Dr. Mack Bullard's 90-Day Entry Plan

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 PLAN b y D r. M a c k H . B u l l a r d Challeng




WHO WE ARE: OUR VISIO Generating Excellence: One Team...One Goal!

OUR MISSIO The mission of Twiggs County Public Schools is to inspire, challenge and prepare all students to compete globally.

BELIEFS: OUR FUNDAMENTAL CONVICTIONS, VALUES, AND CHARACTER • We believe successful schools are a foundation of community stability, growth and prosperity. • We believe family and community engagement are critical to student and district success. • We believe in order for a school district to be successful, it must be based on mutual respect for educators, students, parents, and community; and have effective leadership, discipline and structure. • We believe all students can learn, and learning is a shared responsibility of home, students, school and community. • We believe creativity and innovation prepares students for college and careers. 2



Twiggs County Public Schools| 4/13/2021






<1 1-10yrs 11-20yrs 21-30yrs > 30yrs


Elementary – 89.31% Middle – 90.58% High – 79.2%



35% - White 61% - Black 3% - Hispanic 1% - Multi-Racial


HOPE Eligible – 30.2% Graduation Rate

95.70% 89.80%


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FY21 GENERAL FUND BUDGET - $8,850,459 FY21 FUND BALANCE - $1,083,727



85.10% 83.80%

2019 State TCPS



90 DAY ENTRY PLAN – Dr. Mack Bullard Dear TCPS Families, Employees and Community; I am honored to have been chosen to lead this amazing school system. Twiggs County Public Schools has achieved many successes, and my goal as Superintendent is to build upon and strengthen that legacy of success. My family and I are thrilled to become a part of the historic Twiggs County community and this beautiful area. I began my career over 26 years ago as a paraprofessional and then became a special education teacher. Since then, I have been dedicated to ensure all students have opportunities to reach their goals and pursue their dreams. That will continue to be my focus as your Superintendent. My commitment to you is to always listen, be engaged in this community and develop opportunities for all of us to work together to build upon what is already a great school system. This 90-Day Entry Plan provides me with as many opportunities as possible to interact with our community and to hear and learn from students, parents, employees and community members. I know it takes all of us being committed and working together to truly reach our goals and aspirations for TCPS students.

The plan is organized around three primary pillars: Inspire, Challenge and Prepare. I’ll create a link on the district’s website so everyone can track my progress and learn about ways they can participate in community meetings with me so that I can hear their t h o u g h t s . S i n c e r e l y, D r. M a c k B u l l a r d , S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , Tw i g g s C o u n t y P u b l i c S c h o o l s .


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The purpose of this entry plan is to outline my first 90 days as


Superintendent. By building on the great successes of the past and creating new, long-term relationships, I believe that together we can make TCPS the best school system in the state. This plan outlines specific actions, however, I fully expect that it will grow and adjust during my first 90 days, as I hear and learn more every day. This plan is designed to meet the following overarching goals ▪ Provide all stakeholders an opportunity to engage directly with me ▪ Review key areas critical for the school system’s success to understand its current state and identify areas for improvement ▪ Continue to ensure TCPS delivers on its core promises to Inspire, Challenge and Prepare ▪ Be transparent throughout the process.

Twiggs County Public Schools Board of Education


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90-DAY ENTRY PLAN OVERVIEW It is important to note that my first 90 days is only a part of the picture. I view my arrival at TCPS in three phases: Pre-Entry, First 90 Days and The Future of TCPS. PRE-ENTRY (MARCH–APRIL 2021) Between my hiring and first day on the job, I’ll work with the Executive Team and the GADOE to gather and begin understand information related to the operations of the district, including everything from academics to finances. I’ll also work with the Board of Education to map out my community engagement plan, understand their priorities and learn more about the TCPS community. FIRST 90 DAYS (APRIL - JULY) During my first days as superintendent, I’ll be focused on getting to know the district structures, people within the school system and community. I’ll visit our schools, but this will be more than just an introductory blitz. I want to build lasting relationships. As a servant leader, it is important to me to provide opportunities to

providing an opportunity for everyone to engage with me. I look forward to hearing not only what they love and is working well about this amazing district, but areas that we can improve. THE FUTURE OF TCPS For a school system to meet the needs of each and every student, there needs to be collaboration, coherence, alignment of resources and a purposeful strategic plan to guide the work of both the school system and the schools. Much of the information gathered within my first 90 days will guide our district into the Strategic Planning process. Working hand-in-hand with the Board of Education, staff, and community stakeholders, we will embark on the development of a five-year strategic plan that will unite and inspire our community, reflect our collective values and ultimately ensure that all students meet their full potential.

engage with Twiggs County stakeholders, students, teachers, leaders, parents, staff, and community members. I am placing a significant emphasis on



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1. Inspire

We know that the success of all students depends on everyone working together. It is this partnership between teachers, support staff,

families, the community, as well as students, that will help them reach new heights. These stakeholders can make a real, positive and lasting impact in our school system, as long as have they open communication, support and encouragement from leadership to participate. We are committed to developing lasting connections that fully involve all of our stakeholders.

My Commitment to Twiggs County Public Schools: In my first 90 days, I will....... 1.1 - Visit every TCPS school and facility to meet with students, principals, assistant principals, teachers, district leadership and support staff. 1.2 - Partner with GSBA to facilitate governance team transition/entry plan. 1.3 - Meet individually with each Board of Education to get to know them, learn about their goals, perspectives and aspirations for TCPS. 1.4 - Meet with key community leaders, including elected and appointed officials, chamber of commerce members, community leaders, and faith-based leaders to learn about the community. 1.5 - Hold community meetings/town halls in each TCPS district. 1.6 - Hold meetings with central office to understand initiatives; meet with principals and hold school-based listening sessions inclusive teacher and student advisory groups and all staff.. 1.7 - Attend community events, civic club meetings (i.e., Rotary Club) within the district to connect with community members. 1.8 - Meet with local post-secondary institution leaders (Mercer, Middle Ga State Univ., Ft. Valley State, Gordon State) to maximize and establish partnerships


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2. Challenge

We respect the inherent value of each student and incorporate the strengths and diversity of students, families, staff and communities.

Unique learning needs must be recognized and accounted for, but they will not be barriers to student success. We address the intellectual growth, health and physical development, and social emotional well-being of all students.

My Commitment to Twiggs County Public Schools: In my first 90 days, I will....... 2.1 – Analyze patterns in student achievement to clearly communicate the learning needs of all diverse learners to implement processes to improve student learning and address learning loss due to the pandemic. 2.2 – Allocate human, material and fiscal resources in alignment with the system’s needs/priorities to improve student learning loss, performance, social/emotional needs and organizational effectiveness. 2.3 – Finalize the organizational chart, set expectations for staff and establish key operating protocols. 2.4 - Conduct GADOE District Performance Standard Review of multiple areas to collect data and review a comprehensive district profile. 2.5 – Develop and analyze the FY 2022 budget (including federal, state, local funds) for alignment, purpose, timeliness and sustainability plans. 2.6 – Review personnel needs and hiring practices to determine additional ways to attract and retain qualified personnel while ensuring diversity. 2.7 – Review instructional technology plan to integrate innovative ways to utilize digital tools/technology to personalize student learning while teaching learners to research, collaborate and problem-solve using digital tools/technology. 2.8 – Review district long-term facility plan.


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3. Prepare

We are committed to being leaders in everything that we do, from high-quality instruction to nutritious lunches to providing safe and timely transportation for our students. Regardless of the position, our employees aim to be on the cutting edge of their profession. Of course, leadership and educators set the tone. Our teachers aim to not only master their craft but to lead the state and nation into the future of instruction and education. Every day we will be dedicated to ensuring our students reach their potential and preparing them for an ever-changing world.

My Commitment to Twiggs County Public Schools: In my first 90 days, I will....... 3.1 – Establish regular meeting times with the Board chair and vice chair for creating/reviewing agendas. 3.2 - Hold a Board retreat to discuss communication protocols, roles and responsibilities, norms of behavior and interaction and expectations for first year. 3.3 – Collaborate with the Board on a performance evaluation format with objectives and indicators of success that are aligned to the GSBA’s governance standards. 3.4 – Review critical documents (i.e., policies, regulations, CIP’s district CCRPI, student and employee handbooks, etc.) 3.5 – Fully analyze district efforts to develop our people, including teachers, school/district leaders and support staff. 3.6 - Work with the Board of Education to develop a Board Policy review cycle to evaluate and update, if necessary, all Board Policies to ensure alignment with district’s vision, mission and new strategic plan. 3.7 - Review the feedback gathered during my 90 Day Entry Plan to understand strengths and opportunities to build upon as we enter the strategic planning process. 3.8 – Establish a dashboard and scorecard to monitor and evaluate our progress. Twiggs County Public Schools| 4/13/2021




Near the end of Phase II, I will have learned a great deal about Twiggs County Public Schools and will be ready to report my findings. In order to ensure transparency throughout the entry process, there will be a link on the district’s website to update the community on my progress towards completing the entry

activities. It will also include a list of individuals and groups who were engaged in interviews and a calendar of upcoming focus groups and events. After the formal report to the Board of Education, we will be embarking on an intentional, thoughtful and collaborative strategic planning process by utilizing the data, information and findings from the entry process Phase III ensures that TCPS continues its legacy of success, high performance and strengthens our commitment to positive school and district culture.

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Acknowledgements I am forever thankful for the support and assistance of family and colleagues who guided the development of my entry plan Mrs. DeShawn Bullar Dr. Pete Gorma Dr. Curtis Jone Dr. Rob Anderso Dr. Victoria Gree The National Superintendent’s Academ AASA Aspiring Superintendent Academ










GSSA Superintendent Professional Development Progra


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