The Focus Magazine May 2015

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The Focus

May 2015

Mother’s Day Edition

Hazel Page

They Just Don’t Make ‘em Like This Anymore The Official Magazine of Focused Radio

FocusPoints Momma pg 4 Meaning of a Mother pg 6 Beauty and the Beast pg 9 Spring pg 13 Mother pg 16 Don’t Stop the Music pg 19

Editor in Chief: TommyP Story Editor: Lenai Clegg Photo Credits: Facebook Instagram NuFocus Media

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The Focus May 2015 3

This month you get to know more about the most influential person in my life next to God. A woman whose heart has provided a generous deposit of good will and cheer to just about all that has been in her presence. This woman has touched the lives of many of the strong leaders in the Roanoke community today. No she didn’t graduate from a big university in counseling, she simply understood what it meant to be a “Mom.” In this month’s edition of The Focus, it only made sense for me to talk about a woman who not only brought me in to this world, but assisted me on my path of understanding. Hazel Page not only gave me, my two older brothers, and my little sister a lot, she gave all of our friends and their friends, and their friends, friends the same. This is not a “give them their flowers while they’re still living” thing, this is a “there is no other woman more deserving to me to be the cover story of the Mother’s Day Edition, 2015 of The Focus Magazine” type of thing. Remember to continue to listen to Focused Radio and show someone else how to download it to their computer, smartphone or tablet! #TheStationIsTheApp TommyP

Momma I look at my phone and received a text that says “Momma!!!”, from my 21 year

old son, who lives less than five minutes away from me. My heart instantly jumps in excitement because I haven’t heard from him in a few days, (probably after several unanswered text’s and calls initiated by me!). And then my excitement quickly turns to panic; “What’s wrong?, “Is he ok”?, “Does he need me”? Almost every time, that initial text is followed by, “I miss u momma” with a sad and tearful emoticon. Then my heart is overwhelmed with joy because my 21 year old baby boy still loves me with all of his heart, is still concerned with my welfare, and still needs me (even if its just to hear my voice). Times like these are incomparable to any amount of money or success I could ever achieve.

I believe that a mother’s love is divinely crafted by the “many breasted one” himself. Specifically designed to reach the deepest trenches of the human soul. A mother’s love is imperative for healthy growth; spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Now don’t get me wrong, if a mother does not exhibit these attributes of love, or is not present (mentally, physically, or emotionally), the child(ren) are not doomed to a life of gloom, never able to connect socially or form healthy relationships. But it will be harder.

When a child has the support and love of a

mother, we believe what mama believes. If momma tells us that we are special, and that we can do anything we want in life, we believe it! Conversely, if momma tells us that we are worthless, fat and ugly, and will never amount to anything, we will believe that as well. I’ll never forget the day when I realized for the first time in my life, that everything my momma says is not always what she really believes or is true. I got dressed for school one morning and put on some green jeans (they used to be the “thing” back in the day), and an orange top, and some black shoes. After thorough examination of my selected wardrobe for that day, which my mind was alerting me; “Hey this really doesn’t match, I don’t care how many different angles you observe in the mirror”, I took it to momma for the final determination of truth. Well I asked my mother if I looked ok? That was my first mistake, I should have asked if I matched or looked a hot mess! Well my mother, who could do no wrong, and Everything she said was the irrefutable truth, told me, “Yeah baby you look fine”. “Are you sure momma, I don’t think it really goes together” I said, seeking reassurance. “Yes Lenai, you look fine”. LIES, ALL LIES!!!!, I realized later. As I walked down the hallways of my high school, all eyes were on me. Snickers as I walked by, second looks by passerby’s, and I was feeling increasingly more questionable about my decision to follow my mothers approval this morning. It was at that moment, when I escaped into the girls bathroom and took a long look at my outfit, that I realized my mom LIED to me!!!! Imagine the horror and disdain that this “cool, The Focus May 2015 4

(continued on pg 14)

Meaning Of A Mother The Focus May 2015 6

Hazel Page has been blessed to see a long life by being a blessing to others. The mother of four became known to many in the Northwest Roanoke community as Momma Page and now Granny Hazel.

by TommyP I remember being at my brother Johnny’s Elementary School Graduation and a young lady started singing: Some say love it is a river That drowns the tender reed Some say love it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed Some say love it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love it is a flower And you it’s only seed I was captivated by her voice, but even more at the name of the song, “The Rose.” Sitting next to me was my mom, born Hazel Rose and still giving love to everyone that crosses her path. Just about every student that crossed the stage came by and hugged her (at least all of those that were from NW Roanoke) with pride of going to the next level. Call me a mommy’s boy, (it’s cool, so was Jesus), but I guess the reason why I haven’t had much success in relationships is because it has been extremely hard to find a woman like my mother. After working labor-type jobs during the day, she would always come home and fix dinner (we didn’t do fast food), clean, and get each of her 4 children to there respective sports practices or games. That’s right, she took us! As well as picked up other kids that needed rides. She then was equally involved in the games. Being the personal stats keeper that some times even the official scorekeepers would have to come to her to verify if a kid had fouled out the game or not. That’s what she did for her children and many other parents children who never attended the games or practices. But what she did for her husband, my dad was even more special. My dad contracted spinal meningitis The Focus May 2015 8

during the Vietnam War. He wasn’t supposed to live through it, after being in a coma for a stint. He was crippled for the rest of his life. Needing assistance (even though he was very stubborn at times and wouldn’t recieve it) to do things such as eat, bathe, and sometimes even to get dressed. She held her man down through all the challenges and trust me if you think I am an ABM (angry black man), just like my looks I get that syndrome honestly from my father. Regardless of obstacles she faced, she stayed true to her vow and was there until death did them part. Even though I party hard, I didn’t get that from my mom. I have never seen her smoke and only saw her take one sip of wine (yes my brothers and I finished the rest of the box unbeknown to her when she told Johnny to take it to the trash) in my whole life. I can never thank God enough, nor repay her for being the most precious piece of my life. Yes my dad was there until he died and equipped me, but my mother nurtured all of us better than I could see any of my peers mother’s had. I am grateful she is able to read this, because my life wouldn’t mean anything if I didn’t put it in words how much I love and appreciate my momma before I or she leaves this earth.

We truly appreciate


Veronica Smith Lupus Advocate, Wife and Mother

The Focus May 2015 9

During the month of June, Virginia Blood Services is encouraging donors and the community to celebrate a father, grandfather or other loved one(s) with a blood donation supporting life-saving transfusions that occur every day. The campaign recognizes families who have personally been impacted by the gift of life, or who have supported a loved one impacted by the gift of life, and shown exemplary strength, hope and courage through the process. Learn more at


Those Making it Happen

Will Smith Corrections Officer, Writer, Inspirational Speaker

The Focus May 2015 12

The Focus May 2015 13

New Host

Same Hot Music

(continued from pg 4) trendsetting, leader” was engulfed in at that very moment. I made it through the day, and took on the role of brandishing a “new look”, that other’s hadn’t discovered yet. I was ahead of their time. But inside I couldn’t WAIT to get home. AND my pants were highwaters!!! It couldn’t get any worse. When I walked through the doors of my house and looked at my mother eye – to – eye, I said “Why did you tell me this looked fine this morning”? She replied “It looked fine to me”, while she cried from laughter after I told her about the internal torture I experienced that day. That’s when I realized that although my mother loved me dearly, she was not perfect and that I had to learn to hear and listen to the Spirit inside me for guidance as well. Having a mother and being a mother, I’ve learned that we don’t always do the right things, make the best choices, say the right things, or be all that our children expect of us. In gaining this insight, we must learn to appreciate our momma’s and mother figures, without judgement, and with a thankful and forgiving heart, because God gave us exactly who we needed to conform us into His image. We may not always understand why our relationships are the way they are with our mothers, but we have to trust that God knew what He was doing. Regardless of your relationship with your mother, love her for the gift that she has given you, being used as a vessel to bring forth the love of God in human form. James Ingram said to “love her today, find 100 ways”. Right or wrong, good or bad you only get 1 momma.

Lenai Clegg, Inspirational Speaker The Focus May 2015 14

Mother The Urban dictionary’s definition of As much as society would like to a mother is “the woman who loves think this happens in the majority you unconditionally from birth, the of low income and minority comone who puts her kids before herself munities, this also has happened and the one who you can always to some of Hollywood’s elite. Jay count on above everything else.” Z, Halle Berry, Selena Gomez, Kelly Does this sound familiar. It should, Clarkson, Demi Moore, Alicia Keys, because the majority of women are Samuel L. Jackson, and Sean “Didstanding in this position and/or dy” Combs, are just a few of our cehave been blessed to have a moth- lebrities who were raised by single er who’s the pure definition of this. moms who did an awesome job! So Whether mothering is done with a whether you are married or single, spouse/partner the title “mother” is a noun standing in or by a woman Mother is all encompassthe strength of selflessness standing in her and a verb portraying actions ing. Mother is a strength to do it that will last a lifetime in the noun standing hearts of many all on her own, in the strength mothers deserve of selflessness to be applauded every single day. and a verb portraying actions that And in my opinion single mothers will last a lifetime in the hearts of should be applauded even more. many. People go to work every day Can you believe 4 out of 10 wom- to get paid to pay bills but no one en are single moms. This means 1 can argue that being a MOTHER is out of 4 children under the age of the hardest and most important job 18 are being raised without a fa- on earth. I salute all the mothers ther in the household. Single moms who love unconditionally, nurtures, were once stigmatized as only low teaches, doctors, and gives their income women, careless teenagers, blood, sweat and tears for the sake or women of minority. However, as of her children. You are to be aptime progresses, that stereotype is plauded and may God continue to not accurate anymore. Despite the bless you in your gift of mothering. alarming statistics of women doing it all by themselves, being a single mother has become the “norm” for many women because in this new Tresser Hendersonday in time, women can do it by Author & Mother themselves.

The Focus May 2015 16

Lemony Coconut Cupcakes Ingredients 1 Cup of Sugar 3 Brown Eggs 2 Teaspoons Lemon Zest ¾ Cup Butter room temp 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla ½ Cup Coconut Milk ¼ Cup Sour Cream 1 ½ Cup AP Flour ½ Teaspoon Baking Powder ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda ¾ Cup Grated Coconut Pinch Salt

Frosting 6 oz. Cream Cheese Room Temp 8 Tablespoons Butter Room Temp 1 Teaspoon Lemon Zest 1 – 2 Tablespoon Heavy Cream or Milk – Coconut Milk can also be used ½ Cup Grated Coconut 2 ½ Cup Confectioners Sugar

In your stand mixer using the paddle attachment, cream butter & sugar until light &

fluffy. Add eggs one by one making sure each is mixed in well before adding another. Mix in lemon zest & vanilla. In bowl #1 mix the AP flour, baking soda, baking powder & salt, while in bowl #2 mix the milk & sour cream. Now alternating the flour & milk mixture add them to the creamed mix, beginning & ending with the flour. Line the cupcake pan with papers & fill ¾ full & bake for 18-20 min on 350 degrees. When done cool for about 10 min then remove from pan. To mix frosting cream the butter & cream cheese with the lemon zest & milk - add in the confectioners sugar until fluffy then fold in coconut. If too thick then add additional milk to get to desired consistency. Frost cupcakes & decorate with coconut & lemon zest. Makes about 14 delicious cupcakes.

- By Sweets An Treats 4 U, Tauna Hudson/Owner

Don’t Stop The Music The Nu Nu with Ms. Ki Ki What’s up y’all its Ms. Kiki coming ‘atcha with another edition of the latest in music. Mrs. Janet (Mrs. Jackson if you nasty) hits us with some new music coming out in the fall with a follow up tour. This is something I’m sure true fans have awaited for some time now. Do you remember Velvet Rope? I get so lonely… Yeah that’s her and she’s bringing back that same sound and more. Be on the lookout for the tour dates and the music that I’m sure will skyrocket on the charts! Shout outs to my girl Jilly from philly who gives us another hit and just a sample of her upcoming album. There are no set dates as

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of yet. Her single Fools Gold has us yearning for more. I’m sure she will give us eargasms as she completes this studio album. Last but not least My girls from Floetry are giving us just what we want a REUNION TOUR. They are taking us back to the days of sultry mixed with sexy and passion. There is only one word that comes to my mind when speaking of Floetry, and that is Dynamic . These two sista’s take two different dynamics of art and combine them together, to bring us music like If I was A Bird, Superstar, Say Yes! If you are looking for that summer time feel and want that smooth grove be on the lookout for these ladies as they tour this summer. Peace out y’all


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