Town Creek Farm Since 1993
FALL 2020
Volume 8, Issue 3 • Published by Town Creek Farm, West Point, Mississippi • Brangus and Ultrablack
Valued Indicators BY CODY GLENN
The Grit welcomes your inquiries and feedback. The Grit is published by Town Creek Farm, West Point, Mississippi.
Town Creek Farm Milton Sundbeck, Owner Office: 32476 Hwy. 50 East West Point, Mississippi 39773-5207 662.494.5944 Joy Reznicek Sundbeck, President 205.399.0221 Clint Ladner, Bull Development 662.812.8370 Cody Glenn, Herdsman 601.508.8689 Anne Sutherland, Quarter Horses 662.295.6144 South American Representative Ing. Agr. Federico Maisonnave (011) 595 981 362 898 TOTAL COMMITMENT
THE BEST MEASURE OF A SUCCESSFUL SEEDSTOCK OPERATION IS THE PRODUCTIVITY OF ITS GENETICS IN COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER COW HERDS. This past month I was fortunate to look through large numbers of Town Creek Farm sired cattle in customer herds across the Southeast. Conversations with cattlemen who have been using Town Creek Farm bulls for decades gave me valued indicators of how our genetics are performing and what will drive the direction of our program. Generations of stacking Town Creek Farm genetics under stringent management systems have yielded powerful cow herds that truly are something to marvel. Fertility is the first and foremost trait of concern in these cow herds. I listened to many of our customers experiencing over 90% conception rates. If a cow doesn’t become pregnant during her breeding season, none of the other traits matter. Females at Town Creek Farm are exposed to one round of artificial insemination and then are turned out with a bull for a 50-day natural service period. Females that fail to breed are removed from the herd. This ensures that the bulls we offer are produced from highly fertile dams. The calf a cow weans each year determines her merit. One of our Florida customers has grown his herd of cows from 250 females to over 1100 females in five years, exclusively with Town Creek Farm genetics. It doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out there is a low culling rate on replacement heifers and longevity in his cows. They have developed a fertile, productive herd of cattle. In addition, they weaned record weight steers for the past two years. This year’s pay weight averaged 665 pounds right off the cows. The bread and butter for our customers are highly productive dams producing top tier replacement heifers and feeders steers. Efficiency is another top priority for our commercial customers. Ranches who have reached capacity in stocking rates search for other means of improving bottom lines. Moderatesized cows that wean greater than 60% of their body weight are crucial in producing the most
Lot 105 – Brangus. Yearling IMF 4.45%. REA/cwt. 1.24.
pounds of beef per acre. Town Creek Farm genetics are built on decades of selecting cattle that perform to optimal levels in a forage-based system. The most profitable cow herds are those that require fewer inputs without sacrificing performance. During the Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Field Day in Florida, Tom Jones of Hy-Plains Feedyard in Montezuma, Kansas, spoke of adding value to our Brangus with carcass quality. At Town Creek Farm we carcass ultrasound every bull we sell and replacement heifers we develop to ensure we continue to make strides toward the most tender, juicy and flavorful beef product possible. In our last two ultrasound sessions, we have notably increased amounts of intramuscular fat (marbling) in our bulls and heifers while being developed on a forage-based diet. Advances in DNA technology are making strides in how cattlemen in seedstock and commercial sectors select breeding bulls and replacement females. Recognizing a shift in breed composition toward Angus phenotypes, Town Creek Farm partnered with Neogen in developing a DNA product that indicates percent Bos indicus blood in an individual animal. This product can be utilized in commercial replacement females to make bull selection decisions that will best suit their herd needs. Maintaining Brahman content allows for increased heterosis, longevity, and heat tolerance. Every Town Creek Farm sale bull has been DNA tested for parentage verification and percent Brahman content to simplify the process of selecting herd sires that best serve the individual needs of our customers. It is obvious by looking at commercial cattle working in these commercial herds they are well adapted to their environment. It is a testament to the bull power behind these programs and the wise cattleman who are managing them. Selection pressure over time, coupled with progressive seedstock genetics, has yielded these results. Valued indicators from our customers enable Town Creek Farm to continue in the tradition of fine-tuning our cattle through improved reproduction practices, and stringent selection and development of highly productive cattle.
200 commercial Brangus bred heifers
SELLING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020 AT 12 NOON Commercial bred heifers are brought to you by Town Creek Farm customers. This valued-added heifer sale for our bull customers is designed to provide buyers with high-quality replacement heifers backed by multiple generations of Town Creek Farm genetics. Many half-sibs sell. Heifers are ranch raised, source-verified, uniform and genetically tracked to Town Creek Farm genetic dams and bred back to Town Creek Farm bulls. Heifer consignors comply to the following guidelines: aHeifers are second (2nd) generation or more Town Creek Farm genetics. aHeifers are bred to Town Creek Farm bulls suitable for calving ease with heifers. aHeifers are bred to calve at 32 months of age or younger. aHeifers have been certified safe in calf by a veterinarian or ultrasound technician within 40 days of sale (certification is mailed to buyers after completion of sale). Pregnant heifers are considered breeders without further guarantee. aHeifers are calfhood vaccinated. Heifers will be available for viewing at Town Creek Farm Sale Facility Thursday through Saturday, October 15-17, 2020. Heifers will sell on video in groups of five (±) by consignor and videoed in groups in which they will be sold. Buyers have an option to roll two pens of heifers at the established price as long as heifers are from the same consignor. After three pens, price is reestablished through the bidding process. All heifers have been screened and viewed by Clint Ladner. For additional information, please contact Clint at (662)812-8370.
2020.Town Creek Catalog.Lea.Working.qxp_
Since 1993
Sale catalogs were mailed September 16, 2020. If you have not received a catalog, you likely are not on our catalog list or it is lost in the mail. To request a catalog go on-line to or call Town Creek at (662)494-5944.
Friday, October 16, 2020 All Day – Cattle available for viewing. 6 pm – BBQ Dinner and Social Saturday, October 17, 2020 11 am – Town Creek Farm Beef Burgers 12 noon – Town Creek Farm Brangus Commercial Bred Heifer Sale followed by Town Creek Farm Bull Sale
■ LOTS 201-210 - Williamson Cattle Company, Faunsdale, Alabama, and Okeechobee, Florida
23-Year Sale Consignor Brangus sired heifers bred back to low birth weight Town Creek Farm bulls (CCR Integrity 355S4 sons). Stout, strong females out of a reputation cowherd. Heifers will make long-lasting and productive dams. Calving from 11/1/20 to 12/31/20. Heifers will calve as two-year-olds.
Hampton Inn & Suites..............................(662)494-7802 5821 Hwy. 45 Alt. South West Point, Mississippi 39773 - (800)494-8496 Ask for Town Creek Farm block; Group code: TCF
■ LOTS 211-255 – River Oaks Farm, John McKnight, Searcy, Arkansas – 20-Year Sale Consignor Group 1: Brangus heifers out of Brangus dams sired by TCF Rapid Reward sons and sons of Cow Creek Ranch bred bulls. Bred to sons of CCR Integrity 355S4 and CCR Sleep Easy 46T3. Calving from 1/ 28/21 to 3/29/21. Group 2: Ultrablack heifers out of Ultrablack dams sired by TCF Rapid Reward sons and sons of Cow Creek Ranch bred bulls. Bred to sons of CCR Integrity 355S4 and CCR Sleep Easy 46T3. Calving from 1/28/21 to 3/29/21. Lots of potential in this set of heifers.
Hyatt Place Columbus...............................(662)370-1800 101 Hospital Drive Columbus, Mississippi 39701 - (888)492-8847 Ask for Town Creek Farm block
■ LOTS 256-280 – CP Bar Brangus, Paul and Chad Gray, Holcomb, Mississippi – 21-Year Sale Consignor
Americas Best Value Inn ....................(662)494-7090 5714 Hwy. 45 Alt. South, West Point, Mississippi
Brangus heifers with stacked Town Creek Farm and Cow Creek Ranch genetics. Heifers sired by TCF Sleep Easy 1144C3 and TCF Integrity 546B3. Heifers bred to proven calving ease Town Creek Farm bulls, TCF Rapid Reward 5D4 and TCF Rapid Reward 14D13. Heifers will calve from 2/10/21 to 4/9/21. Forage raised and developed. Gentle and easy to handle on foot or ATV.
Town Creek Campground...................(662)494-4884 10694 Witherspoon Road West Point, Mississippi 39773
■ LOTS 281-322 – Megehee Cattle Company, Jacob Megehee, Macon, Mississippi - 17-Year Sale Consignor Group 1: Brangus heifers out of CCR Sleep Easy 9L2, CCR Integrity 355S4, CCR Thunder 641R4, and CCR Integrity 036P9 daughters and granddaughters bred to TCF Rapid Reward 546C and TCF Rapid Reward 460B5. Calving from 11/1/20 to 1/9/21. Calving at 30-months of age. Group 2: Brangus heifers out of CCR Sleep Easy 9L2, CCR Integrity 355S4, CCR Thunder 641R4, and CCR Integrity 036P9 daughters and granddaughters bred to TCF Rapid Reward 546C and TCF Rapid Reward 460B5. Calving from 2/25/21 to 4/25/21. Calving at 30-months of age. Stout set of heifers. Bucket broke.
■ LOTS 368-379 – Montgomery Farms, Mark Montgomery, Moulton, Alabama - 12-Year Sale Consignor TCF Rockstar 546Z2 daughters bred back to CCR Pathfinder 70Z2. Bucket broke heifers that are gentle and easy fleshing. Calving from 12/1/20 to 1/28/21.
■ LOTS 380-386 – B&B Farm, Gerome Burrell, Linden, Alabama – 8-Year Sale Consignor Heifers sired by CCR Ultrablack 59B2 bred back to TCF Integrity 584E. Calving from 12/26/20 to 2/25/21. Moderate framed, matching set of heifers. Bucket broke.
This heifer sells from B&B Farm.
■ LOTS 323-361 – Longino Ranch, Cliff Coddington, Sidell, Florida - 6-Year Sale Consignor Brangus heifers representing 10 generations of Town Creek Farm and Cow Creek Ranch genetics bred to low birthweight bulls. Heifers A.I.’d to TCF Rapid Reward 145Z3. ECD: 11/29/20. Heifers easy to handle. Handled on horse, foot and ATV. All heifers are A.I.’d for synchronized calving. Expect calving in a tight two week or less window. Best set of heifers offered to date by Longino Ranch, Inc.
■ LOTS 387-421– Lowell Dollar Farms, Lowell Dollar, Bainbridge, Georgia - 5-Year Sale Consignor Heifers sired by TCF Sleep Easy 211B5, TCF Integrity 5281A5, TCF Integrity 788B4, and TCF Pathfinder 518B4 bred back to low birth weight bulls TCF Integrity 49E, TCF Ultrablack 9203D, TCF Sleep Easy 024C4, TCF Ultrablack 06528E, TCF Sleep Easy 1503E2, and TCF Integrity 513E5. Calving from 2/2/21 to 4/2/21. Working set of heifers that will go out and make money for their new owners
This heifer sold as a bred heifer in our 2018 sale from Longino Ranch. She’s shown with her second calf at side. She raised a big, strapping calf as a first calf heifer, bred back, then raised another.
These heifers sell October 17th from Megehee Cattle Company.
3 Quality Assurance always comes first.
Town Creek Farm Sale SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020 • 12 NOON at the Town Creek Pavilion near West Point, Mississippi
140 Town Creek Farm Bulls Lot 16. Brangus. Year Marbling 5.69%.
Brangus, Ultrablack, VigorMax™Half-Blood Bulls
Bulls are backed by generations of highly productive females that have withstood the test of time. Bull selection includes many half, three-quarter and full brothers. Large selection of maternal User-Friendly bulls and calving ease bulls to use on heifers.
Lot 86. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 7.04%.
Lot 39. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.55%. Full 2-year-old.
■ 52% of bulls selling are full
2-year-old bulls (Born Fall 2018).
■ Clean hocked bulls developed
slowly on high roughage, grass silage-based ration to ensure durability, soundness and weight maintenance.
■ Bulls are reproductively sound. The
Lot 81. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.47%. REA/cwt. 1.28.
Lot 53. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.69%. Full 2-year-old.
sale bulls dams average age of first calving is 743 days. 93% of dams have calving intervals less than 365 days.
■ Heat and humidity tolerant bulls.
Percent Angus stated on each lot.
■ Large selection of user-friendly,
high maternal and calving ease bulls needed to produce valuable replacement heifers. Profit begins with a live calf.
Lot 85. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.51%.
■ Expansive herd health program. Lot 89. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.78%.
Annual whole herd Johnes testing. Bulls sell guaranteed Johnes-free, Trich and BVD tested.
Videos of bulls available on-line at October 1, 2020. Heifer videos will be on-line in selling groups on October 16, 2020. Bulls may be viewed at the ranch between now and sale day. Please call Joy at (205)399-0221 or Clint at (662)812-8370 for showings.
Lot 101. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 4.36%. REA/cwt. 1.46.
Lot 90. Brangus. Yearling Marbling 5.02%.
Go to to sign up for a buyer number. On-line bidding requires buyer number to be obtained from
Bidding options for buyers unable to attend the sale include On-Line bidding. Contact DV Auctions at (402)316-5460 or go to Or, by contacting Joy or Clint and allowing us to work with you on cattle needs and budget.
Lot 75. Three-Quarter Blood Bull (75% Brahman - 25% Angus. Yearling Marbling - 5.30%; REA/cwt - 1.22.
Lot 65. VigorMax™Half-Blood bull. Yearling Marbling 4.85%.
Town Creek Farm Partners with Superior Livestock In Progressive Genetics Program SUPERIOR PROGRESSIVE GENETICS IS AN INNOVATIVE VALUE-ADDED PROGRAM LAUNCHED BY SUPERIOR LIVESTOCK AUCTION TO FURTHER ENHANCE THE MARKETING OF CATTLE WITH TOP QUALITY GENETICS. The program allows Town Creek Farm customers to effectively communicate the genetic merit of their calves to potential buyers and differentiate their calves from others on sale day. It lets your calves stand out from the competition. Superior Progressive Genetics is designed to create a premium for our bull-buying customers by branding the Town Creek Farm logo on-screen for qualified lots on Superior Livestock’s bi-monthly cattle auctions. The goal is to create a recognizable program that will enhance the value of qualified load lots, ultimately generating a greater premium for our customers when selling their calves. For more information on how to participate when marketing calves with Superior Livestock, please contact Joy, Clint or Cody.
CHAD AND CRYSTAL KEY HAD THE WINNING BID ON A TOWN CREEK FARM BULL CREDIT DURING THE ALABAMA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (PAC) AUCTION. The Alabama Cattlemen's Association serves its members and the state's beef cattle industry by lobbying state government on the behalf of cattle producers. Auction proceeds go to lobbying efforts. Many thanks to Chad and Crystal for their continued support of the cattle industry. Crystal is past president of the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association. TOWN CREEK FARM EXTENDS A HEARTFELT THANK YOU TO WILLIAMSON CATTLE COMPANY, HEADQUARTERED IN OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, FOR THEIR HIGH BID ON A BULL PURCHASE CREDIT DONATED BY TOWN CREEK FARM. Auction proceeds benefit the Political Aution Committee (PAC) of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association. The Williamson family are strong supporters of the beef cattle industry and protecting the industry’s business climate.
Try Out These Geldings Sale Weekend
“Two Chex” is a 2015 gelding sired by a son of Nu Chex to Cash out of our own daughter of Light N Lena. In addition to ranch and cattle work, Two Chex has had 60 days of professional training. He is ready for a daily job with an intermediate rider and will make a great horse. Two Chex will be available to ride sale weekend. For additional information, contact Anne Sutherland (662)295-6144..
“Henry” is a 2016 gelding sired by Southerns Bobcoat (Peptoboonsmal x Acute Kat by High Brown Cat) and out of our dependable brood mare, Jet Pegs. Started with 90 days of ranch work and knowledge of the basics. He’s had calves roped off him and has been ridden using a storting flag. Experienced level rider recommended as he is green broke. He has lots of potential as a ranch horse or life in an arena. For additional information, contact Anne Sutherland (662)295-6144. Henry will be used sale weekend and available to ride.
TOWN CREEK FARM IS PARTICIPATING IN TWO HAIR-SHEDDING PROJECTS TO LOOK FOR GENETIC ADAPTATION TO REGIONAL BEEF PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS. First is Hair Shedding Cattle Research Project lead by researchers at University of Missouri, Texas A&M, University of Arkansas and DeltaG. The second is a DNA Fescue Tolerance Project utilizing T-Snip™, a DNA test that detects fescue tolerance in beef cattle. Heavy hair coats receive a lot of blame from the endophyte in fescue grass. Like most traits, hair shedding is influenced by both genetics and environments. Scientists are learning more about cattle's genetic relation to long hair, or failure to shed hair coats, and heat stress. When you put it all together, slow shedders result in lower rates of gain and reduced pregnancy rates.
Southern Ionics, Inc. Named Best Overall Industry TOWN CREEK FARM OWNER AND ENTREPRENEUR, MILTON SUNDBECK, FOUNDED SOUTHERN IONICS, INC. (SII) IN 1980. His company was recently named the 2020 Best Overall Industry in West Point, Mississippi. SII is a company of people who value tradition – the tradition of service, of honesty and high ethics in business dealings. Since its founding, SII has grown to employ more than 300 employees and has 10 manufacturing locations from Texas to Maryland. Southern Ionics, Inc. manufactures specialty and intermediate inorganic chemicals including aluminum and ammonia chemicals, magnesium, sulfur, zirconium, paper, pigment, catalyst, water treatment technology, and other additional chemical products.
NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD, TOWN CREEK FARM GENETICS ARE WORKING. JMT Agropecuaria of Brazil sent us a video of this powerful herd sire raised on their soil. Three of four of his grandparents are results of embryos created with Town Creek Farm/Cow Creek Ranch genetics. This massive bull has produced JMT’s best carcass numbers do date. Congratulations to Fernando and his crew for their outstanding genetic work.