Picturehouse Magazine - Black Widow

Page 55

Well Crafted


Stephen Cummings, head chef of City Screen Picturehouse in York writes about his love of craft-driven cooking…



important; after all, you eat

enough to be in the great


ingredient from, say, the

with your eyes first.

county of Yorkshire, and are


Middle East, and pairing it


with a well-known Chinese

particularly interesting at

independent suppliers. That

FEW YEARS. We’re a long

sauce – it’s all about

the moment. They’re some

goes for our vegetables,

way from those rubbery

reinvention and

of my favourite dishes to

which are sourced from

hot dogs and yellow nacho

experimentation with

create because there are

local farmers; our fish, which

cheese on stale tortilla

different herbs, spices, fruits,

no preconceived rules.

is caught sustainably on the

chips of old.

vegetables, pickling liquors

One of our most popular

east coast; our grass-fed beef,

and sauce combinations.

dishes from our veganuary

which is reared in the Vale of

Here at City Screen, the style of food I’ve introduced

Food has come a long

Vegan food is

proud to support local

menu was a crispy onion

York; and our Yorkshire

over the past year is based

way from meat and two veg,

bhaji burger with a

outdoor-reared pork.

on no-rules, craft-driven

but that can always be used

gochugaru mango sauce,

cooking. It’s the same ethos

as a good starting point.

lime pickle slaw, minted

we’re doing here in York.

that craft breweries have – I

Sometimes it’s as simple as

soya yoghurt, fresh mango

With a range of great talent

just translate it into my food,

serving a charred flatbread

and kachumber.

in the kitchens at

putting an emphasis on

to add a little bitterness, or

quality local ingredients, big

adding something crispy

of our ethos and the quality

across the country, there has

bold flavours and passion.

into a dish, to give it a whole

of the food we create is the

never been a better time to

new taste experience (I

provenance of the

grab a bite to eat at your

all about flavour, texture and

mean, who doesn’t put crisps

ingredients. Although we

local Picturehouse

presentation. It doesn’t

into their sandwiches?).

use ingredients from around

restaurant or café.

matter whether I’m using an

Presentation is also just as

the world, we’re also lucky

Bon appétit!

When I create a dish, it’s

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A very important part

And this is just what

Picturehouse Cinemas all

14/02/2020 11:34

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