An orchestra at the graveyard

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Orc hes a tra at


Gra vey ard

The energies that the world gave off, feels

excessive at times.

Like when you’re in a bus on an after ofďŹ ce hour, stuck in a distinctive odor and an oxygen compe ti ti on.

Or like when you’re drowning not because you can’t swim, but because the wave is just too str ong and


for you.

By so, you started to swallow some of the water and got choked.

While at the same time gotten p u s h e d



into the deep water.



An overwhelmed suffocation.

Nevertheless, at those moments i escape for a while to somehere that consist none of the above.

Graveyard has an eerie feeling to most people, it gives off a sulking kind of energy to the living ones. But actually, they just misinterpreted it

Because truly,since they got seperated from the living ones, the things in the graveyard just felt lonely. And that’s exactly why they held an orchestra every now and then, to rejoice their longing for the living and the outer world.

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