Senior Times (August 2018)

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Malta’s monthly newspaper for the elderly

Act two in multiple scenes Louis Gatt remembers the Atturi’s De Porres years. SEE PAGE 4

Belle of the BAll A woman’s true beauty is seen in her eyes and soul, says Christine Galea.


Alfred Vassallo’s 71-year career SEE PAGE 8



the ViennA tourney SEE PAGE 18






Big books don’t cry


ome things never change. The summer heat is one of them. Actually, it does change – because every year, it feels like the heat has a thicker drip and a more consistent viscosity, leaving us clawing at the air like one of those black-and-white cowboys stumbling around after being shot by the baddie in a not-so-OK-Corral situation. There are, of course, various lines of defence that you can summon and pile up as a barricade against the heat. You can leave the air conditioning running day and night – with the obvious side effect of a multi-page utilities bill making an unwelcome landing on your welcome carpet. You can also increase the dose of ice cubes you put in your jug – but that guard will only last a few seconds, until the ice melts, leaving you stranded like the proverbial polar bear. The ultimate defensive force comes in the form of a thick, big book, the kind that you have to hold with both hands. And no, it’s not because you can improvise a fan with it – do so at the risk of suffering a serious facial injury. Rather, it’s because a 700-pager will build a cool bubble around you, alienating you from the heat and time-travelling you to a world so distant that your surroundings will no longer matter. It does work. Right now, on my bedside table I have the 550page All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which I’m almost – regretfully – through. Lined up next to it, like passengers at a bus stop for the mind, are Hanya Yanagihara’s 720page A Little Life and a fourth reading of Donna Tartt’s heavyweight The Goldfinch. And if I run out of pages before the end of summer, I’m sure there is a Stephen King tome lurking somewhere, haunting some dark and forgotten shelf. True, there might not be any scientific proof that reading a good book blows away the heat. But there is no harm in trying. Read on and enjoy.



4. Act two in multiple scenes


A woman’s true beauty is seen in her eyes and is reflected in her soul, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stanley Borg E-mail: seniortimes CONTRIBUTORS Carmel Baldacchino Tonio Bonello Joe Busuttil Tony C. Cutajar Dun Jonathan Farrugia Christine Galea Louis Gatt Joseph Scicluna Fiona Vella

Louis Gatt remembers the Atturi’s De Porres years.

6. Belle of the ball 7. L-Antikrist Mattew Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.

8. Xahar wara xahar, jaqta’ x-xagħar Wara 71 sena jaqta’ x-xagħar, Freddie Vassallo sar sinonimu mal-Birgu, jgħid Tonio Bonello.

PUBLISHERS Allied Newspapers Limited Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000 DESIGN Christian Busuttil SALES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Marion Muscat Tel: 2276 4331 E-mail: marion.muscat © 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers is prohibited.

10. Signs of the times The art of selling never ages. Senior Times and Bay Retro take a trip down shopping lane.

14. L-umanità... divinizzata Marija hija omm il-bnedmin kollha, għalhekk it-tlugħ tagħha fis-sema bir-ruħ u l-ġisem jgħallimna li aħna, bħalha, m’aħniex iddestinati li nispiċċaw fix-xejn, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.

16. Li kieku stajt! Novella ta’ Fiona Vella.

17. Pictures of the world This month’s news highlights captured in show-stopping photos.

18. The First Vienna Tourney Watching local teams battle it out with foreign stars was always a treat, says Carmel Baldacchino.

20. Il-bidu tal-avjazzjoni u l-ewwel titjiriet f’Malta L-avjazzjoni f ’Malta għamlet vjaġġ twil f ’inqas minn mitt sena, jgħid Joseph Scicluna.

21. From pedal to metal Victor Dalmas can trace his passion for vintage cars back to his childhood days, racing his pedal car in his hometown Żejtun, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.





Premju Anzjanità Attiva 2018


he Parliamentary Secretary for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, Anthony Agius Decelis, launched Premju Anzjanità Attiva 2018, a celebration of active ageing. It allows for the Government, together with the public to celebrate commitment and dedication of people involved in the sector of active ageing, as well as individuals who are exemplary of what ageing actively means. Thus, the scope of these awards is to recognise achievements of individuals or organisations that support the concept of active ageing, in accordance to the National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing, which will in turn enable our communities to allow for the elderly to live within their respective communities, rather than opting for residential long-term care.


A total of seven awards will be given to individuals and entities, including: Premju Anzjanità Attiva; Premju Kop-

pja Miżżewġa; Premju Anzjanità Akkademika; Premju Anzjanità Sportiva; Premju Mudell Ideali; Premju Anzjanità Kul-

turali; Premju Proġetti Anzjanità Attiva. The first six awards will be given to individuals who are

60 years or older, who have been successful in the sector in accordance to the name of the award. The final award will be given to organisations who promote active ageing through their work. All nominations are to be supported by two signatures – who are not the individuals themselves, and are not an employed person within the nominated entity, in the case of organisation. Nominations are then evaluated by the commissioned evaluation board. Application forms are available from the Parliamentary Secretariat for Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, Palazzo Ferreria, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, Malta; Local Councils, or through our website Submissions of nominations are to be sent on by September 14, 2018. Late applications will not be considered.





Act two in multiple scenes Louis Gatt remembers the Atturi’s De Porres years.

Karmen Azzopardi as Blanche Dubois in Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire.

The Atturi committee also decided to host a weekly cabaret evening in the bar as an attraction for tourists and locals


fter the Atturi Theatre Group were obliged to vacate the Phoenicia Hotel in the early 1980s, many pessimists thought that would herald the demise of this groundbreaking repertory company. But if they did, they reckoned without the foresight and determination of the company’s founders Karmen Azzopardi and her husband Chevalier Paul Naudi. I have to admit that when I heard of the move from Flori-

ana to Sliema I was sceptical. Was it a good idea to move from what had been, a highly successful and central venue to the barn-like and somewhat soulless Deporres Hall in Sliema? But I think the Atturi committee’s hand had been somewhat forced. It was no secret that towards the end of the company’s tenancy of the Phoenicia Hotel finances had been excruciatingly tight. Nobody in their right mind forms a theatre company with the aim of mak-

ing a financial killing, and costs and expenses had finally caught up with the Atturi. At this point I must stress that part of the problem was

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Versatile actor, the late Hubert Puglisevich.

Narcy Calamatta and Karmen Azzopardi in one of the Atturi’s greatest successes: Eduardo De Filippo’s Filumena Marturano.

self-inflicted, in the nicest possible way. What do I mean? Well, Karmen Azzopardi had always insisted in paying the cast and crew of every production in cash and in full on the last night of each play’s run. So it was inevitable that by the end of the 1970s, despite the company’s artistic success and Paul Naudi’s generosity, money was in short supply. They did manage to recoup some funds by staging a very successful revue in the Phoenicia Playhouse at this time, but by then it was abundantly clear that for the Atturi Group, it was crunch time. But, largely due to Karmen Azzopardi’s obduracy, the company not only continued in business, but did so with a flourish in the Deporres Hall. This particular venue has never been a favourite of mine, but it is large, in fact over twice the size of the Phoenicia Playhouse – and that is important, as it guarantees a bigger paying audience. It always was a rather cold, featureless space with atmosphere zero. However, the backstage staff of the Atturi did try to do something about this. They painted the walls of the theatre, bar and foyer in warm colours and this made a huge difference to the general ambience. The Atturi committee also decided to host a weekly cabaret evening in the bar as an attraction for tourists and locals. But the main focus was, as ever, on the stage. During their tenancy of the

Deporres Hall the Atturi were responsible for some stunning productions. Notable among these were Eduardo De Filippo’s Saturday, Sunday, Monday with the magnificent Azzopardi in the seminal role of the Neapolitan matriarch. It was around this time that Azzopardi began to specialise in these strong, middle-aged, working class Italian mama roles. She also shone as one of these, along with Narcy Calamatta – in a bilingual production (English and Maltese) of another De Filippo play, Filumena Marturano. Other notable successes from the Deporres period include their production of William Gibson’s extraordinary play, The Miracle Worker, directed by Francis Ebejer, with stand out performances by Amelie Braun as the deaf mute Helen Keller and Maryanne Scerri as her remarkable teacher, Annie Sullivan. Then there was Lino Mintoff ’s innovative production of Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan, with Josette Ciappara memorably in the title role. During this stage of the theatre company’s life they continued to enhance their reputation for putting on popular light comedies. One of the best of these was their airing of Mary Chase’s 1950s American comedy, Harvey. This had the hugely talented British actor Colin Easton in the role of Elwood P Dowd, who believes

he is being followed around by an imaginary six-foot tall white rabbit. It is also, sadly the last play that featured that lovely actor Kit Ripard. Since its Floriana days the Atturi had nurtured a growing reputation for airing the plays of Tennessee Williams. Possibly one of their best-ever productions at the Deporres was that by Albert Marshall of Williams’s Orpheus Descending, which featured Azzopardi as Lady Torrance. Azzopardi went somewhat off-piste when she played the eponymous Jean Brodie in Jay Preston Allen’s dramatisation of Muriel Spark’s anti-fascist

novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. She even went to the trouble of acquiring a very passable Edinburgh accent for the role. This production also featured Harry Borg, Rosemary Sanford Jones, Margaret Agius, Ninette Micallef and the late Hubert Puglisevich, none of whom wisely even attempted to speak anything like a native of the Scottish capital. I confess I am still somewhat ambiguous about the charms of the Deporres Hall. But I have to admit that the Atturi did pull off some of their most spectacular successes in that still somewhat soulless space.

Playwright and novelist, the late Francis Ebejer.











Belle of the ball A woman’s true beauty is seen in her eyes and is reflected in her soul, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement.

Audrey Hepburn was one of the biggest style and beauty icons of our modern age.


t is a long-standing tradition for the Community Chest Fund to hold their annual fund-raising ball during the month of August. This occasion is a very special event and the organisers always go that extra mile to make sure that a good time is had by one and all. On the few occasions I have attended, I’ve never failed to notice just how elegantly dressed the patrons always were. This is a night when the men sport bow ties and tuxedos, while the ladies all wear the season’s latest sophisticated and classy evening gowns, and are bedecked in their finest jewellery. Their apparel is not unlike that which the mother-of-the-bride wears for her son’s or daughter’s wedding, with the difference that by the end of the evening, not even one of the ladies has exchanged her ballroom slippers for those ghastly cheap, plastic flipflops which are nowadays being handed out at local weddings in order to relieve dance-tired feet. Indeed, on that hot and balmy August night, each and every woman feels that she is the belle of the ball. And rightly so. In this day and age when dressing-up is almost frowned

upon and in sharp contrast, dressing down seems to be the order of the day, why shouldn’t a woman take advantage of that special occasion to accentuate her beauty with flair. And not only at the ball, but also as she goes about her daily routine. This seems to be an ability which is lacking in some members of the female gender and very often, we see badlydressed women who have absolutely no clue as to what attire is suitable for a particular occasion, or what style of clothing best brings out their natural features. Some examples come to mind: elderly women who sport fashions meant for a much younger gener-

The clothes a woman wears can reveal much about her personality

ation (they come across as mutton dressed as lamb); or those who try to squash themselves into clothes of the wrong size, which is most unflattering to their natural shape. Before I’m accused of fashion-shaming, just allow me to point out that fashion psychology confirms that the clothes a woman wears can reveal much about her personality and send powerful signals to others, projecting the self-image that she wishes to display. Which makes me wonder, do we really need to be attentive to what we wear? Speaking for myself, I tend to opt for mono-colour (something I picked up from my middle sister who lived in Milan for several years); could this be a sign that I’m not very creative and artsy? Possibly so. I do love bright and vivacious colours, but I can hardly ever bring myself to wear them! As for hair accessories and those dreadful ‘fascinators’ which have become all the rage at morning weddings, no matter how much I love flowers, I firmly believe that their place is in a garden, not as an adornment in a woman’s hair. Having said that, I’d like to come to the real point I’m trying to make and in order to do so, I’d like to draw upon

the practical wisdom of one of my favourite female all-time movie stars, Audrey Hepburn, who was one of the biggest style and beauty icons of our modern age. Hepburn always insisted that the real beauty of a woman is not necessarily in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way in which she styles her hair. Indeed, a woman’s true beauty is seen in her eyes and is reflected in her soul. She wrote: “It’s in the caring she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows”. She always looked immaculate and earned herself a reputation as being one of the best-dressed women ever. In spite of this, she never lost her true perspective of what’s important in life and in her later years, she dedicated her time and money to undertake several field missions with UNICEF, seeing first-hand the desperate situations in Ethiopia, Turkey, South America, Sudan, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Somalia. I think that Hepburn is the perfect embodiment of what makes a woman beautiful. So if you ever want to feel like you’re the belle of the ball, go and get yourself all dolled-up to the nines, but never forget that true beauty is the splendour of love and not just looks.





L-Antikrist Mattew

Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.


ieħed li jaqa’ fl-ereżija jew l-apostasija u jidher quddiem l-inkiżitur kellu b’xi mod jew ieħor jagħmel stqarrija ta’ fidi jew xi att ta’ penitenza fil-pubbliku, forsi ħdejn il-bieb tal-knisja. Il-penitenza jew inkella kastig kien jingħata bħala edukazzjoni morali kemm għall-penitent biex ma jerġax kif ukoll għas-soċjetà Nisranija in ġenerali. Dawk li ma kinux jitgħallmu mill-iżbalji tagħhom kienu jiġu kkastigati bl-aħrax. Xorta waħda, l-inkiżituri kienu jqisu l-isem tajjeb ta’ dak li jkun. Ċerta Marjetta kienet ġiet ikkundannata li tiġi msawta fil-pubbliku fil-belt Valletta iżda żewġha Cataldo, li kien “ġabha lura mid-dnub”, hedded li jiltlaqha jekk tingħata dak il-kastig. Għalhekk it-tribunal biddlilha s-sentenza billi eżiljaha ġewwa Għawdex.

Kastigi ħorox oħra kienu li lpenitent li jerġa’ jaqa’ f ’għemil serju kontra l-Knisja kien jirċievi s-sentenza li jiġi marbut ma’ arblu f ’nofs il-misraħ u mwaqqa’ għaċ-ċajt mill-pubbliku. B’hekk il-ħati kien jiġi mġiegħel jistħi minn dak li jkun għamel. Midinbin pubbliċi, dgħajja, sħaħar u dawk li jibqgħu jaqgħu fl-istess ħtijiet kienu jingħataw pieni ħorox. Tnejn li għaddew minn dan il-kastig li xejn ma kien komuni kien fis-sena 1642 meta l-Lhud Giacchi d’Elia u Habram Hafie ġew marbutin ma’ kolonna fil-misraħ tal-Isla. Inqas ħorox kienu l-kastigi meta l-akkużat jibqa’ għarkopptejh fil-knisja jew quddiem il-bieb ta’ barra waqt il-quddiesa kantata. Kien ikollu miktub l-akkuża fuq sidru u jekk l-akkuża kienet dwar dagħa kien ikollu maktur marbut ma’ ħalqu. F’dawk iż-żminijiet-akkużati bħal dawn kienu jitilfu ġieħhom u jiġu mwarrbin minn kull

pożizzjoni tajba għal żmien twil, jekk mhux ukoll għal għomorhom kollu. Wara s-sena 1725, l-inkiżizzjoni ma baqgħetx taqbel iżjed ma’ dawk il-kundanni pubbliċi, u dawk li jissejħu “pieni eżemplari” ġew ipprojbiti għal kollox. Il-Knisja allura bdiet turi iktar ħniena lejn dawn il-penitenti għax kienet taċċetta li kulħadd jista’ jiżbalja, anke membri stess tal-Knisja. Dawn il-penitenti kienu jagħmlu istqarrija uffiċjali li kienet tingħad jew tinqara millħati fil-privat quddiem it-tribunal u b’żewġ xhieda preżenti. Jekk ma kienx jaf jaqra, kien jgħid kelma kelma wara lkanċellier tat-tribunal. Kien jinżel għarkopptejh quddiem l-inkiżitur u b’idu fuq il-Bibbja kien jgħid, “Biex inneħħi minn moħħ il-fidili ta’ Kristu dan issuspett serju li waqa’ fuqi, jiena nabjura, nisħet u nobgħod din l-ereżija u l-iżball tiegħi li jikkontradixxu t-tagħlim

Il-Lhud Giacchi d’Elia u Habram Hafie ġew marbutin ma’ kolonna fil-misraħ tal-Isla.

tal-Knisja qaddisa, Kattolika, apostolika u Rumana.” Kien imbagħad li l-penitent jiġu maħfura ħtijietu wara li jwiegħed li ma jerġax jaqa’ flistess żbalji.

Din is-sena huwa l-40 anniversarju minn meta lawtur Tony C. Cutajar ippublika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu, Id-Dubbien l-Abjad (Klabb Kotba Maltin).





Xahar wara xahar, jaqta’ x-xagħar Wara 71 sena jaqta’ x-xagħar, Alfred Vassallo sar sinonimu mal-Birgu, jgħid Tonio Bonello.


lfred Vassallo jgħix mal-familja tiegħu f ’Ħaż-Żabbar, iżda ta’ kuljum issibu dejjem il-Birgu. Le, ma jmurx jistad, jew jieħu kafè u xi żewġ pastizzi. Għalkemm dawn ma fihom xejn ħażin, Freddie, kif inhu magħruf, baqa’ jaħdem kif kien sa minn meta kien għad kellu biss disa snin. Sirt nafu meta ntroduċieni miegħu l-għażiż mibki missieri,

madwar għoxrin sena ilu. Bqajt immur għandu għax, aktar minn parrukier, fih sibt ħabib ġenwin li fil-ħajja tal-lum, dawn saru rari ħafna, biex ma ngħidx estinti. Vassallo ġej minn familja kbira u dak iż-żmien, ta’ disa’ snin kellu joħroġ jaħdem biex jgħin il-familja. Ħutu wkoll qabdu sengħa u jiftakar lewwel xogħol tiegħu kien bħala parrukkier lavrant f ’ħanut fil-

Belt, liema ħanut kellu klijentela ta’ ċerta statura. Maż-żmien Vassallo sab opportunita’ li jmur jaħdem flistess rwol mal-Forzi Ingliżi u hekk seta’ jkompli jmantni, issa wkoll lill-istess martu u wliedu wara li ħa l-istat tiegħu u ħalla dar ommu u missieru. Vassallo spjegali kif darba waħda l-post minn fejn għadu jaħdem fih sal-lum, kmajra millaktar sempliċi ftit metri biss

bogħod mill-pjazza ewlenija talBirgu, ġiet battala u dan il-fatt ispirah biex jeħodha hu u jiftaħ hemm jaqta’ x-xagħar. Ma damx jaħsibha wisq, ġie rajh f ’idejh u n-nies tal-Birgu malajr drawh. Illum, wara 71 sena jaqtà x-xagħar, Vassallo aktar għandu ħbieb milli għandu klijenti għax sar parti ntegrali, mhux biss milllokalità, iżda saħansitra millistess familji tal-madwar. Il-ħanut ta’ Vassallo żgħir kemm trid, iżda fih min kollox. Mgħammar bl-arja kundizzjonata, f ’kull ġenb jiddomina bank sempliċi tal-injam miksi bil-ġilda sewda u fuq kull bank, vetrina żgħira iżda tawwallija minn fejn Vassallo jbiegħ prodotti tal-leħja, fwieħa u aktar. Biswit il-mera kbira tħares quddiem il-bieb ta’ barra bissiġġu fejn jinqata’ x-xagħar fiċ-ċentru, ftit kwadri iżda sinifikanti ħafna juru lil Freddie f ’episodji diversi tal-karriera twila tiegħu. U erħilu b’dik is-sempliċità u umiltà li bħala llum ma ssibx jaqbadlek dwar epoka u jirrakontalek biddettal x’ġara. Fuq kelma bejn tnejn u mingħajr ebda pretensjoni ta’ xi

ftaħir, Vassallo f’ħajtu serva nies kbar bħal persuni prominenti fil-politika, maġistrati u avukati, kummissarji tal-pulizija u aktar. Fost dawn jiftakar li darba kellu l-okkażjoni jaqta’ xagħar il-Perit Duminku Mintoff u darba oħra għamel l-istess għal Dr George Borg Olivier. Iżda forsi l-aktar element sorprendenti ta’ dan il-bniedem hu li Vassallo lanqas wara l-ħin tax-xogħol ma jistrieħ. Skont skeda li jsegwi, Vassallo jżur djar tal-anzjani kif ukoll anzjani oħra ndividwali li jkunu morda fi djarhom u

This month, we are rewarding one lucky reader with a day by the pool at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar TO WIN, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING TWO QUESTIONS CORRECTLY: 1. What is the minimum age entry requirement to enjoy the pool at Hilltop Gardens? 2. Apart from entry, which other four elements does the fee between Friday and Monday include?

Send your answers via e­mail to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L­Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first correct answer that we receive wins a day by the pool at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar.

Last month’s winners The winner of last month’s Hilltop compe00on is Gabriel Bonanno, who answered the three ques0ons correctly. Mr Bonanno wins a dinner for two at The Orchard Restaurant.



wara jum xogħol, anke jekk ta’ 80 sena, erħilu jmur ikompli jaqta’ x-xahar. U fuq kollox, mingħajr ħlas! Din il-missjoni ta’ volontarjat Vassallo ilu jagħmilha għal snin kbar. Jemmen li kull qalb trid oħra. “Għaliex, la għadni niflaħ , għaliex m’għandix immur nagħtihom dan is-servizz?” U minkejja l-ħin li jeħodlu xogħlu mit-Tnejn sas-Sibt, Vassallo jara li ma jfalli qatt, isegwi l-aħbarijiet u jżomm ruħu aġġornat. Mhux biss. Madwar ħames snin ilu, Vassallo tħajjar jixtri kompjuter laptop. Segwa kors ta’ taħriġ fl-użu tal-kompjuter u llum il-laptop sar ħabib kbir ieħor tiegħu. Permezz tal-kompjuter Vassallo dejjem ifittex li jikseb għarfien akbar f ’aspetti jew suġġetti ta’ interess. Apparti wkoll għal ftit rikreazzjoni ta’ xi film jew logħba, Vassallo ra kif għamel biex l-istess kompjuter jiffaċilità komunikazzjoni aħjar u aktar attwali, issa mat-tfal tat-

tfal tiegħu biex hekk ikun komdu jitkellem dwar itteknoloġija u aspetti oħra ma’ dawn l-aktar għeżież tiegħu. Vassallo hu wkoll kollezzjonist. Minn bolol sa keychains, oġġetti relatati mal-futbol, mal-kunsilli lokali, mal-politika, u Alla biss jaf x’aktar. U dawn kollha jinsabu lkoll organizzati f ’albums, kollox f ’postu, pulit u nadif. Qed insemmi lil dan Vassallo llum ukoll għax aktar millistorja interessanti tiegħu u lkarattru taz-zokkor li għandu, Vassallo proprju nhar il-Ħadd 8 ta’ Lulju għalaq l-eta sabiħa ta’ tmenin sena. Ħassejt li kelli nwassal dan irrakkont ħelu għax għalija Vassallo hu wieħed minn dawk l-eżempji ta’ xi nfissru tassew meta nitkellmu dwar anzjanità attiva. Konvint li bħal Freddie, għalkemm mhux wisq, hawn żgur. Nawgura li rakkonti bħal dawn ikomplu jispiraw aktar anzjani ta’ kull eta biex qatt ma jaqtgħu qalbhom fil-ħajja. Le, qatt m’hu tard!

Darba kellu l-okkażjoni jaqta’ xagħar il-Perit Duminku Mintoff u darba oħra għamel l-istess għal Dr George Borg Olivier

Tonio Bonello huwa editur tal-midja (information and communications executive) fl-uffiċċju tas-segretarju permanenti, fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tatTfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali.







The iconic Paramount Kiosk in Paola Square, back in the 1980s. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Sweet memories of F. Blackley confectionery in Valletta. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Signs of the times The art of selling never ages. Senior Times and Bay Retro take a trip down shopping lane. PHOTOS COURTESY OF BAY RETRO

A little bit of Australia in the heart of Valletta. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

A 1970s postcard of the Gillieru restaurant in St Paul’s Bay. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Parking doesn’t seem to be a problem outside Cowan Tailor and Herman’s Pharmacy in Annunciation Square, Sliema, 1961. PHOTO: BAY RETRO


This photo – originally published in Life magazine in the 1950s – shows the Egyptian Queen in Valletta. PHOTO: BAY RETRO Children play in the street outside the Camerata buildings in Merchant Street, Valletta, more than a century ago. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

The Carlton Cinema on The Strand, Sliema. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Formosa’s beautiful shopfront on Kingsway in Valletta in the 1920s. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Carmelo Sultana’s hat shop in Prince of Wales Street, Sliema is decorated to celebrate King George V’s Silver Jubilee in 1935. PHOTO: BAY RETRO





















34 36



JULY ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Moves 6. Ski-P-s 9. V-ill-ain 10. Piper 11. LI-MPs 12. Built 13. Ru-St.-led 15. Tap 17. Is-is 18. I’m-pure 19. Blade 20. Stages 22. Fife 24. E-ar 25. Bananas 26. Swell 27. Def-O-e 28. Baron 29. Aerated 30. Stern 31. De-NS-e. DOWN: 2. Od-IOUs 3. Events 4. Sir 5. Clo-u-d 6. S-I-lly me 7. Knit 8. Poplar 12. Bells 13. R-in-SE 14. Sitar 15. Tur-I-n 16. Pekes 18. I-deal 19. Bet-wee-n 21. Tale-NT 22. Facade 23. FA-mous 25. Bleak (House) 26. So-ar 28. Be-d.











37 38


ACROSS 3. Cook and carve meats (5) 8. Conjuring for many a soldier to see (5) 10. Not Monty, though concerned in disrobing (5) 11. Group of listeners? (3) 12. Gold piece in circulation (5) 13. They may well be keepers (7) 15. Is there such a boom in audio equipment? (5) 18. In the Euphrates, it can go by water (3) 19. Broken romance? (6) 21. Struggling with chores, I make a brave show (7) 22. Turn out old, disorderly and vulgar (4) 23. Lie again, by the way (4) 24. Eating place whence cutlery may be taken (7) 26. Think calculatingly? (6) 29. Label smaller than a postage stamp! (3) 31. Thomas, noted for a generalised philosophy (5) 32. Related in a different way (7) 34. River of wine (hock, etc.) (5) 35. Neither number’s never-ending! (3) 36. The general joins me in a fight (5) 37. One taking part (5) 38. The Francophile’s farewell? (5) DOWN 1. Poetry morning (5) 2. Of a matching, flattering colour? (7) 4. Not all directors are lofty (4) 5. Comes up, as about a pay increase (6) 6. An engine, or the driver (5) 7. It’s below the knee (no fib!) (5) 9. Information of some urgency (3) 12. The bird upsets Ron a lot (7) 14. In the army, it means “attention!” (3) 16. David starred, possibly in a Venetian part (5) 17. Figures maybe hot stuff (5) 19. Send to bed! (7) 20. Loud noise heard from Tony (5) 21. Building by the church provides little shelter (5) 23. In historic time, the wild green outskirts of the city (7) 24. Struck the shelter next to the business house (6) 25. Get some solid nourishment (3) 27. She needs a heel mended - about time! (5) 28. Land a knockout for some reason (5) 30. Fish eater, the female consuming a little roach! (5) 32. The bet before (4) 33. Rubbish almost torn up (3)



35 37







25 29









22 24























ACROSS 3. Deplete (3,2) 8. Water lily (5) 10. Whinny (5) 11. Kernel (3) 12. Examine accounts (5) 13. Cinema snack (7) 15. Stories (5) 18. Titfer (3)

19. Enjoy greatly (6) 21. Genteel (7) 22. Assert (4) 23. Lash (4) 24. Illegal (7) 26. Card game (6) 29. Faucet (3) 31. Protest (3-2) 32. Loathsome (7)

34. Voiced (5) 35. Lubricant (3) 36. Storey (5) 37. Unusual item (5) 38. Wigwam (5) DOWN 1. Giver (5) 2. Meat retailer (7) 4. Avoid (4) 5. Unified (6) 6. Flower part (5) 7. Monstrous people (5) 9. Male sheep (3) 12. Item (7) 14. Dolt (3) 16. Not heavy (5) 17. Large boats (5) 19. Narration (7) 20. Unskilful paintings (5) 21. Post off (5) 23. Destroy completely (4,3) 24. Disregard (6) 25. Feline (3) 27. Firearm (5) 28. Clod (5) 30. Girl’s name (5) 32. Food fish (4) 33. Tree (3)

JULY ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Stubs 6. Occur 9. Ipswich 10. Bully 11. Terse 12. Mayor 13. Samovar 15. Roc 17. Anew 18. Curate 19. Deals 20. Opines; 22. Ogle 24. Yet 25. At speed 26. Hutch 27. Talon 28. Hinge; 29. Scorpio 30. Comet 31. Snarl. DOWN: 2. Toucan 3. Billow 4. Spy 5. Swear 6. Octopus 7. Cher 8. Upshot; 12. Makes 13. Savoy 14. Merit 15. Range 16. Ceded 18. Cloth 19. Defunct 21. Pedalo 22. Option 23. Ledger 25. Acorn 26. Hose 28. His.


Agree Aorta Assess Attends Awakes Banter Biking Blown Chose Covert

Description Dines Discos Emergency Flunkies Heart Hutches Ignores Inconsistencies Insane

Kipper Lizard Nicer Nomads Pawed Pentagonal Plain Poplar Rinks Salon

Senator Shrine Slabs Smash Smoke Speared Syrup Tawdry Utility Waters




Ngħidu kelma


Qwiel Maltin u xi jfissru Ruħek ‘l alla, ġismek lit-trab, ħwejġek lil niesek, għax hekk insab. Your soul to God, your body to dust, your property to your relatives, because thus it is written.

Shadow’s Edge by Brent Weeks

Bil-flus ħadd ma jixtri il-ġenna. You can’t buy heaven with money.

Gone Without Trace by C. J. Carver

Jekk ir-raġel jikxef karusu, ilmara tieħdu għal flusu. If a man tells a woman how much money he has, she will marry him for his money.

Historic Times This month, we are giving away three bestselling paperbacks. To win, tell us the date when this Sunday Times of Malta front page was published. Send your answers via e-mail to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first three correct answers that we receive win a paperback each. Last month’s winners are Anna Saliba, who wins a copy of Strickland House by Victor Aquilina, Carmel Borg, who wins a copy of Biża’ u Kuraġġ by Karmenu Mallia and Lisa Abela, who wins a copy of The Unexplained Plus by Vanessa Macdonald. The correct answer to last month’s question was Thursday, May 14, 1981.

1 4 6

4 5 3 7 6 2 8 1 9

6 2 4 1 9 3 5 7 8

8 3 5 6 4 7 1 9 2

1 7 9 2 5 8 6 4 3

3 9 8 5 7 1 4 2 6

5 4 1 9 2 6 3 8 7

7 6 2 8 3 4 9 5 1

7 5 6 4

il-pupa Għandi pupa wisq sabiħa, aħmar wiċċha bħall-peprin. B’par għajnejn minn lewn issema, bħalha żgur ma ssibx ħelwin. Il-mamà bħali tlibbisha, mid-drapp stess tal-libsa tiegħi. Oħti ż-żgħira nistħajjilha, meta jien noħroġha miegħi. Fejn immur dejjem noħodha għax mingħajrha ma jien xejn. Minn fejn ngħaddi nisma’ jgħidu “Dawna donnhom pupi t-tnejn!”

9 5

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9

2 8 6 4 1 9 7 3 5

12 replica prints by Richard Ellis

Qabbilli waħda

SUDOKU 9 1 7 3 8 5 2 6 4

Id-dbielet twal ikarkru t-trab, imma d-dbielet qosra jkarkru l-erwieħ. Long skirts carry dust, but short skirts carry away souls.



2 5 7 8 7 5 6 4 9 1 7

4 1 6 8



Paċi kulaċi Paċi kulaċi, il-Madonna fuq rasi. Kristu fuq l-artal, qed ibierek dawn it-tfal. Dawn it-tfal imberkin, għax se jsiru qaddisin.





L-umanità... divinizzata Marija hija omm il-bnedmin kollha, għalhekk it-tlugħ tagħha fis-sema bir-ruħ u l-ġisem jgħallimna li aħna, bħalha, m’aħniex iddestinati li nispiċċaw fix-xejn, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.


wissu huwa ż-żmien talvaganzi u l-baħar minħabba li huwa wkoll l-iktar xahar sħun tas-sena – u hawn Malta dwar sħana ma tantx għandna xi ngħidu. Dan ix-xahar niċċelebraw il-festa ta’ Santa Marija, bla dubju l-aktar festa għal qalb il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin, li 170 sena ilu ġiet maħtura l-patruna pinċipali tal-gżejjer Maltin. Iżda ‘il hemm mill-patrunati li llum ftit li xejn għadhom jinteressaw nies, nemmen li l-importanza tal-festa ta’ Santa Marija tinsab fil-fatt li tgħaqqad flimkien il-ħajja limitata tal-bniedem fuq l-art u l-eternità fis-saltna tas-sema. Fi kliem ieħor, il-festa ta’ Santa Marija tfakkarna fil-mewt, imma l-mewt li toħroġ telliefa quddiem il-qawwa redentriċi ta’ Alla. Meta ngħidu l-istqarrija tal-fidi tagħna nispiċċaw bil-kelmiet “Nemmen fix-xirka tal-qaddisin, fil-maħfra tad-dnubiet, fil-qawmien mill-imwiet u fil-ħajja ta’ dejjem.” Jekk qed nitkellmu fuq il-mewt, ilħelsien mid-dnub, il-qawmien u l-ħajja ta’ dejjem ma’ Alla, bla dubju li l-ħsieb tagħna jmur fuq Marija meta narawha tiegħla s-sema, hekk kif tidher f ’tant xbiehat sbieħ fil-knejjes u fil-mużewijiet tal-arti. Fl-istudju tat-teoloġija, hemm taqsima importanti ħafna li titratta dwar l-eżistenza tal-bniedem hekk kif din hija interpretata mil-lenti tal-fidi nisranija. Din it-taqsima tinqasam fi tliet partijiet: l-ewwel titkellem dwar il-ħolqien tal-bniedem fuq xbieha ta’ Alla sal-waqgħa fid-dnub; it-tieni parti titkellem dwar il-grazzja ta’ Alla li taħdem fil-ħajja tal-bniedem li ġie mifdi permezz ta’ Ġesù, u l-aħħar parti, l-eskatoloġija, titkellem dwar il-ġejjieni tal-bniedem wara t-tmiem ta’ ħajtu. Ix-xbieha ta’ Marija tiegħla s-sema bir-ruħ u l-ġisem, flimkien mat-tagħlim li ttina l-Knisja dwar dan il-privileġġ li Alla ta lill-Omm imqaddsa tiegħu, tgħinnha nifhmu aħjar id-destin aħħari tagħna li għalih ħalaqna Alla. Marija hija omm il-bnedmin kollha, għalhekk it-tlugħ tagħha fis-sema bir-ruħ u l-ġisem jgħallimna li aħna, bħalha, m’aħniex iddestinati li nispiċċaw fix-xejn daqs li kieku qatt ma eżistejna. Għall-kuntrarju, is-sejħa aħħarija tagħna hi l-ħajja tal-glorja għall-eternità fil-ġenna. F’Marija, b’mod speċjali meta nikkontemplawha tiegħla s-sema rebbieħa, naraw dak li Alla għandu

f ’moħħu għal kull wieħed u waħda minna. U dan għandu jwassalna biex naraw il-mewt minn lenti ġdida. Il-mewt f ’Marija ma kienetx it-tmiem, iżda kienet trasformazjoni. Il-persuna ta’ Marija, waqt li baqgħet dak li kienet, daħlet f ’forma ġdida ta’ eżistenza. Ilġisem tagħha ġie gglorifikat b’mod li waqt li għadu hemm, jista’ jgawdi lil Alla mill-qrib. Sekli qabel it-twelid ta’ Kristu, fid-dinja pagana Griega diġà kien hemm it-twemmin li l-ġisem talbniedem ma jiflaħx jidħol f ’kuntatt dirett mad-divinità. Fil-fatt insibu diversi stejjer mitoloġiċi li jitkellmu dwar persuni li daħlu f ’kuntatt mad-divinità u spiċċaw mejtin.

F’Marija glorifikata bil-ġisem u r-ruħ naraw ir-rahan tal-glorja tagħna

Fil-kotba Mqaddsa nisbu kitbiet paralleli ma’ dawn il-miti fejn naqraw fuq diversi ġrajjiet ta’ bnedmin li jmissu l-arka tal-patt u jmutu mill-ewwel, kif ukoll ir-rakkonti ta’ meta Alla kien jinżel fuq il-muntanja tiegħu biex jitkellem ma’ Mosè u javża biex ħadd ma jersaq lejn il-muntanja għax inkella jmut. Dan kollu jipponta għall-fatt li l-bniedem, minħabba l-istat ta’ dnub li kien jinsab fih, ma’ setax jidħol wisq fil-qrib ta’ Alla. L-affarijiet inbidlu permezz tal-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Kristu, li patta għad-dnubiet ta’ kulħadd, mela allura għal darb’oħra l-bniedem seta’ jersaq lejn Alla fil-forom sagramentali, sakemm ‘il quddiem meta l-bniedem ikun issaffa kompletament minn ħtijietu, jkun jista’ jgawdi lil Alla bil-persuna tiegħu sħiħa. Dan, iżda, ma kienx il-każ ta’ Marija, għax qatt kienet imtebbgħa mill-ebda dell ta’ dnub. U ladarba f ’ħajjitha Marija kienet dejjem safja, ma kelliex tistenna l-aħħar jum biex tkun imsoffija – u ġisimha għalhekk għadda minn dik il-bidla li għad jgħaddi minnha ġisimna wkoll, u tinsab diġà tgawdi lil Alla. L-Assunzjoni, allura, hija t-twettiq sħiħ tas-salvazzjoni tal-Verġni Mbierka li Alla kien beda meta lilha ħelisha mid-dnub tan-nisel. Fl-Assunta mela naraw is-salvazzjoni sħiħa li Kristu ġab lil kull bniedem, l-ewwel fost kulħadd lil Ommu. Dan juri li s-salvazzjoni mhix biss il-ħajja tar-ruħ, iżda hija l-glorifikazzjoni tal-bniedem sħiħ, bil-ġisem b’kollox. Ħaġa li spiss tbeżżagħna meta naħsbu fuq il-mewt hija għax bil-mewt nitilfu l-identità tagħna, u li qatt m’aħna se nkunu nistgħu nieħdu lura dan il-ġisem li matul ħajjitna tant nieħdu ħsieb. L-assunzjoni talMadonna tgħinna nifhmu aħjar li dan il-ħsieb huwa żbaljat. Huwa veru li għal żmien inkunu mċaħħdin minn ġisimna, imma b’danakollu xorta waħda jasal iż-żmien meta dal-ġisem, kif nafuh, jerġa’ lura għandna, aħjar milli hu, għax ikun ġisem glorjuż. It-tlugħ fis-sema tal-Madonna b’ruħha u ġisimha juri l-għaqda li ma titħassarx li hemm bejn dak li aħna issa u dak li se nkunu ‘l quddiem, bejn ruħna u ġisimna. Għaldaqstant f ’Marija glorifikata bilġisem u r-ruħ naraw ir-rahan tal-glorja tagħna, il-prova mibnija fuq is-swar talaħħar rebħa tagħna, meta wara ħajja xierqa ta’ ulied Alla inkunu marbutin miegħu għal dejjem bħalma ġa tinsab miegħu hi.





I choose implants! I

t is a fact that the majority of the population wishes to have straight teeth. It is also a fact that they want them white and natural looking. Patients never request crooked, yellow or poor-looking teeth. So straight, white and natural looking are all adjectives that patients often use to describe the type of smile they wish to have. Patients also request they receive the necessary treatment in the quickest time with the minimal number of injections and appointments. A typical scenario is a soon to be bride and mother of the bride. Unfortunately time is very often an essential part of it especially when the treatment involves braces and tooth alignment. The proposition of having a treatment plan spanning over a year or two is absurd and is quickly shot down. Quick fixes are often attractive but by far not the best choice, as they tend to be nonconservative in nature and destructive towards the tooth tissue. Often, upon patient’s wishes, dentists are made to propose alternative treatment plans involving elective extractions, crown building and the fixation of porcelain veneers. This may be a controversial topic, which in some countries may even have you lose your licence. Having said that, in other countries it is done following the patients requests reasoning on the lines of the teeth are theirs and they decide. Time and money are also factors, which push patients to opt for the second or third option of treatment leaving the unattractive first option out altogether. What is a must is to inform the patients of all the treatment options that are available in dentistry discussing in detail their advantages and disadvantages. It is then up to the patient to choose their preferred option. Let us not forget that even dentists like providing their patients with straight, white goodlooking teeth. Dentists might disagree with the patients’ choice of plan but might also understand where they are coming from for time and money are not always available. Ask your dentist!

A CASE SCENARIO A middle-aged lady wishes to fix her top four front teeth. She is extremely conscious of them and is always covering her mouth. As time goes by, the teeth got worse. She is not interested in braces and wishes a relatively quick fix. She doesn’t wish to touch any of the other teeth. Besides aesthetics, her main concerns are how they would feel on her lip and whether it would have an effect on her speech. It was decided to remove the four front top teeth and place three dental implants. These implants were then restored with a porcelain bridge, straight and relatively white looking teeth.

Intra-oral before treatment Intra-oral three months after implant placement

Intra-oral after fitting of implant bridge


Extra-oral after treatment





Li kieku stajt! Novella ta’ Fiona Vella.


t-tokki fondi tal-qniepen talknisja ta’ biswiti sirt nistennihom bħal ruħ għatxana għal ftit wens. Iżda l-għana tagħhom idum biss ftit sekondi u s-skiet jerġa’ jaqa’ mill-ġdid madwari; skiet li xi kultant jinkiser bi ħsejjes ta’ magni ta’ karozzi jsuqu minn quddiemi jew b’xi passi ħfief jgħaġġlu minn ħdejja. Ninstab sewwasew fil-bidu ta’ trejqa dejqa fil-Għargħur; dar imdaqqsa, antika u abbandunata. Mill-faċċata ċkejkna u mitluqa tiegħi, ħadd ma jobsor bil-kobor li hemm wara dak il-bieb antik u msewwes. Ftit huma dawk li għadhom jiftakru l-ġmiel ta’ dar li kont qabel għax issa ż-żmien għadda sewwa u miegħu kaxkar il-kumpanija tal-ħlejqiet li jien tant ħabbejt. Iva, iż-żmien seraq lilhom u lill-memorji tagħhom. It-trab qiegħed jinġabar ġewwa fija mhux ħażin u f ’xi mumenti bħal inħossni midfuna ħajja. Il-madum kbir ikkulurit u mżejjen bħall-bizzilla ta’ lwien qiegħed jitgħatta ftit ftit u lkuluri li darba kienu jżejjnuni, issa ntfew fi skala ta’ kuluri griżi u suwed. Id-dlam isaltan f ’ħafna mill-ħin tal-ġurnata ġol-kmamar tiegħi. Jinkiser biss mid-dawl li jirnexxielu jidħol minn bejn ix-xquq tal-persjani tal-injam u minn ġoż-żewġt itwieqi talħġieġ li nkissru bir-riħ, għalkemm dawn ma jdumux ma jinksew ukoll bixxtieli li telgħin bla rażan mal-ħitan talġnien tiegħi. Il-ġnien tiegħi? Surtu nbidlet bosta. Il-ħaxix ħażin u l-fjuri slavaġ ħakmu kullimkien u s-siġar tal-larinġ li kien mogħni bihom qabel, issa ntlew bi pjanti xeblieka. U għalkemm is-siġar għadhom jagħmlu frott sabiħ u mimli, kif dan isir, jintrema’ mill-fergħa bittoqol tiegħu stess u jinfaqa’ moħli malart. Iċ-ċangaturi rranġati f ’mogħdijiet ħelwin mal-ġnien kollu, issa ħadu kulur ħadrani filwaqt li ħafna minnhom intradmu taħt il-ħamrija bl-ilmijiet tax-xita. Tassew! Il-ġnien ikompli jagħtini lbixra ta’ xi dar tal-ħrejjef li ġiet mjassra b’xi seħer fuqha. Mitluqa hawn waħdi, sikwit nintefa’ ngħaddi ħini naħseb fl-imgħoddi, partikolarment fis-sidien tiegħi li ħadu ħsiebi b’għożża kbira. Għadni sa llum nisma’ leħinhom f ’ħitani u l-passi tagħhom ferrieħa jew imkaxkra fuq arti. Għadhom jidhru sa llum it-tibdiliet li għamlu fija: xi kwadru mwaħħal mal-ħajt, xi armarju mħaffer

fil-fond, xi żewġt imsiemer li kienu twaħħlu bi żball u tħallew hemm, ittmermir bl-użu mal-poġġaman antik tat-taraġ hekk kif dawn kienu jżommu miegħu, huma u neżlin jew telgħin… Mijiet għandi ta’ memorji tagħhom li jiena nibqa’ ngħożż matul l-eżistenza tiegħi. Qalbi kienet titnikket ma’ kull sid ġdid li kien jiġi u jisraqli dawn ittifkiriet sabiex jirranġani għall-gosti tiegħu. Madanakollu, biż-żmien kollox jindara u hekk ukoll tgħallimt kif naċċetta u nifhem il-bżonn li sid ġdid iħoss ħalli jarma daru skont il-ħtieġa tiegħu. Fuq kollox, ma domtx ma ntbaħt illi dawk it-tifkiriet li kienu tant għeżież għalija, għas-sid il-ġdid ma kienux ħlief imbarazz! Sadanittant, iż-żmien ukoll jagħtik parir u llum lesta li nitlef anki dawn ilmemorji tiegħi sabiex sid ġdid jiġi jieħu ħsiebi u jsalvani minn din il-kundanna ta’ solitudni li sibt ruħi fiha. Ilni f ’din il-kundizzjoni għal madwar sena; minn meta l-aħħar sid xwejjaħ tiegħi ġie nieqes. Għadni niftakar ċar kristall dik il-ġurnata meta ndunajt li erġajt sfajt waħdi. Il-werrieta ta’ sidi kienu ġew flimkien man-nutar u fost il-ħars ta’ disprezz li tawni, kienu ddeċidew li jbiegħuni. Immedjatament, bdew ġejjin aġent wara l-ieħor, iduru fil-kmamar tiegħi, iqallbu bla galbu l-affarijiet tas-sid li kelli, filwaqt li b’ton kiesaħ, kull wieħed minnhom kien jistmagħni bi prezz differenti. Il-mawriet tagħhom fija jdejjquni għax il-bruda ta’ leħinhom,

Jintrema’ millfergħa bit-toqol tiegħu stess u jinfaqa’ moħli mal-art

Ħadd ma jobsor bil-kobor li hemm wara dak il-bieb antik u msewwes.

huma u jdawwru lill-klijenti tagħhom madwari, tinħass. Għal xi raġuni, donni ma tanx jien għal qalbhom. Probabbli m’għandix prezz għali biżżejjed biex jitħallsu sewwa huma u allura, ninbiegħx jew le, ma tagħmilx differenza għalihom. Iżda għalija tagħmel! U ħitani nħosshom ser jinqasmu kull darba li nara lin-nies il-ġodda li jkunu ġew jarawni, jagħtuni daharhom u joħorġu ‘l barra. Issa inti li qed taqra l-istorja tiegħi, agħlaq ftit għajnejk u oqgħod isma’ lħsejjes ta’ madwarek bil-kwiet, bla ma tagħmel xejn. Hekk biss tista’ tifhem ftit x’qed inħoss jien, marbuta hawn ma’ din l-art li jien mibnija fuqha, nitmermer ftit ftit u nistenna. Isma ftit! Il-muftieħ qiegħed idur fisserratura tiegħi! Nistqarr li dan il-ħoss sirt ngħix għalih għax miegħu jġib ittama tar-ritorn għall-ħajja. Iżda sfortunatament, jiena konxja li dan il-ħoss iġib miegħu wkoll il-possibilità taluġiegħ tar-rifjut. Il-passi bdew jinstemgħu resqin lejn il-ġnien tiegħi u permezz ta’ fewġa riħ, irnexxieli ntajjar il-purtieri antiki, illum kważi trasparenti, bħala merħba. Id-dawra miegħi issa drajtha sewwa. U kull darba li xi ħadd mill-klijenti jieqaf iħares ċass lejja mħasseb, jiena nħares lejh lura sabiex nipprova

nifhem mill-bixra ta’ wiċċu x’se tkun id-deċiżjoni tiegħu. Kemm nixtieq li stajt kont jien li nintroduċi lili nnifsi u nuri sbuħiti lillklijenti. Li kieku stajt, kont inxarrab dan il-madum tiegħi u nesponih bħallpittura mill-isbaħ. Li kieku stajt, kont inqalleb ftit il-ħamrija tal-ġnien tiegħi ħalli nerġa’ nagħtih il-ħajja. Li kieku stajt, kont infarfar ħitani kollha sabiex nikxef il-karattru distint tiegħi, illum moħbi wara munzell trab. Li kieku stajt, kont inħaffer bejn ix-xquq ta’ ġebla tqila li qed tagħlaq u tostor iddaħla ta’ kamra antika mimlija b’oġġetti imprezzabbli li darba wieħed missidien ġodda tiegħi għatta mingħajr ma ntebaħ u li b’hekk intesiet għal kollox… Mitlufa kif kont fi ħsibijieti, lanqas intbaħt li l-klijenti kienu lestew mid-dawra tagħhom u ġejt f ’sensija biss meta smajt il-bieb tiegħi jinfetaħ mill-ġdid. Rajthom mexjin il-barra, daharhom lejja, rashom baxxuta, passithom mgħaġġla biex ifittxu jitilqu. Karba tqila ġriet ma ħitani u persjana minnhom, bit-tregħida, nfetħet b’ħoss qawwi. Il-persuni li kienu ħerġin, daru lura maħsuda. Imma meta raw x’kien il-ħoss, daħku, għax ħasbu li kien ir-riħ! Il-bieb ingħalaq b’tisbita. U ftit tikħil ieħor waqa’ minn ma’ ħitani, bħal demgħa li tislet qalb muġugħa.

SENIOR TIMES ‒ AUGUST 2018 A DC-10 air tanker drops fire retardant along the crest of a hill to protect the two bulldozers below that were cutting fire lines at the River Fire (Mendocino Complex) near Lakeport, California, US, on August 2, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS




Fireworks are seen behind the monument of El Salvador del Mundo during the opening parade of the festivities of El Divino Salvador del Mundo, patron saint of the capital city of San Salvador, on August 1, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS

Pictures of the world

This month’s news highlights captured in show-stopping photos.

A girl with painted hands and face participates in a peace rally to commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the world’s first atomic bombing in the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II, in Mumbai, India, on August 6, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS Tourists walk past a giant hand structure on the Gold Bridge on Ba Na hill near Danang City, Vietnam, on August 1, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS

A woman walks past debris from a collapsed wall following a strong earthquake in Lendang Bajur Hamlet, Lombok island, Indonesia, on August 6, 2018. PHOTO: REUTERS





The First Vienna Tourney Watching local teams battle it out with foreign stars was always a treat, says Carmel Baldacchino.


he 1964-65 Christmas Tourney was held during the first week of January when the Christmas festivities were all but over. Gone were the good old days when the tourney was the highlight of the Maltese football season. By 1964 the event had lost much of its old glamour and it was through a huge effort that the MFA and the stadium management kept the tradition going. That season, the first team approached by the tourney organisers were SK Hajduks. However, our old friends from Yugoslavia asked for too high a price for their participation. Then, when Sliema Wanderers went to Romania to honour their European Cup of Cup Winners tie with Dinamo Bucharest they asked Dinamo if they were willing to come to Malta for the Christmas tour-

ney. At first, it seemed that Dinamo would comply but by the time the Wanderers returned to Malta the deal had already fell through. In the meantime, the MFA contacted SK Rapid, but the Austrians financial demands were too high for the organisers to consider. The Christmas period was by now getting near and it seemed that the tourney would not be held. Fortunately, First Vienna came to the rescue. At the time the Austrians were playing a series of matches in Kuwait, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya and when they were contacted they accepted to play three matches in Malta for a fee of £1,300. Their demand was in the range of the tourney organisers and although by now the best part of the Christmas period was over, the tourney was held as planned. Before the war Austrian football was the pride of

Europe but by the start of the 1960s the fortunes of Austrian clubs had suffered a severe blow. The newly instituted European Clubs’ competitions highlighted the deficiencies of the Austrian clubs. The real power in Europe was now no longer in Austria but in Italy and Spain. However, the memory of the Admira and Wien, Wiener, SK Austria, Rapid Vienna, Wacker and Simmering tourneys were still fresh in the minds of the Maltese and they welcomed the opportunity of seeing another top Austrian club in action. Founded in 1894, First Vienna are the oldest football club in Austria. Early in the 1890s a group of English gardeners working on the estate of Nathaniel Anselm von Rothschild spent their spare time playing football. Rothschild gave them a small piece of land to use as a football

Hibernians FC as they lined-up against First Vienna on January 9, 1965.

ground. Soon a football team was formed, and Rothschild allowed the team to use his family colour of blue and yellow as their kit colours. The team played its first official match on November 15, 1894 against the Vienna Cricket and Football club. First Vienna lost their maiden match 0-4 and from then on, the two clubs remained great rivals right up to 1936 when the Cricket Club was dissolved. Vienna soon became the haven of Austrian football and by the end of 1896 there were already seven clubs in the city. First Vienna has had a long and chequered history. They

won the Austrian Cup in 1929 and 1930 before they won their first championship in 1931. That same year they won the coveted Mitropa Cup which in those days was the equivalent of the European Champions Cup That honour was unique in the history of the competition as First Vienna swept aside all opposition to all six of their matches. Vienna captured a second national title in 1933 and a third Austrian Cup in 1937. When Austria was united with Germany in 1938 the football competitions of the two countries were also merged. First Vienna therefore, played in the German league. In 1942 they won their division title and advanced to the final, but they lost the championship decider 0-2 to, the dominant German team of that era, Schalke 04. After the war, the Austrian league was re-installed, and First Vienna took its rightful place amongst the top Austrian teams of that era.

At one time, Koller was also rated as one of the best 100 European footballers of the 20th century


A team photo of Valletta FC and First Vienna taken before the Christmas Tourney match played on January 6, 1965 which the Austrians won 1-0.

When First Vienna came to Malta they brought with them their full squad of players. During their tourney they played Kaaushofer, Leiner, Koschier, Kremser, R. Cejka, Englesch, Marik, F. Cejka, Wertl, Koller, Wielding, Hiesel, Wieger, Wuti, Wirti, and Scheswald. These names mean nothing to us these days but to those who have followed international football in the late 1950s and early 60s some of them may be familiar. First Vienna had three international players in their team: Fritz Cejka who also played for Admira, Wien, Wiener and Kapfenberg, Giuseppe Koschier and Karl Koller.

The latter was the best known of the three. He played for First Vienna between 1949 and 1966 and was rated by his contemporaries as one of the best Austrian midfielders of all time. At one time, Koller was also rated as one of the best 100 European footballers of the 20th century. First Vienna opened their tourney on January 6, 1965 against Valletta. This match fell much below expectations and a poor performance by First Vienna added to the gloom which surrounded that season’s tourney. The Austrians could hardly be blamed for their poor show, having arrived in Malta only

hours before the start of the match. The Austrians were a star-studded side but Valletta, fielding a team composed mainly of raw youngsters, held them for more than an hour before Cejka scored to save his team’s blushes. First Vienna played their second match on Saturday, January 9. The Austrians were once again disappointing. They showed glimpses of class, but they lacked that enthusiasm so vital to produce one’s best. There was no gusto in their play and struggled to beat Hibernians by the minimum of scores. It was obvious that they were suffering from the after-effects of an exhaust-



The great Karl Koller, the best known of the players who came to Malta with First Vienna in 1964.

ing tour of North Africa and the Middle East before coming to Malta. First Vienna’s last match was against Sliema Wanderers. Sliema have always given our visitors a good run for their money and this time was no exception. Season 1964-65 was an exceptional season for the Wanderers. Flipping back through the dusty pages of the history of association football in Malta, one finds it difficult to find another season when a club achieved so much as Sliema did during that season. Trained to a high pitch by their Hungarian coach Janos Bedl, the Wanderers grew in

The great Sliema Wanderers’ edition which in 1964-65 swept the board of all major honours. In the Christmas Tourney the Wanderers held the crack Austrian side, First Vienna to an honourable 2-2 draw.

strength as the season progressed. They brushed aside all opposition in the league and retained the Johnnie Walker Cup with a game in hand conceding only one defeat in the process. With the League Championship and the Independence Cup already safely tucked away in their showcase, Sliema Wanderers set their sights on the two remaining competitions of the season. Their first objective was the FA Trophy. This they achieved with a 4-2 victory over rivals Floriana in the final. Then, in the Testaferrata Cup final, the Blues defeated Hibernians 4-1in a fast and exciting encounter. With this success behind them, Sliema were determined to do better than Hibernians and Valletta against First Vienna and they went into the game as if their very lives depended on the result. For a time, they led 2-1, only for substitute Shuswald to grasp the equaliser only 50 seconds after coming in. All things considered, it was another prestigious result for the Wanderers who continued to enhance their reputation as the team with the best results against foreigners. The First Vienna Tourney was certainly not one of the best in the long history of the famous Christmas Tourney. However, for me it brings a lot of fond memories of my youth when it was still something of an occasion to go to the Empire Stadium, to see ‘il-Ġodda’ in action. I’m sure that there are many others who like me treasure those memories.





Il-bidu tal-avjazzjoni u l-ewwel titjiriet f’Malta L-avjazzjoni f’Malta għamlet vjaġġ twil f’inqas minn mitt sena, jgħid Joseph Scicluna.


emm huma dawk li meta jirkbu l-ajruplan jgħaddilhom minn moħhom, jew jafu meta ġrat l-ewwel titjijra fuq il-gżejjer Maltin? Bil-qiegħda, komdi, naslu fid-destinazzjoni li nixtiequ f ’ħin pjuttost qasir. Il-vjaġġi blajru ilhom li saru parti millħajja tagħna. Mill-banda loħra, meta nirkbu f ’ karozza, mhux l-ewwel darba li naslu tard meta ninqabdu fit-traffiku wieqaf.

L-ewweL titjira fuq MaLta Kienet il-ġurnata tas-Sibt tat13 ta’ Frar tas-sena 1915, meta l-pilota Cecil Francis Kilner tar fuq il-Port il-Kbir, b’ajruplan tal-baħar tat-tip Short Folder 135. Kilner kien qiegħed iservi mar-Royal Marines u kien ilpilota anzjan fuq il-vapur Ark Royal. L-ajruplan tniżżel filbaħar, inqata minn wiċċ l-ilma u wara 35 minuta illandja fil-baħar. Dak inhar inkitbet l-ewwel paġna fl-istorja ta’ l-avjazzjoni f ’pajjiżna. Il-kaptan Kilner

Lady Mary Bailey kienet l-ewwel pilota mara li ġiet Malta issuq ajruplan De Havilland Moth.

kien ingaġġa f ’infanterija f ’Settembru tas-sena 1902 u kien ilu 13 –il sena fis-servizz. Ġie ddekorat kemm –il darba u miet fl- 20 t’Ottubru 1925, u midfun fic-ċimiterju ta’ Kensal Ġreen, Londra. Sa dak iż-żmien kien għad m’hawnx post fejn jinżlu lajruplani sakemm il-qawwa ta’ l-ajru Ingliża bniet mitjar f ’Ħal Far li kien ġie inawġurat fis 16 ta’ Jannar tas-sena 1923 mill-Gvernatur Lord Plumer. Għalkemm kien mitjar taħt ilkontroll tal militar, kienu jitħallew jinżlu kemm arjuplani ċivili u dawk ta’ kumpaniji kummerċjali.

KaLafrana u L-bini ta’ ajrupLani fit-tarzna L-Ingliżi kienu qegħdin jaħsbu biex iżidu n-numru ta’ ajruplani fiż-żona tal-Mediterran. LAmmiraljat diġa kellu il-port ta’ Kalafrana fejn kienu jinħażnu it-torpedoes, u għalhekk għal ħabta ta’ Mejju tas-sena 1916 ilpost ġie mibdul biex setgħu jinżlu ajruplani tal-baħar. F’dan il-perjodu il-ħaddiema tat-Tarzna kienu ġew imqabbda

jaħdmu fuq il-bini ta’ ajruplani tip Felixstowe F3. Il-qafas u lparti tan-nofs kienu magħmula mill-injam u l-ġwienaħ kienu jinksew bix-xoqqa. B’kollox inbnew 23, u l-ewwel wieħed ġie varat u miġbud il-barra mid-daħla tat-Tarzna u tar sa Kalafrana f’Novembru tas-sena ta’ wara. Xi wħud minn dawn kienu minn ta’ l-ewwel ajruplani li bdiet ittajjar il-qawwa ta’ l-ajru Ingliża f ’pajjiżna, mal-bidu tagħha f ’April tassena 1918.

jibdew titjiriet għaL MaLta Minn KuMpaniji KuMMerċjaLi Għall-ħabta tas-sena 1928 bdew ġejjin ajruplani privati u oħrajn ta’ kumpaniji kummerċjali, fosthom is-Società Anonima Navigazione Aerea u Ala Littoria, it-tnejn Taljani, joperaw titjiriet regolari minn Napli, jgħaddu Sirakuża u jieqfu Malta fi triqthom għal Tripli. Sentejn qabel, fit 22 ta’ Dicembru 1926, żewġ ajruplani tat-tip De Havilland Hercules tal-kumpanija Imperial Airways iġorru passiġġieri fuq titjira mill-Ingilterra għallIndja, kienu niżlu Ħal Far. Għall-ewwel darba bdiet issir spezzjoni minn fizzjali taddwana li kienu jitilgħu l-ajruport jiċċekkjaw il-bagalji talpassiġġieri. piLoti Magħrufa jieqfu f’pajjiżna Bejn is-snin għoxrin u tletin, xi kultant kienu jieqfu xi personaġġi magħrufa fl-avjazzjoni ċivili waqt li kien jkunu sejrin lejn l-Afrika, l-Awstralja u lLvant Imbiegħed. Lady Mary Bailey kienet lewwel pilota mara li ġiet Malta ssuq ajruplan De Havilland Moth u niżlet Ħal Far fil-15 ta’ Marzu, 1928. Kienet telqet minn Croyden fl-Ingilterra u waqfet hawn waqt titjira hija u sejra għal Cape Town flAfrika t’Isfel. Waqt li l-pilota avventuruż Sir Alan Cobham flimkien ma’ martu u żewġ piloti oħra kienu

telqu fuq titjira minn Ajaccio biex jinżlu Kalafrana, l-ajruplan inqabad f ’riefnu viċin Malta. Kien tard fil-ġħaxija tas-26 ta’ Novembru, 1927 li Cobham ma setgħax jagħmel mod ieħor ħlief li jillandja qrib il-vapur HMS Elizabeth li kienet ankrata f ’San Pawl il-Baħar. L-għada kien bi ħsiebu jtir għal Kalafrana biex jgħabbi xi proviżjon u jkompli l-vjaġġ. Minħabba l-baħar qawwi, l-ajruplan inqalagħlu lgalleġġant tal-lemin, kellu jiġi rmunkat u meta wasal biex jiġi mtellgħa l-art f ’Kalafrana kellha titkisser waħda millġwienaħ ta’ isfel. Sakemm dam hawn Malta biex tissewwa l-ħsara tal-ajruplan,

Wara ħafna taqtieħ il-qalb il-passiġġieri inħelsu kollha u tħalla jitlaq

huwa kien mistieden millgvern jagħti pariri biex jinbena l-ajruport ieħor. Ħuwa kien indika postijiet, fosthom wieħed fejn illum hemm lajruport internazzjonali.

Minn wasLa ta’ ajrupLan żgħir sa diK taL-JUMBO JET Għalkemm il-kumpanija talajru KLM għandha rabta ma’ pajjiżna sa mis-sena 1948, kien għall-ħabta ta’ nofs is-sena 1927 meta kellna l-ewwel titjira għal Malta minn din ilkumpanija Olandiża meta ajruplan Fokker F.V11A waqaf Ħal Far, l-uniku ajruport li kien hawn dak iż-żmien. L-ajruplan Fokker jaf il-bidu tiegħu meta Anthony Fokker, Olandiż kien fetaħ fabbrika f’Berlin li kienet tibni l-arjuplani għall-qawwa ta’ l-ajru Ġermaniża Luftwaffe. Magħmul żgħir u ħafif bi tlett ġwienaħ fuq xulxin, ilFokker baqa’ assoċjat malpilota Manfred Richthofen, avjatur ta’ ħila kbira matul lEwwel Gwerra Dinjija. Il-KLM twaqqfet fis-7 t’Ottubru 1919 u hija l-ewwel


L-ajruport f’Ta’ Qali inbena fis-sena 1935.

kumpanija tal-ajru li kienet iġġor passiġġieri. Fis-17 ta’ Mejju, 1920, il-pilota Jerry Shaw għamel l-ewwel titjira minn Amsterdam għal Londra bi tnejn minn nies abbord u b’kunsinja ta’ gazzetti, fuq ajruplan De Havilland DH16. Bejn is-snin ħamsin u sittin, ilkumpanija kienet twassal emigranti Maltin lejn l-Awstralja. Bla mistenni, fis-26 ta’ Novembru, 1973, ajruplan Jumbo Jet 747 tal-KLM għamel inżul flajruport ta’ Ħal Luqa. Kien inħataf minn pirati tal-ajru hekk kif telaq minn Bejrut. Ħafna jiftakru dan l-episodju u wara ħafna taqtieħ il-qalb ilpassiġġieri inħelsu kollha u tħalla jitlaq.

Il-pilota kien irnexxielu itellgħu minkejja li ir-runway ma kienitx twila biżżejjed għal dan it-tip ta’ ajruplan.

TiTjira bil-lejl fuq il-gżejjer Grazzi għar-riċerka, illum nafu li l-ewwel titjira bil-lejl fuq Malta ġrat fis-26 ta’ Novembru, 1929. Owen Cathcart-Jones, pilota mal-flotta Ingliża kien tar minn Ħal Far, isuq ajruplan Fairy Flycather u niżel fuq il-gverta tal-vapur HMS Courageous. Cathcart-Jones twieled flLondra, beda l-karriera tiegħu fl-eta’ ta’ 19 –il sena meta ingaġġa mal-flotta, u fis-sena 1925 daħal pilota mal-forza tal-

L-ajruplan ta’ Sir Alan Cobham jittella minn Kalafrana.

arju. Wieħed mit tfal tiegħu twieled Malta f ’Awissu, 1929, meta huwa kien stazzjonat hawn iservi, fuq il-vapur li kien sorġut il-ġewwa fil-Port il-Kbir. Peress li kien iħobb l-avventura, kien jieħu sehem fi tlielaq bl’ajruplan u kiser ir-rekord tad-dinja tal-ħin mill-Ingilterra għall-Afrika t’ Isfel.

PoSTa bl-ajru Is-servizz uffiċjali tal-posta blajru beda fl-1 t’April, 1928. Għalkemm qabel kienet tmur bil-baħar kien hemm żmien meta xi drabi kienet tinġarr biż-Zeppelin. Fl-ewwel snin kienet titgħabba fuq vapur sa Port Said. Minn hemm titlaq għall-Kajr u titwassal sa Baghdad bl-ajru. Għall-bqija tal-vjaġġ għal pajjiżi oħra, kien jintuża ittrasport bl-art. Il-posta għallEwropa kienet titlaq bil-baħar għal Sirakuża, biex imbagħad tkompli l-vjaġġ bil-ferrovija għal eqreb ajruport. Fl-1 ta’ Novembru, ilkumpanija is-Società Anonima Navigazione Aerea bdiet titjiriet iġġor passiġġieri u posta bejn Ruma u Napli, Sirakuża, tieqaf Malta u tkompli għal Tripli u lura. Il-kumpanija inawgurat u bdiet topera dan is-servizz bl-ajruplan tal-baħar Dornier Wal b’żewġ piloti u kien itella tmien passiġġieri. Mibni mid-ditta Fiat kien jinżel Kalafrana, imma mhux l-ewwel darba li minħabba rriħ qawwi li kien jaħkem flinħawi, kien ibiddel id-direzzjoni u jinżel San Pawl il-Baħar. Għall-bidu tas-snin tletin, il-kumpnanija Ingliża bdiet tibgħad b’mod regolari ajruplan tal-passiġġieri li kien

jieqaf Ħal Far, u jgħabbi l-posta għall-Afrika u Lvant Nofsani.

iT-Traffiku bl-ajru jiżdied Fil-bidu tas-snin tletin beda jinbena ajruport f ’Ta Venezja, li llum nafuħ bħala Ta’ Qali. Ix-xogħol dam sejjer u għalkemm kien kważi tlesta fis-sena 1935, ftit li xejn seta jintuża għax ma kellux il-faċilitajiet kolla meħtieġa. Aktar ajruplani bdew jinżlu f Malta, u n-numru tal-passiġġieri kien qiegħed jiżdied. Minbarra hekk, kellna tlett aircraft carriers ankrati fil-Port il-Kbir li l-ajruplani tagħhom kienu jużaw l-arjuport ta’ ĦalFar. Ma kienx hemm triq oħra ħlief li l-ajruport ta’ Ta’ Qali jitlesta minn kollox ħalli jkun jista jopera. Fis-sena 1938, waqaf l-ewwel ajruplan bilpassiġġieri li fosthom kien hemm membri tal-Gvern Spanjol, sejrin Ankara fit-



It-Times of Malta tirrapporta il-wasla tal-Jumbo Jet 747 tal-KLM, li kien ġie maħtuf minn pirati tal-ajru hekk kif ħalla Bejrut.

Turkija għall-funeral tal-President Tork Ataturk.

ajruPorT ġdid Fl-istess żmien l-awtoritajiet Ingliżi fasslu pjanijiet biex ikollna ajruport li jkun jaqdi iddomanda u l-ħtiġijiet għallfutur. Kemm f ’Ħal-Far u Ta’ Qali ir-runways b’ħamrija mballta ma kienux adattati biex jinżlu ajruplani tqal. Dan talaħħar kien ‘jergħeq’ taħt l-ilma tax-xita wara xi maltempata qawwija. Għalhekk għall-bidu tas-sena 1939, beda xogħol fuq ajruport ġdid f’Ħal-Luqa, il-post li fil-futur kellu jkun l-ajruport internazzjonali ta’ Malta. Għaddew ftit aktar minn 100 sena minn meta l-aħwa Orville u Wilbur Wright tajru ajruplan għall-ewwel darba biex fetħu ttriq, li llum il-bniedem jivjaġġa b’veloċità eħfef mill-ħoss.

SorSi An Illustrious Aviator, Brian N Tarpey, The Times of Malta, February 2007 Sixty Years of Malta Air Mail Service, Carmel G Bonavia, The Sunday Times of Malta, May, 1988 First Flight over Malta, Brian N Tarpey, The Times of Malta, October, 2002 L-Istorja tal-Avjazzjoni f’Malta, Richard J Caruana, PiN Publications, 2002 KLM Flights to Malta, Carmel Attard, The Times of Malta, December, 1994 New Airmail Stamps, John A Mizzi, The Sunday Times of Malta, January, 1994 Civil Aviation Highlights, Carmel Attard, The Times of Malta, February, 1992 A History of the Luftwaffe, John Killen, Berkley Medallion Books, 1969





From pedal to metal Victor Dalmas can trace his passion for vintage cars back to his childhood days, racing his pedal car in his hometown Żejtun, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.


n the past, when the ratio of local registered cars was far from three to every four members of the population, and streets were safe for children to play in, it was common to see groups of happy children running around in pedal cars. Many adults now having a keen interest in old motors can pin down their enthusiasm to these nostalgic childhood experiences. Victor Dalmas is a case in point. A fervent classic car aficionado, he traces back his passion to his young years when he used to race his pedal car with other children in the then quiet streets of his hometown, Żejtun. “Even at that young age, I could appreciate the hard work carried out on these small replicas to emulate even the intricate details of their larger models,” he explains. “And no wonder, for many pedal cars were produced by seasoned and experienced retired British car workers,

given something constructive to do by the industry at the end of their full time career.” Being technically and mechanically oriented, Dalmas followed a successful apprenticeship at the Malta Drydocks, where he was to spend all his working life. Although he did not look down on modern cars, he always had a soft spot for old motors – so much so that aged 17 and without a licence, he bought a 1946 blue Hillman Minx Mk 1. “I saw it in a scrapyard, and fell in love with its pointed bonnet and free standing headlamps on the mudguards, bought it and drove it to Żejtun. I parked it outside our house without telling my parents, and the next morning, my mother was loudly complaining that someone had parked a junk car outside. Actually, it was not all that bad, and I kept it for one year before selling it.” Dalmas was very close to his late brother Pio, and when the latter pur-

chased a brand new 1300cc Ford Escort Mark 1, he followed suit. However, old motors were never far from his mind, and after getting married and settling down, his eyes fell upon a 1953 Ford Popular 103E, which was abandoned near the old airport. He reached a deal with the owner, and owing to its condition, decided to embark on a nut-and-bolt restoration project. Before embarking on the task, he joined the UK Ford Side Valve Owners Club as well as the Old Motors Club for advice and guidance, as well as for procuring required parts. “The vehicle had a number of problems, including the dynamo and carburettor. The project took me three years to complete, on and off, but I was motivated, this being my first major restoration, plus the fact that I had promised my only daughter Vanessa that I would drive and give her away at the altar in it.

Many pedal cars were produced by seasoned and experienced retired British car workers

Iż-żgħażagħ u s-Sinodu Fr Victor Agius, assistent direttur, Missio Malta.


hux l-ewwel darba li smajt min jitkellem fuq iż-żgħażagħ b’mod għal kollox negattiv: “Għax dawk huma hekk …”, filwaqt li jingħataw it-titli kollha immaġinabbli. Issib ukoll min jgħidlek: “Għax iż-żgħażagħ tallum ma jridu jafu b’xejn.” Imma dan huwa vera minnu? Iż-żgħożija hija fażi sabiħa filħajja ta’ kull individwu – tkun mimli enerġija, mimli ħolm, tfittex jew toħloq l-avventuri u tkun miftuħ iżjed għall-oħrajn. Iżda fl-istess waqt din il-fażi fil-ħajja hija wkoll fażi iebsa għaliex trid issib tweġibiet għall-mistoqsijiet il-kbar tal-ħajja, bħal: “Minn fejn ġej? X’hemm wara l-mewt? Għalfejn qiegħed fuq wiċċ din l-art? X’ser nagħmel b’ħajti?” U mistoqsijiet oħrajn. Jekk wieħed ma jsibx tweġibiet sodisfaċenti, faċli li għal mument jitfixkel.

B’daqshekk ma jfissirx li wieħed sar ħażin għaliex ma baqax fir-rutina tas-soltu, bħal pereżempju jaqta’ mill-quddiesa ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd. Minħabba dan iż-żmien instabbli u transitorju, iżżagħżugħ jeħtieġ min jisimgħu, min jifhmu u min iħobbu. Iż-żagħżugħ huwa lmissier tal-familja ta’ għada, il-mexxej futur ta’ pajjiżna. Kemm il-Knisja u kemm pajjiżna jiddependu għal kollox miż-żgħażagħ tal-lum. Papa Franġisku, wara li sema’ l-pariri tal-konferenzi episkopali minn kull parti tad-dinja, bi ħsieb tassew profetiku, ippropona ‘Iżżgħażagħ’ bħala suġġett għaddiskussjoni u d-dixxerniment għall-isqfijiet miġbura għallħmistax -il sinodu – laqgħa talisfqijiet flimkien mal-Papa biex jiddiskutu suġġetti partikolari. Wara kull sinodu, il-

Papa joħroġ dokument importanti li jirrifletti l-proposti, is-suġġerimenti u t-tagħlim tal-isqfijiet. Bi tħejjija għal dan is-sinodu li ser jibda f ’Ottubru ta’ din issena, il-Papa, f’Marzu li għadda ltaqa’ ma’ tliet mitt żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa ġejjin mill-kontinenti kollha, Kattoliċi u mhumiex, prattikanti jew le tal-fidi li jħaddnu, sabiex bis-sinċerità u l-kuraġġ kollu jesprimu lilhom infushom kif iħossuhom huma u sħabhom. Fi tmiem din il-laqgħa, xi wħud minn dawn iż-żgħażagħ stqarrew: “Aħna ma nitolbux li l-Knisja tibdel id-duttrina tagħha, imma li nkunu megħjuna nifhmuha biex inkunu nistgħu ngħixuha fiddinja tal-lum.” Bir-raġun kollu, il-Papa fillaqgħa msemmija tenna li ma

nistgħux nibqgħu nimxu iżjed fuq il-prinċipju ta’ ‘dejjem hekk sar u għamilna’, u kompla: “Ħallu liż-żgħażagħ joħolmu ..., tgħallmu mill-imgħoddi, imma b’ħarsitkom lejn il-preżent u lfutur. Min ma jirriskjax imut.”

Nitolbu lill-Ispirtu s-Santu jdawwal lill-Papa u lill-isqfijiet, u lil dawk kollha involuti f ’dan is-sinodu ħalli jagħrfu dak li Alla jrid, speċjalment miżżgħażagħ, f ’dan iż-żmien storiku, u jwettquh.


“I change the original fawn colour to black, while I kept all the original brown upholstery. All work was done by myself and my late brother, who rewired the vehicle before passing away, never seeing the restored car on the road. My friend Joe Pace also helped quite a lot in rust and body repairs.” Dalmas had a close friend, Julio, who besides being a neighbour, was also an old motors buff with three classic cars, including an Austin 8. Unfortunately Julio was found dead in his garage at

the age of 39. Sometime later, one of the deceased’s sons went to talk to Victor, and told him that the family wanted to see the Austin 8 in his hands. “I went to the basement, and what stood facing me was not a vehicle but a chicken coop. Missing parts galore – front grille, headlamps, no seats or upholstery, no wiring, windscreen or running boards. However, the body and an incomplete engine were all there.” It was time for another major nutand-bolt restoration on the 1946 Austin 8, and the confident Dalmas rolled up his sleeves for a big job that took him five years to finish. “I bought the missing parts from the UK, as well as with the help of my friend Guzi Delia, who owns a similar vehicle. The vehicle was finished off in British racing green complemented with brown upholstery.” One day Dalmas was having a nostalgic conversation with Delia about his early pedal car days in Żejtun. He confided that he used to drive an Austin Devon model, and that he would love to own the real thing. Sometime later, Delia phoned Dalmas to inform him that Dun Anton Ebejer, a priest from Lija, had a basement full of old cars, including an Aston Devon, for sale. “I bought the car, which on the outside, appeared in a good condition, nothing was missing and everything

still original. However, on closer inspection, quite a lot of hard metal was found, and being finicky, another major restoration project was on the cards.” Again Dalmas sought refuge in an official publication, the Austin Counties Car Club, as well as the internet, in order to procure needed parts, which came from the UK, Australia and New Zealand. As usual, he did most of the work himself, including the restored dashboard and the glass surroundings of the doors, which were faux painted by hand, faithful to the original. He removed and repaired all rusted areas, and also credits Pace with the sandblasting and final body tasks in the Austin project, which lasted five years. Maria, his wife, supports him in his hobby and also involves herself in old motoring events. In 2007, the couple went to London to visit Maria’s sister. While at Victoria Station, he picked up a classic car magazine from WH Smith, and leafing through it, his eyes picked up a Rover P2 for sale. “Maria egged me on, and I phoned the owner. It was Saturday, and an appointment was made for Monday. Come the day, we were off to Huddersfield for a closer look. The 1946 green Rover 1500cc was in a very good condition, with the first owner being an army officer who on posting to South Africa, took it with him and later on completion of



duty, returned to the UK with the Rover.” A deal was struck and the classic car was soon in a container on its way to Malta. The vehicle needed very little seeing to, except some small repairs and a repainting. Sticking to his true colours, he also became a member of the Rover Sports Register for advice and guidance before touching anything. Dalmas, who also owns an 1955 unrestored Lambretta scooter, as well as dozens of model classic cars, can be best described as a self-taught jack of all trades, and master of many. Besides his mechanical and technical skills which he has harnessed on his four restoration projects, he has a deft hand, among other things, in painting, woodwork, and ironwork. He sees a great resurgence in local interest in old motoring, with more people importing classics from abroad, as well as other owners taking hitherto unseen vehicles out of the garage. Victor finds great enjoyment when he has two classic cars on the road at the same time, one of them obviously driven by his son-in-law Thomas. Having found the seed of old motoring in pedal cars, Dalmas has been quick to build an impeccable red pedal car, complete with twin bonnet, for his two grandchildren, Thomas and Julienne, who although young, are already attracted to classic cars.






HOME NOT ALONE Christian Pace, an animal behaviour expert from the MSPCA, tells Kristina Cassar Dowling about how the organisation has managed to achieve a 90 per cent rehoming rate for their cats and dogs.


ogs are loving creatures. They’re compassionate, loyal and trustworthy and want to please the ones they love. They depend on us as their owners and change their habits to match our lifestyle – they’re our best friends and can fill any home with joy. As I sat in the main office of the MSPCA, speaking to Christian Pace about the NGO, their mission and their new philosophy, a gentle giant joined us in the room and greeted everyone who welcomed him with open paws. This gentle giant was none other than Shrek, a 14-year-old hunting dog with a heart of gold. Shrek has lived at the MSPCA for 14 years – that’s the entire span of his dog-life – as he found himself occupying a room when he was only a puppy. As we spoke to Shrek, played with him a little and rewarded him with cuddles and treats, the brave pooch made his way back to his bedroom – the safest place he knows. Shrek was brought into the MSPCA when the NGO was still operating as a sanctuary, taking in all animals, stray, unloved and abandoned, and keeping them safe for as long as time would permit – 14 years and counting in Shrek’s case. The current changes within the MSPCA’s philosophy and procedures were not in place when Shrek and his old comrade Archie were taken in. Although both dogs found their way to the sanctuary as pups, they will not be leaving as young canines – they’ve missed the boat on that one but there’s still a chance. The new philosophies and procedures that the MSPCA encourages focus on the rehoming of dogs while guaranteeing a secure and stable life full of love and attention. Shrek and Archie would not have spent all their lives in their kennels had the new system been in place at the time.

MSPCA’s re-homing strategy, Pace and his team have already summed up an increase of 25 per cent in the adoption rate, with an overall rehoming rate of 90 per cent for all cats and dogs under their care. Open your heart and your home to one of the friendly pups looking for a loving family – maybe it doesn’t have to be a dog’s life for them after all.

Christian Pace

“The old system, where large numbers of animals were hoarded in a few rooms with poor sanitation and feeding procedures, sentenced these dogs to a life in prison,” Pace said, as he explained why and how the new template was intended to function. He continued to speak about the beauty of rehoming and the importance of finding a dog that is entirely compatible with its newly intended owner. “Get a dog that fits your current lifestyle,” he added. A fact that is often forgotten, amid all the cute photos of puppies we’d like to adopt into our lives, is that not all dogs fit our lifestyle. The passionate and dedicated staff at the MSPCA are ready to guide every new owner into choosing the right dog, creating a union that will in turn make both the dog and the owner happy – there’s no need for compromise there. A happy and healthy dog needs to experience five freedoms, namely: a life void of fear and distress, a life where hunger and thirst are never an option, where discomfort is avoided at all costs, where they are kept clear of any pain, injury or disease, and are free to express

their normal behavioural habits in and out of their home environments. These five freedoms are key guidelines to know that your dog is leading a good life, and that you are doing good by your pooch. The recipe for a happy dog owner is a simple one too: a well-trained dog is obedient, well-behaved, calm when it has to be and protective on other occasions, friendly and approachable while cautious of its surroundings. If these things seem like far-fetched qualities of a house-trained pet, the MSPCA can help you make this dream a reality. Pace is an animal behaviour expert and works with troublesome dogs, teaching them the right and wrong things to do in certain situations – reinforcing the right with a generous amount of doggy treats. Accepting a new member into your family is always a positive experience – there’s excitement, there’s love, there’s laughter and there’s your fair share of getting used to, but at the end of the day, there’s always an additional spot of happiness in the home. Adopting a dog into your life is pretty much the same thing, and with the

LEAVING A LEGACY The MSPCA depends on voluntary donations from people like you. Leaving a gift in your will helps the organisation continue with its precious work. The best way to support the MSPCA in your will is to leave us an unrestricted gift, which the organisation can then use for the most urgent matters. However, you can also specify how your gift should be used by leaving an restricted gift. Your gift will help the MSPCA rescue, rehabilitate and re-home animals that have been abused or neglected. Let your love of animals live on with a gift in your will. MSPCA CHARITY SHOPS Who doesn’t like a good bargain? And when the money goes to a good cause, there is even added value to your purchase. Whether you are looking for something specific or just bargain hunting, the MSPCA charity shops have lots to offer. Of course this wouldn’t be possible without people’s donated goods and the wonderful team of volunteers who sort, pick and organise our stock. MSPCA’s three charity shops are in Naxxar Square, Naxxar, Triq ilGreċja, Naxxar, and Gorg Borg Olivier Street, Sliema. Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, FRN1231, Malta.

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