Friday, November 18, 2011 Tri-City News

Page 6

A6 Friday, November 18, 2011, Tri-City News

Meeting planned in PoCo to counter compost info By Gary McKenna THE TRI-CITY NEWS

Rumours and misinformation swirling about a compost facility proposed for Port Coquitlam have prompted the city to hold a public information meeting at the end of the month. The meeting comes in response to an anonymous flyer that was dropped on doorsteps across the city containing misleading information about the plant. Several city staf fers and Cascade Renewable Carbon Corp, the company putting forward the proposal, have said they believe the glossy pamphlet is the work of a rival composting operation. The flyer states that it is from the Coalition for an Environmentally Friendly Port Coquitlam but neither the city nor local environmentalists have heard of the organization and no contact information was provided. “We want to ensure our residents have the correct information about this facility,� said Tony Chong, PoCo’s chief administrative officer, “as well as the opportunity to ask questions and share their views with us.� Dozens of emails have been sent to The Tri-City News since the anonymous pamphlet was distributed, with many people believing the project is going ahead without the endorsement of council and higher levels of government.

The city claims the above flyer is inaccurate, and is holding a meeting about the proposed compost facility. According to the city of Port Coquitlam, however, council will review the application at an upcoming meeting. It would then have to pass a resolution to notify Metro Vancouver about the city’s position on the permit application. Before receiving an operating permit, Cascade would also be required to meet stringent regulations overseen by the regional government for all waste-processing facilities. The rules incorporate requirements put forward by the provincial and federal governments, including the management of leaching, on-site safety, odour, rodents and other issues. The facility is proposed for a

site next to the train tracks near the Mary Hill Bypass in an area designated by PoCo’s official community plan for heavy industrial use. If Cascade’s operation meets the required approvals it would be capable of processing 100 tonnes of kitchen and green waste per day on its 3.75-acre site. Organic waste would be sorted and placed into sealed containers — about the size of a shipping container — where it would remain for about two to three weeks. At the end of the process, soil and soil enhancement products would be created, which the company would then sell. If the facility is approved, more than 100 of the containers would be located on the property, capable of handling 32,000 tonnes of waste per year, yielding about 16,000 tonnes of soil. Because of the sealed container technology, the company said the waste never touches the ground, which eliminates leaching and keeps odours contained. • The PoCo meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 29, between 7 and 9 p.m. in city council chambers. For more information about the compost facility proposal, go to Details can also be found at As well, Metro Vancouver also provides information on its licence application process at www. permits.

Heritage Resource Inventory Workshop Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 6:30pm – 8:30pm The Outlet, Leigh Square (beside City Hall) Come discuss the preliminary draft of the Heritage Resource Inventory! This is an opportunity to help identify those places, stories and people that reà ect the cultural history of Port Coquitlam and provide input on which of these resources you feel to be the most important. All community members are welcome! Please register by contacting Minhee Park, Planning Analyst at 604-927-5249 or p p q For more information, please visit www.portcoquitlam. p q ca/heritage g


GENERAL VOTING DAY will be RSHQ WR TXDOLÂżHG HOHFWRUV RI WKH City of Port Coquitlam on Saturday, November 19, 2011 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at one of the polling stations listed. See: Where To Vote.


If you have to register on Voting Day (at the polling station of your FKRLFH WKH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ &OHUN ZLOO UHTXLUH WZR SLHFHV RI LGHQWLÂżFDWLRQ RQH SLHFH RI ,' PXVW KDYH \RXU address and your signature on it, H[DPSOH Âą %& 'ULYHUÂśV /LFHQFH YDOLG &DQDGLDQ 3DVVSRUW

WHERE TO VOTE: Blakeburn Elementary School 1040 Riverside Drive Castle Park Elementary School 1144 Confederation Drive Cedar Drive Elementary School 3150 Cedar Drive Elks Hall 2272 Leigh Square

Irvine Elementary School 3862 Wellington Street Kilmer Elementary School 1575 Knappen Street Kwayhquitlum Middle School 3280 Flint Street Westwood Elementary School 3610 Hastings Street

<RX FDQ YRWH DW RQO\ one of the above polling stations.

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