How To Make Crispy Chicken Lollipop At Home

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How To Make Crispy Chicken Lollipop At Home It is difficult to imagine an Indochinese chicken dish that is loved more than the crispy chicken lollipop. Whether you make it for a light evening snack or as an appetizer for dinner, this is one dish that will always remain a crowd pleaser. Serve it during a game of football, over some tea, along with some bread/rice/noodles, during a party as munchie- the choice is yours, but your dish will be a hit in your home, nevertheless. You may choose to make this with either drumettes or whole chicken wings. Forming the chicken lollipops from chicken wings is the most challenging step, especially if you are a beginner. Don’t worry, though, because there are step-by-step instructions included in this recipe to make it easier for you. The second crucial step is to perfect the chicken marination and frying so that the drums are crispy and only have a thin covering. Like most Indochinese dishes, you will have to cook on high heat and for little time for this dish, too. It is therefore crucial to keep all the ingredients prepped before you begin cooking.

Ingredients Prep time: 1 hour Cook time: 45 minutes 1.

500g chicken wings – 6 whole


Soy sauce


Green chilli sauce


Red chilli sauce






Ground black pepper





10. Egg whites

11. Plain flour (maida)

12. Cornstarch

13. Vegetable oil

14. Onions

15. Ginger

16. Garlic

17. Chicken stock

18. Red chilli sauce

19. Ketchup

20. Dark soy sauce

21. Spring onions

Method of preparation

1. To form the chicken lollipop from the chicken wings, separate the flat from the drumette. The joint between the drumette and the flat should be popped. Then, to separate the joints, cut between them. Hold the tip of the flat in your right hand and the flat in your left. To push out the two tiny bones, use force. The smaller bone should be discarded. Turn the meat insideout by gathering the flesh to one side. The first lollipop is here. Now it's time for the drumette. We need to reveal the joint where the drumette and flat were separated at the end. Cut the connective tissue around the base of the bone, then angle the blade and scrape the bone towards you to create a clearing where you may grasp it. Using a cloth, scrape away at the exposed joint to remove the meat from the bone and gather it at the other end. This will necessitate some exertion. Now, use the fabric to grasp the loose meat and pull it inside out to produce the second lollipop. Repeat this process with the remaining meat.

2. The next step is to marinate the chicken to perfection. In a mixing bowl, combine 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp green chili sauce, 1 ½ tsp red chili sauce, salt as per needed, ¼ tsp MSG, ½ tsp ground black pepper, ¼ tsp ginger, ¼ tsp garlic, and 1 tbsp egg whites. Toss in the chicken lollipop into this marinade and let it marinate. You can do this earlier or you can keep it aside for as long as it takes for you to do the remaining prep.

3. The next step is to make the sauce. In a mixing dish, combine the 3 tbsp red chilli sauce,1 tsp ketchup, and 1 tsp dark soy sauce and keep aside. Take a wok or a kadai and heat to a high temperature. Add about 10g of vegetable oil and wait for it to smoke. Into the smoking hot oil, add in 50g diced onions and fry for one minute. Add in 1 tsp of ginger and 2 tsp of garlic and fry for 30 seconds each. Add some sugar at this point and wait for it to melt and become caramelized. After that, add salt, pepper, the sauce mix kept aside and 3 tbsp chicken stock. Reduce the mixture until the sauce becomes thick.

4. Next, to deep fry the chicken lollipop. In a wok, add enough vegetable oil for deep frying. Heat the oil to about 200 degrees. Add 4 tbsp plain flour and 2 tbsp cornstarch to the marinated chicken lollipops just before frying to make a dry batter. Make sure that the batter does not have much liquid content, so that it stays crispy. Carefully drop the lollipops into the hot oil. Make sure to not fry too many at once and cook in two batches if needed. The rest of the frying should be done at about 150 degrees to ensure that the chicken cooks well through. In a basket lined with kitchen towels, drain the chicken lollipop of any excessive oil.


The final step is to add the fried lollipops to the sauce. In a pan, heat the sauce you made, add the fried lollipops and toss around to coat evenly.

Your homemade crispy chicken lollipop is ready to be devoured. You can garnish with some garlic and spring onions and enjoy it with whatever you like. Happy eating!

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