A Collage a Day
Volume 3
Collages 51-75 Gabrielle Nowicki
These collages evolved as two dimensional versions of some sculptures I began making during the spring of 2014. They are made in the same spirit, using recycled materials. The collages are composed on recycled office file folders, sized down to uniform 6.25 inch x 4.25 inch pieces with rounded corners. The original curved corners of the folders, printed text and lines, and the scored lines along the bottoms of the folders remain and link the original purpose of the folders to the new one of the serial numbered collages. I was working from memories of old library cards and index files. The unique serial number of each card reinforces the concept of cataloging and organizing, although in this
case, the system is simply by order of completion. This exercise has become an explorative journey of intuitive thinking and creating. It excites me that the resulting imagery might have never been otherwise realized. The results of each collage making session continue to surprise me and compel me to make more, following a path to see where these collages lead me. I use coloured paper, public domain images, found text, vintage ephemera and my own original drawing and painting. For those images with text, some are the result of found words that I have gleaned from old school readers, as well as a word list I previously generated for a magnetic poetry kit. Other times,
I search for appropriate words once the image is realized. Occasionally, words just seem appropriate to include for no particular reason, and so I put them in. A Collage a Day refers to posting one collage per day on my tumblr blog, rather than making one collage per day. I leave each collage making session open ended, working until the intuitive flow is gone. The result Gabrielle Nowicki December, 2014
might only be one collage, or as many as seven. As I work on a collage, the elements included often suggest the next step for me to take. There are times that the result isn’t what I hoped it would be but I continue to work until the collage feels complete. It is then that I clip its corners to round them, number it, and let it out, into the world.
Contact: Š 2015 Gabrielle Nowicki