Christian Felber - Economía del Bien Común

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Christian Felber





ÂťI am obedient to my heart ...


Christian Felber

January 2015

books projects



public events


international media coverage




curriculum vitĂŚ


A high resolution version, which may include updated information, can be downloaded at:



economy for the common good An economic Model for the future

further information:

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COP wi d e World


»Christian Felber’s Economy for the Common Good is a smart, useful answer to the economic chaos and the enormous social suffering that the oligarchs of globalized financial capital have caused on the planet. A great and important book!« Jean Ziegler Former UN ambassador on the Right to Food

»Christian Felber’s “Economy for the Common Good” offers a clear analysis that combines pragmatic designs for some of the potential institutions of the next system with a strategy for building a movement that can bring these institutions into being. His accessible articulation of a genuine alternative is an important contribution to an essential global conversation.« Gar Alperowitz Author, historian, political economist »Through the example of a large number of pioneer companies of the Economy for the Common Good, everyone can see that doing business on the basis of a transparent, holistic, value and stakeholder oriented approach is possible. These ethical goals go beyond the dogma of unlimited profit and growth and are indispensable for a humane future on this planet.« Lisa Muhr Fashion label entrepreneur of »Goddess of Fortune« »Get involved for concrete alternatives! Get involved in the Economy for the Common Good!« Stéphane Hessel Former diplomat, essayist and political activist

Updated and expanded new edition | published December 2014 English edition

C om

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2015 2

economy for the common good further information:

Gospodarka dobra wspólnego March 2014 Polish edition

L’Economia del bé comú March 2014 Catalan edition


L´Economia del bene comune June 2012 Italian edition

La economía del bien común June 2012 Spanish edition

Näkyvä käsi

L’Économie citoyenne

September 2013 Finnish edition

April 2011 French edition


money the new rules of the game

further information:

»Christian Felber shows the path to an economy where money and markets are at the service of humans, not the other way around.« Jakob von Uexkull Founder Right Livelihood Award

»Felber discusses in detail many different suggestions of how the new rules of a reformed monetary constitution could be designed. Issues such as the regulation of financial markets are just as important to him as questions concerning the printing of money. […] On the one hand, Felbers contribution provides a set of practical guidelines on how the monetary system could be renewed and democratically reformed by municipal monetary assemblies and how this process could be organized. On the other hand, the proposed questions, which could be discussed at such local meetings, can be used as a tool for a comprehensive examination of the status quo and of alternative reform proposals. […] The fact that the debate on money is raised and has sparked a discussion on alternatives, can only be welcomed.« Philipp Degens FAZ

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a sed


»According to Felber, money should be redefined as a public good and serve the economy and the society. That is a principle of humanity. Everyone should be treated equally.« Judith Reichart Councillor of Bregenz »Felbers ideas are interesting and well founded, even though we can’t expect them to be implemented very soon. getAbstract suggest this book to all, who are curious to know where their money comes from and where it disappears to.« getAbstract International Book Award

Spanish edition October 2014

published March 2014


more books 2008 - 2014

all books:

r el e

a sed


Free Trade Agreement TTIP All Power to the Corporations? Freihandelsabkommen TTIP Alle Macht den Konzernen? (ger) October 2014

Cooperation, Not Competition 10 Steps Out of the Crisis Kooperation statt Konkurrenz 10 Schritte aus der Krise (ger) August 2009

Let´s Save the Euro RETTEN WIR DEN EURO (ger) February 2012

SALVEMOS EL EURO (spa) March 2013

New Values for the Economy An Alternative to Communism and Capitalism Neue Werte fĂźr die Wirtschaft Eine Alternative zu Kommunismus und Kapitalismus (ger) March 2008


more books 1998 - 2006

all books:

50 Proposals for a Fairer World A Case Against Corporate Power and Capitalism 50 VorschläGE Für eine gerechtere Welt Gegen Konzernmacht und Kapitalismus (ger) August 2006

BLACK BOOK OF PRIVATIZATION What Do We Sacrifice for the Free Market? Co-authored with Michel Reimon SCHWARZBUCH PRIVATISIERUNG (ger) September 2003

Korean Edition (kor) January 2011

Of fish and arrows Poetry to Touch Von Fischen und Pfeilen Poesie zum Anfassen (ger) May 1999

Towards an Ecological Future The Patient Spain Hacia un FUTURo ecolÓgico El paciente españa (spa) December 1998 6


ÂťI define freedom positively as the permanent individual self-creation and the permanent collective self-creation.ÂŤ

economy for the common good An economic Model for the future



According to a poll by the Bertelsmann Foundation in the summer of 2010, 80 to 90% of Germans and Austrians want a ›new economic order‹. The time is ripe for a new ›great transformation‹, in the sense of reembedding the economy into a democratic, ethical, cultural, and ecological context.

Within less than 5 years, the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) has matured to a broad, international movement with thousands of members and supporters. The Economy for the Common Good follows four main strategies:



Economy: Enterprises in pioneer groups implement the Common Good Balance Sheet and build up networks of cooperation.


Policy: Municipalities and regions become »Municipalities or Regions for the Common Good«.


Culture: Universities and other educational institutions promote the ECG in the areas of research, teaching, implementation, and public dissemination.


Geography: All strategic areas are put into practice starting in local communities. So far, more than 100 local ECG chap- ters have emerged in Europe, North- and South America.

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is a comprehensive and coherent economic model, which provides an alternative to both major historic narratives »capitalism« and »communism«. • It is based on the same ›timeless‹ values and goals of the economy, that are already enshrined in the constitutions of democratic countries. • The central rules of the game, competition and for-profit orientation, are changed to cooperation and the contribution to the common good. • The success of a national economy or of a company is no longer measured by it´s means, that is in financial terms (GDP and financial balance sheet). But success is measured by the true goal of economic activity, which is improving the common good (which is measured by a »Common Good Product« for countries and a »Common Good Balance Sheet« for companies). STRATEGIC GOAL The ECG proposes to start a democratic and participatory process in which all core elements of a new economic order will be discussed in local economic assemblies, with the goal of drafting a new »economic constitution«, which, in further steps, will be adopted by the sovereign citizens.

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economy for the common good timeline

»NEW VALUES FOR THE ECONOMY« March This book is the theoretical foundation of the »Economy for the Common Good« (ECG). Right after its release, it attracts entrepreneurs who offer their collaboration in designing a new economic model. They found the group »Attac Entrepreneurs«.



THE BOOK August As a result of the common work of this team, the first edition of the »Economy for the Common Good« is published (in German). Supported by 70 pioneer companies.

GOING PUBLIC 6th October The »Attac Entrepreneurs« go public with the new economic model, the balance sheet and a proposal of a new democratic economic movement. In this event, the initial organizational structure of the ECG movement is formed.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY 6th - 7th October The First General Assembly of the Association for the Enhancement of the ECG makes the strategic decision to found an international confederation. The delegates assembly is designed to become the ›parliament‹ of the movement.

PRESS CONFERENCE 6th October In seven regional press conferences the first 55 companies present their »Common Good Balance Sheets«. Media coverage ranges from the German »Spiegel« to the Italian »Repubblica«.


DELEGATES ASSEMBLY 7th - 8th March For the fist time 45 delegates from Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria meet in Innsbruck to build the foundation of the international ECG movement. Four national associations are founded.


MUNICIPALITIES April The first »Common Good Region« arises in northern Italy (Vintschgau). Four municipalities start implementing their »Common Good Municipality Balance Sheet«.



8069 1752 6030 224 1 62

Supporters Companies Individuals Associations Municipality Politicans


INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH The movement is supported by 1700 companies from 35 nations. Invitations arrive from all over the world. Every day new supporters - individuals, companies, schools, universities, communities and municipalities – contact our offices to join and support.

Current Supporters


‹‹ LOCAL CONVENTIONS The first »Democratic Economic Assembly« is held in an municipality still to be determinded. The same happens with the first »Monetary Assembly« and, finally, »Constitutional Convention«, that will lead to a democratic constitution for the national state, written and adopted by the people. 10

common good matrix 4.1 Valid for Common Good Balance Sheets, generated 2013 VALUE STAKEHOLDER

2 | Cooperation and Solidarity

1 | Human dignity

3 | Ecological Sustainability

5 | Democratic Co-determination and Transparency

4 | Social Justice

a | Suppliers

Ethical Supply Management Active examination of the risks of purchased goods and services,

consideration of the social and ecological aspects of suppliers and service partners


B | Investors

Ethical Financial Management Consideration of social and ecological aspects when choosing

financial services; common good-oriented investments and financing


C | Employees, including business owners

D | Services, Customers, Products, Business Partners

Workplace quality and affirmative action Employeeoriented organizational culture and structure, fair employment and payment policies, workplace health and safety, work-life balance, flexible work hours, equal opportunity and diversity C1

Just distribution of labor Reduction of overtime, eliminating unpaid overtime, reduction of total work hours, contribution to the reduction of unemployment

Ethical customer relations Ethical business relations with customers, customer orientation and co-determination, joint product development, high quality of service, high product transparency

Cooperation with businesses in same field Transfer of knowhow, personnel, contracts and interest-free loans to other business in the same field, participation in cooperative marketing activities and crisis management

D1 E | Social Environment: Region, electorate, future generations, civil society, fellow human beings, animals and plants

Value and social impact of products and services Products and services fulfill basic human needs or serve humankind, society or the environment




Promotion of environmentally friendly behavior of employees ctive promotion of sustainable lifestyles of employees (mobility, nutrition), training and awareness-raising activities, sustainable organizational culture



Ecological design of products and services Offering of ecologically superior products/ services; awareness raising programmes, consideration of ecological aspects when choosing customer target groups


Reduction of environmental impact Reduction of environmental effects towards a sustainable level, resources, energy, climate, emissions, waste etc.

Contribution to the local community Mutual support and cooperation through financial resources, services, products, logistics, time, know-how, knowledge, contacts, influence


Just income distribution Low income disparity within a company, compliance with minimum and maximum wages


Socially oriented design of products and services Information, products and services for disadvantaged groups, support for value-oriented market structures



Raising social and ecological standards Exemplary business behavior, development of higher standards with businesses in the same field, lobbying


Investing profits for the Common Good Reducing or eliminating dividend payments to extern, payouts to employees, increasing equity, social-ecological investments

Corporate democracy and transparency Comprehensive transparency within the company, election of managers by employees, democratic decision-making on fundamental strategic issues, transfer of property to employees


Social transparency and co-determination, Common good and sustainability reports, participation in decision -making by local stakeholders and NGO´s



»money is only a means«

project »bank for the common good«


»A great idea, which I, as former chairman of a major cooperative bank, support enthusiastically. This could be the starting point for the rede-mocatization of banking and the financial system.«

GAME CHANGER From the heart of Austria's civil society, a group of like-minded individuals is presently setting up Austria's first fully ethical bank: The »Bank für Gemeinwohl« or »Bank for the Common Good«. This ›Good Bank‹ will strive to make money a public good and aims to contribute with all its activities to the common good.

Günter Grzega Chairman of Sparda-Bank Munich eG (retd.) Chairman of the Institute for Common Good Oriented Policy


»I support the creation of this new bank, because it is an alternative, a reform of the prevailing sytem of forced competion and the ideology of growth with all the implied issues concerning domination, disciplining and subordination. A yes to the common good has it's roots in the principle of solidarity and it means strengthening economic activities which are not market-based and encouraging a stronger regulation of the international market.« Freda Meissner-Blau Prominent figure in the Austrian Green movement

The »Bank for the Common Good« will provide only basic banking services: money deposits, payment transactions, and loans for (regional) investments. The bank will: • keep its hands off speculation • not give a part of the profit to the owners • invite savers to renounce the interest • check every loan request on ethical criteria (»Common Good Exam«) • give cheaper loans to more ethical projects • develop an ever more democratic structure and respectful communication

The strategy and business case were developed based on the common vision of all active team members. The »Association for the Foundation of the Bank« is preparing everything so the bank can soon open its doors. In April 2014 a cooperative foundation was established that will become the bank's owner. The starting capital of 15 million will be raised with the help of regional supporters, networkers and well known public figures, including pioneer entrepreneurs of the Economy for the Common Good. A media and publicity campaign is starting in spring 2015. Up to 40,000 members will become owners of the »Bank für Gemeinwohl«.


»Even if money – and with it banks – can’t facilitate everything, the wrong financial system can prevent almost all peaceful change! That's why real life, working alternatives are irreplacable! To realize these alternatives peacefully, besides a vision and pioneering spirit, sober realistic expertise, political cleverness and high endurance are needed. Thank you for combining all of these elements. A real stroke of luck for society!« Wolfgang Pekny Editor-in-chief of the Platform Footprint Chairman of the Initaitive Civil Society

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project »bank for the common good« timeline

BAD BANK? 16th December Josef Ackermann demands public ›Bad Banks‹ in Germany.



GOOD BANK! 23rd January Attac Austria demands ›Good Banks‹ in a press release.

DEMOCRATIC BANK 26th February Christian Felber designs a »Democratic Bank« in an op-ed piece in the Austrian »Standard«.

VISION February 60 individuals develop and define the vision of the bank project which is adopted by the

ASSOCIATION 5th October The »Association for the Foundation and the Support of a Democratic Bank« is founded.

KICK-OFF 16th June First meeting in Viennese cafe. 3rd October Kick-off event in Vienna. 110 highly motivated people from all over Austria appear.

OPEN CALL 23rd April Attac Austria adopts the position paper »Democratic Bank« and makes an open call to Austrian civil society to found such a bank.


BUSINESS CASE August – October A team of 18 persons develop the strategy of the future bank, including the business plan.



COOPERATIVE April The cooperative is established...


Professionalisation January – December Two project coordinators are hired by the founding association, the project structure is improved, the name is changed by 80 activists, the campaign for the collection of capital is prepared.




‹‹ SURVEY Spring More than 3000 supporters answer an online survey about the optimal capital share.

CAPITAL COLLLECTION Spring The capital collection campaign is starting.

December ... and officially registered.


public events

Picture picture byby: Robert Robert Gortana Gortana



all events:

France Paris 07/11/2014

Chile Frutillar 16/10/2014

Turkey Istanbul 13/10/2014

Czech Republic Prag 30/07/2014

Switzerland Caux 05/07/2014

Argentina Buenos Aires 27 - 29/11/2013

Speaker at OECD Conference »Well-beeing as business purpose« Organized by OECD

Economy for the Common Good in Chile Organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile

Keynote speaker at 18th Organic World Congress Organized by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM)

»BOOKTalks: Economics as Religion« with Tomás Sedlácek(CZ) and Robert Nelson (USA) Organized by the team of Tomas Sedlacek

Speaker at the Caux-Initiatives of Change: ˇ »Trustˇand Integrity in the Global Economy 2014« Organized by Caux Conference

International seminar »Bienes Comunes y Bien Común« at University of Buenos Aires Organized by Faculty of Economic Sciences of University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Finland Helsinki 25 + 26/10/2013

Mexico Mexico City 20/09/2013

Germany Hamburg 03/05/2013

Spain Valencia 03/04/2012

Germany Cologne 20/03/2012

Austria Vienna 08/03/2012

Book presentation »Näkyvä Käsi« (Finnish translation of ›ECG‹) at Gaudeamus Book Store, Helsinki and at Helsinki Book Fair Organized by Gaudeamus Univ. Press publishing house Conference »Economía del Bien Común« (ECG) at Escuela Superior de Economía del IPN Organized by IPN and Secretaría de Educación Pública

Speaker at Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag (DEKT) Organized by German Protestant Church Congress

Conference »La Economía del Bien Común« (ECG) at Universitat de València Organized by Attac, Ecomomía del Bien Común and Universitat de València

Book presentation »Die Gemeinwohlökonomie« (ECG) at Lit.Cologne Organized by Lit.Cologne festival

Joint book presentation of »Economy for the Common Good« (Christian Felber) and »Ecomomics of ˇ ˇ Good and Evil« (Tomás Sedlácek) at Hofburg Organized by Alpbach Talks


public events television appearances

"Felber und Schellhorn pro und kontra Vermögenssteuern" »extra Lit.Cologne«

Zeit im Bild 2 Austria / 20/02/2013

west ART Germany | 20/03/2012

»Kapitalismus gescheitert?« Club 2 Austria | 12/12/2012

»Economía del Bien Común« Para Todos La 2 Spain | 06/06/2012

EL Mundo 22/02/2014 17

international media coverage

picture by: Robert Gortana

international media coverage 2014

all articles:

»A corporate balance sheet with a little added love« Economy for the Common Good Great Britain | 21/10/2014

»Christian Felber: ‘Hay que darles ventajas legales a las empresas éticas’« Economy for the Common Good in Chile Chile | 18/10/2014

»Christian Felber erhält Wirtschaftsbuchpreis« "Money" selected as best business book 2014 Austria | 08/10/2014

»Die privatisierte Rechtsprechung« TTIP and the investor-state dispute settlement Austria | 01/10/2014

»Sonnentor-Chef: Bin froh, dass ich überstimmt wurde« Economy for the Common Good in practice Austria | 31/07/2014

»Geldrelevante Fragen« Book review of »Money« Germany | 13/07/2014

»Wir sind Weltmeister der Ersatzbefriedigung« Interview about himself, money and economy Germany | 20/06/2014

»Der Weg vom Schuldengeld zum Vollgeld« Op-ed piece on financial system Austria | 13/06/2014

»Für eine alternative Wirtschaft« Economy for the Common Good Luxembourg | 24/05/2014

»Felber denkt selber« Money as a public good Germany | 14/05/2014

»Die Erschöpfungsgeschichte der Banken«

»Kein roter Teppich für Erpresser«

Book review of »Money« Germany | 15/07/2014

Interview about a new monetary system Austria | 15/03/2014


international media coverage 2011 - 2014

all articles:

»La economía necesita alinearse con los valores humanos« Interview about the ECG Spain | 22/02/2014

»Can we create an ›Economy for the Common Good‹?« Economy for the Common Good Great Britain | 06/01/2014


»Die letzte Instanz ist mein eigenes Herz« Profile Germany | 14/12/2012

»Geld kann nur Mittel zum Zweck sein« Interview about the ECG Switzerland | 12/11/2012

»Christian Felber explicará su Teoría del Bien Común en el Rectorado de la UMA«

Book review of the Finnish edition of ECG Finnland | 01/01/2014

Economy for the Common Good Spain | 25/09/2012

»Desenmascarando al capitalismo«

»Ökonomie statt Belletristik«

Interview about values, economy and money Spain | 01/10/2013

»El intelectual Christian Felber ofrecerá alternativas al capitalismo en el Rototom« Economy for the Common Good Spain | 21/06/2013

»Mozart sería un apasionado del bien común« Profile Spain | 06/03/2013

Book review of »Let´s Save the Euro« Germany | 23/03/2012

»Equa, solidale e felice a Vienna ritorna la Comune« Economy for the Common Good Italy | 01/11/2011

»Die Achse der Guten« Economy for the Common Good Germany | 17/10/2011


LA TERCERA | Economy for the Common Good | Chile | 16/10/2014

15/07/2014 | Germany | Book review of »Money« | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


Read full article here:

ie Instabilität und Krisenanfälligkeit unseres Geldund Finanzsystems und ihre teilweise verheerenden Wirkungen sind zu einem allgegenwärtigen Gegenstand des öffentlichen Bewusstseins geworden. Vermehrt kommt es in letzter Zeit daher zum umfassenden Nachdenken über das vorherrschende Verständnis von Geld als zentraler Steuerungsinstitution unserer Wirtschaft. Dabei verliert die ökonomische Standardtheorie die alleinige Deutungshoheit allmählich und wird durch heterodoxe Ansätze ergänzt. Zu den neueren lesenswerten Beiträgen dieser Debatte gehören Christian Felbers „Geld. Die neuen Spielregeln“ sowie das jüngst auf Deutsch erschienene „Geld. Die wahre Geschichte“ des britischen Ökonomen und Altphilologen Felix Martin. Beide Bücher erörtern aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven Möglichkeiten der demokratischen Kontrolle von Geld. In seiner „unautorisierten Biographie“, so der Originaltitel, schildert Felix Martin höchst anschaulich und unterhaltsam die Geschichte des Geldes. Er will helfen, das Verständnis dessen, was Geld eigentlich ausmacht, zu erweitern und der Realität anzupassen. Martin wendet sich gegen die weitverbreitete Auffassung von Geld als einer Sache, einer besonderen Ware, die sich aufgrund ihrer natürlichen Eigenschaften wie etwa Haltbarkeit und Knappheit auf dem Markt als Geld herausgebildet hat. Für ihn ist Geld eine „soziale Technologie“, ein auf einer abstrakten Werteinheit basierendes System von Kredit-

konten sowie ihrer Verrechnung. Es ist eine spezifische, übertragbare Form von Kredit. Münzen und Banknoten können zwar als Geldzeichen auftreten, aber ihr Wert fußt nicht auf ihrem Eigenwert oder einem Realwert, den sie unmittelbar repräsentieren, sondern auf dem Vertrauen auf den Aussteller. Martin vertritt somit die sogenannte Kredittheorie des Geldes, welche lange Zeit eine Außenseiterposition am Rande der Wirtschaftswissenschaften fristete, in jüngster Zeit aber wieder breitere Aufmerk-

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samkeit erhält. Er will zeigen, dass diese Auffassung die längste Zeit in der Geschichte geteilt wurde – bis sich die moderne Wirtschaftswissenschaft herausbildete. In Martins Erzählung kommt John Locke die Rolle zu, die Geldtheorie langfristig auf einen Irrweg gebracht zu haben. Dieser Irrweg besteht darin, Geld als einen „trägen Klumpen Metall“ und seinen Wert aus dem Naturalwert von etwa Gold oder Silber abzuleiten. Für Martin versperrt diese Vorstellung eines natürlichen Geldwertes aber den Blick auf systemim-

aber wied keit erhäl Auffassun Geschich die mod schaft he Erzählun Rolle zu, auf einen Dieser Ir als einen und seine wert von zuleiten.


Süddeutsche Zeitung | Interview | Germany | 20/06/2014

01/09/2013 | Spain | Interview | El Pais

von alexander hagelüken und dieter sürig

hristian Felber kommt zum CInterview ein wenig zu spät.

Der lang jährige Führungsmann von Attac Österreich hat dafür eine gute Ausrede: Er versucht, seine Termine nur mit Bus und Bahn zu bewältigen. Wer wie der 41-Jährige in seinem neuen Buch gleich „die Herrschaft des Geldes beenden will“, muss wohl versuchen, seinen eigenen Alltag ethisch korrekt zu gestalten. Ein Gespräch über seine Herkunft und die Zeit als Ministrant auf dem Land, die Schattenseiten des Fußballs und eine neue Wirtschaftsordnung. SZ: Christian Felber, reden wir über Geld. Sie waren mit sechs Jahren Ministrant, Sie hätten ein braver Normalbürger wer- den können. Aber Sie wollen lieber die Welt verändern. Was ist passiert? Christian Felber: (lacht) Ich hab als Jugendlicher tief über meine Situation nachgedacht und einen Ausweg gesucht, aus der Kirche und aus meiner kleinstbürgerlichen Herkunft auf dem Land im Salzburger Flachgau. Die vielleicht wichtigste Veränderung war, dass ich Tänzer wurde. Gegen alle Warnungen aus meinem Umfeld, das sei homosexuell. Echt? Ja. Das größte Defizit unserer westlichen Kultur ist ein Mangel an Fühlen. Grundlage einer friedlichen Kultur ist es, sowohl die eigenen Bedürfnisse wahrzunehmen als auch mit der ganzen Welt mitzufühlen, die tägliche Ge-

walt in einer Kleinbürgerfamilie genauso wahrzunehmen wie die Zerstörung des Regenwalds. Das Konzept einer Gemein-

wohlökonomie versucht, beides in Balance bringen, die eigenen Bedürfnisse und die der übrigen Individuen und der Natur. Individualität und Gemeinschaft, Eigennutzen und Gemeinwohl zu vereinbaren, das ist das Ziel. Sie sagten mal, Sie brauchten zehn Jahre Einsamkeit, um Ihren Weg zu finden. Ich spreche hier über die Zeit ab der Pubertät. Je stärker du in sozialen Strukturen steckst, vom

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Fußballteam über Dorfvereine oder eine klassische Familie, wo du für die Erfüllung bestimmter Rollenbilder geliebt wirst, desto weniger kannst du hinterfragen, wer du wirklich bist und was du eigentlich willst. Brachen Sie damals mit den Eltern? Für eine Zeit schon. Ich bin mit 17 von zu Hause weg. Mit 19 ging ich nach Mexiko. Es war eine schmerzhafte Zeit. Ich woll-

te ja Anschluss, Freundschaft, Dauerparty, Teenagerliebe. Aber ich bekam das nicht, weil ich keinen Zugang zu meinen wirklichen Gefühlen fand. Und so was merken die Frauen auch. Das Ganze entspannte sich zwischen 20 und 30. Heute fehlt mir gar nix. Auch nicht der Fußball? Ich find Fußball großartig, aber wenn er zum Wettkampf wird, ist er giftig bis töd- lich.

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DER SPIEGEL | Economy for the Common Good | Germany | 17/10/2011

27/09/2010 | Austria | Report on the Bank for the Common Good | PROFIL

Von Georges Desrues


aghalsige Spekulationen, windige Geschäfte, astronomisch hohe Boni und die blanke Gier gelten als zentrale Ursachen für die größte Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise der vergangenen 80 Jahre - und sind nun jede Attribute, die häufig mit Banken in Verbindung gebracht werden. Angesichts dessen ist es kein Wunder, dass immer mehr Anleger genauer darauf achten wollen, wem sie ihr Geld anvertrauen, und nach Geldinstituten Ausschau halten, die in vielen Bereichen genau das Gegenteil Konventioneller Banken versprechen. Darauf wollen sich ethisch, sozial und ökologisch orientierte Institute spezialisieren, die in jüngster Zeit einen starken Zuwachs an Kunden, Einlagen- und Kreditsummen verzeichnen. Tatsächlich erleben Banken mit ökosozialer Ausrichtung seit Beginn der Krise einen wahren Boom. In Deutschland konnte der Marktführer in diesem Bereich, die schon 1974 gegründete Gemeinschaftsbank für Leihen und Schenken (GLS), seine Kundenzahl in bloß zwei Jahren um 11.000 Klienten auf 73.000 Personen steigern. ... Read full article here:

Read full article here:



impressions see, feel, Hear and listen

press pictures:

ECG Spain | Spain 2013 Š

Talk at Austrian Parliament | Austria 2005

getAbstract Book Award Frankfurt 2014 Christian invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile | Chile 2014

Panel discussion with Christian Felber, Harald Welzer and Muck Petzet | Germany 2013

ECG Colombia | Colombia 2014 25

curriculum vitĂŚ

curriculum vitæ Christian Felber

cv in various languages:


Professional Experience political Projects

2010 | founder of the »Economy for the Common Good« 2010 | founder of the project »Bank for the Common Good« 2000 | co-founder of Attac Austria, press speaker for three years and executive board member for two years

© José Luis Roca

*December 9th, 1972 in Salzburg | Austria

Team Christian Felber Postfach 30 A -1072 Vienna info @

University Teacher

international lecturer contemporary dancer book author


2014 | »Premio Nueva Civilización« 2014 from University of Chile

freelance journalist

Since 2008 | at Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Graz, University of Klagenfurt, Polytechnic University of Valencia and others Since 2004 | approx. 15 talks per month in 25 countries Since 2004 | professional contemporary dancer Since 1998 | 14 books, incl. several bestsellers Since 1996 | regular contributions in nearly all Austrian quality newspapers

2014 | getAbstract International Book Award 2014 2013 | teaching prize 2012/13 from University of Graz 2013 | recognition of IPN in México City 2010 | nominated for the »Communicator of the Year« 2010 | elected as civil society leader for sustainability

University studies

1990 - 1996 | Romance Philology, Political science

Psychology, Sociology

in ViennA and Madrid Degree

Magister philosophiae 27

curriculum vitæ Christian Felber

cv in various languages:

BooKs Selection

Free Trade Agreement TTIP

original (ger) »Freihandelsabkommen TTIP«

r ele


2014 Hanser Box MoNey

original (ger) »GELd. dIE nEUEn SPIELREGELn«

r ele


TOp 10


ecoNoMy For the coMMoN gooD original (ger) »dIE GEMEInwOHL-ÖkOnOMIE«

2014 Deuticke [revised edition]

a se d




Let´s Save the Euro original (ger) »Retten wir den Euro«

2012 Deuticke original (ger) »kOOPERAtIOn StAtt kOnkURREnZ«

2009 Deuticke


TOp 10





cooperatIoN, Not coMpetIoN

TOp 10

»ecoNoMy For the coMMoN gooD«


2014 Deuticke TOp 10


a se d

New ValUeS For the ecoNoMy

original (ger) »nEUE wERtE FüR dIE wIRtSCHAFt«


2015 | English, Serbian and Dutch edition

2014 | miret | »L’economia del bé comú«


2013 | Gaudeamus | »Näkyvä käsi«

Spanish French German other BookS traNSlated INto

i ng


2014 | Bialy Wiatr | »Gospodarka dobra wspólnego«



C om

2012 | technice Nuove | »L’economia del bene comune« 2012 | Deusto | »La economía del bien común« 2011 | actes Sud | »L’economie citoyenne« 2010 | Deuticke | »Die Gemeinwohl- Ökonomie« 1st edition Korean | Spanish | Turkish

2008 Deuticke 50 propoSalS For a FaIrer worlD

original (ger) »50 vORSCHLäGE FüR EInE GERECHtERE wELt«

2006 Deuticke

International media coverage

2014 | Economy for the Common Good in Financial Times 2014 | Money. The new rules of the Game in FAZ


2014 | Op-ed piece on financial system in Standard

original (ger) »VON FISCHEN UND PFEILEN«

all books

1999 Edition Doppelpunkt

2014 | Economy for the Common Good in The Guardian

Towards an Ecological Future original (spa) »Hacia un futoro ecológico« 1998 Editorial Fundamentos

2013 | Profile in El Pais (contraportada)

2012 | Profile in Süddeutsche Zeitung all articles


... feeling is more intelligent than thinking.ÂŤ

graphic design Illustration by Julia Loew Hรถbel & Kaufmann

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