ENG Vademecum Terrarysty 2022

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Tropical company has been present in the zoological market in Poland and in more than 80 countries around the world for over 40 years. We have been using our long experience in food composition and production to create a wide range of reptile foods. It includes not only ready-made foods in the form of extruded granules, but also an inter esting line of natural foods – dried and freeze-dried. Our offer is complemented by care products for reptiles and terrari um substrates.

In order to introduce you to the world of terrarium hobby and to make our offer easier to use, we have prepared this Terrarium Handbook. However, we would like to emphasize that this book let is not intended as a textbook. It will not answer all the questions of people who want to start their terrarium adven ture. We only briefly describe selected issues that beginners usually have to re search on their own, reaching to professional literature and exploring thematic websites. Please pay special attention to the applicable legislation.

Tropical tips

Many of the reptile species available to hobbyists have been given legal protection due to the threat of extinction in the wild. Animals offered for sale need proper documentation to prove their legal origin. If you are going to buy such a species of reptile, check what conditions you need to meet to become its owner. For details, visit www.cites.org, www.iucn.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 2. Preparing the terrarium 6 2.1. Desert terrarium 7 2.2. Tropical terrarium 7 2.3. Aquaterrarium 11 3. Basics of proper reptile care 12 4. Reptiles feeding 13 4.1. Tortoises 13 4.2. Aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles 14 4.3. Axolotl 16 4.4. Triops 17 4.5. Soft line – soft foods for reptiles 18 4.5.1. Reptiles Carnivore 20 4.5.2. Reptiles Herbivore 21 4.5.3. Biorept Supreme Young 24 4.5.4. Biorept Supreme Adult 24 4.6. Natural foods for reptiles 26 5. Care products for reptiles 30 5.1. Vigorept Mineral 32 5.2. Vigorept Multivit 32 5.3. Sanirept 34 5.4. Ophtalvit-A Chelonia 36


Green anole (Anolis carolinensis) is one of the smaller lizards, and is relatively easy to keep

In terraria, we can keep a wide range of species from different groups: all kinds of inverte brates, amphibians, reptiles, and even small mammals. Amphibians are considered the link between the aquatic and terrestrial animal worlds, as they were the first vertebrates to come out on land. Reptiles are a living reminder of the time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Modern living toads, frogs, salamanders, crocodiles, turtles, lizards and snakes are loved for their unu sual appearance, attractive colours and interesting behaviour.

The world of invertebrates is rich in fabu lously colourful arachnids or beetles. How ever, it is important to remember that ani mals kept in terrariums do not meet the re quirements most people have for domestic pets. Although some of them can be tamed and recognize the owner and associate him or her with food, you can’t count on a strong bond forming between the animal and the caretaker. We won’t teach them tricks or responding to a name. If future keepers of a tortoise, lizard or snake are aware of this and do not expect attachment from their animals, they will certainly avoid disap pointment, and terraristics will introduce them to the extremely interesting world of

animals. Those for whom observation alone is not enough will surely find species that they can pick out of the terrarium from time to time to interact with them more closely. However, the vast majority are animals that don’t like to be taken out of their hiding places very often. Before buying the species of your dream amphibian or reptile, it is essential to know its living requirements. Such knowledge will allow you to prepare the appropriate aqua terrarium/terrarium equipped with all nec essary accessories. The best idea is to start with species known for their good immunity, well-adapted for terrarium life and with low dietary needs such as axolotl (Ambystoma


mexicanum), African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis), tiger salamander (Ambysto ma tigrinum), corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus), African house snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus), crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus), leopard gecko (Eublepharis mac ularius), central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), Chinese water dragon (Physig nathus cocincinus), green anole (Anolis car olinensis) or semi-aquatic turtles (such as Chinese pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii)).

The best option is to buy your pet in a specialist pet shop or directly from a breeder recommended by other hobbyists.

This strategy eliminates the danger that your new pet will be in bad shape and the adven ture with terrarium hobby will start with struggling with their illness. A good idea is to visit local fairs and terrarium exhibitions, where you can always meet breeders, other hobbyists and ask them about practical as pects of breeding the group of animals you are interested in. Such conversations are a valuable source of knowledge.

Signs of poor condition or disease may include:

• extreme leanness

• fattening

• presence of parasites (e.g. mites)

• the lack of reaction to the environment

• soiled cloacal region

• skin inflammations

• sunken or suppurating eyes

• nasal discharge

• deformations

The Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) requires a spacious, moist terrarium with a water section



Young green iguanas (Iguana iguana) look adorable, but over several years of proper breeding they grow into a strong and often temperamental dragons. They require huge terrariums

Once you have decided which species of reptile will live with you under one roof and you have collected all the necessary knowl edge about it, you can start arranging its future home. The size and mobility of the future inhabitants should always be taken into account when choosing a terrarium, as this determines its dimensions. For ani mals that spend their lives in trees, choose terrariums that are vertically oriented so you can place twigs or smaller tree branch es there. For terrestrial animals that live in open spaces, an adequate bottom surface will be most important, which suggests the terrarium should be oriented horizontally. Its arrangement should be well thoughtout to make sure cleaning would not be too difficult. It is necessary to plan secluded

places where the animal can hide. However, they should be arranged in such a way as to allow monitoring the animal and react ing quickly in case of any worrying symp toms. In all types of terraria, zones with different temperatures must be created to allow these ectothermic animals to regu late their body temperature. Many terraria will also require the source of ultraviolet radiation – UVA and UVB, where the latter is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D3, hence calcium management in the body and bone and shell formation. Remember to use products designed specifically for terrariums. We can only give up sources of valuable UV radiation when keeping snakes and species with an extremely nocturnal lifestyle.



Desert terrariums, also known as arid or steppe terrariums, are very easy to main tain. To arrange them, you use sand (often in combination with clay and Bioterra co conut fibre), very fine gravel, stones, bark fragments and roots. Make sure that sand and gravel have a rounded grain shape (therefore river material obtained in a legal manner will be the best), and stones and roots do not have sharp edges. Succulents can provide some variety but avoid plants with thorns and prickles. In this type of ter rarium it is extremely important to create zones with different temperatures – hot and cold. Here we also use the strongest UV light sources available on the terrarium market. However, remember to protect the heat sources so that animals will not be able to touch them. Good ventilation is also es sential.

In a moist terrarium you can arrange a sec tion of a tropical jungle. Here you should install UVB sources of lower power than in desert terrariums. A small water tank, a wa terfall or an automatic sprinkler system are essential accessories for this type of terra rium. Only in very small tanks manual spray ing and a bowl of water placed inside will be enough. Live plants are also indispensable. Remember to plant only species known to be non-toxic if ingested by animals. Many professional guidebooks and websites list which plants are suitable and which should be avoided. However, you should know that keeping them in great shape can be difficult with some reptile species. In humid terra riums, special coconut substrates such as Bioterra or Cocochips are usually used as bedding for the animals and substrate for the plants.

Spiny-tailed monitor (Varanus acanthurus) is an increasingly popular and undemanding species to keep. It reaches small sizes, therefore setting up a desert terrarium for it should not be very problematic


Did you know that

geckos have hundreds of tiny microscopic hairs on their toes that allow them to move on flat, smooth, vertical surfaces? They are called lamellae. They are made up of micro structures resembling overlapping flat slats, equipped with hundreds of thousands of even smaller hairs with hooks. These structures are so small that they easily catch and resist even the irregularities of the glass pane. Recent studies have shown that this mechanism takes place at the molecular level and Van der Waals forces are involved. This allows these reptiles to move smoothly on vertical surfaces, even bamboo shoots, large leaves or terrarium glass. This is one of the char acteristics that distinguishes geckos from eublepharid geckos. The common leopard gecko does not have lamellaes on its toes.

Magnified surface area of tokay gecko’s (Gekko gecko) foot Magnified top side of the foot of a Madagascar
giant day
gecko (Phelsuma grandis)

Madagascar giant day geckos (Phelsuma grandis), unlike other geckos, have a diurnal lifestyle. Apart from insects, they feed on fruit pulp and flower nectar. They are a very interesting object of observation

Tropical tips

Before buying any reptile, spend some time getting reliable information. Keep in mind that you must first prepare the terrarium and check its functionality, only then can you go get your pet. Never do it the other way around! Reptiles are extremely susceptible to stress of transportation. Acclimatization to new conditions must be carried out immediately in a properly arranged terrarium, in which the reptile feels safe and comfortable.

The movable eyelids and lack of lamellae of the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) distinguish it from proper geckos Absence of movable eyelids in crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus)

Bioterra is a natural substrate in the form of shredded coconut fibre. The product is free of chemical additives, which guarantees safe use in terrariums with even most delicate animals. Bioterra comes in the form of a briquette, which is made by pressing ground coconut fibre. Before use, it should be flooded with about 3-4 litres of water, which will give you about 8 litres of ready substrate. The delicate, moist sub strate obtained in this way can be used in terraria with amphibians and reptiles of tropical forests, in breeding of arachnids and in insec taria. It can be used alone or in combination with other terrarium sub strates. Bioterra is also an excellent, loosening component of mixed substrates for plants.

Cocochips is a natural substrate in the form of small cubes made of coconut shells. It is free of chemical additives, which guarantees safe use in terrariums with even most delicate animals. Cocochips comes in the form of a briquette, which is made by pressing fragments of coconut husk. Before use, it should be flooded with about 3-4 litres of water. The moist substrate (about 4 l) obtained in this way can be used in terraria with amphibians and reptiles of tropical forests and in breeding of invertebrates. It can be used alone or in combination with other terrarium substrates. Cocochips is also an excellent, loosening component of substrates for exotic plants (especially epiphytes such as orchids).


Red-tailed green ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum) is one of the most beautiful non-venomous snakes. It requires a moist terrarium with vertical orientation


Aquaterrarium is usually arranged by set ting a separate land zone. The area of the land part depends on the requirements of specific species. While some animals spend most of their time in the water, others like to bask on land between one bath and another. However, regardless of the preference of a specific animal, it should be able to conve niently leave water (such a place should be neither too steep nor too slippery). Heat and UVB sources in the form of terrarium bulbs and radiant heaters should be installed abo ve the land section. In aquaterrariums, it is extremely important to keep the water cle an and in this respect appropriate, efficient aquarium filters will do the job. Frequent, periodic water changes are also necessa ry, so especially with large tanks it is worth considering the installation of drains that make draining water easier. It is worth using tap water conditioners and water treatment products with bacteria such as Bacto-Activ, which accelerate the decomposition of orga nic substances and support biological filtra tion. In this type of tank it is important that the water is not warmer than the air above it, otherwise your animals may develop colds. However, it can’t be too cold either.

Did you know that

snakes are deaf? They have no external auditory openings or inner ears, so they cannot hear sounds. They perceive information about approaching danger using their whole body, which is sensitive to vibrations of the ground and air, so they are able to sense vibrations caused by low-frequency sounds (bass, rumble). As a result, they are able to pick up information about an impending threat quickly enough to escape and take shelter safely. Snakes do not hunt humans and only bite as a last resort to defend themselves from an attacker! Please don’t kill them, and when you come across one, just leave it alone!



Most health problems developed by rep tiles are the effect of improper care, most importantly poor diet and improper living conditions. This is why it is so impor tant to get to know the requirements of your pet as potential mistakes can have dangerous and irreversible consequences. Apart from bad diet, a common mis take is letting pets roam freely in your apartment. The consequences include mechanical injuries, colds, deformation of limbs (slippery floor), and even poi soning. Animals kept in a terrarium may suffer if their keeper does not take care of the right temperature and humidity for the species and does not maintain hygiene in the terrarium. When feed ing fresh plant foods or feeder insects, adequate mineral and vitamin supplementation will be necessary. If you meet all these basic requirements of your ani mal you will enjoy a healthy pet for years to come.

Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni).

A healthy tortoise has clear, wide-open eyes and nostrils free of secretions. It is strong and it can lift its body on its limbs




The most common tortoises kept in terraria include Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo herman ni), Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca), margin ated tortoise (Testudo marginata) and Rus sian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii). The diet of these species is dominated by plant-based ingredients – especially grasses, herbs and flowers. Fruits and vegetables are definite ly a smaller part of the diet and you cannot base solely on them. Especially for this group we have developed Biorept L – a multi-in gredient food in the form of extruded sticks for everyday feeding. The proper compo sition of selected natural raw materials of plant origin covers the nutritional require ments of herbivorous tortoises. Its formula is based on grasses, including timothy-grass, which makes the food very tasty. The addi tion of dandelion, narrowleaf plantain and marigold flowers provides valuable nutri ents and attractive aroma. Excellent taste of sticks encourage animals to feed. Reduced protein and increased fibre levels ensure healthy and balanced soft tissue growth in

relation to the tortoises bones and the cor rect formation of their shells. Adequate calcium to phosphorus ratio (2:1), vitamin, micro- and macroelements content prevents the development of rickets.

Try also Reptiles Herbivore – soft food with herbs and flowers for herbivorous and om nivorous reptiles.

Timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.)

Thanks to its high palatability and digestibility all the foods containing timothy are highly nutritious, aromatic and willingly eaten by the animals.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

It has a diuretic effect, which helps the turtle’s body to remove harmful waste products. It facilitates digestion and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

It is extremely desirable in the diet of tortoises due to its high content of dietary fibre, which determines a proper diet.

Marigold blossom (Calendula officinalis)

It shows anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It contains triterpenes that stimulate digestion, as well as essential oils, polysaccharides and flavonoids that are considered natural antioxidants.



Spotted pond turtles (Geoclemys hamiltonii) are some of the prettiest semi-aquatic turtles. Due in part to uncontrolled and illegal trade, this species is threatened with extinction in the wild

Most popular species kept in terraria in clude ornamental turtles (in Poland recog nized as an invasive species for several years – more information before the introduc tion), Chinese turtles, river cooters, north ern red-bellied cooters, common musk tur tles, African helmeted turtles, West African mud turtles and softshell turtles. Aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles are omnivorous or carnivorous. Their basic food is all kinds of molluscs crustaceans insects, fish, and their larvae as well as plants. To sat isfy their nutritional needs, we have developed Biorept W – a mul ti-ingredient food in the form of

Side-necked turtle of the genus Emydura

sticks for everyday feeding. It contains the addition of crustaceans, including gammarus, enriching the food with valuable protein, chitin and unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6). The food has been enriched with Hermetia illucens (Black Sol dier Fly) larvae. It is a valuable raw material rich in essential amino acids, fatty acids, ma cronutrients and trace elements. It contains highly digestible calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which play an important role in the development and maintenance of bones. It has a favorable ratio of calcium to phosphorus, rarely observed in other insects. The calcium concentration in Her metia illucens is much higher than in milk. Excellent flavor of extruded sticks encour ages animals to feed. Vitamins and trace

Did you know that

predatory aquatic turtles have a sharp horny ridges instead of teeth, which they use to grab prey and cut off bites of food? An exception is the secretive mata mata tortoise (Chelus fimbriata), which has nei ther teeth nor any sharp horny ridges. It hunts prey from its hidden place, and when any fish comes near its mouth it opens it and sucks in huge quantities of water along with the prey, thanks to the negative pressure created by the rapid ex pansion of its mouth and neck.

Mata mata (Chelus fimbriata)

elements ensure proper development of the skeleton and shell of turtles, preventing deformations and other serious health prob lems. Turtles fed regularly with Biorept W develop properly and stay in excellent con dition. Intended for feeding the following species: Apalone, Chrysemys, Clemmys, Dei rochelys, Glyptemys, Graptemys, Kinosternon, Malaclemys, Mauremys, Pelodiscus, Trache mys, Sternotherus.

The menu of semi-aquatic turtles and aquat ic turtles can be varied with dried or freezedried foods for reptiles from Natural Line (see table on page 26).

Try also Reptiles Carnivore – a soft food for carnivorous and omnivorous reptiles.



The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), also known as the Mexican walking fish, is an amphibian known for its so-called neoteny, the ability of larvae to reproduce sexually. The axolotl spends its entire life as an aquat ic larval form (tadpole) and never develops into an adult. Nevertheless, it reproduces sexually at this stage. Historically, under nat ural conditions, this ambystoma was found

A wild, natural color variety of axolotl. Apart from the albino form, several other colour varieties are known

in two lakes: Xochimilco and Chalco, at an altitude of 2300 m. Currently, its range is lim ited to Lake Xochimilco and the surrounding wetlands. Wild individuals come in various shades of brown. Among amateurs most popular are leucistic forms – with creamy white body and dark eyes, and the albino forms – with yellow body and red eyes. Their gills, regardless of the variety, come in shades

Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is nothing more than a tadpole of the Mexican salamander, which never undergoes metamorphosis and reproduces sexually in the larval stage

of pink and red. Pale, poorly feathered gills may indicate insufficient oxygenation and high water temperature. These animals pre fer cooler water with a temperature of no more than 22oC, which can be troublesome to maintain on hot summer days. In the wild, axolotls hunt for small aquatic invertebrates (mainly insect larvae), but they will also eat fish and amphibians. In aquariums, they are usually fed with bloodworms, tubifex, earthworms and frozen fish and crus taceans. For Mexican walking fish we have prepared Axolotl Sticks – sinking sticks containing among others fish, molluscs and crustaceans, which are the source of easily assimilable high quality animal protein. Ad equately balanced composition of vitamins and minerals ensures proper growth and development of animals and the addition of astaxanthin and pepper extract intensifies their coloration. Natural immune stimulator, beta-glucan, enhances amphibians’ im mune system and facilitates regeneration. Axolotl Sticks can also be used for feeding Iberian ribbed newts, African clawed frogs and other aquatic amphibians.


Triops are small freshwater crustaceans. They inhabit periodically drying reservoirs almost all over the globe. Thanks to their interesting way of breeding, unusual ap pearance and easy care they have a great number of lovers, also among the young est hobbyists. To make feeding them easier we have prepared a multi-ingredient food Triops in the form of fine, sinking granules. Thanks to its varied composition with a high proportion of protein from fish and aquatic invertebrates you can be sure that your

Triops (Triops spp.)


Feeding reptiles is not as easy as it may seem. Many carnivorous spe cies of reptiles accept only live or frozen (thawed) foods. Herbivorous reptiles’ diet is also based mostly on fresh ingredients. These foods are not always available and due to the enormously varied and rich diet of wild animals, they will not provide all the necessary nutri ents and animals will need supplementation with mineral and vita min products. New Soft Line foods for reptiles are a unique combi nation of soft granules with ingredients such as dried crickets and mealworms (for carnivorous reptiles) and dried herbs and flowers (for herbivorous reptiles). These additional components also have soft texture, and hence are more readily accepted by animals.

Due to their soft texture and a wide range of components Soft Line foods ensure convenient feeding that matches habits presented by the animals in the wild.


dried crickets dried mealworms


dandelion leaf blackberry leaf


Fiji banded iguana (Brachylophus fasciatus) is a beautiful, herbivorous lizard whose diet, especially when young, should be supplemented from time to time with insects

Did you know that

in equatorial forests it rains practically every day and the humidity is close to 100%? The temperature throughout the year practically does not fall below 20oC, and daily tempera ture differences between day and night rare ly exceed 5oC. Sunrise and sunset occur very rapidly, because at the equator the seasons of dusk and dawn are very short, and night and day last equally twelve hours each. These areas have the greatest diversity of life forms. One type of such forest is cloud forests, such as Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica or the Ruwenzori National Park on the Con go-Uganda border.



It’s a multi-ingredient food with dried mealworms and dried crickets intended for everyday feeding of carnivorous and om nivorous reptiles. The main components of the food is extruded sticks, which in clude fish, shrimps, krill and gammarus. The food also contains chitin, which regu lates digestion The correct calcium/phos phorus ratio prevents rickets, and with carefully selected levels of protein, fat, fibre, vitamins and trace elements, the food pre vents deficiencies of these substances and keeps reptiles in excellent condition. Thanks to its soft texture the food is readily accept ed by the animals.

Particularly recommended in feeding: monitor lizards, tegus, bearded dragons, Chinese water dragons, frilled-necked drag ons, tiliquas, girdled lizards, aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles, red-footed tortoise, horned frogs and toads.

Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) Horned frog (Ceratophrys sp.) Diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin)
Golden tegu (Tupinambis teguixin)


It’s a multi-ingredient food with added dandelion leaves, blackberry leaves, marigold flowers and parsley leaves, for everyday feeding of herbivorous and om nivorous reptiles. The main component of the food is extruded sticks, which include alfalfa, grasses and fruit. The correct calcium/phosphorus ratio prevents rickets, and with carefully selected levels of protein, fat, fibre, vitamins and trace elements, the food prevents deficiencies of these substances and keeps reptiles in excellent condition. Thanks to its soft texture it is more readily accepted by the animals.

Particularly recommended in feeding: bearded dragons, spiny-tailed lizards, her bivorous tortoises (Mediterranean, Her mann’s tortoise, Russian tortoise, Klein mann’s tortoise, marginated tortoise, African spurred tortoise, leopard tortoise, Indian star tortoise), red-footed tortoise, iguanas (green, Cuban rock iguana).

Central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) Spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx nigriventris) African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata)
Green iguana (Iguana iguana)

Did you know that

the defensive strategy of playing dead is the domain of some snake species? Some grass snakes (Natrix spp.) exhibit this behaviour, but the popular terrestrial western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus) is also well known for this behaviour. It often first tries to frighten an attacker by flattening the front part of its body, puffing up and hissing alternately. Eventually it bends its body, writhing and turning over on its dorsal side pretending to be dead, emitting a foul smelling odour in the process.

The same behavior of the grass snake (Natrix helvetica) The western hognose snake (Heterodon nascius) pretending to be dead Western hognose snake (Heterodon nascius)

The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest lizard in the world. Recent research indicates that these reptiles are venomous

Did you know that

until recently, venom in reptiles was thought to be found only in snakes and members of the genus Heloderma? How ever, it turns out that it is also present in many species of monitor lizard. Not all of them have been studied yet, but it is already certain that these animals can produce it in their venom glands, which come from evolutionarily transformed salivary glands. Venom in monitor lizards may serve four functions: defence, aid in hunting, aid in digestion, and aid in oral hygiene. The theory attributing deaths after the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) bites to toxins from a spe cific bacterial flora inhabiting the mouths of these animals is a myth.

The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) and its cousin, the Mexican beaded lizard, were until recently considered the only venomous lizards


It’s a soft food with the addition of probi otic for young and growing aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles, including: Batagur, Chrysemys, Cuora, Glyptemys, Graptemys, Mauremys, Trachemys, Ocadia, Malaclemys, Clemmys, Cyclemys, Kinosternon, Sternot herus, Claudius, Rhinoclemmys, Apalone, Pe lodiscus, Chelydra, Macrochelys with a cara pace length of at least 4 cm. Its soft texture


Food with the addition of probiotic for adult semi-aquatic turtles, including: Batagur, Chrysemys, Cuora, Glyptemys, Graptemys, Trachemys, Pseudemys, Mauremys, Ocadia, Malaclemys, Clemmys, Cyclemys, Kinoster non, Rhinoclemmys, Sternotherus, Claudius. Soft texture resembles foods that turtles eat in the wild. Probiotic in the form of via ble endospores of Bacillus subtilis bacteria stabilizes intestinal microflora, which im


resembles foods that turtles eat in the wild. Probiotic in the form of viable endospores of Bacillus subtilis bacteria stabilizes intestinal microflora, which improves food utilization, re ducing unpleasant odour of faeces and water pollution. Hermetia illucens larvae are a source of essential amino acids and calcium and phosphorus in a favourable ratio not found in oth er insects. Fish, crustaceans (krill 10%, shrimps 10%) and molluscs (squid 6%) with their exceptional aroma encourage turtles to feed. A high level of protein with an appropriate calcium/phosphorus ratio (2:1) satisfies the nutritional requirements of growing turtles and supports the proper structure of their shell. Astaxanthin added to the food stimulates natu ral coloration in turtles. Food can be successfully fed to large predatory fish.

Tropical tips

Some species of turtles and other animals have been recognized in Poland as invasive and threatening the biodiversity of native fauna. Importing them from abroad, as well as keeping, breeding, reproducing, offering for sale and selling requires a permit from the General Director for Environmental Protection. Therefore, when deciding to buy a turtle, it is necessary to check what is its status in Poland. For more information, visit www.gdos.gov.pl/eng.

proves food utilization, reducing unpleasant odour of faeces and water pollution. Optimal protein, fat and fibre levels are in line with dietary preferences of adult semi-aquatic turtles and keep them in excellent condition. Narrowleaf plantain and dandelion provide valua ble plant substances that have a positive effect on turtles’ bodies. Hermetia illucens larvae are a source of essential amino acids and calcium and phosphorus in a favourable ratio not found in other insects. Fish, crustaceans (shrimps 8%, krill 2%) and molluscs (squid 3%) with their exceptional aroma encourage turtles to feed. Adequate calcium to phosphorus ratio (2:1), and rich content of vitamin, micro and macroelements prevents development of rickets. Astaxanthin added to the food stimulates natural coloration in turtles. Food can be successfully fed to large omnivorous fish.

Chinese turtle (Mauremys reevesii)


One of the biggest problems in feeding carnivorous reptiles is the limited availability of an imal food (live or frozen). In such a situation, it is indispensable to have at home conven ient-to-store and easy-to-dose food, which has been obtained by drying or freeze-drying feeder animals. Dried Fish dried fish - nutritional values of fresh fish - high palatability Crickets dried crickets ( Acheta domesticus) - nutritional values of fresh insects - chitin regulates digestion MealWorms dried mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) - natural, high-energy food for reptiles - source of easily digestible protein Gammarus dried Gammarus pulex - natural food for reptiles - source of micro and macroelements - chitin regulates digestion - beta-carotene has a positive effect on the immune system and many physiological processes in animals FD BloodWorms freeze-dried bloodworms (Chironomus) - nutritional values of fresh chironomid larvae - source of easily digestible protein - pathogen-free food (freeze-drying destroys dangerous pathogens) River Shrimps dried river shrimps - nutritional values of fresh shrimps - high palatability - chitin regulates digestion NAME COMPOSITION PROPERTIES 26

Did you know that

sex in the vast majority of reptile species is determined by external factors such as tem perature? The sex of the hatchings does not depend on the genotype of the animal or the set of chromosomes it received from its par ents through fertilization, but on the temper ature range in which the egg develops. There are two mechanism: with one cut-off point (where one sex is formed at one extreme of the temperature range and the other at the other) as well as with two cut-off points (where one sex is born at both extremes, lower and upper, and intermediate values between them deter mine the opposite sex).

The tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) is one of the most popular gecko species, although due to its „hot” temperament it is not recommended to beginners


Tropical tips

Some reptile species have been listed as dangerous to human life and health. They may be kept and bred only by authorized bodies (for Category I animals) or by persons holding the appropriate permits (for Category II animals).

For more information, please visit www.gdos.gov.pl/eng

Papuan monitor (Varanus salvadorii) is also sometimes called the crocodile monitor because of its large and sharp teeth

Did you know that

the Texas horned lizard living on a desert (Phrynosoma cornutum) can gush blood from the corner of its eye to frighten and temporarily blind a predator? Phrynosoma genus includes 17 species, but not every species presents this defensive strategy. Ants make up the vast major ity of their diet, which is one of the difficulties for terrarium keepers. The Texas horned lizard can eat up to several hundred of ants a day. These reptiles also have the ability to collect dew on their spiny body, the drops of which then flow down through a network of hollows and depressions between the scales straight into the lizard’s mouth.

Cuvier’s dwarf caiman (Paleosuchus palpebrosus) Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum)


Despite their caretakers’ efforts, reptiles living in terraria do not receive food as rich in minerals and vitamins as they would in their natural environment. Hobbyists generally do not have access to plants and animals typical of the area in which their reptiles originate, so they have to use substitutes that do not always cover the reptiles’ nutrient, vitamin, and macro- and micronutrient needs. Access of reptiles to sunlight, which not only provides life-giving warmth, but also enables the production of vitamin D3, which is responsible for the calcium-phosphorus balance of the body, is also very important.

In terrarium conditions, the quality and length of UVB exposure is not always sufficient to ensure the production of satisfactory amount of vitamin D3. This is why supplements are so important in the diet of reptiles, because they comple ment it with essential vitamins and min erals. Proper mineral-vitamin balance improves appetite, vitality, condition and ability to fight against infections.


To make reptile care is easier we have de veloped a series of VIGOREPT – modern, supplementary mineral and vitamin-min eral mixtures. They come in the form of micronized powder, which makes them easy to administer as they effortlessly adhere to the surface of the food, including food insects. Regular calcium supplementation and appropriate vitamin supplementation ensure proper growth and development of reptiles and prevents rickets and turtle shell deformities, as well as other dan gerous health effects of calcium, D3 and K deficiency. Vitamins enhance reptiles’ gen eral condition, ensure proper functioning of their skin and its beautiful looks, es pecially during moulting period. The immune system of reptiles is activated by the natural immune stimulator beta-glucan, increasing their ability to defend against infections.

31Young green iguanas (Iguana iguana) are really cute


It’s a mineral mixture for reptiles and am phibians. It is intended for daily use - simply and effectively provides the calcium need ed in the diet of reptiles and amphibians. If used regularly with VIGOREPT MULTIVIT it ensures proper growth and development, prevents rickets (MBD) and other dangerous effects of calcium and phosphorus deficien cy. It also prevents shell deformations in tur tles. It contains varied sources of calcium, including organic calcium from Lithotham nium calcareum algae with high bioreten tion potential. Lithothamnium calcareum is also a source of natural, highly absorba ble magnesium and other microelements. The form of micronized powder ensures good adhesion of the product to the surface of food insects and fresh plant foods.


It’s a vitamin-mineral mixture with prebiotic for reptiles and amphibians - it simply and effectively provides vitamins D3 and K and other valuable biologically active sub stances. If used regularly with VIGOREPT MINERAL, it ensures proper growth and development. It also supports calcium ab sorption from the digestive tract, regulates its proper balance in the body and prevents rickets and deformities in reptiles and am phibians, as well as other dangerous effects of vitamins and minerals deficiency. It also prevents shell deformations in turtles. It has a high and at the same time safe content of vitamins D3 and K. The presence of vi tamin D3 determines the absorption of


Sand goanna (Varanus gouldii) is perfectly adapted to predation

Did you know that

calcium from food into the blood, while vitamin K is responsible for the resorption of calcium from blood to bone. It contains beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and a safe source of vitamin A. It also con tains prebiotics, including beta-glucan and chicory root inulin, which are natural immune stimulators that increase digest ibility, vitality and defence against infec tion. Thanks to the presence of spirulina, chlorella and Kelp algae, it provides many essential amino acids, fatty acids and high ly absorbable microelements. The form of micronized powder ensures good adhesion of the product to the surface of food insects and plant foods.

some organisms living in extremely dry and hot climates fall into a summer sleep, called estivation? It involves slowing down their vital processes due to the lack of activity and lowering their metabol ic rate. This way many animals, including reptiles and amphibians, but also fish (usu ally buried in dried mud, or in burrows in the ground and surrounded by a cocoon of mucus) can survive the adverse condi tions caused by the lack of water and food and high temperatures. Species that enter estivation in summer include the Klein mann’s tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni), the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma hor ridum) and the African bullfrog (Pyxiceph alus adspersus).



When looking at the turtle we pay atten tion mostly to its protective shell – the most characteristic feature of this group of reptiles. What matters to hobbyists is the healthy appearance of the shell and its aes thetic qualities. A turtle’s shell is a reflection of its condition. Poor diet, vitamin and min eral deficiencies, and problems with kid neys loaded with excessive protein result in irreversible carapace deformities. Turtle shell is generally affected by many factors. The animals should be provided with ap propriate living conditions (a spacious and clean terrarium, proper humidity, tempera ture and lighting as well as UVB radiation) and a varied and balanced diet rich in cal cium and vitamin D3. The shell should be kept clean. We recommend refreshing the shell of tortoises with Sanirept with caryophyllus oil after each bath. This way it will remain glossy and healthy looking. Caryo phyllus oil cares for the shell, removes im purities, refreshes and the substances con tained in it have a nourishing effect.

Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) Leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis)

Did you know that

some amphibians reach enormous sizes? The Cane toad (Rhinella marina) or the Af rican bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) are able to swallow an adult rat! The real am phibians giants include the Japanese and Chinese giant salamander, the so-called water dog, which feeds on crustaceans, fish and other amphibians, among other things. They reach about 1.5 m in length. These animals spend their entire lives in the water. They are threatened with ex tinction, mainly due to habitat loss caused by pollution and artificial river regulation.

tortoise (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii)
African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) Cane toad (Rhinella marina)

Did you know that

deserts have huge temperature fluctua tions throughout the day? This difference can reach 40oC, when during the day the sun heats the air above the ground to 50oC, and at night it drops to near 0. This is because of the low humidity and virtu ally no water in this environment, which is slower to give off heat than rock or sand. The only chance for animals to replenish their water is through drops of morning dew, created by condensing the moisture that has accumulated over the desert during the night. The animals living there show most activity in the early morning and late afternoon.


Ophtalvit-A Chelonia, a lavender-eye bright balm for reptiles’ skin and eyes, is an innovative Tropical product that uses well-documented properties of two medicinal plants: common eyebright and lavender. The inconspicuous eyebright is a treasury of valuable, biologically active substances. It contains, among others, phe nolic acids, tannins and aucubin. Its active substances show anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effects, moreover, they seal blood vessels, preventing retinal bleeding. The common eyebright has been used in folk medicine for ages, and nowadays it is

The Namaqua chameleon (Chamaeleo namaquensis) has the ability to drink dewdrops from the surface of its body

an ingredient in many cosmetics and med ical products designed for eye care with various problems. Active substances of lav ender show anti-inflammatory properties and additionally accelerate regeneration of epidermis. The combination of extracts from these two plants in Ophtalvit-A Chelonia resulted in a high-class balm for the care of reptiles’ eyes, especially in cas es of irritation of their delicate structures by dust, sand or inflammation caused by drafts. Ophtalvit-A Chelonia is also used to treat abraded or injured areas.

The Chinese stripe-necked turtles (Mauremys sinensis), although great swimmers, love sunbathing. This should be kept in mind when arranging the land part


Did you know that

some plants grow without soil? Their root system has undergone retraction or other modification, allowing them to grow high above the ground in humid cli mates, overgrowing other plants such as shrubs and trees. They are not parasites, as they are able to feed themselves through photosynthesis. They obtain water from moist air or rain, and they also derive nitrogenous compounds from air and detritus, dead invertebrates, or feces. Epiphytes, as this group of plants is called, are great as tropical terrarium decor. The most popular are tillandsias and many species of ferns and orchids. One such orchid-epiphyte is the well-known vanilla orchid – Vanilla planifolia


Bromelias are mostly epiphytic plants, growing over other plants. Their root system is poorly or very poorly developed. Rainwater is collected in rosettes, in hollows, at the base of the leaves, and stored there. Amphibians use these micro tanks for reproduction

Epiphytes are most common in cloud forests growing in tropical mountain ranges where humidity is close to 100%, such as the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica or the Ruwenzori Cloud Forest in Uganda

The address of your shop: If you have any questions about reptile nutrition and care, please contact our specialist at: tropical@tropical.pl Information materials 12.2021, code: GB 151/23 © –TROPICAL T. Ogrodnik 2021 Wersja: 05www.tropical.pl TROPICAL Tadeusz Ogrodnik ul. Opolska 25, PL 41-500 Chorzów BLOG YOUTUBE CHANNEL ONLINE MAGAZINE Educational platform for aquarium and terrarium hobbyists www.tropicaledu.com
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