The Sentinella Axarquia October 2012

Page 18


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Brown says stability, reliability, and approachability. It is the colour of our earth and is associated with all things natural or organic.

In India, brown is the colour of mourning because it resembles dying leaves. American Indians believe the colour brown represents the power of self-discipline. Brown is considered a neutral colour in landscape design and is often used as a background colour. Its appearance helps to showcase other colours in the garden. Companies use brown paper to denote a natural product. If you dream of the colour brown, it means you will be lucky with money.

Brown is said to supply a feeling of wholesomeness, stability and a sense of orderliness. In the United States, Thanksgiving is represented by brown and orange. The Japanese do not have a specific word for brown. Rather, they use more descriptive names such as “tea-colour," "fox-colour," and "fallen-leaf.”

If you drive a brown vehicle, you are said to send out the that message you are a downto-earth, no-nonsense person. If the vehicle is tan or taupe, however, the message is that you are basic, timeless and have simple tastes.

Residencia 3ª edad Fuente Ariza Residencia Fuente Ariza aspires to be something other than a residence and a home for the elderly. We want our residents to feel safe and comfortable. That's why our care and attention are primarily based on respect for their dignity and individuality.

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Our facilities, services and care can provide our residents a comfortable life without having to give up their independence, even in the last years of their life Short term residence - If you are out of town or have become ill, we'll go with love and understanding to your dependents until you can care for them again Day care - Care without leaving the familiar environment. Thanks to the care that we give to our residents, families have more time to meet their daily duties and no longer feel they have the need of a permanent residence Residential Services - Lovingly take care of your family 24 hours a day. Our qualified staff provide assistance to older people with varying degrees of dependency Clinical Services - People with dementia in the last stages of their life, need help and special attention: Our dementia unit is specially equipped for such needs

Calle los Llanos 37, 29750 Algarrobo Tel: 952 552 530 Email: 100€ off 1st month with this advert

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