to hear from you:

Please send your completed form to: The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

! u o y k n a Th 7/13/2012 10:07:21 AM


Recent media coverage has resulted in more foodbanks, greater support and more hungry people fed! Our annual statistics on numbers fed by foodbanks were reported by media including BBC News, ITV News, Sky, BBC Breakfast, ITV Daybreak, BBC Radio 4, Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 5Live as well the Guardian and FT.

‘VOLUNTEERING HELPED ME TO GET A JOB’ Chris, 19, has just finished volunteering at Salisbury foodbank. The Trussell Trust is sad to see him go but we’re delighted that he’s leaving us to start a paid job, and he says volunteering with us is what helped him to get it. After struggling with a difficult illness during school, Chris’ confidence and studies had taken a serious knock. Chris joined our Salisbury foodbank

team in October 2011 and says: ‘I used to be really shy but volunteering has improved my confidence a lot. It’s also given me the experience I needed. The Trussell Trust and Sarum Academy have turned my life around. I have belief in myself, I’m hoping to go to university, I know what I’m good at and I feel positive about the future.’

Fancy volunteering? Call Monica on 01722 580184

Salisbury’s recycling centre and volunteering programme are being transformed by two wonderful ladies who’ve just joined our team. Why not volunteer and say hello?!

A customer came to our Bemerton shop recently who had been the victim of a serious attack and was suicidal as a result. After talking to Leanne, our assistant manager, she emailed the next day asking us to thank Leanne saying:

Schools across the UK are learning about local poverty by volunteering at a foodbank. Sebastian (left) and his Year 8 classmates from Salisbury Cathedral School spent the afternoon packing foodboxes recently. He says: ‘It’s shocking that people go hungry in Salisbury, you don’t expect it but it’s nice to feel part of helping a family to get food.’ ‘Every pupil should be taught about The Trussell Trust and not to take food for granted, to learn that life’s not perfect and we should give generously.’


01722 580 180 Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7HL The Trussell Trust is a Christian charity that partners with local communities to combat poverty in the UK and Bulgaria Reg. Charity No. 1110522 Reg. Ltd. Co. No. 5434524 Reg. in England & Wales


Almost 130,000 people received emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks in 2011-12, double the numbers fed in 2010-11. Many families have been forced to go hungry by rising costs of food and fuel combined with static incomes, high unemployment and changes to benefits. Thanks to your support, 128,697 people did not go hungry last year. Here are just a few stories from people who wanted to say thank you:

“Thank you!” - Samantha and family

Over 200 UK foodbanks launched

‘She really cared. She made me feel strong to handle the situation. She saved my life.’


Autumn 2012


After eight years of service, foodbank legend Jeremy Ravn is retiring in September for a well earned rest. We will miss him and wish him all the best.

In April we opened a new charity shop on Salisbury High Street to help generate funds to support The Trussell Trust’s rapid growth. We now have six shops in the Wiltshire and Dorset area.

Autumn2012FINAL.indd 1

Restoring dignity and reviving hope in Salisbury, the UK and Bulgaria

A fond farewell to Jeremy


The shop has been a huge success so far, but we need more good quality clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery to keep the shelves stocked. If you have items to donate please drop them in or call 01722 580185, thank you!


Hello Monica and Karen!


Nationwide, over 1,400 schools helped their local foodbank last year.

w w w . t r u s s e l l t r u s t . o r g

Media, media, media!

1 in 5 mums skip meals to feed their children

You’ve donated 1200 tonnes of food in 12 months

SCOTLAND ‘We were going to bed hungry every night. If it wasn’t for the foodbank Steve and I would be in a box.’ Barbara’s husband Steve took pleasure in being the breadwinner for the family until the bones in his neck began to crumble. He was left unable to work and forced to live on statutory sick pay. A family crisis meant finances went from bad to worse leaving the couple with no money for food.

people fed by foodbanks in 2011-12

3 new foodbanks launched every week

Help stop people going hungry by filling out the response form inside SALISBURY Alison* came to the foodbank after domestic abuse caused her to lose everything. She was so touched by her visit that she wrote a poem about the experience. She said: ‘I was made to feel I belonged to the human race.’ Read the poem at

CORNWALL Philip, his wife and three young children lost everything when 350 gallons of water flooded their childrens bedroom and the ceiling collapsed. Philip said: ‘The foodbank was a Godsend, when the food arrived it was like Christmas Day, the children were so excited.’

LONDON ‘It’s very hard to look at your baby and not be able to feed him, but with your help today I was able to, so thank you very much.’ - Young working couple struggling on low income

HOME COUNTIES When 13-year-old Sophie’s Dad died, the cost of funeral expenses tipped the family over the edge and they were forced to turn to the foodbank: ‘It was such a massive help and the people there were really kind,’ said Sophie. She added that the food parcel helped them to get back on their feet but that without it ‘it would have been impossible to cope.’

7/13/2012 10:07:15 AM

FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS... 15 YEARS OF TRUSSELL TRUST When Paddy Henderson met baby Boris (left) in Bulgaria 15 years ago no-one could have predicted where this encounter would lead.

Paddy with baby Boris in Bulgaria, 1997

This small street baby’s life was in the balance. His mother, an abandoned child herself, could not feed him. Paddy and his wife Carol decided to do something to help Bulgaria’s abandoned children. Using a modest legacy from Carol’s mum, The Trussell Trust was born. To date, over 700 abandoned children have been helped by our Bulgaria projects. But The Trussell Trust didn’t stop there...

afford to feed her children led Paddy to start Salisbury Foodbank in his garden shed. Today, The Trussell Trust is launching three new foodbanks every week, has over 200 UK foodbanks and fed over 128,000 people last year. Our vision is ‘a foodbank in every UK town, creating a nation where no-one goes hungry’. Paddy’s compassion for Boris started something big, but we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for being part of our story.

In 2000 a phone call from a distressed mother in Salisbury who could not

MARIANA'S STORY INSPIRES LIFE CHANGING PROJECT As a small girl, Mariana hated going home. ‘Home’ meant beatings from her mother and uncle. They thought that her slightly malformed leg meant she was cursed and as a result they beat her. She says: “I used to wander in the streets until late at night waiting for my mum and my uncle to go to sleep before I came home.’ Eventually she was sent to Lipnitza Orphanage School, here she met Trussell Trust founders Paddy and Carol. Bright and engaging, Mariana wanted to complete her studies but found herself homeless when she became too old for the orphanage. The Trussell Trust paid for Mariana to live in a hostel for two years and she finished her education.



15 years ago Betty Trussell left her daughter Carol a legacy that founded The Trussell Trust. Today Betty’s gift is still transforming lives. Could you follow in Betty’s footsteps and leave The Trussell Trust a legacy in your Will? Big or small, your gift will help to us to continue changing lives for generations to come. For more visit or call Mark Ward on 01722 580176.

The Trussell Trust is one of the first charities to partner with ‘Pennies’ electronic charity box, an innovative initiative that enables customers in participating stores to donate a few extra pennies to charity when paying by card.

Today, Mariana, now 25, is married to a young pastor, has just had her first baby and is working to help disadvantaged people in her community. Seeing the impact of a small investment in Mariana’s life inspired the Trust to start The House of Opportunity Programme, which this year celebrates its fifth birthday. The programme has helped over 30 orphanage leavers to turn their lives around. We now have three Houses of Opportunity in Bulgaria and are fundraising to open new houses in Varna and Sofia soon. Could you help?

Thank you for helping The Trussell Trust to transform lives. Please complete this form and send it back to us at the address below. If you are a UK taxpayer please add 25% to your donation by filling out the gift aid section. Thank you! You can also give online at or by card over the phone: 01722 580176.


Her life was turned around.

Help change lives

Could your shop or business raise funds for The Trussell Trust by using a ‘Pennies’ machine? If you want to see how it works, visit any of our shops or

I enclose a gift of £_____________ Please make cheques payable to The Trussell Trust standing order form To: (name and address of your bank)

Sort code:

Account No:

Please pay a regular gift of




£100 or other


to The Trussell Trust each month (please also state amount in words):

Please start on ___/ ____/ ____ and from then on each month until further notice This cancels any previous standing order instructions to The Trussell Trust. Signature:


____/ ____/ ______

your details: Title: (Mr/Mrs/Dr etc)

Full name:

Address: Postcode: Email:


Tick if you would prefer NOT to receive e-news

make your gift go further! Tick here to add an extra 25p to every £1 you give at no extra cost to you

Mariana, 25, with baby Ilian

Yes, I pay tax in the UK. Please treat all donations I make or have made to The Trussell Trust for the past four years as gift aid donations until further notice. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

To give please fill out the response form opposite

Please send me more information about: Sign up for Newswire, our fortnightly e-news: Name: Email: Trussell Trust volunteer Charlie James and Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank’s Daphine Aikens were chosen to carry the Olympic /Paralympic Torches in recognition of their contribution to communities - well done! Autumn2012FINAL.indd 2

Louise raised over £1,800 by chopping off her trademark dreadlocks to send 18 abandoned children on our Bulgaria summer camp. Thanks Louise!

Historian Rex Sawyer is kindly donating all royalties from his new book ‘Tisbury and the Nadder Valley Through Time’ to us. Amazing! Why not help fundraise by buying a copy?

Patersons Payroll Services held a ‘Big Lunch’ in aid of foodbanks. Could your business support The Trussell Trust? Could we be your Charity of the Year? Our new corporate fundraiser Mike would love to hear from you:

Please send your completed form to: The Trussell Trust, Unit 9, Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Rd, Salisbury SP2 7HL Trussell Trust bank details: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc 14 Minster St, Salisbury SP1 1TP Sort code: 16-00-21 Account No: 41129077

! u o y k n a Th 7/13/2012 10:07:21 AM

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