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JAN. 28, 2016



Catholic Ministry teaches abstinence By SHASHIDHAR SASTRY Staff Writer

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When STDs and STIs grew rampant in recent years, people sought shelter under the scientific umbrella of safe sexual practices. For those in search of a more religious and spiritual basis for abstinence, they found meaning in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Sex is like a drug, Greg Ramzinski, director of campus ministry for Catholic Student Ministry, said. People can become addicted to this drug and forget the significance and purpose of sexual intercourse – union and procreation. “Those are the only two reasons (why) individuals should engage in sexual activity – to become one with your spouse and to procreate the species,” Ramzinski said. The Catholic Church defines marriage as a covenant between two people, he said. It is a total giving of oneself to another. When people abstain from sexual activities until marriage, it allows them to show greater appreciation for

their spouse later on in life. Brent Forsythe, a senior business management major from Port Neches, said he is 22 years old, in a relationship and is still a virgin. Having been taught to lead a pure and chaste life since a young age, Forsythe said his moral compass would not allow him to engage in premarital sexual activities. “If you stay true to what we are taught as Catholics, and you finally get married and you do it the way by the book, it’s beautiful,” he said. “You see your partner for what they are, and you understand the true sanctity of marriage.” Abstinence is practiced not only by Catholics, Ramzinski said, but it is common to all Christians who understand the purpose and meaning behind marriage. It is also important to notice that the Catholic Church encourages its people to abstain not merely from sexual intercourse, but from sexual activities altogether, including pornography, masturbation and heavy petting. Yet, as human beings, people are sometimes

drawn into temptation and tend to make bad choices, Ramzinski said. “I have talked with students quite a bit that have gone out and they’ve had a ‘great time’ and they make a bad choice,” he said. “And then they are weighted down with sadness, regret, anger, frustration because it’s a Pandora’s box.” According to a survey conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy in 2000, 63 percent of teens who had sexual intercourse said they wish they had waited. Deborah Albus, a junior chemical engineering major from Whitharral, said she is a “cradle Catholic” and


has been actively involved with the Catholic Student Center since her freshman year. Albus has chosen to abstain because she knows in her heart it is the right thing to do. “It’s not just about abstinence, it’s also about self-image and all of those things that are really important to how we see ourselves,” she said. “So, I know that I wouldn’t be able to look at myself the same in the mirror if I wasn’t participating in abstinence the way I am.” Ramzinski said his wife is his best friend, who knows him on all levels. What starts as friendship leads to emotional under-

standing and trust before culminating in marriage, which involves the physical bond. In the modern society, however, people have flipped this idea over and engage in sexual activity first in a desperate attempt to find love, Ramzinski said, which is not the way it should be. “Are things happening in the world that could be a result of divine punishment? I don’t know the mind of God. I couldn’t tell you that,” he said. “But could we be in a lot better space if we followed what God has told us to do? I think so.” @sastryshashi_DT


Flag to be lowered for Texas Tech student arrested for drunken driving Tuesday Tech student death Tuesday 12:50 p.m. — A Tech officer arrested a student for attempted burglary of a motor vehicle and possession of marijuana at the Z3L parking lot. The student was transported to the Lubbock County Jail. 12:58 p.m. — A Te x a s Tech police officer investigated theft at the Holden Hall East bicycle racks. A secured bicycle and lock were taken. 5:54 p.m. — A Tech of-

ficer investigated theft in the women’s locker room in the Market at Stangel/ Murdough Residence Hall. A Motorola E phone was taken. 11:20 p.m. — A Tech officer arrested a nonstudent for drunken driving and possession of drug paraphernalia at the intersection of Indiana Avenue and Main Street. The nonstudent was transported to the Lubbock County Jail. 1:17 a.m. — A Tech of-

ficer arrested a student for drunken driving at the 300 block of Elgin Avenue. The student was transported to the Lubbock County Jail. 2:04 a.m. — A Tech officer arrested a non-student for drunken driving at the 2500 block of Broadway. The non-student was transported to the Lubbock County Jail. Information provided by B.J. Watson of the Tech Police Department.

On Tuesday, Feb. 9 the Texas Tech flag at Memorial Circle will be lowered for Jonathan Denby Ross, a senior enrolled in the Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration, who died on, Jan. 25. The Dean of Students office was notified of his death on Wednesday and Tech has contacted the family to offer its condolences, according to a student death memo from the Dean of Students office. Ross was found dead in

his apartment, according to a previous article in The Daily Toreador. “We got a call about a deceased person in the apartment, the roommate called it in,” Lieutenant Ray Mendoza, Lubbock Police Department spokesman, said. “He had been in, what appears to be, an accidental overdose.” This was the second death of a Tech student in four days. @KristenBartonDT



JAN. 28, 2016



Tech students, employees discuss coming out in college By EASTON WOLLNEY Staff Writer

Throughout the years, Texas Tech has increased organizations, resources and even job positions to help LGBTQ students in college. Katie Miller, a senior nutrition major from Garland and president of the Gay-Straight Alliance at Tech, said the organization partners with the Student Counseling Center, RISE office and several other departments and organizations on campus. The Gay-Straight Alliance participates in events such as National Coming Out Day, National Day of Silence and Diversity Week, Miller said. The organization is a nonsecular, non-political group, she said, that hosts meetings, educational speakers and participates in different events. “We do not ask anyone’s ori-

entation, and we don’t require anyone to tell us,” Miller said. In the past, Miller said, the organization has faced discriminating posts from other community members on social media and smart phone applications such as Yik Yak, especially when the group hosts events in places like Memorial Circle. “Last year during the Diversity Week was the first time we really had a problem,” Miller said. “It was a local preacher, and he just really wanted to talk to us about religion and to change our ways.” After about an hour and a half, the police had to be called when the group respectfully asked the preacher to leave them alone and he refused, Miller said. The preacher then went on the Gay-Straight Alliance’s Facebook page, Miller said, and left a negative

response to the group. When she first became inShe has also heard com- volved with the Gay-Straight plaints from other LGBTQ Alliance, she said, the group students about their cars be- had about six people and now ing egged, Miller said, and the has about 80 who show up for group had a flag stolen previ- meetings and events. ously from the Student Union Miller said she believes Building. the group Though has grown so some LGBTQ much over the c o m m u n i t y Even churches in years because members still they create a Lubbock are coming face backlash safe space for in many ways, out and saying all students. Miller said they’re gay friendly “ I t ’s e x she has seen and they’re trans ponentially things for the accepting, which is a better than it community was,” Miller o n c a m p u s really big deal in our said about improve since community. support for she first enthe LGBTQ KATIE MILLER tered Tech as community. GSA PRESIDENT “Even churcha freshman. “It gets better and better es in Lubbock are coming out every year,” Miller said. “Now and saying they’re gay friendly we will have people come to and they’re trans accepting, our events and just tell us that which is a really big deal in they’re happy we are out there.” our community.”

Kimberly Simón, the director of the Risk, Intervention and Safety Education office on campus, said the center doesn’t have any specific programs for students who decide to come out in college, but students have different options across Tech and the center offers support for students. The RISE office partners with the Gay-Straight Alliance on campus for several events, Simón said, and wants students who come out in college to know they are not alone as well as offer them resources they can use. “Really what we wanted our role to be was to empower our students to have that presence on campus,” she said. An LGBTQIA coordinator position for the university was recently created, Simón said, and is a way for Tech to show LGBTQ students that they are valued.

“If you look at schools in the Big 12,” Simón said, “several of our conference member schools have similar positions or offices.” In 2014, the Human Rights Campaign gave Lubbock a 0 out of 100 on its Municipal Equality Index scorecard, according to the scorecard on the Human Rights Campaign website. The scoreboard looks at things such as nondiscrimination laws, relationship recognition, municipality as employer, municipal services, law enforcement and relationship with the LGBT community. Lubbock High School just started its first Gay-Straight Alliance, Miller said, which is a big step in the community. “We still have a long way to go,” Miller said, “but we are way better than where we were.” @EastonWollneyDT


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I would rate it at an 8 overall, because we do get information over sexual health, but it’s not perfect so there is room for improvement.

I would rate our health at an 8. I do believe it should taught more, but I think it is great that our campus has blue lights just in case anything would happen and for our safety.

- Hannah Taub - dance major

I would give it about a 6 or 7, and that’s because most people talk about, you know, it’s college and people have sex, and most people you talk to about it keep pretty smart about it, keep it pretty safe. But I feel that the college doesn’t promote sexual health that much.

Preston Opara senior electronic media and communications major -

I would give it about a 5. I’d say we know the safety precautions, but I’d say that there is so little to do in Lubbock that we kind of fall to the bedroom sometimes.

- Demi Cole - senior electronic media and communications major

Compiled by Juan Gil/The Daily Toreador



College students can benefit from discussing safe sex, boundaries


Neishawn King freshman general studies major -

@DailyToreador www.dailytoreador.com

et’s talk about sex, seriously. Sex is often considered a taboo topic. People love to joke about sex, but no one wants to actually talk about the issues or health related to it. But having an honest conversation about sex is necessary to improve our sexual health on campus and around the nation. This is a very important topic to me — I am a huge advocate for sexual health and healthy communication. I’m all for people having a right to their own bodies and choosing what they do and when they do it, but if you aren’t willing to have a healthy conversation about sex with your sexual partner, you probably shouldn’t be having it. When I say talk about sex, I don’t mean brag to your friends about the weirdest position you’ve ever done it in. I mean

Kristen Barton is The DT’s news editor and a sophomore journalism major from Longview.

talk with your partner about the implications of being intimate with one another. I mean talk about your boundaries and whether you’re even comfortable with having sex. Talk about any issues you’re having, such as the potential for an STI or if you felt harassed in any way. If you feel uncomfortable, say something. The more willing we as a society are to talk about sex, the more willing people are to reach out for help if they are dealing with an STI. Currently our society has made it a habit to shame people who are dealing with an STI. We label

them as “promiscuous” and they feel ashamed to get the help they need. Not being willing to talk about sex also increases the STI rate, if people do not know how to practice safe sex or the contraceptive resources available people will only continue to have sex that is unsafe and the STI rates will increase.

The more willing we as a society are to talk about sex, the more willing people are to reach out for help if they are dealing with an STI. In an MSNBC article called “Carnal knowledge: The sex ed debate,” author Molly Masland argues people are becoming sexually active at a younger age, and she’s right. Children are

exposed to sexual images earlier in life, and therefore beginning their “sexual awakenings” sooner. If we do not start talking about sex sooner and how to prevent STIs, then they will only increase. Talking about sex could also help decrease the sexual assault rates. If more people are having open conversations about sex and consent and the standards they have set and establish respect for one another, the blurred lines could become clear. Trust me, I know talking about sex can make people uncomfortable or feel put on the spot, but the more we talk about it the less of a taboo topic it will become. Sex does not have to be a conversation we only have when we are trying to make a joke or in the bedroom, it can, and needs to be, an ongoing discussion. @KristenBartonDT

Peaceful US-Iran relationship beneficial for both parties


e x a s S e n a t o r Te d Cruz recently criticized a prisoner exchange with the Islamic Republic of Iran, whereby four American prisoners were exchanged for seven Iranians along with an agreement between the two countries that the U.S. would not prosecute 14 other Iranians being held. “That’s 21 terrorists helping Iran develop nuclear weapons that they intend to use to murder us … It reflects a pattern we’ve seen in the Obama administration over and over again of negotiating with terrorists and making deals and trades that endanger U.S. safety and security,” Cruz said on Jan. 17 while speaking to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Senator Cruz’s com ments are baseless and callous to say the least. Not only would the families of the released Americans disagree with him, but so would the international community. On Jan. 16, the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed Iran had met its obligations under the Iran nuclear

Leila Forouhi is a mass communication graduate student from San Jose, California.

deal, thereby lifting the sanctions imposed by the U.S., European Union and United Nations. According to The New York Times on Jan. 16, the deal has lifted economic sanctions and unfrozen billions of dollars of the country’s assets while allowing it to sell more of its oil in exchange for limiting its nuclear activities. More specifically, the IAEA has verified that Iran exported 98 percent of its low-enriched uranium stockpile, whilst dismantling 12,000 centrifuges and disabling and removing the core of a nuclear reactor it held, leaving the country unable to build a nuclear weapon, The New York Times reported on Jan. 16. Senator Cruz and other Republican presidential candidates have also criticized the way 10 American Navy sailors were cap-

tured and subsequently released after trespassing into Iranian waters, implying that the Obama Administration allowed this to happen because the administration is weak and misguided.

This is what looks like — it ensures the safety of people serving our nation as well as a reasonable and timely response to misunderstandings in the international arena. “If I am elected president, no service man or service woman will be forced to be on their knees. Any nation that captures our fighting men and women will feel the full force and fury of the United States of America,” Senator Cruz stated during the Fox Business GOP Debate on Jan. 14. I agree with statements made by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show on Jan.

21, that Iran did not insult the U.S., but rather was just doing its job to protect its territory. “American sailors trespassed into Iranian waters. Iran was just protecting its borders, and if anyone’s obsessed with protecting their borders, it’s you guys,” Noah said. In fact, according to The Washington Post article “Iran releases captured U.S. Navy crew members,” the sailors were unharmed and released along with their vessel after 16 hours thanks to diplomacy between Washington and Iran to secure their release. This is what diplomacy looks like — it ensures the safety of people serving our nation as well as a reasonable and timely response to misunderstandings in the international arena. Secretary of State John Kerry responded by stating his “gratitude to Iranian authorities for their cooperation in quickly resolving this matter ... That this issue was resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe,

secure, and strong,” The Washington Post pointed out on Jan. 13. Senator Cruz and other GOP candidates have been some of the most outspoken critics of the nuclear deal. Those that say this deal makes the U.S. less safe may have other, more sinister interests than securing the well-being of our nation. To begin with, the labeling of Iran as a terrorist nation and stating they intend to “murder us” is a logical fallacy, and quite simply, racist. Racism is when you categorize a people based on stereotypes or prejudices without evidence, and there is no evidence Iran is a terrorist nation or that it supports terrorism internationally. In fact, Iran has been fighting against terrorism, including the Islamic State in Iraq, according to a Fox News report on Sept. 25, 2015. In addition, Iran has never participated in any pre-emptive strikes against the U.S. or its allies, with claims of its participation in a proxy-war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen recently exposed as

misinformation and a “war of words” in the media, according to the released diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks entitled, “Sa’ada conflict: A proxy war of words between Iran, Saudi Arabia.” In addition, the real victims of this war of words have included some of the most vulnerable people in Iranian society, such as cancer patients and hemophiliacs, who were prevented from obtaining life-saving medicines by the international sanctions, The Guardian reported on Jan. 13, 2013. Now that the sanctions have been lifted, peaceloving people around the world should be celebrating. We must understand that diplomacy does work, while violence only begets more violence. We must ask ourselves what type of world do we want to live in — one that mimics the situations in Iraq, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern nations or one where diplomacy and civility reign as in the case of Iran? opinions@dailytoreador.com


Obama administration’s lack of transparency undermines legacy


ow that Obama has delivered his last State of the Union address and the upcoming debates continue to draw closer, many news publications are discussing how effective Obama has been in his last eight years in office. However, the Obama administration’s lack of transparency undermines his successes, and makes these types of reports seem like speculations at best. In Salon’s article, “America’s hangover from hope: A look back at the historical state of the Obama presidency,” reporter Conor Lynch discusses Obama’s (arguably) positive changes, such as the stimulus packages and Obamacare, as well as his more questionable decisions, such as his dedicated support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. In the New York Times’ topic page, “Reflecting on Obama’s Presidency” a variety of columnists have

Jarrod Miller is The DT’s opinions editor and a senior French major from Lubbock.

weighed in to voice different opinions, drawing attention to impact on the economic crisis, the way we fight wars (and rely on drones to fight them instead) or how U.S. foreign relations have changed under his guidance. Before I write my own conclusions on Obama, I should admit that despite my opinions on what he has done, it is hard for me not to like his personality. According to a Monday USA Today article, Obama attributed his success to his millennial support, which proves he had a special knack for appealing to the millennial crowd. Whether it was getting coffee with Jerry Seinfeld, releasing

great Spotify playlists or even acknowledging the “Thanks Obama” meme, it is clear Obama held the admiration of many millennials, myself included. Though many millennials may like his personality, however, it is clear his administration’s lack of transparency should prohibit us from being certain he was a good president. Though we know many of the Obama administration’s strengths and weaknesses, its lack of transparency means we will never know the whole story. Though we may not know all of the facts under Obama’s presidency, we know the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the Espionage Act than all other administrations combined, according to the Washington Post article, “Has Obama delivered the ‘most transparent’ administration in history?” Of course, the argument

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The DailyToreador welcomes letters from readers. Letters must be no longer than 300 words and must include the author’s name, signature, phone

can be made that whistleblowers can leak damaging information against the U.S., which is true. However, our government has not proven entirely reliable within the last eight years. In 2010, the National Oil Spill Commission discovered the White House blocked efforts by federal scientists to describe the worst-case estimates of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the gulf, according to an Oct. 6, 2010, PBS NewsHour report. The Environmental Protection Agency also twice suppressed evidence that fracking can con taminate water, accordi n g t o t h e Wa s h i n g t o n Post report. There are plenty more examples, all of which cast doubt on the promises of transparency Obama has made. To his credit, Obama has taken some action in an attempt to illuminate some White House details. During the White House

presidency we have seen the release of the White House visitors logs, as well as the revival of Clinton’s declassification program, according to the Washington Post report. However, even these actions are subject to scrutiny. According to a Jan. 27, 2010, Politifact report, the Obama administration will disclose White House records to all visitors, except when the meeting is particularly sensitive. Specific rules on WhiteHouse. gov states, “The White House will not release access records related to a small group of particularly sensitive meetings,” a rule that creates a huge loophole for secret meetings to be conducted. Furthermore, although document classification rates dropped under the Obama administration, we also saw the rise of an alternative classification method called “derivative classification,” according

number, student ID number and a description of university affiliation. Students should include year in school, major and hometown. We reserve the right to edit letters. Anonymous letters will not be accepted for publication. All letters will be verified before they are published. Letters can be emailed to dailytoreador@ttu.edu or brought to 180 Media and Communication. Letters should be sent in before 3 p.m. to ensure the editors have enough time to verify and edit the submission.


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to the Washington Post article. Because of this, it is unclear whether the Obama administration actually decreased classification numbers or not. Going over the evidence, it is clear the Obama administration has major transparency issues. However great we think Obama’s presidency was or was not, we can never be sure how many stories we never heard. As the next president, whoever it may be, replaces Obama in 2017, it is important we hold them to improve the transparency of the White House. In the end, it does not matter how many Spotify playlists the president releases, whether he likes Kendrick Lamar or not, and how many celebrities he talks to. We should admire a president who is honest with his people, because in the end, that is what is most important. jmiller@dailytoreador.com

words in length and on a topic of relevance to the university community. Guest columns are also edited and follow the same guidelines for letters as far as identification and submittal.


Unsigned editorials appearing on this page represent the opinion of The Daily Toreador. All other columns, letters and artwork represent the opinions of their authors and are not necessarily representative of the editorial board, Texas Tech University, its employees, its student body or the Board of Regents. The Daily Toreador is independent of the College of Media and Communication. Responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies with the student editors.



JAN. 28, 2016



On campus services available to students


Sex tends to be a private topic and not something students are comfortable talking to adults about. The Risk Intervention and Safety Education office is one of Texas Tech’s on-campus resources for students that aims to help students out however they can. “We cover everything within violence prevention response, healthy relationships, alcohol, other drugs and substances, overall wellness, LGBTQ resources, gender and sexuality in general,” Caitlin Graves, a prevention specialist at the RISE office, said. “We are the clearing house for subject matters relating to a variety of different things.” Graves, along with other specialists, does many different things on campus to help Tech’s students. “We are the office of prevention education, whether that is we do stuff our-

selves or a student comes in here and wants to talk to us. We do presentations for anybody. They can come to us,” she said. “We talk to fraternities and sororities, we do presentations in the residence halls, and we do sexual assault presentations and healthy relationship and safe sex presentations, Title IX talks.” The RISE office also provides free STI checks multiple times during the semester. The next check will be during Sex Week, which takes place Feb. 8-12, Graves said. They will test for HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. If students attend, they will get results and be able to receive free treatment for everything except HIV because it requires ongoing treatment. Sex Week will also feature many different things including, but not limited to, talks about “speed friending,” faith in sex and abstinence. In addition to presenta-

tions, testing and giving students a safe place to talk, the RISE office also provides free condoms, internal condoms and dental dams, Graves said. An appointment is not required to receive these items — students can simply walk in — but if a student wants to go through the Student Wellness Center to receive them for free, an appointment will have to be made. The Student Wellness Center also provides STI testing, depending on insurance, she said, but an appointment is also required. “I really personally enjoy doing this because it’s very impactful. It’s also great to be able to go and talk to students and give them a place to ask questions where it isn’t intimidating,” Graves said. “We aim to talk to students in a very real way, more like a discussion, or give and take, versus us just talking at you.” @DailyToreador


Contraception access available on campus By ALEXA ROSAS Staff Writer

While contraception can be hard to access in some places, college campuses are increasing access. Texas Tech is one of those cammpuses. There are places around campus that can helps students access contraception. “As you’re going through young adulthood, most people become sexually active as a manner that’s kind of a normal process of development,” family nurse practitioner Donna Tony said. “But along with that comes the responsibility to realize that pregnancy does occur and that sexually transmitted diseases do occur, so there’s a responsibility that goes along with that. College students should be responsible enough and intelligent enough to realize that.” Preventative contraception, as well as emergency contraception, is readily available for any adult, but they must be willing to ask. At most pharmacies one can get emergency contraceptive pills, condoms, female condoms and contraceptive foams over the counter, but they will also be able to provide oral contraceptive with a prescription. At the Texas Tech Student Health Center, a student may choose between a prescription to oral contraceptives, contraceptive patches, the NuvaRing,

Depo-Provera injections and the Nexplanon implant. Finally, private doctors are able to provide all of that with the addition of the intrauterine device. “We see a lot of the emergency contraception sales,” Sarah Brinson, a pharmacy technician, said. “It’s $39.99. Birth control on insurance is free of charge. They can go to the Tech clinic and get a prescription and get on birth control for free, so there’s really no reason to have to spend $40 each weekend.” Aside from money, there are other concerns that have been known to slow individuals when it comes to purchasing birth control. First is just plain embarrassment, Tony said. Young adults are often afraid to approach an employee in order to purchase or inquire about certain methods of birth control. Embarrassment also ties to a student’s fear when they imagine discussing sex and pregnancy prevention with their parents. “It’s just a matter of developing a more adult relationship as opposed to a child relationship with your parent, but part of that is showing maturity in other things in all the aspects of your life,” Tony said, “but basically in showing a sense of responsibility in all ways and then the parents can see that you’re an adult and that you’re acting like one.” If discussing birth control

with a parent or parents is out of the question, one may still access contraception. Brinson said, even if the student is on their parent’s insurance policy there are HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) regulations that protect an adult’s medical records from release without patient consent. Also, Walgreens offers a $20 annual membership that allows a patient to purchase a generic type of oral contraceptive for as little as $12 a month, all without insurance. A final roadblock for women may be a fear of the impending Pap smear, but according to the new nation guidelines, as followed by the Tech Student Health Center, Pap smears are done at the age of 21 and no longer go hand-in-hand with the pelvic exams required for birth control. While birth control is accessible to anyone over the age of 18, it has yet to be as accessible like other medications, but there is promise of increased accessibility in the future. “One thing, and I’m not even certain if I agree with this or not, but recently in Oregon, they changed the law and you don’t have to have a prescription to obtain oral contraceptive and soon that same law is supposed to pass in California, so that’s thought that that should improve access,” Tony said. @DailyToreador


Texas executes man for fatally shooting game warden HUNTSVILLE(AP) — A Texas man was executed Wednesday evening for fatally shooting a game warden nine years ago during a shootout after a 90-minute chase that began when he was suspected of poaching. James Freeman, 35, was asked by the warden if he had a final statement. “No, I do not,” he replied. He was pronounced dead at 6:30 p.m., 16 minutes after Texas prison officials began

a lethal dose of pentobarbital. As the pentobarbital began taking effect, he snored about five times and coughed slightly once. The lethal injection was the second in as many weeks in Texas, which carries out capital punishment more than any other state. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review his case earlier this month, and no new appeals were filed in the courts to try to block the punishment.

The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles on Monday declined a clemency petition from Freeman. Freeman was suspected of illegally hunting at night in Southeast Texas’ Wharton County when a game warden spotted him. Freeman sped away, leading authorities on a chase that reached 130 mph. It ended near a cemetery near his home in Lissie with Freeman stepping out of his pickup truck and shooting at officers.

Texas Tech University is required to distribute a summary of the Texas Education Code hazing provisions (Chapter 37, Section 151) and provide a list of organizations that have been disciplined or convicted of hazing on-or off-campus during the last three years (Chapter 51, Section 963)

The Center for Campus Life (806-742-5433) and The Office of Student Conduct (806-742-1714) are available to assist with hazing education and reporting. Students and student organizations are encouraged to act with integrity.

Strive for Honor...Evermore!





JAN. 28, 2016



Tech, city offer support for sex violence By MICHAELA BAYSINGER Staff Writer

Sexual violence is defined as a sexual act committed against someone without that person’s freely given consent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Last year, there were five cases of sexual assault on the Texas Tech campus, one of which was a man who was assaulted,” Stephen Hinkle, administrative captain of the Tech Police Department, said. Sexual violence is a danger for everyone, especially college students. Most people when asked do not know what all is included in sexual violence. Forms of sexual violence include rape, child sexual assault, intimate partner sexual assault, unwanted sexual contact, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, showing one’s genitals or naked body to other(s) without consent, masturbating in public or watching someone in a private act without their knowledge or permission, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center website. “Most of the time out here, the victim knows their attacker. Date rape happens,” Hinkle said. Students should make sure to be cautious when going out with someone they do not know. The majority of sexual assaults occur from acquaintances, not a stranger, Michael Henry, the interim deputy

Title IX coordinator, said. It is typically someone who you just met, someone you have dated or are dating who commits the crime. “We follow state law, so if somebody goes out and has been drinking and they are intoxicated and they wake up the next morning and they’re with someone in bed and they don’t remember giving consent and they file a charge then we will treat it just like any other charge. That is pretty much a universal law across the states,” Hinkle said. Most sexual violence cases on Tech’s campus are incapacitated consent issues or not valid consent issues. When you throw in alcohol it makes it a bit more complicated, Henry said.

Last year, there were five cases of sexual assault on the Texas Tech campus, one of which was a man who was assaulted.


Men and women are both affected by sexual violence, according to the NSVRC website. At some time in their lives, one in six women have experienced an attempted or completed rape, and one in 33 men have experienced an attempted or completed rape. According to The Lubbock Rape Crisis Center’s

website, voiceofhopelubbock.org, every minute there is one sexual assault. Lubbock had a total of 366 rapes, 33 of which were men, in 2014. “There are statistics that the majority of sexual assaults on college campuses are caused by repeat offenders,” Henry said. Ti t l e I X i s a c l a u s e in the higher education amendments of 1972. No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, Henry

said. It means there is no discrimination on gender based on any situation. “Sexual assault is considered a gender based offense because you likely chose your romantic partner based on their gender and if you then assault them based on their gender you are discriminating them based on their gender which is why it fits into Title IX,” Henry said. Henry said there are many places on campus for a student who has been involved in a sexual violence case, such as the Risk Intervention Safety and Education office, which is a semi-confidential reporting place. It is

only required by law to disclose that there was a sexual assault. The name and all other information of the victim would be kept confidential and would be called a Jane or John Doe, he said. Students can also go to the Student Counseling Center, which is a strictly confidential reporting place, Henry said. “If a student who has a friend who has been a victim of sexual violence the student should be there to support their friend as best as they can, and if their friend needs more help try and get them to the student resources that we offer,” Henry said. For any students who

have been victims of any type of sexual violence there are places for them to go. Texas Tech has just implemented a 24-hour crisis hotline 806-742-5555 that students can call for support. Along with that there is the Dean of Students office, the Student Resolution Center and the Lubbock Rape Crisis Center, whose purpose is to provide victims of sexual abuse and assault in Lubbock County and the surrounding communities with free, confidential crisis assistance advocacy and support, according to voiceofhopelubbock. org. Their phone number (806) 763-RAPE (7273). @DailyToreador


Students educate peers on sexual consent While there are many campus resources that help students with sexual health and other topics related to sex and gender, Texas Tech has various student organizations that talk about these topics from a peer perspective. Casey Kopp, a senior public relations major from South Lake, said Define Your Line is a student organization with the goal of informing students about preventing sexual assault. “It’s about providing sexual education about what’s right and wrong and how to say yes and no,” she said. “We are trying to grow because it is such an important topic.” The organization meets twice a month in the Me-

dia and Communication building, Kopp said, and there are currently 15 members who help develop campaign ideas. Tech students started the organization and hope it spreads to other universities across the U.S., according to the Define Your Line website, and it polls students on their thoughts on different questions about sexual consent. “I think it’s really important that it’s peer-to-peer communication because sometimes at our young age we tend to disregard things that older people are saying,” Kopp said. “I think it really says something when it’s coming from one of your fellow classmates.” The organization often sets up in the Free Speech

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Define Your Line members and Texas Tech students Kiley Cowley and Jeffrey Martinez speak to students about the student-run organization. Members of the organization speak to students throughout the school year, and they survey students on their thoughts and questions about sexual consent. Area outside the Student Union Building, Kopp said, and the members also visit student organizations, fraternities, sororities and athletic teams to provide sexual education. Students are welcome to join Define Your Line, and they can get more information about the organization from its website or Facebook page. People do not often intend to hurt other people,

Kopp said, but there are many different situations on a college campus and students need to be educated on consent to help prevent sexual violence from happening. “ We w a n t p e o p l e t o know it’s OK to openly talk about this stuff,” she said. “It’s not supposed to be awkward or scary, we just want everyone to make safe and good decisions.” @JenRomeroDT

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Page 7 Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016

STI cases increase, more education needed By MICHAEL CANTU Staff Writer

A silent stalker in the night, sexually transmitted infections have become a brand of health scares that cannot be compared to anything else. Some can be easily treatable, others cannot. Recently, gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have been on the rise throughout the U.S., and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gonorrhea has started to grow more resistant to drugs that would treat the infection. This has also prompted a dear colleague letter from the Texas Department of State Health Services in late December 2015, encouraging clinicians to put more emphasis on how they treat and report the infections. According to the letter, the CDC has deemed gonorrhea an urgent public health threat. With 300,000 new cases a year, gonorrhea is the second-most commonly reported infectious disease in the U.S. If left untreated, gonorrhea can cause serious lifethreatening health problems such as widespread organ and joint damage, pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. “(This happens) when the bacteria mutates and becomes resistant to drugs,” Marissa Young, STD clinician at the Lubbock Health Department, said. As the infection continues to be treated around the nation, Young said there is a higher risk the

bacteria could mutate into a more drug resistant strain, leaving the possibility of an immedicable infection. This does not just apply to gonorrhea, but to all forms of STIs like chlamydia and syphilis. Since there can be minimally noticeable symptoms with STIs, Young said, there can be a propensity among individuals to continue on with regular and unchecked sexual activity. Young said the main reason these infections become spreadable is because there is a lack of education about the infections and testing for treatments. “Sometimes there’s a societal norm on multiple sex partners,” she said, “and people aren’t using protection.” STIs can be easily avoidable by using condoms when engaging in sexual activity, she said, but there is also a lack of communication on how to go about getting tests and treatments. The perception of clean or dirty can be a large factor in when a person uses a condom during sex, Patricia Maloney, assistant professor of sociology and director of the community and urban studies minor in the sociology department, said. “(This) brings in our whole idea of who is it OK to sleep with? Who is it OK to take risks with or not take risks with?” she said. With much access to information through the Internet, there is still a problem in how young adults perceive the severity of these infections, and according to the CDC, there is a big culmination


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of AIDS and gonorrhea in people 25 to 34 years old. There is much research, Maloney said, that has concluded millennials are less scared of HIV than older people. Because HIV can be treatable and is not always a death sentence, some people’s perception of the disease can be skewed, she said. What can be misunderstood is that even though HIV can be treated, there should not be a maverick attitude toward it. “That is a little bit worrisome,” she said. “I don’t think anything of that nature should be treated cavalierly.” There is also the threat of spreading infections with people who have taken pledges to hold off sex through religious abstinence pledges, Maloney said. Research has shown the pledges can sometimes fall short of their goals in

a type of purity, and at the time of first intercourse they are surprised by it and do not use protection, she said. “So we see the rates of teen pregnancy and STI in these people are actually higher than the so called normal population,” she said, “because they’re not planning for it.” There are also new recommendations by the DSHS in which a person takes prevention efforts by pre-exposure prophylaxis. This is mostly recommended for people at high risk of getting HIV or any other forms of STIs, according to the DSHS website. The people who are deemed high risked are those who have multiple sex partners, partake in IV drug use or have a partner who is positive for STIs, Young said. Since the concept of PrEP has come


about, the amount and control of STIs has been slightly subdued. Surrounding Tech has been the overarching idea that there is more of a prevalence of STIs, which has conceived the moniker “Raider Rash.” However, both Young and Maloney said it is only natural to have a higher amount of infections in towns with college campuses. The fact that “Raider Rash” is commonly talked about only has to do with the fact that it is easy to say. “But 20 or 30 different universities know that’s not unique to Tech in the least,” Maloney said, “but when you have groups of young people and you add alcohol and stress, you’re going to see sex.” There is also a factor not added in when people do look at the numbers of

STIs in the Lubbock area, Young said. The data takes into account people from ages 13 and up, and even though there is a high prevalence in people from 20 to 32 years old, in most cases the numbers are not unique to Tech. The fact remains that there still needs to be more education all around on the subject of sex, she said. The Lubbock Health Department hosts many outreach activities on campus and promotes the use of condoms and regular testing. Young said sexually active individuals should go in for STI testing every three to six months, or at the very least once a year. “People need to be willing to get tested and speak out about protection,” she said, “because testing is now more readily available.” @MichaelCantuDT


Sex education resources available on campus By DAVID GAY

tance at Tech, Ortiz said, and campaigns like Define Your Line start the campus conversation. “I want our campus to be a sex positive campus,” Stevens said. “I want people to be open and not afraid to talk about these kinds of topics. I don’t want people to think they are too cool to ask for consent.”

Staff Writer

Sex education is not a topic all students are comfortable talking about, but organizations like Define Your Line and services like the Risk, Intervention and Safety Education office are helping the scary conversation about sex become more normal. The goal of Define Your Line is to open a conversation about sex and sexual consent, Rebecca R. Ortiz, assistant professor in advertising and faculty adviser for Define Your Line, said. “Some college students see sex as a taboo thing, and it shouldn’t be,” Jasmine Stevens, a sophomore journalism major from Houston, said. “If you are old enough to have sex, you are old enough to have a conversation about what is consensual for you and your partner.” Since the Define Your Line organization has been around since 2014, there has been sort of a campus climate change in the conversation about sex, Ortiz said. The organization sees trends

toward feeling greater importance about wanting to get consent and understanding consent. Not everyone got the chance to have sex education in high school or middle school, Kiley Cowley, a sports and media graduate student from Perryton, said. “Educating yourself in something that you don’t know about is important because you are not seeing the whole story,” Cowley said. “You are only seeing a little bit of the pie, but you have to see the whole pie before you judge it. You have to keep an open mind.” Define Your Line is a special organization because it is run by students and not faculty or staff, Ortiz said. “This kind of organization would feel very clinical

if it were run by administration,” Stevens said. “Because it is coming from a student-led approach, it makes students more comfortable because students like them are talking about it.” The RISE office also contributes to the sex education conversation through programs like Haven and other sexual health programs, Kimberly Simón, director of the RISE office, said. Haven, a sex education and violence prevention curriculum that is required for all incoming students, was started last fall, Simón said. “We see students coming in and they have not had these types of conversations before,” she said. “It might be uncomfortable or weird for them to talk about it. Sex education is

not required in all public schools. Some parents do a really good job in teaching their kids about it and some don’t.” Haven sets the tone for the university and shows it values the safety of all students who attend Tech, Simón said. It also shows the university does not tolerate violence or discrimination. The RISE office does much more for sex education than just the Haven Program, she said, and the office hosts presentations about sexual health and how to talk to partners about sex. “In February, we are doing a sex week,” Simón said. “This involves programs about feeling comfortable in your body, talking with your partners and getting consent. We are also doing free testing


Fox-Trump battle dates back to August NEW YORK (AP) — Is Fox News Channel overplaying its hand or skillfully playing to its brand in dealing with Donald Trump? The GOP presidential front-runner has dropped out of Thursday night’s Republican debate following an escalating public relations battle triggered in part by his call for Fox to dump Megyn Kelly as one of the moderators. Is there a winner in this dispute? A loser? “Donald Trump and (Fox Chairman) Roger Ailes are birds of a feather — they’re both geniuses at garnering

publicity by fomenting conflict,” said Mark Feldstein, a veteran broadcast journalist and now a professor at the University of Maryland. Tr u m p b e l i e v e s h e ’s largely responsible for the campaign debates’ record ratings — 24 million people for Fox’s Aug. 6 faceoff, for example. Thursday may undermine that theory. Or people may turn out for the sheer theater involved, wondering if Trump might make a surprise appearance. His discontent with Kelly dates to her question about his attitude toward women at the Aug. 6 debate. Fox re-

sponded to Trump’s tweeted request to dump Kelly by pointing out that a candidate doesn’t get to choose his questioners, and Ailes personally backed Kelly with a strong statement of support. Then Fox added a sharply worded mocking statement with no name attached: “We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet him if he becomes president.” Fox also said Trump planned to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers. The Putin statement

was a tipping point and “clearly designed to incite,” Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, told radio host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday. Neither Trump nor Ailes are known for backing down from fights, and Fox’s pugnacious attitude was a key in its rise to becoming one of the top-rated networks on cable TV. The wagons circled on Wednesday: Fox’s Brit Hume tweeted a photo with Trump’s face superimposed on a baby’s, with the statement: “Megyn Kelly was mean to me! I want my binkey!”

on campus.” Haven sets a standard of sexual health impor@DavidGayDT FOR RELEASE JANUARY 28, 2016

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

ACROSS 1 Takes shape 6 Military installations 11 Armonk, N.Y.based tech company 14 Quarterback with the 2011 autobiography “Through My Eyes” 15 Tell’s target 16 PBS funder 17 Downpour 19 40-yr.-old NBC show 20 Mature insect 21 Singer Vannelli 22 Fairy tale word 25 Weasel relative 29 Horned Frogs’ sch. 30 Spot 31 Forward, in a way 32 Ankle bones 34 Put up 35 1980 sci-fi thriller, and a hint to this puzzle’s circles 40 Sister of Clio 41 Drive respondent 43 It’s usually taken in twos 46 Rival 48 Reason for adolescent angst 49 1988 Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner 51 Only 52 Mythical arrow shooter 53 Key 55 2014 FIFA World Cup champion: Abbr. 56 Christmas, for many 62 “Wheel of Fortune” buy 63 “__ Grows in Brooklyn” 64 Carrot family herb 65 __ jacket 66 About 17 of them equal a United States dollar 67 Toyota’s luxury division DOWN 1 Former Ford model


By Robert E. Lee Morris

2 Poetic preposition 3 Japanese sash 4 Tinseltown vehicle 5 Show off a butterfly, perhaps 6 Snack sack 7 Grilling garment 8 Place to kick back 9 Whitney, by birth and by education 10 D.C. VIP 11 As found 12 “Pride and Prejudice” family name 13 NBA great Karl 18 Scruff 21 Underground chamber 22 Polo Grounds slugger 23 Univ. sports organizer 24 Circular lock 26 Drops the ball 27 Track competition 28 Penny __ 30 “The Treasure of the __ Madre”: Bogart classic 33 Beer orders 34 Tokyo, long ago 36 Vice squad tactic

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

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37 Peak south of Stromboli 38 Automaker Ferrari 39 Get dirty 42 Map abbr. 43 Generation-togeneration span 44 Calm 45 Illinois county or its seat 46 Drops a line 47 European capital


50 Tape, maybe 51 “Goosebumps” series author 54 Ben Gurion carrier 56 Drivel 57 Emptied the feedbag 58 Govt. collection agency 59 Twice cinq 60 Pac-12 sch. 61 “Of course”

Page 8 Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016



@TheDT_sports www.dailytoreador.com

Red Raiders look to improve record By BRANDON SOLIZ SportS Editor

On Friday, the No. 14 Texas Tech men’s tennis team will be hosting the Clemson Tigers for an afternoon matchup at 2 p.m. at the McLeod Tennis Center. The Red Raiders are coming off of an impressive come-from-behind victory against No. 21 Florida this past Sunday in Austin hosted by the University of Texas, according to a release from Tech Athletics. The Gators had a 3-0 lead over the Red Raiders but seniors Hugo Dojas and Felipe Soares, as well as sophomore Connor Curry and freshman Bjorn Thomson, completed a 4-0 run in singles competition to claim the match, according to the release.

Tech also captured an ITA National Indoor Championship spot with the victory. After the victory, Tech coach Brett Masi said he was proud of the way the team played and came back. He added that the play from Dojas and Soares was critical against the Gators. “We were competing hard, and they were competing hard,” Masi said. “Hugo had a solid weekend all the way around and was our MVP...(Felipe had) his moment, and he wasn’t going to let our team lose.” Returning back to Lubbock off of the momentum, the Red Raiders are looking to add another loss to the Tigers’ record. Clemson is currently on a three-game losing streak and has one win on its record, which was on opening day,

Jan. 16 against Mercer. The matchup between Tech and Clemson is the last match on the road for the Tigers before they enter a 12-game home stand until March 11. For the Red Raiders, they will be at home for this game against the Clemson Tigers and then will host the Abilene Christian University Wildcats a week from tomorrow on Feb. 6. After its match with Abilene Christian, the Red Raiders will travel to Charlottesville, Virginia, for the ITA National Indoor Championship, hosted by the University of Virginia, from Feb. 12-15 at the Boar ’s Head Sports Club. Opponents are still to be decided based off of the matchups around the country this upcoming weekend. @BSoliz_DT

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador

Hugo Dojas prepares to execute a forehand return in his singles match against Arizona on Monday at McLeod Tennis Center.


Bray showcasing potential early in college career By BRANDON SOLIZ SportS Editor

The Texas Tech track and field team is currently preparing for a Saturday meet at the New Mexico Invitational, which is its next event in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Tech is coming off of an impressive outing this past Saturday at the Texas A&M Quadrangular in Col-

lege Station. The Red Raiders moved up two spots from their original preseason rankBRAY ing, according to a Tech Athletics news release, to No. 15 in the nation after the meet. The Tech men’s team finished second overall in the competition

with the women’s team placing third. One event the Red Raiders took second place in was the men’s pole vault. Freshman Brandon Bray is from China Spring and is currently the Big 12 Conference leader in the event with a jump clearing 5.31 meters, which is 17-feet, 5-inches and ranks No. 11 in the NCAA. “The motivation and try-


ing to compete with everyone at the collegiate level that’s probably the biggest thing (that’s been clicking),” Bray said. “You can’t rush anything with the pole vault, the slower you take it the better it is, although it’s one of the quickest events.” In his junior year of high school in 2014, Bray set a then national record for 16-year-olds by clearing a mark of 17-feet, 6-inches, according to an article on www. wacotib.com When Bray signed to Tech, he was the first pole vault athlete in 13 years at the time to receive a full scholarship, according to the website. Bray said he began vaulting in the seventh grade with a true passion, which did

not surprise him because his father, Jeff Bray, was coaching track in China Spring while Brandon was in the school system. “I picked the pole up probably in sixth grade, but I didn’t really get into it until seventh,” Bray said. “(My dad) really didn’t encourage me to do it, he wanted to make sure that I liked it first. Whenever I got into junior high track he coached me in there and that’s when I really fell in love with it.” Bray’s father is a former track star himself. He is a two-time state champion in the pole vault and was also a member of the track team at Florida State, where he set three ACC Conference records in the event, according to the website.

Bray said his father realized his son fell in love with the pole vault at the same time as he did. “He realized that (I fell in love with the pole vault) and he wanted to help as much as he could with the journey, to be as good and better than he was in high school and college,” Bray said. Bray also said he has taken much from his father that will help him in his career but he is his own motivator and believes he can compete against anyone at the collegiate level. Tech’s next competition will be on Saturday when the men’s and women’s team travel to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to take part in the New Mexico Invitational. @BSoliz_DT


Webb announces transfer to Colorado

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Former Texas Tech junior quarterback Davis Webb has announced he is transferring to Colorado. Webb made the announcement on his Twitter page on Wednesday afternoon. Because of a full release from Tech, he will be eligible to play in 2016. According to his Twitter page, Webb visited Colorado

two weeks ago. He was scheduled to visit Auburn but has canceled that, according to foxsports.com. Tech coach Kliff Kingsbury has raved about Webb’s ability to be an effective quarterback at the college level and the National Football League. “Davis Webb is the hardest working individual I’ve ever had the privilege of coach-


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Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2016. We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are not liable for typographical or pictoral errors. This establishment, Texas Tech University & The Daily Toreador do not encourage underage drinking or alcohol abuse.

ing,” Kingsbury said in a Tech Athletics news release about Webb’s transfer. “Wherever Davis lands, he will immediately change the outlook of that program.” During three years as a Red Raider, Webb played in 23 games and started 14 of those. He threw for 5,557 yards with 46 touchdowns and ran for three more scores, according to the Tech Athletics website. In his freshman season at Tech, Webb battled with now Oklahoma quarterback, Baker Mayfield, for the starting job and eventually won. During the 2014 season, Webb started in the first eight games of the season before getting hurt and losing the starting job to sophomore quarterback Patrick Mahomes II in the offseason. @JeremyK_DT


No. 6 Texas defeats Kansas Imani Boyette had 16 points and 10 rebounds and No. 6 Texas routed Kansas 7046 on Wednesday night for the 1,000th win in program history. Boyette, who had her eighth double-double in nine Big 12 games, also had four blocks while playing just 21 minutes. Brooke McCarty added 13 points as the Longhorns (19-1, 8-1) took command with a 23-0 push bridging the second and third quarters. Lauren Aldridge scored 15 for Kansas (5-15, 0-9), which has lost 11 consecutive games. Caelynn Manning-Allen scored 14. The Jayhawks made eight 3-point baskets, including five by Aldridge, but scored only two points in the paint. The Longhorns finished the first half with a 19-0 push that gave them a 39-15 halftime lead. Kansas failed to score during the final 7:45 of the half.



JAN. 28, 2016



Tech prepares for New Mexico meet

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador

Texas Tech hurdlers Darien Tennon, Chris Caldwell and Tramaine Maloney run the 110-meter hurdles during the Texas Tech Open on April 4, 2015, at the Terry and Linda Fuller Track and Field Complex.

On Saturday, the Texas Tech track and field teams will be traveling to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to compete in the New Mexico Invitational in the indoor track at the ABQ Convention Center. Tech is recently coming off a showcase at the Texas A&M Quadrangular in College Station, placing second in the men’s competition and third in the women’s events, according to a Tech Athletics news release. Natalie Thompson, a senior who competes in multiple events, said that winning the Big 12 Conference Championship last season was a big boost for the team. “It was really good ending on a positive note last year coming into this season,” Thompson said. “I feel like it allowed me (and the team) to

have a lot more confidence.” Thompson claimed the women’s high jump for Tech while the team was in College Station. In the 60-meter hurdles, both the men’s and women’s hurdlers captured a victory for Tech. Senior Shanice Stewart won the event for the women, finishing first, while senior Chris Caldwell and junior Darien Tennon went 1-2 in the event, according to the release. Freshman pole vaulter Brandon Bray led the Big 12 Conference in the event going into the Texas A&M Quadrangular and left with the same mark, adding more points by clearing the mark of 17-feet 5-inches, according to the release. On the women’s side, senior Haley Cook set a personal

best by clearing all three of her attempts, topping out at a little over 13 feet, according to the release. Tech assistant coach James Thomas said he is impressed with the way the teams responded with the effect of having to practice outside because of the collapse of the roof on the Athletic Training Center during the winter break. “I think one of the biggest advantages is that track is all about elements and adversity indoor and outdoor, but I think learning how to get through adversity (is an advantage),” Thomas said. “(All of these different elements) kind of prepare you for the different elements, different competitions and the different settings.” @BSoliz_DT


Texas Rangers make trip to Lubbock By JEREMY KRAKOSKY Staff Writer

The 2016 Texas Rangers Winter Caravan came to the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center on Wednesday for the National College Baseball Hall of Fame’s annual First Pitch Luncheon. Rangers right-handed pitcher Chi-Chi Gonzalez, bench coach Steve Buechele and television broadcaster Emily Jones were amongst those in attendance. Fans in Lubbock had the opportunity to meet the Rangers representatives and listen to a preview of the upcoming season during the luncheon. Gonzalez said it has been an exciting time to get to see Rangers fans in different parts of Texas. “It’s a sweet opportunity,” he said, “but I’m just excited to meet and greet people and just say hi and see the area.” Gonzalez was drafted by Texas in the first round in 2013. Last season, he was called up in May for his first big league action. In his Major League Baseball debut, Gonzalez held the Red Sox hitless until the sixth inning, according to a Rangers news release. In 14 games and 10 starts, he fin-

ished with a 4-6 record with a 3.90 ERA. Gonzalez will be competing for a starting job in the 2016 pitching rotation that will already have established pitchers such as Yu Darvish, Cole Hamels and Derek Holland. “It’s going to be a challenge (to be in the starting rotation). But every day I come to the field thinking of a challenge, almost giving me motivation,” Gonzalez said. “I’m just there to pitch my game and help each other out however I can.” With Spring Training games beginning on March 2, Buechele and Rangers manager Jeff Banister are preparing for their second season coaching together. “(Banister) set a tone. He came in as someone that didn’t know anybody,” Buechele said. “He brought me in, we had never met each other. Most managers bring in (a bench coach) who they have been friends with for 20 years and trust, yet he felt good enough about bringing me in. He set a tone and set a culture and he lives by it every day.” Buechele played in 1,334 games through 11 seasons with the Rangers, according to the release. After his playing career, he coached in the

Texas farm system from 2009 to 2014 before being hired as the Rangers bench coach in October of 2014. The second-year bench coach said he has the rare chance to play and coach for the same organization for a long time. “I feel very fortunate. There is not many bench coaches that live in their hometown where they work,” Buechele said. “We’ve made Arlington home. It was my dream once I went back down to the minor league to make it onto a big league staff.” Emily Jones, Rangers sideline reporter and Texas Tech alumna, has been covering the Rangers for more than a decade now. Because the MLB schedule is so long, Jones said she does not get to return to West Texas often, so it is a unique experience to be in Lubbock while still working. “This is obviously where I was raised, this is where I grew up on television, started my career, so it’s always special for me to come back,” she said. “It’s special for me to get to bring a couple of the guys and show them what West Texas hospitality is all about and how big and strong the fan base is here for the Texas Rangers.”


Last season, the Rangers rebounded from being one of the worst teams in the MLB in 2014 with a playoff appearance in 2015. Despite covering the team for years, Jones said 2015 was possibly the most memorable because of the grit the team played with. “Last year was really neat, just because it came out of the blue. Considering where we were in 2014, a rookie manager, the start that this team got off to in 2015 was not a good one,” Jones said. “To really take that mantra of ‘Never Ever Quit’ and put it into play, the way that team did, was really special.” In postgame interviews during the 2015 season, Jones was hit by a couple Gatorade celebrations after walk-off wins. Jones is fine with getting splashed as long as the team keeps winning, she said. As far as the outlook for the 2016 season, Jones said she is the most ready to see how second baseman Rougned Odor performs. During his second MLB season, Odor hit below .150 during April and May and was sent down to the minor leagues. When he was called back up, Odor responded with three straight months of hit-

JEREMY KRAKOSKY/The Daily Toreador

Texas Rangers bench coach Steve Buechele signs a baseball for a fan during the Rangers Winter Caravan in Lubbock on Wednesday in the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. ting above .310, according to the MLB website. “The way he handled being demoted last year and really just kind of wore and went down to the minors and then came back with such a vengeance,” she said. “I love

the way he plays. He plays with an edge, he has a little attitude to him. I think he has a ridiculous amount of talent. I think he can be a premiere second baseman in this league.” @JeremyK_DT


Popovich to coach West in NBA All-Star Game Rangers re-sign RHP Tepesch to minor league deal NEW YORK (AP) — San Antonio’s Gregg Popovich was humbled by his selection to coach the NBA’s West AllStars, even though Golden State has the best record in the conference. With the Warriors’ Steve Kerr ineligible because he coached last year and Luke

Walton not receiving official credit for the team’s early success, Popovich earned the nod as West coach for the fourth time. “It’s a pretty awesome feeling to know that you’re going to be in the locker room with some of the best athletes in the world,” Popovich said. “That’s pretty humbling. It’s kind of cool.”

Popovich will coach one of his own, San Antonio Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard, who earned a starting nod in his first All-Star Game. The All-Star coaches are determined by the teams with the best records in each conference two weeks before the game, which is Feb. 14 in Toronto.

ARLINGTON (AP) — Free agent right-hander Nick Tepesch signed a minor league contract Wednesday with the Texas Rangers that includes an invitation to major league spring training. Tepesch is expected to be ready for spring training after missing all of last season be-



Typing Help Wanted 15 words or less Tutors Furnished Rentals $10 for 5 days Unfurnished Rentals For Sale additional words 20¢ per word Services Tickets for Sale Bold Headline Roommates Miscellaneous 75¢ extra per day Travel Lost & Found (max. one line) Legal Notice Add a photo or logo for $1 extra per day Clothing/Jewelry

TYPING EXPERIENCED ACADEMIC author offers services in premier manuscript prepara‑ tion. Papers, journal articles, theses, dis‑ sertations, book chapters. Willing to tutor better writing a long the way.jahattenjr@ gmail.com

TUTORS MATH, CHEM, PHYSICS Professional Tutoring 25 yrs Experience 928 ‑ 6232 VIOLIN/FIDDLE, VIOLA & piano lessons Text: (806) 781‑7549


Hiring ‑ Servers, Bartenders, Line Cooks & Hosts (will train). Wednesday college night. $12 buckets, $3 You‑call‑it, free pong tour‑ nament, cash prizes, 1/2 price appetizers 3‑6pm Monday‑Friday. 5027 50th Street 796‑2240.

Terms & Conditions

cause of right elbow inflammation. He also had surgery to correct Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, which affects the nerves that pass through the shoulder into the neck. The 27-year-old Tepesch was 9-17 with a 4.56 ERA in 42 major league games, all with the Texas in 2013 and 2014. Only

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DEPENDABLE PERSON with good tele‑ phone skills for telemarketing. Calls made from our office Monday ‑ Thursday, 6 to 8 PM. $10.00/hr plus bonus. E‑mail resume with current contact info to reggie. bhatchett@farmersagency.com FARMERS INSURANCE

PART TIME helper wanted after lunch. Sanding/refinishing hardwood floors. $10‑15 per hr. Call Jess 787‑2613.

3011‑31ST, comfortable 2/1/1, hardwood floors, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, W/D connections, half a block to Tech bus route, $875 with a $450 deposit. Available now. 806‑470‑6559.

is hiring a jewelry repair take‑in/office help associate. Flexible hours for students. Ap‑ ply in person at Anderson Bros Jewelers at 82nd and Quaker in Kingsgate South M‑Sat from 10am to 5pm. No phone calls please. ASSISTANT NEEDED for busy psychology office and a non‑profit agency. Must be de‑ tail oriented and able to work under pressure as well as work independently. Good orga‑ nizational and memory skills a must. 25‑30 hours weekly. A great chance to build up your resume. Send resume to resume_re‑ sume@att.net.


Eskimo Hut Frozen Daiquiris To Go is open and hiring! Beer Wine and drinks to go. Ap‑ ply today and say hooray!! at 305 Frankford Ave. and 54th & Slide (by the mall).


Hiring bartenders, servers, hosts, line cooks & doormen (will train). 11am ‑ 2pm all you can eat fajita buffet $9.99. Free Texas Hold’em Thursday 7PM & 9PM cash prizes. $12 Buckets. 56th & Ave. Q. 744‑0183.

EARN $600/MONTH from working on your phone & computer. If you want to help oth‑ ers change their lives, call 432‑638‑8649 or e‑mail cicinunez09@gmail.com HIP HOP Instructor needed ASAP to teach Beg. & Int classes one day a week and Sub classes when needed. Call 806‑548‑4751

Yu Darvish with 54 starts made more than Tepesch’s 39 starts over those two seasons. The Rangers promoted Rafic Saab to director of international scouting. He joined the organization in 2006 as a scout in Venezuela and had been the director of the club’s Latin America operations since 2014.

PART TIME office help wanted. Monday thru Thursday from 1 till 5. Can work with your class schedule. Must be computer lit‑ erate. Email resume to thelawsonagency@ sbcglobal.net RACER CLASSIC Car Wash now hiring wash finishers. Please apply at 1710 Mac Davis Lane.


LOCAL CPA firm seeking to fill two part time, seasonal positions. Please fax resume to 745‑7421 or e‑mail to taxseasonhelp@ hotmail.

2/2 ALL BILLS PAID triplex. Updated, 2315 25th, $900/mo $750/dep. Pet friendly http://merlinspetshop.com/tech‑area‑rent‑ als.html 806.438.8746

NOW HIRING SERVERS & CASHIERS Well established restaurant Now hiring servers, night & day cashiers, night buser, Flexible hours • No experi‑ ence required Apply in person only El Chico Restaurant 4301 Marsha Sharp Freeway Next to Otto’s Granary


Appliances furnished plus waser/dryer. 2220 38th St. Students welcome. 1 year lease. No pets. 806‑863‑4529. Call between the hours of 9 am to 9 pm. Shown by appointment only. $900/month $900/deposit.

3414 32ND 3BR/ 2BA Close to TTU . All Appliances included. Fireplace, Hardwood floors.$995 Castle Property Management 806‑783‑3040 ADORABLE 3/2. Close to Tech. Central heat and air. Washer and dryer connections. Wood floors. Large backyard. 4904 38th Street. $800/month. 806‑549‑0364.


Farm home for lease. 45 minutes from Tech. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas. Remod‑ eled. $555. Half electric paid. No hunting. 806‑795‑2011 or come by 4211‑34th. PRELEASING FOR Summer 2016. 3309 25th st. Tech Terrace. 2/1. Hardwood floors. W/D. Wood deck. $950/mo. 806‑470‑7088.

dawn.zuerker@ttu.edu Phone: 806.742.3384 Fax: 806.742.2434


Pre‑leasing rental homes for next school year. Call, text, or email 806‑239‑8553, syl‑ via@techterrace.com


AWESOME 4/3/3 $249,500 FOR AP‑ POINTMENT CALL 806.787.1444


Mattress, Furniture. Student discounts. 5127 34th Street (34th & Slide). 785‑7253.


Rent online 24/7. 24/7 Rental station. Clean. 5839‑49th 792‑6464.


New Location RIVER SMITHS Free Food Included :) Cell 781‑2931. More Information www.LubbockClass.com


JAN. 28, 2016



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