2016 Hartford Town & School Annual Report

Page 322

Sandra Mariotti read the following resolution; “WHEREAS, Alex DeFelice has served as a member of the Hartford Selectboard since March 2, 2010 and WHEREAS, his leadership and professionalism as Chair for two years and Vice Chair for one year has provided an invaluable service to the Town, and WHERAS, Alex DeFelice during the past 6 years of service has made an extraordinary time commitment and dedication of his efforts in serving the Town of Hartford residents, and WHEREAS, Alex DeFelice has chosen not to seek re-election to his office at this time, and WHEREAS, the Selectboard and the Town of Hartford acknowledge and extend our appreciation to the DeFelice family for their understanding and support during the last 6 years, and WHEREAS, the Selectboard and the Town of Hartford are gratefully indebted to Alex DeFelice for his commitment to our community, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF HARTFORD: That Alex DeFelice be given a vote of appreciation for his 6 years of loyal service, and this resolution be recorded in the Town records. Alex DeFelice’s service to the Hartford Community has made a difference. Dated this 26th day of March 2016. Sandra Mariotti presented the following resolutions; “WHEREAS, Matt Bucy has served as a member of the Hartford the Selectboard since March 5, 2013 and WHEREAS, his leadership and professionalism has provided an invaluable service to the Town, and WHERAS, Matt Bucy during the past 2 years of service has made an extraordinary time commitment and dedication of his efforts in serving the Town of Hartford residents, and WHEREAS, Matt Bucy has chosen not to seek re-election to his office at this time, and WHEREAS, the Selectboard and the Town of Hartford acknowledge and extend our appreciation to the Bucy family for their understanding and support during the last 2 years, and WHEREAS, the Selectboard and the Town of Hartford are gratefully indebted to Matt Bucy for his commitment to our community,


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