Tamborine Mountain News

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Vol. 1321 Tuesday Feb 21, 2012 Compiled & edited by volunteers for the Tamborine Mountain Community

Protecting the things we value


LMOST 900 submitters made the effort to protest against the bid by Gillion Pty Ltd to have its illegal ground-water extraction enterprise at Power Parade, Mt Tamborine, declared legal. The Scenic Rim Regional Council agreed with the submitters, ruling that the enterprise should cease because it violates the regulations with regard to zoning, public interest, need and local amenity. Gillion Pty Ltd has appealed to the Planning and Environment Court to have the Council’s ruling overturned so that it might continue to extract something more than 20 million litres of water each year from its Power Parade bore, and tanker it off the mountain (to be sold back to us in plastic bottles as “spring water”). SRRC is the respondent in the case and 83 of the 900 submitters elected to co-respond with Council against the Gillion appeal. Some of these 83 will represent themselves in Court, but the majority will be represented by a couple of people acting for the rest. P. & E. court procedures usually mean that legal counsel is required, together with experts in the fields of town planning, noise, traffic and in this case hydrology. Legal counsel and these experts cost money and whilst Council has funds for such matters at its disposal, the 83 co-respondents (many of them retired couples) who chose to try to help defend the Power Parade precinct against commercial exploitation do not have such funds.

After the TMPA Community Briefing at the Community Centre on Sunday afternoon, Derek Swanborough discussed further details of the complex Local Government Act with Shirley Lindenmayer, Jim Inglis, Nadia O'Carroll, John Brennan, Richard Peak and Roly Lindenmayer. Story page 13. The Progress Association will be holding its traditional Meet the Candidates meeting on Sunday, 15th April, at the Community Centre.

To protect Power Parade and to prevent a negative result in the court becoming a precedent for the exploitation of other such peaceful neighbourhood streets, those corespondents, in all prudence must liaise together and engage legal counsel and experts of their own to back up those hired by Council and refute arguments of those hired by Gillion. It is a sad fact that one can obtain as much justice in the courts as one can afford. It is therefore imperative that as many as

possible of the 900 submitters, together with any other like-minded defenders of our mountain values, help out the 83 corespondents by contributing to the fund that has been set up for that purpose. Donations can be made to the NAB account as detailed below. This is a vital matter. Power Parade today, somebody else’s quiet street tomorrow! Account name: Rip water fighting fund; BSB 084-263; Account number 125098160.


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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, It has been a while since we as a family had visited Tamborine Mountain from the Gold Coast, so you can imagine our dismay when just last week we arrived to find a plateau divorced from, it would appear, any form of order, control, regulation, direction, structure, care, maintenance or pride! What has happened? Where is the council? Where is the Chamber of Commerce? No wonder there are so many properties for sale. Another sore point – signs everywhere. Too many real estate signs, pointer signs, badly hand written signs of all descriptions, illegal signs, fallen signs, faded signs, overall

it must be a sign of the times! Then one drives through Curtis Falls which used to be a Mecca for tourists, now with those run-down shops and the obviously abandoned Pavilion restaurant – it looks like something from the third world. Wake up Tamborine Mountain – no longer The Green behind the Gold – more like “has been”! This is one Gold Coast family that will not be back for a long time until order has been restored. S Thompson Robina See Councillor comments, page 14

Dear Editor, The ugliness of Gallery Walk Walk, stroll – don’t drive down this once beautiful place and what do you see? Large steel gates, once there were few if any, some galvanized and unpainted farm gates. Ugly white and other colour concrete slabs where once flowers and shrubs were tended and grew well. Overgrown weedcovered vacant land. Untidy OPEN signs left out when businesses are closed. And blessing of all, a large plastic bottle where a beautiful one hundred year old mountain tree once grew. The philistines with their lack of taste and no sense of mountain beauty have moved in. Lack of parking – why? Mostly because

parking provided by business owners and lessees for customers is taken up by staff. Who wants customers? Gallery Walk, once the show case of Tamborine Mountain is now just the main street of another fading Queensland village. Come on, Gallery property owners, you have a property in one of the best places in Queensland. Stand outside your property, look at it, see it as your customers see it. Does it have the look of a place in keeping with a once beautiful mountain village? Yes, there are some properties that are a credit to their owners – tidy and wellpresented, and in keeping with the main street of a mountain village, but sadly they are in the minority. Mal Longmore

Dear Editor, With respect to Mr. Inglis's letters that have been written about the Beyond Zero Emission concept: The number of scientists recognizing a significant link between global warming and carbon emissions are in the absolute majority. The ones that try to refute this trend are more than likely receiving research (and other) contributions from big business with vested interests in fossil fuel consumption. The concept presented by BZE is a great one. If Australia were to adopt most or even some of BZE's goals, the nation would rise to become a respected member of the global community in relation to environmental stewardship. Are we in some cases so egotistical and self-centered that we do not care whether or not our children and their children have clean water and fresh air, or even a life at all?? In the best case scenario(which is debatable) there is no global warming. But if we can agree that there is such a phenomenon, wouldn't it be fantastic if it were just a temporary and more or less

natural shift in temperature that we were not responsible for? Unfortunately a majority of serious research shows that global warming is real AND that we can do something to improve the degenerating trend. In any case, is it not worth being safe rather than sorry?? In the improbable likelihood that the global warming problem will go away on its own, how much have we lost if we have been able to build a national powergrid that is entirely sustainable? The answer is Nothing. We would have gained sources of power that can sustain us when finite fossil fuels run out, which they will. And how much do we have to lose if we are able to reverse an eventually deadly Global Warming, but choose not to? The answer to that: Everything! And with respect to Mr. Leisten's opinion about only teaching children "basic science": what kind of mind-numbing censored society would you like us to be, where no new ideas or developments are discussed or encouraged? You would send Australia back into its murky past forever. Yrsa Mahaffy

ERRORS & OMISSIONS – While every care is taken with the copy and advertisements, the Tamborine Mountain News cannot be held responsible for errors or their effect. Positioning of classified and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. The Tamborine Mountain News reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, omit or re-classify advertisements for any reason. The Editors at all times reserve the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. Readers are reminded that letters to the editor must bear a full name, address and signature and should preferably be typed. The views expressed in Letters to the Editor and non editorial copy carrying the author’s name, are not necessarily those of the Tamborine Mountain News nor is responsibility accepted for accuracy of information therein. Inclusion of an advertisement for a product or service should not be seen as an endorsement by Tamborine Mountain News.


Dear Editor , Re: Councillor Swanborough comments on Drainage Vol 1320 07/02/2012. Of the 3 categories of people’s drainage problems my house falls into the first, built in areas of natural watercourses / bottom of hills. The Councillor’s comments that this will never be fixed due to the economic impact it will have on council is not helpful to the people who are directly affected. Council has a process of administration, planning and inspection for which they charge a fee. Isn’t this supposed to make sure all properties reach some predetermined standard for current and future residents? There are many such properties that have been impacted by past and inevitably future meteorological events. This brings into question the adequacy of council planning, inspection and engineering capabilities.

If the job of allowing houses to be built in sensitive drainage areas had been done properly, the drainage would be adequate for the purpose and be maintained in an orderly and efficient manner PRIOR to a flooding event. WE actually do pay for the privilege of this to be done, it’s called planning and inspection fees and rates! We have been bombarded with billboards and advertising so one could well imagine that council had knowledge of the impending events, but where were the maintenance crews clearing table drains and undergrowth? Are we getting value for our rates money on this mountain? I for one find it questionable particularly when Council can suggest spending $5million on a library in Beaudesert and cry poor over some of the real issues they are there to administer. Paul Leahy

Dear Editor, How can any human predict without error and thus prevent flooding from something that has baffled mankind since the beginning of time – the weather. The Pharaohs in ancient Egypt invented the Nilometer, a river-gauge that measured the rise of the flood waters of the Nile at Aswan (North of Lake Nasser on the Nile where the Aswan dam was completed in 1970). The measurements determined the taxes to be paid by the farmers along the Nile and its Delta that produced the crops (for better or worse) resulting from the beneficial annual rainfall. Therefore, we may well ask in this modern scientific and "knowledgeable" age why mankind shouldn’t be able to determine from experience, world-wide scientific weather observations, common sense,

history, tradition, expert artisans, artificers, the best constructors, long range weather analysis and the best engineers available how to devise a proper, safe and foolproof method of releasing water from huge dams during the various periods in the monsoon season affecting Queensland from November to March inclusive, instead of relying on a manual with what appears to be vague symbols of W1,W2, W3 and W4. Apparently, through no fault of anyone, which seems to be not properly known, explained or understood according to what we read in the press and hear on the radio. Hopefully, the legal officers of the Commission of Inquiry will find the correct solution to prevent this frequent and hugely expensive problem. Ian Milton Letters continue page 10

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TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS TO BOOK ADVERTISING, PLEASE PHONE 5545 1231 OR email tmn05@bigpond.net.au Phone: 5545 1231 Fax: 5545 4075 Address: PO Box 118, Nth Tamborine 4272 All copy may be faxed, emailed, or left in the marked box outside the North Tamborine

St Patrick’s Day at St George’s Anglican Church could be your lucky day to bag a bargain or turn your trash into a pot of gold. For just $15 you can secure a space to sell your wares in the courtyard of the church in Dapsang Drive, North Tamborine, from 9am on Saturday, March 17. As well as the trash and treasure, there will be a sausage sizzle and a giant book sale to help raise funds for the parish.



NEXT DEADLINE: 10am Fri 2 MAR 2012 Next TMPA Meeting 06 MARCH 2012


Spiritual Geology Dear Geoff, In my last several letters to you I was writing about the kind of change that God does in his people as they come to him ‘the living Stone’, as the apostle Peter calls Christ in his first letter. But change for the Christian rests within a much larger picture of reality. There are some things which are necessary to be true if the Christian life is to be meaningful. And most interpretations of life try to offer some kind of justification for their views. At least this was once true. In our current worldview environment there seems to be a diminishing interest in thinking it important to offer rational explanations for the things we believe and use to integrate our lives. In fact there seems to be a growing trend away from well thought out opinions and positions on big questions which fit in the category of what was once called metaphysics. If I claim some kind of esoteric knowledge, persuade a few people that I have it, give myself a mystical sounding name, and wear some spiritual garb, there... voila! I have created a new way of understanding life that has as much clout as any other view on offer. I know this is an oversimplification but the point still stands. One reason that this is possible is that we have come to accept a deep gulf between the physical world that we live in from day to day and the spiritual world that hovers somewhere above it, or in it, or behind it...who knows? The bible teaches that the physical world was created by God who is Spirit. And it was created good and it is real. The world is not God’s dream, nor is it an illusion that we have. The world is real. It is real for God, its Creator, and real for us, his creatures. The familiar words of Genesis 1:1, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’, are the indispensable ‘backstory’ to everything else Christians believe and do. It may be out of fashion to make a big deal out of this point but Christians have, historically, taken history seriously and known that certain things must be true if their lives are to have present purpose and future hope. This present existence, resulting from the creative word/act of a personal and infinite God, is one of those necessary truths which God has revealed, and which forms part of the substrata on which the Christian faith rests. I hope to look at some more of these bedrock truths in coming letters. Your Brother, Kim

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Advertisement. The views expressed in the letter are Kim Dale’s. Replies may be sent to – PO Box 5, Nth Tamborine 4272.

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Bird observers’ notes


N a period of diminishing populations of Australian native birds it was stimulating to witness a kaleidoscope presentation of many species. At a recent NHA meeting John and Gill Whyman re-lived a 2011 odyssey through less populous regions of the south west of the continent. Members enjoyed close encounters with species of uncommon status like the southern scrub robin and many others that are not easy to observe. The intensity of colours in the many parrots like the gaudy red-capped combined with a close focus of many smaller species made this a superlative show.


Members welcomed Sophia Brybbare, on a working holiday from Finland. Sophia brought along some of her bird photography in Africa. It was decided to conduct local bird walks on Wednesdays instead of Saturdays. New members and visitors are always welcome, Jeff and Margaret Eller (5545 0995) will be eager to advise. An invitation is extended to interested local observers of migrant waders (picture above, courtesy of Jeff Eller). A group will be going to the Port of Brisbane (Lytton Roost) on Saturday 10 March. Pat Stockwell will be leading this outing and welcomes inquiries – 5545 0737. Ivor Filmer



N rereading my previous Council Watch, it is clear how frustrated I was with still no good answers from Council about matters of considerable concern to the community notably the shopping centre roundabout and Code of Conduct complaints against Councillors. With Local Government elections not too far away, you would think Council would feel some incentive to get such matters satisfactorily resolved. Wrong! No informative responses are forthcoming and the rumblings will continue. Just a bit about the roundabout saga: for many months the developer was unable to produce an acceptable roundabout design. In February 2011, the Judge issued a Final Order approving the project on condition that a design acceptable to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) was produced that was generally in accordance with a concept in the Final Orders. . Nothing was heard until December when a plan was published that construction would commence immediately. There had been no consultation with potentially affected parties. Questions were immediately raised about the safety of the design, impact on affected properties (particularly Roslyn Lodge) and the whole approval process. No answers were forthcoming. Particularly notable was Council's attitude that it was not party to the negotiations between the DTMR and the developer. Fair enough. But this argument comes unglued because Councillors have a responsibility under the Local Government Act to represent the interests of residents. Surely if residents jump up and down and back up their concerns with detailed reasons, then our Council, too, has a responsibility to do its bit of jumping up and down. In fact, only Cr Swanborough has made significant efforts in this regard, but apparently with little more effect than achieved by the other residents. I suspect he doesn’t like beating his head on a brick wall either. In my own case, questions I asked on 18 December about the approval process remain unanswered and there has been no meaningful response to my detailed submissions of 18 January and 6 February. In fact I have been criticised from within Council for raising such matters. At this time I won’t take up valuable space dealing with such nonsense. However, in response to one such criticism, I pointed out that there may have been no need for such critical comment: – if some answers had been given to my questions of 18 December when trying to track the approval process, but these questions were simply ignored. – if the problems listed in my submissions of 18 January and 6 February about the approval process and roundabout/roadworks design had been addressed by Council. – if Council had accepted its responsibility under the Local Government Act to protect the interests of all regardless of the Division they live in. Cr Swanborough has been notably supportive. The DTMR has been similarly unresponsive to questions and concerns. They even refused to give me an appointment to discuss the concerns


Phil Giffard

listed in my submissions. However, they did produce a little oddity of their own: the published drawing was rather basic but requests for more detail to better quantify the impacts were knocked back. The design was the intellectual property of the developer’s engineer- and this for a construction on a major public road! The critical point was the actual level of the roundabout, because this would determine whether Roslyn Lodge access would become only very difficult rather than unworkable and would also give a guide about the effect of storm water runoff. Just a few days ago, the engineer released a drawing complete with beautifully drawn contours. The catch is that the contours don’t have any levels on them, so we remain in the dark. As an engineer myself, I cannot think of a reason to produce a drawing so lacking in the vital information it was intended to convey. You are reminded that there was one intriguing mystery about the approval process which still hasn’t been explained. It was finally admitted that the design approval had been given on 11 November. However, even the DTMR Director for the area who I understand is responsible for engineering design, apparently didn’t know that. He said in December that approval had not been given and the design was still being reviewed. Very strange! Now back to the CEO’s rejection of most of the complaints I had made against Councillors for breaches of the Councillor Code of Conduct. When I queried the rejection, he wrote that he had received legal advice, but when I requested enlightenment, the CEO wrote that the legal advice is subject to legal privilege and he was not in a position to disclose it to me. Now that’s interesting. My complaints were rejected and I can’t find out why. However, I have noticed an odd thing. The basis for some of my complaints was failure by some Councillors to satisfy the Councillor Code of Conduct requirement that "Councillors must, when communicating with the public or the media, make it clear when they are expressing a personal opinion and when they are speaking on behalf of Council." After I had lodged my complaints, some effort was made to satisfy this requirement. However, most Councillors are now failing to make such a statement. Why? Another important Appeal against a Council decision is soon to be heard. Council rejected an Application to convert an unlawful commercial water extraction business in Power Parade to lawful. This is a very significant case with serious ramifications for Tamborine Mountain and its ecology. Previously it was believed that Council could only make a decision re the sale of water from a site and did not have control over the actual water extraction. A judge disagreed and, since this is the first such case to be heard, it will set an important precedent. Once again, locals are putting their hands in their pockets. And then there is the Application for Tourist Lodges off Justin Avenue. These are not somebody else’s problems.

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CLOUDS are collections of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. They are classified by a system based on Latin words describing their height and appearance. Cirrus (hair), cumulus (heap), stratus (layer) and nimbus (rain bearing). Low clouds are up to 2.5 kms altitude, middle are 2.5 to 6 kms altitude and high clouds exceed 6 kms in altitude. There are ten main types of cloud: 1. Cirrus - high cloud, with white wispy tufts made of ice crystals. No rain. 2. Cirrocumulus – high cloud, with small white, puffy ripples made of ice crystals. No rain. 3. Cirrostratus – high cloud resembles a thin transparent veil or sheet which covers large areas of sky. No rain 4. Altocumulus – middle cloud, with white ripples and dark shading. Possible light showers. 5. Altostratus – middle cloud, made of ice crystals and water droplets. Grey sheetlike appearance. Rain or snow. 6. Nimbostratus – low cloud, thick dark flat and uniform. Heavy rain or snow. 7. Stratocumulus – low cloud, appears as series of grey/white rolls with blue sky between. Drizzle. 8. Stratus – low cloud, appears horizontal, grey and constant cloud mass. Drizzle. 9. Cumulus – low cloud, with dark flat base and puffy white rolls or towers on top. Small cumulus clouds are associated with fair weather, larger with rain. 10. Cumulonimbus – large low clouds, with flat, dark bases and huge towers which may reach heights of over 20,000 metres. May herald thunderstorms,

heavy rain, hail and high winds. Clouds usually appear white and opaque because of the effect of light. Sunlight appears as white light but it consists of the seven principle colours of the visible spectrum. Clouds contain an immense number of water droplets or ice crystals which reflect and scatter the different wavelengths of visible light uniformly, producing intact reflected white sunlight. When clouds become high or thick enough to prevent sunlight from passing through, they create a shadow, and this gives the cloud a grey or black appearance. At sunset or sunrise when the sun is low in the sky, the sunlight must travel a greater distance through the atmosphere. The shorter wavelength colours are scattered out, leaving the longer wavelength colours of red, orange and yellow predominating when the sun is near the horizon. This light is reflected by nearby clouds producing the red, orange, yellow hued clouds that we associate with sunset and sunrise. One of the most unusual cloud colours is the greenish tinge often associated with the deep, tall cumulonimbus thunderclouds that produce hail. The reason for this appearance is not fully understood. There are a number of theories, one is that the high water density of the clouds reflects blue/green light and another is that the reddish sunlight of a low sun shining on the bluish light below the cloud produces the green colouration. Next Bushwalk Saturday 25 February 2012 – Albert River Circuit. Nadia O’Carroll Candidate, Div. 2


Clean Up Australia Day


Doughty Park – 7.30am, Sunday 4 March 2012


Clean Up Australia Day is the nation’s largest community participation event and reflects the great tradition of volunteering in Australia. For the last 20 years TMNHA has been part of this event. In 2011 565,510 volunteers collected 16,454 tonnes of rubbish nation-wide. Why not join us, and do your bit to help clean up Tamborine Mountain? Contact Site Coordinator Nadia O’Carroll on 5545 3551 or nadia@interphase.net.au; register online www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au; or just turn up at Doughty Park, Nth Tamborine, 7.30am on Sunday 4 March.


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Tamborine Mountain Landcare Inc. GENERAL MEETING GUEST SPEAKER: Windaroo State School’s new biodiversity garden

Lynn Churchill on "Students learning to live sustainably in Earth Smart Science Schools" Sunday 4th March Eagle Heights Resort Hotel 9.30 for 10am For all your printing needs...

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Learning to live sustainably


HAT are those kids up to, digging in the school garden? Are they counting worms? Checking on how well different kinds of watering work? Kids across Queensland are doing some hands-on learning and taking action to reduce the impact of their school on the environment. In an Earth Smart Science Schools program funded by the QLD government, some 1000 primary schools across the state will be environmentally sustainable by the end of this year. The focus of the program is on improving biodiversity, reducing waste, saving water and making more efficient use of energy. Teachers and students are taking a whole-of-school approach to becoming more earth-friendly through classroom activities, improved physical surroundings and relationships with the local community. This year all Queensland schools will be developing and implementing a School Environmental Management Plan that involves • improving biodiversity in the school’s environment • reducing school water consumption by 15%


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• reducing school energy consumption by 30% • reducing school waste by 50%. They’re helped in this by Earth Smart Science facilitators based at Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres and two non-government organisations. One of these experts is a Tamborine Mountain resident, Lynn Churchill, who’s working with 14 schools in the area. Lynn and her fellow facilitators help teachers access the latest science and sustainability curriculum resources and learn what’s worked at other schools as they develop their environmental education programs. Lynn is a passionate teacher, a knowledgeable environmental educator and a very engaging speaker. She’ll be talking about her work at the forthcoming Tamborine Mountain Landcare General Meeting on Sunday 4th March at the Eagle Heights Resort Hotel (9.30 for a 10 a.m. start). Come and find out what those kids are really up to, what they’re learning and why. Wendy Morgan

To be held in front of Tamborine Mountain Library We look forward to seeing you there between 9am & 12 noon.

Supporting Local Business


CENIC Rim Regional Council spends over $24 million dollars a year on materials and services and too much of this unnecessarily goes to business and consultants outside of the Shire. Derek Swanborough says:-


“In these hard economic times we must support local business and jobs first.” I will introduce a 5% local preference policy and change the culture of the organisation to actively implement this policy. The Chief Executive Officer’s performance contract will require demonstration to your elected Councillors on a quarterly basis how the organisation is actively supporting local business under a new purchasing policy.


As a Candidate for Division 1, I acknowledge that we need to preserve, enhance and promote the quality of living and the environment on Tamborine Mountain. I believe that Council needs a change of direction. I am standing for the following principles and issues which will assist in achieving this change. TRANSPARENCY IN COUNCIL’S DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES: • Open reporting to the Community • More time for consultation with the Community on Meeting Agendas • More reporting to Committee by Council Officers on Council’s activities/spending FAIRNESS AND AFFORDABILITY IN RATES • Establishment of a Finance Committee • A debate on whether the Scenic Rim can afford a rates’ freeze in year one • A fairer percentage of rates returned to the Tamborine Mountain Community ACCOUNTABILITY RETURNED TO THE COUNCILLORS • Review of delegations • Councillors to be consulted on strategy when Council appears in court ADHERENCE TO THE LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME • Review of Planning Scheme and Application Processes EFFECTIVE CONSULTATION WITH THE COMMUNITY • Community Forums • Return of Councillor’s Discretionary Funds VALUE FOR MONEY • Review of budget 11/12 and charges EFFICIENT FRONT LINE SERVICES • Review and monitoring of Customer Contact Contract CUSTOMER SERVICE AND CULTURAL CHANGE • Adoption of the principles of timeliness, empathy and explanation in Council’s correspondence • Review of policy on Councillor communication with employees IN ADDITION, I WOULD LIKE TO SEE: • A co-ordinated approach to the promotion of Tamborine Mountain • Development of a long term plan for provision of a waste facility • A review of the issues pertaining to the Shelf Road • A review of conditions of service for employees who are members of the SES Detailed local issues will be outlined in the next advertisement.






You can contact me on: 0423 931 075 npw1@sctelco.net.au www.facebook.com/nigelwaistell


Letters continued from page 3 Dear Editor, I read with interest the articles in the Tamborine Mountain News. It is not important what my view is on Climate Change because I am not a climate scientist. However, when I read the following Quiz on this subject, I thought to send it to you for your readers to read. I also include the answers. This could very well create a healthy discussion. Leon Voesenek QUIZ: The federal government is planning a tax on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Test what you know about CO2 and climate change? Q 1. How much of the atmosphere do you think is carbon dioxide (CO2)? (a) 0-1% (b) 1-10% (c) 10-20% (d) 20-40% (e) 40-60% Q 2. Of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today, how much is man-made? (a) 0-10% (b) 10-20% (c) 20-30% (d) 30-40% (e) 40-60% Q 3. Each year, how much of the world’s man-made carbon dioxide emissions come from Australia? (a) 0-1% (b) 1-10% (c) 10-20% (d) 20-40% (e) 40-60% Q 4. Is carbon dioxide a harmful pollutant? (a) Yes, it damages plant life. (b) Yes, it’s dangerous for human and animals to breathe from the atmosphere. (c) Both (a) and (b). (d) No, it’s not a pollutant; it’s necessary for plant and animal life. (e) Unsure, don’t know. Q 5. What gases are coming from these two large towers, often shown on TV as an example of CO2 polluting the atmosphere? (a) Carbon dioxide (CO2). (b) Smoke harmful to human health. HEALTHY DISCUSSION: The above quiz is an attempt by climate change sceptics to influence the reader into non-acceptance of global warming and the Carbon Tax. The answers are reasonably sound and you may finish up thinking – “Yes, Australia only produces 1.4% of the world’s CO2 and that CO2 is a small proportion of natural CO2 which is changing anyway in the long term with global changes in temperature. So why do we need a Carbon tax?” Congratulations – that’s exactly what you’re meant to think! The devil is in the questions. If they had asked, “Do you think global warming is real? What causes global warming? Is the world’s net mass of ice melting or increasing? Why are cyclones (hurricanes) getting more intense? etc.”, your answers (and theirs) would have

(c) Both (a) and (b). (d) Harmless steam (H2O). (e) Unsure, don’t know. Q 6. Over the past 400,000 years, CO2 levels have gone up in warm periods and down during ice ages. Rising carbon dioxide levels: (a) came before rising temperatures. (b) came after rising temperatures. (c) I don’t know which came first. Q 7. Is the increase in carbon dioxide emissions from human activity causing a significant rise in air temperature? (a) Yes (b) No. (c) Not sure, don’t know. ANSWERS: Q 1. Correct answer is (a). The atmosphere (by volume of dry air) is mainly nitrogen (78.1%) and oxygen (20.9%). The remaining 1% of the atmosphere contains the ‘trace’ gases – carbon dioxide ( 1/27th of 1% of the atmosphere, or just 0.038%), hydrogen, helium, argon, krypton and neon. (US space agency NASA “Earth Fact Sheet”, http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/earthfact.html).

Additional gases need to warm the earth in order to sustain life are water vapour and methane. Q 2. Correct answer is (c), well sort of. Broadly speaking, about 25-28% of CO2 in today’s atmosphere has been produced by human activity since the industrial revolution began 200 years ago. That amount is about 0.0095% of all the air in the atmosphere. However, the real story is much more complex. Each year, human activity is responsible for about 38 billion tonnes1 of CO2 emissions, compared to about 770 billion tonnes2 from natural sources, like decaying vegetation, the oceans, animals and volcanoes. The great bulk of this CO2 in the air is then absorbed by plants and by the oceans; it’s “recycled”; it doesn’t just accumulate in the atmosphere. Therefore, saying that 25-28% of the atmospheric CO2 is from human activity needs to be qualified. More accurately, humans contribute about 5% of the annual CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the oceans/biosphere. Science has much more to learn about this process.

(2) Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2004, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, December 2005. Figure 3, pg 6. ftp://ftp.eia.doe.gov/pub/oiaf/1605/cdrom/pdf/ggrpt/057304.pdf. The US Department of Energy calculation is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, Chapter 3, Figure 3.1, p. 188. The IPCC measured “The main components of the natural carbon cycle” as producing 210 billion tonnes of carbon (C), so multiply by 3.667 to obtain the weight of 770 billion tonnes of CO2). http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/pdf/TAR03.pdf.)

Q 3. Correct answer is (b). Head of climate change at the environmental group World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Kellie Caught, says Australia is responsible for 1.4% of global emissions. (The Age, 24.3.2011) Q 4. Correct answer is (d). CO2 is a harmless gas that makes up the bubbles in your soft drinks and soda water. Standard science textbooks describe CO2 as a colourless, odourless, non-poisonous gas. CO2 is not a harmful pollutant. (See definition of CO2 at http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/carbo n+dioxide) CO2 is fundamental to life on earth, along with oxygen and nitrogen. It’s essential for plant photosynthesis, which drives the food chain. No CO2, no life on earth. It’s been repeatedly shown that higher levels of CO2 improve plant growth and the efficient use of water by plants. (e.g. Eamus, D, Responses of field grown trees to CO2 enrichment, Commonwealth Forestry Review, 75:39-47, 1996; Saxe, H, Ellsworth, D S and Heath, J, Tree and forest functioning in an enriched CO2 atmosphere, New Phytologist, 139:395-436, 1998)

If CO2 levels fall below 150 parts per million in the atmosphere (CO2 is currently about 385 ppm) then most plants almost stop growing.1 In past ice ages, CO2 fell close to this level, almost collapsing the planet’s ecosystem. (1) e.g. A history of atmospheric CO2 and its effects on plants, animals, and ecosystems, J. R. Ehleringer, et. al., Springer Press, 2005, p. 236

Q 5. Correct answer is (d). Harmless steam is the only gas emitted from these power station water-cooling towers. There are no harmful pollutants and no CO2 coming from these towers. As a colourless gas, you can’t see CO2. Q 6. Correct answer is (b). CO2 levels rose after temperature rises. Ice core samples shows rising temperatures were followed by higher levels of CO2 after a time lag of about 600-2,000 years. (e.g. Mudelsee, M, The phase relations among atmospheric CO2 content, temperature and global ice volume over the past 420 ka, Quaternary Science Reviews 20:583-589; 2001.)

(1) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change: Synthesis Report 2007, Figure 2.1, p. 36. http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/en/mains2-1.html

Q 7. This remains an issue of debate among scientists. What do you think?

led you to the opposite conclusion. Q7 is carefully worded, “Is human CO2 contributing to a significant rise in air temperature?”, and the answer is left open. The quiz writers know air temperature is the smallest, least sensitive, and therefore most debatable of the outcomes of global warming. However oceanic warming, global ice melt-rates, and cyclonic activity are measurable outcomes. The answer to Q1 is correct as far as it goes. CO2 is a trace gas, making up a tiny percentage of the total atmosphere – but as is pointed out in the answer to Q4, without CO2 Earth would be very cold indeed. This clearly demonstrates its importance as a greenhouse gas. CO2 absorbs very large amounts of outgoing radiation, so ‘small’ changes have a large effect. The statement in the answer to

Q1, “Additional gases need[ed] to warm the earth in order to sustain life are water vapour and methane”, apart from being teleological (suggesting water vapour and methane warm the Earth in order to sustain life), points up the fact that global warming is also heavily affected by water vapour and methane concentrations. Water vapour has been warming us since life began, but atmospheric water vapour increases with atmospheric temperature, further enhancing warming. Methane came a little later, but is currently increasing exponentially as the oceans warm and humans dig up fossil fuels. Methane is the most effective greenhouse gas after CO2. Which brings us back to the urgent need for a Carbon Tax – here and elsewhere. Mike Russell


MALCOLM HUGH FRANKLIN (FRANK) McKAY 8 January 1921 - 5 February 2012 FRANK McKAY was born in Corowa, New South Wales, one of five children of Eliza and Alfred McKay. He enlisted in the Militia two days before his 18th birthday, and on the outbreak of war served in the 8th Light Horse Brigade that later became the 8th Australian Cavalry Regiment, with Bren guns replacing the horses. Before moving to serve in the Northern Territory, Frank’s regiment camped at Tamborine Village for a few months, and while there he visited Tamborine Mountain where he and his friends attended dances at the Zamia and at the Show Hall – and where he met his future wife, Marie Curtis. As the threat of invasion by the Japanese diminished, Frank took up the offer to leave the Army and concentrate on food production – an important necessity at that time. Frank and Marie were married in May 1944 in the Presbyterian Church at Eagle Heights; the church is now an important part of the Heritage Centre. They worked hard together at small crop farming and were soon able to build, in Long Road, their first home, which still stands today. While living there, Marie and Frank began their family – Leslie, Barbara and Malcolm were born while their Mum and Dad lived in Long Road. In March 1952, when Marie was expecting their fourth child, Donna, they bought a dairy farm in Beacon Road. The farm house became a family home, and they continued dairying there for 21 years. Frank loved the farm, and admitted that after dairying ceased in the early 1970’s he felt depressed for quite a long time. Marie was a school teacher – a very good one, as her former pupils remember today. At that time married women could not hold a permanent position as a teacher, but Marie

worked hard as a supply teacher, often filling in for a whole term or a year at a time as required. Frank worked to augment the family income – he was the warm milk vendor for several years during the 1950s, delivering milk and cream to Eagle Heights and North Tamborine. His children often accompanied him before school, or during the holidays. For several years Frank worked with Ned Hansford sinking wells – a necessity before the advent of bores. During the years at Beacon Road Frank became more and more involved with Cox ride-on mowers, and over time became one of their longest serving agents. In 1981 the house in Beacon Road was sold, to become Tamborine Gardens, a wedding venue. Frank and Marie built a new home in Witches Chase, with a beautiful view of the Canungra Valley. Frank hadn’t lost his love of cattle, and kept a couple of cows for many years. Family life was very important to both Marie and Frank, and they loved their four children and eleven grandchildren – and in time their many great grandchildren. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 2004. They both served their community in various ways, and both were recognized for their work by receiving a Paul Harris Award from Rotary. An active member of many Mountain organisations Frank received a Premier’s Award in 2005 for the role he played in the community. After Marie’s death in 2007, Frank stayed on in their home in Witches Chase, then moved to Roslyn Lodge where he spent the last ten months of his life. The family are grateful for the dedicated and caring support given to him there.

DENTURE CLINIC Quality Full & Partial Dentures caringly sculpted by

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HISTORICAL INTERLUDE Mill Wheel Falls at Eagle Heights Road/ Geissmann Drive corner, sometime in the 1950s. The tall trees in the background are where the Tall Trees Motel now stands.

WHINERAY/LUCKETT Chris Luckett and Rebecca Whineray were married at Gainsborough Greens on 10 December 2011. The couple has since returned from an extensive honeymoon to live and teach in Gympie.



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Tamborine Mountain Probus Club


MAGINE an Australia without carbon pollution generating our electricity within 10 years. Imagine wind generators and solar farms producing renewable power both day and night, solar mirrors heating liquid salt which drives steam generators during the night as well as day. That’s the vision of the Beyond Zero Emissions program. Guest speaker for this month was Dorotee Braun who spoke to the meeting on the Zero Carbon Australia Project. This is a nongovernment plan to ensure that the country changes from a carbon based electricity production to a sustainable generation of power through wind and solar farms. A Brisbane-based environmental activist and BZE presenter, Dorotee Braun outlined the science, technology and economics of this technically feasible Zero Carbon Australia plan which they hope will replace carbon fuels as a steam generator within a decade. She stressed the need for everyone to get behind the project and ensure that politicians and vested interests were won over by their argument. This project will produce thousands of jobs and get rid of once and for all noxious gases which presently gush into our atmosphere from conventional power stations. The BZE program has already enlisted over 400 volunteers – engineers, scientists, academics and already a detailed road map to achieve a clean technology, using existing resources, outlines how we can change from fossil fuels to using 100% renewable technology in 10 years. Warrick Bailey, Probus

One small place on earth Bandy Bandy – Vermicella annulata – property, North Tamborine

FRESH AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE COMPETITIVE PRICES ❥ Local Honey ❥ Healthy lunch box ideas ❥ Bananas (yummy!) ❥ Lunch box sized apples; 5 for $2 (New Season) ❥ $1 Cans of soft drink & fruit juice

Praise be to the mountain’s snake catchers. I was invited to film the Bandy Bandy prior to it being released on a property in West Road. Being a nocturnal, burrowing species, the snake didn’t like the sun’s heat and displayed the characteristic alarm posture of raising its body off the ground to form a braced loop, poor thing; all for the sake of adding to the species content of my archive. Bandy Bandys are mildly venomous and occur in a wide range of habitats. They feed on blind snakes and attain a length of 50 to 60cm. Frames from video footage celebrating Tamborine Mountain’s biodiversity.

Peter Kuttner 12 – TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1321, FEBRUARY 21, 2012

TMPA Community Briefing


EARLY 70 people attended a Community Briefing last Sunday, organized by the TMPA to discuss planning and other local matters. TMPA President Jeanette Lockey spoke of the development of Tamborine Mountain and the part the Association had played over many years in keeping the Mountain a desirable place for residents and visitors alike. Treasurer Amanda Hay said that she and her husband had come to live here just over 12 months ago, attracted by the very things that people here had worked so hard to preserve. Roly Lindenmayer chaired the meeting and introduced guest speaker Cr Derek Swanborough, who outlined some of the complexities of the Local Government Act. He said that the Act itself is not the main problem – most councils, such as the Ipswich City Council, live quite happily with it; they abide by the provisions but it is they who are in control, the Act is not in control of council. Cr Swanborough said that the two main problems with the Act were firstly, the draconian power it gave to the CEO. Although the elected councillors appoint the CEO, the CEO in turn then appoints all members of staff. The second problem is lack of information – a ratepayer has better access to information from a council officer than a councillor who is not allowed similar access, even when trying to help his constituents. In the Q&A session, Phil Giffard confirmed this; he also told of a complaint to the CEO and was told that legal advice had described it as ‘frivolous’. On requesting details, he was told that it was confidential! This confidentiality also extends to details of council expenditure of rates – a common and understandable request from councillors/ ratepayers, when rates have risen 35% in the past three years. A further problem was that some planning matters could be decided by council officers under delegated authority. Although other council decisions can be reversed, planning decisions can only by altered by the courts – as in the case of Hyacinth. Before the meeting closed Cr Swanborough replied to a good number of questions from participants.

OK AT SCHOOL? Children’s eye tests available now


EAGLE HEIGHTS RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION will be holding its traditional

“MEET THE CANDIDATES” MEETING on Sunday 15 April from 2-4pm at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre

This is your opportunity to question your local Council candidates.



Phone: 5545 1938 Mobile: 0417 001 536 Email: mccon@winshop.com.au Web: alltamborinestorage.com.au TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1321, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 – 13

The Mountaintop Hair Shoppe

Phone: 5545 1491 Main St., North Tamborine Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am–4pm Tues & Sat 9am–12 noon



5545 3390 U-Drive Dingo Hire with Attachments Large blocks for retaining walls or heavy-duty control solutions

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COUNCILLOR COMMENTS Derek Swanborough, Division 1

I am required by Scenic Rim Regional Council policy to make the following statements: • These are my personal views. • When a Council votes on a decision, they count up the votes and the decision is made based on the side that gets the most votes. Welcome to Principal Jason Smith, Tamborine Mountain State School It was my pleasure to be invited to the presentation of Year 7 captains and prefects in front of a general assembly of the whole school. The school has grown to 525 students this year. Congratulations to the new school captains. New principal Mr. Smith talked about leadership in the school and his own consultative leadership style based on high standards and performance. I am so grateful for the high standards in our schools, of parents who take an active interest in their children’s education and development and teachers that are skilled and hardworking. Another poor major planning decision that detrimentally impacts on the amenity of Tamborine Mountain and puts every household at risk After all that’s gone on with Hyacinth for the last four years, it seems our Council and planning staff have done it again. We have seen another decision under delegated authority that will set a planning precedent that would put everyone’s residential zones amenity at risk. After Council’s two years battle with a resident on a 5471m2 block, in a village residential zone, to tidy up an unsightly accumulation of car bodies and junk on his property that was making the neighbour’s place unsaleable, another section of the same Council department gave approval just recently for two sheds, totalling 360m” to be built in the back yard to hide it all away. Well, 360m2 of shed is the size of three small houses and will be built within 1.5 metres of the neighbour’s house. Planners said in the planning decision it would have no detrimental effect on the neighbours. Not many reasonable people could agree with that assessment. Normally you would struggle to get that sort of approval for a business



Hartley Road, Nth Tamborine


premises anywhere, let alone a domestic house shed on Tamborine Mountain. I’m told by a well-informed person that it wouldn’t happen in any other Council in South East Queensland. I have said that: 1. There is a fundamental problem with the town planning scheme adopted in 2007 by the former Beaudesert Shire Council that it can even contemplate allowing house size sheds in backyards over 2000m2 with no notification to residents. 2. A bigger problem exists as four of Council’s most senior planning staff signed off on this, without even considering there was a problem, and they didn’t consult with the area councillor or even the other section that was taking court action to have the junk removed. 3. An enormous problem exists if, after everything that has happened, our planning staff still don’t understand the meaning of amenity and the expressed desire of our population to protect it. The words are there in the planning scheme, but the culture is not in place to implement it. 4. Without withdrawing these delegations to assess code assessable applications on TM we are at the mercy of a council that makes poor decisions that impact everyone. 5. A new Council must fix this planning problem immediately and seek to change the culture within this department that does not understand the values residents on Tamborine Mountain have clearly expressed time and time again, including recently in the social plan, and the just adopted Community Plan. Consultation Please call me or leave a text message if you wish to talk to me or require a face to face meeting on the Mountain. I will be in the library next on 8th March. My mobile number is 0447 206 006. The best email address to make a personal appointment is at derek@derekformayor.com. You can also join me on Facebook at Derek.Swanborough, or visit my website at www.derekformayor.com


MEDICAL PRACTICE 14 Main Western Road North Tamborine and Shop 1/17 Southport Avenue Eagle Heights

Phone 07 5545 1222 www.tamborinemountainmedical.com.au online booking service available at this website

Tamborine Mountain College 2012 Camp Report by Ellen Hussey (budding journalist) OW! What a week it has been for the students at Tamborine Mountain College. The first week back at school and the majority of the students were absent due to flooding thanks to all that rain! After the rain had cleared up, Yrs 11 and 12 endured a 2-hour bus trip to the Currimundi Outdoor Recreation Centre, Currimundi (just beyond Caloundra, Qld). The camp’s staff were very welcoming as soon as we stepped off the bus! The purpose of the camp was to help build our team and leadership skills, to prepare the senior class for future endeavours after school. Activities included exciting things such as surfing, high ropes, low ropes, team activities, swimming and much more! It was great to see everyone bond over the three days at camp. Every single student had a fabulous attitude and there was a smile on everyone’s face from the moment we arrived

and left the camp. Well the smiles didn’t last long after camp since everyone fell asleep on the bus on the way home………..the bus was deathly silent. It was hard to believe the seniors could stay that quiet for so long! Even a week after camp had passed, everyone was still talking about how great it was and how it was possibly the best camp they had been on. Thank you to the wonderful people at Currimundi Outdoor Recreation Centre for letting us stay at your site and organising amazing activities for us! Thank you to Mrs Wood, Miss Green, Mr Mathers and Mr Byrnes for joining us on camp and taking good care of us and just being really amazing in general! And a big thanks to all Yr 11 and 12 students who went on camp. You were all such great sports and so much fun. Tamborine Mountain College is lucky to have a bunch of awesome kids like you!

2012 is “The Year of Reading”

to tell you how wonderful the Reading Volunteer program is and how much it can help everyone. Even the best readers can learn even more. Last year, Mr Newman helped me to become a better reader. He said that I have a loud, clear voice but my comprehension was holding me back. Mr Newman always kept me on my toes by asking questions about what I was reading. I was a bit nervous when I first met Mr Newman. But I had a great time with him because we both like reading biographies”. If you enjoy working with students, have a love of reading and can commit to working with us for one hour per week, please contact Sharon-Lee Henningsen at the schoo1 (phone 5545 7666) to join our next training program on Tuesday March 13 at 9:30a.m. Please note that all volunteers require a Blue Card which can be applied for, free of charge through the school. S. Henningsen Picture on previous page: Kyle and Damon enjoying reading with St Bernard State School Reading Volunteer, Ted


Play a part in making READING FOR EVERYONE at St Bernard State School T St Bernard State School, community members are invited to join our Reading Volunteer program. This has proved very effective in both improving student reading strategies and in developing positive relationships between students and community members. Two of the St Bernard School students have reflected on the positive impact the Reading Volunteer program has had for them. The boys have been working with Mr Ted Newman, who has been working in our program each week. Kyle commented “It was fun working with Mr Newman because he had a sense of humour. He helped me with my reading skills and to understand the meaning of words. I have a bit more joy reading stories, now that I know all the words”. Another student, Damon, said, “I am here


• 40 years of continuous service to the Tamborine Mountain community • Affiliated with three universities • COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICE Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 8.30am - 7pm Friday 8.30am - 5pm Saturday 8.30am - 12noon Sunday 8.30am - 10.30am Dr Ann Bennett Dr Jan Zomerdijk Dr Leeann Carr-Brown Dr Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers Dr Henri Coombs Dr John Purton Application for phone scanning to take you directy to our website

Nationally Accredited


Opera Eagle’s Nest presents

Beggar’s Banquet fit for a king

Beggar’s F Banquet Superb Gypsy, Celtic & Classical Violin, Voice & Piano

Saturday 10th March 6.45pm – $65pp – dinner & concert Bookings essential 5545 2540

EASTING is an endangered cultural act. A lavish table spread with the best wine, choicest meats, fine morsels in a deliberate celebration of life, accompanied by exuberant music and singing. On Saturday 10th March, Eagle’s Nest is proud to present one of the best Violin/Piano duos in Australia - Spiros Rantos and Brachi Tilles in a celebration of Gypsy, Classical and Folk music of many lands - haunting love songs, and fiery, passionate dances transporting you to another time and place, to stir and seduce the senses. Spiros Rantos has just returned from Europe, with his fiddle on fire, while Soprano Tania Edmunds sings up a storm with a feast of Gypsy heroines, accompanied by the inimitable Brachi Tilles, acknowledged as one of the finest accompanists in Australia. When voice, violin, and piano combine, the soaring melodies, and luscious harmonies are guaranteed to put a tingle down your spine.

At $65 per person for a 3-course dinner and concert, this is the best value for your dollar around, and is an evening not to be missed. Doors open 6:45 for 7pm. Bookings essential on 5545 2540 or email ht.edmunds@bigpond.com . Eagle’s Nest is BYO, and does not have card facilities.

Marks & Gardner Gallery & Bookshop

Café & Contemporary Art Open Wed-Sun 9am-4pm PH 5545 4992 69 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine

Tamborine Voices singing up a storm


NEWCOMERS’ WELCOME ONCE again there will be a welcome to

AMBORINE Voices performance choirs are singing up a storm with three rehearsal seasons and concerts planned for 2012, offering two choral opportunities – a YOUTH choir, and ADULT choir. The youth choir is open to High School age and up to 21years, and focuses on Pop and Musicals (think ‘Glee’). Rehearsals are from 4-5pm, Sunday afternoon, and singers have the option to stay and sing with the Adult Choir from 5-7pm.

The Adult choir’s repertoire covers many styles from Music Theatre and Pop/Jazz Standards, to Classical and A Cappella. Last year’s concerts were both sell-out, and the choirs are keen to build on the foundations that have been set for a dynamic singing experience. If you are interested in being a part of Tamborine Voices, you are welcome to attend two rehearsals before making the commitment to audition for membership. Pictured : Tamborine Voices in concert. For further information about the choir, and auditions, phone Tania Edmunds on 5545 2540 or email ht.edmunds@bigpond.com

newcomers to Tamborine Mountain, on Thursday February 23, 2012 at the Tamborine Mountain Library, from 6.30 – 8.30pm. Members of various organizations will be present to tell about the many activities available to residents here on the Mountain. A light supper will be provided. To register your attendance, please phone or call at the library. Tamborine Mountain Library – 5540 5473.

After seeing the delightful photos of fungi on the front page of the News las week, I decided that I would like you to see these photos which I took with my phone. This fungus – the most amazing purple/pink – was growing near the jacaranda trees at the eastern end of the dog park. I have not seen fungi this colour and wondered if anyone is able to tell me its name. Mary Nugent, 5545 1478


Volunteers Needed to Help in our Canteen RETIRED? STAY AT HOME PARENT/GRANDPARENT? PART-TIME WORKER OR ADULT STUDENT? IF YOU CAN HELP, WE NEED YOU! AMBORINE Mountain Sports Centre at 400 Long Road is a multi-sport facility that serves the communities of Mount Tamborine, North Tamborine, Eagle Heights, Canungra, Wonglepong, Tamborine, Guanaba Valley and Clagiraba. Although the Centre’s land and buildings are owned by Scenic Rim Regional Council, Council provides no funding and support for the Centre’s day to day operations. Instead, the Centre is managed by a not for profit company, TMSA, with a volunteer Board, and relies on volunteers for all of its operations. At present there are no employees at the Centre. Funding for the Centre’s operations comes mainly from a canteen, community donations and fund raising events. We are looking for community minded adults to help staff the canteen on training afternoons and sports days throughout the year. Typically this will involve two to four hour shifts on selected training afternoons, on Saturdays, and on occasional Sundays to suit your availability. Just let us know which hours would suit you. The canteen is being fitted out in mid to late March, but it already boasts donated commercial equipment and a Conti Coffee machine and grinder (if you have barista skills, or want to learn them, please let us know). Because of our activities with children, a Blue Card will be needed. We can help you with your application if needed. SO, IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE CALL ALAN ON 5545 4883. WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!


Bursary to help women with mental health disorders access tertiary education



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Be sure your car is safe for all weathers. 41 Main Street, North Tamborine Ph 5545 1214 • A/H 131 111

Tamborine Mountain

AMBORINE mental health nurse, Diane Hickey is offering an educational bursary to women with a mental health disorder to assist them to access post-secondary training or education. Di H Health and Wellbeing Pty Ltd have sponsored one bursary per year, as one of several bursaries offered through the National Council of Women of Queensland, with applications closing on 23rd March 2012. Ms Hickey said she was motivated to offer the $1000 bursary to provide a helping hand to women who are dealing with the pressures of studying with the added challenge of living with a diagnosed mental illness. While completing a Masters of Public Health and teaching at TAFE and university, Ms Hickey became aware that the stress of fulltime study impacted students with mental illness. “There are greater obstacles facing people with mental illness to successfully stay in study and complete a course or qualification. Managing a study load together with a casual job, for example, creates an additional burden.” “This fund may help someone get started and stay in training, by going towards the cost of course fees, books and equipment, a computer, and travel to the course.” Ms Hickey said that women enrolling in short courses and study preparation courses were also able to apply. Ms Hickey operates a health and wellbeing business and a mental health nursing service in the Tamborine district, servicing the areas roughly situated between Beenleigh and Nerang. Her educational background allows her to facilitate the popular training course ‘Mental Health First Aid’ which is aimed at skilling professionals and members of the public about recognising and managing mental health issues. To find out more about the bursary, or to apply, go to www.di-h.com.au Press Release


Mon-Fri 6am to 5.30pm Sat, Sunday 6am to 4pm

FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY, FREE OF PRESERVATIVES White, Wholemeal, Grain, Sour Dough, Cape Seed, German Black Bread, Turkish and a Range of Fancy Cobbs.

PLUS Salad Rolls & Sandwiches, Pies, Sausage Rolls, Pasties. Vegetarian Spinach Pasties & Vegetable Pasties. Quiches Large & Small. Main St North Tamborine Ph 5545 1261


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Phone: 5545 0900 Fax: 5545 1338



Properties listed are available for rent, though some may still be tenanted. 2/24 Dapsang Dr $300/week 3 bed/1 bath, open plan living duplex, single lockup garage, walk to Curtis Falls, Gallery Walk. 15 Corypha Court $315/week 3 bed/1bath, open plan living, lock up garage, flat fenced block. 122 Kinabalu Dr $325/week 2 bed/1bath, cottage + large shed divided into half living, ideal for tradesmen.


31 Dapsang Dr $350/week 3 bed/2 bath, open plan living, lock up garage, walking distance to Gallery Walk. 67 Coomera Gorge Dr $360/week 3 bedrm, 1bath/laundry, open plan kitchen and living, great deck. Lock up garage under house. 61 Freemont Dr $450/week 4 bed/2 bath, sep lounge/dining, kitchen family room, DLUG & lockup shed with power, on half acre.

Call 132 500

JON HAMMOND 0417 732 515 Shop 7, “Tamborine Plaza” North Tamborine

5545 2244

For all your Real Estate Needs EMMA HAWKER

0439 754 344 2/15 Main St, North Tamborine Ph (07) 5545 4000 Fax (07) 5545 4673


EAGLE HEIGHTS MEDICAL CENTRE Suite 2/34 Southport Ave, Eagle Heights (next to Post Office)

BULK BILLING ALL NEW PATIENTS WELCOME – OPEN BOOKS FREE HOUSE CALLS (MONDAYS – DAYTIME) FEMALE DOCTOR - DR HIMALI JAYASEKERA MALE DOCTORS - DR MARIUSZ ZIELINSKI, DR PUJITHA DE SILVA Clinical Psychologist Dr Jacobus Kleynhans on-site General Family Medicine – Women’s Health – Men’s Health Shared Antenatal Care – Child Health & Immunizations – Counselling Pre-employment & Drivers’ Medicals – Insurance Medicals – Hearing Tests FREE SEASONAL FLU VACCINATIONS FOR OVER 65s


REGULAR MOUNTAIN ACTIVITIES AQUA AEROBICS Mon Wed Fri 7am, Tues 7.30am; Thurs 7.30am at the pool Phone 5545 2500 BADMINTON Social players, all levels. Mon 7pm9pm at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre (except Public Holidays). BASKETBALL Social. Mon 4.30-5.30pm Fri 3.304.30pm Community Centre. Michele 5545 1569. BODHI HEALTH & HEALING: Morning Tea 10am first Mon each month - tea/coffee/cake $6 as well as complimentary therapies, flower readings, Reiki, meditation, Yoga and Dance/Movement demonstrations. Proceeds to local charities. Info ph: 5545 0565. BOOK READERSʼ GROUP meets once a month, new members welcome. Enquiries at TM library. BOTANIC GARDENS Forsythia Dr, Eagle Hts Volunteers’ working bee every Thurs morning 8-12. Enq: Roger Bell 5545 0797 CHRONIC FATIGUE FIBROMYALGIA Support Group meets monthly Ph 5545 3134. TM CREATIVE ARTS: General Craft, Spinning & Pottery: Wed 9am-12noon. General Craft: Wed 710pm. Sewing: 1st Wed 9am. Quilting & Patchwork: Mon 9am-12noon. Painting: Mon 1pm-4pm. Folk Art/Botanical Drawing: 2nd & 4th Thurs 9am-12 noon. Bridge: Wed 12.30pm. For further info contact Creative Arts Hall, Wed mornings, ph. 5545 3221. CREATIVE ARTS BRIDGE CLUB Wed at 12.30pm. For info contact John Noble, 5545 4022. CROQUET/GATEBALL CLUB Tamborine Mountain Sports Centre, 400 Long Rd, North Tamborine. All Welcome. Tuition given. Mon & Fri 9am, Sun pm. Enquiries Kathleen 5545 0973. INSTITUTE OF MODERN TAE KWON DO classes 67.30pm every Tues & Thurs at Showgrounds Hall Ph 5545 3173. JOHN DICKSON CONSERVATION PARK: working bees 1st Monday & 3rd Monday of each month. 8am. Ph: Elizabeth Russell 5545 3601. KIDSʼ CLUB: Anglican Church, 2nd & 4th Fridays from 3pm. Ph 5545 1359. LITTLE TIGERS TAE KWON DO classes for ages 510 years 5-6pm Tues at Show Hall 5545 3173. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH: Young adults Wed 7pm @ Youth Hut; Youth Thurs 3.45 – 4.45pm @ Scout Hall; Sunday service & Kids’ church Sun 9.30am @ PAC High School. Contact Youth leader Shannon Birch 0402 539 361 shannonbirch@live.com MEDITATION: Tuesdays 7pm – New Thought, New Life Centre 5545 3700. MOVIES ON THE MOUNTAIN: Regular screenings of latest releases at the Zamia Theatre. Ph 5545 3517. SHIM JANG TAE KWON DO Mon and Fri, 5.306.30pm Community Centre Ph Martin 5545 0617. TAI CHI Tues mornings, Thurs evenings 110 Eagle Hts Rd, Eagle Hts. Phone Gai Wanless 5545 2409. TM BOWLS CLUB – Tues (2pm or 6pm), Fri & Sat 2.00pm mixed, all by arrangement. Free coaching, new members most welcome. Enquiries: 5545 1308. TM BRIDGE CLUB meets each Monday at 6.45pm, Tuesday at 12.45pm and Thursday at 12.45pm at Roslyn Lodge, 24 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine. Duplicate sessions conducted under supervision of qualified directors. Regular Red Point events. New Members and visitors welcome. Phone Sec. Sue Tomkins on 5545 0955 or Partnership Arranger Jeff Salter 5545 4526. TM BUSH VOLUNTEERS: meet on the first Saturday of the month (except Jan.) To find out where we will be working contact Len on 3355 7288 or 0428335572. TM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 2nd Wed. of month. TM COMMUNITY KINDERGARTEN ASSOC meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at the kindergarten 23 Coleman Square, North Tamborine at 7.15pm. TM FAMILY HISTORY GROUP Meetings held 1st Sunday each month (excl. January) at TM Historical Soc, Wongawallan Rd, Eagle Heights, 3–5 pm approx. Please contact Carol 5545 0066 or Robyn 5545 2764.

TM GARDEN CLUB: 2nd Tues. 9.30am Community Centre. TM GYMNASTICS Vonda Youngman Community Centre. Enquiries: Judy Netel, on 5545 4152. TM HISTORICAL SOCIETY – Member Working Bees every Tues morning. General Meetings on 4th Wednesday every 2nd month, Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct. Further details: Phil 5545 4962 or Paul 5545 2596. TM LADIES CHOIR 9.30am each Mon, Presbyterian Hall. New members welcome. 5545 1231 (AM only). TM LANDCARE: Volunteers welcome for Forest Regeneration throughout the Mountain. Please visit www.tamborinemtnlandcare. org.au for times, or phone 5545 1847 9am-12 noon Mon-Fri. TMLETS: Join at Community Exchange System http://www.ces.org.za . Enq. 5545 3776. TM LIONS CLUB Admin meeting held on the 2nd Monday and dinner meeting on the 4th Monday of the month. For more information please phone 5545 2120 or visit website http://tamborinemountain.qld. lions.org.au/ TM LITTLE THEATRE: Meetings held 1st Tuesday of month at 7.00pm.Regular plays, play readings & social events. New members welcome. Warrick Bailey President 5545 0819. TM LOCAL PRODUCERS ASSOC. meets 3rd Thurs in Feb, May, Aug, Nov, 2.30–4pm at farm locations. Ph 5545 3677. TM MASONIC LODGE: Meets 3rd Wed each month except Dec. Masonic Centre, 10 Knoll Rd, North Tamborine. Contact 5545 0435. TM NATURAL HISTORY ASSOC: Birdwatchers meet 2nd Wed of the month. Bushwalkers meet 3rd Wed of every 2nd month. Natural History meetings 3rd Fridays of Feb, April, June, Aug (AGM), Oct and Nov. All meetings 7.30pm Historical Society Wongawallan Road Eagle Heights. Ph 5545 3200 or 5545 3551. TM NETBALL CLUB. Contact Tarla 5545 4891. TM ORCHESTRA Mondays 7-8pm at St George’s Anglican Church, Dapsang Dr, North Tamborine. TM PROBUS CLUB meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre, 10am. Enquiries to Secretary 55452179. TM PROGRESS ASSOCIATION: 1st Tuesday in month. 7.30pm Heritage Centre Wongawallen Road. TM R.S.L. Sub–branch general meeting – 2nd Tues of every 2nd month (starting February). 7pm, RSL rooms, below Memorial Centre (Bowls Club). TM RESIDENTS ASSOC: Meets 4th Thurs every 2nd month or as advertised at Masonic Lodge. Contact Pres Richard Adams or Sec Diana Francis on 5545 4009 to arrange attendance or discuss any matters concerning TM residents. TM SENIORS ONTHENET meets 9.30am 2nd Friday of month, Creative Arts Centre, Eagle Heights. Entry $2. Ph: 5545 2247 TAMBORINE SUSTAINABLE GARDENERSʼ SOC (TSGS), a group of enthusiastic gardeners, meets on the last Saturday of each month. Ph 5545 0102. TM TENNIS CLUB: 88 Beacon Rd North Tamborine. Contact 5545 1078, 5545 0955. Casual bookings at Bowls Club 5545 1308. TOASTMASTERS: Meetings aimed at enhancing your communication skills are held on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Creative Arts Centre, Wongawallan Road from 7:00 to 9:30pm. Contact Ashley Anderssen 5545 0916 or Francesca Thorn on 5545 1294 if you are interested. TRIATHLON CLUB, meets 3rd Monday of each month at the Information Centre, Doughty Park at 7pm. Enquiries Adi 5545 3838 TM WRITERSʼ GROUP: Meets every 1st & 3rd Mon of month, 1.30–3.30pm at Creative Arts Centre, Eagle Heights. Call Ted on 5545 0326 for details. YOUTH GROUP: Meets Wed 6pm at the Presbyterian Hall. Call Mark Jenner 5545 4951 or Kim Dale 5545 2041 ZONTA CLUB of TM meets 2nd Tues. of month at Eagle Heights Hotel, Tamborine-Oxenford Rd, Eagle Hts. Further info Tonia Epstein, 5545 3120.

Church Notices ANGLICAN CHURCH: St George’s, corner Eagle Heights Road & Dapsang Drive, Eagle Heights. Every Sunday Holy Communion at 9.30am. Weekday Services: Holy Communion 10am Thursdays. Children’s Ministry 2nd & 4th Sundays of month at 9.30am. Kids Club 3pm Fridays during term. Study Groups, Housegroups, Prayer Group, Spiritus Agency, etc. Enq. 5545 2919. St Luke’s Canungra: Holy Communion Sundays 7.45am. BAHA’I FAITH For information and details of meetings and children’s classes in state school please phone 55450605 or 55453674 ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH, 90-94 Beacon Rd, North Tamborine. celebrates Mass on Sundays at 7.30am and Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am, except the first Friday of the month. Ph 5541 1068. CATHOLIC CHURCH MARIAN VALLEY: Beechmont Rd, Canungra. (National Shrine of our Lady Help of Christians). Sunday Masses 11am & 4pm. Weekdays 9am. Sat 11am. Every Friday, after Mass, Eucharistic Adoration concluding 3pm with Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction. Shrine open daily Ph 5533 3617. COOMERA CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CHURCH Sunday 6.30pm. Helensvale Community Centre, 31 Discovery Drive Helensvale. Guest Speaker – Clairvoyant. Healing – Meditation. Enq: Lynette 5545 0484. JEHOVAH’S WITNESS: Public Meeting, Kingdom Hall, Holt Rd, Sat. 4pm. 5545 4680. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH – TMSHS Performing Arts Centre, Holt Road. Sunday Morning Service & Kid’s Church 9.30am; Youth Thurs 3.45pm & Fri 6pm; Young adults 7pm Wed. All Welcome. Enq: 5545 1533. MITANA SPIRITUAL CHURCH Service, meditation, healings and guest speakers, 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, 10am-12 noon, Masonic Hall, North Tamborine. 5545 3429. All invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main St, North Tamborine. Sunday Service 9am. Sunday School 9.15am. Weekly: Growth Groups, Playtime, Kids Kapers. Minister Kim Dale – 5545 2041. More information at www.tambopc.org.au. THE SALVATION ARMY RECOVERY CHAPEL 168 MacDonnell Road Eagle Heights Sunday 6pm All welcome Tuesday 7pm Enquiries 5630 7939. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Church Fellowship meets at “The Little School House”, next to Tamborine Village Hall on Saturdays Sabbath School 9.30am and Church service at 11am. All welcome. Free DVD library delivered to your door. Please phone 5543 8035 or 5541 1224 for enquiries. TAMBORINE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday Service and Sunday School 10am every Sunday at Community Centre. Kings Kids Programme each Sunday ph Lyn 5545 4545. Midweek Home groups avail. Careforce Recovery groups (e.g. Search for Life) and other family/relationship courses also available. Enq. Ph Rev John Latta 5545 2318. UNITING CHURCH: 41 Appel St, Canungra. Worship first, second and third Sundays 10.30am. Fourth & fifth Sundays 9am; Tamborine Mountain contacts 5545 3773 and 5545 3817.





Peter Dietzel

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Eagle Heights Cleaning Services

BSA 701147 ACN 057 427013

Pty Ltd

House & General Builders Mobile: 0408 772 250 A/h Mark 5545 2063 • David 5545 1620


5543 3331 Mob 0409 729 107 TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN


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5543 6858

& Paykel - Asko Asea




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Phone 0437 436 552 all hours.



DENTURE CLINIC Affairs JOE RUSSELL VeteransProvider Registered Dental Prosthetist

DENTURES - RELINES REPAIRS - MOUTHGUARDS Shop 10 Eagle Heights Shopping Village

5545 3128

EARTHMOVING Excavators Bobcats Trucks

Yes, you can. QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS 1/ Charles Dickens 2/ Gabriel 3/ To enrol for taxes 4/ Spring 5/ Guitar 6/ Welsh 7/ Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar 8/ Oliver Cromwell 9/ Nazareth 10/ Greek word for Christmas is Xristos

Hire your building equipment from MITRE 10 North Tamborine

Phone 5545 1170 OPEN 7 DAYS


• postholes • pads • trenching • tank holes • clearing • burnoffs • landscaping

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Ph: 5545 1979




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ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Domestic/Farm/Commercial Shop 4, Tamborine Plaza Ph: 5545 1207

Ph Michelle 5545 1291 for appt

Let us price your landscape plant needs. Buy direct from the producer. Quote comparison welcome. OPEN 7 DAYS. 176 Long Rd, Eagle Heights • 5545 4999


Affinity Landscapes

Ladies & Men’s Hairdressing Shop 4, Southport Ave, Eagle Heights




P: 5545 4783

Shop 4, 15 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine (opp. Pharmacy) BANKCARD, VISA, MASTERCARD


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Domestic • Commercial • Farm Installation • Repairs

Phone: 5545 2166



Aching/burning feet, bunion pain, sore legs, sciatica, headaches, tension, general pain, women’s health (RAA, ATMS, ICR, FNTT) – Mountain Resident

Is your garden ready for spring & summer entertaining? Would you like to attract wildlife? Do you want envious friends & neighbours?

Local horticulturalist & lic’d structural landscaper • Design • Water features • Stonework • Planting • Paving & retaining walls • Contemporary, native & formal gardens MOB: 0411 805 589 – AH: 5545 3360

TAMBORINE TURF Est. 1966 GROWERS OF: Premium Blue Couch, Greenlees Park and Kikuya Turf.

• Farm pick-up or delivered • Weekend pick-ups must be ordered by Friday • Inspection Invited.


Ph 07 5545 0499 Shop 6, 15 Main Street, North Tamborine


Ph 5545 2402 – Opp. St Bernard’s Hotel Open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm Saturday 9am – 12pm

6133/5543 8441

MOWER REPAIRS Tamborine Mower Repairs

KITCHENS Local on the Mountain Guaranteed Quality


Ph: All Hrs 5543

QBSA Lic#: 1174148

Custom Kitchens, Bathrooms & Ensuites

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5500 0292

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At rear of Presbyterian Church

GLASS TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN GLASS All Glass Replacement Glass & Mirror cut to size Security Screens - Shower Screens

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5545 1892 0428 451 892



Insurance Work Welcome Free Quotes

OPEN: Wednesday to Saturday 8.30am – 12noon

108 Main Western Rd., Tamborine Mtn

Ph 5545 3793 • 0407 696 068

Other times by appointment

Ph. 0417 001 536





eco painters


Specialising in:• Maintenance • Plumbing • Draining • Roofing • Gasfitting Ph: Dave Angel at Nth Tamborine Ph: 5545 2369 all hours Mobile No: 0419 677 008

bsa licence 1043639

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Aqua-Rex Pty Ltd trading as

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VALUER – MALCOLM BISHOPP Independent Property Valuer, all purposes. Assessments market value, compensation, property settlement, stamp duty, GST. Registered Valuer Queensland No. 734. Member Australian Property Institute (Valuers)

Domestic, Commercial, Industrial

PO Box 107, Eagle Heights 4271 Phone 5545 0022 Fax: 5545 0200

Lic. No. 062240


Ph: 5545 1952 Mob: 0407 757 960 FREE QUOTES David Gibbons


PH: 5545 2319 Private and insurance work Total Car Care FREE QUOTES PICK UP DELIVERY



REMOVALIST Local Country

Interstate Pre-packing

Vic Palmer

REMOVALS Incorporating Tamborine Mtn Removals

Ph: 07 3287 4326 Mobile 0408 743 244


Rock and Timber Retaining Walls

5545 0115 PLUMBING

Ian Lloyd • • • • •

Plumbing Drainage Roofing Guttering Pumps


QBS Lic No. 62248

Ph: (Mob) 0417 437 143 A/H 5543 6884

Andrew Paxton-Hall BVSc. Chris Corcoran BVSc. (Hons) Small & Large Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm Animal Practice Saturday 8am - 1pm A fully equipped veterinary hospital right here on the Mountain providing quality service including home visits, x-ray, ultrasound, in-house blood tests, surgery, pet grooming, hydrobath and a full range of pet food supplies. 2 Main St, Nth Tamborine

5545 2422 all hours

Canungra • Expertly Built • All Earthworks • Engineer designed, when required • Certification • BSA Licenced 1111939 Office: 5543 8584 • Mob: 0432 281 075 Email: mark-pearson@bigpond.com

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Established on the Mountain since 1990

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Septic ~ Treatment Plants ~ Grease traps Holding tanks ~ Sullage Tanks ~ Sullage Pumps

• Water Treatment • Waste Water Treatment • Sewerage Plant Maintenance • Pump Sales/Repairs • Designs & Modifications

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CLASSIFIEDS Rates: $6 for first 10 words, then 10 cents for each additional word. Classifieds may be left in the boxes at NORTH TAMBORINE NEWSAGENCY. Place your ad & money in an envelope & drop in box. UNPARALLELLED OPPORTUNITY WORKING FROM HOME ~ PART OR FULL TIME ~ ABSOLUTELY NO RISK ~ GENUINE OPPORTUNITY SELDOM KNOCKS TWICE! FREE TRAINING & SUPPORT. CALL 0409 771 885.


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5593 4777

APPLE PIE CLEANING: General Housekeeping & Bond Cleans. Current Police Certificate. Ph: 0432 248 767 E: applepiecleaning@y7mail.com. ATTENTION!! What’s on the bottom of your water tank? Dead rats, snakes, toads or worse. Minimum water loss extraction cleaning system now available by The Tank Doctor 0407 649 659 or 5545 3693. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES FOR SALE second hand and new local authors. Piccabeen Bookshop/ Landcare office below Joseph the Greengrocer, Main St. CHOOKMOBILE is a fully-equipped chook pen, completely fox-proof and with a superb mobility system. Models for 4 or 7 hens. Come and check them out. Phone 0418 758 925 or 5545 2206. CLAIRVOYANT: Past Life Readings and Dream Interpretation: Carole 5545 3436 CLEANERS WANTED: Tamborine Mountain area, for outside work. Must have manual driver’s licence and mobile phone. Please reply to 3274 5545 between 7-9am. COMPUTER CONSULTATION and REPAIRS Tried Yelling at it? All out of ideas? Call Nic at 0407 861 486 or cactus_computers@tpg.com.au FEEL ALIVE – DISCOVER NIA! The Nia Technique is a holistic dance movement practice for fitness and JOY. Now at Tamborine Memorial Hall, Mondays 9.30am call Jodie on 0401 664 791 or see www.niaaustralia.com.au HOUSE TO LET: 3 bedrooms with built ins, 1 1/2 baths, good kitchen, nice dining, 2 living, wood heater verandah, elevated views, 2 cars under $360 per week, available shortly. Phone 5545 2100 MOBILE MASSAGE: Qualified Therapist. Maintain the health of your body with a regular therapeutic massage. Service also avail. to some offMountain areas. Anja Cameron 0405 347 900 MOUNTAIN-WIDE PAMPHLETS Distribution service. Advertise your business. Ph 0438 452 587. MULCH: Excellent quality. Aged, clean mulch. $25/metre delivered. Ph: 5545 0467. NATUROPATH, Nutrition advice, herbalist, 0417 630 615 www.ntpages.com.au/therapist/11495 SUIT D’ÉCOUPAGE, 2 square hat boxes, 1 large, 1 medium. offers? 5545 2100 TRADITIONAL REIKI CLASSES Reiki, massage, iridology by appointment. Change your life for the better. Phone Jan 5545 4005. 20 years experience.

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Alcoholics Anonymous..............5545 3331 ..........................................or 0416 155 456 Energex .........................................13 62 62 Fire (ask for Southport Control) ........000 Fire (T.M. Rural F.B.) ..........0407 747 999 Fire Permits ..........................0408 199 271 Police ..........................................5545 3473 Ambulance ............................................000 Ambulance (non-urgent) .............13 12 33 Domestic Violence (24 hrs)...1800 811 811 Child Protection (24 hrs) .....1800 177 135 Lifeline ............................................13 1114 13 HEALTH ............................13 43 25 84 S.E.S. .............................................132 500 Local SES Controller Brendan Guy ...............................5540 5131 T.M. Community Care Service: Home Care and Transport needs. Ring.........5545 4968 Blue Nursing Service ..........(07) 3287 2041 Roslyn Lodge ..............................5545 7822 T.M. Medical Practice.................5545 1222 QML Pathology Nth Tamborine .5545 3873 Chemists: North Tamborine.........5545 1450 Eagle Heights..............5545 1441 Tamborine Mtn Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic ...............................5545 0500 Tamborine Mountain Optometrist Nicky Carr..................................5545 0277 Dentists: Dr Don Harvey .........................5545 2788 Dr Claudia Rodriguez................5545 2522 Podiatrist: ..........5545 3311 or 0418 963 969 Veterinary Surgery ......................5545 2422 Beenleigh Comm. Health ....(07) 3827 9811 Beaudesert Hospital.....................5541 9111 LIBRARY HOURS Monday – Friday 9.00am–5.30pm. Saturday 9am–12noon. Phone: 5540 5473. T.M. RURAL FIRE BRIGADE For burnoff notifications, membership and general enquiries .......................................Phone: 0407 747 999 For Fires and Emergencies ...........Phone: 000 Training Meetings are held at 7.00pm each Wednesday at the Rural Fire Station, Knoll Rd. Tamborine Mountain News is published fortnightly. The paper is compiled by voluntary workers and printed by the Beaudesert Times.

EDITORIAL TEAM: Eve Curtis 5545 1231 George & Joan Fisher 5545 1986 Mike & Elizabeth Russell 5545 3601 John Aagaard 5545 1371 EMAIL: tmn05@bigpond.net.au TM News acknowledges a grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund for the purchase of equipment to assist in production.


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