Holistic Living


We are moving near the ninth annual Holistic Hub Wellbeing Fest on November 10. It has also been 10 years since Indy Holistic Hub launched its first website and online directory. What a ride! We are completing a cycle and leaning into the next iteration, expansion and revolution for our holistic community.
According to the website Numerology.com, “the energy of the number nine represents completion, but not finality. Think of it more in a cyclical sense; it's about the ending of one cycle and the potential it creates for another cycle to begin. The nine in numerology acts as an usher in this process of transition or transformation, guiding and empowering us with its wisdom. It absorbs answers from a spiritual source, then delivers them to us in the real world.”
What else is in store? Let us find out…
Just northeast of Indianapolis at Hub & Spoke in Fishers. More at holistichubwellbeingfest.com
At an event such as Wellbeing Fest, so much magic occurs. With the intention to empower a healthy lifestyle for Hoosiers, you get to see, witness and experience the many hearts that make such a day magical. The attendees, speakers, exhibitors and event team all synergize, creating a magical swirl that inspires and uplifts.
Mingling magic moments. It is refreshing to see all the smiling faces mingling at Wellbeing Fest - new connections being made, some of which feel like old, familiar friends, and others that nudge us in our own self-growth. There is also grand joy in seeing someone again after some time has passed - the spark of relationships in many forms that inspires one’s own relationship to self, as we are all mirrors for one another on this life’s journey.
Magical care. With plentiful practitioners and vendors across a variety of therapies and offerings, they are sure to tend to the mind, body and spirit on November 10. Your selfcare and healthy practices are not selfish; they are actually serving. Being at our best allows us to better show up for our collective community (family, groups, work, social circles, etcetera). This is a day of great care, and finding just what you are looking for in your and your family’s holistic lifestyle.
Ahas of magical inspiration. Finding a resource you have been yearning for, learning something new to ponder and perhaps dive deeper into, extracting an expanded awareness and realization around something that’s been holding you backthe magical inspiration list goes on.
Magical cycles. What is harkening us forth? Come join us for the ninth annual Holistic Hub Wellbeing Fest. We’d be honored to have you with us.
In Holistic Care, Jenn Seffrin
Writer / KJ McGlinn
In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, finding moments of peace and connection can be a challenge. However, Annie Truesdell, the creator of Godsign Institute, sheds light on the profound messages and synchronicities that surround us every day. In a recent episode of our “Think Holistic” podcast, Truesdell shared her insights on how these "God signs" can guide us towards a more fulfilling and holistic life.
Truesdell's journey into the world of God signs began with a personal experience that opened her eyes to the unseen forces at play in our lives. Reflecting on a friend's unexpected passing, she started noticing subtle yet significant signs that seemed to be messages from beyond. These signs, whether in the form of numbers, colors or animals, served as a reminder of the eternal connection we share with our loved ones in spirit.
Truesdell emphasized the importance of paying attention to these signs. “For people who notice signs, who notice how life speaks to them, it makes it a whole lot easier,” she said. “It reduces anxiety. It's more a holistic approach to life because you find out you're never alone.”
Her perspective on God signs goes beyond mere coincidence or superstition. She delves into the physics of energy fields and the power of intention, showing how our thoughts and beliefs can shape the reality we experience.
In the interview, Truesdell shared some practical tips for individuals looking to explore the world of God signs in their own lives. She encourages listeners to pay attention to numbers, colors and animals that appear repeatedly, as they may hold deeper meanings and messages. By staying open and receptive to these signs,
individuals can invite more positivity and connection into their lives.
Reflecting on her own journey, Truesdell acknowledged the skepticism and doubt that can accompany the exploration of God signs. However, she emphasized the transformative power of embracing these signs with an open heart and mind.
"Life itself is trying to entertain you in such a way that it really is quite fun and easy,” she said.
As we navigate the complexities of life, Annie Truesdell's insights serve as a beacon of light, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. Through the lens of God signs, we are invited to see the world with new eyes and embrace the magic and wonder that surrounds us.
Follow Annie Truesdell and find more insightful content at Godsign Institute. You can also
"It's a Wellbeing Fest and Think Holistic Podcast throwback with our 2021 Keynote Speaker and first-ever podcast interview featuring Richard Brendan!
Listen in as he discusses The Art of Living in the Light of Death.
"Start being kind to yourself."
- Richard Brendan
Listen in as Jenn Seffrin reflects on days prior to launching Indy Holistic Hub and inspired kindred journeys with Audrey Barron, owner of Wild Moon Acres and loving steward of Gaia.
"Connect with the sun. The sun is what brings life to everything on this planet and we've been taught to fear the sun."
- Audrey Barron
The short answer is that tai chi has martial arts applications, and is done standing and moving, while qigong also includes forms that are done seated, and is more focused on internal self-care practices.
How are they similar? Can one do these practices with health issues? What is this thing called qi?
Let’s start with the last question:
Long, long ago, before the “Star Wars” movies - about 5,000 years beforeChinese sages in this galaxy discovered that all living things have vital life force, and they called that force qi (also spelled chi; both pronounced “chee”). Qi flows through and animates all living matter from humans to bugs, from blades of grass to redwood trees, and even Mother Earth herself. Like air, you cannot see qi, but you can sense it and, especially when air or qi are moving, you can feel its effects.
The ancient sages and shamans also learned how to guide qi to specific areas within their bodies for health and well-being. They called these techniques qigong, which most simply translates to “energy practice.” Today there are thousands of forms of qigong, all of which use gentle movement, breath work, visualization and meditative practices. The various qigong practices generally fall within three categories:
• Medical - for health and healing
• Martial - for physical power and self-defense (tai chi and kung fu)
• Spiritual - for elevating your spirit to merge again with the divine
Writer / LinDel Sandlin
So, tai chi is actually a branch of qigong! Though tai chi is also called “meditation in motion,” it was developed specifically for self-defense. Tai chi forms all have a specific set of moving sequences, so it can take more time to memorize the movements. Because it’s only done while standing, tai chi requires the new practitioner to be in a bit better physical condition. The good news is, according to Harvard University studies, with regular practice, tai chi improves muscle strength and flexibility, physical balance, and cognitive functioning.
Are the benefits of qigong the same as tai chi? Yes, due to its more fluid, repetitive nature, moving forms of qigong also improve physical flexibility. Sitting or standing forms of qigong can have additional benefits including relieving internal stress, improving cognitive functioning and mental clarity, facilitating emotional balance, and reducing blood pressure and anxiety.
Qigong's great appeal is that everyone can benefit, regardless of ability, age, belief system or life circumstances. You don’t need special equipment to practice any of the forms. Even practicing just 10 to 12 minutes several times a week is beneficial for your whole being. Better still, you do not need to move to a distant galaxy or become monk-like in order to achieve great benefit. These days you can find qigong and tai chi classes right here in Indy, and you don't need to hijack a spaceship to get there.
May the qi be with you!
LinDel Sandlin can be reached at lindel. smilingchi@gmail.com.
LinDel Sandlin has been teaching tai chi and qigong for 12 years and practicing them personally for over 35. She is also a certified energy medicine practitioner in crystal, sound, and shamanic healing. Because she combines Eastern energy practices and healing modalities from indigenous cultures of South and Central America, LinDel calls her practice Tai Chi Shaman. More at lindelsandlin.com.
Writer / KJ McGlinn
In a world where pets are considered family members, the ability to communicate with them on a deeper level can strengthen the bond between humans and animals. Animal communication, facilitated by professionals like Annie Sever-Dimitri, offers a unique opportunity to understand your pet's thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Through this form of communication, pet owners can address issues, enhance their relationship and provide a better quality of life for their furry companions.
Sever-Dimitri, an animal communicator and member of the Indy Holistic Hub, describes her role as facilitating conversations between animals and their humans, using her intuitive abilities to hear, see and feel the messages from the animals. "I hear them exactly like I'm hearing you, except instead of coming into my physical ears, it comes into what I would think of as my intuitive ears,” she said.
One of the key aspects of animal communication is the ability to address behavioral issues that may be affecting the
pet's well-being. Sever-Dimitri highlighted the common issue of cats urinating outside their litter box, and emphasized the importance of understanding the underlying causes. "Cats peeing outside the litter box is so common,” she said. “It is actually something I've had the most success in helping animals with." By delving into the reasons behind such behaviors, pet owners can take proactive steps to improve their pet's environment and overall happiness.
Furthermore, she discussed the significance of addressing grief and loss in pet owners. “Oftentimes folks will have some grief issues surrounding the death of their beloved pet,” she said. Through animal communication, individuals can connect with their departed pets in the spirit realm, providing closure and peace. This aspect of communication not only helps pet owners cope with their loss, but also strengthens the spiritual connection between with pets.
In addition to addressing behavioral issues and grief, animal communication can also help in enhancing the overall well-being
of pets. By understanding their emotions, physical sensations and preferences, pet owners can provide a more enriching and fulfilling life for their furry companions.
One important aspect of your relationship with your pet is the effect your own energy can have on them. Sever-Dimitri emphasized the importance of self-care for pet owners, saying “I always preach the need for self-care; take care of yourself, and take care of your emotions because it dramatically affects your animals.”
Her approach to animal communication involves creating a safe and supportive environment for both the animals and their humans. “It's really just like going to your therapist,” she said. “Sometimes you need them a little more, sometimes you need them a little less."
This ongoing support and communication channel can strengthen the bond between pet owners and their animals, creating a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
“I always preach the need for self-care; take care of yourself, and take care of your emotions because it dramatically affects your animals.”
Annie Sever-Dimitri
KJ can be seen on Pet Pals TV reaching over 41 million households nationwide each week as well as being the host of the award winning KJ TODAY Show, your place for the positive vibes of pop culture, people to know and pets! She is also the author of the Amazon #1 new release, Raised by Cats: Behind the Mic and the Meows. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband and seven rescue cats. Her experience includes 12 years working in a cats only clinic, she is a Reiki Master and dedicates time to helping multiple animal welfare organizations. Follow KJ on social media here: kjonsocial.com
Annie Sever-Dimitri is a former social worker who transformed her passion for pets and people into her business, Laughing Soul. She has been an animal communicator, psychic medium and reiki practitioner for over a decade. She combines her counseling skills with her psychic and intuitive abilities to assist people and animals in overcoming obstacles to their happiness and health. Annie loves helping animals and humans to better understand each other and find creative, positive solutions to their problems. More at laughingsoul.org.
Leah Wilson’s family was preparing to welcome their next foster child into their home in 2018 when they learned they were ineligible to do so, due to the vaccine status of her biological children. She and her husband were confused because they’d had foster kids before in their home, and their unvaccinated kids weren’t deemed as a threat to the welfare of the foster kids then.
“It became clear that the most vulnerable kids in our state were being used as pawns for an agenda of vaccine compliance, because there was nothing to show that my kids were a threat scientifically or legally,” says Wilson. “We have foster kids in this state who are sleeping on the floor of the Department of Child Services because there aren’t enough safe and loving homes.”
Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing
Wilson had originally gone to law school because she wanted to fight for child welfare and advocacy issues. Knowing that every political grassroots issue could collectively influence policy, Wilson dove back into advocacy full time, focusing on commonsense public health policies. She is now co-founder and executive director of Stand for Health Freedom, a trusted resource for information on safeguarding basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights.
According to Wilson, in 1986, children were getting 23 vaccinations between birth and 18. Then, under the Reagan administration, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed, which acknowledges that vaccines will be harmful to some, but are still necessary. The U.S. government
insulated the industry from any liability for harm or death. Following the passage of this act, vaccines surged to 68 doses between birth to 18, 36 of which are given by a child’s first birthday.
“We saw the vaccine program balloon when liability was removed by doctors and manufacturers,” says Wilson, who notes that there was another shift when a law passed stating that the pharmaceutical industry could advertise directly to consumers, thereby influencing the messages people hear on mainstream television.
“Those things have dramatically affected free speech, access to information, and the unequal control of what it looks like to exercise any option outside of the one pill/one ill model,” Wilson says. “And
where has that gotten us? If you look at the health statistics in the U.S., we are the most vaccinated population and yet one of the unhealthiest.”
As people have become more intentional about what goes into their bodies, they have gravitated towards the health freedom movement, which is a libertarian coalition that advocates for increased access to nontraditional health care and opposes regulation of health practices.
Julie Kline, CEO of Trinity School of Natural Health, maintains that public awareness regarding health freedom has grown steadily through the years, and ramped up following the COVID pandemic. As people become more disenchanted with the pharmaceutical medical model of health care, they are actively pursuing natural health support.
“When transitioning from mainstream thinking, people don’t often seek natural health support for alternatives,” Kline says. “They’re typically looking for integrative care, so we bridge the gap with what we
offer at Trinity School of Natural Health and the Health Freedom Expo.”
Trinity School of Natural Health, launched in 1991 by Kline’s father, Dr. Wendell Whitman, started as a correspondence school where students could complete their program independently or attend optional in-person seminars. It evolved over time, however, and is now an interactive school with flexible online programs that enable students to enroll while simultaneously holding down a full-time job and/or raising a family. Trinity has graduates from all 50 states and over 40 countries, offers 19 programs (two of which are also in Spanish), and boasts more than 30,000 graduates.
Programs range from eight to 40 weeks. The most popular programs at the school are Certified Health Coach and Certified Natural Health Professional. According to Kline, upwards of 30% of their students are repeat enrollments who complete one program and then start another. Herbology and nutrition, for instance, are both very popular specialized programs.
Since its beginning in 2005, Trinity School of Natural Health has hosted an annual Health Freedom Expo. The event has been held at various locations including California, Texas, Virginia and Illinois. This year it’s coming to Plainfield on September 28 and 29 at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center. The exhibit hall is free for attendees, but preregistration is encouraged to expedite check-in at the event. Optional add-ons include speakerroom access and a private symposium with dinner and a keynote speaker.
“We’ve always made it affordable for attendees and exhibitors,” Kline says. “I don’t want financial reasons to limit why someone can’t come.”
The expo, whose tagline is “defending your right to know and the freedom to choose,” provides the public with information to empower them to make informed decisions regarding their health. The exhibit hall invites attendees to taste, touch and sample products and services. In addition, speakers talk about a variety of health and wellness topics. Plus, there are two interactive
discussions, including the annual Health Freedom panel and a new topic titled “America’s Broken Food Industry.”
“In recent years, with lab-grown meat and supply-chain issues, we’ve had such a turn towards homesteading and victory gardening,” Kline says. “We want attendees to be able to ask questions about why the industry has changed and what we can do to fix it in order to take better care of ourselves.”
In addition to the in-person expo in September, there will be a virtual expo on January 25 and 26, 2025.
“We will record all the lectures so those who can’t make the in-person, or even if you were there but perhaps at a different speaking room, have the opportunity to watch or replay the speakers,” Kline says.
Over time, gains have been made in health freedom where legislation is concerned.
“We used to spend all our time fighting bad bills that sought to remove religious exemptions or parental rights, or lower the age of consent,” Wilson says. “This year we saw more good bills and more lawmakers opening their doors to us, as they see these issues as ballot-box issues.”
In 2023, a bill was passed stating that foster care cannot be denied based solely on vaccine status, unless the foster child is younger than six months or is deemed medically fragile.
“There’s been a lot of headway made that will allow more foster-care children to have safe and loving homes in the state of Indiana,” says Wilson.
As the public continues to embrace treating the whole person - body, mind and spirit - natural health and health freedom can flourish.
“People are eager to take charge of their health and make sure resources are available for them,” Kline says.
For more information about Stand for Health Freedom visit standforhealthfreedom.com or in.gov/healthfirstindiana.
Trinity School of Natural Health is located at 220 Parker Street in Warsaw. For more information, visit trinityschool.org and trinityhealthfreedomexpo.com.
· Strip the World Health Organization of jurisdiction in Indiana
· Have independent assessments of any pandemic responses
· Seek food freedom by making sure small farmers are doing what they need to do for their communities without undue regulations placed upon them
· Stop the expansion of health care in schools, and require parents to be present for children
Resources to care for your mind, body and spirit, as well as green and consciouscentered living. Peruse various local businesses and practitioners, and learn about new modalities for your health and well-being. Be your own best advocate by doing some research and choosing what feels like the right fit for you right now.
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Find these and other resources on our online directory at indyholistichub.com
Illuminated Leadership www.illuminatedleadership.co/letting-love-lead 713-385-3085
Holistic leadership development for professionals and organizations heeding the call to learn and grow. Personal, interpersonal and system-wide effectiveness. Graceful change. Sustainable success. Inside-out resilience.
At The Core www.atthecoreindy.com 317-757-9165
Eliminating whatever addictive behavior is causing physical, emotional, and mental distress via movement, mindfulness, and meditation.
KJ Media Company kjontheair.com 317-384-2013
KJ can be seen on Pet Pals TV reaching over 41 million households nationwide. She’s also the host of the KJ TODAY Show, your place for the positive vibes of pop culture, people, and pets!