Supporters' Impact 2023

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Life-changing may be rather cliché but there is no better way to describe the impact that the Trinity Bursary Fund has had on my life.

– Daniel Ekundayo (2023)

Daniel's story

Put simply, the Trinity Bursary Fund has changed my life. Through the generosity and kindness of its supporters, I was fortunate enough to attend Trinity and have access to opportunities that otherwise would have been limited due to financial restrictions. I was involved with music, an area in which Trinity excels, and thanks to its great facilities and staff I thoroughly enjoyed my time as an instrumentalist at the school. Sport also played a huge role and I have fond memories of participating in a variety of activities ranging from rugby to long jump.

As well as presenting me with a wide array of extracurricular options, the bursary motivated me to take advantage of these opportunities whilst not taking them for granted. The knowledge that my education was being financed by someone else undoubtedly contributed to my pursuit of academic achievement throughout my Trinity career and pushed me to become heavily invested in the subjects I was studying.

On a more personal level, I would never have met some of my closest friends without the bursary and I can’t imagine life without them. Having spent nearly half of my life at the school, Trinity

has not only played a fundamental role in my development as a person but has also allowed me to be part of a tight-knit community, for which I am grateful. All of this would not have been possible without those who decide to donate, and it is only with their help that I am in such a position.

The reason Daniel was determined to attend Trinity was because his older brother, Jason, is a Trinity alumnus. What he did not know at the time was that we faced financial challenges and couldn’t afford the fees. Fulfilling Daniel’s desire to also attend Trinity was an act of faith on our part, which has paid off, and enabled him to acquire a first class education in a first class school.

It was only recently that we realised that the Trinity Bursary Fund is actually being enabled by generous individuals who have committed to helping students like our son enjoy the benefits of attending a school like Trinity without having to worry about their ability to pay. n

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Disrupting the Pattern
Daniel Ekundayo (2023)

Our thanks to you all for making our dream of giving our son the best possible education come true.

Croydon state schools vs Trinity A Level achievements

3 A Levels at AAB with 2 facilitating subjects (Russell Group entry)

State schools


93% 11%

Average percentage of AAB students 2017-22

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023


An update from


Our 2020-22 Trinity Bursary Fund recipient, Mahdeia wanted to share her post-Trinity Bursary journey with all our supporters who funded her time at school.

Our two years in Sixth Form are geared towards preparing us for university – A levels, higher education week, societies –but nothing could have prepared me for the incredible first year I had.

Cambridge is a very traditional university and, before long, I was living in a Cambridge bubble of 45 hours of academic work a week, a few societies, at least one formal [black tie dinner] a week and, when time allowed, other social activities. Something had to give and it was usually sleep.

I am studying Natural Sciences at Fitzwilliam College and they threw so many events for new students that, at first, it felt like a big summer camp.

One of my favourite memories is my matriculation dinner on my third night in Cambridge. It was my first and fanciest formal, where I wore my gown for the first time and had a traditional three-course meal with my cohort and college fellows. That was the moment I realised I had made it to Cambridge, and

I was incredibly grateful to my parents, who had helped me reach this dream. The choir sang our college grace, our master said a few words and I remember watching the candles drip as I slowly fell in love with Cambridge.

My first year was very intense; I experienced every emotion nearly every day from oddly family-like breakfasts with my flatmates to the utter chaos that was completing supervision work on time. I joined many societies and the phrase I repeated to myself constantly was "If not now, when?" If I was hesitant to try

4 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Disrupting the
That was the moment I suddenly realised I had made it to Cambridge, and at that moment I was incredibly grateful to my parents who had helped me reach this dream.

something, I tried it and came to love so many new things - even sport!

I made some of my closest friends very quickly and we are each other’s family away from home. We made our first home-cooked Christmas lunch and celebrated our first birthdays away from home. I understand now when people say university is the best time of their life, because it truly has been mine.

Looking further ahead

I am building my own life now and every day feels like a dream. I rush to morning lectures, complete my labs, rush back for a formal, and repeat the next day.

It was amazing when my Trinity friends visited me in Cambridge and I visited them at university. We shared these new exciting parts of our lives and I realised just how big the UK truly is.

'May Week' is the big finale to a Cambridge year; the colleges are beautifully decorated and the entire town comes alive after everyone has completed their exams. Summer was in full swing and my friends and I celebrated completing our first year and surviving. I attended four May Balls, lasting the whole night, and I will cherish every moment of that week for ever.

At the start of the year, my focus was on settling into Cambridge and fighting the urge to get the train home. Now, I’m itching to see what second year has in store. n

5 Trinity
Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact

Disrupting the Pattern

Mark Bishop, Headmaster 2006-16

Why I started the

Trinity Bursary

The Whitgift Foundation has consistently been exceptionally generous in providing bursaries for all three of its schools. However, as time went on, it became increasingly evident that there was a growing number of students who aspired to attend the school but came from families that could not afford the tuition fees.

Diversity is crucial, and Trinity's location in Croydon, with its diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, calls for a school that reflects and embraces its local community.

Two people played a crucial role in sparking the need for our own bursary initiative. The first was a determined single father who had worked tirelessly to support his son's education until the sixth form. Unfortunately, he had reached a point where he could no longer afford the fees. This situation served as a pivotal moment for me, highlighting the urgency of creating a bursary program to assist such students. Through fundraising efforts, we managed to support this young man through the sixth form, and he later excelled at Cambridge University.

The second case involved a talented African-Caribbean boy from a local council estate. He joined the school

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact

Bursary Fund

through a bursary and showcased his incredible singing abilities during a performance at the Royal Opera House with the Trinity Boys Choir. This event made me realise that our school was uniquely positioned to provide such extraordinary opportunities to students in need. It was apparent that very few schools, if any, could offer a similar chance to their students.

Bursaries not only benefit the recipients but also enrich the entire school community. Diversity is crucial, and Trinity's location in Croydon, with its diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, calls for a school that reflects and embraces its local community. Having students from diverse backgrounds fosters a well-rounded and inclusive education for everyone. Drawing from personal experience, I emphasise the significance of an inclusive community in providing an outstanding education.

To those who have fond memories of Trinity, if you can find it within your means to give back to the school, whether through your time, expertise,

or monetary support, you would be making an invaluable difference. Your contributions will enable future generations of boys and girls to access the remarkable education and opportunities that Trinity has to offer. Your generosity will be deeply appreciated by the school and its students alike. n

Reduction in real terms of the John Whitgift Foundation bursary contribution

7 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
REAL VALUE: £2,000,000 REAL VALUE: £1,913,787 REAL VALUE: £1,827,015 REAL VALUE: £1,710,588 REAL VALUE: £1,538,285 2018-19 2019-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 FEE: £17,448 FEE: £19,100 FEE: £20,400 FEE: £22,685 FEE: £18,234 Life
£1.4 million
time donations to the Trinity

Trinity Partner

Primary Schools

Irecently stood in the pavilion on a sunny afternoon to speak to our 16 Partner Primary Schools. There are not many places that illustrate how lucky we are at Trinity as well as the pavilion on a sunny afternoon, and so it was a fitting place to reaffirm our commitment to this initiative.

I explained how our community has been at the heart of Trinity’s mission since its founding and our commitment to our borough remains central today; something reflected in a diversity of

student body that is atypical of our sector. Our hope for our students is that they leave us achieving excellence without arrogance and as a diverse group of young people ready to be positive influences on the world. For this to be the case, they need to come from and be engaged in that wider world, and so community plays a huge part in our past, our present and our future. The TPPS, which builds upon our existing partnership with the Rowdown Foundation schools, is a major way in which we strive for that aim.

At the meeting we reflected on this year’s partnership. We engaged in over 30 different activities including concerts and an orchestral day, a special performance of Louis Sachar’s ‘Holes’, and STEM opportunities through lab experiences, computing sessions, and design tasks. The Art Department provided teacher training, ceramics and our inaugural photographic competition. History staff treated partner students to a Saxon experience and we hosted major events for our primaries as well. In sport, 50 staff received training across six different sports, schools used our pool, attended sports festivals, and were

8 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Disrupting the Pattern
Our hope for our students is that they leave us achieving excellence without arrogance and as a diverse group of young people ready to be positive influences on the world.

Bursary students from Trinity Partner Primary Schools and Rowdown Foundation schools

coached by our team. We also looked to the future of the TPPS initiative, and we have appointed Anastacia Long to ensure the programme is maximising our resources and have exciting plans to expand our offering and find tangible ways to drive social mobility through the partnership.

All this activity is designed in the hope that some of the students who visit might just find a new interest and through that, spark an aspiration for their future. By introducing them to our diverse and down-to-earth community, we hope that they understand that Trinity is a place that they would belong and where those aspirations would thrive. Our aim is to ensure that an absence of exposure to what might be is never a barrier to aspiration and, thanks to the generosity of our donors, finance need not be an impediment either. n

To find out more click here: https://www. trinitygives.

9 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
Schools TPPS Rowdown 26 8

Transforming education through bursaries:

Empowering diversity, equality and inclusion

Trinity has always been seen as an accessible independent school, one that reflects the community around it more than most. The association was so strong that for many years there was never a need to state it explicitly. We used to operate as a direct grant grammar school from 1945-68, admitting a significant number of students funded by the Local Education Authority, but we have since witnessed a radical shift in the fee landscape.

As a school community, we wholeheartedly embrace Equality, Diversity and Inclusion principles, and our programme puts accessibility at its heart. We still strive to achieve several crucial goals:

Firstly, we aim to overcome financial barriers that hinder students from lower-income families from accessing quality

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 10 Disrupting the Pattern

Household income of most bursary families is less than £40K

improve their lives and communities. By providing access to quality education, we believe students from less privileged backgrounds can realise their full potential and enhance their chances of upward social mobility. This benefits not just the students but also their families and the wider community.

Our journey towards achieving these goals has evolved over the years. Bursaries are now the primary tool for inclusion; however, rising fees have now outpaced our fundraising efforts.

While our partnerships with local state primary schools have increased accessibility and aspirations, the demand for bursaries now exceeds our available resources. Our current bursary enrolment stands at 17%, which is commendable compared with other independent schools, but we recognise that there is still much more to be done.

To address this challenge and become effective agents of change, we require support for bursary fundraising from our community, including alumni, parents and staff. Their contributions enable us to provide access to talented students with limited financial resources, while also instilling a culture of philanthropy within the Trinity community.

Through collective effort and commitment, we can empower diversity, equality and inclusion in education, making a positive and lasting impact on society as a whole. n

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

The Outstanding of our Telephone

Every two years, thirteen young alumni and recent leavers come back to Trinity, reconnecting with our community through our Telephone Campaign.

The campaign is more than just a fundraising initiative: it brings us all together. Conversations with alumni, parents, staff and friends. Discussions range from advice to our callers on entering the world of work, to guidance for parents whose children are about to embark on the exciting journey of university applications. This intergenerational exchange epitomises what Trinity is all about – support, learning, growth and good conversation.

12 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 The Power of the Many
The opportunities that Trinity has provided me with are invaluable, and one of the most rewarding aspects of being a part of the Telephone Campaign this summer is knowing that the Bursary Fund will be able to provide the same opportunities and experiences to talented students who wouldn't otherwise have the chance.

Outstanding Success

Telephone Campaign

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

Number of completed calls

Breakdown of supporters by age category: Age Number of Donations 20-24 26 (30%) 25-29 21 (24%) 30-39 13 (15%) 40-49 7 (8%) 50-59 10 (11.5%) 60-69 6 (7%) 70-85 4 (4.5%) (Can you present it as a pie with percentages not 20-24 Breakdown of supporters by age category 20-24 30% 25-29 24% 30-39 15% 40-49 8% 50-59 11.5% 60-69 7% 70-85 4.5%
611 t

The Power of the Many

Regular Giving: Securing the Future

The Telephone Campaign provides the means for our Trinity community to help disrupt the pattern of educational inequality in Croydon. Supporting the Trinity Bursary Fund with a recurring gift, which ensures sustained funding for student bursaries, is a very real way of paying opportunity forward. Regular gifts provide longer term financial income, giving our bursary students a sense of security for academic and personal growth. We have to make sure we can support the full term of a bursary when we make that commitment to a student and their family at the start of their Trinity journey. The success of the campaign has translated into a concrete foundation for future bursaries.

Total hours spent on calls


14 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
Being a caller for the Trinity Bursary Fund Telephone Campaign gave me the opportunity to reconnect with Trinity and its alumni. I received amazing advice from the Trinity community about my own career path while raising money for an incredibly important cause.
- Ellie Fisher (2021) (Pictured top left)

Amount raised £120K

Your Extraordinary Support

In a period of high inflation and pressures on all households, it is amazing to see the level of commitment from our Trinity community. Everyone is feeling the squeeze financially, but our supporters acknowledged, time and again, that it is so much more acute for families on low income. With rising fees, donations and central bursary funding no longer go as far as they did even a year ago. To have secured four-year funding of £120,000 is truly wonderful. On behalf of our students who only study at Trinity because of your generosity, a sincere and heartfelt thank you.

and donations!

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
I was delighted to return to the Trinity Bursary Fund Telephone Campaign for a second year. It is so important to all of us at Trinity to maintain an inclusive and diverse community. Thank you to everyone for their enjoyable conversations
- Isabelle Lambert (2020)
(Pictured bottom right)

The Power of the Many


Mr Edward Baines

Mr Lewis Brito-Babapulle

Mr Keri-Luke Campbell

Mr Simon Drage

Mr Edmund Drage

Mr Luke Ellis

Mr Simon Harrington

Mr Simon Holland

Mr Duncan Johnston

Mr Kamau Lyon

Mr Takeshi Shiomitsu

Trinity Alumni


Mr Christopher Great & Mrs Yvonne Great

Mr Benjamin Hamlin

Sir Duncan Ouseley & Mrs Suzannah Ouseley

Mr Alastair Seaton

Mr Peter Watts & Mrs Sara Watts


Mr Stewart Black

Mr Nicholas Butler

Mr Philip Harris

Mr John Hollis


Mr Ian Barnett

Mr Mark Fleming & Mrs Tanera Fleming

Mr Sudeep Ganguli & Mrs Dipa Ganguli

Dr Antony Gent

Mr Mark Helyar

Mr Ajay Khandelwal

Mr Patrick Norman

Mr Paul Petty & Mrs Rebecca Petty

Mr Pedro Romano

Mr Timothy Walsh


Mr Simon Aarons

Mr Christopher Brown & Mrs Joanne Brown

Mr Jayantha Jeyanandhan

Mr Richard Kolarik

Mr Kiran Mohabir

Mr Richard Moyle

Major Jonathan Riches & Mrs Alisha Riches

Mr Edward Turner

Mr Thomas Wells

Mr William Coma


Mr Qasim Akhtar

Mr Kehinde Alli

Mr James Ananthakumar

Ms Maranatha Baiden

Mr Sebastian Bromberg

Ms Emilie Clark

Mr Christopher Cooksley

Mr Harry Cookson

Mr Maclaren Crawford

Mr Harry Donovan

Mr Alexander Dugan

Mr Jason Ekundayo

Ms Ajai Freeman-Lampard

Mr Andreas Georgiou

Mr Jack Grainge

Mr Tayyab Hasan

Mr Samuel Honywood

Mr Oscar Howell

Ms Shirley Ibegbulam

Mr Oliver Jordan

Mr Anish Joshi

Ms Eleanor Lewis

Mr Thomas Lewis

Ms Hannah Mahmood

Mr Zuriel Makele

Mr Mohammed Malik

Mr Michael McConnell

Mr Paul Morgan

Ms Kristen Nielsen

Ms Jessica O'Sullivan

Mr Christos Patakas

Ms Priya Patel

Ms Riana Patel

Ms Nayna Patel

Mr Matthew Raven

Mr William Roberts

Mr Benedict Ruiz

Mr James Sanders

Mr Adarsh Shah

Mr Matthew Shillabeer

Ms Katarina Simic

Mr Yunus Skeete

Mr Nathan Stephenson

Mr Alexander Thompson

Mr Thomas VanCooten

Mr Frederick Wilson

Ms Lucy Wingrove

Ms Sophie Winter

Mr Benjamin Woodrow

Trinity Parents

Mr Philip Anker & Mrs Elizabeth Anker

Mrs Vaitha Arunan

Mr Nicholas Bedford

Mrs Helle Burke

Mrs Gemma Carver & Mr Josh Carver

Mrs Anita Cavell & Mr Martin Cavell

Mr Andrew Chilvers & Mrs Beata Franz

Mr Nigel Collins & Mrs Gail Collins

Mrs Rebecca Crowley

Mrs Christiana Remi Daly & Mr Raymond Daly

Dr Buvana Dwarakanathan & Dr Ravi Srinivasan

Mrs Tammy Etherington

Mrs Alice Farrell & Mr John Farrell

Mr James Fawcett

Mrs Edna Fernandes & Mr Andrew Atkinson

16 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
. Telephone Campaign supporters 2022-23 147 Obieze Akubueze (2022) Trinity Bursary Recipient
has given me so many opportunities. I would not be the man I am today without their support

Benjamin Stratford (2022) Trinity Bursary Recipient

Ms Elke Fidler & Mr Harish Khandke

Mrs Lindsay Galbraith

Mr Swaroop George

Mrs Anna Harriman

Mrs Hazel Haycocks

Dr Sherene Hilsley & Mr Richard Hilsley

Mrs Marisa Holland & Mr Giles Holland

Mr Matthew Hooton & Mrs Sophie Hooton

Dr Mehjabeen Hussain & Mr Imtiaz Hussain

Dr Fuad Hussain & Dr Shahnaz Hussain

Mrs Anna John

Mr Harmony Kwawu & Ms Xia Chen

Mrs Kiran Lad

Mrs Maria Lambert-Carter & Mr Jason Carter

Mr Noel Lucas & Mrs Sylvia Lucas

Mrs Ingrid Macpherson & Mr Jamie Macpherson

Dr Suzanne Morris

Mr Gamal Moutchia & Mrs Sally Moutchia

Mr Nitin Paranjape & Dr Ruchira Paranjape

Mrs Elizabeth Passman & Professor Michael Passman

Mr Dionysios Patakas & Mrs Vicky Papadopoulou Patakas

Mr Asif Patel & Mrs Shirin Patel

Mrs Alka Patel & Dr Sandip Patel

Mr Edward Payne

Mrs Carla Pryce & Mr Richard Pryce

Ms Lisa Rajan & Mr Ben Terrett

Mrs Julie Rowland & Mr Ian Rowland New

Mrs Ruth Salama & Mr Nabil Salama

Mrs Sarah Sheppard

Mr Barnaby Southcombe & Mrs Chione Southcombe

Mrs Ivy Teoh-Feasey

Ms Agnes Tse

Mrs Livia Valente & Mr Alvaro Martins

Ms Samantha Warner

Mr Damian Wisniewski & Mrs Debbie Wisniewski

Mrs Samantha Woodland-Swiatkiewicz

Mr Paul Woodward & Mrs Stacey Woodward

Ms Tessa Wordsworth & Mr Dan Boyde

Mrs Yumna Zain & Mr Lee Wilson

Mrs Lin Joshi

Common Room


Mr Lewis Brito-Babapulle

Mr Philip Harris


Mr William Coma

Ms Agnes Tse


Mr Asif Patel & Mrs Shirin Patel

Corporate Sponsors

JAR Site Solutions

The Trinity Club

Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
from the Telephone Campaign 99
Trinity gave me more opportunities and amazing experiences than I can count.

Geoff Wilsher’s Legacy: Creating educational opportunities

Class of 1959 and stalwart of the Trinity Club, Geoff Wilsher, has left an enduring impression on Trinity’s community. Geoff experienced Trinity during a time when it was a direct grant grammar school, providing education to students regardless of their families’ financial means. Today, with changes in funding, the number of students benefiting from such opportunities has decreased.

Geoff recognised the value of his own education and decided to pay it

forward by leaving a bequest to Trinity School. His generous act ensures that talented students from Croydon, excluded solely by their financial situation, can still access the exceptional education offered by Trinity. Legacy gifts like Geoff’s play a vital role in sustaining and expanding educational opportunities. They enable Trinity to provide bursaries to students who possess immense potential but lack the financial means to attend the school.

If you feel inspired to follow in Geoff’s

Pay it Forward 18 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
We are committed to maintaining an inclusive school community where every student feels valued and supported, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, religion, or socioeconomic background. We can only do that with your help.

educational for all

footsteps and make a lasting impact on the Trinity Bursary Fund, there are various ways to do so. Professionals such as estate planners or lawyers specialising in legacy giving can guide you through the process. You would be contributing to the success of students who rely on the bursary fund, ensuring that their potential is fulfilled.

Geoff has extended his passion for Trinity beyond his lifetime and has paved the way for future generations to thrive. His story invites us all to consider the impact we can have on the lives of others and the opportunities we can create through our own legacies. By pledging a legacy to the Trinity Bursary Fund, you can continue to pay forward the generosity you may have received, ensuring that education remains accessible and inclusive for those who need it most. n

I leave a gift to The Bursary Fund of Trinity School, in acknowledgement of the benefits of my years at Trinity School from 1952 to 1959.

Geoff Wilsher (1959)0) (Pictured above)

Why not join our Mitre Society and pledge to change your will to include the Trinity Bursary Fund? legacy-pledges

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 19

lunch Society Mitre

On Wednesday 3 May, the annual Mitre Society lunch was held at The Savile Club, a private members’ club in Mayfair. The event was attended by Trinity School’s alumni and friends who have generously committed to leaving a gift to the school in their wills. Mitre Society membership automatically includes our benefactors, allowing us to express gratitude and celebrate their relationship with the school while they are still alive.

Headmaster Alasdair Kennedy and Director of Development Jason Court also attended the lunch and thanked the guests for their generosity. Trinity is immensely grateful to all those who have chosen to remember the school in their wills, whether it is through a contribution to the Trinity Bursary Fund or for other essential requirements, as these contributions make a meaningful and lasting impact on future generations of students. We depend on the generosity and support of our alumni, parents and friends to help us meet our most pressing needs. n

The Power of the Many 20
Impact 2023
Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’
Pay it Forward

The Mitre Society

Mr Keith Bedell-Pearce & Mrs Jeanne Bedell-Pearce

Mr Robert Beere & Mrs Patricia Beere

Colonel Michael Bennett

Mr Alan Brown

Mr John Bruce & Mrs Jackie Bruce

Mr Paul Cleal & Mrs Suzanne Cleal

Mr Roger Cousins

Air Commodore John De’Ath* & Ms Sonia Brough

Mr Trevor Dighton & Mrs Jo Dighton

Mr David Edwards

Mr Jeremy Fern

Mr Ian Fletcher

Mr David Foster

Mr Christopher Goscomb

Professor Christopher Grey & Mrs Nathalie Grey

Mr Michael Hodson

Mr Marc Houghton & Ms Gwyn Floyd

Mr Paul Huish & Mrs Carol Huish

Mr Timothy Illston

Mr Alistair Johnston & Ms Christina Nijman

Mr Justin Lees & Mrs Linda Lees

Mrs Monica MacEvoy

Mr Michael Macey* & Mrs Anna Macey

Mr Ian Marchant & Mrs Elizabeth Marchant

Sir Stuart Matthews

Mr Colin Nash

Mr Michael Pougher

Dr Brian Price* & Mrs Pamela Price

Sir David Ratford

Mr David Seymour & Mrs Elisabeth Seymour

Mr Michael Shallcross & Mrs Clare Shallcross

Mr Michael Smith & Mrs Jane Smith

Mr Blair Southerden

Mr John Starling*

Mr Brian Stocker* & Mrs Muriel Stocker

Professor Michael Tite & Mrs Virginia Tite

Mr Alan Tomsett

Mr Geoffrey Wilsher* & Mrs Judith Wilsher

Mr Robin Wilson & Mrs Caroline Wilson

Mr David Wright

(* deceased)

If you are interested in learning more about how you can remember Trinity in your will, please contact Jason at or go to

21 Trinity Bursary Fund
Supporters’ Impact 2023

Voices of the Mitre Society: What Trinity meant to us and why we support the legacy programme

Alistair Johnston, Class of 1970

There are huge and diverse demands on philanthropy in these difficult times, but nothing is more gratifying than financing a deserving student’s education through Trinity, especially when that student fully uses the great opportunities provided to excel and achieve fine results across the whole of their school activities from their academic studies to their sporting and musical endeavours. It is wonderful and heartwarming to see the specific difference the lifetime gift has made and that has encouraged us to support the legacy programme as well.

Chris Goscomb, Class of 1970

Learning Modern Languages at Trinity was immensely helpful in my subsequent career as a Chartered Accountant, when I worked with and in international businesses. It is exciting that the school’s current and future pupils can be provided with similar opportunities that will be valued by those individuals in the same way.

Michael Hodson, Class of 1978

My brothers and I are truly grateful for the education we received at Trinity. Our time there gave us the knowledge and life skills from which to launch successful careers in a variety of fields. I am pleased to support the Trinity Bursary Fund through a legacy pledge, which will help to enable students from diverse backgrounds to benefit from the excellent teaching and facilities provided by the school. I believe it is important for educational institutions to maintain strong links with their local communities, and I would encourage others who have benefitted from their experiences at Trinity to give what they can to this worthwhile cause.

22 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Pay it Forward

Blair Southerden, Class of 1966

I regret that politics caused the creation of the current independent educational sector and the withdrawal of local authority scholarships. These would provide important opportunities to students who would benefit from education beyond that offered by most comprehensive schools.

My child is financially secure and I have no grandchildren, so I see a bequest to the bursary fund as my way of giving back for something from which I materially benefitted.

Chris Grey, Class of 1983

David Foster, Class of 1967

My parents brought me up to believe that there's good and bad in all, and that people should be judged on their personality and character, not by their background or economic situation. Trinity has changed beyond recognition in the years since I left and seems, at least to me, to offer a supportive environment and a huge range of opportunities to a mix of young people with varied interests and abilities. As such, it has the potential to change young lives for the better and to promote understanding and harmony between people from very different backgrounds.

Mike Pougher, Class of 1958

I was one of the last people lucky enough to go to Trinity in the 1970s under the old ‘11+’ scheme. That scheme had many flaws, of course, but it did mean that my parents didn’t have to pay fees – and they couldn’t have afforded to, so without that scheme I wouldn’t have gone. It is as simple as that. So I have left a substantial legacy in my will to help the Trinity Bursary Scheme to enable future pupils in a situation similar to mine to have the quality education I received, from which I gained so much.

Alan Brown, Class of 1969

At Trinity, I was given the opportunity to reach my full potential because my individual needs were catered for. Our family circumstances would not have allowed me to take up a place at Trinity, but being awarded a music scholarship made everything possible. Through a legacy in my will, I am able to give something back so that someone else can benefit from similar facilities and opportunities and reach their full potential.

As I see it, there is great value in drawing young people from a diverse range of backgrounds and giving them the chance to learn together under the guidance of excellent teachers with first class facilities – the Trinity Bursary Fund makes that possible. For Trinity School to be able to encompass the diverse nature of the local community, while being a real part of that community, must surely benefit everybody.

Michael Shallcross, Class of 1975

With educational outcomes appearing to diverge ever more widely, it is crucial that those who have benefited from a first class secondary education, whether in the state or independent sector, invest in the life chances of subsequent generations. The Trinity Bursary Fund provides an opportunity to assist children from a wide range of backgrounds who would not normally have access to the first class educational environment Trinity School offers.

23 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

Agents of Change

Global givers: stories from our US community

Ichose to support the Trinity Bursary Fund because, truthfully, I was never meant to get into the school! I arrived at the ripe old age of 16, unable to afford the school fees myself, and pleaded with the receptionist to let me speak to the school board two weeks before the academic year began! But the Headmaster at the time, Mark Bishop, gave me a chance and I want other less-fortunate kids like me to have the chance to change their lives the way Trinity changed mine.

What the school gave me is too plentiful to include here. I would, however, like to highlight two outcomes. The first is that the school inspired me to believe I could be someone great and have an impact on the world. Yes, the school has amazing educational standards, but one of its invaluable differentiators is that they help students develop the mindset that they can do or try anything and be successful at it – that's a trait I've carried through my career and life. The second is the impact of the make-up of the school community. Trinity works hard to convince the brightest minds and the most talented staff to be there. When you're surrounded by kids that want to succeed and teachers that want to enable that, it makes a massive difference.

Our young supporters Ejaaz and Bridget tell us what the Trinity Bursary Fund means to them.

Iwould not be where I am today without the support of my classmates and teachers. Trinity challenged my views, raised my expectations, and transformed the role I play in the community.

Five years into my career, I already see the impact of my education and I want to ensure that others have the same opportunity. I support the bursary fund to ensure that there is an environment where inclusion and creativity is prioritised in an increasingly stratified world.

Facilitative tax-effective donations to the Trinity Bursary Fund for US-based alumni

The British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) is a US-based charity that facilitates taxeffective donations to the Trinity Bursary Fund. Founded in 1926, the BSUF fosters educational ties between the US and UK, enabling Trinity alumni who live or work in the US to support students in British academic institutions in a tax-deductible manner. BSUF provides various avenues for US-based alumni to make contributions to the Trinity Bursary Fund:

One-time donations: Alumni can make a single lump-sum donation to the Trinity Bursary Fund through BSUF. Recurring donations: Setting up a recurring donation is an effective way to make a sustained impact on the Trinity Bursary Fund. Donors can choose to give monthly, quarterly or annually. Matching gifts: Many companies in the US offer a matching gift program to their employees, doubling or even tripling the value of individual donations. US-based BSUF alumni are encouraged to check if their employers provide such matching opportunities, further leveraging their support for the Trinity Bursary Fund.

To donate, visit BSUF's website, specify Trinity Bursary Fund and receive tax receipts. BSUF's role is vital in facilitating tax-efficient donations for Trinity alumni in the US, leaving a lasting impact on students' lives. Through BSUF, alumni uphold their commitment to education and transformation.

Donate at:

Bridget Holmes (2013)
Trinity saw something in me before I saw it in myself.

Agents of Change

Last September, our Trinity Bursary Fund supporters gathered at the Old Bailey for an unforgettable reception. With guests from our community of alumni, parents, staff and friends, the annual reception was the school’s chance to thank them for their ongoing support. The fund allows Trinity to offer places to students from Croydon who have the talent and ability, but not the financial means, to attend our school.

The invitation to this remarkable venue was extended

to introduce himself and the Alumni and Development team. He discussed his plans to grow the Trinity Bursary Fund and the increasing number of students it supports. Above all, it was his chance to thank our supporters personally for the real change they make as donors.

Dr Laurence Pallant

Our keynote speaker was former head boy, Dr Laurence Pallant, a bursary recipient at Trinity (2005-12) and ardent supporter of the Trinity Bursary Fund. Despite

having just finished a night shift in the West Country, Dr Pallant, a specialist in paediatric medicine, made the journey to central London to deliver a passionate speech in which he emphasised the ongoing need for bursaries.

As Dr Pallant reminded guests, the cost of tuition fees and associated expenses is one of the major obstacles to accessing a first-class education. This particularly affects families on lower incomes or with multiple dependants. Means-tested bursaries allow Trinity to maintain

Trinity hosts supporters' reception at

by Adam Rout, one of our Trinity parents, who gave an engaging talk on the rich history of the building. His encyclopaedic knowledge of the notorious criminals who have felt the long arm of the law in its courtsincluding figures such as Dr Crippen, William Joyce ('Lord Haw-Haw'), John Christie, the Krays and Peter Sutcliffe ('the Yorkshire Ripper') - captivated the audience.

The evening also provided an opportunity for Jason Court, the new Director of Development,

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

supporters' at the Old Bailey

a more diverse student population that brings together individuals from different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. This diversity enhances our community by fostering a culture of inclusivity and openness. The exposure to varying perspectives and experiences also prepares all our students for success in an interconnected world.

Trinity Ambassadors

Throughout the evening, Trinity Bursary Fund Ambassadors, drawn from recent bursary

recipients and callers from the 2021 Telephone Fundraising Campaign, mixed with the guests. They shared their personal stories of what a bursary has meant to them. It was their chance to thank our supporters and show the real-life impact of their generosity.

We can all be Agents of Change and level the playing field by offering financial support to talented students from lower-income families, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. n

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

A heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful supporters of the Trinity Bursary Fund. Without your generosity and commitment we cannot make a brighter future for talented students in Croydon. You can join us by visiting or by reaching out to Jason Court, the Director of Development.


House of Lords

We were delighted when Temi Ladega (Class of 2010), donated a prize he had received from the Amos Bursary, which is a charity that works to ensure talented young people of African and Caribbean descent can excel in education and beyond. The prize was for two of our Trinity Bursary Fund students to enjoy a breakfast meeting with Lord Dr Michael Hastings CBE at the House of Lords.

Lord Hastings made the students feel at ease straight away, laughing and joking with them as he gave them a tour of the House of Lords. Daniel and Sam actively engaged with Lord Hastings, asking questions and discussing politics, environmental issues and current affairs.

The students were also given the opportunity to meet with OldWhitgiftian Lord Graham Tope CBE, thanks to Mrs Donna Lewis, our Alumni Relations Manager. Lord Tope was especially interested to hear about the transformational opportunities of a Trinity bursary.

What did the students take from meeting Lord Hastings and Lord Tope? That these two gentlemen are both ordinary individuals who have great vision for the education of our young people and are using their privileged positions to continue doing extraordinary things for their communities. n

28 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Agents of Change

Lords Visit

I am so grateful for the wonderful trip and feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet two inspirational people, Lord Hastings and Lord Tope. I learned so much and gained a new perspective on the world. I hope we can have another trip like this.

I had a great time and found that I really got to view politics and, more generally, life from a wiser and broader perspective thanks to Lord Hastings and Lord Tope. I also really enjoyed being in the extraordinary environment of the House of Lords. I would like to thank Mr Ladega for kindly allowing me to take advantage of a really cool opportunity.

In the corporate world, a sense of belonging has a major impact on both performance and retention. For young people, this is even more important: feeling confident in the spaces you occupy, particularly during your education, places you in the best position to learn academically and express yourself eloquently. It also allows us collectively to build the type of community we can all be proud of – one that wider society can seek to emulate.

I so enjoyed the time with these wonderful people – two great leaders of the now and the future – who were full of fun and intrigue, seeking and finding answers. I enjoyed showing them around and, I hope, provided some insights on the history of this great building, our constitution and the legal structure of this country.

Trinity played a huge role in allowing me to have this sense of belonging and, through the Trinity Bursary Fund, students who are deserving but of limited financial means can also benefit from the community and strong network of future leaders that have been educated at the school.

29 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

Total amount raised was over in 2022-23 £400K

Thank you to our donors

Trinity Alumni


Mr Alan Tomsett


Mr David Candy

Mr Anthony Harrow

Mr David Jackman

Mr Colin Nash

Mr David Picksley

Sir David Ratford

Professor Michael Tite & Mrs Virginia Tite

Mr John Winn & Mrs Lorainne Winn


Mr Robert Beere & Mrs Patricia Beere

Mr John Brooking

Mr Roger Cousins

Mr Paul Cuthbert & Mrs Jennie Cuthbert

Mr Richard Dargan & Mrs Hiliary Dargan

Mr Trevor Dighton & Mrs Jo Dighton

Mr David Foster

Mr Dudley Mead & Cllr Margaret Mead

Mr Michael Phillips

Mr Michael Pougher

Mr David Seymour & Mrs Elisabeth Seymour

Mr Michael Smith & Mrs Jane Smith

Mr Stuart Southerden

Mr Keith Stalker

Mr Peter Taylor

Mr Richard Tyler

Mr David Walter

Mr Philip Warn


Mr Ian Brough

Mr Timothy Collyer

Dr Bryan Deane

Mr James Hammond

Mr Michael Hodson

Mr Andrew Holton

Mr Niall Humphreys

Dr John Keeling & Mrs Catherine Keeling

Mr Laurie King

Mr Ian Marchant & Mrs Elizabeth


Mr Neil Raishbrook & Mrs Elizabeth


Mr Michael Shallcross & Mrs Clare


Mr Steven Sheterline

Mr Christopher Whiting

Mr Nicholas Woodman & Mrs Jane



Mr Jason Court

Mr Georgios Georghiou

Mr William Grove

Mr Philip Hawkins

The majority of Trinity Bursary Fund awards are over 90 %

Mr Michael Leonard

Mr Richard Mander

Mr Andrew Marshall

Mr Vijay Patel

Mr Patrick Price

Mr Andrew Reeves

Mr Timothy Stedman

Mr Daniel Talmage

Mr Andrew Thomas

Mr Hugo Were

Mr Andrew Widger

Mr Philip Willis & Mrs Jennie Willis

Mr Geoffrey Woodhouse

Mr Keith Yeates

Mr Nithaar Zain


Lord Gavin Barwell & Lady Karen


Mr James Boxall

Mr Thomas Geoghegan

Mr Paul Jackson

Mr Nicholas Karelis & Mrs Karina Karelis

Dr Mark Lloyd

Dr Barry MacEvoy

Mr Matthew Main

Mr Raj Morjaria

Mr Samuel Morley & Mrs Helen Morley

Mr Robert O'Donoghue

Dr Navin Peiris & Dr Yasasthrie


Mr Benedict Poynter

Mr Graham Preedy

Mr Darren Roiser

Mr John Taylor

Mr Andrew Wickes

Mr Roy Wood & Mrs Kathryn Wood

Mr Elliott Young

30 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Agents of Change


Mr James Bell

Mr Sai-Cheong Chan

Mr Simon Cole

Mr David Horsman

Mr Arun Iyer

Mr Christopher Lewis & Mrs Cheryl Lewis

Mr Raoul Neumann

Mr Michael Payne

Captain Adam Ravenscroft

Mr Si Wang


Mr Ejaaz Ahamadeen

Mr Frederick Benedict

Mr Fraser Bernstein

Mr Faizan Chaudhrey

Mr Alexander Cutbill

Mr Constantinos Georgiou

Mr Matthew Gray

Ms Sarah Hickmott

Ms Bridget Holmes

Mr Temi Ladega

Mr Oscar Lally

Mr Joshua Meyer

Mr Moammar Nayeck

Mr Christopher O'Brien

Mr Mahomed Ridhwan Omar

Mr Timi Otudeko

Dr Laurence Pallant & Mrs Marjay Pallant

Mr Nicholas Ramdas

Mr Jacob Regan

Ms Anna Russell

Mr Keval Shah

Mr Luke Smithson

Mr Shiyamalan Sunthar

Mr Euan Tilley

Ms Isobel Warner

Trinity Parents

Mrs Jennifer Aarons & Mr Matthew Hughes

Reverend John Adams & Dr Emily Adams

Mrs Nana Adu-Kwapong & Mr Charis Adu-Kwapong

Mr Vikram Agrawal & Mrs Nishtha Gupta

Mr Julius Aitken & Mrs Wendy Aitken

Dr Olayinka Ajayi-Obe & Dr Folashade Ajayi-Obe

Mr Mubashir Akhtar & Mrs Sehr Akhtar

Dr Adenike Akinmolayan & Mr Oluwole Akinmolayan

Mrs Abena Akohene & Mr Graham Voller

Mr James Albert & Mrs Beatrice Albert

Mr Pavel Gabriel Albu & Mrs Veronica Bobeico

Mr Anthony Albuquerque & Mrs Wendy Albuquerque

Mr Richard Alfred & Mrs Rebecca Alfred

Mr Mahamed Ali & Dr Ayesa Alam

Mr Tim Allen & Ms Sharmina Karim

Mr Rohan Alleyne

Mrs Elizabeth Arnold & Mr Marc Arnold

Mr Rohan Arthanayake & Mrs Rachitha Dahanayake

Mrs Buki Asanbe

Mrs Atinuke Bankole & Mr Olugbenga Bankole

Mr Ian Banwell & Mrs Kathryn Banwell

Mr Ralph Barlow

Dr Cheryl Battersby & Mr John Battersby

Mrs Sarah Beeraje & Mr Jason Beeraje

Mrs Abby Bennett & Mr Neil Bennett

Mr Mark Bennett & Mrs Jean Bennett

Dr Amy Bergs

Mrs Elizabeth Beroud & Mr Olivier Beroud

Mr Nicholas Besley & Ms Sana Khareghani

Mr James Beveridge & Mrs Helen Beveridge

Mr Budha Bhattacharya & Mrs Claudia Bhattacharya

Mrs Marcia Boakye-Keating & Mr John Barry Keating

Mrs Claire Bond & Mr Evan Bond

Mrs Philippa Bradburn & Mr Mike Bradburn

Ms Barbara Bradescu & Mr John Bradescu

Mr Christopher Braganza & Mrs Catherine Braganza

Mrs Sasha Brendon & Mr Oliver Brendon

Mr Alexander Brown & Mrs Jemma Brown

Mrs Caroline Burn & Mr David Burn

Mr Peter Burt & Mrs Natasha Burt

Mr Jahanzeb Butt & Mrs Nudrat Butt

Mr Ian Campbell & Miss Denise Skehan

Mrs Sarah Cassidy & Nick Cassidy

Ms Francesca Catling

Mr Serkan Cetin & Ms Ilke Durmay

Four Trinity Bursary Fund awards are over 100 %

Mr Prasad Chaganti & Mrs Priya Namjoshi

Dr Geeta Chari

Miss Tracy Chery-Nicolls

Mr Andrew Clark & Mrs Claire Clark

Mr Simon Clubbs & Mrs Kate Clubbs

Mr Mark Collier & Mrs Vanessa Collier

Mrs Maja Connaghton & Mr Mike Connaghton

Mr Paul Conrathe & Mrs Jillian Conrathe

Mrs Suzanne Cookson & Mr Rodney Cookson

Mr Robert Copsey & Mrs Natalie Copsey

Mrs Emma Cormack & Mr James Cormack

Mrs Rebecca Coyne & Mr Paul Coyne

Mrs Alexandra Crawford & Mr William Crawford

Mr Nick Cribbens & Mrs Vicky Cribbens

Mr Andrew Cullinane & Ms Shofia Suliman

Mr David Dadds

Mrs Roshani Dammalage & Mr Chaminda Weerasinghe

Mr Simon David & Mrs Richelle David

Mr Ben Davidson & Ms Catherine Beaney

Mr George Day

Mr Dilip De Silva & Mrs Rupa Patel

Mr Ioannis Dekas & Mrs Cheray Dekas

Mrs Emma Dickinson & Mr Carl Dickinson

Dr Michael Doble & Mrs Hong Xia Zhao

Mrs Kiran Dower & Mr Raju Dower

Mrs Kerry Driscoll & Mr Mark Driscoll

Dr Satish Durgam & Mrs Thatankini Durgam

Mr Geoff Dyer & Ms Angelica Moreyra

Mr Peter Edwards

Mr Darren Ellis & Mrs Samantha Ellis

Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023

Agents of Change

Mr Paul Exall

Mrs Annie Fairley & Mr Don Fairley

Mr Xin Fan & Ms Shengyu Jin

Dr Emer Fitzpatrick & Mr Martin Fitzpatrick

Mr Jeffrey Flanagan

Mrs Rachel Fletcher & Mr Michael Fletcher

Mrs Gemma Fradin & Mr Timothy Fradin

Mr Geoffrey Galbraith & Mrs Lindsay Galbraith

Mr Jun Gao & Mrs Cuihua Fu

Ms Jennifer Genevieve & Mr Ross Watson

Mrs Fay Georgiou

Mrs Anna Gibbs

Mrs Karen Gilbert & Mr Andrew Gilbert

Mr Luca Giraudo & Ms Vinnie Shergill

Ms Christina Goncalves

Mrs Patricia Gorak-Stolinska & Mr Michael Stolinski

Mr Stephen Grainge & Mrs Sarah Grainge

Dr Jonathan Grannell & Dr Martha Perisoglou

Mrs Rachel Gregory & Mr Nigel Gregory

Mr Wade Grissom & Mrs Philippa Edwards

Mr Faisal Hameed & Mrs Shahina


Mr Lindsay Hardcastle & Mrs Sameea Hardcastle

Mr Ian Harley

Mrs Elkie Harris & Mr Daniel Harris

Professor Bu'Hussain Hayee & Dr Vivienne Sayer

Mr Xin He & Mrs Mingying Zhou

Mr Richard Headland

Mrs Rebecca Horgan & Mr Shane Horgan

Mr Kayne Howes & Mrs Samira Howes

Mr Thomas Hull & Ms Ruth Rogers

Mr Chei Hung & Ms Kate Senior

Mr Faizan Husain & Mrs Sabeena Mehdi

Mrs Sophie Isaac

Mr Paul Jackson & Mrs Caroline Jackson

Ms Kate Jaggar & Mr Simon Virley

Mr Ravi Jain & Mrs Rupal Gala

Mr Mohit Jain & Mrs Baishakhi Jain

Mrs Siyamala Jeganmohan & Mr Jeganmohan Jegatheesan

Mr Peter Johnson & Ms Amanda Pitt

Mr Babatunji Joseph & Mrs Oladoyin Joseph

Mr Chaitanya Joshi & Mrs Poornima Joshi

Mrs Meera Kalaichelvan & Dr Krishnamoorthy Kalaichelvan

Mr Nilesh Kale & Mrs Rajashree Kale

Mrs Angeliki Kallionizi-Sevastakis & Mr Christos Sevastakis

Mr Zoher Kanchwala & Mrs Najma Kanchwala

Mr Satheeskumar Kandasamy & Mrs Nithiya Satheeskumar

Mrs Swati Kasera & Mr Amit Kasera

Mr Muzaffer Kayacan & Ms Karen Diamond

Dr Azra Kazmi & Mr Anser Rizvi

Mr Chris Keable & Mrs Karen Keable

Dr Christopher Keers & Dr Sophie Keers

Mrs Nahrein Kemp & Mr Julian Kemp

Mr Alasdair Kennedy & Mrs Ruth Kennedy

Mrs Katie Kessler & Mr Ed Kessler

Mr Scott Keyser

Mr Mohammad Khan & Mrs Shazia Khan

Mrs Miranda King

Mr Anwer Kirmani

Mr Nicholas Knight-Evans

Mr Alexandar Lalic & Mrs Maria Lalic

Ms Rhian Lally

Mr Robert Lamb & Mrs Alice Lamb

Mr Samuel Lamptey & Mrs Lady Frances Lamptey

Mr Benoit Lanaspre & Dr Effie Lanaspre

Dr Fiyaz Lebbe & Mrs Hafsah Hassan

Mr Tom Lees & Mrs Katy Lees

Mr Chun Man Li & Mrs Wai Yee Chan

Mr Mikhail Liluashvili & Ms Maria Savostyanova

Mr George Lin & Ms Debbie Ching-Ya Peng

Mr Nicholas Lipczynski &

Ms Lesley Lipczynski

Mrs Annelisa MacDonald & Mr Neil MacDonald

Mrs Deirdre Mahon & Mr Simon Strevens

Mrs Kavita Malhotra & Mr Raman Malhotra

Mr Wai Sing Man & Ms Ho Yan Lau

Mrs Pushpalatha Mara & Mr Arunreddy Mara

Mr Chris Martin & Mrs Debbie Martin

Mrs Emma Matebalavu & Mr Ese Matebalavu

Mr Rohit Mathur & Mrs Kanika Mathur

Mr Michael Matta & Mrs Sara Botros

Ms Corinne McCarthy & Mr Damian McCarthy

Mrs Sarah McLeish & Mr David McLeish

Mr Manit Mehra & Mrs Shruti Kapur

Mrs Charlie Miller

Mr Paul Minton & Mrs Julia Minton

Mr Abdul Aziz Mir & Dr Enaya Mirza

Mr Rohit Mirchandani & Mrs Shefali Chellani

Mr Edward Missin & Mrs Anna Missin

Mr Olu Morgan & Mrs Wendy Morgan

Mr Jerome Mosnier

Mr Ashok Mudunuru & Mrs Vasavi Nadimpalli

Mrs Gayathiri Nadarajah & Mr Janakan Nadarajah

Mr Sebastian Nai & Mrs Wei Li

Mrs Pirathiga Nakanathan & Mr Sundaramoorthy Nakanathan

Prof Peter Nixon & Dr Hanadi Hassan-Nixon

Mrs Bola Ogunnaike & Mr Tokunbo Ogunnaike

Mrs Vivian Omonbude & Dr Ekpen Omonbude

Mr Abey Onalaja

Mrs Stella Oppong & Mr Matthew Oppong

Mr Francis Orioha & Mrs Naomi Orioha

Mrs Mythili Orton & Dr Matthew Orton

Mr Peter Owen & Ms Tegwen Tucker

Mrs Catherine Palmer & Mr Neil Palmer

Mr Brijesh Patel & Mrs Javnika Patel

Mrs Alpa Patel & Mr Nilkamal Patel

Mr Shamir Patel & Mrs Sonia Patel

Mr Nishit Patel & Mrs Jinal Patel

Mr Asif Patel & Mrs Shirin Patel

Mrs Nicole Patrick & Mr Maurice Patrick

Mrs Fiona Pearson & Mr Simon Pearson

32 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
Committed spend from TBF 2023-24 £410K

Ms Geraldine Perry & Mr Brian Wade

Mr Joseph Pettitt & Mrs Victoria Pettitt

Mr Paul Phillips & Mrs Angela Phillips

Dr Antoinette Pillai & Mr Sakthy Pillai

Mr Simone Pluchino & Ms Elena Barbieri

Mrs Sophie Pomery & Mr Graham Pomery

Mr Samir Prakash & Ms Aparna Prakash

Mr Tim Price-Harries & Mrs Hannah Price-Harries

Mrs Ambikai Puvi & Dr Nirmalan Puvi

Mr Matthew Quarendon & Mrs Gemma Quarendon

Mr Yoni Ramaswami & Mrs Mokshada Pariah-Ramaswami

Mrs Yasmin Rebato & Mr Marco Rebato

Mr John Reeves & Mrs Jing Li

Ms Melanie Rhodes

Mrs Suzanne Rodway & Mr Alexander Rodway

Mr Adam Rout

Mrs Janette Ruiz & Mr Julian Ruiz

Dr Farzad Saadat & Mrs Mitra Saadat

Mrs Anuradha Sareen & Mr Deepak Sareen

Mr Matthew Sargaison & Mrs Sian Rose Sargaison

Mrs Julie Scally & Mr Steven Scally

Mr Michael Schendel & Mrs Kathryn Williams

Mr Simon Scott & Mrs Nicola Scott

Mr Babu Shanmugam & Mrs Varsha Omprakash Nogaja

Mr Peter Shek & Ms Joanna Zhong

Ms Eleanor Simmons

Mr Ben Simpson & Mrs Georgina Simpson

Mr Steven Smith & Mrs Sarah Smith

Mrs Nicky Smith & Mr Andrew Smith

Mrs Josephine Sri Prakash & Mr Sri Prakash Pathmanathan

Mr Robert Stephenson

Mr Daniel Strathearn & Mrs Helen Strathearn

Dr Kerim Suruliz & Mrs Alia Azmi

Dr Cristina Tacu

Mr Pheng Leong Tan & Ms Su-Ann Chee

Ms Magdalene Tan & Mr Jiachiang Cheong

Mr Shailesh Tandon & Mrs Nidhi Khanna

Mrs Karolina Tattersall & Mr Piers Tattersall

Ms Louise Thorne

Mrs Ulita Thorpe & Mr Raymond Thorpe

Mrs Sharada Thota & Mr Bhadri Thota

Mrs Oluwakemi Tokan-Lawal & Dr Ademola Tokan-Lawal

Mr Andrew Tough & Mrs Laura Tough

Mrs Annick Tuesley & Mr Peter Tuesley

Mr Dwaraka Turlapati

Mr Clamor Vehring & Ms Natalee Jeremic

Mr Hari Veladanda & Mrs Clare Veladanda

Mr Edward Mark Wallace & Mrs Yuliya Wallace

Mr Shan Wang & Mrs Chunwei Wang

Mr Parul Wangoo & Mrs Anil Wangoo

Mr Hugh Watchorn & Mrs Susie Watchorn

Mr Dicken Watson & Ms Elisa Menardo

Mr Matthew Webb & Mrs Claire Webb

Mr Michael Webb & Ms Jane Speller

Rev Robin Weekes & Dr Ursula Weekes

Mr Craig Laurence Wibberley & Mrs Monique Gonggrijp-Bello

Mr Simon Wilcox & Mrs Sara Wilcox

Mr Danny Wilding & Mrs Catherine Wilding

Mrs Ling Wong & Mr Kim Wong

Mrs Fiona Woodman & Mr Michael Woodman

Mrs Heejung Wright & Mr Adam Wright

Mrs Anne Wright & Mr Simon Wright

Dr Hao Ye & Dr Yan Geng

Mr Ian Yeulett & Mrs Nicola Yeulett

Dr Nupur Yogarajah & Mr Abishnan Yogarajah

Mrs Rabia Zeb & Mr Umar Zeb

Common room


Mrs Elizabeth Beroud & Mr Olivier Beroud

Mr Timothy Cattell & Mrs Jeanette Cattell

Mr Robin Wilson & Mrs Caroline Wilson

Mr David Young & Dr Sarah Young


Mr Ralph Barlow

Mr Michael Bright

Ms Francesca Catling

Mr Jason Court

Mrs Fay Georgiou

Mr James Hammond

Mr Alasdair Kennedy & Mrs Ruth Kennedy

Mr Laurie King

Mrs Donna Lewis & Mr Christopher Lewis

Mr Ian Marsh

Miss Panashe Mbanje

Mr Dave Navarro

Mr Nicholas Ramdas

Mr Paul Todd



Deutsche Bank

Michael Hodson Foundation

Trinity Parents Association


Mrs Muriel Stocker


Mr Timothy Cattell & Mrs Jeanette Cattell

Dr Barry MacEvoy

Mr Asif Patel & Mrs Shirin Patel

Mr Neil Raishbrook & Mrs Elizabeth Raishbrook

Mr David Seymour & Mrs Elisabeth Seymour

Mr Andrew Thomas

Mr Philip Willis & Mrs Jennie Willis

Mr Roy Wood & Mrs Kathryn Wood

33 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
Supporters in 2022-23 516
of Trinity bursary students 2023-24 22


Ihave a longstanding connection with Trinity School and Croydon.

I was a student here from 1979 to 1986 and lived in the borough during that period. I had friends from various parts of Croydon, from all different backgrounds, and I still maintain contact with most of them nearly forty years later.

At the time, I never really considered what we now refer to as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. While Trinity was far from perfect, it was still a relatively 'normal' school that mirrored the borough more than most independent schools.

This was primarily due to a combination of free places and relatively low fees. The school was a direct grant grammar school from 1945 until 1968, when it left the scheme, but it continued to admit pupils funded by the Local Education Authority until the late 1970s. From then on, it provided a very generous bursary programme through the John Whitgift Foundation.

Fast forward to today and we are faced with a choice. Fees have increased and, in real terms, bursary spending decreases every year. We therefore need to determine how important it is for our school body to reflect the community of which it is part.

That’s why I am delighted and so grateful to our wonderful community of supporters who choose to be Agents of Change. Thank you on behalf of the 22 students who would not be attending our school without you. n

34 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023 Agents of Change
Jason Court, Director of Development
Thank you on behalf of the 22 students who would not be attending our school without you. .


Iwant to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering and generous support of the Trinity Bursary Fund throughout this year. Set against a backdrop of rising living costs and economic strains, the way the community rallied behind our telephone campaign was remarkable. Your response exemplifies the unity that can emerge in the face of a cost of living crisis.

The Trinity Bursary Fund stands as a disruptor of the persistent patterns of educational inequality in Croydon. By providing bursaries, we help to bridge the chasm that has widened between those with opportunities and those without, fostering social mobility within lower-income families. These efforts actively contribute to the diversity and inclusivity within our school community, and therefore the ability of all our students to live and work successfully in any community beyond school.

The magnitude of the impact your support brings cannot be overstated, and we genuinely appreciate your continued involvement. Your contributions are invaluable in our mission to create a more equitable educational landscape at Trinity. n

35 Trinity Bursary Fund Supporters’ Impact 2023
The Trinity Bursary Fund stands as a disruptor of the persistent patterns of educational inequality in Croydon.
Alasdair Kennedy, Headmaster
If you’d like to help us support more Trinity Bursary Fund students, go to: Or contact Jason Court on or 020 8662 5162 Trinity School Shirley Park, Croydon CR9 7AT Tel: 020 8656 9541 Part of the John Whitgift Foundation Registered Charity Number 312612

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