Topics | Summer 2015

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We are Part of the Jesus Movement


n the handful of times I’ve sat in a room and listened to the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry preach—and preach is absolutely the right word here—I’ve observed two things with confidence: first, everyone in the audience heard about Jesus Christ, and second, few listeners make it through the message without feeling compelled to get up and do something for God. Now that North Carolina’s Bishop Curry is Presiding Bishop-Elect of the Episcopal Church, I know that our church, and our nation, will be exposed to those two powerful elements. I couldn’t be happier. Bishop Curry confirmed me into Trinity Episcopal in 2009, and I’ve always felt challenged by his leadership to act as Christ intended for us Christians to act. What could the Episcopal Church look like if we were half as evangelical as Bishop Curry might want it to be? Perhaps we’ll find out…. Reach more about Bishop Curry’s historic election in Salt Lake City on in this special Double Issue for Summer 2015, and be sure to share your thoughts about this moment—and others from the 78th General Convention by writing or emailing, or by sharing your comments on Facebook. Happy Sumer! —James Hogan, editor ◊ | 5

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