The Hauer Music Company Inside photos 2014

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Timesmediaus Digital Online Magazines are published locally by Vtechgraphics LLC. Issues are available on quarterly basics and are now being offered as a free online only magazine. Full color printed copies can be ordered upon request. The magazine is a way to showcase and preserve historical events, art and venues that occur in and around the city of Dayton. The Dayton Times” features local history, Ar s ans, music and entrainment behind the backdrop of the city. For story and photo submissions, send your request to: editor@

The Dayton Times Staff Editor & Chief Photographer: Horace Dozier Sr. Copy Editor: Juanita White Dozier Adver sing Media: Juanita White Dozier Digital Media Effects: Vtechgraphics LLC. Ar cles & Submissions: Daria Dillard Stone E-mail:editor@ Office Phone: 937-2919620 Mail: PO Box 45449

Copyrighted 2013 by Vtechgraphics LLC

About these photos Hauer Music Company

The photos in this book were created to capture the historic significance and ar stry of the old historic canal street building now the home of “The Hauer Music Company at 120 S. Pa erson Blvd. The Hauer family has always embraced architecture preserva on and the beauty this brings to a musical environment. The Hauer Music Company will be leaving this historical building and move to a new loca on in Centerville Oh, a er selling it to the Dayton Metro Library to use a er renova ons for an administra ve and opera ons center. These photographs were taken with that in mind and in keeping with the idea to capture and preserve not only the history but also the feeling of a beau ful historic building surrounded by the majes c cra smanship of musical instruments, art work and historic photographs. Horace Dozier Sr. Photographer

The Hauer Collection The Hauer Collec on consists of over one hundred historical photographs and paintings displayed for all to enjoy throughout the music store. Dayton’s history has been well preserved in these photographs; we thank the en re Hauer family for their contribu ons to music, history and art. Displayed on the following pages is a small cross sec on of this collec on.

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