TDC Board Book June 8, 2023

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Palm Beach County

Tourist Development Council Board Book

June 8, 2023


Table of Contents

1. TDC Attendance

2. TDC Agenda June 8, 2023

3. TDC Board Minutes May 11, 2023


4.A. DTPB Activity Report

4.B. Cultural Council Activity Report

4.C. Sports Commission Activity Report

4.D. Film & TV Monthly Newsletter

4.E. Film & TV Production Report

4.F. Convention Center Income Statement & Financial Operations Analysis Compared to Budgey & Prior Year

4.G. Convention Center Marketing Update

4.H. Convention Center Pace Revenue Report

4.I. ERM Project Status Report

4.J. PBI Traffic Report

4.K. Contract Tracking Report


5.A. - 1. TDC Dashboard Current Month & FY2023

5.A. - 1.a. Bed Tax Collections

5.A. - 1.b. Report Out Metrics


6.D. - 1. Category B & CII FY2024 Grant Awards


(1)Vice Mayor Maria Sachs, Chair (1/14/21)

(4) Jim Bronstien, Vice Chair(9/30/26) Appt(3/1/95) ReApp(9/18/18) Dis.3

(2)Roger Amidon Appt(9/30/25)Dist. 1

(3) Jim Mostad (9/30/20) Appt (10/16/19), Dis. 2, St 3

(5)Daniel Hostettler(0930/23) Appt (05/18/21). Dis 4.

(6)Commissioner Adam Frankel (9/30/24) Appt (03/08/22)[Dis.5]

(7)Don Dufresne (9/30/23) Apt(6/5/12) ReAp(5/3/16)&(8/20/19) Dis6

(8) Davicka N. Thompson (9/30/2024) Appt(12/6/16)RdAppt(8/25/20) [Dis.7]

(9) Commissioner Christina Lambert Appt (10/01/22)- (9/30/26) At-Large


Verdenia C. Baker, County Administrator

Liz Herman, Assistant County Attorney

Dave Lawrence, Culture

George Linley, Sports

Michelle Hillery, Film & TV

Jorge Pesquera, Discover

Deborah Drum, ERM

Dave Anderson, PBCCC

Kathy Griffin, PBCCC

Emanuel Perry, TDC

Joan Hutchinson, TDC

Vannette Youyoute,

O:\TDC MEETINGS\TDCMtgs2023\Generic Pages for Board Book\attendnc

** Reappointment during current year

NA- Does not count towards attendance.

P/W - Workshop P/S - Special Meeting

June 8, 2023
12-Jan 9-Feb 9-Mar 14-Apr 11-May 8-Jun 13-Jul 10-Aug 14-Sep 12-Oct 9-Nov 14-Dec P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A N/A A A N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P/Phone P N/A A/Video Conf. P N/A P A/Phone N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A/Phone N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P P N/A P A N/A P P N/A P P N/A


Thursday, June 8, 2023 – 9:00 A.M.

2195 Southern Boulevard

West Palm Beach, Florida 33406






















1. TDC DASHBOARD CURRENT MONTH & FY2023* - Emanuel Perry

a. Bed Tax Collections*

b. Report Out Metrics*

B. PBI UPDATE – Joe Harrington



1. Update – Deb Drum



1. 2023 Summer Market Assumptions/Plan Highlights –Weibull/Segarra/Cavers

2. Update – Jorge Pesquera


1. Update – George Linley


1. Category B and Category CII FY2024 Grant Awards - MOTION TO APPROVE

2. Update – Dave Lawrence


1. Update – Michelle Hillery


1. OVG Venue Management

a. Update- Dave Anderson

2. OVG Hospitality

a. Update – Kathy Griffin




The next Meeting will be on July 13, 2023.

*Attachment included.

Tdc/tdcmtgs2023/Agenda 6 08.2023



Thursday, May 11, 2023 – 9:00 A.M.



Present Absent

Vice Mayor Maria Sachs, Chair Jim Bronstien, Vice-Chair

Roger Amidon Daniel Hostettler

Jim Mostad

Commissioner Adam Frankel

Don Dufresne

Davicka Thompson

Commissioner Christina Lambert


Verdenia C. Baker, County Administrator

Liz Herman, Assistant County Attorney/Phone

Emanuel Perry, TDC

Vannette Youyoute, TDC

Patricia Ramirez, TDC

Dave Lawrence, Cultural Council

Jennifer Sullivan, Cultural Council

George Linley, Sports Commission/Phone

David Fontanarosa, Sports Commission

Michael Zeff, Sports Commission

Michelle Hillery, Film & TV Commission

Evan Lomrantz, Discover The Palm Beaches

Gustav Weibull, Discover The Palm Beaches

Milton Segarra, Discover The Palm Beaches

Kelly Cavers, Discover The Palm Beaches

Bryan Glynn, Discover The Palm Beaches

Deborah Dr, ERM

Matt Mitchell, ERM

Dave Anderson, Convention Center/Spectra Venue Management

Kathy Griffin, Convention Center/Spectra Hospitality

Joe Harrington, PBI Airports

Nichole Hughes, PBI Airports

Other Diane Quinn, Kravis Center Performance Arts

Chris Inman, Hilton West Palm Beach

Derrick Steinour, Hilton West Palm Beach



Motion to approve TDC Board Meeting Agenda was made by Davicka Thompson and seconded by Roger Amidon. Motion carried 7-0 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent.


Motion to approve the April 13th, TDC Meeting Minutes was made by Commissioner Adam Frankel and seconded by Roger Amidon. Motion carried 7-0 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent.



















Motion to receive and file Consent Items for May 2023, was made by Commissioner Adam Frankel and seconded by Commissioner Christina Lambert. Motion carried 7-0 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent.



1. TDC DASHBOARD CURRENT MONTH & FY2023* - Emanuel Perry

a. Bed Tax Collections*

b. Report Out Metrics* Perry


Bed Tax Collection – March 2023 collected in April was $12M compared to the same month last year at $11.4M, a 6% increase. Actual March was 11% above budget and 7% above the prior month at $11.2M. Actual March was 53% higher than 2019, a new record for any March since reporting started.

FYTD 23 Collections at $56.5M, was higher than last fiscal year to date at $50M by 13%, reflecting a strong recovery from the pandemic. FYT collections are pacing 10% ahead of the Approved Budget and 55% higher than our record in 2019.

The Rooms sold for March were 485,899, 3% higher than last year. Rooms available for March at 588,969 are 3% higher than last year. Hotel Rooms Active today in the County 18,999

Occupancy for March 2023 was 82 5%, 0.1% over last year. Occupancy for March 2022 was 82.4%. March 2019 was 86.1%. The average daily rate for March was $365 21, 3% higher than last year, and 35% higher than in 2019. The Revenue/Available Room for March 2023 was $301.47 higher than the prior March by 3%.

Hotel room net sales FY23 year over year March increased 5% at $171M compared to $164M. Non-hotel room sales FY23 year over year March increased 25% at $30M compared to $24M. Hotel room net sales FYTD 2023 increased 13% at $785M compared to $695M. Non-Hotel room sales FYTD 2023 increased 16% at $151M compared to $130M. FYTD 2023 Taxable Revenues Fiscal Year over FY2022 increased 13% at $937M compared to $825M. FYTD 2023 Taxable Revenues Fiscal Year over FY2019 increased 57% at $937M compared to $597M.

Airport passengers for March 2023 were 858,086, 12% higher than in March 2022, and the Total Estimated Seat Capacity at 1% higher than last March 2022 with 880,350 seats. PBI Passenger 12-month rolling is a 14% increase at 6,994,643 over last year.

Leisure & Hospitality Employment for March, at 96,000, increased 5% over the same month last year. Accommodation employment went up 11% higher over last year at 11,600 employees. F&B was up 6% at 62,400 employees. Arts & Entertainment employment is 1% lower than last year at 22,000 employees.

I am Joe Harrington, the new Director of Marketing Communications for the Department of Airports. I worked for the past six years for Palm Tran, which is of course the County's Transit Department, and before that, I handled public relations for Roads Planning and Transit in another community. Aviation's a passion of mine and airports were a natural transition. As you can see from your dashboard report, during the last 12 months, we had 6.99M travelers, through Palm Beach International Airport which has recovered to pre-pandemic levels. For March, we had another great month, total passengers were up 11.5%, year over year with 858,000 passengers. Seating capacity was slightly up 0.5%. We are very excited that air carrier operations increased year over year in March by double digits, 18.2%.

B. PBI UPDATE – Joe Harrington Harrington

General Aviation was down about 8%. This is due to a reduction in private jets coming into the airport, which kind of surged during the Covid era and was occurring at higher rates in our community.

Total operations were at (0.4%) for the month of March compared to March of 2022. January was kind of a blockbuster month for us with the number of passengers, 32% year over year, and seating capacity, up 15%.




The Finance Committee met and reviewed the financial audits with Mark Escoffery and Holyfield & Thomas, they went through and gave a detailed analysis of what each agency's audits look like. Everything came back clean. There were no issues with management.

Motion to approve was made by Roger Amidon and seconded by Davicka Thompson. Motion carried 7-0 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent




We are seeking a motion to approve FY2024 organizational charts for each agency. Each agency gave us a brief understanding of what would be best suited Included in your book is a detailed outline of each agency's organizational charts.


We have three new positions going into FY2024. we have a Manager Destination Service to help support the increased number of groups coming into the County. We have a Marketing Technology Manager position to help us move forward with advances both technologically, but also from a regulatory compliance perspective with data privacy issues, and we have a second Marketing Manager position to help us with our digital purchases We have grown significantly over the past couple of years and need additional support staff to help execute the strategic plan that TDC has approved.


We are not seeking any new positions. We have three frozen positions from Covid time that we have reallocated into support for our grants team. Two employees and the Director of Community Engagement will help us with ourDEIA and activations for cultural tourism activity. Our numbers are staying the same.



We are seeking no new position. We have three previously approved positions, one in finance and two in marketing. We have lost our Sports Development Head and have two proposals for the Marketing Department.


We are not seeking new positions. We are kind of doing a bit of a reorg with what we have.

We are freezing a few positions and replacing them with a marketing and oversight position, and we are changing the name of our administrative assistant position.

Motion to approve the Agencies FY2024 Organizational Charts was made by Commissioner Adam Frankel and seconded by Don Dufresne. Motion carried 7-0 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent.




I want to provide the council with an update about Tourism Master Plan. I met with the OEBO Goal Setting Committee of Palm Beach County. We went through the RFP and determined that the 15% SBE goal was mandatory, and a 5% local preference goal was mandatory as it relates to the RFP itself.

The agency heads will meet at the end of the month to decide what we want to do with the remaining allocation of 80%. We will solicit this RFP at the start of June. We will have the RFP out for at least 30 days because we want to invite everyone to be able to compete.


1. Update – Deb Drum Drum

We are going to be hosting guided sea turtle nesting walks throughout the month of June. We will send an email out to all of you on the TDC to have the opportunity to join one The number of people is limited due to the permit that we have. I would want to give you all an opportunity to get out there with our staff to enjoy that educational presentation and hopefully see some sea turtles nesting.

We have on our beaches the Sargassum issue nothing unusual is happening You have a little bit of an accumulation but is normal for this time of year.


We have an island restoration project going on in Jupiter. We are about to complete that project and it was designed specifically to have an ecotourism draw It was designed with a kayaking paddling trail that goes through the width of the mangrove canal area and then turns into a tunnel. It will be maintained like that tunnel mangrove that you can see. Once things start growing, we will host you out there for those of you who might want to go on a paddling trip to check it out. It will take a little time to grow and become what it is going to become.



Hopefully, we will see you tomorrow morning for our annual Travel Rally Day at 9:00 A.M. at Loggerhead Marine Center. We have Gustav Weibull, who is our research guru, who is going to share the results of the most recent Portrait of the American Traveler which I think will provide valuable insights into where we are going in our industry.


The Portrait of American Travelers is a national study of American travelers that we subscribe to, and it is done every quarter. This survey was filed at the end of February. There were 4,500 US adults, and almost 70% said they were going to travel this year.

That is a positive sign. We pull out who is interested in Palm Beach, and who is not. 36% of Americans are interested in traveling to The Palm Beaches. That is about 93M of US adults and 45M households that are interested in coming here this year. They plan on taking 5.3 trips this year, which is up from 4.6 trips last year. There is more enthusiasm for travel in 2023. They plan on spending nearly $4,200 total on travel this year, which is up from $3,000 last year. With inflation and prices increasing, they are adjusting their budgets and prioritizing travel.

This year, we can get breakdowns of the different targets that we are advertising and trying to attract. I want to highlight boomers are the highest with $6,000. Luxury travelers obviously are very high, but also outdoor nature experiences a much higher budget on average, beach lovers and then, Gen X and Gen Z have a higher budget than the average traveler. We are doing accessibility travel, an initiative this year. They are planning on taking nine trips this year. Same thing with Hispanic travelers. 8.5 trips this year. Millennials with 6.5 trips this year. Wellness travelers with 5.3 trips this year, travelers that are interested in The Palm Beaches. Where else are they interested in traveling to? 5.2 trips are dispersed potentially throughout the year. We are up against Honolulu, Nashville, New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Niagara Falls, and Myrtle Beach. There is a lot of competition. Everywhere is open for business and looking to attract travelers. We have about one in five travelers interested in The Palm Beaches.


And lastly travel motivations, this is what motivates travelers that are particularly interested in The Palm Beaches. We are already doing family travel, exploring nature outdoors, culinary travel, visiting friends and family, participating in sports, and pursuing wellness. We have initiatives to target each one of these motivations.

We are going to be doing a study on emerging technology. We are going to look at three parts of the study. One is the metaverse and all these new technologies How is that going to affect travel in the future? There are three parts to the study. First, we are going to go out to leaders of the industry, about 500 companies. Tech leaders and get their thoughts on what all these new technologies are. Then, we are going to survey US consumers and travelers about how they would use these technologies, and potential technologies, and lastly, go out to DMO and see what they are going to do and how they are going to engage this.

This study will help us to prioritize what technologies we should be investing in in the future. Here is a list of 19 technologies we have been playing around with and what is going to be in the final study. We are one of five sponsors in the US that are going to be conducting this study.


Who are the other four participants?


Ann Arbor. There is one in California. I can get you a list of who they are.


Is there any year-over-year imperative data or is this MTY? Is this a new concept?


We have year-over-year data on the overall results. We saw the travel budget was $4,200 this year versus $3,000 last year. The number of trips was 5.3 versus 4.6 last year.


We saw more interest in the comparative’s targeted marketing initiatives. It is valuable information.


Is this information provided to other stakeholders in Palm Beach County? How can we access it? Do you share it with organizations you work with regularly?



It is a national survey that anyone can purchase. We are just one of many destinations that purchased It. We can send out it to our partners.


How are we going to improve our results? One of the answers is technology.

In technology, if we go 26 years back in time, we had a group that came to the industry. It was called Expedia; they were using technology and changed a 100-year practice into a booking platform. Now, 14 years ago, Uber came up with a transportation platform technology. Now most of you have an icon on your cell phone with Uber. In our case, that will be the next level to make sure we can create a digital platform of a destination.

Brian Glynn will take you through our proposal and show how we are going to take our destination and maximize the market. “Marktech” is the terminology, and make sure we beat the results every single year.


Marketing technology is all the technology that we use, it is everything we do day to day. We have over 30 pieces of software we use daily to support everything from a marketing standpoint within our organization.

At the top is marketing, the technology and software that underpins it, and how those two communicate with each other. It is all the data that we have from all the platforms And then our processes. We have a lot of projects; a lot of inter-department plans, and how we are supporting our processes, our workload is very important to make sure we are achieving our goals. We have over 30 partners that we work with from technology to software perspective. There are over 11 thousand pieces of software in the industry right now. This was updated and released two weeks ago at

And it divides things into advertising and content from a data perspective and making sure that we have the right partners in place and that the technology is working in concert to make sure we are extrapolating the most we can out of anything we are doing and building a strong foundation to take us through the next couple of years. The first one is data deprecation. When you download a new app it asks, do you want to allow tracking to use ad blockers, or clear your browser We have different changes in technology, things that Apple's rolling out, Firefox, and we have Microsoft trying to push privacy forward. No one wants to be tracked

The next thing is privacy regulations. Europe and California had them for years and the other five states rolled out privacy regulations. California updated theirs, as are Colorado, Utah, Verdenia, and Connecticut. Florida is trying to push legislation through on State-level privacy regulations and New York is doing the same.

2. MARTECH Presentation – 5 Minutes – Bryan Glynn

And then the Walled Gardens, like Meta -Facebook, IG, and Google. They do not play well with others. And we are looking at a solution that is called a Customer Data Platform (CDP). It takes all the information that we have and marries it with data from a large provider. A big CDP in the space is TransUnion. They have a treasure trove of data. They would say, we can see someone is interested in golf but then understand 10 other characteristics. It marries our data with another party's data. It becomes our data, and then we can push this into our digital platforms that are endpoints to target people more effectively.

The next one is a kind of data fragmentation. We have over 30 platforms regularly. We have a ton of information and data points coming in especially if you look to the research information. There is a lot of fragmentation with data, it lives in multiple sources. We are going to implement what is called a data lake. A data lake is taking all the data sources that we have across the entire organization and pushing them into one spot. It flattens the information for us to be able to pull things out from a metric standpoint, from a digital advertising perspective, understand our customers better, and understand the impact from an economic standpoint, it puts everything in one spot. It creates a lot more ability for stronger data governance and the ability to comply with everything, and from a privacy regulation standpoint as well.

There are tons of laws. There are the ones in Europe, the UK has a separate one, Canada has one, then all the States are rolling out their own privacy laws. There will be United States Federal legislation in the future. There are a lot of acronyms in this space as far as a compliance standpoint that we have to make sure we are in line with, and this is going to be a big focus of ours over.

Gustav has built a great model looking at how we are forecasting future occupancy in the destination. We have initiatives and have been working on them since December to look at occupancy farther out and be able to activate campaigns to help in need periods. It is a model based on different data sources. We are going to be implementing this data and this will allow our hotel partners to anonymously push occupancy data into our system. We have had about six or seven conversations with different hotels in the destination to discuss this. We will forecast what is happening in the destination and be able to initiate campaigns for those need periods.

And the last two things, one is the kind of evolution. Milton alluded to this with Uber, with Expedia, there are a lot of changes when it comes to the digital platforms that people are engaging with.

We have to look at how are consumer expectations going to change. How is generative AI going to impact this? Our new website will launch in July. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we will have generative AI incorporated into our website as well, to help people plan for their travel to the destination, as well as engage with future generations and how we are going to support visitors when they are in the destination.


We are going to make sure we are personalizing and layered into how we personalize content to potential travelers into the destination. How we are leveraging generative AI to make sure that a consumer has their expectations met for how they want to travel and plan to travel into the future.

We are kind of working through all these pieces of technology. There is an organization or enterprise-wide impact of these technologies. There is an impact to even community engagement as far as how we are interacting with our partners, how we are reporting back to them, and how we can help drive business into them. There is an impact on our sales side of the organization as far as the technologies that we can leverage, how we can better target meeting planners, and how we can better leverage our CRM and our data there. Within our CDP there is an impact on revenue generation We are generating more revenue to help push these initiatives as well as our workflow, I mentioned we are a very process-dependent organization and there is a technology that we use that underpins this

The data lake seemed very interesting. We were collecting all the data before, but it was just more segmented. Is that the case?


We have it all centralized, a lot of information on our server in spreadsheets, from a marketing perspective, we have like a visualization tool that kind of serves as a data lake, but it is not sitting in there. It is not like it is out in the middle of nowhere, but this will create a repository for us to have for many years and it will backdate from a marketing data standpoint, it will go back a couple of years. We have data going back probably 10, or 12 years at this point. We will have a strong foundation moving forward


Two years ago we started with the digital center of excellence. We brought in-house many important components of ACC access to the market, buying, and planning. The benefits will be tremendous between Culture, Film, and Sports. Having the technology available to make other collaborative initiatives will take the entire tourism component to the next level.


You use an old-fashioned Tableau concept to report out of it.


Gustav uses Power bi. I do something different, but I think we will kind of flatten that and see what makes the most sense for us to visualize things moving forward. We are going to tie that together and make sure it will enable us to make better decisions.



How much of a threat is the new legislation related to the privacy policy? We all receive certain information, and you can decline or not. Is that a big threat going forward?


It is a threat to the extent that it is removing data from the environment. We have to be compliant if someone wants to opt out, we have to do that, it is the right thing to do, but then from a legislative standpoint, we are going to be required to do it. But the bigger threat is just pulling data out of the ecosystem, which is why CDP is going to be incredibly important moving forward.


From the hotelier’s perspective, we have an international group in-house, and those attendees are making their reservations and we market back to them by their email. We have very restrictive policies to remove that data because it said GDPR. To market to somebody in the UK was a tough thing.

Right now one of the challenges is to get approval for access. I think that is critical to keep focusing on that.

Vice-Mayor Sachs

Jim, could you describe that a little bit in terms of the, you said there is pending legislation.


My ability to go out and blast market data directly to someone who may not opt into that. Or you go on a website, and suddenly on your Facebook page, you might get an advertisement that comes in. There are a lot of things behind the scenes. Scary technology. But at the point of sale, our ability to go out and market to those guests, the legislation is out there too

It is not free reign to go and market to those individuals. You cannot buy a list of a million email addresses. I cannot do that anymore. It was probably a trend. See what would stick, it was affordable. There is a real science behind it and that is why you guys are ahead of the game by thinking of this strategy built, pulling all this together, and being able to extract what makes sense.


Europe has had one since 2016. California rolled one out in 2018. They updated in January. Colorado and Utah rolled one out for January. Connecticut and Virginia in July And we did have, in Florida, it died in a session one or two They were trying to


push legislation. It will come back up. New York is the same thing it died in their state legislator as well, but they just have to redo it. It is a matter of time.


1. The Category “G” Grant Agreements* - MOTION TO APPROVE

Grant Amount Room Nights
Prospect Select World Invite / Crossroads Florida Open (September 8-11, 2023) –Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, Santaluces Athletic Complex, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium – NEW $12,500 945
Perfect Game Palm Beach Gardens Open (September 22-24, 2023) Gardens Park - NEW $18,000 570
Perfect Game WWBA World Championships / Perfect Game WWBA 13U & 14U World Championship (October 5-16, 2023) - Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, Santaluces Athletic Complex, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium $107,000 12,502
Columbus Day Discovery Showdown (October 5-8, 2023) – Palm Beach Skate Zone & Palm Beach Ice Works $8,000 800 e. USTA Columbus Day Open (October 7-9, 2023) - Boca West Country Club, Boca Lago Country Club, Delray Beach Tennis Center, Seven Bridges Tennis Center, Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center $7,500 500 f. World Comes to the Palm Beaches (October 25-29, 2023) - Ballpark of the Palm Beaches & Santaluces Athletic Complex $17,500 1,650
TimberTech Championship
$50,000 2,500
Men’s Senior Baseball
Palm Beaches
Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium $68,000 6,480
Equestrian Holiday and Horses Circuit (November 29 – December
2023) Wellington Interna $20,000 12,375 j. “Little Mo” Internationals
December 1-6, 2023) Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center $15,000 1,500
(December 9-10,
Park Amphitheatre $25,000 2,160 Total $348,500 41,982 Average Historical ADR - $223.09 ROI - $561,945.86
(October 30 –November 5, 2023) Old Course at Broken und
League Fall Classic
4-18, 2023) - Ballpark of the
k. Garden of Life Palm Beaches Marathon
2023) Meyer

In front of you is the list of grants we are requesting a motion to approve. There are several baseball events, two tennis and an equestrian sports, and a marathon.

These events are taking place in September, which is a slower month and is projected to generate 41,982 room nights with a room night acquisition cost average of approximately $8.


I would like it to be noted that I will be abstaining on that particular matter. My firm is affiliated with the Equestrian Holiday and Horses Circuit.

Motion to approve The Category “G” Grant Agreements was made by Commissioner Adam Frankel and seconded by Jim Mostad. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Jim Bronstien and Daniel Hostettler absent and Don Dufresne abstained.

2. Update – David Fontanarosa


George is out at the Sports ETA, which is a trade association for education networking. Later this month we are going to have the Florida Sports Summit. And we have the Teams conferences, which is the largest associate trade conference in our industry. Those will drive a lot of future business for our organization.

We highlighted the NCAA Collegiate Women's Golf event that was out there this week through Wednesday and the FAU team players were at the BCC meeting

On the performance measures side, we have 96 events with 184,554 room nights, which generated estimated revenue of $44M in hotel revenue, and $2.6M in bed taxes. We are on pace to meet or exceed our performance measures expectations.


All the Palm Beach County Sports Commission is up for Commission of the Year at ETA.

Commissioner Lambert

Did we have the pickleball tournament?


Starts tomorrow



Is there an American Pickleball Association where we could have a championship here in The Palm Beaches?


There is an Association of Pickleball Professional Tour, which we have hosted three times now in the last two years. Which is a national tour of professional pickleball and the organization that puts that tour on is the same one that is putting on Delray Beach Pickleball Open.



This month is when we celebrate culture in The Palm Beaches. It is a Month of Shows, Art, Ideas, and Culture and it is a cultural discount and experience promotion. We have 25 organizations that are participating in Mosaic this year with 27 different offers. We added new elements this year.

We do custom artwork every year for MOSAIC and this year’s art is by a Boca Raton artist named Tiffany Biasi and it is called the Palm Beaches in Bloom. Our cultural organizations are highlighted there. And I loved seeing Gustav's data because this promotion aligns well with the data that we are seeing. It is a drive market promotion, we are hitting people throughout the state of Florida, inviting them to come in for the month of May. We are inviting them through the Culture to experience the outdoors and bring their families, which is all of the data points that Gustav provided

A lot of work has gone into this campaign with a lot of great results. First, on the PR side, a lot of this ramps up in April. Stories like Weekly Florida, South Florida on the Cheap, and Sun Sentinel, led with Sun Fest because Sun Fest offered a discount for us this year for Mosaic, which was extremely popular. We brought in Sarah Liss freelance journalist. And a lot of times these Mosaic Fam Tours all result in other stories after May. We tried to showcase the County These were broadcast on NBC, in Miami, Orlando, and Tampa Bay. We ended up doing the segments at In Palm Beach Drama Works on stage so that we could show off another one of our cultural institutions.

Influencer partnerships are an important part of our marketing program. We hosted a few of our influencers. This one's Ultimate Girl Mom has triplets for the family market. She has already been here to promote our event. We have them promoting Mosaic all month long, even though they visited in April, we have them hold their content until May. We had another influencer, Stella of Our Peachy Home from Tampa. She took her family to visit and showed our organizations on her social media. And we have a new ambassador program. This is our second year working with Nick Mele as our mosaic ambassador. We are putting together something for an annual partnership that would be a cultural ambassador for the month of next year with Nick Mele He is a noted photographer. He

1. MOSAIC Update – Jennifer Sullivan

has an exhibit right now with Bergdorf Goodman. He travels from Cape Cod and the Hamptons to The Palm Beaches. And he writes for Town and Country and other major lifestyle publications. He took over 70 new photographs, amazing of him and his family, experiencing culture in The Palm Beaches. He helped us write a blog and shared it on his social media. We went back to our old influencers, and they still have content and information that we just asked them to repurpose for Mosaic with just a couple of hundred dollars and they all accepted, and we got additional coverage from people that visited in the past.

On our landing page, you can see we are promoting our Signature Art Week and our artwork. It is where all of the offers live. All of our information on Open Studios as well as links to find the Perfect Hotel, that links over to Discovers Florida Resident and summer savings page.

We had an activation at the Hilton. You can see our ads, our agency took that larger mural and created our mosaic treatment, which is the letters. And we were using the shirt as a form of ad. During our activations, I talked about the Hilton. We had their staff members wearing our shirts. And That is our fun little pop-up display.

We are in Brightline station now. We are doing a lot of digital; we have a video of 15 seconds. For the t-shirts, we made headbands, shades that everyone loves, and then the pin you all have an M. But now I challenge you to go out and find the rest of the letters because our organizations have a letter, if you want to find them you could go on our social media. We have clues on where to find a or the s, etc. We are trying to encourage people to go out and get their hints.

At The Square, they allowed us to have our big Shades of Culture for all of April and all of May. You can see that was a little screen grab of an Instagram post. That is one of the stars of the Ain't Too Proud Show, took a photo in front of glasses and he got a lot of great engagement on social media. They will be up until the end of May as well.

And the last thing I wanted to mention is our Open Studios, which I provided you all with a brochure. This was a way for us to incorporate artists into Mosaic. We have been focusing on organizations and artists that are important to the tourism economy as well. We came up with this concept and we did not know how it was going to go, but I can tell you that the artists are super excited. We ended up getting over 65 artists who wanted to participate in our first Palm Beach County Open Studios. All the studios will be open from 12:00 to 5:00 on May 20th. They will all have champagne or cookies or refreshments, and you get a little behind-the-scenes tour of how their work, how they do their artwork, and you could buy their art, you can talk to them. There are a lot of art spaces. with Zero Empty Spaces has a few spaces where there are multiple artists.

Arts Garage, or Arts Warehouse, for instance, all participating. They have 10 artists there. Another place we think people will travel to is this. There are open studios in other markets across the country. One is in Miami. We know many people from Palm Beach who want to hop on Brightline and spend the day in Miami exploring the studios.


We think that they will come up to Palm Beach for this as well. I invite you all to get your friends together and make a day out of it. There are clusters of galleries, but they are all over the County. On the Mosaic PBC page, you can see a Google map, you can map them out. We are partnering with Zero Empty Spaces which has two spaces at Legacy Place and then at the Brick Down on Boca, where they have multiple artists. We did a podcast with them and WLRN is our other partner. Hoping that maybe this expands to two days in the future, but we will see how it goes this first year.

2. Update – Dave

The Category D and CII Grants are being adjudicated this week. We will start on Tuesday, reviewing Category CII These are mid-size organizations.

On Thursday we will meet about Category B, which are major cultural institutions at our headquarters in Lake Worth Beach. If you have not come and witnessed the process, please do so. The scores determine the funding amounts. At our June meeting, we will bring those funding recommendations for the cultural organizations back to you. I want to thank Emanuel and the TDC board members that are participating in the panel process.

Registration opened for the second Art and Tourism Summit on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access. This is a collaboration amongst all of the TDC agencies. Discover has done a tremendous job putting this together in terms of the actual registration and conference style. The Summit will be on August 30th and 31st at the Convention Center, it is free, and we are going to have new aspects this year.

On day one, will be a small business fair, in the afternoon the participants can engage directly with SBE organizations and see how they can utilize their programs and services. On day two, there will be a multicultural artist fair where artists can share their works and be able to sell them. We partnered with Barry University to provide CEU and SHRM credits. There will be a certification at the end of the second day. If people go on day one and day two, they can get a certification for having participated in this process. It is something we can all be proud of, hope you all will join us.

You all have received our latest issue of Art and Culture Magazine. We published this three times a year in partnership with Palm Beach Media Group. This is a true arts tourism publication and there is a lot of great information, a gallery guide that includes minority-owned galleries and women-own galleries. It is a great way to take a deeper dive into arts and culture, and it is up for several awards, including Best Overall magazine for the State of Florida.


1. Update – Michelle Hillery



I wanted to give you an exciting update about The Palm Beach's TV and a wonderful collaboration with our airport, you may have seen two monitors at that airport that streams The Palm Beach's TV. We have four more monitors that are up and running right now broadcasting The Palm Beach's TV channel. A two-hour loop that shows segments of each of the programming that is on the channel. Now we have another monitor on the inside of baggage claim, you can see the programming while you are standing there. Thanks to TDC and the airport for making that happen for us. A 20-year effort. Yes.

On The Palm Beach's TV, this summer is going to be busy with brand new programming that is going to hit the original distribution of these shows. Then we have over 20 hours of brand-new Family Friendly Tourism, branded diverse programming. A huge focus is on the Western communities. On diversity. We have On The Town around the world. We have a Latin-style show. We have a gay polo show.

I did want to go back to the consent agenda, not that you have to go there, but just to bring a little attention to our production history. This is a huge effort, and it is a big survey. This year we surveyed over 168 of our local indigenous production companies. We were able to identify the $238M of revenue that is being spent in the County as a result of the Film & TV efforts. We did not get in touch with 70 of them, and we think another $18M is left on the table. we only identify and report what we can confirm. This is from 1991 through 2022. This is something Chuck started years ago that encompasses what our industry looks like, breaking it down from television to feature films to the commercial industry, what it looks like. There is a page that talks about our ROI which is $192 Return On Investments.

We had a very successful 28th Annual Palm Beaches Student Showcase of Films again, Which is very near and dear to our hearts I want to thank Verdenia Baker for presenting the first award of the day to our students. We had over 650 high school and college students from around the state of Florida join us at the Maltz Jupiter Theater. We gave over $20,000 in scholarships and awards. $1.6B in scholarships and awards throughout its history. We want to keep that talent here. We have wonderful education programs, some of the best in the country for Film & TV Production. But the competition is stiff in places like California, Georgia, and Louisiana. They have incentives to attract business.

We are one of 17 states that do not have any type of program. We were the third-largest Film & Television Production State in the country. Possibly we could make that available to our state legislators.


Regarding the Showcase for the students. We were in attendance, and we enjoyed it. There was a concern about the space. I just wanted to know if anybody provided any feedback asking to get a bigger place because the audience was huge. But someone mentioned to us maybe a bigger space because every year it is growing. So I just wanted to know if you have any concerns.



Yes, that is a nice problem to have. We have 659 seats in that theater, and we had 600 RSVPs this year. We did have enough availability this year, and we do take the RSVPs, but sometimes we will have a bus that shows up and they did not let us know that they were coming.

But we can look at expanding that program and years to come. Going back to The Maltz where Burt Reynolds started, that was the original dinner theater for Mr. Reynolds, and we continued to give the Burt Reynolds scholarship out every year. There is meaning behind being there. But I thank you for that feedback. Last year did not seem as full obviously as this year. There was a much bigger turnout, and we had a record number of submissions. This year, 528 submissions from around the state. We are getting out there.


This may be going to be the perfect month for us. When I started 20 years ago before the connected hotel was built, we were primarily supported by local businesses and organizations, then we finally got the new hotel breaking ground. I remember when Maria Walker and I, my director of sales, had to change the booking policy. And we had to take the window for the short-term pieces of business, and we had to narrow it back for how far they could book out. Because the goal was really to book business. And that was the priority. When we released it, we were a little nervous because these clients had supported us for all of these years and the effect was few people had to have certain dates. But at the end of the day, the majority of our short-term business stayed with us. Then the hotel opened, and our business has just been crazy. The great thing is we are probably 70 long and 30 short, the majority of our long, our short-term clients have stayed with us, our annual clients.

In the month of May, we are running 24/7 for 31 straight days. We started with college graduations. We currently have the Governor's Conference in driving room nights

Then we go into Vertical Flight which is coming back to a great conference. Friday, we have the Urban League 50th anniversary dinner, hosted by Legal Aid. I think it is the 20th year of the dinner at the building. The mix is phenomenal. It is just proof that we are a building for our community, and we can drive the revenue and keep the operating deficit down. We do not have any deficit anymore. We can drive the room nights and can offer opportunities to all of these local groups. Thank you Verdenia for coming over yesterday.

I wanted to introduce one of our great partners with the connected Hilton Hotel Derrick Steinour, who is the Director of Sales.

1. OVG Venue Management a. Update- Dave Anderson Anderson


Our great partnership with Convention Center continues to grow, which we are very excited about, but more importantly, we have a new fearless leader Chris Inman joining us from Santa Barbara as our General Manager,


I have been here for about three and a half months. I was four and a half years in Santa Barbara, but my home is in South Florida. It is great to be back with you. I am looking forward to working with all of you and thank you for making me feel welcome.

We are running strong. It is 24/7 right now. We have events where Dave has a crew that is in overnight flipping the ballroom from one setup to the other for us to hold a function the next morning where I have staff coming in at two o'clock in the morning to start setting the room.

It is wonderful. It is crazy. It is busy. In June we get a little bit of relief. I have staff That are taking a vacation, but I have a large staff that are part-time employees, part-time hourly employees, and a lot of them live paycheck to paycheck. And I want to keep them employed, but the last couple of weeks were slower.

I am working with some of the other OVG hospitality accounts in the area to provide them with work opportunities. They have bills to pay and families to support, and I am selfish, I do not want them to go and get a job elsewhere. We are sending our full-time staff to other accounts so that we can relieve our budget a little bit of that expense in June to save a little bit of money.

Peter yesterday, a prominent member of the Discover Board, has taken on the role of the search committee chair for Jorge’s replacement when he retires, which is sometime this summer. They are following their bylaws impeccably and have opened it up. I know members of the committee include several members of the Discover Board, Verdenia, Emanuel, and Roger are on that due to his expertise, having had that position many years ago, myself, and a few others.

We went through a whole RFP process relative to getting a search firm and things are underway right now. It is worth mentioning to everyone that the process is underway and

2. OVG Hospitality a. Update – Kathy Griffin Griffin 7. BOARD COMMENTS Mostad

with the greatest of transparency. I think Roger probably wanted to make sure that we disclose to this board today that it is underway.


Can we have an update on the TDC Executive Director?


Happy to report that we have gone out twice, on a national search. I have narrowed that down to one person, but I need to make sure all my board members are aware of it. And as I do that, I will be sending something out to this board. For all of my department heads, I select them, but my board has to ratify them. And that process will be completed this week so that I will be able to take something to the board for their consideration on Tuesday.

Vice-Mayor Sachs

Do you think that will be on the June 8th , agenda or possibly before?


My goal is to have it on Tuesday.

Commissioner Lambert

I was pleased to see it on the back of this. Regarding the comment that you all added about our County being large, please plan for travel time. I thought that was nice because Michelle, Sergio from Discover, and myself had the opportunity to speak yesterday to Leadership Palm Beach County and their recent class about tourism. And they were especially interested in making sure that we do not forget about our friends in the Glades area. I think things like this that help remind folks about how large our County is very helpful.


Large and diverse.


And if I may add, she was a wonderful ambassador on behalf of the TDC.

Commissioner Lambert

I stepped in because there was no executive director,



Believe it or not, I am posing as that with Emanuel's help. I was not aware that was going on. I would have been extremely pleased to have spoken to Leadership Palm Beach County, which I often do as the County Administrator. That is not an issue. We have not missed a beat as a result of that position being vacant. Between the two of us, have been covering as long as we are aware of it.


No public comments.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M.

Next TDC Board Meeting will be on June 8, 2023.

*Attachment included.




TO: Tourist Development Council

DATE: May 31, 2023

RE: Discover The Palm Beaches Monthly Activity Report May 2023

The following is a summary of DTPB activities in support of TDC Performance measures for the month of May 2023. This report demonstrates positive trends relative to owned visitor digital footprint, advertising impressions, social media engagement, and booked room nights for the Month of May.

April 2023 Performance


 2.8 million visitors, up 8.5% from last year driven by record internaonal visitaon

o Internaonal by 25% to 268,000

 A record 153,000 Canadians visited in Q1-2023, 28% more than 2022 and 16% more than 2019

 Visitaon from Germany was also a record at 5,200, up 48% from 2022 and 23% from 2019

 Mexico which recovered in 2021 reached a new record over Q1-2023 with 3,300 visitors up 32% over 2022

 The UK and Brazil both returned to 2019 levels

 Colombia decreased 14% to 4,200 back to 2019 levels

o Visitaon from Out-of-State increased by 5% to 1.68 million

 Visitaon from New York City Area was flat at 380,000

 Washington DC & Balmore up 14%

 Boston was flat at 102,000

 Philadelphia up 3% to 60,000

 Houston up 25% to 35,000

 Atlanta and Detroit were both up 13% to 57,000 and 39,000

o In-State increased by 10% to 821,000 likely due to more new residents and full schedule of events


 $2.2 billion up 10% from last year

o $664 million in F&B spend up 10%

o $740 million on total lodging spend (including ancillary) up 17%

o $254 million on recreaon up 3%

o $411 million on retail down 1%

o $161 million on transportaon with The Palm Beaches up 25%

 Total economic impact from tourism over Q1-2023 was $3.2 billion


Occupancy and Demand

 Hotel Occupancy for April decreased by 2.5% to 83.4%, selling 1.3% less hotel rooms than last year.

 Shared lodging occupancy sold 19% more room nights compared to last year, but with a 2.4% decline in occupancy due to an increase of room inventory.

 Total room nights sold from hotels and shared lodging increased 4.3% to 598,000.

ADR and Revenue

 Hotel rates were down 1.8% to $289.

 Shared lodging rates were down 3.5% to $358, the per room equivalent was down 7% to $156.

 With shared lodging selling more rooms and lower rates across all lodging overall revenue is flat yearover-year at $149M

 Bed taxes are expected to be near $9M.

Key Performance Trends

 Hotel room nights decreased by 5.3% across Florida, The Palm Baches declined the least ranking 1st in growth of room nights sold.

 Rate in The Palm Beaches also declined less than any other Florida destination and commanded the 3rd highest rate in the State, behind Naples and The Keys

 Luxury rooms sold were up 8.4% but at an 8.5% lower rate ($708)

 Demand was strong at Beaches up 2.9% and Downtown districts with West Palm Beach up 3.4% and Delray Beach up 1.7%

 Performance was driven down by I-95 and Budget properties down 3.2% and 10% in room nights sold.

Table of Contents MAY 2023 MONTH END 2 1 PERFORMANCE MEASURES - TDC 4 PERFORMANCE MEASURES DETAIL 5 1 Advertising/Paid Media Impressions 5 2 Owned Views Digital Footprint 5 3 Consumer & Travel Industry Database 6 4 Earned Media Impressions - Public Relations 6 5 Social Media Engagement 7 6 Marketing Overview by Month FY 2022 - 2023 7 7 Booked Room Nights - Hotel Lead Program 8 8 Group Level Booked room Nights (CC Shared) 8 9 Citywide Actualized FY Room Nights (CC Shared) 9 10 Destination Reviews 9 11 Site Participation 10 12 Group Sales & Destination Services Overview by Month FY 2022 - 2023 10 HOTEL & SHARED LODGING PERFORMANCE 11 1 The Palm Beaches Hotel Performance - April 11 2 The Palm Beaches Shared Lodging Performance - April 11 3 The Palm Beaches Total Lodging Performance - April 12 4 The Palm Beaches Hotel Performance - April CYTD 12 5 The Palm Beaches Shared Lodging Performance - April CYTD 13 6 The Palm Beaches Total Lodging Performance - April CYTD 13 SUCCESS CONTINUATION PLAN - JUNE 2023 14 1 Marketing 14 2 Sales 16

Performance Measures - TDC



 Increase Consumer and Travel Industry database to 410,000

 Generate 14,000,000 in Owned Views Digital Footprint

 Generate 7,000,000 Social Engagements

 Generate 700,000,000 Advertising Impressions

 Generate 250,000,000 Earned Media Impressions

Meetings & Conventions

 Book 110,000 DTPB only room nights (Hotel Meetings Leads)

 Generate 50,000 Group Level Booked Room Nights Convention Center Shared

 Generate 40,000 Group Level Actual FY Room Night for Convention Center Shared

 Generate 80 participants in Destination Reviews

 Generate 110 Destination Site Participants

PERFORMANCE MEASURES Target Actual Year End Target Current Month MAY YTD % of Annual Target Advertising Impressions 600,000,000 1,402,602,058 700,000,000 215,652,627 2,442,004,949 348.9% Owned Views Digital Footprint 18,000,000 15,291,492 14,000,000 1,498,316 12,391,974 88.5% Consumer & Travel Industry Database increase 405,000 419,118 410,000 401 426,167 103.9% Earned Media Impressions 200,000,000 253,318,230 250,000,000 31,552,899 237,004,709 94.8% Social Engagement 1,400,000 14,885,913 7,000,000 1,159,547 17,508,828 250.1% Booked Room Nights - Hotel lead Program 90,000 130,562 110,000 14,624 136,403 124.0% Convention Center Booked Room Nights (Shared w/CC) 40,000 44,697 50,000 8,798 25,971 51.9% Convention Center Actualized FY Room Nights (Shared w/CC) 30,000 33,195 40,000 4,522 25,403 63.5% Destination Reviews 70 94 80 0 79 98.8% Destination Site Participation 90 101 110 13 80 72.7% FISCAL YEAR 2021 - 2022 FISCAL YEAR 2022 - 2023
Power BI Desktop Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0 0% 100 0% 348.9% FYTD 0 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 676,713,218 2,442,004,949 FY 2022 2023 Digital and Traditional Impressions - Month/Month 0 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000 2022 2023 60,689,638 182,756,888 32,895,739 78,112,075 215,652,627 Digital Impressions Traditional Impressions Month May   Digital and Traditional Impressions - FYTD 0 1,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 2022 2023 475,702,307 1,982,819,051 459,185,898 676,713,218 2,442,004,949 YTD Digital Impressions Y TD Traditional Impressions % of Annual Target Achieved
Media Impressions Year End Target 700M FY Multiple selections   Month / Month 0 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000 78,112,075 215,652,627 FY 2022 2023 Power BI Desktop Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0.0%
FYTD 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 9 , 3 0 0 , 2 7 9 1 2 , 3 9 1 , 9 7 4 FY 2022 2023 Month / Month 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 9 8 7 , 7 1 6 1 , 4 9 8 , 3 1 6 FY 2022 2023 Month May   % of Goal Achieved YTD
Year End Target
Owned Views Digital Footprint FY Multiple selections  
348.9% Advertising/Paid
100.0% 88.5%


Power BI Desktop Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 103.9% Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved 103.9% Year End Target 410K Consumer & Travel Industry Database FY Multiple selections   Sum of Target and YTD by Month 0.0M 0.1M 0.2M 0.3M 0.4M Sum of Target and YTD Month May 410,000 426,167 Sum of Target YTD Power BI Desktop Year End Target 250M Month/Month 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 1 7 , 6 7 7 , 6 3 3 3 1 , 5 5 2 , 8 9 9 FY 2022 2023 FYTD 0 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000 250,000,000 1 4 1 , 9 5 6 , 7 3 2 2 3 7 , 0 0 4 , 7 0 9 FY 2022 2023 Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0 0% 100 0%
Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved
Earned Media Impressions - Public Relations FY Multiple selections  
Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 6 , 3 0 4 , 1 5 9 1 7 , 5 0 8 , 8 2 8 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 5 8 9 , 9 1 6 1 , 1 5 9 , 5 4 7 FY 2022 2023 Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 250.1% Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved 250.1% Year End Target 7M Social Media Engagement FY Multiple selections   Power BI Desktop Advertising/Paid Media Impressions 0 0bn 0 1bn 0 2bn 0 3bn 0 4bn Month Current Month 121M 421M 396M 414M 328M 315M 232M 216M October November December January February March April May Owned Views Digital Footprint 0 0M 0 5M 1 0M 1 5M 2 0M Current Month 0.92M 1.44M 1.68M 1.60M 1.72M 1.68M 1.84M 1.50M October November December January February March April May Earned Media Impressions 0M 20M 40M Current Month 16M 24M 21M 17M 43M 37M 48M 32M October November December January February March April May Social E ngagement 0K 2,000K 4,000K 6,000K Current Month 349K 1,286K 2,043K 2,348K 1,860K 3,104K 5,358K 1,160K October November December January February March April May Marketing Overview by Month FY 2022 - 2023



Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 8 1 , 8 4 7 1 3 6 , 4 0 3 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 8 , 5 9 4 1 4 , 6 2 4 FY 2022 2023 Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Percentage of Target Achieved 124.0% Year End Target 110K Booked Room Nights - Hotel Lead Program FY Multiple selecti   * Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 2 7 , 7 7 8 2 5 , 9 7 1 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 8 , 7 9 8 FY 2022 2023 Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0%
Month May   Percentage
Year End
FY Multiple selections   *
0.0% 100.0% 51.9%
Group Level Booked Room Nights (CC Shared)





Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 2 1 , 5 9 6 2 5 , 4 0 3 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 7 , 2 6 5 4 , 5 2 2 FY 2022 2023 Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 63.5% Percentage of Target Achieved 63.5% Year End Target 40K Month May  
Actualized FY Room
FY Multiple selections   Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 20 40 60 80 9 1 7 9 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 5 10 15 16 FY 2022 2023 Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0
Percentage of Target Achieved
Year End Target
Destination Reviews FY Multiple selections  
Nights (CC Shared)
0% 100
Power BI Desktop FYTD 0 20 40 60 80 62 80 FY 2022 2023 Month/Month 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 7 13 FY 2022 2023 Month May   Percentage of Target Achieved - FY2023 100.0% 0 0% 100 0% 72.7% Percentage of Target Achieved 72.7% Year End Target 110 Site Participation FY Multi   Power BI Desktop Booked Room Nights - Hotel lead P rogram 0K 10K 20K 30K 40K Current Month 15,708 10,314 37,479 11,234 17,839 15,939 13,266 14,624 October November December January February March April May Group Level Booked Room Nights (CC Shared) 0K 2K 4K 6K 8K Current Month 3,106 50 1,475 4,373 0 560 1,234 8,798 October November December January February March April May Group Level Actual FY Room Nights for CC Sha red 0K 2K 4K 6K 8K Current Month 8,712 1,078 0 5,965 2,318 215 2,593 4,522 October November December January February March April May Destination Site Participation 0 20 40 Current Month 17 52 14 10 20 23 10 13 October November December January February March April May Group Sales & Destination Services Overview by Month FY 2022 - 2023


Power BI Desktop Hotel ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 2022 2023 $295 $289 Hotel Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2022 2023 75 2% 73.4% Hotel RevPAR $0 $100 $200 2022 2023 $222 $212 The Palm Beaches Hotel Per formance - April Hotel Rooms 0K 5K 10K 15K 20K 2022 2023 18,686 18,991 Hotel Room Nights Sold 0.0M 0.1M 0.2M 0.3M 0.4M 2022 2023 422K 418K Hotel Room Revenue $0M $50M $100M 2022 2023 $124.2M $120.9M *Source: STR, INC. REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF STR IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Market The Palm Beaches  % Chg '22 to '23 -2.5% % Chg '22 to '23 -1.8% % Chg '22 to '23 -4.2% % Chg '22 to '23 -1.3% % Chg '22 to '23 1.2% % Chg '22 to '23 -3.1% Navigation (select page and click go) Shared Lodging Monthly   Power BI Desktop Shared Lodging ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 2022 2023 $371 $358 Shared Lodging Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 2022 2023 66.1% 64.5% Shared Lodging RevPAR $0 $100 $200 2022 2023 $245 $231 The Palm Beaches Shared Lodging Per formance - April Listings / Rooms 0K 5K 10K 2022 2023 4,935 5,908 10,834 13,478 Sum of Shared Lodging Listings Sum of Shared Lodging Rooms Shared Lodging Room Nights Sold 0K 50K 100K 150K 200K 2022 2023 151K 180K Shared Lodging Room Revenue $0M $10M $20M $30M 2022 2023 $25 2M $28.1M *Source: Airdna. REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Airdna IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Navigation (select page and click go) Hotel Monthly   % Chg '22 to '23 -2.4% % Chg '22 to '23 -3.5% % Chg '22 to '23 -5.8% % Chg '22 to '23
% Chg '22 to '23
Power BI Desktop Total Lodging ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 2022 2023 $305 $300 Total Lodging Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2022 2023 73.8% 71.8% Total Lodging RevPAR $0 $100 $200 2022 2023 $225 $216 The Palm Beaches Total Lodging Per formance - April Hotel Rooms + Shared Listings 0K 10K 20K 30K 2022 2023 29,520 32,468 Total Lodging Room Nights Sold 0.0M 0.2M 0.4M 0.6M 2022 2023 573K 5 98K Total Lodging Room Revenue $0M $50M $100M $150M 2022 2023 $149.4M $149.0M *Source: STR, INC.and Airdna REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF STR IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Navigation (select page and click go) Hotel Monthly   % Chg '22 to '23 -2.7% % Chg '22 to '23 -1.7% % Chg '22 to '23 -4.3% % Chg '22 to '23 10.0% % Chg '22 to '23 4.3% % Chg '22 to '23 -0.3% Power BI Desktop Hotel ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 2022 2023 $321 $332 Hotel Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2022 2023 76.0% 78.1% Hotel RevPAR $0 $100 $200 2022 2023 $247 $259 The Palm Beaches Hotel Per formance - April CY TD Hotel Rooms 0K 5K 10K 15K 20K 2022 2023 18,686 18,991 Hotel Room Nights Sold 0.0M 0.5M 1.0M 1.5M 2022 2023 1,699K 1,775K Hotel Room Revenue $0.0bn $0.2bn $0.4bn $0.6bn 2022 2023 $545 2M $588.8M *Source: STR, INC. REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF STR IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Market The Palm Beaches   % Chg '22 to '23 2.8% % Chg '22 to '23 3.4% % Chg '22 to '23 6.3% % Chg '22 to '23 0.8% % Chg '22 to '23 3.6% % Chg '22 to '23 7.2% Navigation (select page and click go) Hotel Monthly  
Power BI Desktop Shared Lodging ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 $400 2022 2023 $391 $392 Shared Lodging Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 2022 2023 70.8% 70.0% Shared Lodging RevPAR $0 $100 $200 $300 2022 2023 $276 $274 The Palm Beaches Shared Lodging Per formance - April CY TD Shared Lodging Rooms 0.0M 0.5M 1.0M 2022 2023 0.7M 0.9M Shared Lodging Room Nights Sold 0.0M 0.2M 0.4M 0.6M 2022 2023 518K 637K Shared Lodging Room Revenue $0M $50M $100M 2022 2023 $93.7M $111.0M *Source: Airdna. REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Airdna IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Navigation (select page and click go) Hotel Monthly   % Chg '22 to '23 -1.1% % Chg '22 to '23 0.2% % Chg '22 to '23 -0.8% % Chg '22 to '23 23.8% % Chg '22 to '23 22.8% % Chg '22 to '23 18.4% Power BI Desktop Total Lodging ADR $0 $100 $200 $300 2022 2023 $330 $340 Total Lodging Occupancy 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 2022 2023 75 4% 76.9% Total Lodging RevPAR $0 $100 $200 2022 2023 $249 $261 The Palm Beaches Total Lodging Per formance - April CY TD Total Lodging Room Nights 0M 1M 2M 3M 2022 2023 3.0M 3.2M Total Lodging Room Nights Sold 0M 1M 2M 2022 2023 2,214K 2,411K Total Lodging Room Revenue $0.0bn $0.2bn $0.4bn $0.6bn 2022 2023 $639.5M $699.6M *Source: STR & Airdna. REPUBLICATION OR OTHER RE-USE OF THIS DATA WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF Airdna IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Research compiled and pub ished by Discover The Palm Beaches (DTPB) can on y be reproduced through expressed written approval from the DTPB Research Department For questions p ease contact research@thepa mbeaches com Navigation (select page and click go) Hotel Monthly   % Chg '22 to '23 2.0% % Chg '22 to '23 2.9% % Chg '22 to '23 5.0% % Chg '22 to '23 7.3% % Chg '22 to '23 8.9% % Chg '22 to '23 9.4%

Success Continuation Plan




Broadcast TV Buy January 16 - April 16 Brand/Media

Chicago, Washington DC, Boston, New York

• Compiling final wrap reports

• Chicago - NBC & CBS - 9.9M est. impressions

• Boston - NBC, CBS, ABC - 10.4M est. impressions

• Washington DC - NBC & CBS - 13.3M est. impressions

• New York - NBC & CBS - 16.1M est. impressions

• Confirming summer broadcast opportunities in Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Atlanta with a shift in funds from Accessibility and Sustainability

• #LoveThePalmBeaches campaign launched May 1

• Digital toolkit available at

• Full media plan across TV, radio, print, out of home, social media, digital audio

Community Outreach Toolkit March 1 - June 30


Palm Beach County Residents

• Hosted media event on May 2 to launch the campaign in partnership with SunFest

• Brand activation at SunFest to engage residents and encourage the power of personal invitation

• Presenting campaign to city boards and chambers to encourage engagement throughout the county

• 2,000 giveaway entries on facebook, instagram and website

• Gay Polo partnership on April 8, hosting media, influencers and clients

• Partnership with Sports Commission for any support with RFPs or events for FIFA World Cup and College Football Playoff 2026

TDC Collaboration: Signature Events January - September Brand/PR/Social Varies

• Partnership with Cultural Council to promote Mosaic Open Studios, from content creation to social media posts

• Aug 30-31, Partnership with Cultural Council to prepare a highlight reel for the "Arts and Tourism Summit on DEIA" to be posted on LinkedIn

TDC Collaboration: Film Studio Planned Completion: March 31, 2023

• Requesting proposals to build out additional assets in Film studio space for video and podcast recording; will gather potential capabilities and discuss with TDC Partners for next steps

Social/Digital/ PR/Brand


TDC Collaboration: Airlift January - September Digital/Brand/Media Fly Markets (TBD)

• Campaigns continuing with Avelo on launch of new Wilmington, NC and Raleigh-Durham; promoting BreezeCharleston route

• Launching Asheville campaign with Allegiant

Destination OTA Co-Op January - September Digital

Chicago, Washington DC, Boston, New York, Philadelphia

• Continuing to customize creative with specific call to action to book within certain time frames with lower demand forecasted. Majority of campaigns running Florida markets plus Atlanta.

• Booked campaigns for July, August, September for $153,000 with reallocation of some Metaverse funds.

International Strategy: Traditional January - September Brand/Sales/Media

Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, UK, Germany

• Finalized media plans across Canada, UK, Mexico, Colombia and Germany. Media running February - September 2023

• Placements include Robb Report & Forbes MX; Elle & InStyle Mexico and a sponsorship of the Toronto Polo Club season

• Campaigns running in Mexico (Mexico City & Guadalajara), Colombia (Bogota, Medellin, Baranquilla), Canada (Toronto & Montreal), and Brazil (Sao Paolo).

• Launching campaigns in the UK on June 1, shifted $60,000 from Metaverse funds.

International Strategy: Digital January - September Digital

Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, UK, Germany

• Hosted Brazilian influencers @vazaonde and @ines.lafosse, combined following of 576k followers. Hosted @jujunatripblog 219k followers

• Hosted Toronto's top influencer and leading media @blogto (2.5 million followers) in partnership with Visit Florida

• Hosted Canadian influencer @luxe.tourista (183k followers)

• Boosted posts in target markets, 56m reach YTD

• Launched March 30 at Global Meetings Industry Day

Destination Podcast March 1 Launch Brand/Media

Family Activation May - September


NationalTargeting Meeting Planners in Key Industry Segments

• Owned & Paid Media plans in place, content being created, PR support

• Episodes:

1: Global Meetings Industry Day

2: Citywide Meetings with Smithbucklin

3: Sourcing Trends with Cvent

4: The Future of Meetings & Industry Trends with PCMA (5/11)

• Zimmerman presented partnership with Vilebrequin luxury swim wear

Florida Drive Markets, Key Fly Markets


• Evaluating opportunities with Alliance Connection for highimpact partnerships with family brands

• In discussion with Saks 5th Avenue for high-impact brand partnership in Aug/September along with NYFW collaboration

August/September PR/Brand New York


Metaverse & MarTech Transition

September Digital National

• Per our prior notes on investing in some infrastructure marketing technology projects prior to building out the Metaverse platform, we have three projects we will begin using these funds for: 1) data lake, 2) customer data platform (CDP), 3) data clean room. We are also in preliminary conversations with a consultant to help advise and guide these projects.

• Reallocated $153,000 of this budget to OTA campaign portion to cover July, August, September.

• Reallocated $60,000 of this budget to digital international strategy to launch in UK.

• Plan approved for:

• Joining Travelability's Destination Ally Club

• Enter into Partnership with Travelability for writing an Accessibility Strategic Plan and for Travelability to work with The Palm Beaches in an advisory capacity

• Confirmed accommodation and non-accommodation partners for Wheel The World Assessments, to include 30 partners + PBIA and PBCCC

Accessible Travel January - September PR/Brand/Social All Target Markets

• Training has begun to become a Certified Autism Destination and have staff go through accredited training; completion goal 6/5

• Press release in draft for Certified Autism Destination and accessibility program announcement; distribution date late June

• Research and questions answered for Travelabilities initianl assessment to help with stragtegic plan

• Hosted accessibility influencer @justcpnotspecial with 63k followers. She also wrote 2 blogs for us, one in Spanish

• $168K to be allocated to summer drive market broadcast

Sustainability June - September Brand/PR/ Community Engagement


Palm Beach County Residents; Drive Markets & Fly Markets

• Sea to Preserve campaign creative concept approved, moving forward with build out of additional assets

• $75K reallocated to drive-market broadcast for summer

• Media to begin in August/September as a follow-up to Love The Palm Beaches residents campaign


Incentive Fund DecemberSeptember Sales Targeted Markets & Industries

• Launched marketing promotions to databased and additional distribution channels such as Cvent and 3rd party partnerships. Executed on PCMA and trad experience and received new lead opportunities and contracts to utilzing incentive dollars. Secured 40,000 plus room nights with incentive dollars and aquired two industry events - confidential and Smart meetings national meeting

• Initiated new convention center focused promotion to become more competitive Nationally for 2024 adn beyond.

* Finalizing Short Term PBCCC promotion for 4th Trimester 2023 period over need dates targeted for short term corporate business.


Multicultural Market

Expanded Representation Firms

January - September Sales/Marketing

BIPOC, Hispanic, LGTBQ+

• Commenced planning process for enhanced participation multicultural trade events and marketing partnership agreements. Signed marketing partnership with National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners ,LGBTQ's annual PROUD event in Los Angeles, and Connect Diversty, Faith and Specialty Markets

•Confirmed ConferenceDirect DEI Focused commitment$12,750.00

•Confirmed Proud Experience Summit and IGLTA Membership$10,720.00

* Stratagic Partnership with NCBMP - $30,000.00

January - September Sales/Marketing

Domestic, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, UK, & Germany

• Initiated discussions with existing representation firms to determine capabilities and potential to manage MICE and other expanded sales/marketing responsibilities. Reviewing proposals from representation firms. Expanded presence and activation in Colombia with travel trade operators, tradeshow and golf activation

•Finalized VoX International Agreement for MICE Canada Group representation. Contracted Partnership at $34K •Seeking proposal from UK and Mexico for MICE segmentation.

Transformational Events DecemberSeptember Sales/Marketing

Wellness, Culinary & Multicultural

• Initiated discussions with major internationally acclaimed event organizers to secure a Palm Beaches launch in late 2023. Executed on planning trip with wellness event organizers

• Launched The Pink Retreat partnership for event in June 2023

Destination Servicing/Mobile Visitor Information Center

January - September Sales/Marketing Group & Leisure Events

Incurred additional expenses of on GMID and of transportation costs and housing and registration for PBCCC group. Executed on additoinal site inspections that included airfare and overnight accommodations. Executing on Mobile VIC Center to be utilized for Convention Center Group & Consumer Events. Incurred additional expenses for Site Visits on airfare, transportation and overnight stays for planners. Incurred additional expense for GHC transportation from hotels within the room block to the Convention Center during their May meeting.


May 2023

1 New performance indicators as of 10/1/22. Previous year totals were not measured.

Item 4B - Page 1
Performance Indicator FY 2022 FY 2023 Goal Actual FY Goal Current Month FYTD % to Goal Website Sessions 600,000 813,812 900,000 83,231 715,889 80% Tourism Email Growth 34,000 44,686 50,000 49,086 49,086 83% Partner Referrals 52,000 72,338 75,000 11,940 66,783 89% Earned Media Impressions1 - - 3,000,000,000 152,175,148 3,825,555,480 128% Social Media Impressions (Organic)1 - - 500,000 68,130 493,251 99% Cultural Concierge Program Leads 1,000 1,072 1,300 (4) 937 72% Co-op Packages 50 51 60 76 76 127% Visitors to the Cultural Council 8,000 4,786 8,000 617 4,653 58%


May is the Month of Shows, Art, Ideas and Culture in The Palm Beaches, and the Council’s MOSAIC campaign featuring 27 special offers from 25 Palm Beach County cultural attractions ended on May 31. Some of the MOSAIC offers included discounts for performances and art classes happening in June, so the Council expects activity to extend a few extra weeks. Since the MOSAIC campaign launched in April, in May the Council team was able to focus its attention on executing its first-ever Palm Beach County Open Studios event on May 20. Promoted as part of the MOSAIC campaign, the half day event was a collaboration with local professional artists and Zero Empty Spaces to encourage visitation to private art studios which normally are not open to the public. Early results indicate the event was a success, with rave reviews coming in from both artists and visitors alike. Social media coverage was especially strong by both the artist “hosts” and their visitors. Attendees were asked to provide their zip codes, which the Council will be gathering from the studio hosts to learn how many visitors were from outside Palm Beach County. MOSAIC partner organizations will also be asked to provide their redemption results and visitor data to the Council in June.

Also at the close of May, 76 co-op ad packages had been sold fiscal year-to-date. At a Cultural Marketing Roundtable meeting on May 17, Council staff began outreach to partner organizations to learn which co-op placements would be desirable for FY24 and presented this year’s remaining co-op opportunities, including a clickable video campaign placed with Clicktivated that will target Canadians in both English and French during the months of July, August, and September.

As the MOSAIC campaign wound down in May, the Council worked with Push to finalize its new cultural tourism advertising campaign, which will be debuted in early June. The new campaign will feature cinematic-style videos and dramatic photography taken at the Kravis Center, Arts Garage, Morikami Museum, Palm Beach Zoo, Cox Science Center and Norton Museum of Art. Push also delivered design drafts of a handful of web pages for the Council to review as part of the Council’s website redesign project. The Council is working closely with Push’s

Item 4B - Page 2

creative and development team on the new look, navigation and responsive modules to ensure the website content is easily accessible and visually striking.


Top Placements

● South Florida Sun Sentinel (UVM: 1,731,312) May 2, "SunFest 2023: Guide to tickets, transportation and who's playing when” PDF clip here

○ Pickup in Yahoo! News (UVM: 59,984,680)

● (UVM: 5,000) May 17, “Cultural Getaway: During The Month Of May Palm Beach Museums Are Offering Bogo On Admissions”

● Secret Miami (UVM: 32,337) May 22, “5 Marvelous Things To Do For Memorial Day Weekend In Miami”

● South Florida Sun Sentinel (UVM: 1,731,312) May 25, “Time's Running Out: Get Discounts for May Fun, Including Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, Catamaran Cruise & More” PDF clip here

Other Highlighted Placements:

• May 15, WPBF-TV & WFLX-TV: “Dozens of Palm Beach County artists to open studios”

• May 18, Florida Weekly: “Cultural Council Biennial Awards Three Top Honors”

National Media Outreach

The Council’s PR agency, Sharp, conducted follow-up outreach to press in the South Florida area throughout May to gain additional drive-market MOSAIC coverage. In doing so, the agency secured pre-Memorial Day coverage in two “Things To Do” pieces: one in Secret Miami (UVM: 32,337) and one in South Florida Sun Sentinel (UVM: 1,731,312). The PR agency secured additional MOSAIC coverage in South Florida Sun Sentinel, which was syndicated by Yahoo! News.

The PR agency continued conversations following an April FAM trip for freelancer Sara Liss. This FAM and ongoing follow-up resulted in coverage on (UVM: 5,000), highlighting Palm Beach as a “cultural getaway.” The story featured MOSAIC offerings from partner organizations throughout May. Sara Liss has also planned upcoming social coverage featuring her visit. Additionally, the PR Agency worked to gather metrics from influencer visits and MOSAIC content including: Nick Mele of, Christine @ultimategirlmom, Stella @our.peachy.home, and Amy of @floridatravelgirl.

Item 4B - Page 3


Planning continues for The Summit, with the Council and Discover working together in May to launch the event web page and sending invites to its respective audiences, with additional promotions ramping up starting in June.

On May 17, the Council’s marketing team hosted the aforementioned Marketing Roundtable via Zoom, which was attended by marketing professionals who work for Palm Beach County-based cultural organizations. During the meeting, participants learned about the Council’s upcoming launch of its new cultural tourism campaign and some future advertising and public relations opportunities, which were presented by the Council’s agencies, Push and Sharp. The Council also hosted Discover The Palm Beaches’ marketing team at its headquarters in Lake Worth Beach for a tour of its galleries and to discuss future messaging and collaborations.

In partnership with Related, the giant Shades of Culture remained on display through May 31st at The Square, enjoying incredible exposure on the corner of Okeechobee Blvd. and Rosemary Avenue. The placement perfectly complimented the Council’s partnership with the Hilton West Palm Beach (located across the street) during MOSAIC.

The Cultural Council team attended the Board of County Commission meeting on May 2 to help accept the proclamation for “Tourism Week” in Palm Beach County. Staff also attended Travel Rally Day on May 12 at Loggerhead Marinelife Center.

Meetings and consultations with leaders from the community and cultural organizations were held in late May (and more have been planned for early June) to continue progress on the Council’s new cultural tourism project highlighting Black heritage sites in the county. More than 25 sites have been identified by a researcher, and plans remain to build a web page on the Council’s website with a corresponding rack card for distribution in Visitor Information Centers.


The Council continued its series of free professional development workshops with a session titled “Fundamentals: Legal Issues for Artists” on May 11, which featured attorneys Philip DiComo and Leslie Adams speaking to an audience of creative professionals on legal issues including protecting intellectual property, estate planning, provenance issues, donating artwork, and handling contracts with dealers, consultants, and galleries.


The Council hosted panels for Category B and Category CII grants in May. More than 50 organizations presented their programs to the panel for the next two-year cycle. Panelists included Emanuel Perry and members of the TDC board of directors.

Item 4B - Page 4

Grant award amounts were approved by the Council’s board on May 24 and will be presented to the TDC in June.

Cultural Sector Support

The Council attended several events in May to capture social media content during the month of MOSAIC and to show support of the sector. These included multiple visits during Palm Beach Open Studios on May 20, SunFest performances May 5-7, exhibitions at the Boca Raton Museum of Art, shows at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, and more.


Sports Tourism Report

Fiscal Year 23 - Summer Months of June & July

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission’s campaign of events in June and July signifies how sports travel is one of the strongest tourism products during the traditional off-season for Palm Beach County’s hospitality industry. The room night demand for the Sports Commission’s event portfolio during the months of June and July exceed 42,000 with nearly 140,000 athletes and spectators traveling to The Palm Beaches during this timeframe. The sports-related guests will be traveling from across the nation and globe, while significantly increasing hotel occupancy levels.

The Sports Commissionwillhost43 events, whichwillhave aregional,national, or global reach. Thelist includes an array of impressive events, including some of the globe’s most notable amateur sports properties. The International Gymnastics Federation, USA Gymnastics, Perfect Game USA, Prospect Select Baseball, The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF), Florida State Golf Association, USA BMX, and United States Tennis Association (USTA) are examples of organizations that will host significant sports tourism events over the next couple of months. The 43 sports events, scheduled for June and July, are bringing a room night demand of 43,348, which is a projected $7,827,782 in hotel revenue and $467,667 in bed tax. The list includes an array of impressive events, including some of the world’s most notable amateur sports properties.

The height of Palm Beach County’s off-season traditionally occurs during the late spring and summer months. Many of the events taking place during the summer require a noteworthy commitment of resources, due to committed event partnerships, event production requirements, operational and logistical support, on-site staff


assistance, and marketing support. These events not only represent significant bed tax revenues and economic impact for our destination; but are also creating incredible memories and encouraging return trips to The Palm Beaches for thousands of visitors. The 2023 collection of summer events has also solidified Palm Beach County’s position as a leading sports destination in Florida. The months of August and September will also field

A total of 18 out of the 43 summer sports events in June and July (41%) are first time events occurring in The Palm Beaches. Successful bids and relocations, such as the USA Gymnastics Rhythmic Developmental Championships, USA Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling Stars & Stripes Championships, International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup, Junior Tour Powered by Under Armour Summer National Championship, Youth Soccer All-American Series, Prospect Select Baseball World Series, and the Perfect Game World Wood Bat Association (WWBA) Summer Series, is a driving force that could result in a record setting summer for sports tourism. The summer collection of events is a result of strong event retention efforts combined with the recruitment and development of new sports tourism generating products.

Tourism Summary (June & July):

 43 sports events, 43,348 anticipated room nights

 17 of the 43 events are new to The Palm Beaches

 Projecting $7,827,782 in hotel revenue

 Room Night Demand of 43,348

Palm Beach County Sports Commission

Sports Tourism Production Report (FY 23)

Summertime, June 1- July 31, 2023

Event Name Sport Event Dates Venue Room Nights Collegiate League of the Palm Beaches Baseball June 5 - August 3, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium, Lilac Park, & Gardens Park 1,334 Florida State League Baseball June 1 - September 9, 2023 Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium 1,672 Ocean Cup - Gateway Marathon Powerboat Racing June 1-4, 2023 Sailfish Marina 200 South Florida Collegiate Baseball League Baseball June 1- July 24, 2023 Miller Park, Spanish River High School, Palm Beach Gardens High School, Dick Brown Park, & Santaluces Athletic Complex 2,320 Seahawk Team Basketball Camp Basketball June 2-4, 2023 Keiser University 108 Florida State Golden Gloves Championship Boxing June 2-4, 2023 Palm Beach Boxing Center 75 USA Gymnastics Rhythmic Developmental Championships Gymnastics June 2-5, 2023 Palm Beach County Convention Center 1,719 Prospect Wire Southeast Championship Baseball June 2-7, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches & Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium 980 Delray Beach Riptide Bash at The Beach Lacrosse June 3-4, 2023 Seacreast Soccer Complex 640 U.S. Open Qualifying Golf June 5, 2023 Pine Tree Golf Club 80 Prospect Select National Showcase Palm Beach Classic Baseball June 9-13, 2023 Ballpark of The Palm Beaches, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium, & Santaluces Athletic Complex 5,439 USSSA Swamp Classic Softball June 10-11, 2023 Lake Catherine Sportsplex, Mirasol Park, PGA National Park, & Palm Beach Gardens High School 480 Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) Team Trainings Soccer June 10 - 28, 2023 The Gardens North County District Park & Rinker Athletic Complex 1,280 Delray Beach Riptide Play for a Purpose Lacrosse June 11-12, 2023 Seacrest Soccer Complex 250 Prospect Select - Futures Baseball June 15-18, 2023 Ballpark of The Palm Beaches, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium, & Santaluces Athletic Complex 682 SoFlo Summer Shootout Lacrosse June 17-18, 2023 Seacrest Soccer Complex & Hilltopper Stadium 25 Perfect Game Ultimate Baseball Championship Baseball June 19-22, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 1,420 American Legion -Bob Borovy Memorial Baseball June 23-26, 2022 Santaluces Athletic Complex 30 Florida State Golf Association (FSGA) 105th Amatuer Championship Golf June 22-25, 2023 The Bear's Club and Lost Tree Club 515 Junior Tour Powered by Under Armour Summer National Championship Golf June 22-25, 2023 PGA National Resort 1,206 Big Dog Fat Cat KDW Shootout Fishing June 23-24, 2023 Sailfish Marina 620 I Do Beach Tennis - ITF Beach Tennis June 23-25, 2023 Singer Island Municipal Beach in the City of Riviera Beach 505 Prospect Select World Series Baseball June 26-30, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches & Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium 1,040 Cal Ripken Baseball 9U-11U State Championship Baseball June 28 - July 2, 2023 Gardens Park 880 Cal Ripken Baseball 10U Rookie State Championship Baseball June 28 - July 2, 2023 South County Regional Park 410

Palm Beach County Sports Commission

Sports Tourism Production Report (FY 23)

Summertime, June 1- July 31, 2023

Event Name Sport Event Dates Venue Room Nights Perfect Game 13U WWBA National Championship Baseball July 1-5, 2023 The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 2,610 Florida State Golf Association (FSGA) Florida Junior Team Championship Golf July 6-8, 2023 Mayacoo Lakes and PGA National Resort 200 Perfect Game Endless Summer Classic Baseball July 6-9, 2023 The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 522 Baseball Factory Firecracker Classic Baseball July 6-9, 2023 Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium TBD Perfect Game 17U World Series Baseball July 7-10, 2022 The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 881 Perfect Game 18U National Org Challenge Baseball July 7-10, 2022 Roger Dean Cheverolet Stadium 600 Varsity Spirit Kicking Camp presented by the Lou Groza Award & Kohls Kicking Football July 8-9, 2023 Somerset Academy Canyons TBD USTA Girls 12's National Clay Court Champiionship Tennis July 9-16, 2023 Polo Club of Boca Raton 596 USTA Boys 18's & 16's National Clay Court Championship Tennis July 9-16, 2023 Delray Beach Tennis Center, Delray Swim and Tennis Club, Broken Sound, Boca West, & multipe courts throughout the county 2,898 Perfect Game 16U Florida Elite Championship Baseball July 10-13, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 435 Kids Fitness Festival of The Palm Beaches Multi-sport July 12, 2023 South Florida Fairgrounds N/A Prospect Select The Wave Invitational Baseball July 14-18, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches & Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium 1,074 Perfect Game World Wood Bat Association (WWBA) Florida Invitationals Baseball July 21-23 & July 28-30, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches & Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium 1,012 Perfect Game 13U National Showcase & Perfect Game 14U National Showcase Baseball July 22-24 & July 28-30, 2023 Ballpark of the Palm Beaches 1,590 USA Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling Stars & Stripes Championships Gymnastics July 27-30, 2023 Palm Beach County Convention Center 2,868 YTH Youth Soccer All-American Series Soccer July 28-30, 2023 Gardens North County District Park 700 Florida State Golf Association (FSGA) Two-Man Scramble Championship Golf July 29-30,2023 PGA National Resort 64 International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup Gymnastics July 31- August 6, 2023 Palm Beach County Convention Center 2,388 TOTAL Participation & Room Nights 42,348


As the non-profit 501(c)3 trade association for the sports events and tourism industry in the United States, Sports ETA (Events & Tourism Association) is the most essential resource for sports commissions, sports destinations, sports event owners, and industry partners. During the Sports ETA Symposium, which took place from May 8-11 in Kansas City, the Palm Beach County Sports Commission was recognized as 1 of 6 finalists for Sports Commission of the Year. Finalists were determined by its 900+ member organizations and the winner ultimately declared by its selection committee of sports tourism industry professionals.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission was named as finalist along with the Indiana Sports Corporation, Houston Sports Authority, Maryland’s Sports Commission, Detroit Sports Commission, Greater Orlando Sports Commission, and the Tulsa Sports Commission. The Palm Beach County Sports Commission has been recognized as a finalist for Sports Commission of the Year twice, since 2019.

Last year, the Palm Beach County Sports Commission led a sports event campaign that turned a comeback from the pandemic into a record-breaking year for sports tourism in The Palm Beaches. The Sports Commission hosted 178 events that generated 293,822 room nights, $72.2 million in hotel revenue, and a projected $283 million in economic impact. Whether it was a NCAA Championship, an ITF Senior World Championship, USA BMX National Championship, the XII Federation of International Polo (FIP) World Polo Championship, unparalleled equestrian sports, the largest amateur baseball tournaments on the globe, the largest gathering of youth soccer teams in the nation over the fall, or three (3) professional golf tournaments, Palm Beach County is viewed as one of the premier sports destinations in America.

“Sports commission of the year finalist”

Florida Sports Summit

Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa & Riviera Beach Marina Village Event Center

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission partnered with the Florida Sports Foundation to host the 2023 Florida Sports Summit at the Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa and the Riviera Beach Marina Village Event Center on May 22-24. This annual event brings the Florida Sports Commissions together for networking, educational seminars, event bidding presentations, and the annual Florida Sports Foundation roundtable. Most rewarding, this conference includes representatives from 25 different sports organizations and associations, event planners, and national governing bodies. Top decision makers were invited to participate in the Florida Sports Summit, which includes representatives that influence locations for their event properties.

Conference Agenda

Here's an overview of what's happening at the event!

Monday, May 22

• 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Arrival of Attendees & Guests

Singer Island Marriott & Check in

• 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Registration Open

Pre-function Area

• 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Network Hour

Sponsored by Greater Orlando

• 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Welcome Reception

Presented by Palm Beach Sports

Tuesday, May 23

• 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Sunshine Breakfast

Veranda by Panama City Beach

• 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Marketplace Appointments I

Colonnade/Veranda by Greater Miami CVB

• 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Industry Partner Roundtable Luncheon

FSF Partners ONLY

• 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch (Grab & Go)

Veranda by Experience Florida's Sports Coast

• 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

STS Certification Class

Colonnade Room

• 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

The Palm Beaches Hour

Sailfish Marina – PBCSC has private reception for event rights holders

• 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Larry Pendleton Awards Dinner

Event Center by Pensacola Sports


• 9:30 PM - 11:00 PM

After Lounge

Veranda, Sponsored by VSPC/GO Sports

Wednesday, May 24

• 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM

Rise N' Relax Breakfast

Veranda by St. Augustine Ponte Vedra

• 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Gold Rush Games

Beach Area Powered by Team IP

• 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Beach Area by AMI Graphics / Daytona Beach

• 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Marketplace Appointments II

Colonnade Room by Bradenton Area Sports

• 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Closing Dinner

Colonnade Ballroom by Panama City Beach

The Florida Sports Summit is owned and organized by the Florida Sports Foundation, which is the official sports promotion and development organization for the State of Florida. It is charged with the promotion and development of professional, amateur, recreational sports, and physical fitness opportunities that produce a thriving Florida sports industry and environment.

Event Rights Holders Attending the Florida Sports Summit

• Perfect Game USA – Baseball, Angel Natal (Sr. Director of Development)

• National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) – Multisport, Russ York (NCAA Bid Manager)

• Lynn Lewis Foundation – Flag Football, Mashona Gilmore (President)

• The Spring Games, LLC – College Softball, Jacob Rozier (Event Director)

• ESPN Events – Multisport, Doug Mosley (Executive Director)

• Warrior Soccer 5v5– Soccer, Tim Cochran (President)

• Chinese Volleyball – Volleyball, Sandy Yu (President)

• United Flag Football – Flag Football, Norm McLean (President)

• USSSA Baseball- United States Specialty Sports Association, Steve Hassett (FL Baseball Director)

• United States Fast Pitch – Softball, Kim Largin (Director of Florida Softball)

• FITEQ – Teqball - Mate Bor (President)

• Smooth Running – Endurance Sports, Mitchell Varnes (President)

• Huddle Up Group – Event Management, Cole McKeel (Vice President)

• USA Artistic Swimming, Artistic Swimming, Baylee Robinson (Event Director)

• Hungarian Water Skyball Federation, Skyball, Olga Augusztin (Director of Events)

• Florida State Golf Association – Golf, Ryan Mehnert (Tournament Director)

• Prospect Wire Baseball- Baseball, Nick Susie (Tournament Director)

The Gold Rush Games provided an opportunity for Florida Sports Commissions and Event Rights holders to compete in a variety of activities on the beach:

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission was awarded three (3) major gymnastics events to host this summer, which includes two (2) national championships in addition to a World Cup and Olympic Qualifier. The Palm Beach County Convention Center will serve as the venue and become the ultimate stage for gymnastics over 9 days this summer.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission is partnering with USA Gymnastics to host the 2023 USA Gymnastics Rhythmic Developmental Championships on June 2-5, 2023. Rhythmic Gymnastics is a form of the sport emphasizing dance-like rhythmic routines, accentuated using clubs, balls, ribbons or hoops. The USA Gymnastics Rhythmic Developmental Program Championships features both boys and girls competing in a variety of levels that represent age groups from 6 to 16. The event will draw 400+ athletes, 100+ coaches, and more than 2,000 total visitors. In addition, USA Gymnastics HUGS (Special Needs) athletes will also compete for rhythmic development championship honors.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission is also partnering with USA Gymnastics in hosting the USA Gymnastics Trampoline & Tumbling Stars & Stripes Championships. The Stars and Stripes Championship will feature the leading trampoline and tumbling gymnasts from across the United States, from July 27-30, 2023. This marks the second appearance for the Stars & Stripes Championships in The Palm Beaches. The Palm Beach County Convention Center was also home to this event during the summer of 2019.

The Stars & Stripes Championship will feature competition in boy’s and girl’s trampoline, tumbling, and double mini trampoline. This national meet includes levels 5-7 in both the trampoline & tumbling competitions, which attracts athletes that range from 6 to 18 years of age. The Stars & Stripes Championship is expected to attract over 800 gymnasts, 200 coaches, and thousands of spectators from across the United States.

Unprecedented level of Gymnastics taking place in the Palm Beaches

The summer of gymnastics in The Palm Beaches will conclude with the Federation of International Gymnastics (FIG), which awarded the FIG Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup and Olympic Qualifier to the Palm Beach County Sports Commission. The FIG Trampoline & Tumbling World Cup and Olympic Qualifier is slated to take place from August 3-5 and will represent the first-time an international gymnastics event will take place at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. This World Cup and Olympic Qualifier features men’s and women’s individual and synchronized trampoline, tumbling and double mini divisions. Approximately 250 athletes from 30 countries are expected to compete. Thousands of spectators are expected to attend. This competition is designated as one of only five (5) qualifying World Cups and Olympic Qualification events for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Events & Operations

Event Support

NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Regional Championship

 Host 66 players for NCAA Golf Regional Championship

 Serve as Tournament Director and manage all aspects of events

 Coordinate event operations between NCAA, Rules Officials, Florida Atlantic University, and PGA National Resort

 Manage Volunteers and operations during event

 Manage Live Scoring and Golfstat

 Provide daily NCAA updates to other regional sites

Florida Sports Summit

 Coordinate bus transportation for off-site activities

 Source and secure host course for golf outing

 Assist with additional staffing as needed

Finalizing Contract Obligations

• Columbus Day Discovery Showdown

• World Comes to the Palm Beaches

• Perfect Game WWBA World Championship

• USTA Columbus Day Open

• TimberTech Championship

• ClubCorp Champions Classic

• Men’s Senior Baseball League

• 3v3 Live National Championship

• Holiday Basketball Classic of the Palm Beaches

• Hardball 360 Fall Classic

• FYSA Palm Beach Gardens Classic

• Monster Mash Lax Clash

• USTA Men’s 50 Clay Court Championship

• USTA National Men’s 70,85,90 Clay Court Championship

• Delray Beach Pickleball Classic

• Okeeheelee Halloween Slam

• “Little Mo” Internationals

• EDP Soccer Playoffs

• NextStar Lacrosse


• The Junior Honda Classic

• CPI Horse Show

• American Youth Soccer Organization

• Eye of the Hurricane

• Wellington Soccer Shootout

• Winter Equestrian Festival

• Development Player League Winter Showcase

• APP Boca International Masters

• The Honda Classic

• Delray Beach Open

• Savanah Bananas World Tour

• Palm Beach Challenge College & International Baseball Festival

• ITF W25 Circuit

• Palm Beach Gardens Soccer Spring Classic

• Delray Beach Pickleball Open

• Wellington March Madness

• Palm Beaches Spartan Sprint Weekend

• Spartan Race Elite Series

• RUSH Spring Showcase

• Play at the Plate – Palm Beach Classic

• Hardball 360 Spring Training

• Delray Beach International Tennis Federation (ITF) Championships

• “Little Mo” East Regionals

• Extreme Kayak Fishing Tournament Exotic Bass Roundup

• NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Regional Championship

• Delray Beach Pickleball Open

• iDo Beach Tennis BT 10x

• Florida Shine Classic



Sports Development Executive Summary

In FY 23, the Palm Beach County Sports Commission (PBCSC) is deploying an aggressive sales and sports development effort to increase the number of sports tourisms generating events taking place in The Palm Beaches. The PBCSC continues to cultivate relationships with event owners, as well as identify, solicit, secure, and retain sports events to grow room night actualization. Below is a recap of sports development efforts that have taken place during FY23.

Event Bids & Development

A primary mechanism for event solicitation is through the Event Bid and Development process. To recognize potential bid opportunities, the PBCSC will be at the forefront of the industry and engage with event owners.

Bid submission is a highly effective tool to recruit sporting events. Attached is a comprehensive list of the bids that have been submitted in FY 23, and below is a breakdown of the development efforts over the past month:

• Ido Beach Tennis ITF Series

o Aug 24 - 26, 2023

o 600 projected participants

o 450 projected room nights

• Ido Beach Tennis ITF Series

o November - 2023

o 800 projected participants

o 1000 projected room nights

• USA Gymnastics Florida State Championships

o March 2024

o 450 projected participants

o 700 projected room nights

• US Youth Soccer Youth National Team Training

o September 2023

o 40 projected participants

o 100 projected room nights

• Professional Bowlers Association – Super Slam Cup

o May 19 - 21, 2023

o 30 projected participants

o 50 projected room nights

• Star Dance Alliance

o May 19 – 21, 2023

o 150 projected participants

o 100 projected room nights

Event Site Visits

When trying to bring events to Palm Beach County, engaging event rights holders to conduct a site visit or familiarization tour is one of the most beneficial event development strategies. Site visits allow for an event owner to explore potential sports venues while experiencing Palm Beach County’s tourism assets, such as hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Attached is a comprehensive list of the site visits that have been conducted in FY 23, and below is a breakdown of site visits conducted over the past month:

• Florida USA Gymnastics, Men’s Statewide Championship - Palm Beach Atlantic University, Keiser University

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission attended the Sports ETA Symposium in Kansas City, MO on May 8 – 12, 2023. The Sports ETA Symposium is the annual meeting of the Sports Events & Tourism Association (Sports ETA), the non-profit trade association for the sports events and tourism industry since 1992. Hundreds of sport tourism professionals and industry partners gathered to exchange time, resources, strategies, solutions, and more. The Symposium featured dozens of education sessions, countless networking opportunities, and business development appointments in the Sports Marketplace. Just a small example of the organizations we met with were Perfect Game, Prospect Select, USA Field Hockey, USA Water Polo, USA Softball, Elite Tournaments, Ripken Baseball, Unite States International Sports Federation, International Senior Softball Association, and powerlifting America to name just a few.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission also hosted an educational session on the Collaboration of Communities to make events a success.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission also hosted the 2023 Florida Sports Foundation Sports Summit May 22-24, 2023, at the Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort. The Florida Sports Foundation in collaboration with the Palm Beach County Sports Commission invited event owners from across the country to the Palm Beaches to showcase the best of Palm Beach County. Events rights holders had the opportunity to discuss hotel and facility offerings in a one-on-one appointment setting. Some of the organizations that were in attendance include USA Artistic Swimming, The Spring Games, Hungarian Water Skyball Federation, Warrior Soccer, Asian Basketball Championships, USSSA Baseball, United States Fastpitch Association, Perfect Game, Smooth Running and ESPN events to name a few. This summit allowed the Palm Beach County Sports Commission the opportunity to showcase our world-class facilities and hotels to event decision makers and event rights holders.

Marketing & Promotions

• Stories written and published in the month of May

o NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Regional Championship Showcases Palm Beach GardensPalm Beach County to Host NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Regional

o Palm Beach County Hosts 2023 African American Golfers Hall of Fame Celebration

o South Florida Collegiate Baseball League Set To Bring Over 200 Prospects to Palm Beach County


Social Media & Digital Advertising

Social Media:

• Creating and publishing content across all Palm Beach County Sports Commission social media accounts which currently includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube

• Managing HubSpot marketing software to schedule posts and track engagement across all platforms

Top performing social media posts:

• The annual Sunshine Summer Kickoff is around the corner! This lacrosse tournament brings Florida's best teams together from May 20-21 at Village Park in Wellington. ����See more events in Palm Beach County here:

• The South Florida Collegiate Baseball League is set to bring over 200 prospects to Palm Beach County

� � �

Earned Media NCAA Women’s Golf Regional

The Palm Beaches was recently home to the NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Regional Championship, welcoming the nation’s best collegiate golfers to the world-renowned Champion Course at PGA National Resort in Palm Beach Gardens. The event, held from May 7-10, brought teams and individuals from around the nation to compete for the right to play in the National Championships. This regional tournament showcased the high level of talent in collegiate golf while also providing a significant economic impact for Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County as a whole.

Palm Beach County Hosts 2023 African American Golfers Hall of Fame Celebration

The 2023 African American Golfers Hall of Fame & African American Collegiate & Youth Golfers Hall of Fame Celebration took place in The Palm Beaches from May 25- 29. This event brought countywide impact and entailed a variety of activities, which included a golf tournament on the Links at Boynton Beach, educational roundtables at the Riviera Beach Marina Village Event Center, youth golf clinics, and the African American Golfers Hall of Fame & African American Collegiate & Youth Golfers Hall of Fame Celebration at Eastpointe Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens.

The weekend of events greatly promoted diversity and inclusion within golf. The African American Golfer’s Hall of Fame represents Palm Beach County’s only Hall of Fame that recognizes golf - related organizations and individuals on a national level.

The Palm Beach County Sports Commission has supported the African American Golfers Hall of Fame & African American Collegiate & Youth Golfers Hall of Fame over the last two decades. Honorees traveled from across the globe to enjoy the festivities. This event has produced powerful moments while recognizing the greatest pioneers, trailblazers, and

legends of golf. Moreover, t his Hall of Fame promoted and authenticated The Palm Beaches as Florida’s Golf Capital.

The 2023 celebration will include an inductee and award recipients that have significantly impacted the sports event and tourism landscape in The Palm Beaches. In addit ion to the Hall of Fame induction, the African American Golfers Hall of Fame has partnered with the Palm Beach County Sports Hall of Fame to present two awards, the Champion of Equity and Diversity in Sports and the Palm Beach County Sports Commission Community Sports Award.

“The African American Golfers Hall of Fame is incredibly proud to continue its longstanding relationship with the Palm Beach County Sports Hall of Fame and the Palm Beach County Sports Commission,” said Malachi Knowles, Founder and President of the African American Golfers Hall of Fame ahead of the event. “With the help of the Palm Beach County Sports Hall of Fame, we are thrilled to be able to honor these individuals that do vital work within our community.”

Angela Suggs, President and CEO of the Florida Sports Foundation, joined the prestigious list of the African American Golfers Hall of Fame inductees. During her leadership, the Florida Sports Foundation, which is the sports development arm for the state, supported

the events, activities, and venues that were catalysts to Florida’s sports industry’s total economic impact of $146.5 billion.

Sean Pittman, who was the first President of the Orange Bowl Committee from Palm Beach County, was named the Palm Beach County Sports Commission ’s Champion of Equity and Diversity in Sports. Pittman inspired a partnership between the Orange Bowl Committee and Palm Beach County, leading to a $3 million renovation of Glades Pioneer Park. Today, Orange Bowl Field at Glades Pioneer Park is one of Florida’s premier synthetic turf football fields that serves thousands of youth athletes from Belle Glade, Pahokee, and South Bay.

Palm Beach Lakes baseball coach, Bobby Gilbert, was honored with the Palm Beach County Sports Commission Community Sports Award. Coach Gilbert has dedicated his life to growing the number of minority youth playing America’s national pastime.

The best is yet to come for the African American Golfers Hall of Fame & African American Collegiate & Youth Golfer’s Hall of Fame and Palm Beach County. The promise of the first museum in the United States, dedicated to African American golfers’ history, will significantly increase cultural and historical opportunities for visitors and residents. The African American Golfers Hall of Fame Museum a nd Inner - City Youth Golf Learning Center is in the planning stages and will be born within the City of Riviera Beach. This museum will provide Palm Beach County with a “Hall of Fame” stage for its premier sport.

South Florida Collegiate Baseball League Set To Bring Over 200 Prospects to Palm Beach County

The South Florida Collegiate Baseball League (SFCBL), Florida’s premier wood- bat summer league, will return to Palm Beach County from June 2 to July 19. The event will bring over 200 players together to comprise 10 teams competing across multiple venues across Palm Beach County. The league will open with a special event on June 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. hosted at Vaughn Sports Academy in Boca Raton featuring three -time MLB All -Star Mo Vaughn.

The SFCBL will utilize eight facilities in Palm Beach County: Keiser University, Burt Aaronson South County Regional Park, Harry Gribbon Field, Miller Park, Santaluces Athletic Complex, Spanish River Community High School, Palm Beach Atlantic University, and Olympic Heights High School.

The league serves as an opportunity for the top amateur baseball players to develop in a competitive environment while getting exposure from Major League Baseball scouts. The SFCBL has produced over 200 MLB draft picks, more than 25 of which have been called up to the major league.

Beyond the benefits that the players receive by playing in the league, local cities and Palm Beach County are reaping the tourism benefits that the league provi des during the summer months. The Palm Beach County Sports Commission projects the SFCBL will generate over 4,000 room nights and create over $3 million in director visitor spending for Palm Beach County.

For a full schedule of games, please visit the Sout h Florida Collegiate Baseball League.









Brand new seasons of Hooked on The Palm Beaches, Passport to The Palm Beaches and Wild Palm Beaches premiere this summer! The shows, produced by AA Video out of West Palm Beach, will air on Destination America, a nationwide cable network focused on leisure-themed programming. Passport to The Palm Beaches and Wild Palm Beaches will air Saturday mornings at 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., starting July 1. Meanwhile, Hooked on The Palm Beaches will air Sundays at 7:30 a.m., beginning July 2. The three original series filmed entirely in Palm Beach County and will be available on The Palm Beaches TV shortly after they premiere on network television.

For the luxury and style aficionados, Jacqueline Journey hosts Passport to The Palm Beaches and covers everything from world-renowned events and outrageous retail therapy to billionaire’s row and world-class pampering. Hooked on The Palm Beaches guides viewers through The Palm Beaches sportfishing paradise and explores diverse fishing opportunities. On the new season of Wild Palm Beaches, host James Currie takes you behind the scenes of Palm Beach County’s one-of-a-kind resident wildlife population and introduces you to the “Art of Nature.” AA Video founder Jeff Aderman says, "I love producing these shows that highlight all the amazing wildlife, fishing, lifestyle and sports that make The Palm Beaches one of the most unique and beautiful places in the world!"

Visit The Palm Beaches TV to watch previous seasons of each show on demand.


The 11th Annual Father's Day Classic Car Show returns to Mizner Park in Boca Raton on Sunday, June 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

More than 30 car clubs come together to line the streets along this shopping, residential and entertainment district. This is the perfect place to bring your dad on his special day! With a wide variety of vehicles on display, the Father's Day Classic Car Show proudly benefits the Make-AWish Foundation, supporting children with critical illnesses and making their dreams come true.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities and to get registered contact Russ G at 954.701.5760 or email at This annual event was also featured in an episode of Drive The Palm Beaches, available On Demand via The Palm Beaches Television channel.

The Palm Beaches are celebrating Pride month with special events and activities planned throughout the entire month of June. Live music, dance performances, vendors, special speakers and an exciting raffle and auction will round out the festivities. The LBGTQ+ community takes pride in their movement, going all out for the festivities with elaborate costumes, makeup, and lots of glitter!

The Palm Beaches TV features local pride events along with businesses in its programming, such as segments featured in On The Town in The Palm Beaches with Frank Licari when he visited Northwood Village and Lake Worth Beach to explore some of their celebrations along with the See & Be Seen episode of Passport to The Palm Jacqueline Journey introduces viewers to CompassCommunityCenter’sPrideFest 4.D.

Newsletter of the Palm Beach County Film and Television Commission | June 2023


Spanish audiences enjoyed a luxurious tour of The Palm Beaches via Canal Sur’s program Andalucía por el Mundo. The renowned TV program, which aired throughout Spain last month, showcases Spanish expats living abroad. The episode featured a teacher who’s working in the County through a visiting teacher’s program, another instructor who’s teaching English to Spanish speakers, and an expat who ventured to Florida for love. Together, with Host Cristina Lopez, this international production team highlighted those expats while showcasing some of PBC’s pristine beaches and opulent lifestyle. The show, produced by Medina Media, introduced viewers to locations like the Flagler Museum, Clematis Street in West Palm Beach, and the “secret” JFK Bunker on Peanut Island. According to Canal Sur, a Spanish Public Broadcasting company, 180,000 people tuned in to the premiere of this episode. Meanwhile, viewers around the world can watch the episode on demand.


The Delray Beach Pickleball Open & Shootout once again captivated audiences and showcased the thrilling sport of pickleball at its finest. For five days in May, enthusiasts of the sport from all over the nation travelled to Delray Beach, eagerly anticipating the intense competition, the prize money and all the unforgettable moments. Carl L. Foster, President and CEO of Foster Events Group who organized the tournament, shared that nearly one thousand competitors from around the world participated, and expressed thanks to “the City of Delray Beach, Baptist Health, and the Palm Beach County Sports Commission for their unwavering support.”

To ensure that pickleball enthusiasts worldwide could catch all the exhilarating moments, the event was televised and streamed by various networks such as Pickle TV on Amazon Prime and Inside World Pickleball Channel broadcasting globally via YouTube. The reach and impact of this event continues to grow, cementing its status as a premier pickleball tournament.

After a record breaking year of production, Vanessa Cadet, Brandon Perry, and Matthew Mazzamaro are the newest team members at the Palm Beach County Film and Television Commission (FTC).

Vanessa, Social Media and Events Developer, is a published author who produces webisodes of The Palm Beaches TV’s Watch Parties and creates compelling digital content for the FTC’s website and social media platforms.

Brandon is a seasoned Production Coordinator, working with clients and our industry partners to execute permits and ensure smooth filming on public property.

Matthew is also a Production Coordinator, facilitating permits and providing hassle-free service for filmmakers through the FTC’s free one stop permitting process.

Vanessa, Brandon and Matthew are all regular contributors to the monthly Focus on Film newsletter and the FTC is proud to welcome them to the team.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn the basics of surf fishing, how to properly eat a lobster, or how to get the perfect photo of a bird in flight, then tune in to The Palm Beaches TV and watch the new episode of Burt Wolf’s Travel’s & Traditions series: Teach Me Something New. Spoiler alert... you won’t be seeing Burt as the student, it will be Burt's engaging teenage son Nicholas Wolf learning the mechanics of kayaking, scuba diving and the basics of mixology (the cocktail is for dad; Nicholas gets the non-alcoholic version) from gifted experts who make the learning experience interesting and fun. While his son is the star of the show, Burt does make a few cameo appearances, and injects his own brand of lighthearted humor and history as the program’s narrator.

Watch the new episode on the Video on Demand section at ThePalmBeaches.TV


Juneteenth is observed on June 19th and commemorates when African American people were officially freed from slavery. The day became a federal holiday in 2021, but it’s been celebrated for more than 150 years. The Palm Beaches TV showcases Juneteenth with special episodes like On the Town in The Palm Beaches with Frank Licari’s Black Voices episode and the What’s Poppin’ PBC? series starring Kitty Lundan who sees the holiday as a second Independence Day. “It’s an African American freedom holiday that is recognized nationally and emphasizes the education and achievements of African Americans,” she says, “everybody should feel comfortable with celebrating their culture.” Juneteenth is the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Day in 1983.



Florida Atlantic University’s Osher

Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) in Boca Raton announces a blockbuster summer program, featuring a highly interactive and captivating series of seminars titled A Summer of Cinematic Matinees. The multi-week series offers guided discussions in a small classroom environment and is also available online. The program begins June 6 with Part 1: One Great Director, Four Masterpieces, exploring the works of Krzysztof Kieslowski who is ranked among the greatest international filmmakers of the 20th century. The second installment of this summer program begins July 11 and will explore the unforgettable cinematic journey of India’s legendary and award-winning director Satyajit Ray. In addition to the Summer of Cinematic Matinees series, OLLI is hosting film-and-television-themed classes such as: From Gunsmoke to Laugh-In: The Best of 1960s TV and Four Great Propaganda Films of WWII. Click here to learn more about OLLI’s exciting summer programs.


Award-winning local filmmaker and producer Dominic Gianetti teams up with director Jason Campbell and actor Dean Cain of JCFilms Studios to launch a specialized satellite production club in Boca Raton

The Palm Beach Production Club will provide education and opportunities for people of faith to get involved in making films that have an uplifting message of hope and faith. Dominic is known for his passion for filmmaking and for growing the next generation of filmmakers. He has been involved in production for the past 40 years and “felt compelled to start the new chapter, even though his content crosses a variety of genres.” This new venture will open doors for local collaboration and ultimately to produce family-friendly stories that have the power to make a difference in the world. JCFilms has produced over 50 films and has a dozen slated for production this year. Follow the local chapter on Facebook



BYUtv, recently visited The Palm Beaches to film an episode of their show, Hello Sunday. The crew captured the heartwarming journey of Piper’s Angels Foundation, shedding light on their incredible work and dedication to raising awareness for families affected by cystic fibrosis while paddleboarding around Peanut Island

Hello Sunday, is a series of uplifting stories, emphasizing the power of human resilience and compassion. Each episode features individuals and organizations making a positive impact in their communities, and Piper's Angels Foundation was a natural choice for the show's latest highlight.

To watch the inspiring episode featuring Piper's Angels, and many other incredible stories, visit the BYUtv website. Tune in to Hello Sunday and join the global community in celebrating the power of hope, resilience, and positive change!


The Palm Beach County Film and Television Commission (FTC) is looking for an intern for its 12-week non-paid educational program that is designed to assist in the development of a talented and knowledgeable workforce.

Selected interns will become acquainted with the many resources available to film professionals in the area. Interns will find out how to break down a script and source film friendly locations, learn about government regulations for permitting and insurance while developing an understanding of marketing The Palm Beaches as a destination, office etiquette, boardroom governance and Florida’s sunshine laws. Participants in the internship program will also be trained in the daily operations of the FTC, helping perform special research projects and assist with day-to-day functions. Internships are open to Palm Beach County residents and anyone currently enrolled in a local high school or university. Find out more here.


The Palm Beach County Film & Television Commission’s tourism sponsorship program helps underwrite high-quality, family-friendly shows that air in major markets all over the world. The program’s objective is to create original content that attracts new visitors, extends length of stays and serves as a tourism ambassador for The Palm Beaches. Production companies interested in applying for sponsorship funds must have proof of distribution outside Palm Beach County, preferably in markets like California, New York, Washington DC, Boston, or international markets like Canada and the United Kingdom. In addition to a focus on tourism, shows funded through the program highlight that The Palm Beaches is one of the most diverse destinations in Florida, committed to creating safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for everyone.



Released in 1992, Passenger 57 took flight with Wesley Snipes as John Cutter, an anti-terrorism expert locked in a battle to regain control of a hijacked aircraft. The film's storyline and Snipes' performance left an indelible impact on viewers. While the majority of the story unfolded in the tense environment of the airplane. Production filmed driving scene from a helicopter over Sloans Curve in Palm Beach. During its opening weekend, Passenger 57 soared at the box office, pulling in over $10 million and attracting enthusiastic audiences with a thrilling cinematic experience. The film’s popularity and critical acclaim propelled it to further success in subsequent weeks, securing its spot as a beloved classic as it grossed over $40 million worldwide. 30 years later, we look back and reflect on this truly memorable film.


Art, fashion and industrial design merged to form the Art Deco era with masculine aesthetics and geometric details based on simple design principles. The county has a storied collection of properties from the era that are ready for their close up.

The Armory Art Center in WPB was built in 1939 and has the distinctive vertical design elements and a curved courtyard in front of the building along with breezeway block around the back.

The Cultural Council for PBC in Lake Worth Beach is a fine example of Streamline Moderne with a flat roof that is perfect for a camera or lighting position. The classic modernistic building has a curved stucco edge and .

The whimsical Wenger House in Delray Beach exemplifies Art Deco geometry and balance. The property has a nautical feel with both sharp angles and rounded edges, with a wall of heart cutouts surrounding the property.

The former IBM campus in Boca Raton is set on a curve with Y shaped solid concrete columns that give it a strong monolithic presence. The building doubles easily for a federal backdrop.

More examples are found on college campuses in PBC such as the Green Building at Lynn University with breezeway blocks and the Administration Building at FAU Explore more film friendly Art Deco options in the locations database


The 28th annual Palm Beaches Student Showcase of Films (SSOF) held at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre in April, was a record-breaking success! With 528 filmmakers, screenwriters, and digital media artists from 75 high schools and universities across Florida submitting their entries for their chance to win over $20,000 in cash prizes and awards. The ‘90’s themed, red carpet award show was packed with entertainment, celebrity presenters, media and industry professionals, and performers along with County and State dignitaries.

In preparation for next year’s competition, Palm Beach County Film and Television Commissioner, Michelle Hillery, i s announcing a new opportunity for the 2024 award show. Nominations will soon be accepted for Exceptional Educators in Communications, Digital Media and Film. This category will shine a spotlight on the educators who encourage and support their students and inspire excellence in the classroom.

The call for entries for the upcoming 29th annual SSOF will be announced in the fall. For more information about the competition, the categories for entry, sponsorship opportunities and submission requirements, please visit And keep an eye out for the official Call for Entries for next years competition and for the details about how to nominate

Film Commissioner Michelle Hillery | Director of Operations Alberto Jordat Production Designer Kelly King | Social Media and Events Developer Vanessa Cadet Production Coordinators Brandon Perry and Matthew Mazzamaro BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Gregg K. Weiss | Vice Mayor Maria Sachs Commissioners Maria G. Marino | Michael Barnett | Mack Bernard | Sarah Baxter | Marci Woodward County Administrator Verdenia Baker
have your production included in this newsletter, please email
or call 561.233.1000
Contributors: Vanessa Cadet, Penelope Douglas, Alberto Jordat, Kelly King, Matthew Mazzamaro, Brandon Perry

Production Activity Report

For April 2023

Variance Explanations

Percentage change variances of ± 10% in perf ormance statistics are explained in this section

1. Production Days: An 11% YTD decrease in Total Production Days is due to having a few less permitted and non-permitted productions taking place this month. The decrease is also due to the consolidation of production schedules from both visiting and local production companies Florida is starting to experience something called “Florida fatigue” a post-COVID era where some attention has been taken away from Florida as other states and countries have fully reopened. As it pertains to the FTC, production companies may be considering other locations for production. Also, Palm Beach County is still ranking high for average daily rates (ADR) at hotels, leaving lower-budgeted projects to seek accommodations outside the County.

2. Total Leads: A 26% decrease in Total Leads can be attributed to the usage of available technology, such as digital location databases and tools like Google Earth. The FTC’s online locations database experienced a 40% increase in traffic during this same year-over-year period. Month-over-month, leads have nearly doubled (15 in April vs eight in March).

3. Lead Responses: A 25% decrease in Total Lead Responses goes hand-in-hand with the decrease in Total Leads. This 25% decrease is a four-percentage point improvement over last month when Total Leads were down 29%.

4. Lead Conversions: An 18% decrease in Total Lead Conversions represents 23 leads converted to projects during the first four months of 2023 versus 28 Lead Conversions in 2022. With that, the decrease in lead conversions goes hand-in-hand with the decrease in Total Leads.

5. Website Unique Visitors: A 114% increase in Website Unique Visitors is due primarily to a significant spike in website visitors during January and February. Those increases were driven by traffic to pages on the website related to the Student Showcase of Films, particularly as the deadline for entries neared and then show details were announced. Since then, our website traffic has returned to its usual levels. We anticipate a continued variance in excess of 10% for this category throughout the year.

January 2023 Production Activity Report April 2022 YTD 2022 April 2023 YTD 2023 CHANGE PRODUCTION REVENUE $18,012,466 $71,238,614 $14,335,683 $73,695,653 3% 12-MONTH ROLLING REVENUE May 2022 - April 2023 $241,242,661 HOTEL ROOM NIGHTS 699 4,094 577 4,289 5% PRODUCTION DAYS 614 2,519 515 2,251 -11% Permits Issued 43 120 27 120 0% Non-Permitted Productions 15 84 21 89 6% TOTAL PRODUCTIONS 58 204 48 209 2% State FC and Susan Simms 0 11 3 16 45% Other Leads and Return Clients 16 88 12 57 -35% TOTAL LEADS 16 99 15 73 -26% LEAD RESPONSES 15 97 15 73 -25% LEAD CONVERSIONS 4 28 5 23 -18% WEBSITE UNIQUE VISITORS 1,512 7,152 1,193 15,290 114% April 2023 Production Activity Report 4.E.

April 2023 Permits & Shot No Permits

Permit # Month Production Company City & State Filming Location(s) Project Title Type 1-10 # of Days # of Personnel Per Day # of Local Crew # of Room Nights Hotel Info Production Revenue 23-096 4 Crawford Entertainment Lake Mary, FL 3761 NE 4th ave, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Flip My Florida Yard 5 1 0 0 9 TBD 23-097 4 The Code Creatives Hallandale Beach, FL Coral Cove Park Photoshoot for Lisa Opie 4 1 0 0 0 N/A 23-098 4 Hutton Miller Boca Raton, FL Burt Aaronson South County Regional ParkSmithsonian Rocket Science 2 1 10 10 0 N/A 23-099 4 Break Point Films Ltd London, England Boca Raton, Highland Beach, South Beach Boca Raton, Spanish River Park Break Point 6 4 4 3 0 N/A 23-100 4 Break Point Films Ltd London, England Boca Raton, Highland Beach, South Beach Boca Raton, Spanish River Park Break Point 6 0 0 0 0 N/A 23-101 4 SM Media Group Boca Raton, FL Lake Wyman Park - James A Rutherford Park West Delray Regional Park Capo Rise To Power 5 4 0 0 0 N/A 23-102 4 Endeavor Studios and Tahe Outdoors Wareham, MA Dubois Park 19075 Dubois Rd, Jupiter, FL 33477SIC Maui 2023 Photo Shoot 4 & 8 3 8 0 3 TBD 23-103 4 IROC Media Group LLC Boynton Beach, FL 1) 21476 Burnside Court, Boca Raton, FL 334332) Pompey Park 200 nw, 240 NW 10th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 334353) Warren's: 15084 Lyons Rd Bay 350, Delray Beach, FL 33446 TGE 6 3 10 4 8 TBD 23-104 4 IROC Media Group LLC Boynton Beach, FL 1) 21476 Burnside Court, Boca Raton, FL 334332) Pompey Park 200 nw, 240 NW 10th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 334353) Warren's: 15084 Lyons Rd Bay 350, Delray Beach, FL 33446 TGE 6 0 0 0 0 TBD 23-105 4 IROC Media Group LLC Boynton Beach, FL 1) 21476 Burnside Court, Boca Raton, FL 334332) Pompey Park 200 nw, 240 NW 10th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 334353) Warren's: 15084 Lyons Rd Bay 350, Delray Beach, FL 33446 TGE 6 0 0 0 0 TBD 23-106 4 Madison And Company New Tripoli, PA Osprey Point Golf Course12551 Glades RdBoca Raton, FL 33498 Eric Cogorno Golf 8 3 3 0 0 Delray Beach (1030 Langer Way) and Deerfield Beach (523 NE 19TH AVE) 23-107 4 Madison And Company New Tripoli, PA Osprey Point Golf Course12551 Glades RdBoca Raton, FL 33498 Eric Cogorno Golf 8 0 0 0 0 Delray Beach (1030 Langer Way) and Deerfield Beach (523 NE 19TH AVE) 23-108 4 Madison And Company New Tripoli, PA Osprey Point Golf Course12551 Glades RdBoca Raton, FL 33498 Eric Cogorno Golf 8 0 0 0 0 Delray Beach (1030 Langer Way) and Deerfield Beach (523 NE 19TH AVE) 23-109 4 IROC Media Group LLC Boynton Beach, FL 1) 21476 Burnside Court, Boca Raton, FL 334332) Pompey Park 200 nw, 240 NW 10th Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 334353) Warren's: 15084 Lyons Rd Bay 350, Delray Beach, FL 33446 TGE 6 0 0 0 0 TBD 23-110 4 DMAC Studios Boca Raton, FL Aqua Crest Pool, Delray Beach Space Transports 5 1 0 10 0 N/A 23-111 4 High Noon Entertainment Aurora, FL Coral Cove Park - 19450 County Hwy 707, Tequesta, FL 33469 OUTJ 5 1 10 5 150 Embassy Suites - PBG 23-112 4 Accenture Song Hollywood, FL Spanish River Beach - 3001 N State Rd A1A. Boca Raton, FL 33431 Humana Photoshoot 2024 AEP 4 1 0 0 0 N/A 23-113 4 Carlton Media Company INC North Hollywood, FL 1.Burt Reynolds Park 2.Palm Beach Gardens 3.Fort Piers 4.Boca Raton PBG - Private 623 castle drive PBG 33410 Fort P. - 208 South Depot Drive Activity center 900 pensile court Parneviks Bucketlist 5 14 10 0 74 TBD 23-114 4 PirateCaptures Hollywood, FL Boca Inlet & Boynton Inlet Youtube Channel 8 0 0 0 0 N/A 23-115 Student Permit 4 Hunter Jacob Forster The Kings Academy, West Palm Beach, FL Juno Dunes Star Wars Gray Trials ep 5 12 3 1 1 0 N/A 23-116 4 Hutton Miller Boca Raton, FL Lake Ida Dog Park, Spanish River Dog Beach, Okeeheelee Park Dog Toy 2 1 10 10 0 N/A 23-117 4 Hutton Miller Boca Raton, FL Lake Ida Dog Park, Spanish River Dog Beach, Okeeheelee Park Dog Toy 2 0 0 0 0 N/A 23-118 4 BPOST LLC Miami, FL 1. Mizner Park 2. Hillsboro Mile between Bay dr and SE 10th st 3. Beach are by 1219–1233 Hillsboro Mile, Hillsboro Beach, FL 330624. Royal Palm Community 5. Boca Raton Golf club Hillsboro Immersive 2 1 6 0 0 N/A 23-119 4 Florida Power and Light Company Juno Beach, FL Oceanfront Park in Boynton Beach FPL EV Video Series 8 1 5 0 0 N/A 23-120 4 PirateCaptures Hollywood, FL Boca Inlet & Boynton Inlet Youtube Channel 8 0 0 0 0 N/A 23-121 4 Talixman Corp Weston, FL Jupiter inlet Jupiter Inlet Video 6 2 1 0 0 N/A 23-122 4 Talixman Corp Weston, FL Boca Inlet Boca Bash 6 3 1 1 0 N/A TOTAL PERMITS 27
Type Code: 1.Feature Film 2.Commercial 3.Web Content 4.Stills 5.TV Series/Pilot 6.Documentary 7.Film 8.Video 9.Infomercial 10.Other 11. Music Video 12. Student Film 4.E.

April 2023 Permits & Shot No Permits

Permit # Month Production Company City & State Filming Location(s) Project Title Type 1-10 # of Days # of Personnel Per Day # of Local Crew # of Room Nights Hotel Info Production Revenue
4 IROC Media Boynton Beach, FL The Ray Hotel- 233 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444 TGE 6 0 18 4 0 N/A 4 IROC Media Boynton Beach, FL Neptune Cigars and Wine- 104 NE 2nd Ave Suite 100, Delray Beach, FL 33444 TGE 6 0 18 4 0 N/A 4 IROC Media Boynton Beach, FL Blue Gallery- 600 E Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33483 TGE 6 0 18 4 0 N/A 4 IROC Media Boynton Beach, FL Delray Beach Tennis Center 201 W Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444 TGE 6 0 18 4 0 N/A 4 Fox Corporation New York City, NY Mar-a-Lago Club- 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480 Tucker Carlson Trump Interview at Mar-a-Lago 10 1 0 0 0 N/A 4 Tom Dick and Harry Creative Co Chicago, IL Lake Osbourne Vi at Lakeside Village Parks and Rec Content Video 3 3 4 0 7 Filming at Vi at Lakeside Village, we are staying at Hyatt Place Delray Beach, Delray Beach S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Lake Worth Beach Parks in the Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Wellington Just Bring Your Game 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Jupiter Passport to the Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach Wild Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Wellington Just Bring Your Game 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Wellington Passport to the Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Boca Raton Passport to the Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 AA Video West Palm Beach, FL Boca Raton Hooked on The Palm Beaches 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Pop Star Productions West Palm Beach, FL Pahokee What’s Poppin’ PBC 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Pop Star Productions West Palm Beach, FL Boynton Beach What’s Poppin’ PBC 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Pop Star Productions West Palm Beach, FL Lake Worth Beach What’s Poppin’ PBC 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Pop Star Productions West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach What’s Poppin’ PBC 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Apex Productions Riviera Beach, FL Boca Raton Travels & Traditions with Burt Wolf 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Apex Productions Riviera Beach, FL Palm Beach Travels & Traditions with Burt Wolf 5 1 0 0 0 N/A S 4 Apex Productions Riviera Beach, FL Delray Beach Travels & Traditions with Burt Wolf 5 1 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL SHOT NO PERMIT 21 67 155 60 251 $524,000 S = Tourism Branding Content Sponsorship Program (TDC Funded) Permits & Shot No Permits Totals NOTE: Production Revenue is reported once with the first Permit/Shot No Permit of each Sponsorship Project. Shot No Permit Type Code: 1.Feature Film 2.Commercial 3.Web Content 4.Stills 5.TV Series/Pilot 6.Documentary 7.Film 8.Video 9.Infomercial 10.Other 11. Music Video 12. Student Film 4.E.

April 2023 Production Companies & Support Services

Permits & Shot No Permits Projects Subtotals

Production Company Type of Production Projects # of Days # of Employees # of Freelance # of Room Nights Hotel Info Production Revenue *Afflux Studios Music Videos, Still Photography Various 13 5 15 5 Various *APEX Productions Inc. Television/Commercials Various 22 2 10 5 Various *Argonaut Productions Commercials, Corporate Videos Various 22 5 15 5 Various *ASK Media Productions Videos, Commercials, Still Photography Various 20 5 12 5 Various *Brave Man Media Website Design/Advertising/ Promotional Various 19 6 15 5 Various *Channel 20 Television Various 20 14 0 0 N/A *Frank Gatto & Associates Streaming, Sports Broadcasts, Various Various 27 4 75 0 N/A *G-Star Studios Various Various 17 105 50 136 Various *Hutton Miller, LLC Commercials/Infomercials Various 19 12 28 5 Hyatt Delray Place *Jetty Productions Various Various 17 1 11 0 N/A *KO-MAR Productions Various Various 21 12 25 10 Various *LGW Mediaworks Various Various 23 10 20 5 Various *Majic Robot Studios Various Various 14 3 5 10 Various *Media Zone Studios Streaming, Corporate Videos, Various Various 29 1 5 0 N/A *Multi Image Group (MIG) Various Various 26 110 45 15 Various *Olympusat Television Various 31 140 50 100 Various *Pathos Various Various 14 17 1 10 Various *Saygo Studios Various Various 21 1 0 0 Various *Studio Space / You Create Academy Independent Films, Web Series Various 26 2 3 10 Various *West Palm TV 18 Television Various 25 3 3 0 N/A *WXTV Channel 34- Sinclair Television Various 22 8 0 0 N/A Totals 448 466 388 326 $13,811,683 $524,000 $13,811,683 $14,335,683
Production Companies & Support Services Subtotals Production Revenue Total * The FTC will use a monthly average based on the year 2022 unless advised to do otherwise by these companies. 4.E.

Palm Beach Convention Center


Annual Budget Annual Actual Curr Budget Budget Var Actual Curr Budget Budget Var Actual Annual Budget Budget Var OPERATING REVENUE SPACE RENTAL 245,996 250,000 (4,004) 2,006,720 1,706,000 300,720 2,006,720 2,300,000 (293,280) ADVERTISING INCOME 0 0 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 NET BUILDING SERVICES REVENUE 61,376 29,580 31,796 524,085 317,040 207,045 524,085 434,000 90,085 NET F&B REVENUE 232,878 177,770 55,108 1,559,895 992,060 567,835 1,559,895 1,620,000 (60,105) NET PARKING 69,762 60,300 9,462 507,789 382,500 125,289 507,789 567,000 (59,211) NET EXHIBITOR SERVICES 42,224 17,000 25,224 112,034 79,000 33,034 112,034 140,000 (27,966) NET AUDIO VISUAL 43,567 29,600 13,967 208,553 207,000 1,553 208,553 343,700 (135,147) NET MISC INCOME(EXPENSE) 3,657 (6,220) 9,877 (58,154) (43,540) (14,614) (58,154) (74,700) 16,546 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 699,460 558,030 141,430 4,870,922 3,640,060 1,230,862 4,870,922 5,330,000 (459,078) OPERATING EXPENSES EXECUTIVE 30,387 32,290 1,903 218,662 245,250 26,588 218,662 478,000 259,338 MARKETING 35,649 50,200 14,551 257,092 305,670 48,578 257,092 546,000 288,908 FINANCE 12,304 18,560 6,256 85,567 156,930 71,363 85,567 269,000 183,433 EVENT PRODUCTION 31,385 28,970 (2,415) 210,730 217,220 6,490 210,730 383,000 172,270 OPERATIONS - ADMIN/OVRHEAD 195,456 209,890 14,434 1,275,091 1,536,740 261,649 1,275,091 2,633,000 1,357,909 OPERATIONS - SECURITY 28,895 35,520 6,625 202,548 251,460 48,912 202,548 428,000 225,452 OPERATIONS - IT 9,511 40,430 30,919 87,597 146,450 58,853 87,597 230,000 142,403 OPERATIONS - PARKING 22,711 27,340 4,629 153,474 193,000 39,526 153,474 338,000 184,526 OVERHEAD 30,716 30,640 (76) 221,067 215,140 (5,927) 221,067 425,000 203,933 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 397,014 473,840 76,826 2,711,828 3,267,860 556,032 2,711,828 5,730,000 3,018,172 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 302,446 84,190 218,256 2,159,094 372,200 1,786,894 2,159,094 (400,000) 2,559,094 OPERATIONAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 0 5,000 (5,000) (396) 10,500 (10,896) (396) 50,000 (50,396) NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) AFTER CAP-X 302,446 79,190 223,256 2,159,490 361,700 1,797,790 2,159,490 (450,000) 2,609,490 Balance Brought Forward - - - - 2,543,699 (2,543,699) - 4,360,627 (4,360,627) Transfers In 1st Cent Fund - - - - 1,750,000 (1,750,000) - 3,000,000 (3,000,000) Statutory Holdback - - - - (152,699) 152,699 - (261,770) 261,770 Pool Investment Interest Income 13,949 5,264 8,685 79,269 36,845 42,425 79,269 63,162 16,107 City of WPB Contributions - - - - 145,833 (145,833) - 250,000 (250,000) Statutory Holdback Return PYF - - - - - - - -Total Direct County Revenue* 13,949 5,264 8,685 79,269 4,323,678 (4,244,408) 79,269 7,412,019 (7,332,750) Direct County Expenses Legal Services - 433 433 - 3,033 3,033 - 5,200 5,200 Insurance & Surety Bonds - 49,400 49,400 - 345,800 345,800 - 592,800 592,800 Inspector General Fee - 1,378 1,378 3,556 9,647 6,091 3,556 16,538 12,982 Materials/Supplies Operating/Other - 533 533 - 3,730 3,730 - 6,395 6,395 Operating Expenses Indirect 19,142 21,288 2,146 63,758 149,014 85,256 63,758 255,452 191,694 PBCCC Incentive Funding - 14,907 14,907 25,000 104,347 79,347 25,000 178,880 153,880 Total Direct County Expenses* 19,142 87,939 68,797 92,314 615,571 523,258 92,314 1,055,265 962,951 Net Income (Loss) 297,253 (3,485) 300,738 2,146,446 4,069,807 (1,923,361) 2,146,446 5,906,754 (3,760,308)
For the Seven Months Ending April 2023 Period To Date Year To Date 4.F.

Palm Beach Convention Center


For the Seven Months Ending April 2023

Actual MTD Actual MTD MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Current Year Prior Year Variance Current Year Prior Year Variance OPERATING REVENUE SPACE RENTAL 245,996 285,179 (39,183) 2,006,720 1,382,006 624,714 ADVERTISING INCOME 0 0 0 10,000 0 10,000 NET BUILDING SERVICES REVENUE 61,376 31,693 29,683 524,085 291,601 232,484 NET F&B REVENUE 232,878 141,065 91,814 1,559,895 525,214 1,034,681 NET PARKING 69,762 45,517 24,245 507,789 367,170 140,618 NET EXHIBITOR SERVICES 42,224 10,464 31,760 112,034 45,696 66,338 NET AUDIO VISUAL 43,567 25,419 18,147 208,553 214,631 (6,078) NET MISC INCOME(EXPENSE) 3,657 16,191 (12,534) (58,154) 293,720 (351,874) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 699,460 555,528 143,932 4,870,922 3,120,038 1,750,883 OPERATING EXPENSES EXECUTIVE 30,387 28,935 (1,453) 218,662 209,843 (8,819) MARKETING 35,649 31,921 (3,728) 257,092 204,205 (52,887) FINANCE 12,304 10,618 (1,687) 85,567 66,982 (18,585) EVENT PRODUCTION 31,385 20,655 (10,730) 210,730 175,533 (35,197) OPERATIONS - ADMIN/OVRHEAD 195,456 173,111 (22,345) 1,275,091 1,047,960 (227,131) OPERATIONS - SECURITY 28,895 23,433 (5,462) 202,548 150,414 (52,134) OPERATIONS - IT 9,511 9,729 218 87,597 78,138 (9,459) OPERATIONS - PARKING 22,711 21,327 (1,384) 153,474 137,537 (15,937) OVERHEAD 30,716 28,969 (1,747) 221,067 201,633 (19,434) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 397,014 348,698 (48,318) 2,711,828 2,272,245 (439,583) NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 302,446 206,830 95,616 2,159,094 847,793 1,311,301 OPERATIONAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 0 0 0 (396) 11,331 (11,727) NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) AFTER CAP-X 302,446 206,830 95,616 2,159,490 836,462 1,323,028 COUNTY FUNDING ACTIVITY FUNDING RECEIVED FROM COUNTY 331,134 290,395 40,739 1,776,693 1,886,941 (110,248) FUNDING PAID TO COUNTY (732,151) (992,863) 260,711 (3,374,638) (2,564,510) (810,127) TOTAL NET COUNTY FUNDING ACTIVITY (401,017) (702,468) 301,451 (1,597,945) (677,569) 920,376 NET F&B OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) AFTER COUNTY FUNDING (98,571) (495,638) 397,067 561,545 158,893 402,652
Period To Date Year To Date

TDC Marketing Report – June 2023

June Events

Social Media Followers

Facebook – 8,778 (April) to 8,790 (May)

Instagram - 2,905 (April) to 2,928 (May)

LinkedIn - 552 (April) to 584 (May)

Instagram Monthly Total Interactions – 150 (April) to 178 (May)

Impressions – 3,603 (April) to 4,770 (May)

Reach – 843 (April) to 1,422 (May)

Generate Profile Visits – 228 (April)to 320 (May)

Facebook Monthly Total

Social Media

People Reached
Post Engagements
Impressions – 6,957
Connections -
(April) to 1,837 (May)
– 13,044 (April) to 33,246 (May) Page Likes – 10 (April) to 20 (May) LinkedIn Profile Views - 67 (April) to 79 (May)
- 183 (April) to 109 (May)
4,691 (May)
425 (April) to 451 (May)
Description Type Status Start End Exp MDE Latino Meeting Prospect 06/10/23 06/10/23 200 Florida Limousine Association Conference Tentative 06/12/23 06/13/23 400 2023 Rhythmic Development National Championships Consumer Definite 06/02/23 06/04/23 2,000 Financial Freedom Academy Meeting Definite 06/02/23 06/03/23 300 Chamber of Commerce Banquet Definite 06/06/23 06/06/23 250 7th Day Women's Conference Meeting Definite 06/15/23 06/17/23 150
Google Analytics

Tucker Carlson's fall isn't as good for the Jews as the ADL thinks - [] ... at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Dec. 19, 2020. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons.

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CEPA ... Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr [].

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TC Palm It also marked the opening of the Palm Beach County Convention Center's exhibit hall, which was filled with hurricane survival and response tools,

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... of Palm Beach County held its 50th Anniversary Equal Opportunity Awards Gala at the West Palm Beach Convention Center on Friday, May 12.

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... Equal Opportunity Awards Gala at the West Palm Beach Convention Center on Friday, May 12. Grammy nominated R&B artist Kenny Lattimore's.

Memorial Day Weekend things to do: Brunching, wining, dining and a Prince prom in West ... [] Sun Sentinel

Home shopping: The annual Palm Beach Home Design and Remodeling Show rolls out at the Palm Beach County Convention Center through Monday,

10 Ways to Optimize a Ballroom for High-Traffic Events - BizBash []


11, 2022, the Palm Beach Food & Wine Festival Grand Tasting took place inside a ballroom at the Palm Beach County Convention Center

Donald Trump's End Could Come In a Court Room - 19FortyFive []


... Trump speaking with attendees at the 2019 Student Action Summit hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West

DEFINITE Room Rental by Month

Booked Date Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 TOTALS Oct-22 244,730 377,605 48,513 252,750 304,364 259,750 177,275 278,968 - 199,300 44,750 35,000 2,223,005 $ Nov-22 244,730 371,705 65,913 262,600 306,239 316,725 179,603 307,093 - 199,300 172,675 35,000 2,461,583 $ Dec-22 244,730 371,705 87,613 263,500 314,939 280,600 227,053 311,053 - 199,300 143,675 35,000 2,479,168 $ Jan-23 244,730 371,705 87,613 335,312 311,189 310,613 230,053 307,093 - 203,250 143,675 42,575 2,587,808 $ Feb-23 244,730 371,705 87,613 335,312 317,339 372,548 209,128 312,768 - 203,250 277,175 40,700 2,772,268 $ Mar-23 244,730 371,705 87,613 335,312 317339 357,281 209,128 313,200 55,875 203,250 276,575 45,750 2,817,758 $ Apr-23 244,730 371,705 87,613 335,312 317339 357,281 245,996 315,318 57,575 203,250 277,375 45,750 2,859,244 $ May-23 244,730 371,705 87,613 335,312 317339 357,281 245,996 315,318 57,575 216,675 269,775 45,750 2,865,069 $ Jun-23 63,138 226,625 275,100 41,800 606,663 $ Jul-23 - $ Aug-23 - $ Sep-23 - $ ACTUAL 244,730 $ 371,705 $ 87,613 $ 335,312 $ 317,339 $ 357,281 $ 245,996 $ 315,318 $ 63,138 $ 226,625 $ 275,100 $ 41,800 $ 2,881,957 $ BUDGET 245,000 $ 288,000 $ 57,000 $ 233,000 $ 284,000 $ 349,000 $ 250,000 $ 324,000 $ 41,000 $ 66,000 $ 81,000 $ 82,000 $ 2,300,000 $ Variance (270) $ 83,705 $ 30,613 $ 102,312 $ 33,339 $ 8,281 $ (4,004) $ (8,682) $ 22,138 $ 160,625 $ 194,100 $ (40,200) $ 581,957 $ Prospects - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Cancels 4H
updated: 6/1/2023

May 2023 Project Status Report

Department of Environmental Resources Management

Palm Beach Heights: Palm Beach County continues to acquire environmentally sensitive lands in Palm Beach Heights, an approximately 715 acre undeveloped area north of Indiantown Road and northeast of Beeline Highway Willing seller offer letters were sent to the owners of interior parcels in phases to allow staff to complete transactions in a timely manner. Phase I willing seller offer letters were sent out last fall Phase II and III letters went out this April and May Since March, the County has purchased 6 parcels and entered into contracts to acquire an additional 8 Another 5 parcel acquisitions are awaiting approval by the Board of County Commissioners in June. If these contracts are successfully closed, the County will own just over 311 acres in Palm Beach Heights

Freshwater Plant Research: ERM staff assisted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) aquatic plant research staff with a project to understand the distribution of eelgrass (Vallisneria americana) within the Osborne Chain of Lakes and elsewhere in South Florida There may be a subspecies of eelgrass as well as a hybrid variation occurring ERM staff helped with field sampling at over 300 sites in late April FWC’s team plans to conduct genetic analysis of these samples to determine species distribution. ERM staff will send additional samples this summer from local lakes and canals

Night for the Natural Areas: Twisted Trunk in Palm Beach Gardens will host the 8th Annual Night for the Natural Areas on Saturday, August 19 This amazing event has raised over $26,000 in support of outreach activities at Palm Beach County Natural Areas.

Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Gregg K. Weiss, Mayor, Maria Sachs, Vice Mayor, Maria G. Marino, Michael A. Barnett, Marci Woodward, Sara Baxter, Mack Bernard NIGHT FOR THE NATURAL AREAS 2022 EELGRASS HYBRID (TOP) AND NATIVE (BOTTOM) EELGRASS BED

Dive Training for Reef Surveys: Palm Beach County reefs are part of the largest coral reef ecosystem in the continental United States Over the past 40 years, ERM has created over 150 artificial reefs using various permitted materials to provide the public with supplementary areas for recreation and to protect natural reefs from overuse. This month, ERM’s reef biologists completed an Advanced Dive Certification. Staff received specialized training directly related to drift diving, deep diving, underwater navigation, and wreck diving, which the team will use to assist in completing natural and artificial reef surveys


Old World Climbing Fern: ERM staff recently worked with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Invasive Plant Research Lab to release two biological control agents in Palm Beach County Natural Areas to help fight off old world climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum). This plant is a serious invasive weed in southern Florida. The agents, the brown lygodium moth (Neomusotima conspurcatalis) and lygodium mite (Floracarus perrepae), feed upon the invasive weed and hinder its ability to grow and reproduce Using these natural enemies to fight old world climbing fern can reduce the effort needed to manage this invasive plant in the Natural Areas.

Pine Glades Unit 5 Burn: In February and May, ERM staff successfully burned a total of 427 acres of pine flatwoods in Pine Glades Natural Area, Management Unit 5 The purposes of the prescribed burns were ecological management, reduction of invasive hardwood species, and reduction of chopped biomass and fuel Over the past two years, land managers completed pine thinning and fuel reduction projects in Management Unit 5, and by adding prescribed fire they will further enhance the restoration progress. Overall, all prescribed burn goals and objectives were met

Adventure Awaits: Register NOW for a FREE event at PBCERM.EVENTBRITE.COM!


• June 9: SUNSET AT THE ROOST at Pine Glades

• June 11: 4.5 MILE TRAIL RUN at Loxahatchee Slough

• June 17: WILDLIFE TRACKING at High Ridge Scrub

Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners

Gregg K. Weiss, Mayor, Maria Sachs, Vice Mayor, Maria G. Marino, Michael A. Barnett, Marci Woodward, Sara Baxter, Mack Bernard BROWN LYGODIUM MOTH REEF DIVE TRAINING


for the period ended April 2023

(1) Estimated Seat Capacity; Adjusted Innovata/OAG Scheduled seats, actual capacity may vary

(2) Percentage Change in load factor is stated in absolute difference

(3) Freight plus mail in US Tons

(4) Landings plus Takeoffs, includes cargo carriers

(5) Per FAA Tower


Palm Beach County Department of Airports 846 PBIA, West Palm Beach , FL 33406-1470

Apr 2023 Apr 2022 Percent Change 12 Months ended Apr 2023 12 Months ended Apr 2022 Percent Change Total Passengers 791,941 653,127 21.3% 7,133,457 6,308,640 13.1% Total Estimated Seat Capacity (1) 944,440 749,235 26.1% 8,209,913 7,698,471 6.6% Estimated Load Factor (2) 83.9% 87.2% -3.3% 86.9% 81.9% 4.9% Total Cargo Tons (3) 2,462 2,613 -5.8% 30,585 30,831 -0.8% Landed Weight (thousands of lbs) 444,110 365,968 21.4% 4,109,765 3,745,115 9.7% Air Carrier Operations (4) 5,950 4,838 23.0% 55,132 50,688 8.8% GA & Other Operations (5) 11,581 12,681 -8.7% 117,244 122,038 -3.9% Total Operations (5) 17,531 17,519 0.1% 172,376 172,726 -0.2%


Airline Percentage of Market Apr 2023 12 Months ended Apr 2023 Enplaned Passengers Market Share Enplaned Passengers Market Share Total Enplaned Passengers 414,000 100.00% 3,577,736 100.00% JetBlue Airways 127,579 30.82% 1,021,356 28.55% Delta Air Lines 90,037 21.75% 910,591 25.45% American Airlines 73,635 17.79% 687,472 19.22% United 48,350 11.68% 393,409 11.00% Southwest Airlines 28,761 6.95% 234,451 6.55% Frontier Airlines 19,163 4.63% 127,673 3.57% Avelo Airlines Inc 6,944 1.68% 54,084 1.51% Allegiant Air, LLC 6,608 1.60% 61,303 1.71% Air Canada 4,787 1.16% 28,483 0.80% Spirit Airlines 3,530 0.85% 19,152 0.54% Breeze Aviation Group, Inc. 2,689 0.65% 19,125 0.53% Sun Country, Inc. a Minnesota 989 0.24% 11,276 0.32% Bahamasair 928 0.22% 9,361 0.26%
ENPLANEMENT TRAFFIC REPORT for the period ended April 2023


Apr 2023 Apr 2022
in Month to Month enplanements Enplaned Passengers Enplaned Passengers Change Percentage Change Total Enplaned Passengers 414,000 389,194 24,806 6.4% JetBlue Airways 127,579 109,214 18,365 16.8% Delta Air Lines 90,037 87,588 2,449 2.8% American Airlines 73,635 74,626 (991) -1.3% United 48,350 48,464 (114) -0.2% Southwest Airlines 28,761 22,026 6,735 30.6% Frontier Airlines 19,163 23,566 (4,403) -18.7% Avelo Airlines Inc 6,944 3,612 3,332 92.2% Allegiant Air, LLC 6,608 7,571 (963) -12.7% Air Canada 4,787 4,457 330 7.4% Spirit Airlines 3,530 4,131 (601) -14.5% Breeze Aviation Group, Inc. 2,689 1,547 1,142 73.8% Sun Country, Inc. a Minnesota 989 1,690 (701) -41.5% Bahamasair 928 591 337 57.0% Swift Air - 111 (111) -100.0%
Change in
by Airline


** In metric tons as required by ACI reporting standards includes Mail plus Freight

Monthly Airport Traffic Statistics West Palm Beach, Florida, United States of America Palm Beach International Airport for the period ended April 2023 Apr 2023 Apr 2022 Passenger Aircraft 5,814 4,674 Cargo Aircraft 136 164 Total Air Transport Movements 5,950 4,838 General Aviation and Other Aircraft Movements 11,581 12,681 Total Aircraft Movements* 17,531 17,519 International Passengers (enplaned + deplaned) 10,646 8,402 Domestic Passengers (enplaned + deplaned) 781,295 644,725 Total Terminal Passengers 791,941 653,127 International Cargo (loaded + unloaded)** -Domestic Cargo (loaded + unloaded)** 2,238 2,375 Total Cargo (loaded + unloaded)** 2,238 2,375
* Per FAA Tower



June 2023
CONTRACT/VENDOR CONTRACTURAL EFF DATE EXP DATE RENEWAL (and/or) EXPENSES STATUS SPORTS COMMISSION $7,529,171 10/1/22 9/30/27 (2022-1019) CULTURAL COUNCIL $14,454,719 10/1/22 9/30/27 (R2022-1017) FILM & TV COMMISSION $3,173,063 10/1/22 9/30/27 (2022-1018) DPBC $31,327,073 10/1/22 9/30/27 (2022-1024)
PBCFTC Olympusat $590,000, 118,000 annually 8/1/22 7/30/27 initial five yr. agreement Pd in monthly installments DPBC-Simpleview, LLC $106,012 annually, pd 10/1/22 9/30/23 4-1 yr renewals Web Based Services monthly at $8,834.33. R2022-0636 DPBC-Zimmerman, LLC $840,000 annually 10/1/22 9/30/27 1- 5yr. agreement R2018-1121 -Creative Design pd mo. $70,000 DPBC-Madden Preprint Media, LLC $146,650 phase 1 10/1/22 9/30/24 initial 2yr agreement with Website Design $98,760 phase 2 2 additional 2yr. renewals Pd monthly at $8,230 DPBC-Zimmerman Agency LLC $192,000 @ $16,000 mo. 10/1/18 9/30/23 one (1) 2-yr renewal R2018-1120 Public Relations optional services not to one (1) 1-yr renewal with ext. for COVID 4.K.
June 2023 2 exceed $58,000 for a total of $250,000 R2021-0160 Contract Extension 9/30/21 3/31/21 1st Amendment Covid Extension R2021-0866 4/1/21 3/31/22 2nd Amendment one (1) 1-yr extension R2022-0637 4/1/22 9/30/23 3RD Amendment Culture-Push, Inc. Marketing Services $201,000 annual fee not to 10/1/21 9/30/22 Initial 1 yr. with 2, 2yr. renewals (R2021-0401) exceed $300,000 including travel (R2022-0788) and other out-of-pocket 10/1/22 9/30/2024 2nd renewal of 2yrs DPBC-Professional $188,080 10/1/22 9/30/23 Convention Management Association (PCMA) (sole Source) DPBC-Brand USA $400,000 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 CONVENTION CENTER CC-Management Oakview Group not to exceed $202,180 7/1/17 9/30/23 Extended CC-F&B Oakview Group (OVG) Benefits received 10/1/15 9/30/22 (2022-0948) $260,000 over term DPBC - FOREIGN MARKETING DPBC-Vox International, Inc. $30,000 annually 2/18/19 2/17/20 initial term, 4-1yr renewals (Canada) 2/18/20 2/17/21 1st of 4-1yr. renewals 2/18/21 9/30/21 10/1/21 2/1/23 2nd of 4-1yr renewals DPBC-LMG Management $30,000 annually 2/18/19 2/17/20 initial term, 4-1yr renewals (Germany) 2/18/20 2/17/21 1st of 4-1yr. renewals
June 2023 3 2/18/21 9/30/21 10/1/21 2/1/23 2nd of 4-1yr renewals DPBC-AviaReps $30,000 annually, each 2/18/19 2/17/20 initial term, 4 – 1yr renewals (Mexico) 2/18/20 2/17/21 1st of 4-1yr. renewals 2/18/21 9/30/21 10/1/21 2/1/23 2nd of 4-1yr. renewal Colombia $30,000 annually 10/1/21 2/1/23 2nd of 4-1yr. renewal .


To: Tourist Development Council

Fr: Emanuel Perry EP

Date: June 5, 2023

Topic: TDC Dashboard June Report–Activity April and FYTD 2023

Bed Tax CollectionsApril 2023 collected in May @ $8.1M compared to the same month last year @ $8.6M was an decrease of (5%). Actual April was 55% above Budget and (32%) below the prior month @ $12M. Actual April was 52% higher than 2019, as we enter summer our marketing strategies will shift to target drive markets.

FYTD23 Collections @ $64.6M, were higher than last fiscal year to date’s $58.6M by 10%, reflecting a strong recovery from the pandemic. Fiscal Year to Date collections at $64.6M are pacing 14% ahead of the Approved Budget. FYTD collections of $64.6M, 54% higher than our Record 2019. Highlights

5.A.1 Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council 2195 Southern Boulevard, Suite 500, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 D-(561) 233-3130 D-FACSIMILE (561) 233-3113
Key Room Metrics: Rooms Sold for Apr 418,182 0.3% higher than last year. Rooms Available for Apr 569,730 3% higher than last year Hotel Rooms Active Today in the County 18,991 Occupancy Apr 2023 73.4% down (3%) over last year Occupancy Apr 2022 75.2% Occupancy Apr 2019 76.8% Average Daily Rate Apr $289.15, (2%) lower than Last Year; 34% above 2019 Revenue/Available Room Apr 23 $212.23 lower than the prior April by (4%) Hotel Room Net Sales FY23 Year over Year Apr Decreased (3%) @ $116M vs $120M Non- Hotel Room Sales FY23 Year over Year Apr Decreased (4%) @ $17.9M vs $18.7M Hotel Room Net Sales FYTD 2023 Increased 11% @ $902M vs $815M Non- Hotel Room Sales FYTD 2023 Increased 14% @ $169M vs $149M FYTD 2023 Taxable Revenues Fiscal Year over FY2022 Increased 11% @ $1B vs $963M FYTD 2023 Taxable Revenues Fiscal Year over FY2019 Increased 57% @ $1B vs $684M Palm Beach International Traffic Total Passengers Apr. 2023 791,941 21% higher than Apr. 2022 Total Estimated Seat Capacity 944,440 26% higher than Apr. 2022 PBI Passengers 12 Month Rolling 7,133,457 13% increase to last year same period. Leisure & Hospitality Employment for Apr. 96,800 5% higher than the same month last year Hotel Employment 11,600 7% higher than last year F&B 63,000 6% higher than last year Arts & Entertainment 22,200 1% higher than last year

Tourist Development Council Dashboard

Current Month 2023 vs. 2022 Fiscal Month 5.A.1

April 2023 Net Hotel Sales decreased (3%) over Last Year, Non-Hotel Sales decreased (4%) over Last Year

May Collections for April 2023 decreased (5%) over L.Y. Over last Month decreased (32%); 55% above Budget

April 2023 Hotel Room Nights Sold increased .3% over the same month Last Year.

April 2023 Hotel Room Nights Available for Sale increased 3% over Last Year. 18,991 Rooms Open.

April 2023

Passengers through PBI increased 21% over the same month Last Year.

April 2023 Est. Seat Capacity at PBI increased 26% over the same month Last Year.

$120,114,442 $116,746,520 $18,716,128 $17,905,538 $100,000,000 $105,000,000 $110,000,000 $115,000,000 $120,000,000 $125,000,000 $130,000,000 $135,000,000 $140,000,000 April-22 April-23 Month- Net Rental Revenue Net Non-Hotel Room Revenues Net Hotel Room Revenues $8,585,252 $8,143,081 $5,245,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 $11,000,000 April-22 April-23 April-23 Budget Monthly Gross Bed Taxes Collections (All) 416,964 418,182 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 April-22 April-23 Gross Monthly Room Nights Sold 552,270 569,730 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 April-22 April-23 Gross Room Nights Available 653,127 791,941 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 Apr-22 Apr-23 Monthly PBIA Passengers 749,235 944,440 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 950,000 1,000,000 Apr-22 Apr-23 Monthly PBIA Passenger Capacity PBC TDC Monthly Scorecard April FY2023 Report-April 2023 vs 2022

Tourist Development Council Dashboard

Fiscal Year 2023 vs. 2022 5.A.1

FYTD 2023 Hotel Net Sales increased 11% over Last Year, Non-Hotel Sales increased 14% over Last Year

FYTD 2023 Collections increased 10% over Last Year, compared to FYTD Budget higher by 14%

FYTD 2023 Hotel Room Nights Sold increased 8% over Last Year

FYTD 2023 Hotel Room Nights Available for Sale increased 2% from Last Year

April 2023 Passengers Through PBI is up 13% over Previous 12 Month Rolling Actuals

April 2023 at 96,800 up 5% over Last Year ; F&B at 63,000 increased 6%; Arts & Entertainment at 22,200 increased 1%; Hotels at 11,600 up 7%

$814,895,436 $902,260,470 $148,941,983 $169,071,965 $0 $200,000,000 $400,000,000 $600,000,000 $800,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $1,200,000,000 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year FY2023 Net Rental Revenue Net Non-Hotel Room Revenues Net Hotel Room Revenues $58,654,097 $64,693,680 $56,769,402 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 $60,000,000 $70,000,000 $80,000,000 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year Approved FY23 Budget FY2023 Gross Bed Taxes Collections (All) 3,071,379 3,313,626 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year FY2023 Room Nights Sold 4,444,155 4,549,974 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year FY2023 Room Night Inventory Available 59,400 63,000 22,100 22,200 10,800 11,600 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Apr-22 Apr-23 Leisure & Hospitality Jobs Accommodations Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation F&B 6,308,640 7,133,457 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 Apr-22 Apr-23 PBI Passengers 12 Mth Rolling Total PBC TDC Monthly Scorecard April FY2023 Report-April 2023 vs 2022

Tourist Development Council Dashboard

Current Month 2023 vs. 2019 Fiscal Month 5.A.1

April 2023 Net Hotel Sales increased 44% over Year 2019, Non-Hotel Sales increased 205% over Year 2019

May Collections for April 2023 were 52% above April FY19 and (5%) below April FY22.

April 2023 Hotel Room Nights Sold increased 7% over FY 2019 for the same month.

April 2023 Hotel Room Nights Available for Sale increased 12% over Year 2019. 18,991 Rooms Open.

April 2023 Passengers through PBI increased 11% over FY 2019 for the same month

April 2023 Est. Seat Capacity at PBI increased 11% over FY 2019 for same month

$81,203,151 $116,746,520 $5,866,233 $17,905,538 $0 $20,000,000 $40,000,000 $60,000,000 $80,000,000 $100,000,000 $120,000,000 $140,000,000 $160,000,000 $180,000,000 $200,000,000 April-19 April-23 Month- Net Rental Revenue Net Non-Hotel Room Revenues Net Hotel Room Revenues $5,369,516 $8,143,081 $8,585,252 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $7,000,000 $9,000,000 $11,000,000 $13,000,000 April-19 April-23 April-22 Monthly Gross Bed Taxes Collections (All) 391,519 418,182 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 April-19 April-23 Gross Monthly Room Nights Sold 509,790 569,730 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 April-19 April-23 Gross Room Nights Available Dec-19 Dec-22 710,970 791,941 50,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 450,000 550,000 650,000 750,000 850,000 950,000 April-19 April-23 Monthly PBIA Passengers 850,831 944,440 500,000 550,000 600,000 650,000 700,000 750,000 800,000 850,000 900,000 950,000 1,000,000 April-19 April-23 Monthly PBI Estimated Seats PBC TDC Monthly Scorecard April FY2023 Report-April 2023 vs 2019


Tourist Development Council Dashboard

Fiscal Year 2023 vs. 2019 5.A.1

FYTD 2023 Hotel Net Sales increased 48% over 2019, Non-Hotel Sales 134% higher than FYTD 2019

FYTD 2023 Collections increased 54% over FYTD 2019, and 10% higher than FYTD 2022

FYTD 2023 Hotel Room Nights Sold increased 8% over FYTD 2019

FYTD 2023 Hotel Room Nights Available for Sale increased 11% from same period 2019

April 2023 FYTD Passengers Through PBI increased 7% over FYTD 2019 12 Month Rolling Actuals

April 2023 at 96,800 up 2% over 2019 ; F&B at 63,000 up 2%; Arts & Entertainment at 22,200 up 4%; Hotels at 11,600 down (3%) over FY 2019

$611,903,733 $902,260,470 $72,229,503 $169,071,965 $0 $200,000,000 $400,000,000 $600,000,000 $800,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $1,200,000,000 2019 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year
Net Rental Revenue Net Non-Hotel Room Revenues Net Hotel Room Revenues $41,941,291 $64,693,680 $58,654,097 $5,000,000 $15,000,000 $25,000,000 $35,000,000 $45,000,000 $55,000,000 $65,000,000 2019 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year FY2023 Gross Bed Taxes Collections (All) 3,071,342 3,313,626 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 2019 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year FY2023 Room Nights Sold 4,090,732 4,549,974 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 2019 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year FY2023 Room Night Inventory Available 6,639,596 7,133,457 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 6,000,000 6,500,000 7,000,000 7,500,000 8,000,000 8,500,000 9,000,000 April-19 April-23 PBI Passengers 12 Mth Rolling Total 61,800 63,000 21,300 22,200 11,900 11,600 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Apr-19 Apr-23 Leisure & Hospitality Jobs Accommodations Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation F&B PBC TDC Monthly Scorecard April FY2023 Report-April 2023 vs 2019



MONTH: INDUSTRY YR TO YR YTD (COLLECTION) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 % CHANGE % CHANGE SEP (OCT) 1,405,509 1,370,952 1,621,608 1,973,649 2,178,273 2,438,227 2,461,559 2,214,097 1,978,098 2,987,573 3,997,667 33.81% 33.81% OCT (NOV) 1,785,170 1,635,182 1,857,806 1,989,072 2,725,682 3,083,157 3,303,783 3,314,441 1,996,505 4,522,098 5,453,162 20.59% 25.85% NOV (DEC) 1,794,668 2,516,341 2,751,115 3,640,904 3,594,244 4,200,587 4,035,601 4,372,073 2,444,609 5,595,556 6,321,595 12.98% 20.35% DEC (JAN) 3,187,043 3,323,289 3,785,958 4,777,922 4,875,807 5,731,320 5,630,298 6,089,984 3,800,639 7,958,732 8,269,372 3.90% 14.14% JAN (FEB) 3,453,672 3,576,572 5,065,319 5,005,030 5,159,226 5,870,815 6,219,210 6,889,246 4,140,905 7,641,298 9,242,905 20.96% 15.95% FEB (MAR) 4,006,494 5,107,085 6,140,424 6,621,872 6,436,528 7,435,071 7,025,626 7,788,461 5,016,312 9,940,983 11,215,796 12.82% 15.15% MAR (APR) 4,656,021 4,746,723 6,690,922 7,868,716 7,734,850 7,768,676 7,895,698 4,406,423 7,334,261 11,422,604 12,050,103 5.49% 12.95% APR (MAY) 2,851,113 3,408,662 4,416,637 4,257,059 4,453,561 5,266,893 5,369,516 1,044,080 6,190,058 8,585,252 8,143,081 -5.15% 10.30% MAY (JUN) 2,125,978 2,480,364 3,002,756 3,231,119 3,314,631 3,532,056 3,673,563 1,567,309 5,145,606 6,198,430 N/A N/A JUN (JUL) 1,830,471 1,910,875 2,512,755 2,643,059 2,933,218 3,031,361 2,883,950 1,877,388 4,579,048 4,488,164 N/A N/A JUL (AUG) 1,818,223 1,795,741 2,468,872 2,802,300 2,902,478 2,814,249 3,122,264 1,908,008 4,730,560 4,425,280 N/A N/A AUG (SEP) 1,609,331 1,970,481 2,422,236 2,307,485 2,226,361 2,655,543 2,581,689 1,840,212 3,648,087 4,051,190 N/A N/A TOTAL FISCAL $30,523,693 $33,842,267 $42,736,409 $47,118,186 $48,534,859 $53,827,955 $54,202,757 $43,311,723 $51,004,689 $77,817,161 $64,693,680 N/A N/A MONTH: INDUSTRY YR TO YR YTD (COLLECTION) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 % CHANGE % CHANGE SEP(OCT) 1,384,427 1,350,387 1,597,284 1,944,045 2,145,599 2,401,654 2,424,636 2,180,886 1,948,426 2,942,759 3,937,702 33.81% 33.81% OCT (NOV) 1,758,392 1,610,654 1,829,939 1,959,236 2,684,797 3,036,909 3,254,226 3,264,725 1,966,557 4,454,267 5,371,364 20.59% 25.85% NOV (DEC) 1,767,748 2,478,596 2,709,849 3,586,290 3,540,330 4,137,578 3,975,067 4,306,492 2,407,940 5,511,623 6,226,771 12.98% 20.35% DEC (JAN) 3,139,237 3,273,440 3,729,168 4,706,253 4,802,670 5,645,350 5,545,843 5,998,634 3,743,630 7,839,351 8,145,332 3.90% 14.14% JAN (FEB) 3,401,867 3,522,924 4,989,339 4,929,954 5,081,838 5,782,752 6,125,922 6,785,908 4,078,792 7,526,678 9,104,261 20.96% 15.95% FEB (MAR) 3,946,397 5,030,479 6,048,317 6,522,543 6,339,980 7,323,545 6,920,242 7,671,634 4,941,067 9,791,868 11,047,559 12.82% 15.15% MAR (APR) 4,586,181 4,675,522 6,590,558 7,750,685 7,618,827 7,652,146 7,777,262 4,340,327 7,224,248 11,251,265 11,869,351 5.49% 12.95% APR (MAY) 2,808,346 3,357,532 4,350,388 4,193,203 4,386,757 5,187,889 5,288,974 1,028,419 6,097,207 8,456,473 8,020,934 -5.15% 10.30% MAY (JUN) 2,094,088 2,443,159 2,957,714 3,182,652 3,264,911 3,479,075 3,618,460 1,543,799 5,068,422 6,105,454 - N/A N/A JUN (JUL) 1,803,014 1,882,212 2,475,064 2,603,413 2,889,219 2,985,891 2,840,691 1,849,227 4,510,362 4,420,841 - N/A N/A JUL (AUG) 1,790,950 1,768,805 2,431,839 2,760,266 2,858,941 2,772,036 3,075,430 1,879,388 4,659,602 4,358,901 - N/A N/A AUG (SEP) 1,585,191 1,940,924 2,385,903 2,272,873 2,192,966 2,615,710 2,542,964 1,812,609 3,593,366 3,990,422 - N/A N/A TOTAL FISCAL $30,065,838 $33,334,633 $42,095,363 $46,411,412 $47,806,836 $53,020,535 $53,389,716 $42,662,047 $50,239,619 $76,649,903 $63,723,275 N/A N/A
Tourist Development Council Bed Tax Collections
5.A. - 1.a.
Bed Taxes Collections (Gross) April April % / YTD YTD % 2023 2022 Var. / 2023 2022 Var. $8,143,081 $8,585,252 -5.15% / $64,693,680 $58,654,097 10.30% Monthly STR April April % April April % April April % Occupancy Occupancy Var. ADR ADR Var. Rev Par Rev Par Var. 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 73.4% 75.2% -2.5% $289.15 $294.52 -1.8% $212.23 $221.62 -4.2% YTD STR April April % April April % April April % Occupancy Occupancy Var. ADR ADR Var. Rev Par Rev Par Var. 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 78.1% 76.0% 2.8% $331.83 $320.88 3.4% $259.29 $243.84 6.3% Employment April April % 2023 2022 Var. 96,800 92,300 4.9% $286.00 $288.00 $290.00 $292.00 $294.00 $296.00 2023 2022 April ADR $205.00 $210.00 $215.00 $220.00 $225.00 2023 2022 April Rev Par 74.5% 75.0% 75.5% 76.0% 76.5% 77.0% 77.5% 78.0% 78.5% 2023 2022 YTD April Occupancy $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 2023 2022 YTD April ADR $235.00 $240.00 $245.00 $250.00 $255.00 $260.00 $265.00 2023 2022 YTD April Rev Par $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $7,000,000 $9,000,000 $11,000,000 $13,000,000 2023 2022 Bed Taxes April Bed Taxes April $40,000,000 $44,000,000 $48,000,000 $52,000,000 $56,000,000 $60,000,000 2023 2022 YTD Bed Tax April YTD Bed Tax April 90,000 91,000 92,000 93,000 94,000 95,000 96,000 97,000 98,000 2023 2022 Leisure & Hospitality Employment April 72.5% 73.0% 73.5% 74.0% 74.5% 75.0% 75.5% 2023 2022 April Occupancy O:\TDC MEETINGS\TDCMtgs2023\Bed Tax Report By Month\6.April'23CollMay'23\Report Out FY 23 BTSTR Jobs Apr 2023 5.A. - 1.b.


TO: Tourist Development Council, Board of Directors

FROM: Vicky Jackson, Director of Grants

DATE: June 8, 2023

RE: Category B Grant Awards – FY24, BOARD VOTE REQUIRED

On May 24, 2023, the Cultural Council Board of Directors approved the FY24 award amounts for the Tourist Development Fund for Cultural Tourism (Category B). The amounts below are based on the organization’s score from the May 18, 2023 panel meeting and the TDC approved funding pool of $5,544,108.

*Moved from Category CII

** New grantee to Category B

Council Approved Recommended Funding Score 2024 Grant Amount 2023 Grant Amount Variance Level 1 Revenues $2 Million & Under Loxahatchee River Historical Society, Inc. 92.67 $148,101 $113,119 $34,982 Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center, Inc. 91.00 $104,069 $78,970 $25,099 The Boca Raton Historical Society 89.00 $127,787 $114,639 $13,148 Level 2 Revenues between $2,000,001 & $3Million Palm Beach State College 93.67 $181,453 $150,294 $31,159 The Armory Art Center, Inc. 91.67 $177,579 $146,060 $31,519 FAU Foundation, Inc. Dorothy Schmidt College of Arts & Letters 90.33 $174,996 $133,359 $41,637 **Arts Garage (Creative City Collaborative of Delray Beach) 96.00 $185,973 *Friends of Mounts Botanical Garden, Inc. 93.33 $144,646 Palm Beach Photographic Center, Inc. 92.33 $178,870 $180,591 (1,721) Level 3 Revenues between $3,000,001 & $5 Million Palm Beach Dramaworks 92.00 $222,781 $185,221 $37,560 The Morikami, Inc. 93.67 $226,816 $184,560 $42,256 *The Palm Beach Symphony Society 95.33 $230,852 Busch Wildlife Sanctuary 88.67 $214,709 $131,919 $82,790 Level 4 – Revenues $5 Million & Over Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 100.00 $290,583 $236,553 $54,030 Norton Museum of Art 94.67 $275,086 $233,379 $41,707 Cox Science Center and Aquarium 96.33 $279,929 $230,997 $48,932 Boca Raton Museum of Art, Inc. 92.33 $268,305 $228,616 $39,689 SunFest of Palm Beach County, Inc. 90.33 $262,494 $227,822 $34,672 Loggerhead MarineLife Center, Inc. 90.00 $261,525 $226,234 $35,291 The Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches 90.00 $261,525 $224,647 $36,878 Palm Beach Opera 91.33 $265,399 $224,647 $40,752 The Henry Morrison Flagler Museum 92.67 $269,274 $222,265 $47,009 Maltz Jupiter Theatre, Inc. 89.33 $259,588 $222,265 $37,323 The Society of the Four Arts, Inc. 86.00 $249,902 $210,358 $39,544 Miami City Ballet, Inc. 97.00 $281,866 $208,771 $73,095 Grand Total (25) $5,544,108 $4,115,286
6.D. - 1.

TO: Tourist Development Council, Board of Directors

FROM: Vicky Jackson, Director of Grants

DATE: June 8, 2023

RE: Category CII Grant Awards – FY24, BOARD VOTE REQUIRED

On May 24, 2023 the Cultural Council Board of Directors approved the FY24 award amounts for the Tourist Development Fund for Cultural Marketing (Category CII). The amounts below are based on the organization’s score from the May 16, 2023 panel meeting and the TDC approved funding pool of $1,606,649.

*Grantees applied for the Category B grant for FY24

Council Approved Recommended Funding Score 2024 Grant Amount 2023 Grant Amount Variance Level 1 – 10% of Operating Revenue up to $500,000 Spady Cultural Heritage Museum 93.33 $129,766 $78,302 $51,464 *Friends of Mounts Botanical Gardens, Inc $63,887 Level 2 – Revenues between $500,000 and $1,174,999 Boca Ballet Theatre Company 88.00 $131,014 $75,775 $55,239 Lighthouse ArtCenter, Inc. 92.67 $137,961 $75,775 $62,186 The Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia, Inc. 91.00 $135,480 $74,091 $61,389 Ballet Palm Beach, Inc 88.00 $131,014 $74,091 $56,923 Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, Inc. 85.67 $127,540 $77,459 $50,081 The Lake Worth Playhouse 90.33 $134,488 $71,566 $62,922 Young Singers of the Palm Beaches 93.67 $139,450 $75,495 $63,955 Mandel Jewish Community Center of the PBs 91.67 $136,473 $74,933 $61,540 Centre for the Arts at Mizner Park 89.00 $132,503 $73,249 $59,254 The Chamber Music Society of Palm Beach 93.33 $138,954 $71,566 $67,388 Historical Society of Palm Beach County 88.67 $132,006 $73,530 $58,476 *Palm Beach Symphony $76,898 Grand Total (12) $1,606,649 $1,036,617

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