The Triton 200811

Page 73

The Triton

TRITON SURVEY: Will the U.S. election impact yachting?

Do you think the outcome of the election – whoever wins – will impact your career or yachting in general?

By nationalities: Do you think the outcome of the election – whoever wins – will impact your career or yachting in general?

50% No – 51% Avg. tenure 13.4 years

Yes – 49% Avg. tenure 15.9 years



U.S. boss, U.S.crew

By years in yachting: Do you think the outcome of the election – whoever wins – will impact your career or yachting in general?

Other 6.6% 68% War – 10.5% 56% 44% 39%

Economy – 80.9%

0-9 years

10-19 years

20-29 years


Captain fears ‘redistribution of wealth’ SURVEY, from page C12


Non-U.S. boss, Non-U.S. boss, U.S. boss, non-U.S. crew non-U.S.crew U.S.crew

What is the most important issue in the U.S. election? Education – 1.3% Health – .7%

November 2008

30-plus years

The partnership that believed it was the least impacted were non-U.S. crew with non-U.S. bosses. Only 39 percent of that group thought the outcome of the U.S. election would impact them. “The outcome won’t necessarily impact my position on this boat, but it will impact what direction I will go in the industry,” said an American deckhand with an American owner. We also asked about longevity in this survey, curious to see if more careerminded yacht crew might see the impacts as more immediate. We were right. Nearly 70 percent of captains and crew in the yachting industry more than 30 years thought their jobs or careers would be impacted by the outcome of the election. Fifty-six percent of crew in yachting 20-30 years believed it would impact them, and just 38 percent of captains and crew in yachting 10-19 years thought so. “There will be a redistribution of wealth,” said an American captain in the industry 21 years. “The outcome will impact the fleet in general. The owner is more bulletproof in general. But overall, I think yachting will suffer.” Forty-four percent of captains and crew in yachting less than 10 years thought the election would impact them, a slight deviation from the trend for longer-term crew. Perhaps that has more to do with the reality that yacht owners of the past 10 years may have found their wealth in the stock market.

See SURVEY, page C14

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