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Stellenbosch polymer science postgrad

shines on international stage NONKULULEKO Radebe, an MSc student in polymer science at Stellenbosch University (SU), was awarded the prestigious Borealis Poster Award at an international conference on polymer analysis and characterization (ISPAC 2017) in Linz, Austria, recently. Prof Peter Mallon, head of the Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science at SU, says this is an outstanding achievement and shows that the department’s postgraduate students can compete with the best in the world. The International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterisation (ISPAC) is an international forum for the presentation of cutting-edge WHFKQRORJLHV LQ WKH Âż HOG RI SRO\PHU analysis and characterization. For her MSc project, Radebe combined two highly specialized WHFKQLTXHV QDPHO\ WKHUPDO Âż HOG Ă€ RZ fractionation (ThFFF) and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), to determine the structural properties of complex polymers in terms of their molecular weight distribution and chemical composition distribution. She explains: “Polymeric materials are used in many industries and understanding the structural properties of these materials is imperative to the development and production of products. Furthermore, the data can be used for quality control purposes, comparison of supplier materials and design of production lines. The abovementioned techniques are also used to characterize unknown materials and

Nonkululeko Radebe received the award at the event in Austria recently

polymer mixtures.â€? The title of her poster was ‘Multidimensional analysis of polymers XVLQJ WKHUPDO Âż HOG Ă€ RZ IUDFWLRQDWLRQ DQG Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy’. After matriculating in 2011, Radebe applied at several universities for programmes ranging from law to accounting and engineering. When she was accepted for a BSc in Chemistry and Polymer Science at SU, she had no idea what polymer science was, “but it sounded like something cool to say I was studying!â€? By her third year of study, she developed an interest in polymer science. In her honours year, she approached her

current study leader, Prof Harald Pasch, about the possibility of doing an MSc in his research group. “Fortunately, he had a project for me and I did not hesitate in taking the opportunity,â€? she continues. She plans to complete her MSc thesis by the end of the year and then to pursue D 3K' LQ WKH VDPH Âż HOG But she also wants to inspire young people to use science to explore the challenges facing society today: “One day I want to be in a position where I can put more effort into investing in women WR VWXG\ VFLHQFH DQG LQĂ€ XHQFH GHOLEHUDWH systematic changes that will allow racial and gender diversity in science.â€?

New vinyls supplier Vynco ZA starts VICTOR Boehmer has started Vynco ZA, a supplier of various vinyl materials and chemicals, in Pretoria. Vynco is the Sub-Saharan Africa agent for Inovyn, a European manufacturer of general purpose vinyls (reputed to be the leader in Europe); specialty vinyls (second in Europe); and chlorine; caustic soda; caustic potash; chloromethanes; epichlorohydrin, allyl chloride among other chemicals. Most of these materials The team at yVnco in Pretoria includes iVctor Boehmer and Rensche de iVlliers 70 DEC 2017 / JAN 2018

are destined for the wider chemicals sector. Victor previously headed up Solvay in South Africa, for 10 years, where he was involved in the sale of the European manufacturer’s PVC materials as well as the specialty polymer range. $OVR DW WKH QHZ 9\QFR RI¿ FH LQ 3UHWRULD is Rensche de Villiers, who has about 21 years’ experience in material supply management and logistics.

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