JPS - Student entry form

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Student Name:



Age: Grade: Year Level competing in 3 - 4 5 - 6

Your Speech Topic

Some information about yourself:

What do you like to do?

What sports do you like to play?

What is your favourite subject at school & why?


I understand that I consent to an image of my child/children under the age of 18, named below, being taken and used and reproduced in any format by Lions Australia

I understand that my image may be used for the purposes of display, publicity and in promotional materials by Lions Australia. This includes print and online platforms including newsletters, social media and websites.

I understand that any intellectual property, including copyright and image rights, which arises in the visual image(s) belongs to Lions Australia

Completion of this form is accepted as consent to use the images of the persons named below.

Child’s Name:

Signed Date: / /_

Parent Name:

Lions Club:

Phone Number:

Please note – Students/Parents, this form MUST be completed, signed and returned to school before students can participate in the program.

For Schools - All forms MUST be given to Lions Club representative before school/club finals are held.

JUNIOR PUBLIC SPEAKING JPS Student Entry Form – last updated 22/01/2022
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