The Focus July 2014

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THE FOCUS July 2014

Independence Day

Mike Hamlar

Getting involved at a high level The official magazine of Focused Radio

Focus Points Tech Freedom & Independence page 4 Building Infrastructure (cover story) page 6 Beauty and Beast page 8 Boob Independence page 13 Taking it Back page 14 Editor in Chief: TommyP Story Editor: Miyon Baskin/ David Osborn Administration: Shamon Gilbert Photo Credits: J. Divers Photography Facebook NuFocus Media

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Set your sights on your targets

and hit them!!!

The Focus Jun 2014


The only one who can stop you

Is You! Greetings All, Independence isn’t something one should take lightly. There has always been war and sacrifice associated with becoming free. As we celebrate our country’s Independence Day, we are glad to see more faces of color are getting involved with politics. This month we highlight a true star of the Star City. They say real G’s move in silence, this man has been a business presence in a community needing to build. I sit

down with Mike Hamlar, owner of Hamlar Enterprises and candidate for the next state senate election. It takes Focus to keep bringing you the stories that matter to the city I love and abroad. This marks One year of The Focus magazine in the Star City. We love you for your support and #StayFocusedMyFriends TommyP Go Team,


Technology Brings Freedom and Independence by Dan’iele Smith

Some of you remember the era when cellphones didn’t exist. Before the personal computer (PC) became popular for businesses and homes alike, this device was the first icon of evolving technology that the public witnessed become the best thing since sliced bread. From its inception the role of the cell phone or smartphone, if you will, has changed. In its infancy, the mobile phone was a convenient avenue for people to stay connected while they were away from their home phone. Today, CEOs run enterprises from the palm of their hands. Whatever your device, technology gives you the liberty to operate free and clear of traditional means. Take Siri for instance (a voice activated personal assistant for the Iphone), the option to listen to hours of uninterrupted music, set an appointment, and even call someone for you is at your fingertips. Thanks to technology, you can digitize your entire music collection and totally eliminate the need for physical storage. As technology continues to innovate, Apps become more prevalent. The need to sit in front of a desktop or laptop is becoming obsolete because the tablet and smartphone have advanced. Applications make it possible for most functions traditionally conducted on a desktop or laptop to be conducted from the palm of your hand. As with all things, there’s a price to pay for convenience. Some argue that technology may be a form of bondage for many. For example, the ongoing issue with kids and video games. Is it really the fault of technology or could it be the fault of the parents for not governing this convenience? It has always been said that too much of anything is not good because it disrupts balance. You be the judge and stay focused.

The Focus Jul 2014 4

A Walk it OUT! It’s one thing to talk about it, but a whole different thing to do it. Focused Radio, and Faith 4 A Cure teamed up with Virginia Blood Services, and Be the Match Foundation’s 5k Run in Richmond, VA. Be the Match, a national organization, runs a bone marrow donation registry. Bone marrow transfusion has been successful in curing different types blood cancers and sickle cell anemia!

The Focus Jul 2014


Be the Match Staff


Focused on Building Infrastructure Successful businessman throws his name in the race for Virginia Senate seat by TommyP

At Focused Radio we do our best to stay abreast of and get out to our listeners and readers the information that will keep everyone “Focused” on the big picture. We have a young man from the Star City entering his name into the race for Virginia Senate. Mike Hamlar of Hamlar Enterprises, has always been about his business. A former collegiate athlete that came back home to run the family business, now he is taking that drive and vision to the next level. I sat down with Mr. Hamlar and asked him a couple questions about his upcoming race for the senate seat: TP: Mr. Hamlar we appreciate you sitting down and taking a little time to talk with me. Let’s get right in to it, what is this “Mike Hamlar for Senate” stuff all about? MH: Well I am running for the senate seat for district 19, which is currently held by Ralph Smith. Getting a lot of support already. I was recently appointed by the Governor to the Secure Commonwealth panel. We had our first meeting two weeks ago. It went very well. We talked about a number of issues throughout the state, especially southwest Virginia. So I’m hoping to be a good representative there. I’m just ready to serve the people by seeing what the issues are. TP: You said the 19th district, I think a lot of people don’t get involved because of lack of understanding of what the different areas represent. I know I have no idea myself, so what does the 19th district consist of, better yet who should be listening? MH: The 19th district consists of 8 jurisdictions, part of Roanoke County, all

The Focus Jul 2014


of Salem, all of Floyd, part of Franklin Co, Montgomery Co, Bedford Co, Wythe Co, and Carroll Co. TP: That’s a lot of area to cover and when you look at it, these areas could really produce a lot of economic change. Is that one of the things that you are looking to bring to that district? MH: Economic development is definitely a priority. Bringing better infrastructure to this area is a key piece to that. We have these companies that want to do business in Virginia, this state is still one of the best to do business in, and the governor has used his platform to generate more activity.

Mike Hamlar Starting with Chesterfield, they are bringing 2,000 jobs there and creating more jobs in various areas throughout the state. He has done a whole lot in a little bit of time considering everything on his plate. As far as infrastructure, we {19th district} have the land and the property for these businesses, however they need access. Because of the challenges of access (no international airports, public transportation, etc) some

of these companies have been hesitant to come to Virginia. So building infrastructure is going to be one of the key highlights of the campaign. Of course we have to concentrate on healthcare reform and Medicaid expansion. We’re talking about the 400,000 working Virginians paying taxes that are still struggling. We are going to hear their stories and bring resolve to the problems they are facing. TP: Football player at Wake Forest, successful business owner, and family man, what was the thing that said to you, I’m getting in to politics? MH: Politics is a totally different animal, however I still see it as a business opportunity. Handling the districts business effectively is a great way to serve the people. I’ve been contemplating doing it {running for office} for a while. Was going to run for city council when I lived in the city. Felt it wasn’t a good time for me then and the council is doing a great job. With my work with many nonprofit organizations, my work here at the funeral home, and the brokerage firm has we ready to lead a charge of bringing more business here. TP: I know you to be a stand-up guy and I’m so glad we have a young black man that can be a positive role model for our youth along with understanding your community. What is one last thing you want to get out to the people to encourage the vote? MH: It’s been my philosophy and you can check my social media to verify, for years I’ve been saying if you don’t vote, you forfeit your right to complain. You have a great opportunity and people have fought hard to give you that right. You have to get educated on that. Don’t go out and vote just because you know somebody, learn where they stand on the issues and make a conscious decision. We’re here for the people. I’m not running for myself. We need your support, we need your help, and anything you can do to promote the cause will be greatly appreciated.

The Focus Jul 2014


Visit for more information about Mike Hamlar race for senate

We truly appreciate


Amal Mohamed The Focus Jul 2014


The Focus Jul 2014



the ones making it happen

Lano TheDon Singer, Songwriter



The Focus Jul 2014


Independence by Miss Nyree Lately there has been a new phenomenon known as “ sideboob”. I definitely don’t make the trends, but it is my duty to keep up with them. But honestly who has complained about the amount of boob independence the celebrities has been bestowing upon the public. For those that don’t know, sideboob refers to the side of a woman’s breast that is purposely peeking out of a loose fitting shirt or dress. With every fashion trend there come fine lines that must be walked before it’s considered trashy and extreme. We don’t discriminate when it comes to

purposely going out without a bra and showing it all just like Rihanna did when she attended CFDA to accept her Fashion Icon of 2014. If it’s any constellation, I would like to nominate Kim Kardashian as this year’s best sideboober seeing that she is constantly out without bra. At least Kim is leaving something to the imagination and is still keeping it super classy. The look is interesting because its unexpected. The side of the breast, rib cage and arm pit is delicate, vulnerable and pretty spot on a woman. It’s also rarely seen (or used to be anyway)—because it’s usually covered. If you plan on showing off some sexy sideboob,

which can make the most plain outfit stand out, then you have to learn the do’s and don’ts to the infamous sideboob. Done right, it is cleavage’s brainy, sexy, infinitely more interesting cousin. Done wrong, it is cleavage’s nasty ho of a cousin (sorry, not sorry). So, here’s a few rules to successfully execute the sideboob. Rule 1: Do NOT attempt side boob if you have giant faux breasts. It’s vulgar… period. This is a trend best suited for our flatter chested sisters. The larger the breast the harder it would be to pull it off. Rule 2: Do NOT attempt sideboob with a loose flowy top. The point is to sneak a peek not to have everyone waiting to see if one of your girls will go rogue. And throw fashion tape out the window because I’ve found it could never be trusted. Rule 3: Keep your outfit classy and sophisticated. Don’t attempt this trend if your outfit exudes any whiff of skankiness. Posture is key. Rule 4: If your breast is in contact with your rib cage, you should be seeking a supportive bra, not side boob. Also if you haven’t known, there’s a whole movement called Free The Nipple, a stand up for women’s topless equality in the United States. Today, in the USA it is effectively illegal for a woman to be topless, breast feeding included, in 35 states. Even in new York where public toplessness has been legal since 1992, the police continues to arrest women. So here’s to the Year of the Nipple! Check out the campaign at

Taking it Back


Historic Gainsboro Revitalizing The Core of the Star City by Miyohn Baskin

For decades now, residents of the Gainsboro neighborhood and those extending into the Northwest side of Roanoke city have witnessed a steady decline in business and community development. The deprivation of much needed funding and organization over the last several years have left the area with decreased property values, a lack of community pride and in some cases, even sub-standard living conditions. In an article written in 1997 by Mary Bishop and published in the Roanoke Times, residential neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area of Roanoke were referenced as “The Invisible Inner City�. As America celebrates its Independence this month, The Star City, an All-American City, like many cities across the country is still lacking neighborhood revitalization. It was once believed that the economic prosperity of downtown Roanoke would be assisted by local government getting involved with community initiatives to drive rebuilding efforts. It would appear that with the restoration of the Hotel Roanoke, the newly renovated City Market Building and Farmers Market and with downtown living increasingly on the rise, planners have been able to avoid the important task of preserving our existing urban neighborhoods. Although economic growth in the Star City should be a great concern for every citizen, families and communities are deteriorating and

The Focus Jul 2014


violence and crime is on the rise. These very significant issues begin with the lack of resources available to those needing them most. Minor efforts have been made by local government to improve inner city neighborhoods. A few street lights have been added here and there. Junk car and weed ordinances are strictly enforced. And the judicial system quickly issues citations to clean up or demolish sub-standard and condemned properties., but what will it really take to revitalize the core of the Star City? I believe we first focus on finding where is the money going that supposed to be used for urban development. Stay tuned!!!

The Focus Jul 2014


Don’t Be scared of the technology


Life Radio with

Sharon J Sundays 1-3p

REAL Significance, Acceptance and Security This is what God’s Word says about our need for SIGNIFICANCE, “For I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalms 139:14. This is what God’s Word says about our need for ACCEPTANCE, “Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5). And this is what God’s Word says about our need for SECURITY, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that riseth against you, you shall condemn “Isaiah 54:17. “In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever” (Psalm 41:12). I drive a Volkswagen Passat. There are some very critical parts and services that the Passat needs that can only be provided by or through the manufacturer of the vehicle. Volkswagen knows exactly what is needed and has the particular (part) brand—its own—that is needed to fix the problem or address the need and Volkswagen has the tools that are necessary to apply the solution that addresses the need completely. I can go to another manufacturer and get a part or service that is needed, but those parts and services will not address the need as completely or as effectively as that I would get from the maker of the car. NOBODY knows my car, its capabilities and its shortcomings like the people who conceived it, designed it and who built it. NOBODY knows you and your capabilities, and shortcomings like the God who conceived you, and designed you and who created you! NOBODY knows what and when you need like He does. And NOBODY could, or has pre-planned and provided for the solutions for your needs and problems like God has. STOP going to manufacturers—people and things that can’t solve the problem. They cannot solve your problems simply because they did not make you and cannot love you as completely and as effectively as God—Your manufacturer can and does. By design of our Maker, we are all constantly in need for “significance”, “acceptance”, and “security” this is “our daily bread”. These three parts and services keep our lubricants flowing; our engine running and our vehicles (our lives) moving and they are critical to our being able to accomplish the life and purpose for which we were created. If we settle for these parts and services from people or substances we will find ourselves always in a state of dis-repair, confusion, and unmet need. Walter Hawkins and his gospel choir sings a song that proclaims that, “God is the joy and the strength of my life; He moves all pain misery and strife. He promised to keep me and never to leave me; He’s never, ever come short of His word”. Know that God is your joy—your significance—that you are significant to Him—important to Him—valued by Him. Know that God is the strength of your life—your security—He protects and keeps you daily. And finally, my friend, know that you have been completely and without condition, accepted by Him. Stop settling and looking for what you need in the uncertainty of men who themselves need in ways that you can never fulfil. Choose Life!

The Focus Jul 2014


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