How to Treat Anxiety in Adolescence?

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HOW TO TREAT ANXIETY IN ADOLESCENCE? You will be shocked to realize that anxiety in adolescence is very common. Around 32% of teens from 13-18 are diagnosed with anxiety, and this number is steadily increasing. It is difficult to talk about anxiety, but it will not go away by not talking about it. Therefore, today we will explain how to treat anxiety in adolescence.

Cognitive behavioral therapy This is one of the most common ways of treating anxiety in adolescence. The teens will learn what talking and thinking behaviors contribute to anxiety during the CBT sessions. The therapist will ask them and sit with them to find new ways to help them manage stress. They do this by teaching breathing and relaxation techniques.

Medications Medications are always needed with therapy. The therapy alone is not enough, nor is medicine enough to treat anxiety. The most commonly prescribed medication is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This medication helps reduce the sign of anxiety, and hence, most therapists prescribe this.

Getting exercise Nowadays, everyone is extremely aware of their health and body. This is why engaging in exercises will help the children deal with anxiety.

These are the three most common ways professionals treat anxiety in adolescence. The key is to ensure that the children are sure they can fully express their emotions and know that you will always be there for them.


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