2017/2018 Biennial Budget

Page 301

E mploye e s pe r 1,000 Citize ns

W arning T re nd: Increasing number of municipal employees per capita

F ormula: Number of municipal employees Population


General Fund Municipal Employees per 1,000 Citizens

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2011





Fiscal year

F is c a l y e a r: Number of general fund full-time municipal employees * Population N um b e r o f C ity e m p lo y e e s p e r 1 ,0 0 0 c itize ns

2011 216 45,758 4 .7

2012 208 46,919 4 .4

2013 205 47,823 4 .3

2014 213 48,789 4 .4

2015 227 50,667 4 .5

* Budgeted employees

Description: Because personnel costs are a major portion of a local government's operating budget, plotting changes in the number of employees per capita is a good way to measure changes in expenditures. An increase in employees per capita might indicate that expenditures are rising faster than revenues, the government is becoming more labor intensive or personnel productivity is declining.

Commentary: This measure is based on the number of full-time employees in the General Fund. It excludes employees of enterprise operations like stormwater and internal service functions like fleet management and facilities. An increasing number of employees is a warning trend, which may indicate more labor intensive work or declining productivity. An increasing number of employees could also indicate a new service or a higher level of existing service.

Analysis: Employees Per Capita has remained relatively stable during the 5-year period. The Town has experienced moderate growth over the past five years in terms of population, commercial/residential construction, and recreation areas. The decrease from 2011 to 2012 was due to the Town’s “right-sizing� that eliminated several positions that were not needed. In 2013, the IT Department was moved from the General Fund to the IT Internal Service Fund, three police officers, one building inspector and two positions in economic development were added for a net decrease of three positions. In 2014, five positions in the Police Department, one in human resources, one in economic development and one in parks were added. In 2015, seven positions in the Police Department, one in finance, two in public works, two in building, one in town administration and one in community were added.



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