Quaggy newsletter autumn 2015 (web)

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Issue 42

Autumn 2015


Heathside & Lethbridge

Welcome to the 42nd edition of Quaggy Community News

2015 is passing by all too quickly. The children are back at school and September is almost at an end and it seems that winter will soon be upon us. I hope you were able to enjoy the warmer weather during the summer – forgetting about the rainy days!

I hope you will enjoy reading our latest edition of Community News. As you will see, it has been a very busy, eventful and exciting year for Quaggy Development Trust, following commissioning by the Royal Borough of Greenwich to be the lead Children’s Centre for the five Centres in Greenwich West. Keep an eye out for our big, red Community Bus which will be participating in outreach work across the Centres in Greenwich West. You never know where it will pop up! One of the first events for which it was used was the Fun Day in Greenwich Park in June, which was a terrific success.

Our 15th Carnival was held in July on one of the hottest days of the year. The theme this year was Love of Books and our Carnival King and Queen set the tone for the splendid costumes paraded around the area.

We were not so lucky with the weather at our Family Camp at the end of May as the heavens opened immediately we arrived and we all had to wait until the rain subsided before we could put up the tents. The children were all very excited to see a beautiful double rainbow when the sun eventually shone. It remained fine for a camp fire on both evenings but we broke camp in pouring rain on Sunday morning. It may have rained but it did not dampen our spirits and everyone enjoyed the weekend.

The Parents Forum has funded trips to Macaroni Woods, one of which was for our Young Parents. Macaroni Woods is a venture centre in Gloucestershire aimed at giving city families a country experience.

Community News features articles about many of the activities that take place in the Children’s Centre and at Holy Trinity Centre and there is a full weekly timetable on the back page. Please ring (020 8465 9785) or call in at the Centre for further information on anything in which you are interested. You will receive a warm welcome. Details may also be found on our web site, www.quaggydevelopmenttrust.org.



Quaggy Community Counselling Service Awarded Big Lottery Funding for Perinatal Mental Health Project

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new project ‘Secure Adult – Secure Child’, as a result of the grant awarded by the Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund. This initiative will allow us to extend our Counselling Service to provide a number of exciting, innovative, evidence based activities to support parents/carers in stress, crisis or isolation from pregnancy onwards to help improve attachment between parent/carer and child and build family resilience.

‘Secure Adult – Secure Child’ – One to one counselling

Counsellors are experienced on a wide range of issues, including Mums and Dads making the transition to parenthood, as well as postnatal depression and anxiety. They work with each individual to explore feelings, thoughts and experiences in a safe, confidential setting.

Autogenic Mindfulness Training Antenatal Courses

These will be weekly sessions to learn simple relaxation practices, in small friendly groups, from the first trimester until after baby is born. Once learned, the Mums and Dads who take part will have a self-help tool to deal with the stresses and strains of everyday living, for life. This will provide a calmer environment for their babies too.

Befriending Outreach

A team of parent volunteers is currently being trained to offer one-to-one peer support in the community. Being a parent can be a very lonely experience, particularly in the early years. Befrienders will be matched with parents/carers suffering from stress and isolation who would like someone to talk to, meet up with or chat on the ‘phone. Befrienders will also encourage and accompany parents to other activities at the Children’s Centres.

Parent/Infant Attachment

Towards the middle of 2016, we are planning on adding parent/infant video interactive guidance (VIG), to our service. NICE guidelines recommend this intervention as effective in promoting sensitivity between parents and young children with attachment and feeding difficulties.


Based at the Quaggy Children’s Centre in Greenwich, our community based service counts itself amongst only 13 BACP accredited services in London and about 120 services in the UK that have achieved this quality kitemark.

We have been providing individual counselling services to adults 18+ with a range of concerns, since 2008. Our focus has been on reaching adults in the community who do not meet the threshold for psychological therapies offered through specialist NHS services and who cannot afford private counselling. We accept referrals for adults 18+ living in postcodes: SE3; SE8; SE10; SE13. However, parents with children under 18, or parents to be, living outside these postcodes may also access the service, providing they are able to travel to us on a regular, weekly basis and live within the Greenwich or Lewisham boroughs.

One to one counselling remains accessible to all the community with a sliding scale of fees, depending on income, starting at £2 per session. The other elements of the ‘Secure Adult – Secure Child’ project are offered free to parents. If you would like further information please contact Catherine Taylor, our administrator on 020 8465 9785 or e-mail catherine@quaggychildrenscentre.org.uk. 3


During the summer we delivered a 4 week scheme for our young people aged 8–18 which ran 3 days a week. Owing to successful funding applications we were able to deliver this year’s scheme free which ensured that the scheme was accessible to all young people.

A range of young people attended across the four weeks. The majority lived on the local estates but some travelled from as far as Grove Park and Forest Hill. There were some young people new to the area and the scheme gave them the opportunity to make new friends of similar ages. Over the 4 weeks, attendees had the opportunity to take part in a variety of different activities including: l l l l

Cookery – where we prepared, grilled and baked a variety of foods then happily ate them!

When we were feeling creative we made bracelets and necklaces using colourful lettered beads. Some young people made them as gifts for family and friends.

We decorated bags which can be used as school bags each as individual as the person who designed them.

Each young person created their own henna design which was then transferred onto hands, palms and arms. The array of designs was amazing and showed the great imagination our young people have.

When the group was not using the hall they were off exploring beyond the estates, with a variety of trips including:



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The Olympic Park during the first week. The Park has a man made beach and large paddling pool as well as a rock climbing wall and 3 swing parks. The children loved running around the free space and playing together as one group.

For another trip everybody used their library cards entitling them to a free swim at Wavelengths swimming pool, where the group enjoyed racing down the slides, jumping the waves and splashing around.

We all went to Lewisham bowling alley, where the group used 3 lanes to compete against each other in a fun game, and we even had an indoor picnic and raced on the arcade games! Of course, we had an end of scheme party with lots of healthy and not so healthy food which was enjoyed by us all as well as a dance-off.

The next young person’s holiday scheme will return in October during the half term week. It will take place on the Tuesday and Wednesday in 58 Lethbridge Close and there will be an outing on the Thursday. Look out for posters nearer the time.

For an opportunity to have your say on what goes on in the young people’s group and where we go for trips why not join our Young People’s Forum which is held on the first Tuesday of each month for an hour. Young people meet bringing together their ideas, suggestions or opinions which can be discussed over a slice of pizza (or 2)! The first task will be to help plan the young people’s Christmas party for 17th December. Come along and be one of Maddy’s little helpers. 4


Term Time Activities:

After a busy summer, Quaggy Young People’s Group is back! Catering for all ages between 8 and 18 years with a range of interests. If you fancy having a chat with other young people or youth workers, making, creating or playing a game of pool or a board game or two then Monday sessions are for you. We meet at the Holy Trinity Centre from 4pm until 6pm. If you can compete at pool, table tennis, air hockey and table football or would like to take part in workshops, learn how to cook various foods or just socialise with friends then Thursday is for you. We meet at the Community Hall at 58 Lethbridge Close from 5.30pm until 7.30pm. If you enjoy all of the above then come along to both sessions – you will be very welcome.

Quotes from Young People and Parents of the Young People’s Group: “I like the youth club as it gives me a place to chill instead of cause trouble”

“He seems happier and has much more to talk about at home”

“The youth club is very fun, since going to the club I have made a lot of friends, I love the youth club”

“It is so nice to have a place where the young people can go and be safe, have fun whilst learning at the same time”

“It makes her feel like she is a part of something special”

All young people’s sessions offer a warm and friendly welcome to newcomers. To join any group just turn up or for more information call Maddy on 020 8465 9785 or e-mail maddy@quaggychildrenscentre.org.uk

Quaggy Charity

Each year at Quaggy we nominate a charity for which we fundraise. This year our nominated charity was Guide Dogs for The Blind. We raised money by having a cake sale which staff, nursery parent and community parents generously donated. The children from the nursery and community did a sponsored obstacle course to raise money as well. Thanks to our parents, children and staff we raised over £656.73. 5

Quaggy Children’s Centre – QUAGGY CHILDREN’S CENTRE

Quaggy Development Trust has had an exciting year since last October. We were commissioned to lead on Children’s Centres across Greenwich West for the Royal Borough of Greenwich. This has meant that we have been working on developing activities and services for local families across five sites at Quaggy, Invicta, Robert Owen, Sherington and Rachel McMillan Children’s Centres.


Being the lead across Greenwich West has meant we can shape the services in the way that we believe will provide the best services to families in the area and work towards our mission statement of ‘Improving the Lives of Children and Families’. We have had some major achievements over the past year. We have received a grade of ‘Outstanding’ from Royal Greenwich for our work in supporting a healthy community in the ‘Healthy Early Years Award’. Our 5 Ways to Wellbeing, healthy cooking workshops, healthy walks, counselling service and many other activities we have provided have all contributed to this. We have also received a You’re Welcome Award for being welcoming to young people who access the Centre. Our friendly reception staff make sure we view young people with the respect they deserve when they come into the building or contact to enquire about services that they can attend.

Our Parents Forum has led in supporting and developing Forums across all of our Children’s Centres. Their experience as long standing members has given them the expertise to share with other groups of parents who want to get involved and make a difference to their community by supporting the work of the Children’s Centre and making a difference to local families.

We also now have a Big Red Community Bus. You may have seen it parked around the building or at our Carnival in July. It is a 28 foot long bus that we can take to events and use as a resource. We have recently been taking it out into estates across our area to engage with families who may not have accessed our centres for one reason or another. Staff from across all or our Children’s Centres have been involved in this. Our Big Red Bus has grabbed a lot of attention in the Borough and we have had two articles written on our achievements in Greenwich Time. We are hoping to do some fantastic new things with the bus in the coming year including a mobile Santa’s Grotto, courses on board and visits to parks and playgrounds. 6

– Leading in Greenwich West QUAGGY CHILDREN’S CENTRE

We held a fantastic fun day in June in Greenwich Park. We had a range of activities for families from across Greenwich West to enjoy. These included giant soft play, storytelling, kite making, craft activities, information and much more. We had 455 people attending our fun day and the feedback was fantastic and we also had a visit from Councillor Fahy (Deputy Leader of the Council). We are hoping to do a similar event in the park next year and make it even bigger and better. The above are some of the achievements we have had over the year, none of which would have been possible without the fantastic staff team and volunteers at Quaggy and across Greenwich West Children’s Centres. Of course a big thank you goes out to all the mothers, fathers, carers and children who continue to support the work we do.



Quaggy Parents Forum continues to meet once a month during term time. We are always interested in having new members join. If you are a local parent with a child/children under 11 and would like a say within your Children’s Centre and to help provide services/activities for families in the local community, please contact the Centre for more details about how to join.

This year we have won a bid and have funded 3 trips to Macaroni Woods, delivered Healthy Eating Workshops, a Card Making Workshop and Healthy Walks. We have also funded a summer coach trip to Margate and are busy planning our AGM to be held in September and a Halloween spooky disco to be held on Friday 30th October.

The Parents Forum Trip to Margate was a great success with 46 people attending from the local community. We enjoyed fish and chips on the beach, swimming in the warm sea and enjoyed the rides and entertainment available. The Parents Forum raised the money to subsidise the trip so that families could afford to go on this fantastic outing.

The Macaroni Woods Trips were funded by the Parents Forum which meant that we were able to deliver trips for Dads, Young Parents and one for the Forum itself. Macaroni Woods is a venture centre in Gloucestershire where Families who live in cities can escape and experience the woods and the animals that live there.

We have led in developing and supporting the Parents Forums across Greenwich West and look forward to the coming year and focusing on providing more opportunities for local mothers, fathers, carers and children. Jo Beltrami




My teenage journey through Quaggy My name is Mursheda and I have a daughter named Yasmin. Yasmin is now 4 years old, we have both grown up with Quaggy being a huge part of our life.

I started going to Quaggy when I was 15 years old and my daughter was around 2 weeks old. I first went there to get her weighed and checked by the health visitors.

While getting her weighed a lady from the Children’s Centre approached me and told me about the Young Parents Group on Tuesday afternoons, it sounded great.

The following Tuesday I plucked up the courage to go and see what the group was like, I had lots of worries going around in my head ... Would they like me? Would people judge me just because I am a teen mum? Would I be treated like a child?

When we arrived Yasmin and I were greeted and shown to the crèche where I was encouraged to settle Yasmin in. The crèche was next door to the room where the young parents meet which was comforting for me as it was the first time I had left my daughter so it felt safe and reassuring to know that she was close by.

Once I had settled Yasmin in I went into the room next door where the group leader and the other young parents were all so welcoming. They made me feel really comfortable. After introductions we all sat and ate lunch together while we chatted about everything and anything, it felt great knowing that I was amongst other young parents who had the same hopes and fears as me. Before I realised it the 2 hours had gone by so quickly. I decided there and then that I would go to the group every week as it gave me some time to myself and I could chat with others in a similar situation to me. When it was time to return to school to prepare for my GCSEs I told my school teachers how much attending the group meant to me so it was agreed that I could take Tuesday afternoons off so that I could attend ‘my group’.

From the moment I started the group I haven’t looked back. Attending the group has helped me a lot. I was able to talk about anything, even personal things. I was also able to share my problems because it felt like they understood me really well. I was given guidance and support when I asked for it and most importantly I was treated like an adult. Through the group I have been involved in different projects and learnt many things including important life skills.


At 18 months Yasmin started in the Quaggy nursery which enabled me to start college and train for the things I had wanted to do before becoming a mum.

Yasmin is now 4 years old and is soon to start primary school so we will be sadly leaving Quaggy but we both have happy memories to take with us and know that we will be fine as attending Quaggy has helped to prepare us search our dreams and deal with our fears. Are we worried about leaving? No, as myself, Yasmin and her daddy look forward to attending the events which Quaggy organise. To any new young parents reading this, I assure you Quaggy is the first step to a successful future. Mursheda




I’ve just celebrated my first birthday! I’ve been a Rector at St. John’s with Holy Trinity for a year on September 3rd. It’s been a great year. Special memories for me include Deptford’s first ever LIVE NATIVITY last December when we had our own flock of sheep on the hillside by Coldbath flats and three wise men appearing from Elverson DLR. We also had a lot of fun at the QUAGGY CARNIVAL; at the BIG LUNCH at Holy Trinity Centre and every Sunday with services.

The great thing about being a Rev is that you get to meet lots of people. I have been inspired by the staff, parents and children at Quaggy – thank you for welcoming me when I visit and for including me on the Advisory Board and the Parents In Touch project.

QUAGGY LUNCH CLUB is also an enjoyable visit to make and one or two members joined us and 50 other people at our first ever CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH at St. John’s last year. (Book a place for this year now ... 25th December at 12:30pm!).

FANTASTIC FOUR ... some super new recruits are moving into 3 Orchard Hill this month. They will be working with Quaggy and the church at the Youth clubs, lunch club and other events. Please look out for them and say “Hello”! NOAH


Holy Trinity



it’s Church, but not as you know it …

We like to do things differently at Holy Trinity. Our Sunday services start at 9.00am with breakfast and sharing the highlights of the week. Three times a term on Sundays at 1.00pm we have lunch and fun crafts called Messy Church. The next dates are 1st November and 13th December – ALL ARE VERY WELCOME!

Details about services, weddings, baptisms, funerals, Messy Church, etc, from me on e-mail: peter.stjohnsdeptford@gmail.com or Tel: 020 8692 2857 or my colleague Rev Trevor on e-mail: trevordonnelly@mac.com.

FREE English Classes and Conversation (ESOL) At Holy Trinity Centre on Mondays during term time from 9.45 to 11.45am. All Welcome. Crèche provided. 10

Teen and young parents – We want you ... !

Tuesday afternoon sees a group of young parents breezing through our doors to join Angela and Naomi in our Young Parents Group. While at the group they can take part in a range of fun activities as well has have lunch and a chat.

Would you like to join us?

If you are under the age of 25 then come along to meet us, join in with our activities, access information and support and enjoy lunch all in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Your child/children are cared for in our crèche so you will have two whole hours to spend with us! The Young Parents Group runs on Tuesdays from 1.30 to 3.30pm (term time only). For more information please call Angela or Naomi on 020 8465 9785 or e-mail: angela@quaggydevelopmenttrust.org.uk.

It’s a long way to Tipperary

... But it’s not too far to our lunch club! Come and join us for a delicious home cooked two course lunch and unlimited drinks and meet up with old or make new friends. Join our warm and welcoming group at the Quaggy Luncheon Club held at 58 Lethbridge Close, Lewisham, London SE13 7QJ. Lunch is served from 12 noon at a cost of £4.00 per person. No need to book, just turn up! We also go on trips and join in with other community activities. For more information, please call Angela at the Children’s Centre on 020 8465 9785.


Would you like to hire our large, light and airy hall at the Holy Trinity Centre? The venue is suitable for a range of meetings, events and occasions. For more information or to check availability please call Angela at the Children’s Centre on 020 8465 9785 or e-mail: angela@quaggydevelopmenttrust.org.uk. 11



ESOL Classes at HTC (Crèche places need to be booked) (Term time only)




Baby Club & Bumps ‘n’ Babes Have your baby weighed at this drop-in session with Health Visitors

Little Quaggy Stay & Play Stay and Play sessions for babies from 1 year old (£1 per child)

Stay & Play Drop-in session (£1 per child)


10.00am-12.00noon Best Beginnings Midwife (Appointments by referral only)

1.30pm-3.00pm Messy Play at HTC Drop-in session (£1 per child)


Young Parents Under 25s activities and social group (Free crèche) (Term time only) 2.45pm-3.15pm Baby Music 3.30pm-4.30pm Music Makers

(£1 per child) (Term time only)


Orchard Hill Lewisham London SE13 7QZ Tel: 020 8465 9785



Quaggy Community Counselling Service Call for details

Servetrain at HTC except last Thursday of each month (Crèche available)



Quaggy Fit at HTC (Crèche available) (Term time only) In Partnership with:

4.00pm-5.30pm Young People’s Group at HTC (Term time only)


10.30am-11.30am Theatre Tots at HTC (£5 per session) (Term time only)


Monthly 2 Year Health Visitor Checks

Lone Parents information session with Jobcentre plus at HTC Last Thursday of each month Baby Massage Bouncing Babies

Call for more info



Lifestyle Term time only with crèche. Parent’s social group with ‘taster activities’ (£1 per adult) 11.30am–12.30pm Parent Forum Meeting 1st Friday of each month (Crèche available)

12.00noon-2.00pm Breastfeeding Group Baby Café Local at HTC advice, support and social group drop-in (£2 per session)

12.15pm-2.00pm Heathside & Lethbridge Lunch Club (over 60s; please ring for location) from 11.15am 1.30pm–3.30pm HER Centre Advice Session (Fortnightly)

2.00pm-3.00pm Line Dancing (adults) at HTC

6.30pm-7.30pm Zumba at HTC (£4 per adult)

5.30pm-7.30pm Young People’s Group (Heathside & Lethbridge)

Dad’s Brunch

3rd Saturday of each month Call for more info HOLY TRINITY CENTRE (HTC)

Bennett Grove Lewisham London SE13 7RF

All activities held at Quaggy Children’s Centre unless otherwise specified. Please ring and speak to a Staff Member regarding any of the above on: 020 8465 9785.

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