How Noah Knew What to Do

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If Noah wasn’t a shipbuilder, how could he build an ark?

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A man named Noah had a wife And lived a very godly life, And so God thought old Noah could Do anything God thought was good. He called on Noah one fine day, And this is what God had to say . . .

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“Noah, things are not too pleasing. Everything on earth is wheezing, Getting sicker every day, Taking all the joy away. “So I’ve decided what to do, And here’s My plan—it’s up to you . . .

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“I’m going to take away the sun

And make it rain on everyone.

It’s going to rain, it’s going to pour,

For forty days and then, no more . . .

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“I’d like for you to build an ark— A floating family zoo, And take the animals I’ve made In groups of two by two.

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“Take the little crawling ones, The flying ones, the walkers. Take the mooing, crowing ones, The groaners and the talkers . . .

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“Keep them in a safe, dry place Until the storms all pass, And then I’ll call and let you know Just where to find dry grass.” 00-01-Noah.indd 9

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Well, Noah listened to God’s plan. He listened to each word. And then he answered back to God, (Well, this is what I heard . . .) “I’ve never raised a hammer. I’m a farmer, don’t Ya know? But if You think that I’m Your man, I’ll give this boat a row.

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“But one more thing I’m wonderin’ Since I am not a vet, Is how I’ll know just what to do When everything is wet.

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“How will I wake the elephants And fill their trunks with food? How will I keep the lions From a growling, roaring mood?

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“How will I watch the little birds And bees and bears and mice? How will I make this floating bark A place that’s warm and nice?”

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Well, God just smiled at Noah And said, “Go find your wife, And take your kids and gather things You’ll need for your new life.”

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Noah quickly nodded, For he already knew That there was nothing just ahead That God would not see through.

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And then he sat and pondered . . . How do you build an ark? He looked at all God’s blueprints For crafting things with bark.

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And so he found some cypress And some other kinds of wood. He gathered pitch and tar and rope And everything he could.

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And once he started on the plan, He found that he just knew Where to put the bow and stern And where to put the crew. He knew the ship from side to side. He knew it inside out. But just before the rains all fell, He had another doubt.

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He asked the parrots what they thought. He asked the turtles too. He asked the owls for wisdom, ’Cause he thought they surely knew.

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