How to make Miniature gardens

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How to make Miniature gardens

The first step is select a container. You can choose ceramic , Cray pots, wicker baskets, and wooden boxes are all good choices.

Secondly, choose plant for your miniature gardens. Be sure that the plant you select will be able to be supported by the container that you are using.

Thirdly, Prepare the soil. Mixs sand, Mold and chaff in the container.

Next, put the rock. Before grow the plant you should put the rook for highlights of garden.

Next, Put the main tree. After you put the rock and furniture in the garden. You can put main tree that you select . For example bonsoi, croton and aglaonema.

Next, Put the shrub and ground cover plants. For example plant you can should to grow for this miniature garden is Flame violet or moss

Then, sprinkle some gravel. After grow the plant you can sprinkle some gravel on soil

Lastly, clean and clear the container and water the plants.

>>>THE END<<<

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