[TMMC Healthcare] Older people should maintain a healthy diet

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Older people should maintain a healthy diet Older adults are likely to develop digestive tract disorders as they usually experience difficulty in chewing and grinding food leading to poor digestion, especially at night.

Older adults are likely to develop digestive tract disorders as they usually experience difficulty in chewing and grinding food leading to poor digestion, especially at night. Therefore, it is advisable for the elderly to have a small portion every meal, eat several small meals throughout the day and maintain a healthy diet.

Eat more fiber Vegetable is high in fiber which stimulates peristalsis and prevents constipation. High-fiber food also rids the body of harmful accumulated fat, thus reduces Atherosclerosis risk. Fresh fruits and vegetable are high in nutrients that are utterly important to the elderly, including essential Vitamin and minerals.


Add more beans, nuts, sesame and fish to your diet Protein absorption among older adults is considerably poor, thus may lead to protein deficiency. Beans, nuts, sesame and fish are all rich in protein that is useful in preventing cardiovascular diseases. You should have 2 – 3 servings of fish a week, eat small, braised fish with bones to take in calcium for Osteoporosis prevention. Every family should add sesame and nuts to their daily diet. Beans, nuts, sesame and fish can prevent cardiovascular diseases; tofu is highly effective in reducing cancer risk. These diseases are the most common causes of the death among older people.

Avoid overeating and reduce your portion Energy levels lower as we get older (decrease by 20% and 30% when we are in our 60s and 70s respectively). Therefore, older adults tend to eat less. However, some of them are still able to maintain their appetite and overeat, leading to obesity, which is the main cause of heart, liver and kidney failure. To keep fit, the elderly should reduce their portion, stick to a healthy diet and manage their weight wisely. Besides, drink plenty of fluid (1.5 – 2 litre/day) as this will assist your kidney to function properly and prevent constipation. Avoid smoking and using harmful stimulants to steer clear of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.


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