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Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 1C

Trinity Christian School

Student honors 2020

• Photos of scholarship recipients • Photos of 2020 honors graduates • A letter to seniors from head of school

Trinity Christian School Student Honors 2020 Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 20, 2020

Photos courtesy Trinity Christian School and Laurel Huster Honors night photos are available for purchase online at photos.times-herald.com

Trinity Christian School’s Valedictorian Morgan Ross, left, and Salutatorian John Geter.

Trinity Christian School Valedictorian Speech BY MORGAN ROSS

Good evening friends and family, teachers and faculty, and most of all, the graduates of the Class of 2020. It is an honor to be speaking to you on such a momentous occasion. TS Elliot opens his Four Quartets with the line “in my beginning is my end.” I believe that is what we are here to celebrate today the beginning of a new chapter at the end of an old. On behalf of the Class of 2020, I would like to begin by extending a heartfelt thanks to those who supported us throughout our high school years. To our family and friends, our mentors, teachers, and the faculty of TCS, thank you. Issac Newton once said, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” Thank you for being the giants on whose shoulders we stand, encouraging us and empowering us to reach beyond the former concepts of our capabilities, and to strive for our best in everything we do. I pray that we may never lose the guidance and wisdom you all have bestowed upon us, and that when we encounter hardships in our lives, we may look back on everything we have learned from those who truly cared. To those who supported the Class of 2020, thank you. Above all, let us extend great thanks and praise to the LORD our God who brought us all here together, one last time, to celebrate the great works He has done in us and through us over the last four years. Somewhere along the line, the LORD brought us all to Trinity Christian School, a place where we could not only learn a plethora of facts and figures, but a place where we could grow in our faith in Him. I thought long and hard about what I would say to all of you today, what wisdom I, a not even yet graduated 18 year old, could bestow upon you, my fellow peers. Turning to the LORD, He placed one word upon my heart - courage. CS Lewis once said, “Courage is not

simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” Taking into consideration the current events of the world, courage is in high demand. As humans, we tend to operate our lives based upon fear, hoping for the best, yet preparing for the worst. But for the Class of 2020, I pray that we may have courage when we face trials in this world, that we would cast aside the fear that so often holds us down, and step boldly in the direction of our futures. Once we exit this stadium today, we leave behind the comfort and security of high school. We leave behind the life we have known for the last four years, and enter into life in the real world. Our ability to face life with courage will determine our success in the future. If we cower in fear at the thought of the unknown, we may never know the great plans the LORD has in store for each of our lives. Philippians 1:6 says, “be confident of this: that He who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” The LORD has begun great works in us here at Trinity. It is no secret that we have come a long way from where we began four years ago. Four years ago, we entered into the world of high school as young, naive freshmen. We were uneducated and unlearned. Now we are here, sitting before you all today, as graduates - a little more educated, a little less naive, and a lot more grown. We leave here today, not only as graduates, but as a class of strong individuals, ready to face life’s next challenge. We leave here as lions. Lions are courageous. Lions are leaders, trailblazers. Lions stand firm against the obstacles life lays before them, boldly fighting against the pull of fear, and bravely pursuing the path to which they have been called. As we leave here today as graduates, let us take with us the lion, never ceasing in courage, but always trusting in the LORD and His mighty plans for each of our lives. Thank You.

Trinity Christian School Salutatorian Speech BY JOHN GETER

I first want to welcome my fellow graduates, family, faculty, invited guests, and everyone who is watching online to Trinity Christian School’s graduation ceremony for the class of 2020. Although the coronavirus ended this chapter of our life prematurely, there is still much more for us to accomplish. An adventure truly lies ahead of us, but we’ll always have a home to return to. A place that nurtured us from the young freshmen starting out in Mrs. Cavanaugh’s Biology class, to finishing up with the living legend himself, John Mueller, whose serves on the tennis court can only be matched by his witty comebacks. We’ve all gone to our final high school football game, stepped on the field, court, or stage, heard Mrs. Forde refer to us as chickens, and heard Mrs. Rinkenberger say, “you don’t have to take the test, you can just get a zero” after someone grumbled about taking one of her tests one final time as high schoolers, now it is time for us to use what we’ve learned here to begin our lives as adults. During my freshman year, I will admit, I wasn’t thinking of being up here today giving a speech, or representing the class of 2020 as salutatorian. However, that all changed when I went to graduation my freshman year. I was sitting near the front to the right of the stage listening to the valedictorian speak, and during that moment, I made the decision that I was going to be speaking at my graduation. There were times when I did not want to do the work, but I always held on to what I told myself at graduation my freshman year. My goal is to inspire you as I once was. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” Before the pandemic of 2020, many of us would

probably have interpreted continual growth and progress differently than we do now. The growth that we have experienced in facing this crisis in our country is unexpected. In some ways, progress may have felt stalled, but I would like to encourage everyone to not let this pandemic be a roadblock standing in your way but an obstacle which strengthens your resolve. This has been a time of great growth for us, but let’s not stop here. Let’s let the things we have learned during this time propel us forward toward the future we are destined to attain. As we move on to the next stage of our lives, we must continue to grow. We must never stop growing as people, we must never stop progressing. For a stop in one’s progression is one’s greatest failure. We’re all going to face some setbacks in the coming months. We’ll all be embracing a world forever changed by the coronavirus at a point in our lives when we are beginning a brand new journey of going off to college. There are going to be times where we don’t know what to do or where to go. There will be times when all we can think to do is give up. Yet it is up to all of us to continue to push ahead, to forge our own paths, even if we don’t yet know where they are leading. I want all of you to know it is ok to encounter these setbacks, but we should never let these stop us from growing, and we can lean on the people who will always be there for us. I would like to take a moment to thank those people, who have encouraged, pushed, challenged, and motivated me to continue to grow and be all that I can be. I want to start off by thanking Riley, as well as my best friends Gabe, Ryan, Beau and Jeremiah, who made waking up at 6:30 every morning bearable. I also want to thank all of my teachers, who have poured so much time and effort

into educating us and making us who we are today. I want to finish up by thanking my family for without them and all of their sacrifices, I wouldn’t be standing up here today. I want to thank my mom and dad, my brother, and my grandparents for all that they have done to get me where I am now. I know you have all had people who have encouraged and helped you along the way. I encourage you to thank them; embrace what they have taught you, but don’t settle for where you are now. For there is always more which can be accomplished because we all have the potential to be great. A greatness, which is greatly impacted by the choices we make and the people we have in our life. When faced with failures, we must continually make the choice to pick ourselves up and continue to persevere. Take the lessons you’ve learned in your time here at Trinity and look to the future and never settle until you’ve accomplished all of your goals. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of you, and I know that we have the potential to do great things in a world which could be different than the one we knew. Therefore, I will close with a challenge for you to follow your heart and pursue a cause of importance instead of only the available opportunities. Instead of following the paths of those who came before us, I encourage each and every one of you to blaze your own paths. There will always be risks, but you will learn from the mistakes and be able to continue on with experience. In a quote from Michael Mullen: “Too often we just look at these glistening successes. Behind them in many, many cases is failure along the way, and that doesn't get put into the Wikipedia story or the bio. Yet those failures teach you every bit as much as the successes.” Congratulations graduates and good luck.


Congratulations 2020


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2C— The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trinity 2020

Dear 2020 Graduate, Congratulations! You’ve made it… to the starting line. By the way, it takes a lot of work to get to the starting line. So, congrats for all the hard work it took to get here. Now that you are ready to run the race, I’d like to ask you a question, “Will you live a meaningful life?” I’m not asking what your career is going to be or if you are going to make a lot of money? However, if you are going to “make bank,” the alumni association would like to meet with you as soon as possible. Today, you find yourself at the starting line, but I’m wondering what people will say of you when you cross the finish line. Will they say, “that was a life well lived.” How do we live a meaningful life? How do we live a life that honors God? It appears to me, that God does want His children to flourish. Jesus stated in John 10:10 – “I have come that you might have life and life more abundantly.” Let me take a moment and share a couple of thoughts on how God might lead you to a meaningful, abundant, and flourishing life: 1.

Love God. The Bible says, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Miroslav Volf shares, “Our striving can find proper rest only when we find joy in something infinite. Human beings flourish and are truly happy when they center their lives on God, the source of everything that is true, good, and beautiful.” This is where human flourishing starts.


Love your neighbor. In the Genesis account of creation, God creates and calls it “good.” This reoccurs several times, but in Gen. 2:18, there is something that is “not good.” “It is not good for man to be alone.” God has called us to live in community. We enter into the human story and embrace the love of God in such a way that we love others with Him.


Love the world. Robert Munger challenges, “The closer you get to the heart of God, the closer you get to what is on God’s heart.” What is on God’s heart? Your neighbors and my neighbors; empty, broken, marginalized, and abused people for whom the Son of God died. Although we live in the most connected time in history, we also know that individuals feel more and more alone. Go love the world.

Jesse Jackson tells the story of a visit to the University of Southern Mississippi years ago. While touring the campus with the university president, he noticed a towering male student. This young man was six-feet, eight-inches tall and was holding hands with a midget coed barely three-feet tall. Mr. Jackson’s curiosity got the best of him, so he stopped to watch as the young man, dressed in a warm-up suit, tenderly picked up the midget, kissed her, and sent her off to class. When questioned, the president explained that the student was a star basketball player. Unfortunately, his parents had died in his youth, and he made a vow to look after his underdeveloped sister. Many scholarship offers came his way, but only Southern Mississippi offered one to his sister too. Jackson went over to the basketball star, introduced himself, and said he appreciated him looking out for his sister. The athlete shrugged and said, "Those of us who God makes 6' 8" have to look out for those he makes 3' 3"." 2020 graduate, we need you! Scripture is clear, “It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.” I promise that you will have a full life if you make a commitment to love God, love your neighbor, and love the world. If you do these things, your life will be meaningful to you, it will be significant to others, and most importantly, your heavenly Father will welcome you as a good and faithful servant. Grace and peace!

Mark J. Anthony, DIS

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Rachael Aldridge Thespian Scholar Award, Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Christian Allen

Luke Aycock

Giancarlo Bastianoni Sanchez

Brady Anderson

John Belflower Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

William Ansel Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Raul Arias Ortega

Joshua Belflower Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Reed Benefield

Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 3C

Trinity 2020

Edward Berry Literature Department Award

Abbey Bishop Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Jennifer Boss Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Brianna Boyd Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Jordan Boyd Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Kara Joy Bragg Honor Graduate, Choral Award, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Braden Burnett Honor Graduate, Bible Award

Logan Byrom

Ashley Cannon Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Anna Carson Athletic Scholar Award, Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Chaney Cassell

Alaina Castellow Honor Graduate

Emily Clanton Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Ryan Conner Principal’s Award

Gene Cook Honor Graduate

Jesse Cox

Parker Davis

Eniko Denes Honor Graduate

Tanner Diget

Brett Dowler

Jacob Evans Honor Graduate, Servant Leadership Award, Beta Club

Mason Flury

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4C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trinity 2020

Kimberlyn Galka Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Christian Garrett

Dylan Geipel

John Geter Salutatorian, Star Student, Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society, Math Department Award (AP Calculus)

Adam Granade Honor Graduate

Jeremiah Green

Elizabeth Greenberg - Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Beau Gregory Honor Graduate, National Honors Society, Science Department Award (Honors Physics)

Xilin Han

Shepherd Hancock Honor Graduate

Jillian Harris

Carlyn Hayes

Margaret Hellgeth

Aprilia Holt

Wyatt Hutchins Principal’s List, Honor Graduate



INSTANT REBATE Ashlyn Johnson Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society, Spanish Department Award (Spanish 4)

Sophie Johnston

Kylee Johnson Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Thomas Jones Newnan Rotary Cup and Scholarship Recipient, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

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Evan Key Honor Graduate, Beta Club

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Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 5C

Trinity 2020

Kyndal King

Stevee Kirkland Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Hunter Lander Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Yunseo Lee

Temitope Leyimu Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Michael Lucas

Justin Mendola

Isabella Miller

Claire Mudge Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Daniel Lane

Joshua Leak

Daniel Marinello Sydney Mattsen Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club Visual Arts Award, Beta Club, Math Department Award, History Department Award (General Economics)

Jackson Noah Honor Graduate, Beta Club, Science Department Award (Forensics)

Wesley-Anne Norton Honor Graduate, Beta Club, Science Department Award (Anatomy)

6C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trinity 2020

Kendall Patterson Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Savannah Poling Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Sarrah Rainey Lion’s Award, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Sharmari Reed

Morgan Ross Valedictorian, Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society, Literature Department Award (AP Literature and Composition), History Department Award (AP Government)

Anna Settle

Jason Railey Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Colin Rader

Tanner Price Honor Graduate

Faith Robertson Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Kiara Richmon

Connor Shannon Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Michael Rogers Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Misty Smith Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Christopher Stanford

s n o i t a l u t a r Cong

Class of 2020

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Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 7C

Trinity 2020

Clay Stephenson Honor Graduate

Bartley Truskolaski Newnan/Coweta Public Safety Foundation Scholarship Award, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Tori Thompson

Austin Whitaker

Truitt Thompson Honor Graduate

Kalin Thornton Principal’s List, Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Eric Wilkinson Honor Graduate, Beta Club

Audrey Anna Topel Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honors Society

Christopher Williamson

Newnan-Coweta Board of REALTORS ® congratulates all students on their accomplishments and its 2020 scholarship recipients! East Coweta Siena Miyamura and Caroline Zueck

Newnan Aaron Brown and Trisdon Ham

Northgate Imani Githae and Emily Hogg

8C — The Newnan Times-Herald   |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 9C

The Heritage School

Student honors 2020

• Scholarship recipients • Award presentations • Photos of graduates • A letter from the head of school

The Heritage School Student Honors Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Heritage School’s 2020 Valedictorian Sovi Wellons, left, and Salutatorian Koby Lord.

The Heritage School Valedictorian Speech BY SOVI WELLONS HS Valedictorian Members of the Board, Ms. Skelly, Heritage faculty and family: good evening and congratulations to the Heritage class of 2020! As Ms. Gina would say, “It must be a Monday evening at the Heritage School.” But today, it’s not just any Monday. Today, we’re graduating. We finally made it! From Ms. Donna’s kindergarten class to the infamous 7th-grade interim trip that none of us will ever forget to ancient history lectures with Mr. Brown, and the near-death experience on the beach during senior interim, our class has grown up together, laughed together, cried together, and shaped each other. Through the endless renditions of “Wagon Wheel” with Mr. Keys, countless football games, and that one year we all decided to take AP US History (and regretted it halfway through the first DBQ), we’ve seen and done it all. Today, the minute details of every hour – every tear shed over some particularly difficult physics problems, every bead of sweat wiped off your forehead during practice, every laugh shared with friends in class - seem to fade into the background as we celebrate the end of our high school career. However, we must not forget to acknowledge the many people behind our successes. To all the coaches at Heritage, thank you for pushing us to our limits, for training our bodies as much as our minds. To all of the teachers, thank you for your patient, persistent guidance and dedication to our learning. And to our parents, thank you for instilling within us the tools to navigate life, with all of its triumphs and downfalls. From the very beginning, my parents strove to provide of all of the love, support, and knowledge that I needed to fulfill the vision they pictured for Daniel and me, and later, the future we imagined for ourselves. Over my 18 years, I’ve learned the importance of standing up myself, for always fighting for what I believe in, and the value of unwavering, relentless hard work and dedication from my mom. Alongside her, my dad taught me to think dynamically and how to open my eyes to the vast variety of perspectives in the world. Without their guidance, I would certainly not be standing here today, so thank you, Mom and Dad. As a kid, I often preferred to listen and observe rather than jump directly into action. While my family obviously played a huge role in developing my confidence and my voice, the community I found at Heritage offered both the support and the means to further explore my full potential. I remember the first cross-country race I ever ran in sixth grade. Somehow, I had survived Frank Marchman’s crazy threeday summer camp at his farm, where we ran endless hill repeats in the blazing sun, rarely pausing for water breaks. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, much like most of us entering this next phase of our life. All I knew was that I needed shoes – mine were really fancy, from Target – and a uniform, and after that, it was

easy. I simply had to run. That morning dawned with perfect weather, mild and foggy. Lining up at the start, I marveled, more curious than intimidated, at the sea of runners stretching and warming up. When the gun went off, I found myself swept along in a crowd of jostling elbows and knees, content to go along with the flow. I don’t remember any of the achy legs, burning lungs, and mental games that I know today comes with running a race. Yet somehow, I finished in fourth place. As running adopted a larger role in my life, the self-assurance that accompanied it empowered me to look at my life and mold it according to my own hopes and goals. Naturally, the sport eventually became more difficult as I discovered that success rarely just falls into your lap, but the joy I felt every time I laced up my shoes stayed with me, and the strength I drew from my teammates and sports community at Heritage continued to grow. I say all of this to you, Class of 2020, because we’re about to embark on a journey whose end is completely unmapped. We’ll try out college majors and careers like new clothes, hoping to stumble across one that will spark that same joy. Our lives will morph into realities that we never could have imagined when we first left the safety and comfort of home. But with this excitement comes the test of stepping into a world whose challenges cannot always be solved by examining history’s mistakes. One with struggles that the wisdom of the previous generation cannot mitigate for us. So, Class of 2020, approach these coming obstacles with confidence in yourself and your knowledge. Unlike that grueling first day of Mr. Marchman’s training camp, we’ve endured four years of preparation for this very moment. Take control of your life without worrying about the unknown. After all, what good ever came from limiting yourself? My challenge to you, Class of 2020, is to always remember the values upon which you’ve built your life. The beliefs that you’ve learned since you were a child, the ones you learned when extending a hand to a fallen friend on the playground, the principles which have guided your every word, thought, and action. As we leave Heritage and as we leave our hometown - the communities that have nurtured our minds in preparation for this very moment - cling to your core values. Let them carry you when you feel lost or unsure. Remember to cherish each moment. Be truly present with those around you. It’s a lesson we’ve all been faced with for the last couple of months. It’s hard to ignore, this cloud that’s been hanging over our heads. The heavy weight of our disappointments, missed spring sports, last chances to use our privileges for lunch, senior traditions like Glass Hill or Senior Prank Day, creep up unexpectedly and emotionally. It’s been phrased a thousand different ways, but it’s simple. We lost the last, best part of our senior year. Yes, Class of 2020, the closure we all craved from one of the defining chapters of our lives got lost among the frenzy – but that’s ok. I know

this class. I know how we handle the roadblocks in our path. I know that despite our less-than-perfect senior year, we will all charge head-first into the world in front of us, beyond excited to test our abilities. I wrote this speech about a month ago, in the midst of a global pandemic. Throughout this plight, I watched the world split itself into two. I’ve observed people who seized this pandemic as an opportunity to act hateful, selfish, and racist, but I’ve also read about those who have sacrificed, volunteered, and donated. I speak to you now on the tail of national, even global protests for equality and rights that should have been granted years ago. In times of crisis, amongst the confusion, I truly believe that we are stripped down to our truest, most honest selves. In times like these, you have two options. You can choose to either answer the call to action or choose to sit silently in complacency. But because we are so privileged, because we walk into our futures with doors wide open, we have a duty to make those same opportunities available for those to which they have been denied, simply because of their race, creed, color, sex, or religion. Let me pose a question. When you regale your children with stories of your past, what do you want to tell them? How will you begin your legacy? Where will you be remembered in the history books? Not long ago, I watched one of my favorite movies, “Gladiator.” In the beginning, General Maximus speaks to his army and declares, “What we do in life echoes in eternity.” Regardless of your faith – Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, Christian, everything under the sun – your every action, no matter how minute, shifts the world in crazy, unfathomable ways. Biology taught us that one deleted base pair can change the entire composition of DNA strand. Your one small act of kindness, passion, anger, or innovation can reverberate throughout the lives of people you’ve never even met. With this in mind, Class of 2020, we must always dedicate ourselves to education – and not just in the traditional sense. Sample tapas in Spain with locals on that study-abroad trip. Make a poster board sign for a protest you care about. Pursue that internship at an art gallery even if you’re majoring in engineering. I challenge you to immerse yourselves in every opportunity that can broaden your understanding of the people you’ll encounter every day. I challenge you to become true scholars of the world, scholars of humanity, ones who constantly endeavor to be more compassionate, more attentive, more accepting. Look beyond the surface. Seek what cannot be found at face value – the discoveries that must be earned and pursued – from both yourself and others. Question everything but open your hearts and minds to change. As we venture farther from our hometown, realize that it is the diversity of thought and the diversity of culture and the diversity of dreams that enrich your life. Chase those experiences. Here we are, on the finishing line of high school. It feels like an end. In fact, it’s actually the start of the rest of our lives. Congratulations, class of 2020!

Photos courtesy Heritage School, Pure Grin Photography & Chris Martin

The Heritage School Salutatorian Speech BY KOBY LORD HS Valedictorian G ood even ing cla ss of 2020, teachers, parents, staff. It is an honor to be standing before you. Whether we would do so has been in question for some time. Three months ago our beautiful campus was closed and our Senior year went from preparing for a victory lap to preparing for online classes, a virtual senior year. Yes, we did enjoy sleeping in late and logging-in one minute before class, still in our pajamas. But separation makes the heart grow fonder. We longed to steal back moments of being physically present together. Tonight, we have it back, we are together, no computer screens between us, no need to raise a virtual hand, we can look each other in the eyes, perhaps even steal a hug. So, let’s take a deep breath, gaze at the faces of our friends, teachers, coaches, neighbors and families. Breathe in this moment. Feel the hearts beating around us. Despite what the news tells us, we are not sitting next to viruses. We are sitting next to our neighbors and families. We are not sitting next to our enemies. We are here with our friends. Ironically, this final lesson at The Heritage School may be the most important, that being together cannot be taken for granted, lest we lose our humanity. And so, I would like to take this moment, to be truly human with you, while we are together, physically present together, and say thank you. From a full heart, thank you. Thank you, Class of 2020. I see you and I will remember you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you, teachers. Thank you, family. Thank you for being present both—before and now. Thank you for an amazing four years and more, thank you for this adventure that ends today but the memories and lessons will last a lifetime. We changed over the last four years. We grew in stature. Some went from 5 feet tall to almost 6 feet

tall. And of course, one of us went from 6 foot 6 to 7 feet tall. We learned. We competed (we competed for the Jefferson cup and of course Sovi won all four Jefferson cups; we competed for state championships; for jubilee bragging rights). We argued (about nothing and everything). We laughed (about nothing and everything). We quarantined. We broke quarantines. We connected, and along the way, we became better people. We are at the end of our high school chapter. High school is now finished. We are moving on to a new chapter of life. A chapter that remains unwritten. We will go to work and college and make new memories and friends. You will change again. You will continue to grow and learn. You may become a lawyer, doctor, police officer, caregiver, teacher, blue collar millionaire. Perhaps Daniel and Sovi will become our next surgeons; Ebe an NBA basketball player; Jay Channel a pilot; Claire Showeinfield an actor on Broadway. You may find your soulmate, start a family and raise children. Whatever it is, we will not share the same path forward, but we will always share a common past. A g reat author a nd poet once said, “don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” (Dr. Seuss) I want to leave you with a small challenge: savor your final moments in Newnan, remember this moment before us. Enjoy being with your parents, enjoy being with your friends. Remember senior interim, jubilee, even remember unique parts of this year: Microsoft Teams and painting the bus during quarantine. These moments and memories make us who we are, they ground us and teach us. And as the moment ends, and it always ends, as you grab that diploma, as you drive off to college…SMILE—because it happened. On behalf of the Heritage School, and yes, live from the Heritage School, welcome to our in-person graduation. Welcome class of 2020.

10C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Heritage School 2020

"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." Mr. Fred Rogers I would be amiss to start this message to you with anything other than I am so sorry that the end of your senior year turned on this way. The events that you have looked forward to since you arrived on this campus have not unfolded in the way you envisioned. It is not fair, and I am sorry. But the postponements, the cancellations, and the new normal you have been experiencing will not change the fact that you are graduating. And that you are leaving The Grove. It will not change the profound impact you have had on your teachers, your friends, and your “littles.” It does not matter what year you arrived on campus-you may have been three, you may have been 11, you may have been 17. You all became part of this community for a reason. I chose the quote above from Mr. Rogers because I want you to know that even though you may not have been able to complete all the rites of passage that seniors normally do and you have spent nearly 8 weeks away from campus this semester, it does not diminish the hard work you have done or the lives you have changed. Your teachers will tell you how much you made them feel valued and trusted. They will tell you how much they enjoyed watching you learn how to tie your shoes all by yourself, write to 100, learn to think for yourself, solve that equation you worked on for hours, and develop the confidence to speak so eloquently to a crowd. They will remember when you were awkward and not so sure about yourself and they will remember when you discovered your sense of self. They will remember your funny laugh and your serious talks. They will remember you. Your friends will tell you how they remember the friendship bracelets you made together in extended day (and still have somewhere), the interim trip where you brought bags of contraband snacks and had to chase the raccoons away from the cabin, the game you lost in overtime that was “the worst game ever,” and the game that ended in a buzzer beater that was “the best game ever.” They will remember how you dressed up for all the homecoming theme days and how free you felt when you finally got your driver’s licenses. They will remember you. The “littles” on campus will always remember you as being tall, fun, and somewhat superhuman. They will remember that you knew their names, you could throw the ball farther than anyone else on the playground, and you looked like a Disney princess in your homecoming gown. They will remember that you let them sit on the basketball bench during the biggest game of the season and that you were happy to let them cheer beside you on the track using their own pom poms from home. They will remember that you were kind and attentive and that you didn’t mind wearing a Spiderman costume or a fairy tutu to the Halloween carnival. They will remember how much they wanted to be like you when they got to be older. They will remember you. And you will remember yourselves. You will remember how you overcame disappointment, how you were resilient, how you found the best in yourself and how you realized the great extent to which you valued your friends, your family and your community. When you are older and faced with life’s challenges, you will remember that you have it in yourself to overcome and to persevere. You will become the adult who thrives, leads and inspires. You will remember you – and you will know that you always have it in you. Sincerely,

Kristin Skelly Head of School

2093 Highway 29 North, Newnan, GA 30263 T: (770)253.9898 F: (770)253.4850 www.heritageschool.com

Olivia Ayers University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Vinny Carnazzo Mercer University

Nick Blair Clemson University Honor Graduate

Branch Burns University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Jacob Cackett University of North Georgia

Charlotte Cao Mount Holyoke College Honor Graduate

Rowan Carter Sewanee: The University of the South

Jay Channell Auburn University

Lili Clark University of Georgia

Cabe Corbitt University of Georgia

Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 11C

Heritage School 2020

Paris Coventon Clemson University Honor Graduate

Caroline Dieckmann Auburn University

Zoie Glenn Georgia College Honor Graduate

Knox Hagelston Augusta University

Sarah Hinely University of Maine

Maclean Hoekwater Middle Georgia Prep

Ebe Dowuona North Carolina State University

Jack Hall University of North Georgia

Claire Howard University of Colorado Colorado Springs




Sara Ashley Estes Clemson University

Alex Hardnett

Patrick Knight Berry College

Grant Evans

Jessie Himes University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Peyton Knight Florida State University

12C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Heritage School 2020

Koby Lord Georgia Institute of Technology Salutatorian, Honor Graduate

Peter Martinez Davidson College Honor Graduate

Reece Overholt Williams College Honor Graduate

Katie Payne Georgia College

Brandon Scruggs Southern Union State Community College

Mary Patten Poulakos Auburn University

Jacob Rochester University of Montevallo

Claire Schoenfeld Elon University

Hershall Smith Auburn University

Jake Smith Western Carolina University

Grace Smith University of Kentucky Honor Graduate

Francesca Petrino Savannah College of Art and Design

Zada Smith Brewton-Parker College

Clare Smith University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Kendall Stephens Auburn University

C ongratulationS Danielle Sudick Cornell University

to our

Peachtree City Hotel and Conference Center

Katherine Thomas Sewanee: The University of the South The Rotary Cup, Honor Graduate

Graduating Seniors! Libby Criswell Zane Feltman

Kaela Holland Caleb Koyama Dane Lindon

Connor Thompson Jacksonville University

Allyson McKoon Katie Rocker Laegan Smith

Jackson Tucker

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Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 13C

Heritage School 2020

Camden Trammell University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Cameron Tvrdik University of Kentucky Honor Graduate

Andrew Vo University of Georgia Honor Graduate

Sovi Wellons Dartmouth College Valedictorian, The Headmaster’s Award, Honor Graduate

Jon Jon Williams

Kate Yahanda Belmont University

Emily Walker LaGrange College

Cate Yancey Auburn University The Johnston Bowl

Daniel Wellons Middlebury College Honor Graduate

Tony Zhang University of New Haven

The Heritage School The Heritage School held a socially distant graduation ceremony with a limited number of attendees June 15, 2020

Katherine Thomas receives The Rotary Cup at The Heritage School’s graduation ceremony.

Cate Yancey receives The Johnston Bowl at The Heritage School’s graduation ceremony.


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14C— The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Central Christian School

Student honors 2020

• Scholarship recipients • Award presentations • Photos of graduates • A letter from the head of school

Central Christian School Student Honors 2020 Published by The Newnan Times-Herald Saturday, June 20, 2020

Photos courtesy Central Christian School

Central Christian School’s 2020 Valedictorian Eva Davis, left, and Salutatorian Kendra Jenkins.

Central Christian School Valedictorian Speech


CCS Valedictorian

Good evening, family, friends, school board, staff, and teachers of lower and upper school, and most importantly to the distinguished Class of 2020. Before I address our graduating class, I want to take a moment to thank those who have helped not only me but also my fellow graduates. Thank you to the hardworking teachers and Mrs. Smith whose absolute desire to see us succeed has made it possible for all of us to be here. Above all, I want to thank our parents whose blood, sweat, and tears, as well as hard-earned money, have given us the opportunity to be a part of not only an amazing college preparatory school but also an extended loving family. Now to the senior class, today is the day we’ve all been waiting for; today we officially become high school graduates. As I stand here, I must say, with a little guilt, that I am glad this is one of the last times we will all be in matching outfits. I think we can all agree on that. Considering the fact that, unlike most, we have the opportunity to be here with each other, I feel compelled to say that it is most definitely an honor to be standing here before you during this commencement. I don’t think I am the only one who is surprised we even made it this far. I mean many of you were born during 9/11, we survived H1N1, and we are graduating during a global pandemic. We survived our last quarter of senior year being homeschooled by our parents who, let’s face it, had no idea what they were doing, and don’t even get me started on the murder hornets. I think it’s safe to say

the Class of 2020 can achieve anything. Whether we have been here ten to twelve years or only a few years, I am sure we all remember our freshman year. While still filled with middle-school awkwardness, we began to consider how we needed to leave our immaturity behind and get serious about our grades; after all that was the year it all started to count. It was one spent transitioning into young adulthood while still being goofy teens. Then came sophomore year when we were old enough to pick on the freshmen as well as brag about getting our driver’s licenses. We were stuck in the middle, not exactly being goofy kids anymore, but we also weren’t as mature as the seniors. Next came junior year. I have heard it is the hardest one, filled with more challenging classes coupled with stress about the future. Fearing what I had heard was true, I decided to skip my junior year altogether. I went from being a sophomore to a senior. As for senior year, how do I even begin? It started out somewhat normal. With less classes to attend, and with most of us having already chosen our colleges, we were all excited to have an easier year. Overall, we all enjoyed just soaking in being seniors. Typically, we would have spent this year enjoying our last high school sporting events, senior prom, senior walk, and our senior trips. As for our senior skip days, I would say we totally nailed those. Though we missed those things due to an unexpected global pandemic, we gained strength, resilience, and patience while being quarantined at home. We have learned to appreciate things more and not take the smaller things for granted. We also learned not to lose faith when things don’t go as planned because the Lord has a reason for all He does. Proverbs 19:20-21says it best, “Listen to advice and accept discipline and at the end, you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” So, Class of 2020 whether you are headed off to college, the military, a job, or whatever your future holds, I know it will be wonderful and you will become successful. I truly care for you all and thank you for accepting this “junior” into your senior class with love. I would like to leave all of you with one of my favorite Bible verses, Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Congratulations Class of 2020, we finally did it!

Central Christian School Salutatorian Speech


Good evening everyone. Today we are gathered to celebrate this milestone my classmates and I have accomplished. We are FINALLY graduating high school! While we celebrate this accomplishment, we are not to forget the many memories we have made together as a class. Whether it be the many, many, MANY laughs we have had in literature class, perhaps involving a water bottle and some tears, or whether it be one of the times we all fell asleep listening to one of Doc’s lectures, these are the moments we will fondly look back on when we are older; these are some of the many memories that we will laugh about and share with our children. I will always have a spot in my heart for the friends I have made here at Central; though some have come and gone, we still have a bond as if they are with me every day. Whenever I am having a bad day I can always count on Connor or John to make me laugh until I cry. If I’m in a goofy mood I can count on Nathan or Keaton to join with me in acting a fool. Everyone in this senior class has influenced me to be a better person, love those around me, and not take life too seriously. For this I say thank you! To my teachers who have taught me

not only substantial information for my college career but have also given me bits and pieces of themselves that I see in myself today, I appreciate you. I want to thank Mrs. McDaniel for showing me how much love a human being can carry, how to spread it to others, and to want to do the right thing even if others may look at me funny. I want to thank Mr. McDaniel for being there for me during football season when we both truly were asking, “Why are we here?” I want to thank Mrs. Blackstock for joking with me and always putting a smile on my face on my worst days. I want to thank Mrs. Reed for, in the span of a year, growing so close to me and showing me love as if you have taught me all my life. I want to thank Mrs. Newman for showing me endless support and for inspiring me to see myself the way you see me. I want to thank Doc for always greeting me with my daily hugs and a big smile on your face; you never fail to make fun of me at least once a day, and I’m going to miss you. Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Coach Stephens because you have been here with me since the beginning. You have shown me not to give up on myself or my teammates or God; you have made me see that once I have confidence in myself, I can flourish to be unstoppable. I really want you guys to understand that you helped not only me but also my classmates grow over the past few years in so many different ways, and we thank you for that. I would like to close by sharing some advice with my fellow graduates. We are now closing a chapter of our lives, but we are not finished creating the full story. We should not live our lives as if we are in a rocking chair because even though a rocking chair moves, it won’t take you anywhere. I challenge my classmates to set goals for themselves, whether they be little or big. No matter what you decide to do in life, aim to be unsurpassable in what you do. Most importantly, we need to walk alongside God and embrace the remarkable plans He has for us.

Saturday, June 20, 2020 | The Newnan Times-Herald — 15C

Central Christian 2020

Isabella Alcide Kennesaw State University Hope Scholarship, Magnum Cum Laude, Honor Graduate

Garrett Blackstock West Georgia Technical College Hope Scholarship, Summa Cum Laude, Honor Graduate

Tucker Blackstock West Georgia Technical College Hope Scholarship, Summa Cum Laude, Honor Graduate

Mikah Bridges Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Hope Scholarship, Cum Laude

Evangelina Davis University of Georgia Valedictorian, Zell Miller Scholarship, UGA Academic Scholarship, Summa Cum Laude, High Honor Graduate

John Ross Dick Reinhardt University Hope Scholarship, Academic Accomplishment Scholarship, Cum Laude

Central Christian School Central Christian School held an in-person graduation ceremony June 5, 2020.

Nathan Finley University of West Georgia Star Student, Zell Miller Scholarship, Summa Cum Laude, High Honor Graduate

Aaron Fuller LaGrange College Hope Scholarship, Cum Laude




16C — The Newnan Times-Herald |  Saturday, June 20, 2020

Central Christian 2020

Aiden Hill Fire and EMT/Paramedic School Hope Scholarship, Cum Laude

Kendra Jenkins Georgia Southern University Salutatorian, Zell Miller Scholarship, Summa Cum Laude, High Honor Graduate

Connor McDaniel West Georgia Technical College Hope Scholarship, Cum Laude

Renee Nalewako University of North Georgia Hope Scholarship, Cum Laude

Keaton Summerell Toccoa Falls College Zell Miller Scholarship, Toccoa Falls Presidential Scholarship, Toccoa Falls Opportunity Scholarship, Magnum Cum Laude, High Honor Graduate

Olivia Twiggs Georgia Southern University Hope Scholarship, Magnum Cum Laude, High Honor Graduate

THANKS FOR BEING A BRIGHT SPOT! In all our years, we’ve never seen a graduation like yours. And, we love the creative and good-humored way you celebrated it. You make us proud.

CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2020 Newnan’s Only Life Plan Community wesleywoods.org/newnan

2280 North Highway 29 Newnan, GA 30265 770.683.6833

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