Wigs 4 Kids Receives $25,000 from NASCAR Foundation
aggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan nominated Jaeleen Davis, a wig recipient as one of four ϐinalists for The NASCAR Foundation’s Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award out of over 700 charities that competed nationwide. As one of the ϐinalists, her charity of choice Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan received $25,000. These funds allow the St. Clair Shores-based charity to provide 25 children with wigs and support services through their Adopt-a-Kid program. The organization has been providing wigs and support services to children ages 3 to 18 at no charge throughout the state of Michigan since 2003 and has serviced over 5,000 Michigan children and families. Davis was diagnosed with alopecia at 8 years old. She was introduced to Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan at the age of 10 and received a custom-made wig which gave her back a sense of identity and self-esteem. Her wig provided conϐidence to join the Miss America organization and she uses it as a platform to reach multitudes of people and encourage them to support children experiencing hair loss.
SCS Community Chorus Awards Scholarship to Lakeview Senior
he St. Clair Shores Community Chorus recently awarded its 2022 scholarships to local high school students. Lakeview High School Senior Emily Lingerfelt tied for second place. Lingerfelt’s goal is to become a lawyer. All scholarship recipients will be featured in the “Singing and Dancing Through the Decades” Cabaret Dinner Show of the St. Clair Shores Community Chorus at The Carpathia Club on Utica Road in Sterling Heights on May 5.
Bottom Left: Wigs 4 Kids Founder & CEO Maggie Varney, center, with Jaeleen Davis Photo courtesy of Wigs 4 Kids Top Right: Emily Lingerfelt Photo courtesy of St. Clair Shores Community Chorus
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