2009 01 clarion

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Volume 9

Jan / Feb


Dear Fellow Toastmasters, good news: the location of the District Spring Conference is fixed! Düsseldorf will be the place from the 22. - 24. May. In the invitation by Dirk Löffelbein you will find information at first hand. The latest updates are on the District conference website. Attention: The Early bird registration closes February 15th. A very unique Toastmasters year for our District has approached its second half. After Bamberg became the alternative location for the District Fall Conference, the Toastmasters family now experiences the take over of our semi-annual main conference a second time. Morag and her team prepared the frame for a great conference in Bamberg- thanks again! On the website you find a link to the photo section. A conference teams always has intensive experiences in team development and project management. These experiences are besides speech-giving an important part of Toastmasters. How to keep a human perspective when there are some obstacles in the way - Ellen Hermens (LT Governor Education & Training) gives you an overview. How to use your creativity ressources - Ash Si has some ideas to share. And if you haven´t become part in mentoring - Joanne Telser has some wonderfull arguments why you should start learning in the whole circle. Technically some changes happened in the last month you are probably not aware of: the website changed to a new provider and the Easy Speak support team was very active. New features for running clubs and their meetings were installed - Bill Monsour informs you about the ongoing activities. Additionally you will find an invitation for a charter party in Antwerpen at the end of February. Enjoy the last days of winter and I´ll be happy, if you like to share some articles to warm up the beginning of spring. Ingo PRO 08/09

Come to Düsseldorf in May



street Kö (Königsallee). fashion shopping: Düsseldorf is Germany`s fashion capitol with lots of ateliers that you can visit – we`ll provide you with details in the coming weeks experience arts of all kinds: Düsseldorf has a number of famous museums and exhibitions as well as numerous art dealer showrooms. Again, watch out for our recommendations coming soon.

Dear fellow Toastmasters, I have the joy to invite you to the upcoming DistrictConference which will take place from May 22nd to May 24th in Düsseldorf, Germany. Registration is open: http://conference.district59toastmasters.org/home/



If you never attended a district conference – this is the time to close the gap:

experience classic cars: go visit Meilenwerk: http://www.meilenwerk.de/Meilenwerk_Duesseldorf_index.php visit Schloss Benrath in the south of Düsseldorf http://www.schloss-benrath.de/en/portal_stiftung/bootportal.asp

A District 59 conference is a unique way of meeting great people from all over continental Europe. It`s an opportunity to experience great speeches (at round four of the international speech contests in English, French & German) as well as listen to great evaluations – again in English, French & German. It`s a chance to learn from various educational sessions – presented in English or German – Ellen Hermens, our LG Education and Training, is currently putting together the programme. And the Düsseldorf Spring Conference is an opportunity to have lots of fun: we`ll have dancing lessons (Salsa) and a DJ for the after-gala-dinner dancing party. We`ll organize two guided tours of different areas of the city – one on Friday evening at 19:00h and one on Sunday, directly after the conference closes. We will have an unofficial gathering on Friday evening to meet and greet your old and new friends. And be ready for a farewell lunch after the tour on Sunday. What else could you do during your stay in Düsseldorf? - general sightseeing & shopping: the venue, the Intercontinental Hotel, is located in the very heart of Düsseldorf, on the city`s posh shopping




visit world heritage Zollverein, a coal mine & coking plant in Essen http://zollverein.de/english/index.php?f_categoryId=3 dream of the universe: the exhibition 'Star Gazing – Wonders of the Solar System' in Europe`s tallest exhibition hall – a former gas tank - with a spectacular view from the roof, 117 meters above the ground - http://gasometer.de/en_GB/ index.php ride Wuppertal`s famous suspension line, the ‚upside-down’-train from 1901. http:// www.schwebebahn.de/#



see http://www.duesseldorf.de/en/index.shtml for more touristic information on Düsseldorf

electronics shopping: Germany has rather low prices on electronics

We are sorry that due to a historic love-hate-relationsship, we are unable to tell you about places possibly worthwile visiting in the southern neighbourhood of Düsseldorf, like the Cologne cathedral or the Roman Germanic Museum in Cologne ;) Check the conference website on a regular basis – we`ll keep updating it. Düsseldorf is very easy to reach – if you`re flying in you have the choice of four airports: Düsseldorf, Cologne, Dortmund and Weeze/Düsseldorf-Niederrhein. If you`re coming by train, the venue is just 2 metro stops from the central train station. And for those coming by car: we`ll keep you posted on inexpensive/free parking near the venue.

The Düsseldorf Conference Team is doing their very best to organize a fun conference that you will never forget. I have attended the last ten District Conferences – and I am surely not going to miss this one ☺ I`m hoping to see you in Düsseldorf, soon Kind regards

Dirk Löffelbein

Your Conference Chair

How far are you with your goals? I know – you probably think now: „Ellen´s again with goals. It´s her job as LGET.“ And you are right – my topic is again your goals, but not only as LGET. I coach clients regularly and it is one of the key success factors to set a goal. Set a goal for the speech, set a goal for your progress, set a goal for your personal growth.

Create a vision that thrills you and drives you no matter what happens. Big Vision and big Goals Let´s start with the vision – why is it important to have big visions? That´s easy – a vision drives you and helps you to know why you develop yourself. But if there occurs an obstacle – with a small goal it could be easily hidden. When you encounter an obstacle and you cannot see your goal anymore – it´s easy to give up. Therefore I recommend BIG GOALS - a big goal is one you can always see guiding you. Think big! There is a saying: „Head for the moon – even if you fail you end up among the stars!“ So where are you? So where are you concerning your goals? – Well on the road or can you even push it a bit? Often we take our goals too easy and can achieve a lot more with a little more effort. The most successful people just tend to go one Stepp further than the rest. One Stepp – what does this take for you? Make it specific Do you have a specific goal? I don´t mean like achieving CC or ACS or anything. I think of a goal like: „I want to speak with comfort to 200 people and motivating them“ – for that it´s quite useful to achieve the Competent Communicator or Advanced Communicators. I myself never had in mind simply achieving DTM but rather to inspire and enthusiast an audience of 3000 people – I still work on that. DTM is simply a milestone which helps me achieving m goal. Think of anything like that. For the new year I wish you a thrilling big vision where you want to be. Remember: Toastmasters is there for YOU and YOUR SUCCESS. Ellen Hermens, DTM Lieutenant-Governor Education & Training

Where is Creativity Hidden? – Ash Si

(Munich Toastmasters)

Creativity is something that can help in many areas of your life, including public speaking. Let me offer three tips to help you nourish your creativity: 1. Subconscious Mind is one of the sources of creativity. The more we can tap into it, the more we allow creativity to flow. Mostly, we rely on our conscious and objective mind. Although it has its merits, we restrict ourselves to a linear way of thinking. Yet, creativity requires more than linear thinking. This is why the subconscious mind plays such an important role in finding creative insights. There is an example of a German Scientist who was working on a Chemical formula for Benzene and arrived at the solution in his sleep. That is another thing about the Subconscious mind, it plays a role even when we are not actively seeking it. 2. Stimulated Conversation helps to generate creativity. Especially with a group which is interested and engaged in a conversation. There are moments where solitude especially helps when one in coming up with creative ideas. At the same time, however, having a conversation with a engaged group can help to identify the best ideas with which to make an impact.

3. Being Good to Oneself means eliminating inner turmoil. The more we can practice going beyond inner turmoil, the more we free up space for creative thinking. Use these tips to let your creative juices flow. You will be very glad you did.

GOING THE WHOLE CIRCLE When the Mentee becomes the Mentor

By Joanne Telser, ACS, ALB

Area B4/59 Governor

Dear Mentee Anita, I will always remember the first time we met. It was in the classroom of a little language school in Paris. I wasn’t destined to work there for long, but I have often thought that the only reason I was there at all was to meet YOU. My first memory of you is of a beautiful, confident dynamic woman who I thought that I would like to know better. During that very first conversation, I mentioned Toastmasters and invited you to a meeting. I’ll always remember that you said you had heard of Toastmasters and had been planning to attend a meeting – someday.

Our paths parted for several months. Then one day you called me and said that, yes, you would like to come to a meeting. It was then that I discovered that, in fact, you were uncomfortable about speaking in public. No, not uncomfortable – terrified! Even during a meeting with colleagues, you couldn’t express yourself without trembling, shaking, sweating, panicking… So, you came to your first Toastmaster meeting. You joined our club, Toastmasters of Paris and I volunteered to be your mentor. What a wonderful experience! Anita, mentoring you has been so enriching for me. I never knew that I would gain so much by working with you. Today, after two years and a big investment on your part, you have come a long way. On June 20th, 2006 you earned your CTM. But, let’s go back to your icebreaker speech. You came to my house to practice. I will always remember that first session which lasted several hours. The first thing I told you was to put down your notes. “I can’t do my speech without notes,” you replied. “I don’t know it.” “Sure you do, it’s your life!” I replied. “No, I am afraid,” “Of what?” I said, “It’s just me – and my cats” And with that, I grabbed your notes and you started your speech. It was a great speech -- funny, informative and very well-structured. That first day, I knew I was mentoring a winner!

You did your icebreaker WITHOUT NOTES and impressed everyone in the club. No one could have imagined how hard it was for you; you looked so confident. I knew, however, that it was your first major achievement. By getting up in front of a crowd of people you didn’t know very well yet, and opening your heart to them, you made it over the first, most difficult hurdle. You didn’t win Best Speech that night, although I thought you deserved it. All of your other speeches have been excellent and you have won Best Speech several times.

I especially loved one of your first speeches. You explained how addictive Toastmasters can be, how one can get “high” on the experience. Then there was “I do it with my left hand” – a very provocative title, as most of your titles are – about painting with your left hand and its relationship with the brain. I also especially appreciated the speech you dared to do for an Evaluation competition – about Reiki. You received five evaluations on that speech – all of them very positive. That was one of the few speeches which I didn’t have the pleasure of helping you with. I couldn’t since I was a contestant of the same contest. I won that contest – thanks to you! Everyone in Toastmasters of Paris will always remember your 9th speech. The objective was to persuade your audience to do something. Your subject: Boycott Bullfighting. It was a memorable speech. It was informative, moving, passionate – the audience was in awe and the applause lasted for at least 5 minutes. It was a prize winning discourse, Anita, and no one in that room was prouder than me – your mentor. Last year you achieved your ACBronze and you are already working hard on your silver. I am so proud of you!! Not only have you made great progress in your public speaking, but you have taken an active role on the Executive Committee. Your first position was Sergeant at Arms, followed by Treasurer and VP Public Relations. You have been elected VP Membership for 2008 – 2009 and I am sure you will do the job with your usual energy and dedication. In fact, we already have four new members since we began our meetings in September – and two more people who have expressed their desire to join. Anita, I also want to tell you how much I appreciate your advice. How many times have I turned to you for your feedback when I am doing a presentation? Your evaluations are truthful, precise and extremely helpful. We have gone the whole circle; the mentee has become the mentor. Today you have taken on the role of mentoring and I hope that it will bring you as much satisfaction as it has brought me. Last but not least, not only do I have the personal satisfaction of seeing you progress, but I have gained a true friend. Someone I can turn to at any time, and someone whose advice and empathy has helped me through tough times. Congratulations, Anita, and thank you for being my mentee. Your mentor and friend, Joanne

The easy-Speak update corner

L’easy -Speak est très chique!

“Yes, we can.” “We want change.” “There is hope” and easySpeak is at hand. Not only that, it only keeps getting better. I’m talking about the “online knowledge management system” that over 100 clubs in our district are using for scheduling their speeches and roles, tracking CC and CL award progress in the club, the storing of club documents and making communicating within and between clubs nice ‘n ‘easy.’ Your support team for easy-Speak is busy fine-tuning and installing new features all the time. We are translating the vast knowledge base into various languages, as well as the automatic email messages used for planning meetings. We are building a ticket-system for running a helpdesk, and we are adding a system for registering attendees of area, division and district conferences – all things to streamline and simplify the administrative work of club, area, division and district officers. Don’t be a geek. Use easy-Speak !

“Absolutely everything about the Toastmasters experience is a learning opportunity” and developing the easy-Speak system for District 59 is no exception. Maybe you would like to learn by joining the fun support team on the helpdesk or with programming? Just let us know.

We encourage all clubs in District 59 to register their officers on their club’s homepage at www.district59.eu (easy-Speak). All the district officers will thank you for making it easier for them to send you important announcements. And, you will enjoy finding your district officers easily.

If your club is not yet registered, “Outstanding point - using easy -Speak to register and assign roles, etc. of if your club would like to actifor the Division B Conference. That was just ingenious!” -- Linda vate all the many features for Kennedy, Lt. Area B1 Gov. Communication supporting your club, let us know. Sponsored by District59, it is all free for you to use, even for new, prospective clubs that have just received their club number from TMI. Yes, you can. Find your winning streak with easy-Speak ! Visit us at the easy -Speak stand in Düsseldorf. Look for Toastie the easy Speaking bear.





Boating & partying & dining& dancing through Antwerp Harbour ‘’The foundation myth of Antwerp’’ – Daniel Ocsinberg – President TM Antwerpen Toastmaster of the Evening- Guido Jaramillo E.T.D. boat from ‘t Steen in historic Centre: 16.00 hrs Meeting up any time as from 14 hrs in ‘‘Brasserie het STADSCAFE’ Kay along the Schelde - corner the longErnest van Dijckkaai & Suikerrui (1) opposite the huge Antwerp Eye (like the London Eye) and opposite our boat GSM: +32-(0)-498.523.171

Optional: at 14.30 hrs. a walk through historic Antwerp with club-guide

Please mail us asap: charter.tm.antwerp@ gmail.com Payments during February ’09: Price per child till 12 years old

Euro 55,Euro 5,-

Babyroom + babysitter(s) available Payments: Bankaccount: 063-4732813-24 Name: Daniel Ocsinberg Toastmaters Bicc: GKCCBEBB Iban: BE41 0634 7328 1324 Hotels in Antwerp: bookings.com/antwerp


Imprint: Editor: Ingo Cremer Editor´s address: pro@district59.org Web: www.district59.org Many thanks to: Bill Monsour & Ellen Hermens

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