TJ Scrapbook 2020 (Version 2)

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The Storyteller


Salvete, Putting together this year's scrapbook helped us to not only look back at how far we have come and the memories we have made, but also the journeys that await us! Cum amore, Your TJ Latin Artifices Rhea Goswami Reva Hirave Nilima Khanna

TABLE OF CONTENTS National Convention 2019 .... Meet the Officers .............. Latin Club Social .............. Officer Induction .............. Myth Pumpkins ................. Kickoff Certamen .............. Our Social Media .............. VJCL Convention .............. BASIS Certamen ............... Saturnalia ...................... Flint Hill Certamen............ Cads for Kids .................. Duke Certamen ................ iNite ............................ LHS Induction ................. Lupercalia ...................... TJ Certamen ................... Virtual In-House Certamen

.......17 .......19 .......21 .......23 .......25 .......27 .......29 .......31 .......33 .......35

.........1 .........3 .........5 .........7 .........9 .......11 .......13 .......15


NJCL Convention 2020

TJ Latin stuck together with the VJCL herd last summer to show off the VA spirit at the first virtual national convention. Even as we met new Latin students across the country and competed in events, we were always brought back together to the comforting Zoom of state fellowship.

"Virginia's roll call SLAPPED" -Literally everyone

Made by Thomas Donohue (click to watch the video!)

Former 2VP and current VJCL president Savvy Thompson teachers VJCLers "Virginia's got that Flair" over Zoom

Per Unitatem, Vis! Through unity, there is strength!


@Ms. Conklin and Ms. Lister They are honestly the best and I'm so glad I had them as Latin teachers for the past few years I love them <3 @Ryan Dwyer I only caught part of his round, but he did a great job tonight! He seemed so calm and in control, and the whole team did amazing! @JW Strassberg His Latin Oratory was SO POWERFUL that the video at GA started lagging oh my goodness that was so good @Anand Advani Anand, leave some awards for the rest of us! Seriously, though, congratulations, you work so hard, and it feels like an honor to know you. @Grace Ko She has an amazing work ethic and is incredible at history, while still being such a great, fun person. @Owen Grannis If anyone needs proof of how incredibly talented and smart Owen Grannis is (although why would you?), he placed in MAQ, geography, Roman history, AND Latin lit. Is there anything he can't do? @Gabe Ascoli He’s such a fun person and a great mythologist. @ Jennifer Hunsinger u did so well on ur tests im so proud!!

! s t u o t u TJ Sho

Virginia's what??

Three Bullocks & a Lion A hungry lion roamed around three bullocks, hoping to catch at least one to feed himself. But no matter how he tried to approach them, he could not find an opening because they always stuck together and helped each other drive the lion away.



Meet the Officers! CONSULS

Jing Liu

JW Strassberg


Kelly Mao

Emerson Rodriguez


Abi Sastry


Michelle Ru

Nicole Koko


Anna Hsu

Nidhish Lella


Jennifer Hunsinger


Ryan Dwyer

Thomas Donohue

Andrew Hadikusumo

Reva Hirave

Owen Grannis

William McLaughlin



Rhea Goswami


Nilima Khanna

Karen Song

Miranda Xiong


Latin Club Social The annual ice cream social (virtual this year) is the perfect time to take a break from our studies to get together, relax, and have fun! We played Certamen, Among Us, and even Skribbl while meeting fellow Latin students and making new friends! Latin Honor Society members also listened to candidates give their speeches for LHS office.


r! u m rta e v a r TO o i l N e R m S TU INGS! U LET ER TH T BET

The Fox and the Grapes 6 One day, a Fox caught sight of a scrumptious-looking bunch of grapes. After jumping this way and that with no hope of reaching the treat, the Fox tired himself out. "Why am I spending so much time on these sour grapes?" He turned away in search of a better snack.

7 LHS Officer Induction Becoming an officer means taking on many responsibilities in a unique role. Officers are elected into their positions based on their ability to carry out specific tasks within the environment that their seats come with. Officers should be accountable and continue to further the Latin community as a whole.

some senior officers wore their pins from last year! Contentum vero suis rebus esse, maximae sunt certissimaeque divitae - Cicero


The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse There once lived a mouse that lived in the countryside and a mouse that lived in the town. The town mouse had access to all the luxuries and delicious foods that the city provided. The country mouse had a relaxing life but ate very sparingly. One day, the town mouse invited the country mouse to her home. Excited to visit, the country mouse eagerly accepted. The country mouse was delighted by all the treats she could have at her friend's house, but she was equally surprised by two unanticipated guests: a cat and a dog! Realizing she would constantly be in fear of the two, country mouse decided to move back. "You may have much to indulge in here, but I prefer my simple, peaceful life in the countryside."


MYTH PUMPKINS This October, TJ Latin students worked with their friends in teams to make the cutest, most creative, most mythical, and most innovative group of pumpkins the weekend before the event! After we declared the awards, we spent the rest of the time playing fun mythological themed games such as Mythological Skribbl and Among Us!

Festina Lente!


The Tortoise and the Hare The Tortoise and the Hare had a race one day. Confident that it would win, the Hare leisurely took a nap in the middle of the race. The Tortoise, however, continued steadily. By the time the Hare woke up, the Tortoise had won the race!

The race is not always to the swift.


KICKOFF CERTAMEN This year, we started off our certamen season a little bit different this year with Discord! It is always fun to reconnect with other certamen players and meet new people! Certamen is not just about winning but learning and growing as a Latin student.

e c l ! u m D lu ! t u e e ic r w Pe r is s e g n Da

12 The Flies and the Honey Pot A swarm of spies spotted a honey jar that had been knocked over on its side. One by one, they greedily dived into the pool of honey. The flies ate and ate until they were full. But by the time they had finished, their wings and legs were covered with honey and they could not fly away!Â


The TJ Latin Facebook group is a super useful way for us to communicate, especially in these virtual times! Maintained by students since 2014, the group now has over 500 members, both alums and current students.


The TJ Latin Instagram account is a new thing that we started just last year! Although the account was made in 2017, it was dormant for a while. It's up and running now, though! We post reminders, photos, and share VJCL and NJCL events too!


VJCL Convention 2019 At Convention we not only deepened our understanding of the classics but we also strengthened new and old friendships built upon admiration, knowledge and fun!

The owl & The Grasshopper16 As an owl dozed away in her den in the old oak tree, a Grasshopper nearby began a joyous but very raspy song. Out popped the old Owl's head from the opening in the tree."Get away from here, sir," she said to the Grasshopper. "Have you no manners? You should at least respect my age and leave me to sleep in quiet!"But the Grasshopper answered saucily that he had as much right to his place in the sun as the Owl had to her place in the old oak. Then he struck up a louder and still more rasping tune.The wise old Owl knew quite well that it would do no good to argue with the Grasshoppe. Besides, her eyes were not sharp enough by day to permit her to punish the Grasshopper as he deserved. So she laid aside all hard words and spoke very kindly to him."Well sir," she said, "if I must stay awake, I am going to settle right down to enjoy your singing. Now that I think of it, I have a wonderful wine here, sent me from Olympus, of which I am told Apollo drinks before he sings to the high gods. Please come up and taste this delicious drink with me. I know it will make you sing like Apollo himself."The foolish Grasshopper was taken in by the Owl's flattering words. Up he jumped to the Owl's den, but as soon as he was near enough so the old Owl could see him clearly, she pounced upon him and ate him up. Flattery is not a proof of true admiration.



Just as the Boar prepared itself thoroughly by sharping his tusks, our Certamen team prepared dliligently by sharpening their minds with knowledge to have a blast at BASIS certamen!


The Fox & the Boar A Wild Boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a Fox happened by. Now the Fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he made a great show of looking anxiously about, as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the Boar kept right on with his work."Why are you doing that?" asked the Fox at last with a grin. "There isn't any danger that I can see.""True enough," replied the Boar, "but when danger does come there will not be time for such work as this. My weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it."


Semper Paratus Always prepared (Motto of the US Coast Guard)



TJ Latin students exchange gifts in December when we celebrate Saturnalia in all classes from Latin 1 to Latin V. Students prepare songs, poems, and small gifts in English or Latin to honor their randomly chosen recipient. Just like how the heron learned in the fable, regardless of the gift, students show gratitude and love for each and every unique gift!

The Heron

A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a

stream, his eyes on the clear water, and his long neck and pointed bill ready to snap up a likely morsel for his breakfast. The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning."No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron."Now a fine young Perch swam near."No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that!"As the sun rose, the fish left the shallow water near the shore and swam below into the cool depths toward the middle. The Heron saw no more fish, and very glad was he at last to breakfast on a tiny Snail.

Ad praesens ova eras pullis sunt meliora Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow (Proverb)



Flint Hill Certamen Our TJ Certamen team participated in the annual Flint Hill Certamen! The Novice, Intermediate, and Advnced teams all won first place. They all rocked their TJ Latin tshirts, which showed that they not only had fine coats, but also attentive minds- the best of the fox and the leopard.

The Fox & The Leopard A Fox and a Leopard, resting lazily after a generous dinner, amused themselves by disputing about their good looks. The Leopard was very proud of his glossy, spotted coat and made disdainful remarks about the Fox, whose appearance he declared was quite ordinary.The Fox prided himself on his fine bushy tail with its tip of white, but he was wise enough to see that he could not rival the Leopard in looks. Still he kept up a flow of sarcastic talk, just to exercise his wits and to have the fun of disputing. The Leopard was about to lose his temper when the Fox got up, yawning lazily."You may have a very smart coat," he said, "but you would be a great deal better off if you had a little more smartness inside your head and less on your ribs, the way I am. That's what I call real beauty."

Scientas potentia est Knowledge is power (Sir Francis Bacon)


23 ids k r o f s t Card ing lunch a r u d t c je o r rvice p

e m a ke a n d tin held a s o a t L y J it T n , u h t t r n po This mo had the op s t n e d u t s lso had the e a r s e t h n w e l, d u o t o S sch ing ill children. r o f s d then bring r d a n c a e t e a r m o o th dec ailed to h e c ards a m t e g r in e k w a s m d ar option of ff. All the c o p o r d o t c a r d s to l e o h o t h t c s n e o s t h th e m d Kids, whic e z li a nd e d u p it e p s s t o n H e r d o u f t s 0 C ards d tota l c o u n tr y . 4 n a e r h g t a d n g u in o r k hospitals a project, ma e ic v r e s r stu d e n ts u e o s e in h t g , in e t v a o d particip n t a n d th e a e h t e ik L s! e rs h e r e ! d g r n a a c r t 9 s 0 s 1 d f r o d n e ss to w a in k d e w o h really s


The Ant & The DOVE A Dove saw an Ant fall into a brook.

The Ant struggled in vain to reach the bank, and in pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close beside it. Clinging to the straw like a shipwrecked sailor to a broken spar, the Ant floated safely to shore.Soon after, the Ant saw a man getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he cast the stone, the Ant stung him in the heel, so that the pain made him miss his aim, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant wood.

Ego vos hortari tantum possum ut amicitiam omnibus rebus humanis anteponatis ~Caesar



TJ Certamen players participated in the 3rd annual Duke Certamen! We sent two Advanced teams to compete this year, who were just as resoureceful as the crow, with TJ A winning 1st place and TJ B winning 3rd place.Â



Once, a parched Crow found a pitcher with some water in it. However, the pitcher was tall and had a thin neck.Though he tried with all his might, the crow could not reach the water. The poor thing felt as though he might die if stayed thirsty a minute longer. Then, he had an idea. He dropped some nearby pebbles into the pitcher one by one. With every pebble, the water rose a little by little until at last it was near enough for him to reach. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam

I will find a way or make one (Hannibal)



TJ Latin students perform in TJ’s annual iNite, the largest cultural high school event on the East Coast. Preparation and planning for our act started this past summer with the Latin iNite 2020 Committee. In addition to our 46 performers, several people helped prepare props and costumes for the act. This year, our performance was based on the story of Echo and Narcissus. It featured English and Latin narration written and translated by TJ Latin students, as well as traditional and modern dancing. Unlike the stag, these dancers were graceful and productive!

The Stag and His Reflection


A vain Stag, having a drink from a stream, saw his reflection in the water. He greatly admired his large majestic antlers, but he was embarrassed by his scrawny legs. 'How am I cursed with such hideous legs but such a beautiful crown?' he thought to himself. Suddenly, he became aware of a lion hiding in the trees. In an instant he was bounding away through the forest. As he bolted away from the lion, his antlers caught in the branches of the trees, and the lion caught up to him. The Stag the realized that his spindly legs would have saved him if it wasn't for the useless ornaments on his head.

Prodesse quam conspici To the productive, rather than to be ornamental (Miami University motto)


3rd year Latin students were inducted into TJ LHS! We had an initiation ceremony, organized by the magistrae and senior officers, there were refreshments and Roman-inspired cakes. Unlike the boastful traveler, these students have shown their hard work in Latin fro the past three years!


the leap at rhodes

30 A boastful traveler could talk of little when he returned his home except the wonderful adventures he had and the great deeds he had done abroad. One of these feats was a leap he had made in a city called Rhodes. That leap was so great, he said, that no other man could leap anywhere near the distance. A great many persons in Rhodes had seen him do it and would prove that what he told was true."No need of witnesses," said one of the hearers. "Suppose this city is Rhodes. Now show us how far you can jump."

Acta non verba Actions, not words



During our a nnual Luperc alia, we expla ancient festiv ined the ities that too k place in Ro brief educatio me. After the nal period, w e played a Lu inspired gam percaliae and finishe d the event w and refreshm ith cupcakes ents. The gam e was a Mafia imitating anc -style game ient Luperca lia rituals, an by TJ Latin H d was emcee onor Society d P raetores Mag Donohue (ab ni Thomas ove) and J.W . Strassberg. chepherd bo (left). Like th y, theese two e played mind g a m e s with the participa nts!

boy thought of rd he ep sh a p, ee sh g in While herd rs. At the top of ge lla vi w llo fe s hi on ay a trick to pl s he expected, "A f! ol W f! ol "W d ie cr his voice, he opped their dr y cr e th d ar he ho w s the Villager to the pasture. t en m te ci ex t ea gr in n work and ra und the boy fo ey th e er th t go ey th But when at the trick he had doubled up with laughter ys later the Shepherd da w fe .A em th on ed ay pl f! Wolf!" Again the Boy again shouted, "Wol only to be laughed at , m hi lp he to n ra s er ag Vill as the sun was setting g in en ev e on n he T n. ai ag shadows were creeping e th d an st re fo e th nd behi Wolf really did spring a e, ur st pa e th er ov t ou fall upon the Sheep. In d an sh ru rb de un e th from the village shouting d ar w to n ra oy B e th or terr Villagers heard the e th gh ou th ut B " f! ol W "Wolf! lp him as they had he to n ru t no d di ey th cry, ain," they said.The ag us ol fo ot nn ca e "H . before e Boy's sheep and th of y an m t ea gr a d lle Wolf ki e forest. then slipped away into th omnibus in s u s l a f , o n u Falsus in

False in one thing, false in Legal phrase



The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf


TJ CERTAMEN 70 teams from Virginia participated in Virginia’s largest Certamen tournament (and one of few student-run tournaments) at our school! TJ Latin Honor Society officers, Certamen players, and Latin Honor Society members volunteered to run the event. Unlike teh fox and the stork, all the workers worked very hard to make sure that everyone could enjoy themselves at this Certamen!

The Fox one day thought of a plan to amuse himself at the expense of the Stork, at whose odd appearance he was always laughing."You must come and dine with me today," he said to the Stork, smiling to himself at the trick he was going to play. The Stork gladly accepted the invitation and arrived in good time and with a very good appetite.For dinner the Fox served soup. But it was set out in a very shallow dish, and all the Stork could do was to wet the very tip of his bill. Not a drop of soup could he get. But the Fox lapped it up easily, and, to increase the disappointment of the Stork, made a great show of enjoyment.The hungry Stork was much displeased at the trick, but he was a calm, even-tempered fellow and saw no good in flying into a rage. Instead, not long afterward, he invited the Fox to dine with him in turn. The Fox arrived promptly at the time that had been set, and the Stork served a fish dinner that had a very appetizing smell. But it was served in a tall jar with a very narrow neck. The Stork could easily get at the food with his long bill, but all the Fox could do was to lick the outside of the jar, and sniff at the delicious odor.



Omnia non pariter rerum sunt omnibus apta

All things are not suited for all men . (Propertius)


e s u o h n I l Virtua certamen ouse Certamen H In al nu an s it ed st TJ ho der to comply with virtually this year, in or me order. About ho at ay st 's or rn ve go the ed in the event, 23 students participat iscord. The crab's D on e ac pl ok to ch hi w prcrite, but hi a en be ve ha ay m r mothe coached the our Reges Certaminis eir years of younger teams with th Certamen experience.


g n u o y The d n a b cra his r e h t o m

Q uo d en im ip si ex pe rt i no n su nt , id do ce nt ce te ro s Th ey are tea chn g oth ers an art in wh ich the y tem sel ves ha ve no exp eri en ce (Ci cer o)

"Why in the wor ld do yo like tha u walk t?" said sidewa a Moth "You sh ys e r Crab to ould alw her son ays wal with yo . k s ur toes traight turned forward to walk o u t . " , mothe "Show m r dear," e how Crab ob answer edientl ed the l y, "I wa ittle old Cra n t to lea b tried rn."So t and trie he forward d to walk . But sh straigh e could only, lik t walk si e her so deways n. And to turn w hen she her toe s out sh wanted e trippe d and fe her nos ll on e.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this scrapbook. To keep up with TJ Latin activities, check us out on Instagram (@tjlatin). Your artifices, Rhea Goswami Reva Hirave Nilima Khanna Nota Bene: All illustrations in this scrapbook are original and digitally or traditionally drawn by us. The written fables in Æsop for Children are considered to be in the public domain for the United States

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