2022 Annual Report - Trinity Toledo

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1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 Welcome Home Draft Minutes of 2022 Annual Meeting Summary of Vestry Actions Rector’s Message Wardens’ Message Worship Music and The Arts Our Community A Year in Pictures Faith Formation Building Update Annual Pledge Drive 2023 Budget Process Financials 2023 Operating Budget Parish Statistics Vestry Snapshot
May the words and pictures of this report convey the excitement, growth and possibilities shaping who we have been and are still becoming.

Welcome Home!

This 2022 Annual Report offers pictures and words capturing moments of another year of ministry and life together. As always, none of it is definitive, but pray it is a faithful and joyful representation of our walk with Christ.

It is our hope they are enough to share the profound and life-changing elements of what it means to belong to each other, to this faith community, and a God always pulling us forward in love. We live in a culture where the dominant voices and norms would have us deny our primal need for connection and belonging. Thankfully, Trinity continues to offer a counterpoint to the narrative of rugged individualism; inviting authentic connection while constantly encouraging us to reach out to others with generous hearts, open minds and a willingness to give and receive love.

As a community committed to cultivating members for a life of service, connection, courage and compassion, Trinity continues its long legacy of invitation and welcome stretching over 180 years in downtown Toledo. And while many things have changed since 1842, we are still being called to seek out and find ways to, as the diocesan tag line reads, Love God, Love our Neighbor and Change the World. ©

May it inspire, challenge, comfort and remind us that together we are called to put away our complacency and embrace a kind of collective spiritual activism as we seek to follow Jesus, walking the way of love in the year to come.

To those who have come before, thank you for walking the path and shining your light.

To those who are with us now, thank you for sharing your gifts.

To those yet to come, your place is waiting, and we are ready to welcome you “home”!

May the words and pictures of this report convey the excitement, growth and possibilities shaping who we have been and are always still becoming with God’s help.



Draft Minutes of the 179th Annual Meeting

Trinity Episcopal Church, Toledo, Ohio

Sunday, January 30, 2022

11:07 am – Call to order by The Rev. Dr. Lisa Tucker-Gray, via zoom format.

• The presence of a quorum was confirmed by visual inspection, and Becky Koskinen was appointed clerk for the meeting.

• The minutes of the January 31, 2021 Annual Meeting were approved as presented.

• Vestry Member Donna Steppe offered thanks to 3 vestry members completing their terms:

1. Bob Meeker

2. Dennis Degnan

3. Donna Steppe

• Donna acknowledged and thanked continuing Vestry members: Jeffrey Albright, Gary Franklin, Becky Koskinen, Fritz Hany, Jamie Paul and Leah Read. Long-time Trust Fund Officer Greg Shumaker was also thanked for his years of service now at an end, and we welcomed Will Daily as the new Trust Fund Officer. The 2022 approved vestry slate was presented and approved by acclamation with Dennis Degnan and Donna Steppe to serve another full three-year term as well as Karen Keune for her first three-year term.

• Lisa thanked Roberta Durham for her service on vestry and for her desire to get Trinity involved in helping youth aging out of foster care through the development of Better Together Toledo (formerly Open Table).

• Staff member Lynzi Miller shared a video celebrating the ministry and volunteers over the years of Next to New, followed by a report explaining why the ministry will be closing and next steps. Trinity will take the coming year to start the process of discerning next steps for the footprint of the downstairs space that has been used by this ministry.

• Lisa thanked Trinity staff for their dedication and service: Heather Meyer, Director of Operations & Community Engagement; Lynzi Miller, Communications Coordinator & Next to New Manager; and Chelsie Cree, Choir Director. Resignations tendered this year included: Nick Zurawski, Sexton (Sept 2021) and Megan Allen, Curate (Dec 2021). Lisa thanked Trinity Choir Section Leaders for bringing joy to the Trinity soundtrack of music: Melissa Toth, Kim Buehler, Michael Barlos and Bradley Baker.

• Donna extended gratitude to Lisa for her continued commitment to Trinity, as we not only have survived a pandemic, but are also thriving. Jeffrey thanked Post Companies and the work they provide with technology, communication and digital media support.

• Lisa shared her excitement about the upcoming, in-person Vestry Retreat in February after a 2-year (and still continuing) pandemic. Lisa ended with highlighting some amazing accomplishments from 2021 including the completion of Trinity’s 2030 Vision and Feasibility Study before offering a final blessing.

• There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.

Respectfully submitted, Becky Koskinen, Appointed Clerk.


Summary of Vestry Actions

Throughout the year, the vestry and Lisa work side by side developing and nurturing our ministry. In 2022, the vestry’s main areas of focus included: capital projects attending to deferred maintenance (staff hall/plaza water mitigation, sanctuary light dimming panel), managing and supporting the closure of Next to New ministry, exploration of remaining plaza renovation, supporting staff during times of employee transition, discernment of new expanded faith in action ministry and ongoing conversation regarding the expansion of worship to include both Trinity@316 and Trinity@Home. Highlights from the year include:

• Saturday, February 5, all-day vestry retreat in-person.

• Approved 2021 Parochial Report

• Approved Director of Operations, Heather Meyer as authorized officer for KeyBank accounts with accompanying Rector, Senior Warden and Junior Warden approvals.

• Approved KeyBank signature card updates to the following individuals: Donna Steppe, Jeffrey Albright, Jamie Paul, Lisa Tucker-Gray, William Dailey and Gary Franklin.

• Approved Trinity as new Food-for-Thought mobile food pantry host site once a month for a two-hour time period beginning April 2022.

• Approved funding for the RAM Construction Plaza water mitigation project.

• Approved recommendations for 2022 Diocesan Convention delegates: Leah Reed, Jolene Miller, and Hugh Grefe and alternates: Fritz Hany and Becky Roth.

• Approved contract and funding for EDGE Landscape Architecture to provide design options for full plaza renovation.

• Affirmed 2023-2026 vestry slate: Jeffrey Albright, Jamie Paul and Leah Reed.

• Approved contract and funding for B Creative Studio to produce on-line and print version of Trinity’s 2022 Annual Report.

• Approved annual audit for the year ending December 31, 2021, prepared by Rayner, Foos, Kruse & Irwin.

• Approved renewal line of credit with KeyBank and request for increase from $750,000 to $1 million, secured by the Trinity Episcopal Endowment Trust per the terms in the proposal provided by KeyBank.

• Approved RAM Construction Services proposal for Laurenco Waterproofing and full plaza redesign work to commence in spring 2023.


Rector’s Message

Beloved Friends -

This year has been a spiritual “coming out” experience in many ways for us as a community of faith. Starting in March 2020 we suspended all in-person worship and meetings shifting to a completely new model of digital ministry. Then, nearly two full years later, in March 2022, we “came out” with a new hybrid approach to spreading God’s love through offering both our weekly digital worship, Trinity@Home, along with a revived Sunday in-person worship experience called Trinity@316. It has been a challenge to find a way to do both, but have remained committed and faithful to both efforts, and the fruit of that labor has yielded amazing results. We could never have imagined we would have come out of the devastating time of a two-year pandemic with not only two weekly worship services, but also welcoming so many new members.

The sidebar shows a snapshot of highlights I will carry with me from 2022. They are reminders that with God all things are indeed possible, and we have come so far.

It continues to be an honor, joy and privilege to walk with you day by day my beloved friends in Christ.

May you never forget that you are loved.


• A third year of developing our new Trinity@Home worship platform

• Being a member of the Diocesan Bishop Search Committee

• Serving on Diocesan Council and the Commission on Racial Justice

• Welcoming retired deacon Meribah Mansfield onto our Trinity liturgical team

• Attending the National Thistle Farms Annual Conference in Nashville

• Supporting Equality Toledo, collecting food for their Food Pantry

• Completing the RAM water mitigation on the plaza and restoring the staff corridor

• Working on the 2030 Vision priority to develop a plan to redesign the full Plaza

• Offering a third round of the documentarybased Sacred Ground curriculum

• Deepening our support and engagement with Toledo Streets Newspaper

• Celebrating nine baptisms and welcoming 42 new adults and 16 youth

• Teaching Episcopal Identity classes and shepherding four members to Confirmation

• Offering our first Lenten Music Concert Series

• Officiating at Silma and Ashley’s joyful wedding

• Becoming a new monthly Mobile Food Pantry site with Food for Thought

• Completing a successful Annual Pledge Drive exceeding all our goals

• Hiring George Benson as our new Director of Community Engagement

It continues to be an honor, joy and privilege to walk with you day by day my beloved friends in Christ.

Wardens’ Message

Dear Trinity Community -

How has another year passed by so quickly? The year 2022 found us back in the building finding our way through the other side of the pandemic figuring out month by month what was safe, and what was not safe. We went from wearing masks is required, no communion, and no singing to where we are today, masks are a choice, communion with bread and wine, a full choir, and singing is encouraged. And coffee hour is back as well! We realize that COVID is still among us, and probably always will be, but at least we have made strides in moving to a new normal.

The year was filled with ways to build community and events that would help people get to know one another. There were popup dinners, ice cream socials, a Sunday game day potluck after church, a Sunday afternoon at a Mud Hens game and yes, a large group of people gathered on our newly repaired Trinity Plaza to eat a picnic dinner and watch the 4th of July Fireworks together.

Our community continues to grow, and it is nice to look around the church on Sunday and see such a large intergenerational group of people - many of whom their first experience of Trinity was by watching Trinity@Home, finding our website, or by word of mouth. And though we have had many new members in the last year, there have been loses as well. This year we lost beloved members Chuck Abood, Dave Beckwith, and Jeff Habib. Though they are no longer with us, their presence will always be felt.

Your vestry continues to work hard at evaluating the needs of our building and prioritizing which need should be addressed first. We also continue to look at the needs of our community and want to thank everyone for helping to make 2022 a successful year of coming together in person to sing, worship, and break bread together once again.

Our deepest thank you to all in this faith community for keeping the ties that bind.

With much love and appreciation,

The year was filled with ways to build community and events that would help people get to know one another. JEFFREY ALBRIGHT JUNIOR WARDEN DONNA STEPPE SENIOR WARDEN


Worship continues to be a primary reflection and experience of Trinity’s radical welcome, outrageous hospitality, authentic connection and deep reverence for our rich tradition. Each time we gather to worship, whether in-person with Trinity@316 or on-line with Trinity@Home, we boldly profess and embrace the moniker describing who and how we are as disciples as “progressive, inclusive and creative.”

Nearly three years ago, on Palm Sunday (April 2020), we launched Trinity@Home. Since then we have designed, created, experimented and adjusted our format to offer a meaningful morning devotion for those who can’t join us on Sunday mornings. It has also revealed itself to be a meaningful connection throughout the week garnering over 100 views on a weekly basis. We have also discovered that this service is a significant resource for sharing our faith and progressive expression of Christianity with those who have been hurt, ignored, or otherwise disenfranchised by the church at some point in their lives. Many people who come to our in-person worship service now tell us they “discovered” Trinity through watching Trinity@Home.

After a short season of restarting and suspending in-person worship in 2022 with Trinity@316, beginning with Ash Wednesday, March 2, we found ourselves happily back without interruption for the remainder of the year offering both forms of worship.


Some of the highlights of this past year in worship include: Feast Day celebrations, new member welcome liturgy, baptisms, memorials, Holy week services - Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter, a number of sermon series, welcoming eight guest preachers and developing new tools to bring the message of God’s love to more and more households.

Trinity@Home developments included a revised format of the morning devotion, crafting a shorter 30-35 minute service. We also continue to work on the technology tools required to create and curate a worship experience easily accessible on multiple platforms. We continue to use new technology for recording, editing and compiling all liturgical elements of the service.

Trinity@316 has reopened the doors of our beautiful sanctuary for in-person worship, offering the Eucharist every Sunday. Bread bakers, altar guild members, worship leaders, counters, choir members, and clergy offer their gifts week after week, offering God’s radical and transforming love through singing, praying, preaching and the sacraments.

Beyond Sunday services, our Trinity@316 worship was rich and full this year as we returned to our sacred space for Holy Week, memorial services, a wedding and a Lenten concert series.

We boldly profess and embrace the moniker describing who and how we are as disciples as “progressive, inclusive and creative.”

Music and the Arts

We believe in the power of music. It is a conduit to the Divine not just through the music itself, but also in the creation of it together. Preparing music requires a team mentality infused with honoring diversity in people, voices, instruments, and levels of musical know-how. United by a common goal, the emphasis on teamwork and intentional activities to foster relationships between musicians makes music a prime vehicle for connection and ministry at Trinity.

In 2022, the music program experienced an increase in music participation, especially in our choir. Made up of a joyful, faithful group of singers, the Trinity choir returned full time to worship services in February, offering weekly anthems for Trinty@316, and occasional offerings for Trinity@Home.

Our ukulele choir also reunited for a lovely short session in February on Sunday afternoons with local artist J. Ronquillo, offering a respite from the bitter cold of winter and months of physical separation.

During March, Trinity offered its first Lenten Music Concert Series on four Wednesday nights featuring four different musical guests to play in our space. Grace Mauk, Trinity Assistant Director of Music and the Arts, gave an evening of her own singer-songwriter compositions and covers. Bowling Green State University music students offered an evening of contemporary classical music, giving the audience an opportunity to stretch our ears and experience a new way of music making. The Wooster College Scot Band brought bagpipes and their symphonic band to the Trinity Sanctuary. And finally, Bradley Baker, Trinity Bass section leader and opera singer, gave a concert we’ll never forget.

Over the summer, the choir and section leaders took a welldeserved break from regular rehearsals and Sunday worship leading. During those months many choir members and volunteers from the parish offered their individual musical gifts, giving summer worship a warm, home-grown feel with many unexpected bright spots.

The Trinity music staff welcomed Tajj Crowder as our new tenor section leader. Tajj brings with him a wealth of experience. At the bright, young age of 25, Tajj has excellent piano skills, a velvet voice, good teaching skills for leading the Tenor section, many years participating in choirs and a set of music technology skills.

The season of Advent also brought us a time for special music making. Trinity as a parish participated in Hope for the Holidays as Christmas carolers, as the gigantic tree was lit across Summit Street at Promedica park. We brought Christmas carolers to our neighbors in nursing homes. Following the precedent set in the summer, Trinity prepared a home-grown Christmas Eve prelude filled with the talent of our own congregation.


Community Engagement

Exiting COVID has challenged and inspired us to discern evermore intentional ways of being God‘s love in the world. Our community partner relationships continue to grow and thrive with renewed excitement. In the spring, we welcomed Trinity member Jesse Reese as our community engagement intern as part of their PhD program. In December we hired George Benson as our new Director of Community Engagement with the expectation of expanding our work, relationships, service and transformational growth in the coming year.


In April 2022, we began our partnership with Food For Thought (FFT) serving as a monthly mobile pantry for downtown, an often referred to ‘food desert’. Food and fresh produce is available to all. Monthly, Trinity volunteers and FFT staff welcome shoppers to our first-floor living room. Amazing volunteer help was also given from our neighbors at ProMedica and other businesses.


Every Thursday, Toledo Streets Newspaper holds a vendor/staff meeting and lunch. Teams of volunteers gathered at Trinity to prepare and deliver 30+ lunches for our friends in their UpTown office. Trinity’s vestry also renewed our 3-year financial commitment supporting the vital services and opportunities Toledo Streets provides.


After three long years away, Toledo Pride was back and better than ever! Over 40 Trinity volunteers staffed our Promenade Park booth, served as guides at Trinity, marched in the parade and donated candy. Volunteers distributed 1,000 bottles of water to participants and we opened our doors for cooling stations and bathrooms. Thank you to Jolene Miller, Donna Steppe, Fritz and Susan Hany and Jamie Paul for heading up volunteers.


During October, we encouraged all to support Equality Toledo’s Community Pantry with donations. This was another way of responding to being in community with our LGBQTIA+ friends.


Honoring and mourning COVID-19 lives lost continued into 2022. Bells tolled each time the milestone would increase by 100,000 lives lost. As of November 2022, 1.1 million people in the U.S. have died, and we continue ringing for each milestone.


Our partially resurfaced plaza allowed us to enjoy a perfect bird’s-eye view of Toledo’s Fireworks. Over 60 gathered for food, fellowship, board games and sidewalk chalk. This perfect summer evening left us excited for the possibilities for our whole plaza.


Our ministry and building partner, Leadership Toledo, is in full program mode with their Signature Program, Community Leadership Series, YiPEE and Youth Leadership Toledo. Several times a month our building hosts team building meetings. Our quarterly Lunch and Learn has returned so that we may best support each other’s ministries.


Our building partner, ACT, moved to the 2nd floor (former Food For Thought space), allowing them more creative and storage space. They presented seven productions in 2022 and will be partnering with Trinity in 2023 for “Winter Rain: Six Images of Thomas Merton”.


Daily AA meetings at Trinity celebrated its 30th anniversary. We are grateful to offer a safe space for this crucial community resource. Our AA friends are most appreciative for the monthly mobile food pantry.

A Year in Pictures

Faith Formation

Nearly every aspect of our common life influences and shapes our faith formation. Simply put, “faith formation” is the term we use to capture how we spend our time, grow our faith, challenge our assumptions, learn about implicit bias, and stretch ourselves with new thoughts and perspectives. For many of us, it also helps us reclaim and reimagine the patterns, rituals and elements of our rich Episcopal tradition that may have historically kept us separated, or feeling unwanted or unseen. 2022 invited us back to in-person worship, as well as times to eat, serve, play and pray together walking with love together day by day.


Throughout the year we read a number of wonderful books and then gathered on-line and in-person for a monthly discussion. This year’s books included: The Red Tent, The Lincoln Highway, Firekeeper’s Daughter, Still Life, Honor, The Sea of Tranquility and The Sweetness of Water


Sundays in March we gathered via Zoom to learn about the history, polity, worship and theology of the Episcopal Church.


Beginning in February this year we offered a monthly opportunity for those new to our community to meet with Priest Lisa, via Zoom, for a time of informal conversation. Many of our new members found this to be a wonderful way to learn about Trinity, as well as to start building relationships with other new members.


In July and early August, Jolene Miller offered and curated a five week video series featuring the late Christian author and blogger Rachel Held Evans, using video resource, The Work of the People. Through her writing and speaking, Evans’ work opened a space for people to become involved with the evolution of their faith by example. Each week the group gathered and watched an interview followed by a time of generative conversation.


Each month, led by Trinity member, Jason Rahe, our men gather, either on-line or in-person at Rick’s City Diner to share and discuss lectionary-based scripture passages as well as foster deep friendships.


Trinity members Becky Koskinen and Ruth Foote facilitated Trinity’s third offering of this powerful 10-session Episcopal curriculum focusing on race and racism in America. The dialogue series developer and author is Katrina Browne, a lifelong Episcopalian dedicated to racial justice and healing. As a white woman, she is particularly concerned with the important work white people need to do in conversation with each other, as part of the larger project of Becoming Beloved Community. Trinity has been committed to offering this curriculum for the past three years and hopes to do so again in the coming year.



Twice this year we offered “New Member Sunday,” welcoming a total of 42 adults and 16 youth “home” as members. First on Easter Sunday, April 17th and then again on All Saints Day, November 6, both services reminding us that we are a vibrant, growing community eager and ready to draw the circle of love wider and wider still.


For seven weeks, beginning in November, we gathered, via Zoom, to read and learn about United Methodist Pastor Juanita Rasmus’ journey navigating her way through a significant experience of depression, what she called her “crash.” Our time together offered space for sacred conversations about our own lives. This time was a rich opportunity for self-discovery and deep connection.


During the Saturdays in March, Emily Olson and Sheila Otto invited us to incorporate photography into our daily prayer practice. Each week they introduced tools for mindful photography, cultivating awareness and compassion through the lens of a camera, and how to incorporate the art of prayer into your photography.

Being back in-person this year allowed us to gather for many fun ways of building community including:

• Toledo Mudhens Game Day - held on June 26

• Pop-Up Dinners - in July & August, seven dinners were hosted by various members of the community.

• Blessing of the Animals - October 2 at Middlegrounds Toledo MetroPark blessing 15 of our furry companions.


Building Update

2022 welcomed us back into our building and with that the opportunity and responsibility to continue moving ahead with numerous projects including:

• Electrical panels were completely upgraded in four areas: basement, first floor and two on the second floor

• New dimming system was installed for sanctuary lighting

• Replacement of exterior LGBQT flags

• Sanctuary slate tile roof repair

• Numerous repairs to HVAC air handlers and motors

• Partnered with Goliath Maintenance for sexton repair projects


While the listed projects were important, 2022 may be remembered most as the year we stopped all the leaking! For nearly 20 years Trinity has been weighed down by the persistent and pernicious problem of water damage seeping in through the second-floor plaza into the staff corridor and offices. In April we engaged RAM Construction services to remove the pavers on the Plaza closest to the building, apply a high-quality waterproofing system and apply a new concrete base over the entire footprint. It was a huge success! By July, over 60 of us were enjoying fireworks out on the newly resurfaced portion of the Plaza, and inside the staff offices and corridor were dry and free from a plethora of receptacles used to catch seeping water.


The final quarter of 2022 moved us to the next big challenge outlined in our 2030 Vision - a “newly redesigned plaza.” For years we have been talking and dreaming as a community about how to redesign, renew, re-energize our outdoor plaza space for our members and the wider community. Currently overgrown, weathered, unmaintained and woefully in need of restoration, in May we contracted the design services of EDGE Landscape Architecture & Design Group to help us discern possibilities. In September the vestry reviewed several designs and agreed upon maintaining the current footprint and features of the Plaza along with minor modifications in order to keep the project as financially feasible as possible, along with meeting our goals of bringing this space back to life. In November the vestry approved a funding strategy and a contract with RAM to come back in the Spring of 2023 to begin this second phase of work using the Edge designs.


The vestry reviewed several designs and agreed upon maintaining the current footprint and features of the Plaza along with minor modifications in order to keep the project as financially feasible as possible.

2022 Water Mitigation Area 2023 Plaza Redesign Project

Annual Pledge Drive

Trinity’s 2022 Annual Pledge Drive took place in October. This year’s theme Imagine...More Than Enough, was based on the The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) theme: More than Enough and then expanded to be even more inspiring for our community. Together we did just that - we imagined and responded exceeding both our pledge and dollar amount goals!

We set goals we knew would stretch us as we were less than a full year back in-person; a 5% increase in number of overall pledges, and a 5% increase in overall giving meant we would need to be intentional and focused. The tools developed for the Pledge Drive this year included a printed pledge pamphlet designed by B Creative Studio including a pledge card as well as an on-line pledge form and designated web page. We also developed a new on-line pledge dashboard this year providing updates to track our giving to the goals we set for ourselves.

Thank you to our co-Chairs, Jeffrey Albright and Kim Buehler who were outstanding. Each Sunday for Trinity@316 worship they talked about the ministry as well as introduced members who offered impact stories - both in-person and on-line during Trinity@Home. Throughout the month they sent thank you notes to each of us.

Thank you also to the following members who offered their impact stories: Silma Espinosa, Melissa Toth, Becky Koskinen, Ruth Foote, Sheila Otto, Courtney Rahe, Gary Franklin, Dcn. Meribah Mansfield and Bradley Baker.

It has been an honor and joy to serve in these roles this year; thank you for your amazing engagement, participation and response. Making an annual pledge commitment has brought us closer to our Trinity community, giving us both the most abundant love and appreciation we have ever known. Every dollar committed is a sign of hope and resilience, and helps Trinity plan for future programming, worship, staffing, education, pastoral support and faith in action.

Thank you one more time for your participation in this necessary effort, for sharing your stories and for stepping up and into this way of showing your love for God, each other and the wider community we are called to serve.


PLEDGE DRIVE STATISTICS 2018 61 $152,339 $2,497 12 Number of Pledges Total Dollars Pledged Average Pledge New Pledges 2019 53 $156,354 $2,950 13 2020 64 $167,950 $2,624 19 2021 79 $176,350 $2,560 26 2022 75 $168,020 $2,335 11 2023 87 $198,092 $2,358 23

Budget Process

For the past six years, Trinity has worked with focused intentionality to increase our overall understanding and gratitude for our financial resources. We have developed the following schedule to engage as many as possible in the holy work of drafting the Operating Budget, our faithbased roadmap for ministry.

Then one week prior to the Annual Meeting, Trinity has offered an opportunity for the community to come together to learn about church finances. The time together is a combination of presentation and conversation. Our goal has been to educate and de-mystify what often is understood by only a few in the hopes of increasing both our gratitude and sense of accountability for the resources entrusted to us for ministry.

Each year we provide an overview of the sources of funding for our operating budget and review trends and patterns in giving. We also review the other sources used to fund the Operating budget and any noticeable changes from year to year. For some, understanding an organization’s finances is second nature, and to others it is not. We have made a commitment to doing all we can to empower and inspire all of us in this area of our ministry. Our goal is to create a context and environment where all feel good about asking questions and getting involved. We are the bearers of great gifts and to whom much has been given much is expected - we are committed to living into that mandate together.

Each year we gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be good stewards of these resources. As we move into 2023 we anticipate increased conversation about this process and the resources entrusted to us as we continue to work with our 2030 vision, setting priorities for the work outlined for the months and years ahead. We are living in an exciting time with much work ahead and together, with generous and radically welcoming hearts we will, with God’s help, do wonderful things.

The purpose of the Annual Budget review and conversation is to:

Fixed costs, staffing, program requests

Creation of initiail draft

Reviewed by Finance

bookkeeper and staff review and adjust initial draft budget for Vestry

This year’s meeting was held on January 22, 2023.

• Review the sources of funding supporting the operating budget

• Review the results of the most recent Annual Pledge Drive

• Review the anticipated year of expenses and anticipated capital improvements

• Provide an opportunity for questions and conversation

Treasurer, Drive outcomes are calculated into a draft budget for final review the Parish budget is presented This schedule engages many in our faith-based roadmap for ministry.


Master Trust and Music and the Arts Endowment Funds

Trinity is blessed to have received numerous and generous legacy donations over the course of many years. It is the responsibility and privilege of each generation of Trinity leadership and membership to live into the call of being good stewards of these important resources for ministry. Each year available fund revenue is used from these two funds to supplement Trinity’s Operating Budget. The revenue is determined and distributed based on a 5% spending policy calculated on the 3-year average of the funds’ market value established annually at end of September. The funds are managed by KeyBank.

Other Special Purpose Funds

Trinity holds several other smaller funds also used to support the operating budget. They are used in conjunction with donor stipulations for particular use. The exception includes the HAMM bequest which has portions designated to supporting costs associated with either the Altar Guild or funds for supporting women and children related programs.

OTHER SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS (AS OF 11/16/22) Fund Name HAMM - Alter Guild HAMM - ECW Gunnel Mauk - Education Finch - Music Reycraft - Program Growth Capital Reserves TOTALS TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS 2020 Market Value $67,863 $68,302 $195,673 $194,176 $686,071 $145,472 $1,357,557 $11,717,015 2021 Market Value $76,387 $77,264 $225,336 $221,175 $776,647 $200,590 $1,577,399 $13,245,740 2022 Market Value $60,367 $60,977 $185,070 $182,132 $359,703 $156,730 $1,004,979 $10,167,260 ENDOWMENT FUNDS (AS OF 11/16/22) Fund Name Key Master Trust Music and the Arts TOTALS 2020 Market Value $4,661,204 $5,698,254 $10,359,458 2021 Market Value $5,280,472 $6,387,868 $11,668,341 2022 Market Value $4,170,707 $4,991,574 $9,162,281

2023 Operating Budget

*NOTE: $22,982 expense overage of actual budget covered by 2022 “carry over” cash.

19 2022 2022 2023 Approved Actual through Approved Budget 12/31/22 Budget INCOME Current Pledge Payments 156,460 167,493 195,292 Prepaid Pledge Payments 10,000 16,400 10,000 Prior Year Pledge 6,000 1,450 3,000 Plate & Special Offerings 26,750 13,062 14,000 Givers of Record 6,000 10,711 8,000 Total Plate & Pledge 205,210 209,116 230,292 Combined Investment Income 456,615 414,520 449,898 Other Operating Income 107,215 139,892 153,015 TOTAL INCOME 769,040 763,528 833,205 EXPENSES Personnel 407,258 373,991 422,988 Building & Grounds 164,177 147,306 140,624 Administration 56,672 91,178 94,762 Community Engagement 91,933 108,880 119,500 Worship & Music 44,450 49,627 47,063 Congregational Vitality 4,550 15,528 5,850 TOTAL EXPENSES 769,040 786,510 830,787 (22,982)* NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 0 0 2,418


20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 100 200 Membership (bright color) Average Attendance (tinted color) $200K $190K $180K $170K $160K $150K 350 2021 2022 250 50 150 300 Pledge and Plate Baptisms Burials Weddings/Blessings New Members Other Services (In Person / At Home) Palm Sunday Easter Christmas Eve 2020 5 6 2 27 0 / 110 0 / 116 0 / 71 2021 4 1 1 20 0 / 66 0 / 81 105 / 62 2022 9 4 1 58 80 / 93 104 / 215 178 / 264 WORSHIP STATISTICS Parish Families Mailing Units Church Post Subscribers 2020 209 449 2021 151 373 2022 231 387 AVERAGE SUNDAY IN-PERSON WORSHIP ATTENDANCE (TRINITY@316) 2017 85 2018 94 2019 106 2020 115 2021 73 2022 78 AVERAGE ONLINE WORSHIP ATTENDANCE (TRINITY@HOME) - MARCH 2020 - DECEMBER 2022) Average Number Total Sunday Service Household Views 2021 118 2022 124
(10 weeks) (8 weeks) (43 weeks) 2020 441 $210K 2022 ANNUAL REPORT | TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH | TOLEDO, OHIO



Vestry meetings are usually scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:00-8:00 PM and held either at Trinity or via Zoom (unless otherwise noted).

Sunday, Jan. 29 Annual Meeting during 10:00 AM Trinity@316

Saturday, Feb. 11 All-Day Vestry Retreat, 10:00 AM -3:00 PM

Tuesday, March 28 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday, April 25 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday, May 23 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday, June 27 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM Zoom

Tuesday, July 25 Gathering with staff and families 6:00-8:00 PM TBD

No August Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 26 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM Zoom

Tuesday, Oct. 24 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM (Draft Budget review) Zoom

Tuesday, Dec. 5 Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 PM (Final Budget approval) Zoom

Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024 All-Parish Budget Presentation Trinity

Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024 Annual Meeting Trinity

Trinity Episcopal


The Rev. Dr. Lisa Tucker-Gray Rector lisa@trinitytoledo.org

The Rev. Dcn. Meribah Mansfield Deacon meribah@trinitytoledo.org

Heather Meyer Director of Operations heather@trinitytoledo.org

George Benson Director of Community Engagement george@trinitytoledo.org

Chelsie Cree Director of Music and The Arts chelsie@trinitytoledo.org

Grace Mauk Assistant Director of Music and The Arts grace@trinitytoledo.org

Brian Buckner Trinity@Home Accompanist


Donna Steppe, Senior Warden

Jeffrey Albright, Junior Warden

Leah Reed, Clerk

Gary Franklin, Treasurer

Dennis Degnan

Fritz Hany

Becky Koskinen

Jamie Paul

Karen Keune


2230 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115-2499 216-771-4815

The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr.

The Rev. Anne B. Jolly, Bishop Coadjutor-Elect


Monday through Friday

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

316 Adams Street Toledo, OH 43604 419.243.1231


316 ADAMS STREET, TOLEDO, OH 43604 419.243.1231

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