Total Licensing China October 2023

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October 十月 2023
To discuss licensing opportunities for any of our brands, please visit us at Booth 3EC10

October 十月 2023

East Agent (Excluding China) Roger Berman, ZenWorks

Total Licensing China is published as a special issue of Total Licensing magazine. Total Licensing Ltd 4 Wadhurst Business Park Faircrouch

Tel: +44 1892 782220


Welcome to the October 2023 edition of Total Licensing China. Whilst many economies around the world are still grapplng with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, China is seeing an acceleration in its recovery with better than expected figures and the pace of activity picking up following recent rounds of interest rate cuts.

Interestingly, from a licensing perspective, China is now the fifth biggest licensing economy according to Licensing International’s Global Study. And retail revenues rose by more than 5% over 2022, fuelled by activity from China’s biggest retailers - Alibaba,, Sun Art, RT Mart and Walmart.

Of course, many of you reading this will be attending this year’s China Licensing Expo in Shanghai. The show promises to be the biggest and best yet and is a great indicator on just how much the Chinese licensing industry has grown. This issue of the magazine is, as you can see from the listing

above, very varied in its content. It carries news from Chinese organisations as well as companies from outside doing business in China. Articles cover a spectrum of subjects - from how A.I is impacting the licensing industry to some exclusive research on the favorite characters and brands loved by consumers. Location based entertainment, a hugely growing sector is covered and our brand profiles range from character to entertainment, brands, automotive, fashion and much more.

We very much hope you enjoy this issue. If you would like to know more about the magazine and/or have content you believe would be of interest, we’d love to hear from you. Total Licensing will be at the China Licensing Expo and you can also contact us via email etc as per our contact list to the left of this or via our website

English 中国人 News from the marketplace 10 6 Howard Robinson - from coral to basketball 14 37 Popular is Paramount 16 30 The world-beating V&A 40 20 Emoji Update from China ......................................................................... 38 ................................................................................... 22 GTL - Driving Licensing Business ............................................................. 24 ................................................................................... 34 The Sweet Universe of Chupa Chups .................................................... 27 ................................................................................... 42 Spotlight on Moonbug - a digital champion ......................................... 28 ................................................................................... 52 Hasbro - Activity Profile .............................................................................. 47 ................................................................................... 43 Maxx, Monopoly and MTR ....................................................................... 44 ................................................................... English only Chinese LBE from Falcon’s Beyond ....................................... Chinese only ................................................................................... 45 Chinese Partnership from Authentic Brands ....................... Chinese only ................................................................................... 46 Pure Brands - Redefining Brand Licensing ............................................ 54 ................................................................................... 48 Major LBE deal from Wildbrain ............................................................... 50 ................................................................... English only Miffy Spreading Happiness 58 51 A.I leads Chinese Licensing Transformation Chinese only 56 Exclusive Research from BrandTrends Chinese only 60 4 October 十月 2023 Co-Publisher Editor-in-Chief Francesca Ash Co-Publisher Jerry Wooldridge Editorial Director/ Editor Rebecca Ash Office Manager Helen Bowerman Subscriptions and Circulation
Lane Wadhurst
Sussex TN5
+44 1892 782226 © 2023 Total Licensing Ltd


《和平精英》携手全球知名超跑品牌兰博基尼跨界联动,为玩家带 来极具野性的冒险体验。在游戏内《和平精英》深度植入Aventador SVJ,URUS,ESTOQUE三款兰博基尼经典车型,配以多达九款皮肤 颜色供玩家选择。《和平精英》在”2023年中国授权业大奖”颁奖典礼 上获得《年度跨界联名项目》奖项。

此次联名由兰博基尼官方授权代表 安素香港有限公司(Enzo e Partners Limited)全权代理;EEP作为意大利兰博基尼官方认可的 全品类的授权代表,也专注于各种国际汽车品牌特许授权。迄今为 止,EEP已直接同世界很多国际豪车超跑品牌合作其授权项目。合作 伙伴遍及中国、东南亚、欧美、日韩等地,并在全球开展多元化的合 作业务;于整个汽车品牌授权行业,EEP于中国大陆市场的占分绝对 是领导者。


怡酷文化是一家在位于上海面 向大中华区的授权代理公司。 公司成立于2022年,由创始人 Kevin Lee和Jack Hu组建,汇集 了多年的授权行业经验,尤其是 在中国授权行业。

怡酷文化为客户提供多元化的 服务,包括商业和创意咨询,另 外还包括寻找被授权商并推进 授权业务的服务工作。我们的目 标是找出每个客户IP的核心价 值并向他们的目标客户传达,从 而建立和培养与该品牌持久的 情感联系。

目前,我们正在代理几个来自世 界各地的积极进取的品牌,我们 将协助这些品牌继续拓展中国 市场的知名度并在授权行业快 速扩张。这些品牌包括Pringles 品客、SamSam森森(来自Molly 的创作者)、Pets Rock(曾与星 巴克和Trendiano合作)以及 Trouble Smile麻烦星球(一个 与Vans合作的本土IP)。

经典电视节目《芝麻街》自1969年开播以来,至今已陪伴 150多个国

家超过 1.5亿儿童健康快乐成长,覆盖我国数亿观众。其首部3D CGI 系列衍生剧《机甲芝麻街》有着可爱的角色,以及面向学龄前儿童的 STEM课程内容,第一季动画预计在2023年秋季上线。

2023年夏天,芝麻街在中国大陆地区开启了[憧憬、积累、实现 芝麻街财商培育计划],即将触及16个城市5000个家庭和社区,。更 有芝麻街数百本原版书籍陆续上市,为小朋友带来丰富多样的教育 内容。


行和品牌授权企业,2021年成为芝麻街工作室在大中华地区指定的 品牌代理合作方,将推出品牌在该地区的55周年庆祝项目。芝麻街

55周年主题展览已在筹备中;首部中国本土编创舞台剧《芝麻街的 新朋友》在北京 和上海成功演出 后,2024 年将去 到更多中国其它 城市,和当地儿 童见面。商品授 权方面,羚邦计 划面向儿童和年 轻人,与国内知 名企业合作,推 出服装、3C数码、 生活用品、玩具 等授权产品。

怡酷文化将参加CLE中国授权 展,展位号E1F19。欢迎莅临洽 谈。

访问 Total Licensing 以获得所有 授权信息



立于1999年,是一家集品牌授权、动漫投资、多媒 体业务、产品开发、中外艺术家IP运营为一体的大 型专业品牌管理公司。艺洲人曾先后荣获“国家 重点动漫企业”的称号,国际授权业协会和亚洲授 权业协会分别颁发的“最佳授权代理商”荣誉和 CLE中国授权展颁发的“优秀版权方服务奖”等。继 2022年首次上榜License Global公布的“全球授

权代理商TOP 20榜单”,2023年艺洲人再次上榜, 连续两年蝉联榜单第12名,同时也是TOP 20榜单 内唯一入榜的中国本土授权代理企业。

艺洲人深受国内外各大品牌方的信赖,成为众多 国际知名品牌在大中华区的独家代理,包括海 绵宝宝、汪汪队立大功、忍者龟、巴巴爸爸、QEE、 鲨鱼宝宝、World of Eric Carle、ViViCat、宠物旅 店、无敌鹿战队和奈美兔等近20个国内外知名品 牌, 品牌矩阵覆盖全龄段。2022年刚荣膺亚洲授 权卓越大奖 - 年度新秀奖的ViViCat今年继续奋 起发力,携手年轻人市场中十分火爆的健身品牌 Keep,推出了ViViCat生日主题线上跑活动,不仅

艺洲人运筹帷幄,ViViCat潜力无限 2023 B.Duck 多元化商业的构建

小黄鸭德盈国际控股公司(02250.HK)以创作、设 计、品牌授权及市场推广为主要业务,B.Duck小 黄鸭作为2005年创立的中国原创IP品牌,全球拥 有超过1900万粉丝群。

今年,B.Duck小黄鸭迎来了18周岁成年礼。以 Z 时代的视角和生活,“成年”为中心,联动与成年 有关的品类,如酒类及系列定制图库,与相关行 业内的头部品牌开展合作,致力于打造一场更贴 近年轻人的潮流盛事。

2023 年 7 月 28 日与沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金 (PIF)亚洲区签订谅解备忘录,获投资总额预计 高达 2.5 亿美元。此外,投资潮玩公司“HIDDEN

打开新的合作圈层,粉萌精致的奖牌还为众多粉 丝带来新体验。

另外借助十一黄金周,ViViCat还将携手知名茶饮 品牌,在10月推出丰富的线下推广活动,覆盖该品 牌5000+线下店铺,全面升级联名主题店。同时还 会联合非常有影响力的公益组织领养日发起公益 领养计划,在一线城市开展线下领养公益快闪活 动,势必掀起一波宠猫风潮。

WOOO”,完善精品潮玩产业链。携手头部游乐设 备制造商-广东金马游乐股份有限公司(证券代 码: 300756)合资开拓IP主题嘉年华业务。与深圳 市梦作坊科技有限公司成立德趣科技,致力于游 戏开发制作。

自2011年起代理珍宝珠、曼妥思、阿尔卑斯、比 巴卜等品牌。2023年继续深耕代理业务,新晋代 理IP:小鹦鹉BEBE、Shewsheep、Dindong、The SLLO、Chubby family、Diudiu Baby等。不断挖 掘并代理具有潜力的IP,实现IP更多的价值。 今年在泰国成立子公司,及已新增或计划在俄罗 斯、美国、巴西、墨西哥、韩国、南非等国家及地区 设立代理,进一步扩张海外授权业务版图。


2022年11月,来自法国全球顶尖汽车赛事品牌达 喀尔拉力赛,在浙江莫干山正式官宣成立中国品 牌,并以DAKAR CHINA EXPERIENCE(以下简称

DCE)品牌名进入中国市场,FIPO作为中国区唯 一合作伙伴,独家操盘DCE品牌在中国的IP发展 及运营。 自正式官宣以来,FIPO针对中国市场环 境及户外体育爱好者情况,设计多款户外项目产 品。2023年6月,更与新疆克拉玛依政府正式签约, 将无数户外越野爱好者期待的DAKAR品牌带入新 疆这片户外越野天堂。DCE在新疆的第一个集旅 游+文化+赛事的产品“达喀尔中国体验之路”也进 入施工收尾阶段,将在9月正式验收并投入运营, 迎接十一黄金周期间各路游客、户外爱好者的体 验。随着“达喀尔中国体验之路”的开业,达喀尔拉 力赛IP也正式进入中国市场运营阶段。

面向客户端,FIPO早已实现从IP匹配、创意策划、 研发设计、生产管理,再到市场营销的全链路服务 模式;面对IP方,FIPO 20余年的行业深耕,从IP授

权、IP管理,再到IP运营,实现IP的最佳赋能和多方 共赢。

中国 8


Iconomics is a licensing agency operating in Greater China out of Shanghai. The company began in 2022 with the founding personnel Kevin Lee and Jack Hu bringing together many years of licensing experience (particularly in China).

They provide a diverse set of services, including both business and creative consulting, and of course finding licensees and mediating commercial terms discussions. They aim to identify the core experience of each of their client IPs and communicate it to their target consumers, creating and foster-

ing a lasting emotional connection to the property.

Currently, they represent several highly motivated brands from around the world who are looking to expand into China as the market returns to a state of stability and consumers regain confidence. Among them are Pringles, SamSam (from the creator of Molly), Pets Rock (collaborator of Starbucks and Trendiano), and Trouble Smile (a local IP that has collaborated with Vans).

Iconomics are at this year’s CLEBooth number E1F19.


While celebrating the 30th anniversary of Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers, one of the masterpieces of Aardman directed by Nick Park, the award-winning stopmotion property of Wallace & Gromit has now officially started its licensing activities with UYoung as its agency in China Market. It is reported that UYoung has reached several licensing agreements for Wallace & Gromit at present, and it is expected that officially licensed products of Wallace & Gromit will be launched in the China market within this year.

It is not the first time that Uyoung and Aardman have partnered. Since 2010, UYoung has been the exclusive licensing agency for Shaun the Sheep in China and has launched successful collaborations with licensees like Fila Kids and Costa.


WildBrain, a global leader in kids’ and family entertainment, has partnered with Tencent Video and animation studio Miaow’s House as the exclusive worldwide distributor outside of mainland China of the new animated series, Pet Hotel (26x11’).

Produced by Tencent Video and Miaow’s House, Pet Hotel is aimed at kids aged 7–9 and follows the antics of Lili the dog, Bubu the guinea pig and cats Nai Nai and Vicky as they welcome new animal friends to their home at the Pet Hotel. Unlike other hotels, the Pet Hotel - which has been converted from an old grocery store—is filled with high-tech inventions created by the pets’ caregiver and hotel owner, Robin - from massage tables to automatic feeders! The animal buddies and their young owner face various quirky customers and their wacky pets every day, giving rise to numerous entertaining stories. It’s no question that every guest at the Pet Hotel will leave happy, having made a new set of friends.

Leveraging the unique characteristics of different animals, Pet Hotel creates entertainment and humor while also promoting scientific knowledge about animals and pet care.

Selina She, Director of Kids’ IP Development and Programming at Tencent Video, said: “We are delighted to be teaming up with WildBrain to bring this beloved show to a broader international audience. We can’t wait to see children across the globe delight in the madcap exploits of Robin and his menagerie of guests.”

Pet Hotel is produced by Tencent Video, Miaow’s House and GZ Art-land.

Founded in 2000, UYoung has established a business with almost 30 animation IPs including international ones like Pokémon, Go Astro Boy Go, Molang and original IPs like PKingDuckling, Kongfu Sock and Love Monster. UYoung also cooperated with the BBC and Boat Rocker on the project Love Monster, that has achieved great success in terms of broadcasting on Cbeebies in the UK, along with Youku, Tencent and Ukids in China.

授权概览中国 10 访问 Total Licensing 以获得所有 授权信息
Ride over to booth 3EC10 to discover new licensing opportunities


In late August,Winsing hosted its highly-anticipated New Products Fall Launch Event. During this event, Winsing Animation introduced six new toylines derived from the flagship animation IPs, GG Bond and Gogobus, along with their related recent animated seasons to debut. At the launch, Winsing also included an exciting glimpse into three original IPs slated for release soon: Mega Meow (52X13›), Mongo (30X2›), and Shadows of the Void (13X21›).

Preschool animated series Gogobus Season 13 and 14 are ready to release in China first, spanning over 100 TV channels and various online platforms. In the new spacethemed season, Gogobus Mars Adventure, the beloved school bus Gordon, will travel to Mars for an exciting space adventure. Meanwhile, he will have upgraded “Mars Mecha” equipment for the journey.


Game for Peace is collaborating with the world-renowned supercar brand Lamborghini to create a cross-border collaboration, providing players with a highly wild adventure experience. In the game, Game for Peace uses three classic Lamborghini models, Aventador SVJ, Urus, and Estoque, equipped with up to nine skin colors for players to choose from. Game for Peace won the “Cross border Collaboration Project of the Year” award at the 2023 China Licensing Industry Award ceremony.

This collaboration is fully authorized by the official representative of Lamborghini - Enzo e Partners Limited; EEP, as an authorized representative of Lamborghini representing all categories, and focusing on representing licenses for international automotive brands. So far, EEP has directly collaborated with many international luxury car supercar brands around the world on different authorized projects. Partners are located in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea, and the company conducts business globally; EEP is the leader in the automobile brand licensing industry in terms of market share in the Chinese Mainland.


Based on the new look in the animation, three new toylines of GOGOBUS were launched: Transforming Mars Mecha includes a primary vehicle and a Mars mecha, which can be transformed and combined into a bigsize robot. The face-changing Mars Mecha can change the car into a robot, with face-changing features that can switch between different expressions. Ultra Mars Robot is a highly posable robot with a considerable size that can combine five vehicles.

Winsing’s 18-year flagship IP GG Bond continues to be extremely popular and reach billions of online discussions. It has successfully transcended its initial child fanbase to gain popularity among a broader audience. To cater to this diverse audience, Winsing unveiled a range of trendy GG Bond toylines, including slow rebound figures, surprise boxes, highly posable action figures, and more. These new GG Bond toylines effectively expand their appeal to various age groups.

As one of China’s pioneering 3D animation companies, Winsing has consistently centred its operations around animation IP content. Leveraging cutting-edge 3D animation technology, they have built a robust business ecosystem encompassing animation content production, distribution, and the creation of derivative content, products, and services.

GZ Art-land has been trusted by property owners at home and abroad, and appointed as the exclusive licensing agent for nearly 20 major brands worldwide such as SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, World of Eric Carle, Barbapapa, QEE, Baby Shark, ViViCat, Pet Hotel, Deer Squad, Namito, etc. ViViCat, just won the Licensing International Asian Awards - The Newcomer Award in 2022, and continues impressive exposure in the market. ViViCat launched its birthday-themed online running campaign in partnership with Keep - a very popular fitness brand among the younger generation, which not only breaks through a new cooperation boundary, but also brings a whole new experience to many fans of the pink and adorable ViViCat medals. In addition, taking advantage of the Golden Week Holiday, ViViCat is joining hands with a well-known tea beverage brand and will launch numerous offline promotions in October, with 5,000+ stores that will be ViViCat-themed. Meanwhile,ViViCat is also working with the charitable organization - Adoption Day to launch offline adoption activities in first-tier cities.

授权概览中国 12


5月,全球领先的授权商——天络 行获得秦始皇陵博物院二创独 家代理权,这不仅为其文博艺术 类IP组合新增亮点,也是继敦煌 博物馆后,天络行再次成功拓展 博物馆类IP领域。

在当前文博、艺术类IP市场持续 升温的背景下,这无疑为天络行 注入新的发展动力。秦始皇帝陵 博物院是中国最具代表性的博 物馆之一,被誉为“世界第八大 奇迹”,是世界级超级IP与旅游 景点,明年将迎来兵马俑发现 50周年。作为一家从IP原创到

产品研发再到市场运营全链条 发力的中国领先品牌,天络行拥 有泰迪珍藏、幸运猴等自主IP, 也是敦煌博物馆、中国航天等知 名IP的运营方。连续5年蝉联全 球授权行业知名刊物LICENSE GLOBAL的《全球顶级授权商排 行榜》。17年行业沉淀使其对IP 价值挖掘与转换有独到眼光。除 了扩展IP矩阵,天络行顺应消费 者更优质、性价比更高的产品的 诉求,通过与MCN机构合作,有 效利用IP授权与直播相结合,将 授权IP商品推进直播间,不仅规

避价格战,也使产品更快满足市 场需求。

项国际大奖,是英国阿德曼动画公司的成名作之 一,并将于2024年与Netflix携手推出新作动画电 影。

2023年《超级无敌掌门狗》由优扬传媒代理,正式 开始了在中国市场的IP授权业务,而这并不是优 扬与阿德曼的第一次合作了。1995年小羊肖恩在 《超级无敌掌门狗》第一次亮相后,拥有了属于自 己的系列动画,从2010年起优扬便开始了《小羊肖 恩》在中国的独家代理,后又代理了其衍生儿童动 画《小小羊提米》。

优扬传媒深耕动画内容超过20年,拥有近30个动 漫IP的品牌矩阵、上百家授权客户和超过千款授 权产品。除了代理如宝可梦、铁臂阿童木之地球小 英雄、萌浪兔等知名国际IP在中国的授权外,优扬 还与BBC合制了改编自国际获奖绘本的原创动画 剧集《小怪兽阿蒙》(Love Monster),这部动画不

《超级无敌掌门狗》(Wallace&Gromit)是诞生于 1989年的黏土定格动画,由尼克·帕克执导,系列 动画短片及动画电影曾获得包括奥斯卡在内的多

仅在国际上取得了优异的收视成绩,在中国也于 2023年8月正式上线优酷、腾讯视频和优扬旗下的 小小优趣APP。

授权概览中国 13
访问 Total Licensing 以获得所有 授权信息
Spring春天2023 October十月2023

“I exhibited for the first time in several years at Surtex in New York where I met with Robert Schwartz of Prime 3D who publish the Selfie lenticular 3D range. We agreed a refresh was in order so the summer has been incredibly busy painting for an whole new range of Selfies to feature across the entire range with an exciting 3D puzzle collection for launch at New York Toy Fair in September.

Recent new licensing deals agreed include an exclusive with Liquid Blue for pre-print T Shirts and non-exclusively for a various range of apparel items. In Europe an agreement with The Coloured House for a range of Fleece Blankets, Mugs & Tumblers and in the UK Printedfresh will now produce a range of dog related Mugs & Coasters.

I have been working with Robert F Smith & Rob Hartley who are amazing charity fund raisers on developing a towel n toss game called Flooples. To support their work I have recently

produced some Selfie designs and also some National Park designs for their game as they work on sponsor-

can begin to see a 100% profit revenue stream. The aim is to find out a “need”, whether it is to have a walking trail improved, safety life-jackets, buildings repaired, a trail created or something that would help the park, and they would donate to improve the parks throughout the country. They wish to call this the Howard Robinson Nature Gift which is rather flattering.  Spring 2023 saw the return of the Capalonga Selfies basketball team in the Philippines, after becoming champions in 2018 & 2019 we became the victims of our own success as the prize money enabled many of our players to

ship funding, by sponsoring the towels for the first 16 months so the Parks

move away to attend various collages. I designed a new strip for 2023 and a whole new team created from scratch which I’m please to say have once again excelled in becoming Champions at the first attempt. Selfies had somewhat taken over my life for several years and so it has been nice during lockdowns to be able to find the time to look at other things. I have taken my hobby to the next level, leased a sports hall size building and designed and built a new large and rather stylish Marine aquarium and Coral store called The Reef Experience, an Ocean Selfie mural of course adorns the lounge area. The idea was to bring some design style and flair to Marine Aquariums and to source ethically grown and tank bred fish & corals which has been an approach warmly welcomed.”

授权概览中国 14
“If The Reef Experience is indicative of how all reef shops will be in coming years, it’s an exciting time to be in the hobby.”
UltraMarine magazine
Howard Robinson sheds light on his busy life...


For decades, Paramount has delivered culture-defining content with characters that fans love. The company’s long-standing history of award-winning content for audiences of all ages populates a portfolio of leading brands and multiplatform assets.

Paramount is dedicated to doing what we do best – giving audiences what they want, with smart strategies that maximize the reach and power of our unified portfolio, successfully marketing and distributing content all around the world at scale.

With huge momentum for Paramount’s biggest franchises, such as PAW Patrol, SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, and more, we have mass market hits across genres, demographics, formats and platforms.

Chengdu; Wuyue Plaza, Yancheng; The Mixc, Ganzhou etc.

Content Pipeline

• Now on CCTV-14, and streaming on Tencent, Youku, iQiyi, Mango TV, BesTV, Wasu, Bilibili, Migu Video, etc.


• Available in +160 territories in +25 languages globally

• 2.07 million fans on Douyin, 294,000 Weibo fans


• OUTSTANDING OVERSEAS PROPERTY AWARD 2022, China Licensing Excellence Awards

• Over 26 million visitors to mall events at Joy City, Shanghai & Yantai; The Mixc, Taiyuan & Jinan; Cmall, Nanchang; Imix Park, Hefei; Incity, Jingjiang; Longfor Paradise Walk, Chengdu; The Ring, Chongqing; Livat, Beijing; ICD Mall,

• Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years and The Patrick Star Show TV series spinoffs - to be exclusively on Youku

Consumer Products

• Products ranging from apparel, food & beverage, accessories, health & beauty, home, toys and premiums available on Tmall, and at retail in partnership with master licensee Guangzhou Art-land

Coming Up

• SpongeBob SquarePants 25th anniversary 2024

• The SpongeBob Movie: Search for SquarePants! in 2025

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• $8BN in global CP retail sales since 2012

• Available in +75 territories in +15 languages globally

Content Pipeline

• Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesnow streaming on Youku, Tencent, Bilibili

• Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series – to be on Bilibili

• All-new CG-animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem theatrical release in China on August 11

Consumer Products

• Licensing programme includes apparel, accessories and collectible toys in partnership with master licensee Guangzhou Art-land

Coming Up

• Sequel to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” and a two-season series

• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 40th anniversary in 2024


• World’s most syndicated comic strip

• +220 million global readers and +18 million social followers

• Retail sales going up +141% vs. last year.


• Garfield 45th anniversary social media and PR promotion reached 300M impressions in Asia

Consumer Products

• Products ranging from apparel, food & beverage, accessories, health & beauty, home and toys available on Tmall, in partnership with licensing agency Medialink

Coming Up

• Garfield movie 2024

• Garfield series of concept stores coming to China

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• 7 movies since 1996

• The 17th-highest-grossing film series of all time, earning over $3.9 billion worldwide

• Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One saw biggest opening weekend in the franchise in 36 markets including United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, Brazil, India, Netherlands, and Scandinavia, in July 2023

• China opened July 14, grossing nearly $50M

Content Pipeline

• All series (except for 5th movie) now available on iQIYI, Youku, Tencent, Bilibili, Huawei, China mobile Migu, Mango, and the IPTV and digital cable platforms which Wasu, BesTV, Yanhua, Future TV landed.

Consumer Products

• Categories: Toys, apparel, accessories, interactive games, location-based experiences, collectibles, CPG, home, seasonal expressions

• Fan engagement amplified by tentpole events (Star Trek Day, First Contact Day) prominent activations, major anniversaries

• 9M+ followers across multiple digital channels

• Core themes: Gadgets/wearable tech, vehicles/stunts, fashion, mission

Coming Up

• Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part Two in 2024

Star Trek is a beloved iconic franchise uniting fans across the globe with its deep legacy interconnected stories and iconic characters.


• 13 feature films, totaling US$2BN worldwide box office

• 6 classic series – Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise

• 3 current series – Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Coming Up –2024 and Beyond

• Oscar-winner and fan-favorite Michelle Yeoh joins forces with the Star Trek Universe to star in Star Trek’s Section 31

• Release of all new original series Star Fleet Academy

• Global celebration of the Star Trek Original Series 60th Anniversary (2026)

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• #1 International Preschool IP

• Available in 170 countries and reaching 350 million households

• ‘Animation of the Year’ on Mango and Tencent in TOTAL Ranking List


• “Most Commercially Valuable Property” at China Licensing Expo Star Awards 2022


• More than 22 million visitors to PAW Patrol mall events at such as The Place, Shanghai; The Mixc, Taiyuan; Cmall, Hefei; One Mall, Nanjing; Coastal City, Wuxi; Shanshan Outlet Plaza, Urumqi; Mplus, Wuhan etc.

Content Pipeline

• Now streaming on CCTV, YouKu, Mango TV, iQiyi, Tencent, BesTV, Wasu, Bilibili, Migu Video, etc.

Consumer Products

• Products ranging from apparel, food & beverage, accessories, personal care, back-to-school, home and toys available on Tmall and in partnership with master licensee Guangzhou Art-land

Coming Up

• Brand new PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie theatrical release soon

• Season 10 coming in 2024

• Rubble and Crew to launch in 2024 in China


• $15B in worldwide retail

• 2 in 3 kids 2-5 around the globe are

aware of Dora

• 950+ licensees worldwide

• At her height, Dora was seen by 100M+ kids around the world

Content Pipeline

• Now streaming on YouKu, Mango TV, Tencent, BesTV, Wasu, Migu Video, etc.

Consumer Products

• Products ranging from Publishing,

Gaming, Toy, Apparel, Accessories, Home, CPG, Arts & crafts, etc.

Coming Up

• New Dora preschool animated series launching globally from Spring 2024

• 2025: 25th anniversary

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2023 年,V&A(伦敦维多利亚和 阿尔伯特博物馆)在全球首次推 出了一些不同寻常的产品类别。

它屡获殊荣的授权计划为授权 商和零售商提供了几乎无穷无 尽的设计灵感,使其高级国际商 品计划实现了持续增长。

这家世界著名的博物馆在时装、 童装和家居用品方面推出了新 的合作项目。此外,V&A 的天猫 旗舰店目前拥有 200 多件新颖 独特的产品,利用并展示了博物 馆丰富档案中广泛多样的资产 选择。 V&A 天猫旗舰店最近的 重点是工艺美术运动创始人、英 国设计师威廉·莫里斯的作品,

作为Beyond William Morris活

动的一部分,他深受喜爱的设计 目前正在东亚巡回展出:英国工

艺美术,1890 - 1920 展览。展览 展示了维多利亚和阿尔伯特博

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物馆无与伦比的藏品,揭示了英 国设计和手工艺这一充满活力 和创造力的时代的丰富性和多 样性。

Peet's Coffee 首次与 V&A 合作, 推出了艺术性与功能性完美融 合的限量版可重复使用咖啡杯、 陶瓷杯、杯垫和生活配件。

采用威廉·莫里斯的茉莉花和墙 花等永恒的墙纸图案装饰,每种 图案都反映了所选咖啡豆的微 妙香气。这确实是对创意和咖啡 之爱的赞美!

与 YH 一起体验前所未有的《爱 丽丝梦游奇境》的魅力。Tang 引 进的珍珠奶茶!YH.Tenniel 爵 士为 Lewis Carroll 充满想象 力的作品绘制了奇思妙想的插 图。Tang 为其品牌人物唐先生 创作了有趣而令人振奋的插图, 他跟随爱丽丝和她的朋友们一


YH.Tang将其应用于茶杯套、茶 包礼品和生活配饰,将爱丽丝的 梦幻世界栩栩如生地展现在人 们眼前,那里住着小白兔和打牌 的园丁!

Paradise Umbrella 的“威廉· 莫里斯花园”系列标志着他们与 V&A 首次合作的开始。该系列延 续了工艺美术崇尚自然、功能与 装饰相结合的理念,通过五款雨 伞设计将莫里斯的精美设计融 入现代日常生活。

这些雨伞与众不同!雨伞采用技 术面料,下雨时,它们会给恶劣 的天气增添光彩,就像从莫里斯 花园里偷走草莓的调皮小偷在 雨中出现一样 - 干了之后显然又 消失了。

Joyye 的 V&A 陶瓷系列令人赏

心悦目,是享用下午茶时搭配趣 味设计的完美选择。威廉·莫里 斯的壁纸图案和纺织品设计元 素,不仅是餐具,更是餐桌上的 艺术品。这些别出心裁的创意作 品与莫里斯永恒的花卉图案相 结合,为餐桌布置带来了现代 感。

与 Healer B 合作的护肤、身体护 理和化妆品品牌“V&A Beauty”


出了 V&A Beauty 天猫全球店和

豆瓣账号。该品牌还扩大了护肤 品系列,推出了“轮廓线”,增加 了新的身体护理香氛,并推出了 限量版长效粉底霜。

V&A 美容产品和包装体现了不 同的时代和风格,采用了博物馆 档案中的复杂图案和摄影作品。

维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆是 伦敦的一颗璀璨明珠,其宽阔的 展厅展示了从坦尼尔为《爱丽丝 梦游仙境》绘制的图画到米粒瓷 壶等装饰艺术品。

艺术、美学和设计的世界在其辉 煌的天猫店铺中得到了体现,该 店铺提供了大量现代礼品和生 活用品。以威廉·莫里斯的经典 图案“草莓小偷”为特色的文具 和配饰尤其受欢迎,此外还有各 种家居用品、礼品和文具。

V&A 创始使命的重要部分是,现 在仍然如此,向所有人提供其世 界级系列,支持创意产业,激发 想像力并激励下一代,通过他们 在日本,香港和韩国的工作,以 及与Alfilo Brands和天门在中

国的合作,他们将继续通过新的 产品系列和零售体验,为东亚地 区的观众带来维多利亚与艾尔 伯特博物馆的神奇魅力,并将在 2023 年推出更多令人兴奋的新 产品。



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emoji®和 Medialink 在中国开展


emoji公司与 Medialink集团有 限公司的全资子 公司medialink

动画国际有限公 司在今年为客户 推出了一系列令 人兴奋的产品和 精彩体验。

4月,emoji®品牌和medialink与 中国现代家纺行业的先驱水星 家纺联手打造引领潮流的床上 用品。床上用品上有趣的emoji® 品牌设计和花朵图案极具吸引 力,为他们营造出欢乐温馨的家 居氛围。客户还可以收到定制的 盲盒,令人惊喜连连。

同月,Medialink 授权欣悦在北 京推出中国首个 emoji® 品牌主 题市场。

这标志着中国的主题市场首次 与国际品牌合作。市场展示了独 具特色的emoji®品牌主题装饰, 为游客营造出一种生动活泼、创 新的氛围。在市场里,游客可以 看到各种精彩的书籍、原创艺术 品和精美的手工艺品。在一天的 购物之余,人们还可以与朋友一 起放松身心,欣赏有才华横溢乐 队演奏的悦耳音乐,品尝美味的 饮料和小吃。

今年 7 月, Medialink 与深 圳盟科合作推出 了一系列可爱的 毛绒玩具。盟科是 一家时尚零售企 业,提供具有创意 和时尚设计的产 品,以迎合新一代 消费者的需求。

这些可爱的毛绒玩具将有趣的 emoji® 品牌图标与美味的食物 设计相结合,以融化你的心。从 快乐表情的炸薯条、愤怒表情的 啤酒到阳光灿烂的鸡蛋,这些玩 具表达了您的心情!鲜艳的色彩 和柔软的质地也让它们变得无 比可爱和柔软。它们是帮助缓解 困难时刻和提供舒适的最佳伴 侣。这些产品已在中国 KK 集团 旗下的 105 家商店销售。

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emoji 公司是全球 150 多个国 家多达 45 个商品和服务类别的 注册emoji® 商标的所有者。

emoji 公司拥有广泛的权利组 合,包括受版权法保护的 1,000 多个商标和 25,000 多个 emoji® 品牌图标和设计,可用于合法授 权、商品销售、促销和活动、娱乐 服务和营销活动。

emoji 公司的官方合作伙伴包 括 1300 多家世界知名的全球 授权合作伙伴,其中包括索尼动 画、彪马、欧莱雅、费列罗、联合

利华、汉堡王、Zara、好时公司、 沃尔玛、达能、尼康、富士、雀巢、 利得、凯洛格、达能、尼康、阿尔 迪、百事可乐、Miss Sixty、英国 广播公司、C&A、法国邮政、 Trolli 等。

emoji® 品牌在全球范围内屡获 殊荣,被 Powerlist 评为第三大 最具影响力品牌,仅次于乐高 和可口可乐。emoji 公司在全 球 150 强授权商中排名第 55 位,emoji® 品牌是有史以来最 具影响力的通用生活方式品牌 之一。


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Medialink Group Limited(股

票代码:2230.HK)是一家领先 的知识产权管理公司,总部位于

香港:,总部设在香港,中国、日 本和东南亚设有办事处,积极通 过其知识产权促进文化交流,为 整个亚洲带来高质量娱乐。

公司成立于 1994 年,业务主要


时也参与内容制作、发行安排和 动漫产品开发。集团投资并与媒 体内容授权商密切合作,发行与 动画、综艺节目、电视剧、动画和 真人电影相关的媒体内容。

与此同时,集团还从亚太地区多 个品牌授权商处获得版权授权, 包括商品销售权、适地性娱乐权 和推广权。

集团拥有自己的动漫平台 AniOne® Asia - 其 YouTube 频道拥 有超过 348 万订阅者,浏览量超

过 6.87 亿次;此外,集团还拥有

自己的电子商务平台 Ani-Mall® , 销售动漫产品和独家动漫精品。 home.aspx

emoji® 是 emoji company GmbH 的注册商标。

© 2015-2023 emoji company GmbH。


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Global Trademark Licensing

a licensing agency that continues to move with the times

Global Trademark Licensing: a licensing agency that continues to move with the times.

2023 is a milestone year for Global Trademark Licensing (GTL). It was twenty years ago that its founder Thomas Nielsen started to work with Chinese factories to educate them on how to correctly use brand trademarks of Globally renowned brands. A short five years later Thomas established GTL which has subsequently developed successful licensing programmes for many of the world’s most famous Automotive brands.

Today GTL remains one of the leading trademark agencies, servicing its impressive client portfolio with a dynamic business model that spans eight global offices located in the UK, Europe, and the U.S.A., all whilst maintaining a strong presence in Asia with offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Singapore. With further strategic partner agencies expanding

the global reach into South America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea.

GTL is proud to rank as one of Asia’s top five agencies as well as being a top 15 licensing agency globally. Its team of industry experts have experience across all major categories and a vast array of leading brands.

The company’s focus is on building strong brand awareness and extending brand experiences through strategic partnerships and creative brand licensing for its partners. To achieve this, GTL offers six core servicesbrand representation, manufacturer representation, market consultancy, approvals management, royalty auditing, and trademark protection, with the ultimate aim of providing peace of mind for its partners, who trust in the agency to represent their brands.

GTL’s dedicated team prides itself on extensive market knowledge

combined with a proactive, innovative, and creative business development approach that delivers outstanding results for its clients, this has allowed GTL to establish comprehensive, industry-leading programmes for clients including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Maserati, Jaguar Land Rover, Pagani, Lotus, McLaren, Vespa, and Scania.

Programme highlights have included innovative launch events such as the Lego Defender revealed alongside the actual vehicle at the Frankfurt Motor Show and the unveiling of the Mattel Hot Wheels Jaguar F Type at the opening of the new Jaguar Design Studio.

As the toy industry became increasingly focused on digital and interactive, GTL broadened its horizons to apply its skillset to what has become the world’s largest entertainment industry.

Bespoke strategies for GTL clients

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have delivered premium opportunities with major titles and upcoming blue-chip games from industry leaders Microsoft, Sony, EA and Ubisoft, as the interactive industry continues to evolve with the expansion of eSports, the advancement of the Metaverse and the ubiquity of NFTs. With its team of licensing experts, GTL understands the importance of choosing the correct opportunities and is continually working with its clients to build tailored strategies to manage the risks and rewards of this burgeoning sector.

Translating Brand Values

Building a Lifestyle brand is at the core of many of GTL’s premium clients. Brand extensions represent an excellent way to translate the DNA of a brand to tell its story in a different way and reach new audiences. However, as a brand moves away from its core business the risk increases so prospective collaborations must be authentic and relevant.

GTL has helped its clients expand their brand into many new sectors including apparel, watches, luggage, footwear, bikes, and e-mobility amongst many others.

GTL’s process involves:

• Selecting a partner with the right synergies to meet the objectives of the brand extension.

• Managing the interaction of design

teams to deliver an authentic and genuine translation of the brand(s) involved.

• Ensure timely product development in line with the design and quality expectations of both brands to hit the target price points.

• Establishing a robust logistics chain to maximise global sales channel opportunities.

• Maximising the market resources of all parties to ensure an impactful launch and ongoing sales support.

• Supporting the sales network with the required tools, including comprehensive customer service support, to drive long-term sales success.

• Regular analysis to drive

tactical adjustment and longerterm strategic adjustments including future product development and sales expansion.

New brand representation

GTL are delighted to announce representation agreements for three new brands that fit seamlessly into its current brand portfolio.


Lambretta is one of the most recognized and iconic brands in the world of scooters. The company was founded in 1947 in the Lambrate district of Milan, Italy, and quickly became known for its innovative design and engineering. Today, Lambretta continues to be a leader in the scooter industry, with a range of innovative products for the modern consumer that are known for their quality, performance, and style.

Lambretta also has a rich history of style becoming an icon of British fashion through the decades, with frequent appearances in films and popular culture with a clean-cut and modern style that remains just as relevant today.

Lambretta continues to be a brand with strong global appeal, GTL is actively looking to find new licensing

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©Ubisoft Entertainment

partners to build on their existing program in all major categories with a particular focus on apparel, footwear, watches & jewellery, eyewear, grooming products, home products, art, gifting, toys, games and interactive.

James Hunt

GTL are delighted to be working with the James Hunt Estate to celebrate this motor racing rockstar as the 50th anniversary of his F1 championship approaches in 2026.

James Hunt became one of the most iconic drivers in Formula One history,

winning the World Championship in 1976 with McLaren. James Hunt garnered a reputation for his flamboyant style both on and off the track, with his battle for the 1976 championship with Nikki Lauda inspiring the awardwinning film Rush directed by Ron Howard.

With James Hunt’s enduring legacy continuing to inspire fans around the world, GTL is looking for partners to help to continue to tell the wonderful story of this racing icon and are interested in speaking with production companies for film and TV, publication

houses and lifestyle opportunities such as apparel, eyewear, watches, luggage, art, and other accessories.

Formula E

GTL are also thrilled to add Formula E to its increasingly diverse client portfolio. The 2023 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship was a groundbreaking year for Formula E with new race locations, drivers competing in the state-of-the-art GEN3 race car and the season culminating in a pulsating World Championship with Jake Dennis triumphing at the Hankook London E-Prix, the future looks exciting for this innovative race series.

As Formula E enters its 10th season, GTL is actively pursuing new partners in the toys and collectables categories.

Today’s Portfolio of Brands

As well as the three exciting new brands GTL is delighted to be showcasing its expanding client portfolio, which includes many of the world’s most famous automotive brands including Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Range Rover, Defender, McLaren Racing, Lotus Cars, Scania, Caroll Shelby, Gulf and London Taxi.

Furthermore, GTL is also pleased to represent Crossfire, which is currently the Number 1 FPS game in China with over 8 million concurrent players and 1 billion users registered in 80 different countries. Moreover, in close partnership with its sister agency Beanstalk, GTL is heading to China Licensing Expo representing Stanley, Black & Decker, and Shell.

For more information, please visit the Global Trademark Licensing Booth 3EC10 at China Licensing Expo.

Alternatively, email

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Perfetti Van Melle also unlocks the power of several of its most popular brands through a successful licensing program that celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! Eleven brands already have strong licensing programs in key markets across the globe. Mentos, Chupa Chups, Airheads and Fruittella shine in the F&B segment, and all eleven, which also include Alpenliebe, Frisk, Morositas, Smint, Big Babol, Goleador and Brooklyn, have contributed to a delicious quarter century of lifestyle-oriented programs.

By merging art, fashion, pop culture and candy, the brands’ style guides offer original creativity to develop an ever-expanding universe of exciting products worldwide. Today Perfetti Van Melle has a growing international business with over 200 licensees and a retail turnover of €195 million in 2022.

fashion industry. One sweet collaboration unfolded with Peacebird Men and LEDIN, under the umbrella of Peacebird Group’s Young Adult brand. Others include Cache Cache, Ozlana and Hopeshow. A cross-disciplinary partnership with Casio Baby-G blended their creative energies with the designs of Maya Hansen, a renowned Spanish fashion designer. This alliance ushered in a fresh and enchanting “flavor” of trendy fashion.

In the personal care sector, a star category for the candy brands, PVM have partnered with companies such as 1028, Little Ondine or Watsons. Amazing projects have also been undertaken with the Mentos brand. Anta developed a notable collection of kids sportswear, while BDuck created a fantastic and fun co-branding collaboration, and Sisjeans is on the verge of

horizons. H&H Sports’ TORC features an extensive Chupa Chups colorful collection of helmets that give Tork consumers, both male and female, a new lease on fun.

RUA娃吧 has created two adorable Cotton Dolls: Strawberry and Cola Sweetheart.These cute dollies provide a unique sweet experience. But there is more to come!

In a groundbreaking move, Perfetti Van Melle is set to license its first brand in the Asian territory. This licensing venture is focused on the Alpenliebe brand, which means ‘Love for the Alps’ in German and has been bringing hearts closer together since 1985. Today, Alpenliebe stands as a leading international candy brand with extensive awareness and recognition among Asian families, boasting an impressive market share. This strategic entry into the Greater China market represents an extraordinary opportunity.

The global confectionery group Perfetti Van Melle is a privately-owned company producing and distributing candies and chewing gum in more than 150 countries worldwide. Several of its brands are much-loved throughout the five continents, such as Chupa Chups and Mentos.

But it was in 2011, when Chupa Chups expanded the licensing business to Greater China, and since then, SEMK has proudly represented Perfetti Van Melle’s candy brands.

Under SEMK’s stewardship, Perfetti Van Melle brands have had various successful collaborative ventures, such as POP Mark, FILA, Anta, Peacebird, Ledin, 361°, Ozlana, Casio and Little Ondine. With more than 20 years of experience in the Chinese market, it has proven to be the right partner for building a high-end licensing portfolio. Some of the early successful and remarkable projects have been with the much-loved Chupa Chups brand in the

unveiling an extensive collection of fashionable women’s clothing. Another surefire success involves the event creation in shopping malls. These live experiences immerse con sumers in a real world of candy, deliv ering fun and surprises while promot ing the company’s brands and creating lasting memories.

More recently and about to be launched, there are deals such as Hua man, Torc and Rua. Huaman has craft ed a line of exquisite boutique acces sories. These exclusive pieces brighten up offline boutique channels, marking a significant leap in broadening the brand’s

Perfetti Van Melle’s Licensing Division, in partnership with their licensing agent SEMK, looks forward to continuing to spread sweetness and fun all around, and is eager to celebrate the


Moonbug is an award-winning global entertainment company inspiring kids everywhere to laugh, learn and grow. With consumers becoming more and more connected as part of the ongoing digital revolution, Moonbug has access to real time data on how audiences consume and watch content on a multitude of digital platforms and formats, knowing firsthand what type of content, stories and characters resonate the most.

The company has built a portfolio of properties through the acquisition of popular kids’ IPs that were originally born in the digital space. By leveraging its creative and production expertise, and having an integrated approach, Moonbug have grown these properties into global entertainment franchises.

Moonbug is the creative force behind some of the biggest kids’ entertainment brands in the world, including CoComelon, which is the largest YouTube kids’ channel worldwide, with over 212 million subscribers globally and over 4.5 billion average monthly views.

Looking at CoComelon YouTube

viewing figures, out of the top ten markets globally, six are in the AsiaPacific region!

In a testament to Moonbug’s commitment to increasing cultural representation within children’s entertainment, one of the key characters in CoComelon is CeCe, a character from Asian descent. She is bright, energetic, and loves to dance – especially ballet!

So far, in 2023*, Moonbug content has been viewed more than 27 billion times in the APAC region, with double digit growth in minutes watched. And, in July 2023, Moonbug commanded more viewership on YouTube globally than Hasbro, Warner, Disney, Viacom, BabyBus and SmartStudy combined.

Since its inception in 2018, Moonbug has shown substantial geographical growth, expanding its presence across the globe, particularly across the APAC region. Moonbug’s shows are currently available in 32 languages (including ASL) and feature on more than 150 platforms globally. In APAC, our partners include Tencent, Youku, ByteDance, Xigua Video, Astro and Tata Play to name a few.

In August 2023, Moonbug announced the launch of the Moonbug branded channel with Eazie TV in Singapore, which includes content from across the Moonbug portfolio of muchloved IPs and will be available to all Eazie TV pack subscribers within the kids genre on M1 and will air in English. This launch follows the success of other Moonbug branded Linear Channels that have already launched in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Moonbug continues to hire some of the best talent in the industry. In January 2023, the company appointed

Ivan Wong as the Head of APAC Consumer Products, bringing with him a wide network of contacts and deep understanding of the licensing industry and trends that are key to developing Moonbug’s growth in the region. "We know that our shows are loved by kids and families in the APAC countries. We are determined to continue our efforts to grow our presence and make sure that our fans can enjoy a multitude of products and experiences of the characters and stories they love," said Francesca Romana Gianesin - Head of International Moonbug Consumer Products and Experiences.

Moonbug’s ventures into Consumer Products seek to widen fans’ experiences with its brands and allow them to connect with their favourite characters in daily moments. This year, the company has launched several new collaborations with best-in-class brands including PUMA, which has already launched a CoComelon collection, and Crocs, which will launch later this year. In alignment with the internationalisation of its properties

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Francesca Romana Gianesin, Head of International, Moonbug

and the wider distribution channel offering, Moonbug is also expanding the reach of its products. And on this front, APAC offers a big opportunity for Moonbug’s Consumer Products division.

On Toys, exciting new launches include CoComelon HugMees by Squishmallows, the number one plush brand from global master toy partner Jazwares. Featuring the beloved CoComelon characters wearing their pajama onesies, the collection includes fan-favorite JJ and his best friends Cody, Nico, Nina, Cece, and Bella.

And, following a “show to shelf” approach, Jazwares is also launching the JJ Peek-A-Boo plush with phrases and sounds, which was a finalist for “Best Licensed Product” in the 2023 Licensing International Excellence Awards earlier this year.

In an effort to cater to a wider audience, Moonbug also launched an infant apparel range under the My First CoComelon brand earlier this

year in the UK, the Middle East and Australia, and will continue to expand in global markets.

As product licensing dives headfirst into immersive storytelling, the boundary between entertainment and play is blurring.

The fusion of play and media allows kids to step into the shoes of their favourite characters and their worlds. To this effect, the Experiences and Location Based Entertainment efforts

in Asia are just getting started.

Brand new CoComelon inflatable pop-up events have proved hugely popular in the region. In Malaysia, our partner One Universal Production SDN BHD was awarded the prestigious Golden Horse Award 2023 for their exceptional CoComelon immersive experience, which delighted over two million fans in 44 days.

CoComelon has also partnered with the retailer Toy World in Malaysia, with one themed soft play centre that opened in Penang in August 2023, and at least one more is scheduled to open early 2024 in Kuala Lumpur. The company also has plans to launch more family focussed experiences in other Asian markets, so stay tuned.

Through partnerships with top brands and a diverse range of licensing opportunities across multiple regions, Moonbug's positioned to continue leading the industry in new and creative ways and continues to expand its product offering, leveraging knowledge in data to inform product development based on the most popular episodes of content, as well as following product trends.

Moonbug remains dedicated to providing inclusive and engaging content for families, and is always looking for new ways to connect with its global audience through authentic storytelling and products.

* Data range: 01 January 2023 through to 30 August 2023.

f you want to find out more about Moonbug and discover potential partnership options, reach out at

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数十年来,派拉蒙奉献了众多深受影迷喜爱的角色,提供了具有文化内涵的内容 产品。公司历史悠久,为各个年龄段的观众提供内容并且屡获殊荣,旗下拥有众多 领先品牌和多平台资产。

派拉蒙致力于取己所长——通过明智的策略,最大限度扩大统一产品组合的影响 力,奉献观众之所想,并面向全球成功进行了大规模营销和内容分发。

凭借《汪汪队立大功》、《海绵宝宝》、《忍者神龟》、《星际迷航》等一众成功的系列影 视作品,派拉蒙在各种类型、受众群体、内容形式和平台上都取得了巨大的市场成 就。


• 现已在CCTV-14播出,并在腾讯、优酷、爱奇艺、 芒果TV、百视通、华数、哔哩哔哩、咪咕视频等平 台上进行流媒体播放。


• 抖音粉丝207万人,微博粉丝29万人。


• 荣获2022年中国授权金星奖优秀海外原创授权


• 商场活动遍布全国,在上海和烟台悦荟城、太原和 济南万象城、南昌铜锣湾广场、合肥大融城、靖江凯 德广场、成都龙湖天街、重庆环球港、北京荟聚购物 中心、成都环贸ICD、盐城吾悦广场和赣州万象城等 商场中活动中,吸引超过2600万游客。

• 衍生剧集《海绵宝宝:珊瑚营地》(Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years)和《派大星秀》(The Patrick Star Show)将独家在优酷播出。


• 通过与我们大中华区独家总授权商广州艺洲人 品牌管理股份有限公司 (广州艺洲人) 的合作,我 们的产品涵盖服装、食品和饮料、配饰、健康美容、 家居、玩具和礼品等行业,覆盖天猫、京东和各大 零售终端


• 2024年:海绵宝宝25周年

• 2025年:海绵宝宝大电影(The SpongeBob Movie: Search for SquarePants!)

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• 全球160多个地区播出,超过25种语言。


• 自2012年以来,全球消费品零售额达80亿美元

• 在全球超过75个地区可以观看,超过15种语言


• 尼克儿童频道《忍者神龟》在优酷、腾讯、哔哩哔哩 等平台播出


• 全新的CG动画《忍者神龟:变种大乱斗》于2023 年8月11日在中国上映


• 与大中华区独家总授权商广州艺洲人合作,提供 服装、配饰和收藏玩具的授权业务


• 2024:《忍者神龟:变种大乱斗》续集电影及两季 新剧集

• 2024年:忍者神龟40周年


• 全球连载最多的漫画

• 全球读者超过2.2亿,社交媒体粉丝数超过1800 万

• 全球零售额较去年增长141%


• 加菲猫45周年的社交媒体和公关推广在亚洲达 到3亿次曝光


• 通过与大中华区独家授权代理机构羚邦合作,产 品范围包括服装、食品饮料、配饰、健康美容、家居 用品和玩具。可在天猫、京东购买。


• 加菲猫大电影

• 加菲猫主题商店



• 1996年以来,共推出7部电影。

• 有史以来票房收入排名第17的 系列电影,全球总收入超过39亿 美元。

• 2023年7月,《碟中谍7:致命清 算(上)》在36个国家和地区的 市场(包括英国、澳大利亚、新西 兰、巴西、印度、荷兰和斯堪的纳 维亚地区)取得该系列首周末票 房冠军

• 中国于7月14日上映,票房近



• 所有系列(除第5部外)现均可 在爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯、哔哩哔 哩、华为、咪咕、芒果、华数、百事 通、未来卫视等平台上观看


• 主要类别:玩具、服装、配饰、互 动游戏、实地体验活动、收藏品、 快速消费品、家居用品和季节性


• 核心主题:小型电子设备/可穿 戴设备、交通工具/特技、时尚等


•《碟中谍8:致命清算(下)》2024 年上映


• 大型粉丝活动(星际迷航日、 第一类接触日),这些重大活动、 重大周年纪念日增强了粉丝参 与度

• 在多平台上拥有900万粉丝 即将推出:2024及未来

• 备受影迷喜爱的奥斯卡 得主杨紫琼携手《星际迷航》宇 宙,出演《星际迷航:第31区》 • 推出全新原创剧集《星 际舰队学院》


性系列电影,其深厚的历史底 蕴、相互关联的故事和富有特色 的人物形象深深吸引了全球的 影迷


• 共推出13部电影,全球总票房 达20亿美元

• 6个经典系列:《星际迷航:原初 系列》《星际迷航:动画系列》《星 际迷航:下一代》《星际迷航:深 空九号》《星际迷航:航海家号》《 星际迷航:企业号》

• 3个当下系列:《星际迷航:发现 号》《星际迷航:底层甲板》、星际

• 《星际迷航》原创系列 60周年全球庆典(2026年)

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• 全球排名第一的学龄前儿童


• 全球 170 个国家和地区播出, 覆盖 3.5亿个家庭

• 荣登2022年腾讯视频少儿总榜 和芒果TV动漫少儿排行榜榜首

• 荣获2022年中国授权金星奖卓 越人气IP奖


•《汪汪队立大功》的商场活动吸 引了超过2200万名参观者,如 上海汇上、太原万象城、合肥肥 西旭辉、南京华采天地、无锡海 岸城、乌鲁木齐杉杉奥特莱斯广 场、武汉M+购物中心等。


• 现正在CCTV、优酷、芒果、爱奇 艺、腾讯、百视通、华数、哔哩哔 哩、咪咕视频等平台播放


• 与大中华区独家总授权商广州 艺洲人合作推出的授权产品包 括服装、食品和饮料、配饰、个人 护理、文具、家居和玩具等,覆盖 天猫、京东和各大零售终端


• 全新大电影即将上映

• 2024: 第10季

• 2024:《汪汪队之小砾与工程家 族》(暂译)


• 全球零售额150亿美元

• 全球2-5岁幼儿中,有三分之二


• 全球950余家授权商

• 巅峰时全世界超过1亿儿童观



• 现正在优酷、芒果、腾讯、百视 通、华数、咪咕视频等平台播放


• 产品包括出版物、游戏、玩具、 服装、配饰、家居用品、快速消费 品、艺术与手工艺品等


• 2024春季:学龄前儿童动画 系列

• 2025年:25周年



Global Trademark Licensing


Global Trademark Licensing: 与时俱进的授权机构。

2023 年是 Global Trademark Licensing (GTL) 具有里程碑意 义的一年。二十年前,公司创始 人托马斯·尼尔森开始与中国各 工厂合作,教导他们如何正确使 用全球知名品牌的商标。短短 五年后,托马斯成立了 GTL,并 随后为许多世界著名汽车品牌 成功开发了授权项目。

如今,GTL 仍是领先的商标代 理公司之一,以充满活力的业务 模式为其令人印象深刻的客户 组合提供服务,在英国、欧洲和 美国设有八个全球办事处,其足 迹也扩展到亚洲,在北京、深圳、 香港和新加坡设有办事处。此

外,GTL 还与其他战略伙伴机构 合作,将全球业务拓展至南美、 澳大利亚、新西兰和韩国。

GTL 是亚洲排名前五的代理公 司之一,也是全球排名前 15 的 授权代理公司,他们为此感到骄 傲。其行业专家团队在所有主要 类别和众多领先品牌方面都拥 有丰富的经验。

公司着重于建立强大的品牌意 识,并通过战略合作伙伴关系和 创造性的品牌授权,为合作伙伴 拓展品牌体验。为实现这一目 标,GTL 提供六大核心服务—品 牌代理、制造商代理、市场咨询、 审批管理、版税审计和商标保 护,最终目的是让合作伙伴高枕 无忧,因为他们信任 GTL 代理 的品牌。

GTL 的专业团队以丰富的市场 知识为傲,结合积极主动、创新 和创造性的业务发展方法,为客 户带来卓越的成果,这使得 GTL 能够为梅赛德斯-奔驰、宝马、玛

莎拉蒂、捷豹路虎、帕加尼、莲花、 迈凯轮、韦士柏和斯堪尼亚等客 户建立全面的行业领先计划。

项目亮点包括创新的发布活动, 如在法兰克福车展上与实车一 同亮相的乐高卫士,以及在新捷 豹设计工作室开幕式上揭幕的 美泰风火轮捷豹 F Type。

随着玩具业越来越注重数字和 互动,GTL 拓宽了视野,将其技 能应用于已成为世界最大娱乐 产业的玩具业。

随着电子竞技的发展、元宇宙的 进步和 NFT 的普及,互动产业不 断发展,GTL 客户的定制战略为 行业领导者微软、索尼、艺电和 育碧的主要游戏和即将推出的 蓝筹游戏提供了优质机会。GTL 拥有一支授权专家团队,深知选 择正确机会的重要性,并不断与

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客户合作,制定量身定制的战 略,以管理这一新兴行业的风险 和回报。

诠释品牌价值 打造生活方式品牌是 GTL 许多 优质客户的核心。品牌延伸是转 化品牌 DNA 的绝佳方式,以不同 的方式讲述品牌故事,接触新的 受众。然而,当一个品牌偏离其核 心业务时,风险也随之增加,因此 潜在的合作必须真实、相关。

GTL 曾帮助客户将品牌拓展到 许多新领域,包括服装、手表、箱 包、鞋类、自行车和电动车等。

GTL 的流程包括:

• 选择具有正确协同效应的合 作伙伴,以实现品牌延伸的 目标。

• 管理设计团队之间的互动,对 相关品牌进行真实可信的诠 释。

• 确保及时开发产品,并符合两 个品牌的设计和质量期望, 以达到目标价位。

• 建立健全的物流链,最大限 度地扩大全球销售渠道机会。

• 最大限度地利用各方的市场 资源,确保产品上市和持续 销售支持。

• 为销售网络提供所需工具, 包括全面的客户服务支持, 以推动长期销售成功。

• 定期分析,推动战术调整和 长期战略调整包括未来产品 开发和扩大销售。


GTL 很高兴地宣布与三个新品 牌签订了代理协议,这三个品牌 将完美地融入到现有的品牌组 合中。

Lambretta Lambretta 是踏板车领域最 知名的标志性品牌之一。该公 司于 1947 年在意大利米兰的 Lambrate 区成立,并迅速以其

创新设计和工程技术而闻名。如 今,Lambretta 仍是踏板车行业 的领导者,为现代消费者提供一

系列以质量、性能和风格著称的 创新产品。

Lambretta 还拥有丰富的时尚 历史,几十年来一直是英国时尚

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©Ubisoft Entertainment

的标志,其简洁现代的风格经常 出现在电影和流行文化中,至今 仍具有现实意义。

Lambretta 仍是一个具有强大 全球号召力的品牌,GTL 正在 积极寻找新的授权合作伙伴,在 其现有的所有主要类别项目的 基础上再接再厉,尤其侧重于 服装、鞋类、手表和珠宝、眼镜、 美容产品、家居产品、艺术品、礼 品、玩具、游戏和互动。

詹姆斯·亨特 2026年是詹姆斯·亨特获得F1冠

军50周年纪念,GTL很高兴能与 詹姆斯·亨特遗产合作,庆祝这 位赛车界的摇滚巨星。

詹姆斯·亨特是一级方程式历史 上最具代表性的车手之一,1976 年他与迈凯轮车队一起赢得了 世界冠军。詹姆斯·亨特因其在 赛道内外的张扬风格而声名远 播,他与尼基·劳达在 1976 年的 冠军争夺战激发了朗·霍华德执 导的获奖电影《匆忙》的灵感。

詹姆斯·亨特的不朽传奇一直激 励着世界各地的车迷,GTL正在

寻找合作伙伴,帮助继续讲述这 位赛车偶像的精彩故事,并有兴 趣与电影和电视制作公司、出版 社以及服装、眼镜、手表、箱包、 艺术品和其他配件等生活方式 商谈合作事宜。


GTL也很高兴能将Formula E 加入其日益多样化的客户组合 中。2023 年 ABB 国际汽联电动 方程式世界锦标赛是电动方程 式具有开创性意义的一年,新的 比赛地点、车手驾驶最先进的 GEN3 赛车参赛,以及杰克·丹尼 斯在韩泰伦敦电动方程式大奖 赛上夺冠,都将本赛季的世界锦 标赛推向高潮。

随着 Formula E 进入第十个赛 季,GTL 正在玩具和收藏品领域 积极寻求新的合作伙伴。

今天的品牌组合 除了这三个令人兴奋的新品牌 之外,GTL还非常高兴地展示了 其不断扩大的客户组合,其中包 括梅赛德斯奔驰、捷豹、路虎揽 胜、路虎卫士、迈凯伦赛车、莲花 汽车、斯堪尼亚、卡罗尔谢尔比、 海湾和伦敦出租车等众多世界 知名汽车品牌。

此外,GTL 也很高兴代理《穿越 火线》,该游戏目前是中国排名 第一的 FPS 游戏,在80个不同国 家拥有超过800万同时在线玩家 和10亿注册用户。

此外,GTL 与其姊妹公司

Beanstalk 密切合作,将代表史 丹利、黑德克和壳牌参加中国授 权展。

更多信息,请访问中国国际授 权业展览会Global Trademark Licensing 展位 3EC10。

www.globaltrademarklicensing. com

授权 概览中国

几年来,我第一次在纽约 Surtex 展览会上参展,在那里我见到了 Prime 3D 公司的罗伯特·施瓦 茨,他出版了 Selfie 光栅 3D 系 列产品。我们一致认为有必要更 新产品,因此这个夏天我忙得不 可开交,忙着绘制全新的 Selfie 系列,在整个系列中加入令人兴 奋的 3D 拼图系列,并将于 9 月 在纽约玩具展上推出。 最近达成的新授权协议包括与 Liquid Blue 签订的预印 T 恤独 家授权协议,以及各种服装的非 独家授权协议。在欧洲,与 The Coloured House 签订了一系列 羊毛毯、水杯和保温杯的协议; 在英国,Printedfresh 将生产一 系列与狗有关的水杯和杯垫。

我一直在与罗伯特-F-史密斯和 罗布-哈特利合作,他们是了不起

为了支持他们的工作,我最近为 他们的游戏制作了一些 Selfie 设计和一些国家公园的图案,因 为他们正在努力筹集赞助资金, 在最初的 16 个月里赞助毛巾, 这样公园就可以开始看到 100% 的利润收入流。

他们的目标是找到“需求”,无论 是改善步行道、安全救生衣、修 缮建筑、开辟小径,还是其他有助 于改善公园的事情,他们都会捐 赠,以改善全国各地的公园。 他 们希望将此称为“霍华德 ·罗宾 逊自然礼物”,这未免太过恭维。

2023年春季,菲律宾的Capalonga Selfies 篮球队回归,在 2018 年 和 2019 年成为冠军后,我们成 为自己成功的牺牲品,因为奖金

“如果大堡礁体验号能 够代表未来几年所有礁 石店的发展方向,那么 这将是一个令人兴奋的 行业。”

UltraMarine 杂志

霍华德·罗宾逊回顾了 忙碌的一年。

的慈善筹款人,正在开发一种名 为“Flooples”的毛巾抛掷游戏。

使我们的许多球员能够离队上 大学去。我为 2023 年设计了新 的球衣,并从零开始创建了一支 全新的球队,我很高兴地告诉大 家,这支球队再次取得了优异成 绩,首次就成为了冠军。

几年来,Selfies 在某种程度上占

据了我的生活,因此在封锁期间 能抽出时间看看其他东西也是 件不错的事。我将我的爱好提升 到了一个新的高度,租下了一座 体育馆大小的建筑,设计并建造 了一个新的大型、相当时尚的海 洋水族馆和珊瑚商店,名为“大 堡礁体验号”,休闲区当然少不 了海洋自拍壁画的装饰。我们的 想法是为海洋水族馆带来一些 设计风格和亮点,并采购符合道 德标准的鱼类和珊瑚,这种做法 受到了热烈欢迎。

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emoji® and Medialink Launch exciting collaborations in the Chinese marketplace

emoji company GmbH and Medialink Animation International Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Medialink Group Limited released a range of exciting products and amazing experiences to customers this year.

In April, emoji® brand and Medialink teamed up with Mercury Home Textiles, a pioneer in China’s modern home textile industry, to create trendsetting bedding products. The funny emoji® brand designs and flower patterns on the bedding items are attractive and cultivate a joyful and cozy atmosphere in their homes. Customers can also receive a customized blind box as a delightful surprise.

In the same month, Medialink licensed Xinyue to introduce China’s first emoji® brand themed market in Beijing.

This marked the first instance of a themed market in China partnering

with an international brand. The market showcased distinctive emoji® brand themed decorations, creating a lively and innovative ambiance for visitors. In the market, visitors could discover a wide range of fascinating books, original artworks, and exquisite handicrafts. After a day of shopping, one could unwind and

new collection of plush toys.

relax with friends while enjoying the delightful music performed by talented bands, along with drinks and snacks.

In July, Medialink collaborated with Shenzhen Mengke, a trendy retail enterprise that offers products with creative and fashionable designs catering to the needs of the new generation of consumers, to release a

These adorable plushies combine the funny emoji® brand icons with delicious food designs to melt your heart. From French fries with a happy face, to a beer with an angry expression and a sunny side happy egg, these toys express how people feel! The vibrant colours and soft textures also make them incredibly cute and squishy. They are perfect companions to help easing difficult moments and providing comfort. The products are already on sale at 105 stores owned by KK Group in China.

emoji®The Iconic Brand

The emoji company is the owner of the registered emoji® trademark in up to 45 classes for goods and services in more than 150 countries around the world.

The emoji company’s extensive rights portfolio covers more than 1,000 trademarks and more than 25,000 emoji® brand icons and designs protected under copyright laws and available for legal licensing and merchandising, promotions & events, for entertainment services and marketing campaigns.

Official partners of the emoji company include more than 1,300 world famous global license partners amongst them Sony Pictures Animation, PUMA, L´Oreal, Ferrero,

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Unilever, Burger King, Zara, The Hershey Company, Walmart, Danone, Nikon, Fuji, Nestlé, Lidl, Kellogg´s, Danone, Nikon, Aldi, Pepsico, Miss Sixty, the BBC, C&A, The French Post, Trolli, amongst many others.

The globally and multiple awarded emoji® brand was decorated as the 3rd most influential brand behind Lego and Coca-Cola by the Powerlist. The emoji company is at position # 55 of the Top 150 Global Licensors and the emoji® brand is one of the

most influential universal lifestyle brands of all times.

For licensing inquiries please contact or visit the website For more information visit: or contact:


Medialink Group Limited (Stock Code: 2230.HK) is a leading intel-

lectual property (IP) management company headquartered in Hong Kong, with business in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, actively promoting cultural exchanges through its IP, bring high-quality entertainment to the whole of Asia.

Founded in 1994, its business mainly focuses on content distribution and brand licensing, and is also involved in content production, distribution arrangements and animation product development. The Group invests and cooperates closely with media content licensors to distribute media content related to animation, variety shows, TV dramas, animated and liveaction movies. At the same time, it also obtains copyright licensing from various brand licensors in the AsiaPacific region, including merchandising rights and location-based entertainment rights and promotion rights.  The Group has its own animation platform Ani-One® Asia - its YouTube channel has more than 3.48 million subscribers and more than 687 million views; in addition, the group also has its own e-commerce platform Ani-Mall®, selling animation products and exclusive anime boutique.

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emoji® is a registered trademark of the emoji company GmbH. © 2015-2023 emoji company GmbH. All rights reserved.

The V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) made some exceptional debut launches across the globe in a variety of product categories in 2023. It’s award-winning licensing programme offers an almost infinite source of design inspiration for licensees and retailers, enabling it to achieve ongoing growth of its high-class international merchandise programme.

The world-famous museum launched new collaborations in fashion, children’s apparel and homeware. In addition, the V&A’s Tmall flagship store now features over 200 new and unique products, utilising and shining the light on an expansive and diverse selection of assets from the museum’s rich

archive. A recent focus for the V&A’s Tmall store has been on work by the

Arts and Crafts Movement founder, and British designer, William Morris, whose much-loved designs are currently touring East Asia as part of the Beyond William Morris: British Arts and Crafts, 1890 – 1920 exhibition. The exhibition showcases examples from the V&A’s unrivalled collections to reveal the richness and diversity of this vibrant and creative moment in British design and craft.

Peet’s Coffee launched their debut collaboration with the V&A with the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with a limited range of reusable coffee cups, ceramic mugs, coasters and lifestyle accessories.

Adorned with the timeless wallpaper patterns of Jasmine and Wallflower by William Morris, each pattern mirrors the subtle aroma of each choice of coffee bean. It’s truly a celebration of creativity and the love for coffee!

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Experience the enchantment of Alice in Wonderland like never before with YH. Tang’s introduction of bubble tea! Featuring Sir John Tenniel's whimsical illustrations for Lewis Carroll’s imaginative books, YH. Tang created fun and uplifting illustrations of their brand character, Mr Tang, as he follows Alice and her friends down the rabbit hole and into wonderland.

Applied to tea cup sleeves, tea bag gifts and lifestyle accessories, YH.Tang brought to life Alice’s fantastic world of nonsense inhabited by white rabbits and playing card gardeners!

The ‘William Morris Garden’ series by Paradise Umbrella marks the beginning of their first V&A collaboration. Continuing the Arts and Crafts

philosophy of honouring nature and combining function and decoration, it integrates Morris’ beautiful designs into modern daily life with a range of five umbrella designs.

These are umbrellas like no other! Using technical fabrics, when the rain falls they brighten up bad weather, as the mischievous thief that stole the strawberries from Morris’ garden appears when its wet - then apparently disappear as they dry.

Joyye’s delightful collection of V&A ceramics is perfect for serving afternoon tea with a side of playful design. With elements from wallpaper patterns and textile designs by William Morris, this is more than just dinnerware; it is art de la table. These creative and inven-

tive pieces combined with Morris’ timeless floral motifs brings a contemporary feel to table scapes.

The collaboration with Healer B for skincare, bodycare and cosmetics brand ‘V&A Beauty’ continues to grow and expand its brand presence within East Asia with the launch of the V&A Beauty Tmall Global store, and a DouYin account. The brand has also extended its skincare range with the launch of the ‘Contour Line’, added new body care scents and have launched a limited-edition Longwear cushion foundation.

V&A Beauty’s product and packaging embraces different eras and styles, featuring intricate patterns and photography from the museum’s archives.

The V&A is a shining gem in London, with its expansive galleries showcasing ornamental and decorative arts from Tenniel’s drawings for Alice in Wonderland to rice grain porcelain jugs.

The world of art, beauty and design is reflected in its glorious Tmall shop, which offers a large selection of modern gifts and lifestyle products. Its stationery and accessories, featuring William Morris’ classic pattern, Strawberry Thief, are especially popular, with a varied selection of homeware, gifts, and stationery.

An important part of the V&A’s founding mission was, and still is, to make its world-class collection available to all, to champion the creative industries, spark the imagination and inspire the next generation, and through their work in Japan, Hong Kong and Korea, as well as with Alfilo Brands and Tmall in China, they continue to bring the wonders of the V&A to audiences across East Asia through new product ranges and retail experiences, with many exciting launches to come throughout 2023.

For information, contact: 021-63666801

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Perfetti Van Melle 是一家私营企业, 在全球 150 多个国 家生产和销售糖果 和口香糖。

其多个品牌深受五大 洲的喜爱,如 Chupa Chups 和 Mentos。



祝其成立 25 周年的成功授权 计划释放了几个最受欢迎的 品牌的力量。11 个品牌已经在 全球主要市场开展了强有力 的授权计划。曼妥思、Chupa Chups、Airheads 和 Fruit-tella 在餐饮领域大放异彩,所有这 11 个品牌,包括 Alpenliebe、 Frisk、Morositas、Smint、Big Babol、Goleador 和 Brooklyn, 都为四分之一世纪以来以生活 方式为导向的美味项目做出了 贡献。

通过融合艺术、时尚、流行文化 和糖果,这些品牌的风格指南提 供了原创性的创意,在全球范围 内开发出不断扩大的令人兴奋

的产品世界。如今,Perfetti Van Melle 的国际业务不断增长,拥 有 200 多家特许经营商,2022 年的零售额将达到 1.95 亿欧元。

但就在 2011 年,Chupa Chups 将授权业务扩展到了大中华区, 从那时起,SEMK 就开始自豪地 代理 Perfetti Van Melle 的糖果 品牌。

在 SEMK 的管理下,Perfetti Van Melle 旗下品牌已成功开展了多 项合作,如 POP Mark、FILA、安 踏、太平鸟、乐丁、361°、Ozlana、 卡西欧和小奥丁。凭借在中国市 场 20 多年的经验,它已被证明 是建立高端授权组合的最佳合 作伙伴。

一些早期的成功和杰出项目是与 时尚界备受喜爱的 Chupa Chups 品牌合作。与太平鸟集团旗下 年轻成人品牌旗下的太平鸟男

士和 LEDIN 展开了一次甜蜜 的合作。其他合作还有 Cache Cache、Ozlana 和 Hopeshow。

与卡西欧 Baby-G 的跨领域合

作,将他们的创意能量与西班牙 著名时装设计师玛雅·汉森的设 计相融合。这一合作为时尚潮流 带来了新鲜迷人的“味道”。


最近,Huaman、Torc 和 Rua 等 公司的产品即将上市。Huaman 精心打造了一系列精致的精品 配饰。这些独一无二的产品点 亮了线下精品渠道,标志着该 品牌在拓宽视野方面的重大飞 跃。H&H Sports 的 TORC 推出 了丰富多彩的 Chupa Chups 头 盔系列,给托克的男女消费者带 来了新的乐趣。

RUA娃吧设计了两款可爱的棉 花娃娃:草莓和可乐甜心。这些 可爱的玩偶为您带来独特的甜 蜜体验。

护理领域,我们与 1028、Little Ondine 或屈臣氏等公司进行了 合作。

此外,我们还与曼妥思品牌开展 了一些令人惊叹的项目。ANTA 开发了一个著名的儿童运动 装系列,BDuck 创造了一个奇

妙而有趣的联合品牌合作,而 Sisjeans 即将推出一个广泛的 时尚女装系列。

另一个万无一失的成功案例是 在购物中心举办活动。这些现场 体验让消费者沉浸在一个真实 的糖果世界,在带来乐趣和惊喜 的同时,还能推广公司的品牌, 并创造持久的美好回忆。

不过,还有更多惊喜等着我们! 作为一项开创性的举 措,Perfetti Van Melle 将 在亚洲地区授权其首个品 牌。ALPENLIEBE 在德语中的意 思是“对阿尔卑斯山的爱”,自 1985 年以来,ALPENLIEBE 一 直致力于拉近人与人之间的距 离。如今,ALPENLIEBE 已成为 国际领先的糖果品牌,在亚洲家 庭中拥有广泛的知名度和认可 度,市场份额骄人。此次战略进 军大中华区市场是一次难得的 机遇。

Perfetti Van Melle 的授权部门 与授权代理商 SEMK 合作,期待 着继续将甜蜜和欢乐传播到世 界各地,并渴望共同迎接下一个 25 年!



为纪念其成立100周年,孩之宝 将重返CLE,展示基于其世界级 IP—小猪佩奇、变形金刚、大富 翁、纳夫、《龙与地下城》和小马 宝莉的全新创新和体验。

小猪佩奇 在品牌 20 周年庆典之前,小猪 佩奇将推出由 A 级明星客串的 娱乐节目和首次 Audible 播客 内容,以及主要类别的合作项 目。 粉丝们可以走进佩奇的世 界,在上海的小猪佩奇World of Play 室内娱乐中心、杭州和成都 的小猪佩奇Play Cafes 以及将 于 2024 年开业的另一个地点体 验令人惊叹的 LBE。


随着 CG 动画电影《变形金刚 1 》和 《变形金刚:地球火种》:第二 季等大型娱乐活动的推出,该品 牌正在为其 2024 年 40 周年庆 推出另一项大型授权计划。 继香港变形金刚 主题餐厅获得 成功之后,又宣布在上海开设新 店。 美泰推出联名品牌UNO和 Hotwheels、最先进的Robosen 机器人和Skechers鞋履等,粉丝 们可以通过无数种方式享受品 牌带来的乐趣。


大富翁是全球最受欢迎的家庭 棋盘游戏,拥有超过 10 亿玩 家。 拥有 300 多个以旅游和全 球流行文化品牌为主题的版

本,如芭比娃娃 和新 大富翁 :孩 之宝100周年纪念版,大富翁提 供PUMA、Champion等日常用 品。该品牌还通过在香港开设广 受欢迎的“大富翁之梦”FEC,在 LBE领域占据领先地位,并在墨 尔本开设新店。


近 55 年来,Nerf 一直鼓励家庭 外出游玩。今年,运动爱好者可 以期待 Nerf 带来更多的运动乐 趣,Nerfball 是一项特许经营的 运动,融合了彩弹射击的玩法和 篮球的速度与灵活性。除了与 Franklin Sports、WowWee 等 公司合作推出的创新产品外, 还可以在新加坡的 Nerf Action Xperience 和全球其他地点亲身 体验 Nerf 的魅力。

小猪佩奇Play Café.成都


2024 年,《龙与地下城》将庆祝

50 周年,推出意想不到的合作项 目,将世界上最伟大的角色扮演 游戏扩展为一个生活方式品牌。 迄今为止,继《龙与地下城:侠盗 荣耀》之后,《龙与地下城》系列 在全球已拥有 5000 多万粉丝, 而且还在不断上升。随着 Boss Dog、Burgschneider、Random House Children's Books 等公

司产品的推出,D&D 为下一个 50 年制定了宏伟计划。


通过 40 年的魔法和友谊,《小马

宝莉》将为该节目带来一些重要 的品牌新闻,为其已经非常全面



讲述你的故事 系列和《小马宝

莉》:由于与 Loungefly、Prabal

Gurung、Cosnova Catrice、Rav ensburger、PlayMonster 等公

司的优质合作,该品牌可以在 变形金刚和《小马宝莉》 Analia

Playlodge 酒店和 FEC 以及时

装、玩具、美容、家居等系列中亲 身体验。

授权概览中国 43


Maxx Group has secured a marketing promotions campaign by aligning two of its business units, Maxx Marketing (marketing promotions) and Licensing Matters Global (licensing) to deliver a unique multi-faceted consumer activation which sees Hasbro’s longestablished Monopoly board game developed into a special Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTR) themed limited-edition board game.

The ‘MTR Edition Monopoly Board Game’ incorporates a blind box ticket set and incorporates iconic elements from both the popular board game and MTR’s Hong Kong’s rail network.

Taking players on a unique rail journey the MTR special edition turns the board spaces into consumer recognisable stations, depots, shopping malls and mobile networks; traditional ‘community’ cards and ‘chance’ cards become ‘community care’ and ‘customer service centre’ that highlight the community focused spirit of MTR. Models of MTR trains, title deed cards, ‘House & Hotel’ tokens have all been tailor-made for the MTR version of the game.

Beyond the board game there are four

versions of the ‘Monopoly Blind Box Ticket Set’, each of which contains one ticket and one blind box, each of which includes a figure of Mr Monopoly dressed as MTR staff, and an MTRsign-inspired token which can be used when playing the board game. The four designs feature Mr Monopoly as the MTR Station Master, Station Officer, Station Assistant and Maintenance Staff. Each blind box resembles an MTR train compartment and can be used for storing and displaying tickets.

This campaign marks the first collaboration between MTR and Hasbro, bringing together the globally renowned board game with a rail network corporation which is opera-

tional in Hong Kong, mainland China, the UK, Australia and Sweden.

Andrew Kwan, EVP at Maxx Group, comments: “We are proud of this collaboration with Hasbro and the seamless collaboration of trademark rights, design and development of an entirely unique and limited edition ‘MTR Edition Monopoly Board Game’. It brings to MTR passengers and Monopoly fans a unique and entertaining game which is relevant to their daily lives and where they live within the network.

He continues: “We hope to have further opportunities with other global brand owners who can benefit from our different business units to maximise creative marketing campaigns.”

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FALCON’S BEYOND 宣布在中国开展适地性娱乐活动

Falcon's Beyond 是一家多元化 的全球娱乐、消费者体验和技术 企业,致力于在实体和数字体验 中同时加速知识产权(IP)的激 活,该公司宣布了其首个项目, 该项目是其与香港文化商业巨 头 K11 集团旗下 Raging Power Limited 成立的合资企业的一部 分。 通过合资企业,这两家娱乐 和零售业的开拓者有望在中国 合作开发和推出新的娱乐特许 经营项目和适地性娱乐(LBE)景 点。

在 Falcon 计划成为纳斯达克上 市公司之前,新的全球联盟将加 强其在世界第二大经济市场的 地位,并加快这家总部位于奥兰 多的公司的全球扩张步伐。合资 企业同时巩固了 K11 集团作为 全球最重要的零售娱乐体验提 供商之一的地位,并使其共同拥 有极具吸引力的 IP,通过 LBE 及 其他方式在中国各地推出娱乐 和消费产品。

Falcon's Beyond 首席执行官 Cecil D. Magpuri 表示:“K11 集团是一家全球巨头,与我们 有着共同的使命,即开发最先进 的、改变游戏规则的消费娱乐体 验,K11 集团是 Falcon's 理想的 合作伙伴,我们将通过在全球扩 展广受欢迎的特许经营权,继续

实现国际增长,尤其是在亚洲地 区。“我们已经在美国、欧洲和加 勒比海地区站稳了脚跟,现在我 们将目光瞄准了中国这个世界 第二大消费市场,我们将继续发 展我们的公司,为世界各地的人 们带来创新的消费体验。

Falcon 与 K11 集团的合作巩固 了其在中国的良好业绩,并通过 扩大在亚洲的影响力推进其全 球扩张投资,最近,Falcon 在菲 律宾开设了旗舰办事处。过去二 十年来,Falcon 为亚洲客户开发 了各种消费娱乐项目,其中包括 一些世界最具代表性的品牌。

通过其合资企业 K11 集团,公司 首次根据其开发的新专有 IP 创 造身临其境的体验。Falcon 在 合资企业中开发的第一个新景 点体验是以水下探险为主题的 Vquarium。Vquarium 将提供 一种完全植根于自然世界的类 似科幻小说的体验,它将是一个 以故事为驱动力的互动探险,在 充满奇迹的叙事中探索全球各 地的海洋和水道,与虚拟海洋生 物进行亲密接触,以娱乐、教育 和激励游客。Vquarium 将通过 一个互动景点进行介绍,让游客 模拟身临其境的海底之旅。该景 点是一个多房间、多层次的体验 项目,还将提供创意餐饮和零售


首个 Vquarium 沉浸式 LBE 预

计将于 2025 年在 K11 集团著 名的 11 SKIES 零售娱乐目的地

推出。这是 Falcon 与 K11 集团

的首次合作,也是 Falcon 在中

国近二十年来的首次合作。11 SKIES 预计将成为香港最大的 零售娱乐地标,总楼面面积达

380 万平方英尺(35.3 万平方

米),拥有 800 家店铺(包括 120

个餐饮概念)、8 个世界级景点组

成的最大室内娱乐中心,以及 3



于香港国际机场和连接粤港澳 大湾区的港珠澳大桥之间,耗资 200 亿港元,预计将吸引香港居 民、中国其他地区的游客和途经 机场的旅客。

继在 11 SKIES 首次亮相后, Vquarium 计划在未来几年内

扩展到中国其他近十个地点。 Falcon 还希望在亚洲以外的其 他知名市场推出 Vquarium。

在合资公司的领导下,Falcon's 计划将 Vquarium 的体验扩展

到 LBE 以外包括媒体内容、视频 游戏和消费品在内的所有娱乐 形式。这种 IP 扩展模式是公司 的核心使命和宗旨,即通过实体 和数字体验同时加速特许经营 活动。Vquarium 特许经营的发

展是继 Falcon 加 快其首个全球特许 经营 Katmandu™ (起源于马略卡岛 的加德满都主题公 园)之后的又一进 展。 现在,公司又 在多米尼加共和 国的蓬塔卡纳开设

了第二个加德满都 主题公园,并将这 一 IP 扩展到消费 品和游戏领域,同 时正在开发一部动 画片。

授权 概览中国 45


160 多年的历史,已从橡胶靴发 展成为一个生活方式品牌,提供 丰富的鞋类系列、外套、箱包和 配饰,专为农村和城市环境中的 户外活动而设计。Hunter 每季 都会推出全新的款式和配色,这 些款式和配色的灵感均来自于 品牌的强大基因,已成为户外运 动爱好者、社会名流和时尚潮人 的“首选运动鞋”。



宝尊公司成立于 2007 年,是品 牌电子商务服务、品牌管理和数 字商务服务的领导者。宝尊公司 服务于全球 400 多个不同行业 和领域的品牌,包括东亚、东南 亚、欧洲和北美。

Authentic Brands Group 最 近宣布与宝尊公司合作开发 Hunter,这是一个以标志性的 Original Wellington 靴子而闻 名的进步英国传统品牌。

通过 Authentic 新成立的子公 司 ABG Hunter LLC,宝尊与 Authentic 就该品牌在大中华区 和东南亚地区的业务成立了合 资企业,宝尊获得了 Hunter 在 这些地区 51% 的知识产权。

“我们很高兴能与宝尊公司 合作,在这一重要地区发展 Hunter,”Authentic 公司创始 人、董事长兼首席执行官杰米· 萨特说。“这一战略举措符合我 们放眼全球、立足本地的战略。 宝尊是中国和东南亚地区数字 和电子商务体验的领导者,通过 与宝尊合作,我们能够将我们在 品牌管理方面的专业知识与宝 尊对当地市场细微差别和文化 趋势的深刻理解相结合。”

Authentic 和宝尊还签署了一项 独家长期许可协议,宝尊将通过 该协议在大中华区设计、制造、 营销和分销 Hunter 品牌产品。

该许可协议将由 ABG Hunter LLC 转让给 Hunter IP Holdco, 后者是整个地区的许可方。

宝尊公司董事长兼首席执行官 仇文彬表示:“我们 很高兴分享最近与

Authentic Brands Group 达成的合 作关系,Authentic Brands Group 是一 家全球领先的品牌 管理公司,拥有超过 50 个品牌的庞大产 品组合,其中包括许 多标志性的世界知 名生活方式品牌。”“

这标志着我们转型 过程中的又一个里 程碑,所有三条业务 线将通力合作,在中 国和其他亚洲市场 为全球领先的品牌 公司提供非凡的全 套服务。”

关于 Hunter Hunter 品牌拥有

宝尊公司包括三大业务线—宝 尊电子商务(BEC)、宝尊品牌管 理(BBM)和宝尊国际(BZI),致 力于加快实现高质量和可持续 增长。在“科技赋能未来成功”的 原则驱动下,宝尊的各业务线致 力于为客户的业务赋能,引领客 户进入新的发展阶段。

授权 概览中国


Commemorating its 100th anniversary, Hasbro returns to CLE to reveal fresh innovations and experiences based on its world-class IP - Peppa Pig, Transformers, Monopoly, Nerf, Dungeons & Dragons and My Little Pony.


Enjoyed by more than one billion players across the globe, Monopoly is the world’s favorite family board game. With 300+ versions themed to travel and global pop culture brands like Barbie and the new  Monopoly: Hasbro 100th Anniversary Edition, Monopoly offers everyday goods with PUMA,

addition to innovative products with Franklin Sports, WowWee and more, Nerf can be enjoyed in-person at Nerf Action Xperience in Singapore and other locations around the world.


In 2024, Dungeons & Dragons is celebrating 50 years by unveiling unexpected collaborations that has expanded the world’s greatest roleplaying game into a lifestyle brand. To-date, the franchise holds more than 50 million fans worldwide following the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and it’s only uphill from here. With product offerings from Boss Dog, Burgschneider, Random House Children’s Books and much, D&D has big plans for its next 50 years.



Ahead of the brand’s 20th anniversary, Peppa Pig is unveiling entertainment with A-list guest stars and firstever Audible podcast content, plus collaborations across key categories. Fans can step into Peppa’s world with stunning LBE experiences across the region like Peppa Pig World of Play indoor entertainment centre in Shanghai and Peppa Pig Play Cafes in Hangzhou and Chengdu, along with another location set to open in 2024


With major entertainment like the CG-animated Transformers One film and Transformers: Earthspark: season two, the brand is delivering another colossal licensing program for its 40th anniversary in 2024. Following success of the  Transformers: The Ark restaurant in Hong Kong, another location has been announced to openin Shanghai. With Mattel co-branded UNO and Hotwheels launches, stateof-the-art Robosen robots and Skechers footwear and more, fans can enjoy the brand in countless ways.

Champion and others. The brand also leads in the LBE space with the popular Monopoly Dreams FEC in Hong Kong, which is expanding with a new location in Melbourne.


For nearly 55 years, Nerf has encouraged families to get out and play. This year, sports lovers can expect Nerf to deliver even more active fun with Nerfball – the franchise-created sport, which merges paintball-style play with the speed and agility of basketball. In

Through 40 years of magic and friendship, My Little Pony is bringing some pivotal brand news to the show to add onto its already comprehensive licensing lineup.

With brilliant animation like the popular My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale series and  My Little Pony: Bridlewoodstock, the brand can be enjoyed in-person at the Transformers and My Little Pony Analia Playlodge hotel and FEC, along with fashion, toys, beauty, home ranges and more thanks to premium collabs with Loungefly, Prabal Gurung, Cosnova Catrice, Ravensburger, PlayMonster, plus many others.

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Peppa Pig Play Café. Chengdu

PURE BRANDS 是一家充满活 力的品牌授权机构,总部位于慕 尼黑,网络遍布全球。是一个专 营奢华高端品牌的国际授权机 构,这家富有远见的机构成立于 2017 年,拥有丰富的国际品牌 授权经验与强大的专业团队,通 过对中国在地市场的深厚了解, 以及运用其丰富的国际品牌授 权资源,致力于为全球和中国品 牌量身定制授权策略并拓展品 牌价值。

PURE BRANDS 的真正与众不 同之处在于其驾驭错综复杂的 亚洲市场的能力。

“ 通过在上海和深圳拥有一支 由高素质专业人士组成的团队, 以及与东南亚的代理合作伙伴, 我们对亚洲市场拥有全方面的 了解。”PURE BRANDS 创始人 Jürgen Halder 说道。我们擅长 为亚洲制造商提供专业咨询服 务,从而实现与欧洲著名奢侈品 牌的战略合作。我们的客户群不 仅遍布全球 ,还提供专业的中文 业务服务,让中国品牌在拓展国 际业务上无往不利。

PURE BRANDS 专注深耕在汽 车市场、生活方式、时尚服饰和 鞋类、玩具和游戏、品牌联名、健 康和美容产品、房地产等领域。

PURE BRANDS 代表主要客户 包括多个世界知名的国际品牌, 其中包括兰博基尼、蓝点、宾尼 法利纳、利勃海尔、RUF、圣莫 里茨、奔驰卡车等等,并且正在

积极拓展延伸 与不同领域的 合作伙伴建立 合作,共同打 造跨越多个类 别的高度成功 项目。我们广 泛的网络为我 们提供了无与 伦比的机会, 几乎可以触及 欧洲市场上所 有知名奢侈品 牌。


BRANDS 还提 供一系列的授权周边服务,包括 授权法律问题、商标保护、打击 仿冒、税收、品牌展望规划等项 目,为合作伙伴提供全方位的卓 越授权服务。我们的专业知识还 包括帮助被许可人和品牌有效 地执行品牌扩展,精心策划与制 造商的合作伙伴关系,以补强和 增加其现有的产品系列。PURE BRANDS 的目标是协助实现品 牌价值的最大化,并在这个充满 机遇的大中华地区建立稳固的 市场地位并拓展国际市场。

PURE BRANDS,您在中国拓展 业务的成功伙伴。

1. 兰博基尼和与儿童车

PURE BRANDS 专注的主要领 域之一是汽车。其客户包括豪华 汽车制造商兰博基尼汽车公司, 我们最近在兰博 基尼儿童车上达 成了重大交易。我 们创新地开发了 一系列专为儿童 量身定制的优质 行动车。该系列包 括三轮车、平衡车 和滑行车,所有设 计均符合兰博基 尼品牌的高标准。 三轮车尤其体现 了对卓越的承诺。

它是根据兰博基尼标志性的设 计原则精心打造。值得注意的 是,这款三轮车具有高级可折叠 技术和光滑的轮圈设计等独特 属性,令人联想到奢华的兰博基 尼汽车。此外,这些高端产品严 格遵守严谨的安全法规,确保它 们符合最高的安全标准。这种对 安全的承诺不仅维护了兰博基 尼的质量声誉,还使这些产品能 够在全球范围内分销并受到儿 童的喜爱。

2. RUF 与玩具 PURE BRANDS 已成功与著名 的德国豪华汽车制造商 RUF Automobile 签署了长期许可 协议。RUF巧妙地捕捉并体现了 令人兴奋、充满活力的保时捷精 神。这个玩具系列包括各种精心 设计的车型模型,例如传奇的 RUF Yellowbird。每一款车型都 经过精心打造,唤起保时捷的精 髓,并点燃汽车鉴赏家的兴奋与 热情。

卓越的 RUF CTR 2017 Yellowbird 模型精确缩小到 1/20 尺寸,提供多功能且身临其 境的操控体验 。它配备了双重控 制选项,包括无线电控制器和手 机应用程序 APP,它们共同提供 了广泛的控制模式,以满足各种 偏好。在手机 APP 中,还巧妙地 集成了直观的拖放模式,设计成

一同体验 PURE BRANDS 探索创新的核心: 在全球舞台上重新定义品牌授权

对那些对Scratch 编程感兴趣的 人来说是一个理想的入门点。 该模型对细节精雕细琢,由总 共 222 个至 3,000 多个独立组 件构成,体现了对真实性和精确 度的坚定承诺,从而忠实地捕捉 了 RUF CTR 2017 Yellowbird 的精髓。

3. 奥迪与玩具 PURE BRANDS 与奥迪此备受 推崇的德国汽车制造商携手合 作,致力于创新、奢华工艺和尖 端技术而著称,PURE BRANDS 成功推出了一系列电动儿童汽 车,例如精确再现奥迪开创性的 全电动 SUV e-tron。

e-tron 将运动的快感与日常实 用性完美融合,通过从这辆卓越 的车辆汲取灵感,电动儿童车为 世界各地的家庭带来欢乐与兴 奋。这款儿童车易于充电,提供 与真正的 e-tron Sportback 逼 真的沉浸式驾驶体验,通过功能 性车门、LED 灯、喇叭和逼真的 发动机声音等栩栩如生的细节 吸引孩子们的想象力,并由两个 强大的电机和一个 12V 电池提 供一个多小时不间断游戏时间。 甚至汽车尾部标志性的连续灯 带也经过精心再现。这将点燃孩 子们的想象力并激发他们的内 心。为了增加便利性,该套装还 包括一个 2.4 GHz 遥控器,让成 年人可以轻松地完全控制并分 享兴奋。

4. St. Moritz & 时尚和生活方 式

PURE BRANDS 在生活方式品 牌领域也非常活跃,不断展示其

在该领域的实力。 我们与全球著名 的山区度假胜地

和奢侈品牌 St. Moritz 的战略合




合作 ,引起了广 泛关注。



品牌:St. Moritz 和 Moncler。

Moncler 是一家 有着法国血统的 意大利公司,以其优雅而实用的 羽绒服而闻名。

此次合作创造了专为挑剔的亚 洲市场量身定制的独家优质服

需求的服装。这 种独特的合作已 经成为风格和功 能的真正体现,

为全世界的时尚 爱好者提供了阿 尔卑斯山精致的 品味。







St. Moritz 品牌

的巨大市场潜力。成立于 1851 年的瑞士 Bally 是一家全球著

名的奢侈时尚品牌,以其独特 的鞋类 、配饰和成衣创作而闻

装系列。全球销售系列涵盖各种 精心设计的产品,包括男士和儿 童夹克、运动衫和袜子。

St. Moritz 的永恒奢华与 Moncler 的前沿时尚感性相融 合,打造出一款不仅体现冬季优 雅精髓,而且满足现代生活方式

名。凭借对工艺和现代风格的 坚定承诺,Bally 始终如一地


与 St. Moritz 的合作,这种伙

伴关系形成了一个强大而独特 的品牌联盟,并推出了精美的 时装系列。该系列于 2022 年

秋冬在全球发布,拥有 91 个不

同的 SKU,价格从 230 欧元到

1,800 欧元不等。这些独家物品

在著名的百货公司如 Saks Fifth Avenue、Neiman Marcus、Ka

DeWe、Harrods、Rinascente、 Leclaireur 和 Selfridges 等地



要客户包括 Telefunken、Blaup unkt、Pininfarina、Perry Ellis。

授权 概览中国 49


The launch of WildBrain CPLG’s new LBE business comes on the heels of signing major partnerships for multiple new projects in China through deals brokered on behalf of Peanuts Worldwide for Peanuts, and WildBrain Ltd. for Teletubbies and In the Night Garden, with Max-Matching Entertainments Co., Ltd., a leading developer, investor and operator of international cultural and IP visitor attractions. Max Matching is one of the largest LBE li-

In Beijing, the FECs will be part of the planned Beijing Municipal Administrative Center Cultural Tourism Area, where a new 100-hectare retail and entertainment complex will be developed next to the Universal Beijing Resort. In Zhongshan, the FEC will be part of the waterfront commercial complex, which includes high-rise towers, a convention centre, five-star hotels and high-end residential under development in the Greater Bay Area, a special economic zone in South China linking eleven cities, including Hong Kong, Macao and Shenzhen.

The news comes at a time of accelerating growth for LBE opportunities in the APAC region. According to AECOM’s “2021 China Theme Park Pipeline Update” report, China is now the second largest market for theme parks in the world, and this pace of growth is set to continue with some 80 new theme parks expected to open by 2025, reflecting a combined sector investment of approximately US $47 billion.

for children and families to visit and enjoy popular entertainment brands. Our new LBE business is off to a great start, as we continue to enhance WildBrain CPLG’s offering to brands and partners around the world.”

censees in China with rapid expansion into the Asia Pacific region. The new deals include the opening of Family Entertainment Centres (FECs) and IP themed hotel rooms for each brand in Beijing, in Zhongshan City, Guangdong and a city yet to be announced. Set to roll out over the next five years, the IP activations will be part of new retail, leisure and entertainment destinations in Beijing and Zhongshan. These projects will feature IP experiences in large-scale mixed-use commercial complexes, developed for Chinese families to engage with beloved entertainment brands. With deep understanding of Chinese consumers and insights into the China market, Max-Matching continues to leverage data and innovative solutions to ensure seamless product adaptation, curation, development and implementation to ensure long-term success in the market. The new projects will breathe new life into the vital regions.

Sari said: “We’re delighted to partner with Max-Matching on LBE activations in China for Peanuts, Teletubbies and In the Night Garden. They are an organization with a deep understanding of international IP and high-quality, location-based entertainment, as well as strong strategic relationships and cooperation agreements with major developers and government stakeholders. Their new projects have premium locations in Beijing and Zhongshan, making them ideal destinations

Owen Zhao, President of Max-Matching, said: “Max-Matching is committed to bringing world-level top IP experiences to China. We are immensely proud to announce our collaboration with WildBrain CPLG, who bring deep expertise in IP licensing and strong understanding of what it takes to interpret beloved IPs such as Peanuts, Teletubbies and In the Night Garden into real-world experiences to establish strong emotional connections with guests. With the rapid development of China’s economy and rising demand for high-quality leisure and entertainment experiences, Max-Matching is excited to explore further collaborations with WildBrain CPLG on outdoor theme parks, FECs, themed hotel rooms, themed F&B and retail. We look forward to potentially expanding our partnership in the future to create diverse branded offerings that will be anchor family attractions in urban mixed-use destinations in China.”

WildBrain CPLG is the first global licensing agency to launch in-house LBE capabilities. The launch follows the agency’s recent expansion across APAC with dedicated new offices and teams in Seoul, Taipei, Manila, Bangkok, Mumbai and Singapore, as well as an expansion of its existing Shanghai team.

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这个兔年,米菲已经为我们带来 了众多惊喜!中国邮政,阿迪达 斯,Tommy Hilfiger,361儿童, 速比涛,7-11……米菲的合作项 目遍及生活的方方面面。而不可 或缺的是,米菲也为我们的味蕾 带来美好的享受,将健康、营养 的美味和米菲的快乐精神一起 呈现给大家!

兔年春节前夕,一场热烈而可口 的合作在众多国家和地区拉开 帷幕。火锅第一品牌海底捞正 式启动米菲x海底捞的全系列合 作,包括充满热闹春节气氛的 Miffy 主题餐厅,以及各种联名 产品:从传统的餐具、手提袋、对 联,到指甲贴这样非常有创意的 特色产品。海底捞通过更深层和 多样化的联名合作,以“餐饮+衍 生品”为媒介,拉动人气、提升体 验,为世界多国超过1000家海底 捞餐厅的消费者提供多维消费 选择。

越来越多的中国优质品牌在疫 后加强了国际化的发展。而与世 界级 IP 的合作,对品牌认知度、 信任度和美誉度的提升都意义 重大。米菲x海底捞项目,是海底 捞的首个国际IP联名项目,在中

国兔年为全世界的火锅爱好者 带来美好的体验。项目仅在抖音 及抖音海外版的曝光已超过 2 亿。来自荷兰的米菲与最具中国 特色的餐饮形式创意结合,并借 助社交媒体的力量,向世界传播 喜庆欢聚的中国春节文化和亲 朋团圆相聚的温暖快乐。

百年瑞士品牌阿华田也在今年 启动了与米菲的合作。阿华田在 五月了推出多款米菲特别版的 麦香椰汁和特浓可可盒装营养 饮品。“大展宏兔”,“齐兔并进”

, “ 兔步青云 ”…… 每款包装都 蕴含了米菲的美好祝愿。产品在 线上电商平台和线下超市店铺 同步上市。阿华田乘势推出宣传

短视频和线下主题 陈列,用户和粉丝 也在社交媒体上积 极参与互动。来自

阿华田的清爽椰汁 和浓郁麦香,加上

米菲的快乐能量, 这个系列迅速成为 火热的早餐饮品新




米菲,作为长青和 经典的形象,已在 中国发展超过 20 年,并将持续为大 家带来更多全新的 合作项目,敬请继



Mercis公司之中国区代理 创 亿伯乐(上海)品牌管理有限公 司促成。

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Moonbug 是一家屡获殊荣

的全球性娱乐公司,它激励世 界各地的孩子们欢笑、学习和 成长。随着数字革命的不断深 入,消费者之间的联系日益紧 密,Moonbug 能够获得实时数

据,了解受众如何在多种数字平 台和格式上消费和观看内容,掌 握第一手资料,知道哪类内容、 故事和角色最能引起共鸣。

公司通过收购最初诞生于数字 领域的热门儿童 IP,建立起了自 己的产品组合。通过充分利用其 创意和制作专长,并采用综合方

法,Moonbug 已将这些产品发 展成为全球娱乐特许经营产品。

Moonbug 是一些全球最大的儿


中包括 CoComelon,它是全球 最大的 YouTube 儿童频道,在

全球拥有超过 2.12 亿订阅者, 月均浏览量超过 45 亿次。

从 CoComelon YouTube 的浏

览数据来看,在全球十大市场 中,亚太地区就占了六个!

为了证明 Moonbug 致力于增 加儿童娱乐节目中的文化代表 性,CoComelon 中的一个重要

角色是亚裔人物 CeCe。她聪明、 精力充沛,喜欢跳舞,尤其是芭 蕾舞!

到目前为止,2023 年* , Moonbug 内容在亚太地区的 观看次数已超过 270 亿次,观看 分钟数呈两位数增长。2023 年 7 月,Moonbug 在 YouTube 上 的全球收视率超过了孩之宝、华 纳、迪士尼、维亚康姆、BabyBus 和 SmartStudy 的总和。

自 2018 年成立以来,Moonbug 在地域上取得了长足的发展,业 务遍及全球,尤其是亚太地区。 目前,Moonbug 的节目有 32 种语言版本(包括 ASL),在全 球 150 多个平台上播放。在亚 太地区,我们的合作伙伴包括腾

讯、YOUKU、ByteDance、Xigua Video、Astro 和 Tata Play 等。

2023 年 8 月,Moonbug 宣布 与新加坡 Eazie TV 合作推出 Moonbug 品牌频道,内容涵盖 Moonbug 备受喜爱的 IP 产品 组合,所有 Eazie TV pack 用户 均可在 M1 儿童节目中收看,并 将以英语播出。在马来西亚、印 度尼西亚和菲律宾成功推出其 他 Moonbug 品牌线性频道之 后,Moonbug 也推出了这一频 道。

Moonbug 公司继续聘用业内 最优秀的人才。2023 年 1 月,公 司任命 Ivan Wong 为亚太地区 消费产品部主管,他拥有广泛 的人脉网络,对授权行业和趋 势有着深刻的理解,这些都是 Moonbug 在该地区发展的关 键。“我们知道,我们的节目深 受亚太地区各国儿童和家庭的 喜爱。我们决心继续努力,扩大 我们的影响力,确保我们的粉 丝能够享受到他们喜爱的角色 和故事的各种产品和体验”, Moonbug 国际消费品和体验 部主管 Francesca Romana Gianesin 说。

Moonbug 公司在消费品领域

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Francesca Romana Gianesin, Moonbug

的投资旨在扩大粉丝们对其品 牌的体验,让他们在日常生活 中与自己喜爱的角色建立联 系。今年,公司与一流品牌开展 了多项新的合作,包括已经推 出 CoComelon 系列的 PUMA 和将于今年晚些时候推出的 Crocs。

随着公司业务的国际化和分销 渠道的拓宽,Moonbug 也在不 断扩大其产品的覆盖范围。在这 方面,亚太地区为 Moonbug 的 消费品部门提供了巨大的机遇。

在玩具方面,令人兴奋的新产品 包括 CoComelon HugMees by Squishmallows,这是来自全球 玩具大师合作伙伴 Jazwares 的 第一大毛绒品牌。该系列以深受 喜爱的 CoComelon 角色为主 题,他们穿着睡衣连体衣,包括 深受粉丝喜爱的 JJ 和他的好朋 友 Cody、Nico、Nina、Cece 和 Bella。


式,Jazwares 还推出了带短语 和声音的 JJ Peek-A-Boo 毛绒 玩具,该产品今年早些时候入围 了 2023 年国际授权卓越奖的“ 最佳授权产品”决赛。

为了迎合更广泛的受众, Moonbug 还于今年早些时候 在英国、中东和澳大利亚推出了 My First CoComelon 品牌的婴 儿服装系列,并将继续拓展全球 市场。


境的故事中,娱乐和游戏之间的 界限正在模糊。

游戏与媒体的融合让孩子们能 够走进他们喜爱的角色及其世 界。为此,亚洲的体验和适地性 娱乐活动才刚刚起步。

事实证明,全新的 CoComelon

充气弹出式活动在该地区大 受欢迎。在马来西亚,我们

的合作伙伴 One Universal Production SDN BHD 因其卓

越的 CoComelon 沉浸式体验

而荣获著名的 2023 年金马奖,

该体验在 44 天内吸引了 200 多


CoComelon 还与马来西亚零售

商 Toy World 合作,于 2023 年

8 月在槟城开设了一家主题软体

游乐中心,并计划于 2024 年初

在吉隆坡开设至少另一家主题 软体游乐中心。公司还计划在亚 洲其他市场推出更多的家庭体 验项目,敬请期待。

通过与顶级品牌的合作以及 在多个地区的各种授权机 会,Moonbug 将继续以创新的 方式引领行业发展,并不断扩大 其产品范围,利用数据知识,根 据最受欢迎的内容剧集进行产 品开发,并紧跟产品趋势。

Moonbug 始终致力于为家庭提

供具有包容性和吸引力的内容, 并一直在寻找新的方式,通过真

实的故事和产品与全球受众建 立联系。

如果您想了解有关 Moonbug 的更多信息, 并探索潜在的合作方 案,请发送电子邮件至

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* 数据范围:2023 年 1 月 1 日至 2023 年 8 月 30 日。

Pure Brands: Redefining Brand Licensing on a Global Stage

Pure Brands is a dynamic, vibrant brand licensing agency based in Munich with a worldwide network.

Established in 2017, this visionary agency has captured the essence of automotive and lifestyle brands, along with corporate trademarks, weaving them into a tapestry of innovation and success. At the core of Pure Brands' evolution lies its expert curation of licensing deals and strategic brand collaborations that resonate across key global markets.

What truly sets Pure Brands apart is its ability to navigate the intricate Asian market.

"By having a team of high caliber professionals in Shanghai and in Shenzhen and through our agent partners in SEA, we understand the Asian market inside out," says Jürgen Halder, founder of Pure Brands. The agency's astute collaborations with agent partners in the Southeast Asian region allow for a creation of an intricate web of insights and connections that few can rival. With a firm grip on the pulse of the market, Pure Brands is uniquely positioned to deliver innovation that resonates on a worldwide scope.

The agency boasts a diverse portfolio of services designed to cater to the specific needs of manufacturers and brands across Asia and Europe. In one facet, they excel in providing expert consultancy services to Asian manufacturers, enabling strategic collaborations with prestigious European luxury brands. Their extensive network affords them unparalleled access to nearly all prominent, exclusive premium brands in the European market. Conversely, their expertise extends to assisting licensees and brands in effectively executing brand extensions, meticulously curating partnerships with manufacturers that complement and enhance their existing product portfolios. Currently, Pure Brands is actively seeking collaborative partnerships for a highly successful property that

transcends multiple categories. These categories encompass an array of sectors, including but not limited to toys and games, fashion, lifestyle, and real estate.

As the sun rises in Munich and sets over the skylines of Shanghai and Shenzhen, Pure Brands continues to be the bridge that spans continents, cultures, and creativity. With a youthful spirit, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and an intrinsic understanding of the Asian market, this agency is not just redefining brand licensing – it's sculpting the future of it.

Lamborghini & Kid´s Mobility

One major area in which Pure Brands specializes is automotive. Among its clients is the luxury car manufacturer Automobili Lamborghini, for which the agency recently launched a major deal in the area of kid's mobility products. They innovatively developed a range of premium mobility products tailored for children. This assortment includes a tricycle, a balance bike, and a sliding bike, all designed to meet the high standards associated with the Lamborghini brand.

The tricycle, in particular, exemplifies the commitment to excellence. It has been meticulously crafted with

sleek rim design reminiscent of the luxurious Lamborghini cars. Furthermore, these high-end products strictly adhere to rigorous safety regulations, ensuring that they meet the highest safety standards. This dedication to safety not only upholds Lamborghini's reputation for quality but also allows these products to be distributed and enjoyed by children around the world.

RUF & Toys

the iconic Lamborghini design as its guiding principle. Notably, this tricycle features exclusive attributes such as advanced foldable technology and a

Furthermore, Pure Brands has successfully executed a long-term licensing agreement for the esteemed German luxury car manufacturer RUF Automobile. A brand that masterfully captures and embodies the electrifying, invigorating Porsche spirit. This comprehensive toy program comprises a diverse range of meticulously designed models like the legendary RUF Yellowbird. Each of the models have been carefully crafted to evoke the essence of Porsche, kindling the enthusiasm of automotive connoisseurs and quickening pulses. The remarkable RUF CTR 2017 Yellowbird model, precisely scaled down to a convenient 1/20 size, offers a versatile and immersive control experience. It is furnished with dual control options, encompassing a radio controller and a smartphone application, which collectively provide an extensive spectrum of control modes tailored to accommodate various preferences. Within the mobile app, an intuitive drag-anddrop mode has been thoughtfully integrated, designed as an ideal entry point for those with an interest in Scratch programming. With painstaking attention to detail, this model has been constructed from a total of 222 up to 3,000+ individual components, reflecting an unwavering dedication

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to authenticity and precision, thereby faithfully capturing the essence of the RUF CTR 2017 Yellowbird.

Audi & Toys

Together with Audi, the esteemed German automotive manufacturer celebrated for its commitment to innovation, luxurious craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology, Pure

Brands has successfully introduced a wide array of electric children´s cars such as a precise recreation of the e-tron, Audi's groundbreaking allelectric SUV.

The e-tron seamlessly blends the thrill of sportiness with everyday practicality and by drawing inspiration from this remarkable vehicle, the Ride-On brings joy and excitement into the homes of families worldwide. The children's vehicle is easy to charge, providing an authentic driving experience similar to a real e-tron Sportback, captivating young imaginations with lifelike details like functional doors, LED lights, a horn, and realistic engine sounds, powered by two strong motors and a 12V battery for over an hour of uninterrupted play.

Even the iconic continuous light strip adorning the car's rear has been thoughtfully recreated. This promises to ignite the imaginations and stir the hearts of the little ones.

And for added convenience, the package includes a 2.4 GHz remote control, allowing adults to take complete control effortlessly and share the excitement.

St. Moritz & Fashion and Lifestyle

Pure Brands is also very active in the

realm of lifestyle brands, consistently demonstrating its prowess in this sector. Its strategic collaboration with the globally renowned mountain resort and luxury brand, St. Moritz, has yielded a series of remarkable licensing agreements and brand collaborations that have garnered significant attention. For example, they brought together two iconic brands: St. Moritz and Moncler. Moncler, an Italian company with French roots, is celebrated and best known for its elegant, yet functional down jackets. This collaboration allowed for a creation of an exclusive premium apparel collection exclusively tailored for the discerning Asian market. The worldwide available collection encompasses a diverse range of meticulously designed products, including jackets, sweatshirts, and socks for men and children.

The fusion of St. Moritz's timeless luxury and Moncler's cutting-edge fashion sensibilities has resulted in an ensemble that not only embodies the essence of winter elegance but also meets the demands of modern lifestyles. This unique collaboration has become a true embodiment of style and functionality, providing a taste of alpine sophistication to fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

Other exciting licensing partnerships with “Bally”, “DoDo” and “Indigo”

demonstrate the tremendous market potential of the St. Moritz brand. Founded in Switzerland in 1851, Bally is a globally renowned luxury fashion brand celebrated for its distinctive footwear, accessories, and readyto-wear creations. With a steadfast commitment to craftsmanship and contemporary style, Bally consistently produces exceptional and unique designs. Through its collaboration with St. Moritz, this partnership has resulted in a robust and distinctive brand union, highlighted by the launch of an exquisite fashion collection. Introduced globally in Fall/Winter 2022, this collection features 91 distinct SKUs, ranging in price from €230 to €1,800. These exclusive items are available in prestigious department stores like SAKS 5th Avenue, Neiman Marcus, KaDeWe, Harrods, Rinascente, Leclaireur, and Selfridges.

Further key clients represented by Pure Brands include Telefunken, Blaupunkt, Pininfarina, Perry Ellis, Farah, Bench, Shelby, Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Gotcha.

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作者:Charles Sun (授权团队)


在中国,新理念、新业态、新模 式、新品牌、新产品、新投资不 断涌现’中国授权业不断引领 和创造新的消费需求。 去年,特 许商品零售额和特许权使用费 继续保持增长势头。 据调查统 计,2022 年中国特许商品零售

总额达到 189 亿美元,同比增长

1.2%。年版税总收入 7400 万美 元,同比增长 1.9%。

近期,一些新的变化对中国授权 业产生了突出影响,带来了新的 发展机遇,主要体现在以下几个 方面。

1.人工智能等新兴技术为产业 发展提供新工具

人工智能生成的语言模 型“ChatGPT”以其颠覆性的交 互方式走红网络,吸引了社会各 界的关注。对于知识产权授权行 业来说,人工智能可以应用于产 业链的各个环节,包括大数据抓 取、数据分析、竞品分析、战略制 定、品牌筛选、行业扫描、智能识 别、流程审批、风格指南与美术 画作生成、产品设计与打样、产 品上市与宣传、数字营销、人群 匹配、精准投放等。知识产权授


权从业者应以更加开放的态度 学习和应用人工智能,从而提高 工作效率,更好地参与未来的行 业竞争。

2.新一代消费者为知识产权授 权消费提供新动力

当前,知识产权授权产品的消费 者整体上日趋年轻化。新生代消 费者在内容接受和产品消费习 惯方面呈现出新的特点,包括文 化自信的提升、对产品情感价值 的追求、对产品价格敏感度的降 低等,这将对产业未来的发展产 生重要影响。

面对这些特点,授权产品可以做 出相应的调整,包括强化 IP 与产 品的核心差异化、营造场景刺激 消费者的购买欲望、满足消费者 社交分享和自我表达的需求、引 导消费者参与二次创作等,从而 使 IP 授权产品更具吸引力。新生 代消费者的文化自信也为中国 风等国内 IP 的进一步发展提供

了空间。冰墩墩、只此青绿、三星 堆博物馆 等热门 IP 已经奠定了 坚实的市场基础,相信未来还会 有更多本土 IP 涌现。

3.兴趣电商和二次元场景为授 权产品提供新的销售渠道

目前,IP 授权产品的销售渠道 更加多元化。除了淘宝、天猫、京 东、直播等传统线上渠道和商场 等线下渠道外,越来越多针对细 分市场的新渠道也成为 IP 授权

产品的销售选择,在不同 IP 形成 的兴趣圈中扮演着重要角色。

线上兴趣电商和众筹平台因其 面向新生代的垂直定位和互动 体验优势,成为 IP 授权产品的 新型销售渠道之一。例如,近年 来 IP 授权产品的众筹金额接连 刷新纪录。

2023 年初,《流浪地球》的衍生 品在淘宝众筹平台上创下单品 众筹金额超过 1640 万美元的纪 录,显示出这一模式巨大的市场 潜力。

此外,以 IP 兴趣圈为核心的快闪 店、主题店、主题展等新型线下 渠道也将迎来新的发展机遇。随 着消费需求的提升和线下体验 的恢复,这些线下 IP 兴趣消费 渠道将吸引更多粉丝进行现场 消费。

今年 10 月 17 日至 19 日,全球 动漫、电影、博物馆、艺术等类别 的授权商将再次齐聚上海第十

六届中国授权展,推动授权业务 的持续发展。

经过 16 年的发展,中国授权展

已被公认为是中国乃至亚洲地 区了解授权市场、推广品牌、拓 展授权业务的最有效渠道。

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Sharing health, deliciousness and happiness with miffy in 2023!

On top of the delightful branded campaigns introduced for Year of The Rabbit with China Post, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, 361 Kids, Speedo and 7-eleven, Miffy has much more to offer to celebrate all aspects of life. This year we bring wonderful enjoyment to our taste buds, presenting healthy, nutritious and delicious food along with Miffy’s happy spirit to everyone!

Kicking off Miffy taste tour with leading hotpot brand from China, Haidilao, on the Spring Festival Eve. This program comes with themed restaurant with lively miffy Spring Festival decoration, and a selective range of co-branded products: from retro-designed tableware and tote bags, to local resonating novelty items like Chinese couplets and well-perceived miffy nail stickers. Such expanded IP engagement allows Haidilao to execute a new “catering + derivatives” strategy to maximize fun and revenue with enriched product and services offering across thousand stores worldwide.

With more and more Chinese major brands are optimizing international footprints after pandemic, the introduction of global IP programs provides enormous value particularly on

brand recognition, trust and brand reputation. This is Haidilao first campaign with international IP in order to deliver a unified marketing experience for Year of the Rabbit wherever hotpot lovers are. Over 200 million media impression generated on Tik-tok (and Douyin) is the beginning. Creatively combining Miffy from the Netherland with China’s most distinctive catering cuisine to create surprises, and jointly spreading the festive and incredible joy Spring Festival culture out from China to the world through social media are highlights from this campaign to win the heart and stomach of hotpot lovers.

Ovaltine, a well-known heritage Swiss brand, partnered with Miffy this year to amplify a new flavor launch, coconut milk, and strengthening their category leading role in malted drink. Local idiom with a “rabbit” touch together with miffy are introduced as Spring Festival edition for a sincere wish.This is available on ecommerce platforms and major brick-and-mortar retailers simultaneously. Presence of in-store display to encourage shopper purchases and sharing on social media, this in turn creates overwhelm-

ing UGC (user generated content) in social media for a mutual win for Miffy and Ovaltine. If you haven’t made up your mind for breakfast tomorrow, this is a good suggestion for you!

Miffy, as an iconic and evergreen character, continues to bring you fresh and exciting programs in China for over twenty years. Stay tune for more surprises after Year of the Rabbit! The above partnerships are brokered by CAA Brand Management, Mercis’ agent for Miffy in China.

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驾驭中国的动态动态奥德赛 从跨性别诉求 到不断变化的 命运

品牌绩效监测领域的先锋品牌 BrandTrends Group 推出了一 项引人入胜的分析报告,为当今 年轻消费者不断变化的偏好提 供了独到的见解,娱乐授权行业 错综复杂的动态已成为人们关 注的焦点。

中国的授权市场证明了中国作 为内容消费国和内容创造国的 双重身份,在不断变化的市场格 局中,挑战与机遇并存。作为一 家专门从事品牌绩效监测的研 究公司,尤其是在娱乐授权领 域,我们深入研究这一市场的复 杂动态,揭示其发展趋势和特 质。

双重角色:消费者和创造者 中国的授权产业反映了中国作 为全球内容消费者和新兴内容 创造者的多重身份。中国人口众 多,经济繁荣,中国市场已成为 品牌扩张和曝光的理想场所。此 外,政府旨在促进创新和创造的

举措也进一步提升了中国在塑 造娱乐授权格局中的作用。

应对知识产权保护方面的挑战 虽然中国的授权市场前景诱人, 但知识产权(IP)保护和执法方 面的挑战仍然是一大障碍。中国 政府已采取措施加强知识产权

保护,但由于内容传播和未经授 权的复制错综复杂,这一问题依 然存在。随着市场的不断发展,

如何在创新和保护创作者权利 之间取得平衡仍是当务之急。

巨大的曝光率和激烈的竞争 中国 14 岁以下儿童对超过 255 个娱乐品牌的熟悉程度之高令 人吃惊,这也凸显了中国授权市 场的激烈竞争。这明确地说明了 市场的巨大曝光度和饱和度。更 深入的研究表明,在 255 个品牌 中,每个细分人群对大约 100 个 品牌都有认知,这凸显了市场的 结构性。

细分人群: 性别和年龄

中国的授权市场显示出有趣的 人口结构差异,主要由年龄和性 别驱动。市场呈现出明显的性别 差异,品牌为男孩、女孩、幼儿和 大龄儿童等特定受众量身定制。 这种有针对性的方法符合这些


Iron Man

Boonie Bears


Peppa Pig


GG Bond

Pleasant Goat & Big Bad Wolf

Tom & Jerry

授权 概览中国 60
LEGO Spider-Man
16.7% 9.5% 8.8% 8.2% 7.7% 7.5% 7.3% 6.1% 5.3% 4.8% 4.8% 4.3% 4.3% 4.2% 4.1% 最喜爱的娱乐品牌 - 中国
14 岁。2023 年春 受访者百分比 - 多选题 资料来源BrandTrends Entertainment,4 月 23 日
Barbie Snow White

最喜爱的娱乐品牌 - 中国 - 26 - 65 岁。2023 年春 受访者百分比 - 多选题

年龄和性别群体的不同偏好和 兴趣。

跨性别品牌的先锋影响 值得注意的是,中国授权市场的 很大一部分都具有跨性别吸引 力。这一现象是由领先品牌催化 的,尤其是那些以超级英雄为主 题的品牌,它们成功地吸引了男 孩和女孩。然而,一旦超越了领

先品牌乐高的主导地位,市场格 局就会变得高度分散。


在过去三年中,中国授权市场发 生了引人入胜的变化。在这些变 化中,最引人注目的是乐高的发 展历程。该品牌在最受喜爱品牌 中所占的份额大幅下降,从2021 年4月的32.9%降至2023年4月 的16.7%。这种动态变化反映了 不断变化的偏好和新兴的市场 竞争。

多样化轨迹:赢家和输家 中国儿童娱乐授权市场的发展 轨迹多种多样。一些国内外品牌 的受青睐程度显著提高,而另一 些品牌,如乐高、迪斯尼的几个 品牌,甚至日本的标志性角色“

哆啦A梦”,则面临下滑。这种成 败得失之间错综复杂的相互作 用展示了市场中消费者偏好的 动态性质。

对内容的独特关注 与西方市场不同的是,中国儿童 最喜爱的娱乐品牌并不包括流 媒体或电视频道。这一耐人寻味 的现象反映出,中国儿童更喜欢 内容本身,而不是内容的传播媒 介。对内容的重视凸显了品牌为 抓住受众的想象力而努力创造 的身临其境体验。

在研究最受成年人青睐的娱乐 品牌时(见下图),我们发现“成 人导向”品牌和儿童品牌的融合 十分引人注目。

这种融合凸显了家庭单位在娱 乐领域的巨大影响力,家庭价值

观在娱乐领域占据主导地位,并 经常通过他们最喜爱的电子设 备—无处不在的智能手机—进 行传播。 最后,中国的授权市场是一个充 满二元对立和启示的马赛克。在 这里,双重身份交织在一起,挑 战点燃了创造力,偏好随着不断 变化的节奏舞动。

作为品牌表现方面的专家,我们 见证了这一宏大场面,窥探其深 处,揭开塑造其结构的线索。随 着中国市场征程的继续,它仍将 是一个关于创新、曝光和在迷人

的娱乐邻域领域寻求保持创造 力本质的故事。


本报告详细分析了一个国家最 重要的娱乐品牌的品牌知名度、 受欢迎程度和购买意向。

最关键的是,它能预测产品类别 的购买意向。这项服务每年四次 对 11,500 多个不同的娱乐、时

尚或体育品牌进行报告,并在 42

个国家对 20 万多名从婴儿到老

年人的不同年龄段的人进行采 访。方式、消费者行为和态值得


BrandTrends Group 是一家独特 的多国营销研究提 供商,专注于品牌、 生活方式、消费者行 为和态度趋势,尤其 关注儿童、青少年和 家庭。 其经验丰富的研究人 员和分析师在业内享 有盛誉,每年在多达 53 个市场上对品牌 表现、消费者态度和 行为进行专业监测, 是该领域值得信赖和 尊敬的权威机构。他 们最重要的价值点之 一是能够从不同的角 度看待事实,提供对 市场真实趋势的独特 解读。他们专有的分 析方法,如品牌受欢 迎指数和消费者需 求差距,加上高质量 和准确的数据,使客 户能够在零售激活、 竞争环境、品牌价值 和设计方面发现最佳 机会。

作为该领域备受尊敬 和信赖的领导者,他 们与各行各业的全球 知名企业合作,包括 消费品包装公司、娱 乐工作室、零售商和 行业机构。

欲了解更多信息,请 访问 如需了解更多相 关信息,请联系

Philippe GuinaudeauBrandTrends,电子邮件: philippe.guinaudeau@

授权 概览中国 61
Spider-Man Tencent Honor of Kings (Wangzhe) Marvel Ultraman Iron Man The Smurfs Ace vs Ace iQIYI Peppa Pig Boonie Bears Disney 9.7% 6.2% 5.4% 5.1% 5.0% 4.4% 4.2% 4.2% 4.1% 4.1% 3.9% 3.9% 3.8% 3.6% 3.4%
Journey to the West Tom & Jerry
资料来源BrandTrends Entertainment,4 月 23 日



Since its inception, Winsing has been dedicated to producing multi-genre animations catering to various audiences. The lineup features well-established children’s animated series GGBond and Gogobus, as well as several new IPs, including Mega Meow, Shadows of the Void and Mongo.

Mega Meow, a mecha-action kids animation, promises thrilling adventures. Shadows of the Void marks Winsing’s debut of anime TV series, targeting anime enthusiasts. Meanwhile, Mongo, a whimsical 2D slapstick series for animal lovers.

For the sequel of the classic IPs, the new space-themed series Gogobus Mars Trip will make a launch with its transformable and interactive toylines.

Additionally, GG Bond Racing S78, Kung Fu Pork Choppers S7-8 and “Kungfu” feature film will also make a surprise debut at CLE.

One of the significant phenomena this year is Winsing’s flagship IP, GG-Bond, which has gone completely viral on the Internet, gaining discussion and


侠再度掀起怀旧热潮,引发网 友争相二创、传播。咏声动漫迅 速调整市场布局,推出年轻态 破圈玩法。目前,猪猪侠IP结合 GGBOND网络热点话题,与百分 茶、TOPTOY等众多品牌合作,取

UGC content worldwide. With over 18 years since GG Bond IP was established in 2005 and a long-standing presence in children’s television, it once again ignited a wave of nostalgia, captivating fans and inspiring them to create and share GG Bond-related content across various platforms. To capture this trend, GG-Bond IP has co-branded with BaiFenCha (milk tea brand) and TOPTOY.

All licensed merchandise sold out rapidly,. To mark the 18th birthday of GGBond this year, Winsing will also carry out cross-border co-branding with Baidu Map, Eggy Party mobile game, MaLaWangZi, Keep APP, etc., to continue to explore new models of IP cooperation and maximize the brand value.

Winsing will exhibit at China Licensing

咏声动漫坚持以原创动画为根 基,已成功孵化“猪猪侠”“百变

Expo (CLE). Please visit their booth No. D05 in Hall E1 to discover the animated properties and delve into the realms of licensing, merchandising, and co-branding.

校巴”“钶龙战记”“逗逗迪迪”“ 超学先锋”“核晶少年”等多个原 创知名IP,凭借自身强大的原创 能力和全产业链运营能力,咏声 动漫在强化儿童IP市场优势的 同时,全力布局“全年龄向多元 化IP矩阵”。在本次2023年CLE 中国品牌授权展期间,咏声动漫 将带来三大全新IP:热血科幻番 剧《虚无边境》;萌宠变身超级英 雄打败邪恶的机甲类冒险故事《 喵能战士》以及轻松搞笑讲述萌 宠趣事的《反斗联盟》,目前三大 全新IP已开放授权合作业务。此 外,将于2024年上映的最新动画 《猪猪侠之竞速小英雄7-8》《猪 猪侠之超星五灵侠7-8》,电影《 新猪猪侠大电影·功夫猪》(暂定 名)也将惊喜亮相展会。

更多新品企划、授权合作、动画 发行,欢迎10月17-19日期间来 E1馆D05号咏声动漫展位洽谈 合作。

得优异品效势能;并于猪猪侠十 八周年庆期间,和百度地图、蛋 仔派对、麻辣王子、Keep APP等
开展跨界合作,打破受众圈层壁 垒,持续开拓IP合作新模式。
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