The Tree | Summer 2022 Magazine

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The essence of Tree of Life flows from our amazing faculty and staff. It is the quality and dedication they bring everyday to the hallways and classrooms that make a lifelong difference in students and families.


I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus. For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart, all are partakers of grace with me.

Never has that statement been more true than in the last several years. When the pandemic hit schools, there was a deep gut check about the priorities and essence of every organization. School responses were all over the spectrum. I praise God that our teachers decided immediately to daily sacrifice their own well-being for the good of their students. In doing so, they provided an incredible example of Jesus' own life in which He came to serve rather than be served. Our students were cared for and taught every day. They did not experience "Covid slide" as did so many other students who now have large gaps in their learning. I am grateful to God for the incredible people who teach at Tree. Of course, the real strength of Tree is the Holy Spirit working in and through the lives of our faculty and staff to love children into loving Jesus. Our educators are a living curriculumpouring their lives into the lives of the students they serve.

Paul highlights his deep affection and appreciation for them in view of their daily participation in the gospel and as fellow partakers of grace. Our faculty and staff invest each day into children as they together participate in the good news of Jesus Christ. Together they embrace His thought system and explore His heart while seeking to align their own to His. And they encourage one another to hold tightly to His hands in seeking to serve others.

TODD MARRAH • Superintendent

Paul's passion for his co-laborers in Philippi resonates with me.

For forty-three years, the teachers have been the strength of Tree of Life Christian Schools.

The Lord tells us about a great storehouse of blessing that He owns (Mal 3:10). Surely He has poured these incredible teachers from that very place. Celebrating Jesus for every single staff member He has sent to Tree,


I’m sure that’s not a surprise to you.

If anything describes the last few years it is to say that things have been shaken. Our family experienced a significant series of shakings over the last decade. We found new avenues to pursue our purpose. We experienced loss of life and the addition of life. We moved across the country, endured the hardship of trauma and unexpected diagnoses, left communities of faith as we moved and looked for new places to belong. All the while we wondered if there would be a place to land, a place where our kids would be encouraged and affirmed in who they are and discipled into who they are called to be. A place where our family would belong after a long season of isolation and searching. Where we could see the hand of God moving among and alongside a people who were desiring the same things we desire. As we watched and waited for the Lord, we knew that we were holding on to promises that were yet unmet. We’d seen Him come through for us every time before, and in ways that we were not even aware that we needed Him to come through for us. Surely He would do it again.

The world has changed.

C. S. Lewis wrote, in a paraphrase of Hebrews 12:27, that “all that can be shaken will be shaken, and only the unshakeable remains.”

Having had the chance to sit down with Todd Marrah a few years ago, I knew his heart and his passion for what education is to look like. I found a great deal of alignment with my own heart as an educator and as a parent. We talked about what God is doing in the realm of discipleship in what seemed to be a new era - a turning over into a new season among His people. It’s clear that people are hungry for more than just a weekly meeting with a message and a few songs, and it’s clear that parents want more for their children than what is offered next door or down the street. After things were shut down for so long many people recognized that they couldn’t go back to the way things were before. They are now looking for something that is more than just a program, a pamphlet, or a routine. They are looking for hope. After an unexpected series of events, we are now almost through our first year at Tree of Life. We have been able to enroll four of our kids, and I have been given the tremendous opportunity to further pursue my calling in education as a member of the Northridge faculty. This year has shown us that Tree of Life is exactly what people are looking for. We know because we were looking for it for some time. What is it? It is a place where the heart is magnified. A place where the students are recognized as individuals, and educated from the heart by the leading of the Spirit of the God who formed them in a homefamily

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What I’m referring to is how quickly and how drastically the world has changed over the last several years. It all seemed to take forever, and yet it was all at a pace that, on this side of things, has left us out of breath and wondering what really just happened.

Change is such an inevitable part of our world that it’s beyond a cliché to talk about it. There is not much that I hate more than cliche, so I won’t talk about how change is inevitable and uncomfortable and whatever else may be the thing that fills in the blank.

victory. I have been surrounded and encouraged by my dear friends, who have become dear friends in such a short time. I’ve seen my calling recognized and affirmed. I’ve felt validated and supported in my pursuit of development and growth. I’ve been prayed for, and prayed over, and prayed with. This is where we have found that we belong. This is where we have found encouragement for this season of our lives, and hope for what lies ahead for our family. Our kids are loved here. Truly and authentically loved. We are supported as parents, and encouraged to press in with loving teachers, administrators, and staff who have loved our kids so well. It has been clear to me that I am an integral part of what God is doing at Tree of Life, and I have been blessed and encouraged to live out my calling here. A tree, as a symbol, carries a tremendous weight of expectation. Growth. Sustenance. Fruit. The promise of the seasons. Safety and belonging. Nurturing and comfort. Strength and integrity. Tree of Life is exactly those things. My family continues to live that reality as students, as parents, as members of the faculty. As the world continues to change, it’s something like a tree to be both the refuge and the bastion that is so desperately needed. the womb and forms them still in the path of discipleship. A place where our kids have found deep friendships and teachers who have prayed for them and with them. It is a place where families are fully supported, encouraged, and equipped to live out the high callings that God has placed on them. It is a place where there is joy, where there is freedom, where the fruit of the Spirit is evident in the lives of the people who dearly love the students and their families. Our questions have been answered. Our needs have been attended to. We’ve formed eternal partnerships with those who’ve chosen to serve our kids. It’s also a place where teachers are honored and celebrated. A place where I am free to express what I know of the Heart of God, and where my colleagues are not colleagues alone, but my brothers and sisters. I have been in several different educational environments over the years. Some have challenged me professionally. Others have placed the focus on student achievement. Some have encouraged me as an individual. None have balanced more than two crucial factors of education as well as staff support and development. But Tree of Life is different. I’ve wept with my brothers and sisters during times of prayer and in sharing our journeys and stories. I’ve rejoiced with them in moments of MIKE O’DONNELL • Middle School English


This is where we have found that we

Investing in the We understand that education is not a one-size-fits-all. We work with each family individually to make sure that Tree of Life will be the best academic and social environment for their student. CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Preschool – 12th Grade With Multiple Campus Locations in Central Ohio Future Join the Tree of Life Community Today! For more information, to schedule a tour, or to apply online visit

HANNAH WRIGHT • High School English


For the past several years, the sophomore class has spent the spring semester reading and studying Victor Hugo’s classic French novel, Les Misérables The novel asks hard questions about the presence of God in the midst of suffering while also displaying what it looks like for a life to be radically transformed by grace. One of the primary characters at the start of the novel, Fantine, is forced to sell her own body to provide for her child after a series of events renders her without community and without hope. However, when a radical act of grace and kindness crosses her path, her dignity and hope are restored, even in the midst of her suffering. Fantine’s struggle, along with other systemic issues portrayed throughout the book, leads to a lot of hard conversations, particularly around how, due to the broken nature of our world, the same injustices that we see played out in 19th century France are still found in our own community today. We look at Scripture and talk about God’s heart for injustice and the “misérables” of the world - those forgotten by society and left to fend for themselves. However, we don’t just stop there. This year, the sophomore class was moved to compassion by the story of Fantine, and they decided that they wanted to help vulnerable women within our own Columbus community.

As a result, the students brought in donations and used their gifts and talents (from designing posters to creating spreadsheets) to put on a donut sale that raised money to purchase materials to make fleece blankets for women in Franklinton. We partnered with a non-profit in the community called Sanctuary Night, a drop-in center that is a “sacred space serving vulnerable women who need a place to rest, eat, connect, and get desired resources.” As many of these women are homeless, warm blankets are a needed resource. The students’ goal was to raise enough money to make 15 blankets, but because of their generosity and passion, they raised over $500 and were able to make almost twice their original goal. One of the primary characters in Les Misérables, the Bishop, tells a suffering soul, “You are suffering; you are hungry and thirsty; you are welcome.” It is hard to ignore the parallel to Jesus’ own words in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” This year, through Biblical integration, students were able to put flesh on a novel written 160 years ago and serve their Savior while serving others.

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In some cultures, music is limited to singing. Other cultures love instruments, while still others incorporate movements or dancing. These differences form beautifully diverse textures of sound, and God delights in them all. It is Christ who brings unity to various methods of making music and worship. Multitudes of different cultures, languages, and music styles together form a beautiful masterpiece of diversity in the ears of our Savior. Heaven will be filled with this rich diversity, and we will rejoice as we worship the Lord together. Each culture brings God their love, gratitude, sorrow, and joy through music. Music is God’s gift that has the ability to connect different cultures and bring unity from diversity.

God also created music for our enjoyment and connection with others. Music allows us to communicate with God and others in a much deeper way by stirring our emotions. Every culture has developed their own style and expression. Differences in the language, instrumentation, and other factors affect the style of music.

worship and diversity through Music

God created music first and foremost so that we would be able to praise and worship the Lord. He tells us to make a joyful noise, as it is written throughout the book of Psalms. "Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth" (Ps. 96:1). God cares most about the sincerity of our hearts. As we focus on our relationship with Him and cultivate a heart for worship, the sounds we produce delight Him. This is important since He is truly the one who deserves our praise and worship.

The closest I have been to experiencing what worship will be like in heaven is when I was attending an international church in Budapest,

Hungary. As we worshiped, I heard at least four or more languages singing simultaneously. I had to stop and marvel at the awesomeness of that moment. To know that we were all singing in different languages, that God heard our individual hearts, and yet we were of one heart in unity was amazing! God’s presence and peace felt tangible in that moment, and it was such a blessing.

Sometimes I teach songs in foreign languages, often traditional songs of other countries, adding dance or other movements as appropriate. At the Polaris Christmas Concert this past year, Shannell performed traditional African dancing while the rest of the students sang in the Lingala language.

My favorite moment was when a student of mine told me that she already knew the song I was teaching, “Yesu Ni Wangu.” Elsie had grown up in Kenya and mentioned that she knew the traditional song because her church sang it in her home country. I knew that it was in a language she knew, but I was unaware that it would have been that meaningful to her. Our kids were learning a traditional Swahili song that people in another country also use for worship today. I was excited to see the connections God was making. As we all experience music of diverse cultures, if we listen for the beauty in the differences, we grow in respect and understanding for each other.

In music class, I try to expose my students to different cultures of music throughout the yearespecially at Christmas time. The goal is to open their eyes to various styles of music, develop a respect for others, and spark an enjoyment for music in cultures other than their own.

SUSAN STETZ • Elementary / Middle School Music



“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, a

TREVOR TOLLEY • High School Girls Soccer Coach, High School Science, Bible

Some have doubted that a school can both disciple students in Christ and educate in the truth. But Tree of Life is doing just that. Some doubt whether a high school soccer program can both win games and focus on developing the character of its athletes. But the Tree of Life soccer programs are doing just that. High school soccer, and high school athletics in general, provide a great opportunity to teach many life lessons: how to play a role on a team, how to resolve personal conflicts for the good of the team, how to rebound from disappointment and loss, how to win with grace, how to make a commitment and follow-through with that commitment - just to name a few. The advantage we have at Tree of Life is being able to point our athletes to Scripture to teach those lessons. In doing so, these lessons teach to the soul and become a part of their spiritual development and walk with God. Sports give players an immediate opportunity to put Biblical truths into practice. For example, this year we had a player respond in a respectful manner to being verbally abused on the field. She commented after the game that one thing that helped her was the devotion that she had just given during our pregame time together and how the words of the verse that she shared kept playing through her own head while on the field. It has been our privilege as coaches to create an environment where winning games and building character are accomplished. It has been our joy as coaches to watch our athletes buy into the environment and realize those team goals in big ways. At our end of the year district coaches meeting where the coaches voted our team for the Sportsmanship Award, three coaches spoke on our behalf, despite the fact that we were the only team nominated. One of the coaches commented, “Tree of Life is always a class act program.” And earlier in the season we had a referee, whose only contact with Tree of Life is through the soccer program, comment, “What I like about Tree of Life is that they are an authentic Christian school.” I’m proud to be a part of the Tree of Life soccer program and the difference it is making in the lives of young athletes.


Team Ethics Award of Merit

This award is given annually to one program in the district, and is voted on by all the coaches of Division 3 soccer programs.

Central District, Division 3 Team Sportsmanship Award

Coach Recipient: Andy Cousens This award is voted on by The Licking County Soccer Officials Association & The Central Ohio Soccer Officials Association with one girls team coach recipient and one boys team recipient from Divisions 1, 2, and 3.

This award is given annually to programs across the nation who have recorded a low percentage of foul play during the course of their season. Given by the Ethics Committee of United Soccer Coaches (USC), the national coaches association. all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

Excellence in Sportsmanship Award

Excellence in Sportsmanship Award

– 1 TIMOTHY 4:8

ANDY COUSENS • High School Boys Soccer Coach, High School Bible


Player Recipient: Adam Puglsey (Class of '22) This award is voted on by The Licking County Soccer Officials Association & The Central Ohio Soccer Officials Association. Adam was one of six players (one of three male players), from Divisions 1, 2, and 3 combined to receive this honor.

Memories and moments! The longer I coach, the more I try to encourage the varsity soccer players to create their own memories and moments that will go with them long after they graduate. For the members of the 2021 team, memories and moments were definitely created. It was a season filled with individual and team honors based on performance and results - win/loss record, goals scored, shutouts, rankings, district, state and regional acknowledgments. These were some significant accomplishments, and are things that the team should be proud of. However, as I reflect on the season, it wasn't about what the team accomplished, but how they achieved those accomplishments. The Tree of Life Varsity Boys Soccer program has been recognized for their sportsmanship in four team, or personal, categories. Each season we emphasize the desire to compete, play hard, and win games, but we also talk about "doing it the right way." The foundational values of sportsmanship within the program have been exemplified by many teams, and each year a new group of young men look to build upon that legacy.

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– DENAE GRIGGS BEYOND our classrooms

Tree of Life has a long history of mission trips. Mission trips are a tangible way to live out what is being taught in the classroom. Most recently, under the guidance of Denae Griggs (Spanish teacher) and Terri Fraser (International Program Director), trips to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica have had lifechanging impacts on Tree of Life students. “A mission trip is not about what you do to help the people where we serve. But rather it’s about getting out of your comfort zone, becoming vulnerable, so that God can break you down and then build you into who He wants you to be.”


During mission trips, students serve the local church and come alongside existing ministry needs and opportunities. Projects and ministry work often include prayer walks, food distribution, VBS programs, manual labor, homeless ministry, worship, and youth sports. In addition to the long hours of mission work, students learn much about another culture through engaging with the local community, eating new food, stretching their Spanish language skills, and experiencing a different way of life first-hand. “It was amazing to take the kids out of their comfort zone, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak into their hearts. One student on the trip was an international student from China, and she was not a believer when we left Ohio. After serving all week, being able to communicate with children in spite of a language barrier, and seeing Jesus under a bridge while doing homeless ministry, she was wrestling and asking lots of questions. During a sunset devotional at the beach, she began praying for another student, and felt the Holy Spirit praying through her. She knew then that Jesus is real, and she wanted to be part of His Kingdom.”

Written by DENAE GRIGGS • Spanish Teacher & TERRI FRASER • International Program Director

Mission trips are an important part of educating the “whole child.” Students’ minds are expanded as they experience different languages, cultures, and customs. At the same time, their hearts are opened to the physical and spiritual needs of others and hands-on service is put into practice.



“The students we took didn’t all know each other, but within just a few short hours, all social walls were torn down and they became a very tight-knit community. They prayed over one another, cried together, and there were some intense moments where years of emotional pain were healed. It was amazing to be part of Jesus’ ministry in their lives during the week!”

“I went to Costa Rica to bless others. I had no idea how much I would be blessed in return. God showed Himself to me in everything we did, whether it was meeting locals, playing with the kids, or doing construction. God was present and I’m so thankful He gave me the opportunity to go on this trip.”

When students say yes to a mission trip, they can expect to grow spiritually, be stretched by new situations, and have lots of fun serving on the team. New friendships are born, and a lasting impact on their relationship with Jesus is made during the experience. Each year it is exciting to see how God prepares hearts to say yes, grows faith during a hands-on trip, and causes young minds to stretch and lean into His plan.


Blessed Servicethrough

EMILY FISHER • 3rd Grade Teacher

The Lord reminded me of an important Biblical lesson this year through two very special people who were generous with their time and volunteered to help me and our Tree of Life community. This lesson is called, “Reverse Economy of Jesus” by author Melissa Spoelstra. She explains this type of economy as God’s way instead of mans’ way. God wants believers to live in such a way that does not always seem logical. John 12:25 reads, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (NIV) When we live to serve others like Jesus, we are the ones who truly gain. Before the beginning of the school year I received a call from a dear friend who was an aide in my classroom four years ago. The Lord brought Lindy Vereide, or affectionately called Mrs. V by students, into my life when I taught fourth grade at a different school. Mrs. V took a break from being an aide during COVID and called over this past summer to see if I would like help in my classroom this year. She wanted to volunteer. What a blessing this has been to me! Mrs. V is a teacher’s dream. She was a librarian for a school and has years of experience working with students. Most importantly she loves Jesus and wants to serve Him by loving others. At the beginning of the year, she figured out my routine and always knew just what needed to be done. She has continued to grade papers, make copies, help me plan special activities for the class, do bulletin boards, and help reteach skills to students who are struggling. There is no job that is too big or too small for Mrs. V I am so thankful for her help. I know Mrs. V would tell you that volunteering in the classroom is also a blessing to her. She loves being around our teaching staff and working with the students. She shared once that she goes home and shares stories about our day in the classroom to her husband. She says that volunteering with children is “life-giving” to her. That is what happens when you serve, you end up not just blessing others…but you are blessed in return. The Lord blessed me with another very special person who volunteered to help me this year. This time it was to help me coach the girls middle school basketball team at Tree of Life. I found out earlier in the year that the person who assisted me with coaching last year was not going to be able to help. I knew at that point that unless someone stepped up to help, I would not be able to coach by myself. Around that time, a player who I coached last year asked if she could help me coach. I was so thankful to the Lord for again providing someone to help. I couldn’t have asked for a better student assistant than Rachellynne Placides. Rachellynne, a freshman at TOL, has a servant’s heart and looks for ways to help others. She was a life-saver to me this basketball season by helping out in a variety of ways. She helped me run practices, took stats during games, and was a huge encouragement to the players throughout the season. One time Rachellynne even had to run the scoreboard for a game. At the end of the season Rachellynn shared how thankful she was for the opportunity to coach with me. Once again, I was reminded that we are blessed when we serve. Jesus was the best example of this type of upside down economy. In Philippians 2:5 we learn, “In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage; rather, He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death-even death on a cross. Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (NIV) When we volunteer our time or resources to serve others, we are being like Jesus. Thank you, Mrs. V and Rachellynne for being willing to serve. You made a difference in the lives of many!

In Matthew 9, Jesus is traveling throughout Galilee and teaching in the towns and villages and He notes to His disciples that there are crowds of people who need the very help that He brings. Rather than fix everything for all of the crowds of people, He says to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Jesus knew that his time on earth was short, but that His message would be carried out by workers for generations to come. At Tree of Life, we see Him working through our school to teach and disciple students–and more and more students keep coming to us. The harvest is plentiful. Over the years He has provided the workers as well. Tree of Life has over many years had a 90% or higher retention rate of employees each year. This year is the same, however, we do have a number of teachers retiring. We are celebrating their many years of service to Tree and will miss them all dearly. We also are growing and need more teachers. This year our trust in His provision has been challenged by the fact that our nation is in the midst of a hiring crisis. Every industry has faced it; transportation, food, business, and even schools. And so this winter we began to pray more earnestly to the Lord of the harvest for workers. God is sending the students; would He also send the workers in a time when finding workers is so challenging? He always has in the past. Would He again? This has been our prayer. And in His grace, we see Him answering. Almost daily we receive inquiries from potential new teachers and staff desiring to join our team. Join us in our prayer for the Lord of the harvest to provide. We are hiring elementary teachers, high school teachers, office staff, substitute teachers, coaches, and would even love to hire more bus drivers. Join us in praying to the Lord of the harvest. He is faithful. He will do it.

LYNN TOLLEY • Assistant Superintendent

Pray to the Lord of the harvest...”

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How God meets the challenges of finding school staff


We are blessed to have a community that cares for one another and shares in the school’s mission and all of the amazing work that the Lord is doing. We are blessed that this Tree community includes you! Thank you for your support! Together we can meet the needs of our families. send checks made out to Tree of Life in care of the Tree of Life Fund to 935 Northridge Rd. Columbus, OH 43224 for other ways to give, call the advancement office at 614.784.2795 Scan QR Code to Give Online or go to


For over four decades Tree of Life has always been about people. We are blessed to serve a beautifully diverse school community that God has created. By His provision we have students attending from more than 184 churches, 29 school districts, and 61 different zip codes throughout central Ohio. The Need Over the past year the request from families needing financial help to attend our school has more than doubled. How You Can Help Approximately 1 out of 4 students that God brings to Tree of Life needs financial assistance to be able to attend. The Tree of Life Fund makes this a reality. Without this fund, we would likely miss the opportunity to serve many of the families who desire to attend or stay at Tree. Additionally, the Tree of Life Fund helps close the gap between the actual cost of a Tree of Life education and tuition. Would you consider giving a gift to help more families experience the love of Christ through Tree of Life Christian Schools?

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Alumni Updates Tree of Life has over 1300 alumni who are doing amazing things all over the world. If you are a Tree alumnus or are the parent of an alumnus, kindly help make sure that we have accurate contact information and share great stories of what God is doing in your life. Send an email to Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers are a critical part of Tree of Life Christian Schools. When you give of your time and talent as a volunteer, our students greatly benefit. To discover service opportunities within our school community, email Join Our Team God has always been faithful to provide highly qualified and dedicated faculty and staff to Tree of Life. Each year, we have a variety of employment opportunities available. To learn more or to inquire about specific job postings, email Stay Connected

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. – Colossians 3:16

28 | Tree of Life Christian Schools | USNONPROFITPOSTAGE PAID COLUMBUS, OH PERMIT NO. 2965 @TOLCS 935 NORTHRIDGE ROAD COLUMBUS, OHIO 43224 the TREE Each year Tree of Life Christian Schools is fortunate to have businesses like yours that believe in our vision and mission and choose to participate in the school community through Business Partnerships. We work to develop a true partnership by offering a wide variety of promotional opportunities, with the added benefit of your advertising dollars going directly toward Tree of Life’s commitment to excellence in private Christian school education. Let’s Talk! Email us at advancement@tolcs.orgGET STARTED BUSINESSNOWpartnerships Todd Marrah Superintendent Lynn Tolley Assistant Superintendent Yohana Hill Chief Advancement Officer theTREE is a publication of Tree of Life Christian Schools. To contact our team about this publication, please email: Clintonville Campus 50 Westview Ave. Columbus, OH 43214 Dublin Campus 2900 Martin Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 Polaris Campus 2150 East Powell Rd. Columbus, OH 43035 Northridge Campus 935 Northridge Rd. Columbus, OH 43224

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