Tamborine Mountain News

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Vol. 1320 Tuesday Feb 7, 2012 Compiled & edited by volunteers for the Tamborine Mountain Community

January weather


AMBORINE Mountain has just been through a very wet January. Mike Russell’s weather map on page 4 records the rain on different parts of the Mountain, with the total at Fern Street, the original recording station, being 657.2mm. But this is nowhere near the highest the Mountain has seen in January. In 1974 the total for the month was 1790mm, and the total for the year 3644 mm. Last year’s total was 1499mm, well below that in 1974. As in any country area, the subject of rainfall has long been of interest to people living on Tamborine Mountain. As Allan Rosser wrote in 2002: William Henry Davidson, a surveyor, helped his brother survey at Mt Tamborine in the 1870s. When he settled at Mt Tamborine in late 1880s he kept the rainfall records until Mt Tamborine was made an official recording station. He then sent daily reports to the Brisbane Meteorological Bureau. William Henry Davidson married my grandmother, Grace Rosser. He continued to record the rainfall from his property “Wilmont” until his death in 1929. My grandmother then became the postmistress of the Mt Tamborine Post Office (which was the first Post Office on Tamborine Mountain). The Post Office at Mt Tamborine was closed in 1977, but the official recording station was not removed and the weather is still recorded there twice daily by Allan Rosser’s sister, Patricia Johnstone. Thanks to the Davidson and Rosser families, we have records of Tamborine Mountain’s weather for the past 123 years. January can throw more at us than record rain. The amount that fell in January 1919 was only 11mm, a very poor start to the year, and followed by 18mm the next month. Living on a mountain as we do we are not subject to flood after flood, as is the lot of so many people. But it does tend to cut us off from the outside world, and make it difficult to reach the coast. At time of writing the Muntz crossing on the road to Oxenford remains closed.

A graceful and delicate result of the wet weather is depicted here by Nigel Summers with his photographic specialist subject, fungi. These photos were taken at TM Botanical Gardens (top) and on the Cameron Falls track (bottom).


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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Re: Gaven Developments proposed roundabout The Tamborine Mountain Progress Association wrote to Scenic Rim Regional Council pointing out the serious concerns it has with the flawed approval process and roundabout design itself, particularly as it affects Roslyn Lodge. A reply from Mayor John Brent states that “it is understood that an improvement could have been provided, however this is a commercial decision between Roslyn Lodge and the developer”. From the Court's instructions, the development approvals are pivotal on the

"proper execution" of a roundabout with responsibility falling squarely upon the shoulders of all Respondents (SRRC was one) to achieve a design acceptable to affected property owners, respondents and the community. Not to monitor, and advise upon, the process of execution of the roundabout design is actually a dereliction of duty. Council has a “Duty of Care” to query the whole flawed process of the roundabout approval and if necessary apply for an injunction against construction until and unless a design satisfactory to all affected parties is produced. Stuart Wright

Dear Editor, Beyond Zero Emissions [Bze] Discussion At Vonda Youngman Centre 26/1/12 The BZE meeting was held to point out that their concept on renewable energy meant that Australia could switch to 100% renewables by 2020 including full electric transport for the cost of around $8 per week per household. A wonderful aspiration in concept but a total delusional fairyland in the real world. No country has been able to produce renewable baseload electricity at any price and the most advanced countries in renewables such as Spain and Denmark are so dependant on fossil fuel electricity for baseload that they have to either import power from other countries or have so much of their own FFE on standby that they can’t meet the Kyoto emission requirements. The Zero Carbon Australia plan that BZE put forward has been audited by professionals and found seriously wanting in many aspects

not the least being that in its present form it would cost nearly 10 times their estimate, is 65% below requirements and technology for renewable baseload in extreme conditions does not exist. For me, one of the saddest parts of the meeting was when I asked the chairman, Andy Grodecki, in light of US Fish and Wildlife data claiming US windfarms killed over 400,000 birds a year [and Tamborine Mountain being a strong possibility for future windfarms] how the Greens could reconcile that sort of environmental genocide with sustainable, renewable energy, his reply was to the effect, “That’s simple, global warming is killing a lot more than that”. Is it Andy? Where’s your data on that? I think you’ll find exactly the reverse. Birds flee the cold, not the warm. I feel this plan is all about aspiration and ideology and not much to do with science. Jim Inglis

Dear Editor, The Zero Carbon Australian Plan would scrap the immensely expensive system that provides us with power, and replace it with another immensely expensive system for performing the same function. I checked that out at the meeting to which Wendy Morgan referred in her letter 24/01/’12. The plan is proposed with the best intentions, by people who believe it would save the Earth, but does that justify the enticing promise that the resulting electricity bill would be nominal ($6 a week), when in reality the Australian consumer/taxpayer would be servicing the capital expenditure on the new system for many years to come? I also expressed my concern that scientists who challenged the value of the climatologists’ predictions were being written off as an awkward few. I’d guess that the majority of scientists are even more

suspicious of predictions about the climate than they are of predictions about the economy! Good sense calls for less gullibility about the dire effects of carbon dioxide, and a less frantic approach to power supply. Another revelation at the meeting was the interest in renewable shown by young children. The subject will have been dealt with in lessons, and the question is: should it be? In a long spell of teaching in the TM primary schools I gave children only a few uncontested basics each lesson and had them using their brains for the rest of the time. The science in climate topics is too complex, even semi-political. There is a whiff about if of young minds being got at. There is need for more basic science. Science lessons should encourage children to think, not tell them what to think. John Leisten

ERRORS & OMISSIONS – While every care is taken with the copy and advertisements, the Tamborine Mountain News cannot be held responsible for errors or their effect. Positioning of classified and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. The Tamborine Mountain News reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, omit or re-classify advertisements for any reason. The Editors at all times reserve the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. Readers are reminded that letters to the editor must bear a full name, address and signature and should preferably be typed. The views expressed in Letters to the Editor and non editorial copy carrying the author’s name, are not necessarily those of the Tamborine Mountain News nor is responsibility accepted for accuracy of information therein. Inclusion of an advertisement for a product or service should not be seen as an endorsement by Tamborine Mountain News.


Dear Editor, In response to the ad run by the developer of 43 Justin Ave, may I make the following observations. Thanks very much for the offer of contributing a development that will destroy the amenity and safety of my neighbourhood. Very generous of you, but the residents of Justin Ave and Licuala Drive have overwhelmingly rejected it with comprehensive objections in their submissions to council. 331 submissions – 331 against, 0 in favour. Suggest you foist your unwanted development on an area that is more suited to it and leave our quiet, safe, neighbourhood community in peace. Thanks for the offer of giving back, but overwhelmingly the residents of the surrounding streets don’t want it. Please don’t put yourself at any financial risk for us, not necessary, how about you withdraw

your application instead and save yourself (and us) the trouble? Your insinuation that parents that live in Justin Ave are negligent however is out of line. At no stage have either of my children (my eighteen year old or my one year old) used Justin Ave as a playground. Justin Ave has until now has been a safe street for my older son to walk home from school, except for when the occasional movie was shot on your property. Your development will change what is essentially a safe street into a dangerous one. Who do you think you are in suggesting that I have been negligent in my duty of care to my children? You are the one who is endangering children on this mountain by planting a massive tourism development in the middle of a quiet, semi-rural, peaceful residential area, home to many young families. Alison Shaw

Dear Editor, Headlights on in fog, please! We have had some really bad weather on the mountain in the past couple of weeks, it’s been gloomy, misty and overcast with constant showers. Whilst driving around the mountain performing various errands, I could not help but be astounded by the number of idiots driving around without lights on, in near dark sometimes, and completely oblivious to

other motorists who try to make their presence as visible as possible with their lights on. These idiots, in their blissful ignorance, have the benefit of being able to easily see the vehicles with lights on approaching them, but hey, guess what, we cannot see you! (And yes, I have good vision). Please, wake up for the sake of the rest of us before you cause a fatality. Mal Price


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Main Street, North Tamborine • 5545 1237 TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1320, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 – 3

Bearing His Icon

Tamborine Mountain Dental


Dear Geoff, In my last letter I was writing to you about the biblical ‘put off, put on’ dynamic that is an essential part of being transformed into the image of Christ. I suppose it would be easy to think that this is an easy thing to do. Even though we are exhorted (a little stronger than encouraged) to put of the old self and put on the new self it does not mean that it comes easy. Christians will be doing this all their lives in one way or another. None of us will reach the kind of moral and spiritual perfection that we long for in this life. Our total transformation comes after we finish this life and inherit the kingdom of heaven.....’And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness (icon) of the man from heaven.’ (1 Corinthians 15:49). I realise that this kind of language seems strange to the (post?) modern ear. But it really is no more strange than parallel universes and other such ‘reasonable’ things that science tells us about regularly. However, my main point is that the Christian life, in this life, is not a pleasure cruise. We struggle with the circumstances surrounding our lives and we struggle with inner conflict as well. Our consciences, our inability to always do what we know is the right thing to do, our mixture of motives when we intend good, our lack of self knowledge; all of these things happen inside us where we think and feel. And the circumstances external to us that are beyond our control or ability to manage can often be overwhelming. At times we don’t even have the will to make the choice or decision that is itself so clear. It is at times like these that we need to remember that ‘it is God who works in you to will and act according to his good purpose’ (Philippians 2:13). The Apostle Paul opened up a window to his own struggle with doing right and wrong, (Romans 7), and we should be encouraged by it when we find ourselves struggling with the slowness of change. He found it difficult to understand his own inner struggle, ‘I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do’. He struggled with his own fallen nature. Yet he also found hope, real hope, in the power of Christ to deliver him, ‘What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!’ (Romans 7:24-25). The Christian life is no pleasure cruise. It is full of its joys and sorrows. And, in front, underneath and behind our lives is the living God moving us ever closer to himself where we will one day ‘bear the likeness of the man from heaven’. Your Brother, Kim Advertisement. The views expressed in the letter are Kim Dale’s. Replies may be sent to – PO Box 5, Nth Tamborine 4272.

Rainfall for January 2012 on Tamborine Mtn FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY ‘ZOOM’ WHITENING ALLAMANDA HOSPITAL • Wisdom Teeth • Conservative Dentistry • Childrens Dentistry


part from showers on the 1st & 2nd, January started very dry. Just as we were wondering if it was ever going to rain again, it came! Troughs and an upper atmosphere low brought good falls on the 16th, 17th & 18th but what looked like an 'east coast low' off Fraser Island didn't eventuate. Then on the 23rd more troughs and an upper atmosphere low combined with convergence brought a deluge over the next 2 days and the rain continued to the end of the month. The map shows considerable variation across the Mountain with totals of more than 700ml on the SE of Eagle Heights and into North Tamborine village. This variation was almost entirely due to variation in the deluge recorded on the 25th. At Fern St. the total for the month was 657.2mm. This was very much more than the expected of 160mm and the average of 216mm. Mike Russell 5545 3601





N various occasions I have had to report that Council had simply not responded to a series of complaints about breaches of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct that I lodged back in mid-October. Excuse me if I’m cynical, but even Council’s Customer Contact Charter details Council’s aim to provide a written response to complaints within seven working days on 90% of occasions. Further, if that is not possible, it is supposed to give an estimate of when there will be a full response. Hollow laughter off stage. However, a couple of weeks ago I did get a response. That had only taken three months. The assessment of my complaints by the Chief Executive Officer makes strange reading. One complaint was against the Mayor for misconduct, following an interview with the Beaudesert Times. I complained that, in a series of outspoken comments about Cr Swanborough, it appeared Cr Brent had breached the Councillors’ Code of Conduct by not showing respect for a fellow Councillor and harassing, bullying or intimidating a fellow Councillor. It also appeared he had breached the requirement to make clear when he was expressing a personal opinion and when he was speaking on behalf of Council. Having assessed my complaint, the CEO decided that there was justification for forwarding it to the Department of Local Government and Planning. I had also made a series of complaints against other Councillors for breaches of the Code of Conduct with relation to statements to the media. I pointed out that the CEO was precluded from assessing the complaints as frivolous or vexatious since the perceived breaches conflict with specific requirements of the Councillor Code of Conduct. Also, it had previously been assessed that similar complaints by Cr Cockburn against Cr Swanborough were neither trivial nor vexatious having been made with reference to the requirement for communication with the media to acknowledge the democratic process. Even though I believed that I had put forward solid arguments, the CEO’s assessment was that these complaints were, after all, frivolous and vexatious and he would take no further action and would not forward them for further investigation. He referred to having had legal advice but gave no reason justifying his assessment. The CEO also included advice that it was an offence under the Local Government Act to make a further complaint about matters that are substantially the same as the original complaint. I have requested clarification. I had also made a further overarching complaint that Councillors other than Cr Swanborough had collectively breached the Code of Conduct and the Local Government Act. In summary, it appeared that Councillors, in attempting to enforce standards different from those adopted by themselves, were not satisfying requirements re their personal conduct, respect for fellow Councillors and refraining from harassing, bullying or intimidating fellow Councillors. I don’t know why but the CEO has ignored this complaint altogether, with no suggestion that it has been assessed. There is another aspect of the whole sorry


Phil Giffard

matter which seriously disturbs me. It would have been highly desirable and correct to have all the complaints dealt with well before the forthcoming election. Regrettably, Council's inordinate delays in dealing with the matter may prevent this from happening. After three months’ wait, it was an unconvincing performance by Council. Needless to say, I have responded to the Council advice and await the reply with interest. And then we have the ongoing roundabout saga. Inexcusably, Council cheerfully refuses to assist in finding a solution to a most unsatisfactory approval process that could result in damaging impacts on residents. (I have just realised what I’ve written and fear it may be only too true!) My previous column identified some of the problems: – After many months of applying and appealing against Council rejection of the Application, the developer had still failed to produce a satisfactory roundabout design. – With the appeal process dragging on, in February l 2011 the Court supported approval, with a Final Order which included a roundabout concept with the final design to be generally in accordance with this concept and approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. – There was no meaningful consultation with locals until, out of the blue, a Public Notice appeared on 15 December giving some detail of the roundabout to be constructed, starting immediately. There had been effectively no opportunity for consultation, even by residents directly affected or involved in the Appeal. The design appeared to have very serious flaws. In desperation, I lodged a submission with DTMR and Council on 19 December detailing major issues. I am now aware that others were doing the same. However, these submissions got nowhere, major problems being: – Great uncertainty about when and by whom approvals had been given by DTMR for the design and for work on the building site by Council. The latter was conditional on DTMR approval of the roundabout design. For some time DTMR claimed that no design approval had been given, but it was found later that someone in DTMR had done so. – Both DTMR and Council refuse to release details of the roundabout and associated works, saying the designs were the property of the developer’s engineer. Even the level (height) at which the roundabout is to be constructed at the Roslyn Lodge access is being kept a deep, dark secret. This seems very strange when such a complex and questionable facility is to be constructed on a public road. – DTMR refuse to consider the roundabout as a component of the local area traffic plan. In the last week or so I have finally had responses from DTMR and Council. DTMR simply don’t consider my concerns as submitted and Council effectively says they have no authority to be involved in the design. That is probably true. However, I cannot understand why Council (with the notable exception of Cr Swanborough) now refuses to exercise its responsibility to represent Scenic Rim community interests as laid down in the Local Government Act.

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Growing vegies, growing a community



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HAT lies behind the gracious facade of Bungunyah Manor Resort on Long Rd? Answer: an array of thriving vegetable plots in the Community Gardens. The mountain residents who, like me, rent a plot of 20 sq m. each are beating the rocketing prices of fresh (or not so fresh) vegetables to be found in the supermarkets. We know how good it is to be able to put onto the table lush, fresh, organic vegetables we’ve grown themselves, as nature intended, without chemical pesticides and fertilisers. We know the pleasures of watching seeds push up to the light and seeing seedlings grow into mature plants ready for harvest. We enjoy meeting the friendly gardeners of neighbouring plots who swap cucumbers for corn cobs and can offer sound advice about how they ward off insect pests or how they grow those succulent baby broad beans. This is great support for those who are newcomers to the growing business. Each plot holder has free access to water, mulch, organic fertilisers, chicken compost, and some seeds and seedlings. The Gardens are run by a very helpful manager, Herman Piersma, and decisions are made by a committee at meetings at which all plot holders are welcome. Regular, emailed newsletters provide information about procedures and upcoming events and offer tips and recipes. A produce shop at Bungunyah Manor on Long Rd is open all weekend where plot holders can sell their excess vegetables and

herbs to both local consumers and the tourists who frequent Gallery Walk close by. In these ways the Community Gardens are fulfilling their aims of building a community of residents who are committed to growing healthy food and enhancing local resilience through the supply of locally grown food. The gardeners win, hands down! Of 50 plots several are available now, ready for autumn planting for a bountiful harvest, at a small weekly rent (paid quarterly). For more information or to take up a plot, contact Kerrie Guy on 5545 1044 or Kerrie@bungunyahmanor.com.au Wendy Morgan

An introduction to the Baha’i faith – TONIGHT IN MEMORY OF ALICE SLANN



TIME: 6.30pm for 7–9pm Tuesday 7th February VENUE:The Bodhi Health Centre 88 Alpine Terrace/corner of Fern Street (almost opposite St Bernards Hotel) Parking on-site or across Fern Street at the Art & Framing Centre Alice Slann a member of The Scenic Rim Baha’i community passed away, to the Abha Kingdom a year ago in January 2011. Alice was an active member of the Baha’i community on Tamborine Mountain for 6 years and was well known for her voluntary work at the local schools, teaching meditation, Baha’i classes and The Virtues Project. She was also chaplain of the Toogoolawa school in Ormeau. Alice’s belief & faith in the teachings of Baha’u’llah, the founder Prophet of The Baha’i Faith, gave her a remarkable capacity to help others & to deal with her own challenges with grace & fortitude. The Baha’i Faith dates from 1844 and is the youngest of the recognised world religions. It’s remarkable history and teachings for the peace and unity of the human race and the concept of progressive revelation, is inclusive of all nationalities and


beliefs, fulfilling former prophesies. Mandy ffrench & Jenny Banks will present an introduction to the Baha’i Faith, which will include music, prayer & meditation. Jenny, an ex Tamborine Mountain resident, now living in Townsville, has spent 4 years working and living at the Baha’i Holy Centre on Mount Carmel in Israel. We look forward to sharing an evening with you in a spirit of love, unity & peace. Enquiries: Sone 5545 0605 or Nur & Ruhi 5545 3674



WLS are distinctive birds. Their forward facing, staring eyes; dished face: stealth and nocturnal life, which give them an aura of wisdom, power and mystery, are also attributes of an extremely sophisticated night hunter. Owl eyes are adapted to night vision. Their eyes are large (up to 5% of body weight), and forward facing for binocular vision. Instead of eyeballs, their eyes are like tubes held in place by bony rings, the pupil of an owl can dilate to the very edge of the eye for maximum light exposure. Owls cannot move their eyes; they can only look straight ahead. To overcome this restriction, their neck is extremely flexible. Owls have fuzzy, low colour vision that is effective in low light and is highly sensitive to movement. An owl’s range of perception of auditory sounds is similar to that of humans, but its hearing is much more acute at certain frequencies, so that it can hear the slightest rustle in the undergrowth. Owl ears are vertical slits set on either side of their heads, in many species they are asymmetrical ie the slits are not level with eachother. The facial disc of owls acts as a radar dish – the owl uses its facial muscles to alter the shape of the disc; this can amplify and funnel sounds to the ears. When a sound is heard, the owl is able to analyse the minute time difference between when the sound is perceived by the left ear, and when it is perceived by the right ear (owls can detect a left/right time difference of 0.00003 seconds ie 30 millionth of a second). They can also

analyse the minute up/down difference in sound volume and pitch between the assymmetrical right and left ears. The owl raises a central ridge in its facial disc to prevent the sounds mixing. The minute left/right and up/down time differences fix the horizontal and vertical position of the sound; its intersection is the source of the sound and the location of the potential prey. The owl’s brain has an instant mental image of the sound, space and direction and this is constantly corrected as the owl flies. There are a number of owl species living on Tamborine Mountain, including the Powerful Owl, Sooty Owl (pictured) and Barn Owl, the most common is the Southern Boobook whose distinctive call is often heard on the mountain. Unfortunately owls face increasing threats such as clearing of vegetation which destroys their foraging, roosting and breeding habitat; loss of old dead trees with tree hollows; the proliferation of bright lights which disorient their night vision; barbed wire and netting which can entangle them; agricultural and household poisons and predation by domestic and feral animals. By preserving and replanting habitat, reducing light pollution, avoiding careless garden netting and keeping pets inside at night we can help our local owls survive.

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Funding options discussed for Stage 2 of Sports Centre


N Friday, 27th January, Queensland’s Shadow Minister with responsibility for the Commonwealth Games, John-Paul Langbroek MP (above left), TMSA President Dr. Alan Blackman (centre), LNP Candidate for Beaudesert Jon Krause and TMSA Secretary, Bret Arthur (above right) met to discuss future funding options for development of the Tamborine Mountain Sports Centre’s second stage in preparation for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. “The Sports Centre is ideally positioned to become training facility for elite athletes and teams taking part in the Games and as an adjunct to existing facilities at Tallebudgera Creek, Robina and Carrara,” Dr Blackman said. Possible Commonwealth Games activities


Clean Up Australia Day Doughty Park – 7.30am, Sunday 4 March 2012 Clean Up Australia Day is the nation’s largest community participation event and reflects the great tradition of volunteering in Australia. For the last 20 years TMNHA has been part of this event. In 2011 565,510 volunteers collected 16,454 tonnes of rubbish nation-wide. Why not join us, and do your bit to help clean up Tamborine Mountain? Contact Site Coordinator Nadia O’Carroll on 5545 3551 or nadia@interphase.net.au; register online www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au; or just turn up at Doughty Park, Nth Tamborine, 7.30am on Sunday 4 March.

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at the Sports Centre include its use as a training facility for visiting athletes, Rugby 7s, tennis, swimming, netball, exhibition 20/20 Cricket and as a staging point for road cycling events. Stage 2 is expected to include four tennis courts, an Olympic size swimming pool, skateboard rink, BMX track, boardwalk and cycle way, athletic facilities, BBQs, completion of the clubhouse, landscaping, a caretaker's cottage and field lighting. “Morton’s Urban Solutions is currently preparing detailed plans for Stage 2 so that once again, when the time comes we will be ‘shovel ready’. In the meantime, funding applications are being readied for relocatable spectator seating for the lower fields, mowing equipment and signage,” Dr. Blackman said.

St George’s Anglican Church Kids Club and Sunday School, 2012


T GEORGE’S Anglican Church Kids Club will restart THIS Friday 10 February 2012. It will run on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month in the church hall, Dapsang Drive. We welcome primary age children from 3-5pm in term time, for games, craft, stories and more. Afternoon tea provided. Enquiries to Wendy Wales – 5545 1359. KIDS CHURCH meets 9.30am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in the ‘De Voile Room’ of the Church. Children meet the leaders in the church. Enquiries to Wendy Wales – 5545 1359 or Thelma Hunneybun – 5545 4310.


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Happy Valentine’s Day?


HE course of true love never did run smooth, and that’s just what this spectacularly plumed suitor discovered when he tried to woo a distant cousin. While beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, clearly he just wasn’t her type. Lisa Stubbs

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TURNING THE SCREWS ON CRIME In the Coomera Police District there has been a large quantity of NUMBER PLATES STOLEN from Vehicles. Some of the stolen number plates are being used to evade identification in various crimes.

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Tel: 5545 1450 • Fax: 5545 2277 2/12 Main Western Rd, Nth Tamborine

CRIME PREVENTION INITIATIVE We are offering to supply and fit, free of charge, one-way screws to secure the number plates of patrons’ vehicles. This type of screw makes removal of number plates very difficult, deterring theft. TUESDAY 21 FEBRUARY 9 – 11am (weather permitting) at Vonda Youngman Community Centre Carpark Contact North Tamborine Police Station for further info or enquiries - 5545 3473 TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1320, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 – 9


Community Briefing Sunday 19 February 2012 • 2-4pm Vonda Youngman Community Centre The mountain’s unique character derives mainly from strong community input over the decades. The Progress Association’s largely watchdog role has been to alert residents to possible threats to our chosen lifestyle. Problems today include the bureaucratized local government department and the Local Government Act itself. GUEST SPEAKER: DIV. 1 COUNCILLOR, DEREK SWANBOROUGH

will speak on “Complexities of the Local Government Act”.


Phone: 5545 1938 Mobile: 0417 001 536 Email: mccon@winshop.com.au Web: alltamborinestorage.com.au 10 – TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1320, FEBRUARY 7, 2012

READY FOR SCHOOL? Children’s eye tests available now

Time to fix Hyacinth saga, says Swanborough


AYORAL candidate Derek Swanborough says the incoming Council must resolve the festering problem of the Hyacinth Development opposite Tamborine Mountain State School to the satisfaction of the wider community. “This issue has dragged on and on to the point that it has become a no win situation for everyone involved - the community, the Council and the developer,” said Cr Swanborough.” “Council officers under delegated authority issued a new operational works permit to Hyacinth for sewerage infrastructure in July 2011. It did not come to Council for a decision.” He warned, however, that if the Councillors who had supported the development were to be reelected the mountain community would be saddled with an outcome totally incompatible with the character and beauty of the area. “They will simply ignore the wishes of the community and allow this development to go ahead on 400 to 500 square metre building lots. “This will not only destroy the natural charm of the area, but create traffic, noise and environmental problems.” Cr Swanborough said the sorry saga of Hyacinth had begun under the former

New Residents?


NCE again there will be a welcome to newcomers to Tamborine Mountain, on Thursday February 23, 2012 at the Tamborine Mountain Library. There will be members of various organizations present to tell about the many

New date for local government elections


HE date of the Local Government Elections has been changed. They will now take place on Saturday 28 April 2012. Voting is compulsory for all eligible citizens. The rolls closed on January 31; nominations will open on Saturday 10 March and will close at noon on Tuesday 27 March. Pre-poll voting opens at 9am on Monday 18 April and closes at 6pm on Friday 27

Beaudesert Council when it approved the development in 2007. Scenic Rim Council ratified the decision and fought to preserve it, against the community’s wishes. The Scenic Rim Council spent almost $300,000 of ratepayer money in the courts, and threatened to recover $36,000 in court costs from the Tamborine Mountain Progress Association for when the association tried and failed to stop the subdivision development in an appeal court. “What we desperately need,” said Cr Swanborough, “is a mutually acceptable breakthrough that results in a win-win for everyone.” “As Mayor, I will not support the planning scheme amendments or any further delegations to Council officers to determine any further code or other approvals for this development, which will be required to allow development on the sub-division in its present form to proceed. We may be in for more costly litigation on this one if common sense does not prevail. “What I will support is an option that offers the developers, receivers or owners a community acceptable acreage subdivision by seeking changes to the regional plan and Council planning scheme. “This may allow the developers, receivers or owners the ability to recoup their losses and to make a return on their investment.” “Importantly, it would result in a development that was in keeping with the character of the area and would be welcomed by the community,” said Cr Swanborough. activities available to residents here on the Mountain. A light supper will be provided. To register your attendance, please phone or call at the library. Tamborine Mountain Library 5540 5473

April. Applications can be made immediately for postal voting but the Electoral Commission cannot forward ballot material until after the close of nominations on Tuesday 27 March. Applications for postal votes close at 6pm on Wednesday 25 April. Cut-off date for return of postal ballot papers is 6pm on Tuesday 8 May, 2012. Applications can be made immediately for electoral visitor voting, but the Commission cannot put arrangements in place until after the close of nominations on Tuesday 27 March.

Meals on Wheels Roster

FEBRUARY 2012 Wed 1...................Robyn & David CARSELDINE Fri 3.....Sallyanne BRENNAN & Vicki KELLOWAY Mon 6..................................Linda DUBBERLEY Wed 8 .......................................Cath BUCKLEY Fri 10...................................(To be confirmed) Mon 13...............................Madelaine JANTOS Wed 15..................................Ian WOODWARD Fri 17 ......................Elizabeth & Mike RUSSELL Mon 20 ...........................................Nola PINK Wed 22 ...........Lenore THEILE & David JEFFREY Fri 24..........................................Julie EÖTVOS Mon 27.....................................Denise WYLLIE Wed 29th.................................Barbara NOBLE


The meeting will be addressed by JAMES SIMSEN from Mountain Man

Pot calls kettle black!!


TRANGE things happen in the little ol’ land of Oz. In what would appear as the ultimate irony to most citizens of the Scenic Rim, Mayor John Brent, in the Tamborine Times of 2nd February, when railing against the state government stated: “Our communities are sick and tired of having unpopular decisions rammed down their throats. There’s never consultation, just orders from on high. We’ve had enough.”

Well really Mayor Brent, you don’t say! Residents of the Scenic Rim have been saying this for four years. And we aren’t talking about the state government either! Your regime has been ramming unpopular decisions down our throats without consultation for all that time. How does it feel to be on the receiving end for a change? In your own words Mayor Brent, we’ve had enough! Roll on the council elections. Roland Lindenmayer

Computing Tea/Coffee & chat from 9.30am Presentation 10.00am

$2 entry Margaret & Frank Thorndike 5545 2247




February Gardening for the past few weeks has been disheartening, with heavy rain making it almost impossible to do very much. But with the sun now shining it’s possible to look around and see just what needs to be done – and some of that is cutting back the luxuriant growth of summer. If you plan to plant seedlings for spring annuals you can start now. Fast growing plants can be delayed until March. If instead you plan to buy seedlings, these should be planted about mid-April. It’s time to think about preparing sweetpea ground. Dig in plenty of compost, dolomite, blood and bone, potash and organic life. Don’t neglect your summer flowers yet, removing spent heads will prolong flowering. Have you ordered your bulbs for spring flowering? They are available now. Some suggestions are freesias, ranunculus, anemone and jonquils of various kinds – all grow well on the Mountain. Perhaps you have trouble with thrips in your gladioli when grown in summer. Try planting them in April for spring flowering. The cold weather doesn’t prevent growth and makes it easier to control thrips. How is your vegetable garden? It’s time to plant cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. If you are in a frostfree area, a few late tomatoes and beans are worthwhile. Some early peas may be worth a try.


RACQ - wouldn’t be without them.

Be sure your car is safe for all weathers. 41 Main Street, North Tamborine Ph 5545 1214 • A/H 131 111

Tamborine Mountain


One small place on earth Harvestmen – Neopantopsalis pentheter – The Knoll NP

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon-Fri 6am to 5.30pm Sat-Sun 6am to 4pm

FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY FREE OF PRESERVATIVES White, Wholemeal, Grain, Sour Dough, Cape Seed, German Black Bread, Turkish & Fancy Cobbs.

CAKES, SLICES, DONUTS Fresh cream cakes and tortes daily; Don’t forget Cakes for Birthdays and Special Occasions

Main Street, North Tamborine Ph: 5545 1261

Hands up anyone who has seen this arachnid. This species of Harvestman is among the most amazing creatures I have encountered on the mountain. It was first described in 2009 and nothing is known about its natural history. These are males as evidenced by their chelicerae (pincers) which are several times their 3mm or less body length. Their longest legs are up to 100mm long. We have now seen them in all five national parks where we film at night, predominantly on slightly undercut rocks next to the track, and within the last month I have filmed them in daylight in 3 of the parks. Frames from video footage celebrating Tamborine Mountain’s biodiversity.

Peter Kuttner 12 – TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1320, FEBRUARY 7, 2012

Seniors’ Flicks – Classic Cinema returns to the Centre

Queenslanders reminded: if it’s flooded, forget it


IX of the movie industry's all-time greats are coming to the Centre during 2012. The films will be shown on the second Thursday of every second month, starting in February. They will all screen at 10am with everyone invited to morning tea at 9.30am. What better way to start any season of classic cinematic hits than to screen the 1952 American musical comedy Singin' in the Rain starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. Kelly's wonderful choreography is reason alone to want to see this multi-award winning film, which has been acclaimed by many critics to be the best film ever made. It offers a comic depiction of Hollywood through it transition from silent films to talkies. The date for Singin’ in the Rain is 9 February. Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn hit the screen on 12 April for their hilarious, John Huston-directed film, The African Queen where Hepburn is a strait-laced missionary who convinces Bogart, a ginswilling riverboat owner, to attack an enemy warship during World War 1. Ginger Rogers is another all-time favourite of the silver screen and in the comedy The Major and the Minor, she plays Susan Applegate. Because she can’t afford the full fare, she disguises herself as a child (the minor) to get a discounted rail ticket. Enroute she runs into an Army major, played by Ray Milland and that's when the fun begins. 14 June is the date for this film. No classic cinema season could possibly exclude Fred Astaire dancing his way onto the screen. This he does in Top Hat with Ginger Rogers which screens 9 August. Astaire plays Jerry Travers whose dancing in a hotel room annoys the sleeping Dale Tremont (Rogers) below. When she goes to complain the two are immediately attracted to each other.

There are angels on the Mountain... (They know who they are)


UE to all the heavy rain we have had over the last few weeks, the carpark at the Tennis Courts took most of the brunt. Quite a large rut appeared along the concrete gutter and created a problem for any cars trying to park. Not wanting Members of the

Autumn Orchid and Foliage Show


HE Autumn Show of the Beaudesert District Orchid and Foliage Society will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11, in the Canungra School of Arts Hall in Pine Street, Canungra. There will be many spectacular orchids in bloom, lots of ferns, begonias and bromeliads. There will also be locally grown orchids and foliage plants for sale at reasonable prices, with local growers giving


On 11 October, Some Like It Hot comes to town. When two musicians witness a mob hit, they decide the best way to flee the state is to disguise themselves as women but hilarious complications set in. This laugh-a-minute comedy directed by Billy Wilder stars Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. It is also considered one of the best comedies in the history of cinema. The season will finish in a festive spirit with Miracle on 34th Street on 13 December. Maureen O'Hara, John Payne and Natalie Wood star in this delightful film in which a nice old man claims to be Santa Claus. He is institutionalised as insane but a young lawyer decides to defend him by arguing in court that he is the real thing. Tickets can be bought at the door on the day and the admission for each film is $5 which includes morning tea. Club to damage their vehicles, we went in search of help. Lo and behold there came help in the form of three Angels, who assured us not to worry any more, it would be fixed. Last Thursday afternoon, upon arriving at the Courts, we found, to our joy the problem had been dealt with. Thank you, thank you, kind angels! From all the Members of Tamborine Mountain Tennis Club advice, orchid and plant growing accessories and a cake stall. The show runs from 8am to 3pm on Saturday 19th and from 9am to 3pm on Sunday 11th. Well-known orchid collector and enthusiast, John Roberts, will be speaking on “The Basics for Growing Orchids” at 11am and 1pm on the Saturday, and from 10.30am on the Sunday. Admission is $3. Refreshments will be available. Want more info? Phone Peter Rice on 5543 2108 or visit the website at www.bdofs.com

ITH thunderstorms drenching most of the state overnight and more heavy rain expected this week, the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) is reminding residents to stay out of rising waters and “If it’s flooded, forget it.” The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting heavy rainfall for the Wide Bay and Burnett, Southeast Coast, Darling Downs and Granite Belt districts. Heavy rain may lead to flash flooding in areas including Hervey Bay, Gympie, Toowoomba, Northern Goldfields, Upper Flinders, the Central Coast, the Whitsundays, the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Exceptionally heavy rainfall is being recorded in the Pimpama and Coomera areas, particularly Hotham Creek. QFRS Commissioner Lee Johnson said each year, innocent lives are lost as a result of people making the choice to venture into flooded creeks and causeways. He said people who enter floodwaters are not only putting their lives at risk, but the lives of their rescuers. “Although firefighters are highly trained and skilled, swift water rescue is the most dangerous operation they are required to undertake,” Mr Johnson said. Mr Johnson said the harsh reality was that firefighters across Queensland rescue more people from water than they do from fires each year, usually as a result of the lack of understanding of the dangers associated with crossing flooded creeks and causeways. “Even if you’re in a familiar territory and think local knowledge will get you through, think again. Floodwaters are treacherous and the dangers are hidden under the surface,” Mr Johnson said. “Flash flooding can occur quickly and catch drivers unaware. However, there is no excuse for those who deliberately drive past a road closed sign into flood water.” Mr Johnson said in most cases swift water rescue is completely preventable. “Flooded road crossings have the potential force to move very heavy vehicles and once the tyres leave the road surface the driver will have no control over the vehicle and no amount of experience or driver training can prevent that,” he said.


The Mountaintop Hair Shoppe

Phone: 5545 1491 Main St., North Tamborine Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am–4pm Tues & Sat 9am–12 noon



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Hartley Road, Nth Tamborine


COUNCILLOR COMMENTS Derek Swanborough, Division 1

I am required by Scenic Rim Regional Council policy to make the following statements: • These are my personal views. • When a Council votes on a decision, they count up the votes and the decision is made based on the side that gets the most votes. OXENFORD CAUSEWAY I want to let everyone know that many are doing everything they can to mitigate the devastating effect the closure of the Oxenford causeway is having on our local business and tourism operators. By the time you read this I am hopeful that Main Roads will have improved electronic billboard signage on the motorway directing Brisbane motorists travelling to Tamborine Mountain to turn off at the Dreamworld or Reserve Road off ramp. Tourists have been giving up when they get to the causeway and find it is closed. Better signage was necessary while this causeway is repaired or replaced. A single lane will be opened within two weeks initially and a long term solution put in place. A temporary bridge has been considered and or a pontoon army style bridge while construction of a more permanent solution takes place. Signage will advise motorists of alternate routes. PARKING OUTSIDE MEDICAL CENTRE SHOPS Whilst it not designated as limited time parking, I would encourage everyone not to use this parking for permanent daytime parking. Most of the shops depend on circulating traffic in these parks to generate business and leaving a car there all day, whilst not against the law, doesn’t help businesses that are providing us a service and employment. Council has been requested to look at the possibility of putting in some short term parks in this location similar to the 15 minute parks in front of the bakery. DRAINAGE ISSUES I have been inspecting people’s recurring drainage problems on the Mountain and generally find there are three categories. Firstly, those that will never be solved because houses have been built in watercourses or at the bottom of hills. Drainage schemes to correct them would cost millions and are beyond Council’s financial means. The second group includes ones that council should be able to assist with if they just require simple road modifications, a gutter or a cleared drain or a diversion mound etc. You should lodge a request for Council to address these by phoning 5540 5111 and leaving a customer request which will be put on a database. Just remember, however, these won’t be fixed when it is raining and the problem is occurring. Take digital photos and send them to Council to understand the issues. The third category covers simple solutions that landowners can provide on their own properties to channel water. A drain or pipe above a driveway, sleeper wall to channel water away from a house. Often they are not expensive solutions.


Remember, you can’t channel or concentrate water from your premises and cause a problem for your neighbours. I have seen good examples of neighbours working with each other to build channels and pipes to solve each other’s water problems. It really makes me feel good when I see this type of cooperation, as that’s the advantage of living in a small supportive community. HYACINTH DEVELOPMENTS SOLUTION Everyone needs to know that Council Officers have issued another operational works permit under delegated authority to Hyacinth Receivers (July 2011) for Sewerage infrastructure to service the 43 houses concept on the land opposite the Tamborine State School. It is my view these delegations must be removed as soon as possible to stop this potential inappropriate development. Council should be deciding these matters, not Council staff. Over the last four years this development has been one of the greatest threats to the amenity of Tamborine Mountain. It was effectively stopped by the Progress Association against the current Council’s wishes. It cost ratepayers $280,000, in Council acting against the community’s interests. Can you imagine 45 houses on lots of 400 and 500m” without reticulated water or sewerage, opposite a busy school where the roads can barely cope now with school traffic. The development is now in receivership and up for sale. It comes with 45 rural lots on a Rural Precinct allotment, with a recent approval from Council for Sewerage infrastructure. Approval of a single house on any one of these lots would in my view be impossible under the current planning scheme. I know there are other ways of finding an acceptable development solution for this allotment that would be supported by the community. This would amount to a win-win solution for Tamborine Mountain and the receiver or any future owner. This column is not the place for a political policy launch so I will be releasing a solution via a separate media statement in due course which will be posted on my website. I have already issued a separate Media statement on this issue. CONSULTATION Please call me or leave a text message if you wish to talk to me or require a face to face meeting on the Mountain. My mobile number is 0447 206 006. The best email address to make an appointment is at derek@derekformayor.com. You can also join me on Facebook at Derek.Swanborough, or visit my website at www.derekformayor.com

POLICE NEWS by Senior Constable Brendan Edwards, North Tamborine Police HOW TO CONTACT POLICE – POLICELINK 131 444 Please take note of the above phone number and keep it beside the phone at home. This is the phone number that members of the public should now be using to contact Police at all times. We often hear from members of this community that they don't bother calling us because they get diverted to another number (The Police Communication Centre (PCC) at Beenleigh) or they can't get hold of us at the Police station so give up. This is because we don't stay in the Police station all the time and there is often nobody here to answer your call. Or we are already on the phone and the call gets diverted. So I will explain the best way for you to report matters and request Police if you need us to respond to jobs. 1. Reporting Offences: If you need to report an incident or an offence that has occurred for example a Break and Enter, Stealing, Damage to property and the offenders are gone and there is no need for Police to attend urgently you should call Policelink on 131444 to give them all the details for the report. They then arrange for Police, including Scenes of Crime if need be, to attend the scene for further investigation. This will create a job that gets detailed to us to attend. 2. Requesting Police: If you want to report a Noisy party, Lost or Found property, a Traffic Incident, or any like offences whereby you believe Police are required to attend a job or assist further then you can also call Policelink on 131444 to report these matters and again they will create a job and send it to the Police Communications Centre (PCC) who then give the job details to us via the Police radio or telephone and we will attend. In the past you would try to ring us, get diverted to the PCC and speak to them. This is now what Policelink is for. In future Policelink will be the first point of contact for the public so that the PCC staff can attend to 000 calls and manage the Police crews attending jobs. 3. Advice and information: If you want to speak with a Police officer here or any other Police station about a situation or an investigation or you want advice, information or to discuss a non-urgent matter then you can always come to the Police station or phone us here at the Police station OR you can also call Policelink on 131 444 and they may also be able to assist. 4. Emergencies - If the matter is an emergency, and I stress ‘an emergency’ which means a life and death situation and nothing else then call 000 and request Police, Fire

Service or Ambulance. In summary, if the situation you wish to report is not an offence that is occurring at that time with an offender currently inside your house, robbing a bank, assaulting someone or whereby you are actually witnessing the offender commit a crime then you can call Policelink on 131444. I heard yesterday that 95% of 000 calls are not emergencies! Can you believe that? What a waste of resources. Our Communication rooms are extremely busy and if you call here and get diverted it can take a long time to get through. Please call Policelink on 131444 as they are available 24hrs a day to assist you and they will also facilitate for Police to be utilised when necessary. Constable Blundell also wanted me to mention the fantastic community spirit shown to an interstate family visiting our area recently that became stranded in flood waters and lost all of their belongings. The Mt Tamborine Motel at St Bernards provided accommodations, clothing was provided by St Vincents and the bakery in Main Street provided them with a feed. What a fantastic community we live in. It’s one of the reasons people love to come and see what we have and are so envious of this beautiful part of the world. We should be proud of what we have and feel privileged that others want to share in it, we are a tourism destination and a large portion of this community rely on tourists to survive. If you don't like it that way maybe this isn't the place for you. Sergeant Jones has asked me to again remind parents of the rules in the school zones. I mean fairdinkum do we have to do this every year? It is just so easy to do it the right way, OK it may be a little more inconvenient to park a bit further away or to have to get out and walk the kids across the road but isn't it worth it? We will be enforcing the rules as always so hopefully you see this reminder or someone warns you if you are doing the wrong thing because I don't really think verbal warnings from us are working. It doesn't matter how much the fine is for parking or speeding, or how embarrassed you'll be when everyone sees you getting a ticket, what matters is doing the right thing to keep the kids safe. Whether you think it's trivial or not is irrelevant, I'm sure you tell the kids to do as their told! And trust me they know when you're doing the wrong thing as well. I hate writing tickets to hard working honest people but if that's what we are reduced to in order to change your behaviour so be it. If you know of a better solution let us know.

Tamborine Mountain Golf Club Veterans

Runners-Up – Bruce Bartle & Barry Roberts Nearest the Pin and Approaches John Halpin, John Halpin Ball Run Down • Vern Page, Peter Morris 63 • Peter Clark, Warren Castledine 64.5 • Kevin Arnold, Tony Cole 65 • Gavin McConnell, Gerry Lynch 66 Lucky Draw – Ivan Allen & John Johnstone

1/2/2012 30 Members & Visitors for a 2 Ball Ambrose competition. Weather fine. Results Winners – Brian Allen & Ian Millar.


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• 40 years of continuous service to the Tamborine Mountain community • Affiliated with three universities • COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE SERVICE Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 8.30am - 7pm Friday 8.30am - 5pm Saturday 8.30am - 12noon Sunday 8.30am - 10.30am Dr Ann Bennett Dr Jan Zomerdijk Dr Leeann Carr-Brown Dr Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers Dr Henri Coombs Dr John Purton Application for phone scanning to take you directy to our website

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Andy Grodecki reveals his State Election commitments

O Marks & Gardner Gallery & Bookshop

Café & Contemporary Art Open Wed-Sun 9am-4pm PH 5545 4992 69 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine


NCE the owner-manager of our family business for over 11 years I understand small business. Having served for over twenty years as president or board member of a number of community groups, my commitment to support the communities of the Beaudesert electorate is as strong as ever. My vision for a thriving and vibrant region has neither altered nor faltered. I acknowledge the Yugambeh and Ugurapul peoples of the Beaudesert electorate and look forward to working with their elders. I am keen to further develop our local economy based on our best assets: • our small business owners that drive the economy of our beautiful towns and settlements; • our farmers and graziers that rely on clean water and land; and • our tourism operators that rely on access to well managed national parks and sensitively placed low impact industry. In the last State Election in 2009, I stood by the people of the Scenic Rim and Jimboomba with a commitment to protect the area from inappropriate coal mining and Coal Seam Gas. My commitment to this cause is as strong as ever and I understand the strength of feeling over this issue not just in the Scenic Rim but across rural and regional Queensland. I stood alongside the Kerry Valley residents in their successful blockade and will continue to stand with residents across the electorate. We need to encourage a job-rich green economy in the region and The Greens will achieve this through; • Regular affordable semi-rural public transport service that connects people to our local business centres. • Valuing our teachers and more funding for

state primary and high schools. • Supporting small business – reducing the red tape. • Improving local health and community support services. • New local 24 hour community mental health centres. • Investing in our future - valuing and supporting our youth. • Investment in local jobs based on clean green industries of farming, tourism and renewable energy. • Protecting productive agricultural land and our water resources. • Halting coal and CSG expansion while potential environmental and social impacts are properly investigated. • Rapidly expanding Queensland’s clean energy sector creating thousands of green jobs. I’m looking forward to meeting even more of the residents of this great region at upcoming community events. I am a local man with over 20 years of commitment and runs on the board for our local community. I look forward to your support in the coming months. Please visit http://qld.greens.org.au/people/grodecki for more information and regular campaign updates.

TO BOOK ADVERTISING, PLEASE PHONE 5545 1231 OR email tmn05@bigpond.net.au Phone: 5545 1231 Fax: 5545 4075 Address: PO Box 118, Nth Tamborine 4272 All copy may be faxed, emailed, or left in the marked box outside the North Tamborine Newsagency.

NEXT DEADLINE: 10am Fri 17 FEB 2012 Next TMPA Meeting TONIGHT 07 FEB 2012

Recent heavy rain had washed this beautiful baby Sugar Glider out of its nest but it was surviving well. Photo - Jim Inglis. TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL. 1320, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 – 17

R E A L E S TAT E 4/18 Main Street North Tamborine

Phone: 5545 0900 Fax: 5545 1338



Properties listed are available for rent, though some may still be tenanted. 2/24 Dapsang Dr $300/week 3 bed/1 bath, open plan living duplex, single lockup garage, walk to Curtis Falls, Gallery Walk. 15 Corypha Court $315/week 3 bed/1bath, open plan living, lock up garage, flat fenced block. 122 Kinabalu Dr $325/week 2 bed/1bath, cottage + large shed divided into half living, ideal for tradesmen.


31 Dapsang Dr $350/week 3 bed/2 bath, open plan living, lock up garage, walking distance to Gallery Walk. 67 Coomera Gorge Dr $360/week 3 bedrm, 1bath/laundry, open plan kitchen and living, great deck. Lock up garage under house. 61 Freemont Dr $450/week 4 bed/2 bath, sep lounge/dining, kitchen family room, DLUG & lockup shed with power, on half acre.

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REGULAR MOUNTAIN ACTIVITIES AQUA AEROBICS Mon Wed Fri 7am, Tues 7.30am; Thurs 7.30am at the pool Phone 5545 2500 BADMINTON Social players, all levels. Mon 7pm9pm at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre (except Public Holidays). BASKETBALL Social. Mon 4.30-5.30pm Fri 3.304.30pm Community Centre. Michele 5545 1569. BODHI HEALTH & HEALING: Morning Tea 10am first Mon each month - tea/coffee/cake $6 as well as complimentary therapies, flower readings, Reiki, meditation, Yoga and Dance/Movement demonstrations. Proceeds to local charities. Info ph: 5545 0565. BOOK READERSʼ GROUP meets once a month, new members welcome. Enquiries at TM library. BOTANIC GARDENS Forsythia Dr, Eagle Hts Volunteers’ working bee every Thurs morning 8-12. Enq: Roger Bell 5545 0797 CHRONIC FATIGUE FIBROMYALGIA Support Group meets monthly Ph 5545 3134. TM CREATIVE ARTS: General Craft, Spinning & Pottery: Wed 9am-12noon. General Craft: Wed 710pm. Sewing: 1st Wed 9am. Quilting & Patchwork: Mon 9am-12noon. Painting: Mon 1pm-4pm. Folk Art/Botanical Drawing: 2nd & 4th Thurs 9am-12 noon. Bridge: Wed 12.30pm. For further info contact Creative Arts Hall, Wed mornings, ph. 5545 3221. CREATIVE ARTS BRIDGE CLUB Wed at 12.30pm. For info contact John Noble, 5545 4022. CROQUET/GATEBALL CLUB Tamborine Mountain Sports Centre, 400 Long Rd, North Tamborine. All Welcome. Tuition given. Mon & Fri 9am, Sun pm. Enquiries Kathleen 5545 0973. INSTITUTE OF MODERN TAE KWON DO classes 67.30pm every Tues & Thurs at Showgrounds Hall Ph 5545 3173. JOHN DICKSON CONSERVATION PARK: working bees 1st Monday & 3rd Monday of each month. 8am. Ph: Elizabeth Russell 5545 3601. KIDSʼ CLUB: Anglican Church, 2nd & 4th Fridays from 3pm. Ph 5545 1359. LITTLE TIGERS TAE KWON DO classes for ages 510 years 5-6pm Tues at Show Hall 5545 3173. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH: Young adults Wed 7pm @ Youth Hut; Youth Thurs 3.45 – 4.45pm @ Scout Hall; Sunday service & Kids’ church Sun 9.30am @ PAC High School. Contact Youth leader Shannon Birch 0402 539 361 shannonbirch@live.com MEDITATION: Tuesdays 7pm – New Thought, New Life Centre 5545 3700. MOVIES ON THE MOUNTAIN: Regular screenings of latest releases at the Zamia Theatre. Ph 5545 3517. PLAY GROUP: Mountain Kids Playgroup meets Thurs 9.30am to 11.30am. St George’s Anglican Church – Georgian Room. Contact Kath Hillam, 0408 216 195. SHIM JANG TAE KWON DO Mon and Fri, 5.306.30pm Community Centre Ph Martin 5545 0617. TAI CHI Tues mornings, Thurs evenings 110 Eagle Hts Rd, Eagle Hts. Phone Gai Wanless 5545 2409. TM BOWLS CLUB – Tues (2pm or 6pm), Fri & Sat 2.00pm mixed, all by arrangement. Free coaching, new members most welcome. Enquiries: 5545 1308. TM BRIDGE CLUB meets each Monday at 6.45pm, Thursday at 1pm and Saturday at 12.45pm at Roslyn Lodge, 24 Main Western Rd, North Tamborine. Duplicate sessions conducted under supervision of qualified directors. Regular Red Point events. New members and visitors welcome. Phone Pres. Derek Merrin on 5545 4288 or Partnership Arranger Jeff Salter 5545 4526. TM BUSH VOLUNTEERS: meet on the first Saturday of the month (except Jan.) To find out where we will be working contact Len on 3355 7288 or 0428335572. TM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 2nd Wed. of month. TM COMMUNITY KINDERGARTEN ASSOC meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at the kindergarten 23 Coleman Square, North Tamborine at 7.15pm.

TM FAMILY HISTORY GROUP Meetings held 1st Sunday each month (excl. January) at TM Historical Soc, Wongawallan Rd, Eagle Heights, 3–5 pm approx. Please contact Carol 5545 0066 or Robyn 5545 2764. TM GARDEN CLUB: 2nd Tues. 9.30am Community Centre. TM GYMNASTICS Vonda Youngman Community Centre. Enquiries: Judy Netel, on 5545 4152. TM HISTORICAL SOCIETY – Member Working Bees every Tues morning. General Meetings on 4th Wednesday every 2nd month, Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct. Further details: Phil 5545 4962 or Paul 5545 2596. TM LADIES CHOIR 9.30am each Mon, Presbyterian Hall. New members welcome. 5545 1231 (AM only). TM LANDCARE: Volunteers welcome for Forest Regeneration throughout the Mountain. Please visit www.tamborinemtnlandcare. org.au for times, or phone 5545 1847 9am-12 noon Mon-Fri. TMLETS: Join at Community Exchange System http://www.ces.org.za . Enq. 5545 3776. TM LIONS CLUB Admin meeting held on the 2nd Monday and dinner meeting on the 4th Monday of the month. For more information please phone 5545 2120 or visit website http://tamborinemountain.qld. lions.org.au/ TM LITTLE THEATRE: Meetings held 1st Tuesday of month, 7.30pm. Regular plays, play-readings & social events. Brian Franklin, President TMLT, Ph 5545 2096. TM LOCAL PRODUCERS ASSOC. meets 3rd Thurs in Feb, May, Aug, Nov, 2.30–4pm at farm locations. Ph 5545 3677. TM MASONIC LODGE: Meets 3rd Wed each month except Dec. Masonic Centre, 10 Knoll Rd, North Tamborine. Contact 5545 0435. TM NATURAL HISTORY ASSOC: Birdwatchers meet 2nd Wed of the month. Bushwalkers meet 3rd Wed of every 2nd month. Natural History meetings 3rd Fridays of Feb, April, June, Aug (AGM), Oct and Nov. All meetings 7.30pm Historical Society Wongawallan Road Eagle Heights. Ph 5545 3200 or 5545 3551. TM NETBALL CLUB. Contact Tarla 5545 4891. TM ORCHESTRA Mondays 7-8pm at St George’s Anglican Church, Dapsang Dr, North Tamborine. TM PROBUS CLUB meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Vonda Youngman Community Centre, 10am. Enquiries to Secretary 55452179. TM PROGRESS ASSOCIATION: 1st Tuesday in month. 7.30pm Heritage Centre Wongawallen Road. TM R.S.L. Sub–branch general meeting – 2nd Tues of every 2nd month (starting February). 7pm, RSL rooms, below Memorial Centre (Bowls Club). TM RESIDENTS ASSOC: Meets 4th Thurs every 2nd month or as advertised at Masonic Lodge. Contact Pres Richard Adams or Sec Diana Francis on 5545 4009 to arrange attendance or discuss any matters concerning TM residents. TM SENIORS ONTHENET meets 9.30am 2nd Friday of month, Creative Arts Centre, Eagle Heights. Entry $2. Ph: 5545 2247 TAMBORINE SUSTAINABLE GARDENERSʼ SOC (TSGS), a group of enthusiastic gardeners, meets on the last Saturday of each month. Ph 5545 0102. TM TENNIS CLUB: 88 Beacon Rd North Tamborine. Contact 5545 1078, 5545 0955. Casual bookings at Bowls Club 5545 1308. TOASTMASTERS: 2nd & 4th Thurs of the month at the Creative Arts Centre, Wongawallan Road from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. Contact Francesca Thorn 5545 1294 (cssa3@bigpond.com) or Chris Ihlenfeldt 5545 1197 (c.ihlenfeldt@bigpond.com) TRIATHLON CLUB, meets 3rd Monday of each month at the Information Centre, Doughty Park at 7pm. Enquiries Adi 5545 3838 TM WRITERSʼ GROUP: Meets every 1st and 3rd Mon of month, 9-11am at Creative Arts Centre, Eagle Heights. Call Ted on 5545 0326 for details. YOUTH GROUP: Meets Wed 6pm at the Presbyterian Hall. Call Mark Jenner 5545 4951 or Kim Dale 5545 2041 ZONTA CLUB of TM meets 2nd Tues. of month at Eagle Heights Hotel, Tamborine-Oxenford Rd, Eagle Hts. Further info Tonia Epstein, 5545 3120.

Church Notices ANGLICAN CHURCH: St George’s, corner Eagle Heights Road & Dapsang Drive, Eagle Heights. Every Sunday Holy Communion at 9.30am. Weekday Services: Holy Communion 10am Thursdays. Children’s Ministry 2nd & 4th Sundays of month at 9.30am. Kids Club 3pm Fridays during term. Study Groups, Housegroups, Prayer Group, Spiritus Agency, etc. Enq. 5545 2919. St Luke’s Canungra: Holy Communion Sundays 7.45am. BAHA’I FAITH For information and details of meetings and children’s classes in state school please phone 55450605 or 55453674 ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH, 90-94 Beacon Rd, North Tamborine. celebrates Mass on Sundays at 7.30am and Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am, except the first Friday of the month. Ph 5541 1068. CATHOLIC CHURCH MARIAN VALLEY: Beechmont Rd, Canungra. (National Shrine of our Lady Help of Christians). Sunday Masses 11am & 4pm. Weekdays 9am. Sat 11am. Every Friday, after Mass, Eucharistic Adoration concluding 3pm with Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction. Shrine open daily Ph 5533 3617. COOMERA CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CHURCH Sunday 6.30pm. Helensvale Community Centre, 31 Discovery Drive Helensvale. Guest Speaker – Clairvoyant. Healing – Meditation. Enq: Lynette 5545 0484. JEHOVAH’S WITNESS: Public Meeting, Kingdom Hall, Holt Rd, Sat. 4pm. 5545 4680. LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH – TMSHS Performing Arts Centre, Holt Road. Sunday Morning Service & Kid’s Church 9.30am; Youth Thurs 3.45pm & Fri 6pm; Young adults 7pm Wed. All Welcome. Enq: 5545 1533. MITANA SPIRITUAL CHURCH Service, meditation, healings and guest speakers, 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, 10am-12 noon, Masonic Hall, North Tamborine. 5545 3429. All invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main St, North Tamborine. Sunday Service 9am. Sunday School 9.15am. Weekly: Growth Groups, Playtime, Kids Kapers. Minister Kim Dale – 5545 2041. More information at www.tambopc.org.au. THE SALVATION ARMY RECOVERY CHAPEL 168 MacDonnell Road Eagle Heights Sunday 6pm All welcome Tuesday 7pm Enquiries 5630 7939. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Church Fellowship meets at “The Little School House”, next to Tamborine Village Hall on Saturdays Sabbath School 9.30am and Church service at 11am. All welcome. Free DVD library delivered to your door. Please phone 5543 8035 or 5541 1224 for enquiries. TAMBORINE COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday Service and Sunday School 10am every Sunday at Community Centre. Kings Kids Programme each Sunday ph Lyn 5545 4545. Midweek Home groups avail. Careforce Recovery groups (e.g. Search for Life) and other family/relationship courses also available. Enq. Ph Rev John Latta 5545 2318. UNITING CHURCH: 41 Appel St, Canungra. Worship first, second and third Sundays 10.30am. Fourth & fifth Sundays 9am; Tamborine Mountain contacts 5545 3773 and 5545 3817.





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EARTHMOVING Excavators Bobcats Trucks

Yes, you can. QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS 1/ Charles Dickens 2/ Gabriel 3/ To enrol for taxes 4/ Spring 5/ Guitar 6/ Welsh 7/ Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar 8/ Oliver Cromwell 9/ Nazareth 10/ Greek word for Christmas is Xristos

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Aching/burning feet, bunion pain, sore legs, sciatica, headaches, tension, general pain, women’s health (RAA, ATMS, ICR, FNTT) – Mountain Resident

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PO Box 107, Eagle Heights 4271 Phone 5545 0022 Fax: 5545 0200

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Ph: 5545 1952 Mob: 0407 757 960 FREE QUOTES David Gibbons


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CLASSIFIEDS Rates: $6 for first 10 words, then 10 cents for each additional word. Classifieds may be left in the boxes at NORTH TAMBORINE NEWSAGENCY. Place your ad & money in an envelope & drop in box. UNPARALLELLED OPPORTUNITY WORKING FROM HOME – PART OR FULL TIME – ABSOLUTELY NO RISK – GENUINE OPPORTUNITY SELDOM KNOCKS TWICE! FREE TRAINING & SUPPORT. CALL 0409 771 885. APPLE PIE CLEANING. General Housekeeping & Bond Cleans. Current Police Certificate. Ph: 0432 248 767 Email: applepiecleaning@y7mail.com. ATTENTION!! What’s on the bottom of your water tank? Dead rats, snakes, toads or worse. Minimum water loss extraction cleaning system now available by The Tank Doctor 0407 649 659 or 5545 3693. CHIBALL “RADIANT SUMMER” CLASS – move with the Seasons! ChiBall integrates the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine with the movements of TaiChi Qi-Gong, Dance, Yoga, Pilates and deep relaxation and meditation into a thoroughly rejuvenating exercise to music class. For everyone who is looking for harmony, balance and wellbeing. Every Wednesday, 9-10.15am, Bodhi Yoga Studio, 88a Alpine Terrace, Mt Tamborine 4272. Phone Dagmar (Cert. ChiBall Teacher) 0434 547 184 or Studio: 5545 0565 CHOOKMOBILE is a fully-equipped chook pen, completely fox-proof and with a superb mobility system. Models for 4 or 7 hens. Come and check them out. Phone 0418 758 925 or 5545 2206. CLAIRVOYANT: Past Life Readings and Dream Interpretation: Carole 5545 3436 CLEANERS WANTED: Tamborine Mountain area, for outside work. Must have manual driver’s licence and mobile phone. Please reply to 3274 5545 between 7-9am. COMPUTER CONSULTATION and REPAIRS Tried Yelling at it? All out of ideas? Call Nic at 0407 861 486 or cactus_computers@tpg.com.au FEEL ALIVE – DISCOVER NIA! The Nia Technique is a holistic dance movement practice for fitness and JOY. Now at Tamborine Memorial Hall, Mondays 9.30am call Jodie on 0401 664 791 or see www.niaaustralia.com.au MOBILE MASSAGE: Qualified Therapist. Maintain the health of your body with a regular therapeutic massage. Service also avail. to some offMountain areas. Anja Cameron 0405 347 900 MOUNTAIN-WIDE PAMPHLETS Distribution service. Advertise your business. Ph 0438 452 587. MULCH: Excellent quality. Aged, clean mulch. $25/metre delivered. Ph: 5545 0467. NATUROPATH, Nutrition advice, herbalist, 0417 630 615 www.ntpages.com.au/therapist/11495 TAI CHI & QI GONG New beginners’ classes commencing now. Eagle Hts Tues 11am & Thurs 6pm. Beaudesert Mon 6pm. Kinesiology & massage by appointment. See www.ttcak.com Ph Gai 5545 2409 or 0409 066 501 TRADITIONAL REIKI CLASSES Reiki, massage, iridology by appointment. Change your life for the better. Phone Jan 5545 4005. 20 years experience. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES FOR SALE second hand and new local authors. Piccabeen Bookshop/ Landcare office below Joseph the Greengrocer, Main St.

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Alcoholics Anonymous..............5545 3331 ..........................................or 0416 155 456 Energex .........................................13 62 62 Fire (ask for Southport Control) ........000 Fire (T.M. Rural F.B.) ..........0407 747 999 Fire Permits ..........................0408 199 271 Police ..........................................5545 3473 Ambulance ............................................000 Ambulance (non-urgent) .............13 12 33 Domestic Violence (24 hrs)...1800 811 811 Child Protection (24 hrs) .....1800 177 135 Lifeline ............................................13 1114 13 HEALTH ............................13 43 25 84 S.E.S. .............................................132 500 Local SES Controller Brendan Guy ...............................5540 5131 T.M. Community Care Service: Home Care and Transport needs. Ring.........5545 4968 Blue Nursing Service ..........(07) 3287 2041 Roslyn Lodge ..............................5545 7822 T.M. Medical Practice .................5545 1222 QML Pathology Nth Tamborine .5545 3873 Chemists: North Tamborine.........5545 1450 Eagle Heights..............5545 1441 Tamborine Mtn Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic ...............................5545 0500 Tamborine Mountain Optometrist Nicky Carr..................................5545 0277 Dentists: Dr Don Harvey .........................5545 2788 Dr Claudia Rodriguez................5545 2522 Podiatrist: ..........5545 3311 or 0418 963 969 Veterinary Surgery ......................5545 2422 Beenleigh Comm. Health ....(07) 3827 9811 Beaudesert Hospital.....................5541 9111 LIBRARY HOURS Monday – Friday 9.00am–5.30pm. Saturday 9am–12noon. Phone: 5540 5473. T.M. RURAL FIRE BRIGADE For burnoff notifications, membership and general enquiries .......................................Phone: 0407 747 999 For Fires and Emergencies ...........Phone: 000 Training Meetings are held at 7.00pm each Wednesday at the Rural Fire Station, Knoll Rd. Tamborine Mountain News is published fortnightly. The paper is compiled by voluntary workers and printed by the Beaudesert Times.

EDITORIAL TEAM: Eve Curtis 5545 1231 George & Joan Fisher 5545 1986 Mike & Elizabeth Russell 5545 3601 John Aagaard 5545 1371 EMAIL: tmn05@bigpond.net.au TM News acknowledges a grant from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund for the purchase of equipment to assist in production.


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