Topics | October 2015

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Topics TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Volume 31, Number 8

October 2015 ...............................................

Staff, Vestry, & Officers Rector | The Reverend Brad Mullis Parish Administrator | Sarah Wilkinson Organist/Choirmaster | Sam Holt Preschool Director | Sherry George Senior Warden | Kim Dockery Junior Warden | Rob Hites Parish Life | Tommy Allison Outreach | Layton Getsinger Music & Worship | Jerrie Greene Finance | Nimocks Haigh Communications | James Hogan Young Family Ministry | Amy Lawton Pastoral Care | Carol Leach Newcomers & Evangelism | Bud Martin Youth | Scott Rankin Adult Ed | Chris Shoobridge Vestry Secretary | Susan Cardwell Treasurer | Jim Lawton Assistant Treasurer | Evie Caldwell ...............................................

Trinity Topics is a monthly publication of Trinity Episcopal Church, Statesville, NC. The views and opinions that appear in this publication are not necessarily those of the church, vestry, diocese, or The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. © 2015 Trinity Episcopal Church. ...............................................

CONTACT US 801 Henkel Road / PO Box 1103 Statesville, NC 28677-1103 (704) 872-6314

In This Issue FEATURES




A Faith Rooted in Abundance When we approach our lives and blessings believing there’s enough of God’s love to go around, powerful things can happen.

10 A Chance to Give With the launch of our Every Member Canvass, you have an opportunity to help build Trinity’s future.

Liked, Loved & Shared From the Editor


Around the Parish


Vestry Minutes


Financial Update Milestones

11 The Very Messy Reality of Family Americans like to pretend their family lives are perfect. They aren’t fooling anybody.

12 Can-Do Drive Kicks Off Last year, Trinity donated just shy of one ton of food to ICM. Can we beat that this year?

Submissions We welcome your submissions or ideas for articles or photos as well as your comments. Email with your input. Above: A handful of ancient coins recalls the story of the Widow’s Mite. | 3

Liked, Loved, & Shared Each month we feature a few quotes, images, and comments shared on our social media channels, plus your letters, comments, and cards. Send your comments to

Artist Series Debut Inspires

The concert on September 20th was a testament to what we can be and what we can bring to our community. Yesterday was a sweet island in a world of busyness, traffic and agendas. and I KNEW that I would set aside the time from 3:00 until 4:00 to be refreshed and inspired by the beautiful

trumpet and magnificent piano playing that we heard. NONE of us were disappointed. I looked forward to it and it came first. Truly it makes the work and effort well worth the price. What a gift! Thank you , Bill and Cynthia. You kicked us off in a beautiful way! —Jane Jennings Getsinger, via email

Recycling Program Still Contributing

Thought I'd best bring you up to date on our Aluminum Can Collection ( since I've been delinquent of late in doing so ). In July our total collected was 17 pounds. August was even less at 11 pounds. We rebounded nicely in September with 47 pounds. Since we started this program in September of 2001, I keep a running total for September thru August. Our total from September of 2014 thru August of 2015 ( inclusive ) was 383 pounds. Which is actually our fourth lowest Sept/Aug total in

14 years. Our Year to date total for 2015 is 278 pounds. Our Grand Total for Fourteen years One Month is 6,382. We took a load to Gordon's last week. Current rate is 0.40/lb. The load was 137 pounds and yielded $55.00 for the Discretionary Fund, which Cyndy & I delivered to the church office on Thursday past. The Recycle Can program has generated a total of $176.00 to the Discretionary Fund in 2015. —Doug Stobbe, via Facebook

Correction Last month’s article “Meet the Daughters of the King” inadvertently used the name of another church. It should have said Trinity Episcopal. Still, if you would like to learn more about the Daugh4 | Topics October 2015

ters of the King at Trinity or have a prayer request, please contact one of the Daughters; Betty Coltham, Susan Cardwell, or Joann Schinaman. All prayer requests are kept confidential.


Consider Joining Vestry This December will mark the end of my third and last year serving on Trinity’s Vestry. The Vestry, if you’re not familiar with the group, is Trinity’s elected body that serves the parish, oversees parish business, and undertakes the work of various ministries. For me, the chance to serve on the Vestry has been extraordinarily formative. I have always enjoyed working in the communications realm, and having the opportunity to serve Trinity these past three years has been a blessing and privilege. Joining me as we roll off our three year Vestry terms are Scott Rankin, Layton Getsinger, and Senior Warden Kim Dockery. We’re already looking for four good replacements to step in our shoes and carry on the good work of Trinity church. Being on Vestry isn’t for everyone—it takes time, and there’s legitimate work involved. But I assure you that the opportunity to serve other church members, to pick up the burdens of our parish, to be at the table as we diligently work to spread God’s love in our’s a great thing. I’ve grown spiritually in this role, and I’ve come to understand so much about our church. Trinity has so much going for it. We are blessed in many ways. I hope you’ll consider taking on the very good work of serving this church. If you’re interested in being nominated to serve on the Vestry, let any current member or Father Brad know. —James Hogan | 5

Around the



want to put in a plug for the Adult Ed series this year. It’s called “Animate” and it seems very good. Each week features a 10-minute video by some folks who are influential in current Christian discussions. For example, last week’s video speaker was Brian McLaren, who is associated with the “emerging church” movement. Coming later will be Lutheran Nadia Bolz-Weber and Duke Prof Lauren Winner, a priest in our diocese. We had good discussion last week and welcome all to give it a shot. Some weeks we’ll do different things. Check Topics and the weekly email for what’s up each Sunday. So come on. Carol Campbell is in the nursery and wonderful Sunday School teachers are in their classrooms doing great things with your kids. Make the 9:30 hour a family affair. And there’s plenty of coffee. —Chris Shoobridge

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ur next Senior’s lunch has been scheduled for October 25th immediately after church. The program will be VERY informative! A couple of insurance pros will be joining us to discuss the many new changes in Medicare beginning January 1, 2016. This program will certainly be helpful to those of us who have reached “that age,” but also for you younger folks who are getting closer and want a better understanding of exactly what “it” is all about. Come prepared with your questions, and be ready to learn—and share fellowship together. Please call the church office (704-8726314) by Oct. 22 so that we can plan for catering. Hope to see many of you there! —Carol Leach


espite all of the dry weather this past summer, our Community Garden had a bumper crop in many ways— especially the garden bed planted to grow produce for Iredell Christian Ministries. Dee Ham and Harriette Andrews worked in September to dig up and deliver 55 pounds of sweet potatoes to ICM, food that will quickly be put to use as our community continues to demonstrate extraordinary need for food assistance. Thanks to everyone who labored in our Community Garden this summer. We hope you’ll continue doing it again next summer—and if you can, please come out on October 24 and join us for a work day in the garden as we clear out what’s left from summer’s end and prepare the beds for winter. —Sarah Wilkinson


hank you to all of the members of our parish who have provided or plan to provide flower arrangements for the altar this year. Your gifts to the glory of God, in remembrance of loved ones, or in someone’s honor graces our altar and adds a special beauty to our worship service. Your gift brightens our altar and brings important things to the front of our minds during each service. As a reminder, here is the schedule for flowers in October: Sunday, Oct. 4 Bishop's visit Church providing Flowers Sunday, Oct. 11 Jerrie Greene Sunday, Oct. 18 Allison Guess Sunday, Oct. 25 Natalie Marsh Sunday, Nov. 1 All Saints Day Church providing flowers Thank you. — Jerrie Greene

Preschool Grows and Grows

October 2 Family Fun Night

4 Bishop Anne HodgesCopple visits Trinity; Confirmation and Baptism; Blessing of the Animals

14 Monthly Parish Supper

18 With the preschool fully subscribed, the program looks to make a significant improvement. The Preschool at Trinity Episcopal is well under way in another school year, and by all measures, the program is continuing to achieve very high marks. As of this publication, the preschool is running at full capacity with 51 students enrolled. This year, we’ve added a one year-old class, bringing our total class offerings to 1-4 year-olds. We have four lead teachers and four teacher assistants this year. The Preschool has recognized that some of our playground equipment

is outdated and well-worn and will soon need replacement. The large piece of playground equipment that is in the center of the playground is not the safest thing anymore for preschool children to play on, and parts of it are no longer usable. Over the last couple of years, the preschool has been able to build up a savings fund thanks to careful management and continued growth in our enrollment. We would like to use that funding from our savings to replace the large

piece of playground equipment with something that is more up to date. A safe playground is important to us—and given that Trinity’s playground is open outside of preschool hours, the new equipment will serve our community as well. Thank you for all of your support and help in making Trinity Preschool such a successful program. —Sherry George, Director, Trinity Episcopal Preschool

Baptism of Bentley Booker

24 Community Garden workday; Time TBA

25 Newcomers gathering; Seniors Lunch

Nov 1 All Saints; Baptism; CanDo drive ends; Pledge Ingathering; View Presiding Bishop installation; and the Trinity Artist Series presents Joe Pecoraro | 7


A Faith Rooted in Abundance

God asks from us our first and our best: the first fruits of our time, talent, and treasure.Why we must remember who—and whose—we are. By the Rev. Brad Mullis


The Rev. Brad Mullis (top) is rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. You can email him at

8 | Topics October 2015

s much as the lush springtime, autumn with its beautiful colors makes us aware in a sensory way of the glory of God’s creation. We may have a favorite drive we enjoy this time of year, where we can revel in the palette of God’s handiwork. The fall reminds me of the greatness and goodness of God. The fall is also for us the season when we conduct our Every Member Canvass. Some of you are new to this place

(Welcome!), so let me tell you what that is, if you haven’t picked up on it already. Each year the vestry strives to construct a faithful and prudent financial budget for the next year’s ministry. Part of that process is discerning how much money we have to work with. So, Trinity asks each family unit to discern prayerfully what they will pledge to God through the church for the following year’s ministry. If you, like me, grew up without knowing about “pledging,”

please let me give you two good reasons to do it. First, having a general idea of income helps us create a good budget. I’ve heard some say, “well, just make the budget on faith!” Believe me, any church budget will ultimately be based on faith. But the Holy Spirit can work through our prayerful pledging too, as we all work to use resources faithfully. Second, pledging helps us make a personal inventory of what we give. If we’re committed to tithing or to working

toward the tithe (10% giving), looking honestly at our income and committing to what portion of that we will give away can hold us accountable to more faithful giving. So, after you have received and read your pledge packet, (distribution begins October 4) I hope you will prayerfully consider making a financial commitment to Trinity Church for 2016. We serve a God of abundance. God’s grace is abundant today and forever. As God in Christ took five loaves and two fishes and turned them into a huge meal with plenty left over, so God takes our sacrificial gifts and creates an abundant ministry here. There is ministry to children and youth, ministry to seniors, ministry of music, ministry of healing God’s environment, ministry of feeding the poor and providing decent housing. All that we are and have comes from God. We are all made in God’s image and at whatever our stage of life, growing into God’s likeness. From us God asks our first and best. The first fruits of our time, talent, and treasure. We all have talents and time to offer in service to God and neighbor here. And however large or small our monetary gifts may be, God takes them, blesses them, breaks them, and gives them back into the world transformed. That’s what happens to us to when we commit ourselves to the one who has done marvelous things. An example of how this works is in a children’s

book called First Tomato by Rosemary Wells. It’s about a little bunny named Claire for whom everything is going wrong: she spills her breakfast on the floor, her boots fill with snow, math class goes on for two hours, she cannot do a cartwheel at recess, and the bus is late! She needs a trip to the Bunny Planet, where the Bunny Queen, Janet, says: Here is the day that should have been: I hear my mother calling when the summer wind blows, “Go out in the garden in our old, old clothes. Pick me some runner beans and sugar snap peas. Find a ripe tomato and bring it in please.” A ruby red tomato is hanging on the vine. If my mother didn’t want it, the tomato would be mine. It smells of rain and steamy earth and hot June sun. In the whole tomato garden it’s the only ripe one. I close my eyes and breathe in its fat, red smell. I wish that I could eat it now and never, never tell. But I save it for my mother without another look. I wash the beans and shell the peas and watch my mother cook. I hear my mother calling when the summer winds blow, “I’ve made you the First Tomato Soup because I love you so!” When we offer God the first fruits, the very money and talents and time we want to hold onto, God like the mother in the story transforms those first fruits into what we need most: Soup and Love, whatever that soup represents. Our financial gifts count. They enable and empower the ministry of this place. Every

pledge, every dollar, touches a human life and brings it closer to God. Every pledge, every dollar is transformed into Love and Tomato Soup for someone else and for ourselves. How will we respond to God’s grace? The General Thanksgiving (BCP, 101) can guide us well: “that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days.” We are called to give priority to faith in the One from whom all blessings flow, and in whom we live, move, and have our being. We are all called today to remember who we are and whose we are and to live our lives accordingly.

However large or small our monetary gifts may be, God takes them, blesses them, breaks them, and gives them back into the world transformed. That’s what happens to us to when we commit ourselves to the one who has done marvelous things. | 9


A Chance to Give


t is time to kick off our 2016 Stewardship Campaign! It is an honor to participate in this most important undertaking. We are invited in this campaign to pledge our time and talents to carry on and expand our mission of love and service in the spirit of the following scripture from 2 Corinthians: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” With this year’s packet, we are providing a tote bag gift for your personal use. Just a small token, but the image of Trinity on the tote you carry in public sends the message that we are here…join us! Enclosed with this packet are two separate forms: 1. Financial Pledge…Please prayerfully consider this giving re-

quest. If you have pledged in the past and can match or increase your pledge for 2016, thank you. If you have not previously pledged or have passed for a time, please make an effort to pledge this year. Small pledges and large pledges add together and enable us to allocate funds to existing and new ministries. With growth we can hire a Director of Youth and fund youth programs, recycle and replenish prayer books and hymnals, purchase new choir robes, increase staff salaries, fund outreach and respond to ministries the Holy Spirit has yet to unveil. 2. Time and talent…The purest form of giving is giving oneself, in love. Time and Talent Pledges are critical because love and service are delivered face to face! Your careful consideration of the opportunities described in the pledge sheet is deeply appreciated. May God richly bless you in your support for our Trinity mission.— Nimocks Haigh and Ginger Hester, co-chairs

Your pledge matters! Remember that we hope to wrap up our Every Member Canvass by November 1. Join us that day in turning in your pledge of time, talent and treasure. If you need a pledge form, visit

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Left: a recovered coin from ancient times. The story of the widow’s mite could have involved a coin just like this. The act of giving is what’s valued most in Trinity’s campaign.


The Very Messy Reality of Family

Modern Americans are desperate to make it appear like they have everything under control—right down to the ridiculously perfect stickers they put on the back of Mom’s SUV. By James D. Hogan


ou know those stick -figure decals of families you see on the backs of cars? The ones that depict Mom and Dad, their little brood of two or three kids, maybe even a bouncy-happy dog to go along? The decals are somewhat ubiquitous, and each seems to suggest some utopia of familial bliss. Inside those minivans and sport utes, one might imagine, is a family on its way somewhere—maybe soccer practice if there’s a soc-

cer sticker on the back, or yoga if one of the stick figures poses with Namaste— full of gooey love. I think the whole idea is full of baloney. Okay, okay—that might be a bit harsh. Still, it isn’t that simple. It can’t be. Family comes from the Latin word familias, which roughly means “a household full of mostly screwedup people whose lineage prevents them from successfully escaping one another.”

Like people who sign tweets #blessed, those stick-figure decals almost always invoke an eye roll. Part of me wishes they could just be more honest. Instead of that relative bliss on the back of an SUV, how about a stick-figure Dad locked in the bathroom reading magazines, a stickfigure Mom crazily attempting to remove her stickfigure toddler from a chandelier, a stick-figure Fido marking his territory on the decorative plant, and a

stick-figure teenager taking a duck-faced selfie amidst the chaos. That’s life. And further-more, why don’t they make stickfigures that more closely fit modern American families? I’m talking about stickfigures representing second (or third) husbands, or the live-in girlfriend and her third-grader, or the jobless college grad who’s staring down thirty and still living at home. My parents divorced when I was nine; my brother and I spent our childhoods shuttling back and forth on various weekends, negotiating newly blended family gatherings on the holidays, moving into new schools, and mostly trying to keep our heads above the water. I have four step-siblings, two I haven’t heard from whatsoever since my step-father died of cancer five years ago. I have an older stepsister who is about to become a grandmother. I have an aunt who is an alcoholic and an uncle who is Mormon. Imagine all that in stick-figures. We haven’t even gotten to in-laws. If you’re married, I’m sure you know. As a teenager, I spent a lot of time worrying what my friends must’ve thought about my family. (What teenager isn’t deeply embarrassed of his or her own household?) | 11

Continued from previous page...

Family comes from the Latin word familias, which roughly means “a household full of mostly screwed-up people whose lineage prevents them from successfully escaping one another.”

These days, though, I am astounded at the hilarious, joyous, maddening, frustrating, fun, insane, predictable, and lovable family I share. Yes, there are highs and lows, tears and laughter, but they’re a good bunch, and besides, what else can I do? Family gets you far. When we sit down for supper Sunday nights, there might be a new or different face at the table. No matter— family is family. Everybody’s welcome. It’s so much easier that way. Last month on his journey to America, Pope Francis took time during his address before the Unit12 | Topics October 2015

ed States Congress to hold up the family unit and extol its importance. This, he said, is important. And it is—for our society, for our children, and especially for our church. Thank goodness that in God’s eyes we’re all equal little stick figures, each of us deserving of redemption no matter how we got to the supper table. We’re all God’s children, and just like it is for me and my family, what else can we do? Family is family, every crazy, yoga-posing, selfie-stick bearing one of us. —James D. Hogan


Can-Do Drive Kicks Off

Trinity is a solid contributor to feeding our community. This fall, we’ll try to beat last year’s record—and we need your help. By Layton Getsinger


s you have seen written and spoken about frequently, Iredell Christian Ministries is constantly in need of food to support the overwhelming need in our community by those who would otherwise go hungry. While we collect food each month that is taken to ICM, we have, in recent years, used the beginning of fall to mount a major food drive. On September 13th we kicked off the 3rd Annual “Can Do” canned food drive. This is a combined effort by the Trinity Outreach Committee and Trinity Youth Group. The food drive will end on November 1st. Our parish, through your generous contributions, collected 1,920 pounds of

canned food and supplies for ICM last year, which to date stands as the largest single donation to the ministries by a non-corporate group. The youth group will conduct another food donation scavenger hunt following church on a Sunday to be announced in October. This particular event usually produces the largest chunk of the donated food that we receive. In order for us to beat last year’s record we need everyone to bring canned and dried food, paper products and cleaning supplies with you each Sunday and place in the space provided in the narthex. You can be assured that those in need of this food stand in grateful appreciation for all


September Vestry Minutes Last year, Trinity donated just shy of one ton of food—the largest contribution to ICM by a noncorporate group. that we at Trinity do to help them in their time of need. In lieu of recycling your aluminum cans at home please bring them to church with you each Sunday. The blue recycling container is in the breeze way outside the memorial garden. The proceeds from the sale of the cans are used for the Rector’s Discretionary Fund; which allows Brad to help individuals with unexpected financial emergencies. The House Calls group remains available to assist elderly or infirmed members of our congregation with issues around the home. Please call Jim Rhyne or Sarah in the Church office for help. Also please bring used stamps from your envelops for deposit in the plastic box on the credenza in the narthex. The proceeds from these stamps are used to purchase Spanish Language Sunday School literature for children in Latin America.

Vestry Overview for September 2015 Members present were Bud Martin, Nimocks Haigh, Chris Shoobridge, James Hogan, Layton Getsinger, Amy Lawton, Jerrie Greene, Carol Leach, Kim Dockery, Rob Hites, Brad Mullis, Rector; and Susan Cardwell, clerk. The meeting opened with prayer and a reading from Matthew. There was an email motion since the last meeting. James Hogan made the motion to use $500 from the All Saint’s Fund to help a parishioner with car repairs. The motion was seconded by Scott Rankin and passed. Layton Getsinger made the motion, seconded by Kim Dockery to accept the minutes from the June meeting. The motion passed.

James Hogan made the motion to accept the Preschool budget as presented and to include $100 per month for janitorial services and $50 per month for internet for the 9 month school year. Rob Hites seconded the motion. The motion passed. Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple will be here on October 4. She will want to meet with the Vestry. Nominations for a new Vestry class are due. The annual meeting is November 22, 2015. Kim Dockery reports that the Columbarium committee will meet October 5 at 9 am.


Newcomers/Evangelism There will be a newcomers gathering either October 18 or 25. More information is forthcoming.

The finances are in good shape through August. The surplus is decreasing as expected, but things are still going well. Ginger Hester has agreed to be the Every Member Canvass co-chair. The kick-off is October 4. Rector’s Report Amy Lawton reports that the Preschool is at capacity with 51 enrolled for the 2015-2016 school year.

Music and Worship New prayer books are being placed in the Nave to replace those most worn.

Adult Ed Special guest Dr. Kristie Foley will be at Adult Ed on September 27 to present some of her research from her time spent in Hungary. The Animate series is going well and sparking great discussion. Each video is stand alone.

Young Families There will be a Family Fun Night on Friday, October 2. Youth The Youth met Sunday, September 13, at 5 pm for food, fun and planning. There are activities planned approximates every two weeks. There was interest expressed in Diocesan events. Outreach The Can-Do drive kicked off on September 13. The goal is to exceed last year’s donation. There are plans to work on a Habitat House in the spring. Junior Warden Rob presented an estimate from Parker Productions for a wireless Hearing impaired augmentation system. Rob Hites made a motion, seconded by Chris Shoobridge to use $2400 from the Samaritan fund for the system and earphones. The motion passed. Senior Warden There were 55 at the Parish Supper; a great turnout. The equipment use policy needs to be reviewed and updated. The meeting closed with prayer. — Susan Cardwell, Vestry clerk | 13

Milestones Birthdays 2 Ida Gaither 3 Bud Martin 4 Cameron Furr 7 Jane Getsinger Silvea Lawton 8 Maggie Shoobridge 9 Ginger Hester Davis Payne 10 Betty Coltham 13 Kim Dockery 14 Raelynn Clark 16 Harriette Andrews 17 Abigail Efird 18 Allison Beard 20 Harry Efird Kathleen Harknett Josh Hart 21 Clay Crouch 22 Jim Rhyne 23 Trevla Haire Julian Sisk 24 Amanda Lowry Rebecca Lowry Hailee Mitchell 26 Andy Booker 27 Ginny Devine 28 Marie Hoff Judy McDowell 31 Thomas Clendenin Anne Rhyne Anniversaries 9 Rob and Lucy Hites 10 Jeff and Vicki Holland

Please send any obituaries or birth notices to for inclusion in Topics.

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Financial Update


ur year to date surplus slipped from $32,937 at July 31 to $25,330 through August. Still respectable! Plate and pledge collections remain ahead of last year's actual. Plate collections are ahead of recent history, and it is noted that pledges for August dropped behind last August. Not a panic item, but something to watch. Almost $12,000 in pledge prepayments do and did drive

our revenues in the early part of the year. We expect to see part of the revenue prepaid reverse in these months. Expenses continue to be reasonable and in line. August expenses increased due to some normal expenses which fit well into the year to date totals. All told, our financial position is healthy through August. October 4 will be a special Sunday as we enjoy a visit from Bishop

Anne. We also will kick off our 2016 Every Member Canvass. Remember that you'll receive two forms: one for financial pledges, and the other for time and talent pledges. We are praying for growth in our budget this year in the number of pledges. Please join us in making this year's Canvass a success.窶年imocks Haigh

Food For Thought: On the Road Again We are the Body of Christ. We are a community of the Resurrection. We are called to embody, as best we can, the stranger who gently and lovingly reveals the message of salvation. We are the companions on the Way. By the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist, we are formed into a community of fellow travelers who look for new and surprising ways--as well as

the traditional ways--to walk beside those who are grief-stricken and looking for healing and new life. Yes, we find plenty of need for such sharing and healing within the comfortable confines of our current precincts. But we have to be willing to hear and heed the call to move out, change directions, take risks, and venture uncertain roads for the sake of the kingdom of heaven

and to find those who think all is lost. We must look for ways to approach and travel with those who for their own reasons don't see the Body of Christ as good news for the world. The above excerpt is by North Carolina Bishop Pro-Tem Anne Hodg-Copple and was published in the Summer 2013 edition of The North Carolina Disciple. | 15

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This summer, four Trinity youth completed their pilgrimage journey to New York. Photo by Elizabeth Rankin

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