AWSUM March Edition - Eastrand 2022

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Is jou kind dalk die boelie? Dit is nie altyd maklik om te erken dat jou kind dalk ‘n boelie is nie. As ‘n ouer wil jy nie hê jou kind moet ‘n boelie bly vir die res van sy lewe nie, want situasies kan vererger soos ‘n kind ouer word. Dit is daarom belangrik om op te let of daar enige van die bogenoemde tekens by jou kind verskyn en om deurlopend hul gedrag te moniteer. Kinders weet dat dit verkeerd is om ander af te knou en dit is juis waarom hulle kies om dit te doen wanneer ouers nie in die omtrek is nie. Dit lei tot ‘n toename in kuberafknouery, want die internet word gesien as ‘n ouervrye omgewing. Omdat ouers in die duister gehou word oor wat die kinders daagliks aanvang op die internet en op hul selfone, het hulle geen beheer oor die situasie en die negatiewe gevolge wat kuberafknouery vir kinders het nie. Ouertoesig is noodsaaklik om afknouery te stop. ‘n Kind wat self ‘n boelie is:

Jou kind is moontlik `n boelie wanneer hy:

Het vriende wat ander afknou;

ander vriende by hul groep uitsluit;

Word gereeld na die hoof se kantoor gestuur, of moet bly vir detensie ná skool;

Blameer ander mense of kinders vir hul probleme;

aanhou met onaanvaarbare en onaangename gedrag wanneer jy reeds vir hom gesê het om daarmee op te hou;

Is behep met sy populariteit en reputasie onder leerders;

Is baie kompeterend;

Raak betrokke by fisiese of verbale bakleiery;

Word vinnig kwaad of aggressief;

Het skielik nuwe besittings of ekstra geld wat nie verduidelik kan word nie; of

Neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir sy optrede nie.

onverdraagsaamheid en minagting toon teenoor kinders wat as anders of vreemd beskou word;

gereeld ander kinders spot of tart;

deurlopende aggressiewe en wrede videospeletjies speel;

diere seermaak; of

skinder of ander kinders seermaak.

Dogters of seuns kan boelies wees of gedrag van afknouery toon. Seuns is meer geneig om ander direk af te knou met fisiese aksie soos om te slaan of te skop, terwyl dogters eerder indirek betrokke raak deur skinderstories te versprei of deur ‘n kind uit die groep te sluit. Afknouery by kinders begin al so vroeg as kleuterskool of die eerste paar jare van laerskool.


Behandel ander soos jý graag behandel wil word (Matteus 7:12).


Beskerm jou teen ’n tong wat jok en om in waarheid te wandel.


2. BORSHARNAS VAN GEREGTIGHEID Beskerm ons harte teen beskuldigings en aanvalle.


Om oor gevaarlike struikelblokke te kan loop en die boodskap van Jesus aan ander oor te dra.


Help ons om nie te twyfel nie en om te glo in God se getrouheid van sy Woord.


Om ons denke te bewaar, want sonde begin by ons denke. Help ons om tussen goed en kwaad te onderskei.


Die Woord van God (die Bybel) wat ons teen die vyand beskerm, maar wat ook gebruik word om wonde te genees.

Meinette van Zyl Layout & Design Aniena Venter Rowan Engledoe Ruveix Venter Heleen Etsebeth Alex van Kerwel Enrico Theart Anzèl Heyns Sales Team Landi Rutheven: Annatjie du Toit: Chané van Niekerk: Leanne Kuhn:

HEAD OFFICE The AWSUM After School Guide is another AWSUM product by TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd, 376 Main Rd, Lemoenkloof, Paarl, 7646 Chief Executive Officer: Durandt van Zyl Managing Director: Meinette van Zyl Financial Manager: Christelle van Wyk Sales Manager: Quintus Brand Printed by Paarl Coldset. Copyright: TieMedia Group (Pty) Ltd 021 000 1705

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Boelies – Help so jou kinders Baie ouers is nie bewus daarvan dat hul kind moontlik ‘n slagoffer van afknouery in die skoolomgewing kan wees nie – totdat dit te laat is. Kinders wil nie altyd hul ouers vertel dat hulle afgeknou word nie, uit vrees vir wat die boelie aan hulle sal doen as hulle uitpraat, of omdat hulle skaam of verleë is daaroor. Daar kan baie redes wees waarom jou kind jou nie wil vertel dat hy afgeknou word nie: daarom is dit jou werk as ouer om ‘n oog (en ‘n oor) op jou kind te hou. Wees bewus! Afknouery is ‘n wêreldwye probleem en Suid- Afrika is beslis geen uitsondering nie. Volgens ‘n Unesco-verslag1 word bykans 250 miljoen kinders en jongmense jaarliks op ‘n globale skaal afgeknou. Navorsing toon dat boelies daarop uit is om sekere kinders te treiter en af te knou weens verskeie redes, soos verskille in etniese en kultuurgroepe, liggaamlike voorkoms, of seksuele of geslagsoriëntasie. ‘n Boelie situasie word gekenmerk deur 6 definiërende faktore7, nl.: •

Intensie om iemand skade te berokken – Die oortreder vind genot daarin om die slagoffer te domineer en uit te tart.

Intensiteit en die duur van die situasie – Die boelie hou aan met sy gedrag oor ‘n lang periode en die afknouery veroorsaak dat die slagoffer se selfbeeld ‘n knou kry.

Mag oor die slagoffer – Die boelie het mag oor die slagoffer a.g.v. ouderdom, fisiese krag, grootte of geslag.

Kwesbaarheid van die slagoffer – Die slagoffer is meer sensitief vir ‘n getergery, kan himself nie voldoende verdedig nie en het fisiese of sielkundige eienskappe wat hom meer kwesbaar maak vir boelies en viktimisering.

Gebrek aan ondersteuning – Die slagoffer voel geïsoleerd en blootgestel. Soms is die slagoffer bang om afknouery te rapporteer uit vrees vir vergelding. Gevolge – Die skade wat die slagoffer se selfbeeld opdoen, kan lank voortduur en kan daartoe lei dat die slagoffer homself van skoolaktiwiteite onttrek, of ook aggressief begin raak.

Afknouery kan verskeie vorme aanneem, naamlik:

3. Verandering in geaardheid

Fisies (skop, slaan of boks);

Verbaal (noem kinders name, dryf die spot met hulle of maak dreigemente);

Emosioneel (sosiale uitsluiting, intimidasie deur gebare of dreigemente);

As ‘n ouer moet jy jouself afvra of jou kind se geaardheid verander het en of hy buierig is terwyl hy voorheen gelukkig of toeganklik was. Só ‘n verandering kan die gevolg wees van hormonale veranderinge, veral by tieners, maar dit kan ook ‘n teken wees dat iets of iemand jou kind seermaak.

Rassistiese afknouery;

Seksueel; en

Kuberafknouery (deur die internet op sosiale media soos Facebook; of deur selfone met haatboodskappe of afdreiging)

Vyf tekens wat kan aandui dat jou kind ‘n slagoffer van afknouery is 1. Ongewillig om skool toe te gaan As jou kind dit normaalweg geniet om skool toe te gaan en ewe skielik nie meer wil gaan nie, kan dit daarop dui dat hy by die skool afgeknou word.

4. Vriendverskuiwings Hou jou kind se vriendegroep dop, want só kan jy agterkom wie hy ignoreer. Jou kind kan homself van ‘n vorige vriendegroep distansieer. 5. Punte wat daal Akademiese prestasies of punte wat daal, kan die gevolg wees van kinders wat bang is om skool toe te gaan, juis omdat hulle afgeknou word. Die skool word ‘n omgewing van vrees en angstigheid, eerder as ‘n omgewing waar daar geleer en genot ervaar word. Ander waarskuwingstekens van afknouery sluit die volgende in: •

Onverklaarbare beserings soos kneusplekke, snye en krapmerke;

2. Veranderinge in slaappatrone

Verlies aan eetlus of verandering in eetgewoontes;

Studies toon dat 36% van kinders wat slagoffers van afknouery is, slaapprobleme het. Kinders wat afgeknou word, kan soms parasomnia of nagmerries ervaar. Afknouery kan ook tot depressie by kinders lei, wat dan kan veroorsaak dat kinders sukkel om te slap of dat hulle te veel slaap.

Vernielde of verlore skoolboeke, klere, of elektroniese toestelle; of

Gereelde klagtes oor maagpyn, hoofpyn, naarheid of dat hy siek voel.

Besoek gerus vir meer inligting.


Hoofprefekte: Sonika Weingartz, Ruben Delport. Onderhoofprefekte: Meagan Hamilton, Lienke van Niekerk, Martinique Nel, Werner Breydenbach, Aurelius Beneke en Ernst de Beer.



Ons Atletiekspan van 2022 het eerste geëindig by ons jaarlikse Interlaer skole byeenkoms, vir die 4de jaar in ‘n ry. Deelnemende skole was: Laerskool Westwood, Laerskool Witfield, Witdeep Primary, Goudrand, Woodlands International College, Sion Privaat Akademie.

Ons het ons interne redenaarskompetisie vroeër die jaar gehad. Die leerlinge was gretig om weer in persoon deel te neem en dit was vir die onderwysers en ouers sommer baie lekker om ons talentvolle sprekers weer op die verhoog te sien.

Voor: Christiaan Kleynhans (Gr.1), Milea Theron (Gr.2), Dehan Labuschagne (Gr.3). Agter: Dinique v Rensburg (Gr.4), Xianique Joubert (Gr.6), Megan-Lee Myburgh (Gr.5), Xuan Myburgh (Gr.7).



The biggest school news platform in S.A Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A

HOËRSKOOL DR. E.G. JANSEN Jansies Pronk by Sanesa-Perdrykompetisie


Sondag, 6 Februarie 2022, het die belowende Jansieruiters aan die eerste SANESAPerdesprongkompetisie deelgeneem en hulle baie goed van hul taak gekwyt. Albei ons ruiters, Marise Helberg en Kaylen Steenekamp het puik presteer. Marise het op haar pragtige grys perd, Pasella, die 70cm-skouspronge oorheers en ‘n eerste plek in albei haar klasse behaal. Kaylen, haar graad 8-spanmaat, het op ‘n taamlike groot kastaiingbruin perd, By Chance, ‘n ongelooflike 8ste plek in die 80cm Skouspronge behaal. Ons sien uit na die volgende kragmeting wat die eerste naweek in Maart plaasvind. – Juf. Joubert.

Angelique Jansen van Vuuren en Zander de Jager wat gekies is vir die Gauteng-Oos o.19 InterProvinsiale Tennisspan.

Kaylen Steenkamp


Marise Helberg

Ons Atletiekspan wat op 1 Maart by die Potchefstroom Intrhoër deelgeneem het.

Zander de Jager


Angelique Jansen van Vuuren


Devon Smith, wat die naweek vir Tshwane in ‘n interprovinsiale skaaktoernooi gespeel het. Sy span het eerste geëindig in die o/18 groep waar Devon 5/5 wedstryde gewen het.

Ons o.15-A krieketspan wat die afgelope 5 weke elke wedstryd gewen het en hierdie naweek as die wenners van die Finsbury Reeks bekroon is.

Devon Smith

The Terminal Unit 4 Corner of Dr. Vosloo and Trichardts streets Bartlett Boksburg

EAST RAND MALL 011 823 1742 / 32 Entrance 2, Shop 176

We also offer: • Classes for adults • Sewing machines, embroidery machines, longarm quilting machines, overlockers for sale • Industrial sewing machines • We sharpen scissors and knives


Gauteng Atlete

Baanbreker se tema vir 2002 is Ligtoring – “Wees ‘n ligtoring wat liefde uitstraal, pad van hoop wys, wat geloof erken en in vrede lewe”. Hier is ons leiers vir 2022.

Hierdie 5 leerlinge gaan op 11 en 12 Maart aan die Gauteng Atletiek in Pretoria deelneem.

Onderhoofdogter: Abbey Meyer, Hoofdogter: Gabrielle Wessels, Hoofseun: Luhandru Barnard, Onderhoofseun: Deon Venter

Gizelle Smith

Chelsey Raath

Tanique Jv Rensburg

Melinda V Staden

Kaylee Cloete

Leiers 2022


Kempton Park Span D17 deelnemers

Logan Kies 60m en 80m rekord

Anzaret Strauss 100m rekord

7’s Rugby


Leiers 2022

o.12 wen Môrewag Toernooi en kom 2de in JARU toernooi.

Redenaars behaal 4de plek van 24 spanne tydens die Super 12.

Rooihartsak projek van leiers om kos vir die minderbevooregte gesinne te gee.

We work with schools across S.A printing school diaries, yearbooks, workbooks and more.

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HOËRSKOOL KEMPTON PARK 2021 Easterns Provinsiale krieket Die volgende Kempie-krieketspelers is gekies vir Easterns provinsiale krieketspanne wat in Desember 2021 aan hul onderskeie toernooie deelgeneem het:

Mnr Johan (Kierie) Fourie (Hulpafrigter: o.19 A Easterns krieketspan), Ryan Smith (Reserwe: o.16 A Easterns), Christiaan Conradie (o.19 A Easterns), Jayden Mostert (o.19 A Easterns), Ivahn vd Merwe (o.16 A Easterns), Mnr Janneman Bothma (Afrigter Kempies 1ste krieketspan), Jayden Mostert (o.19 A Easterns), Ivahn vd Merwe (o.16 A Easterns), Mnr Janneman Bothma (Afrigter Kempies 1ste krieketspan).

Twizza Top 15 seuns

Twizza Top 15 dogters

Voor: Shain Pretorius, AJ Meyer, Johan Raath, Emile Swanepoel, Reinhardt Botha. Middel: Piet vd Heever, Preston Smith, Vaughn Fouché, Ryan Smith. Agter: Ewan Lourens, Dehan v Deventer, Franco Hattingh. Afwesig: Jethro Williams, Jaydee Oliver, Tiaan Grobler.

Voor: Lu Chelle Breedt, Suné Greeff, Juanné Swanepoel, Courtney Heymans, Simoné Botes. Middel: Caylin Olivier, Loucél Halgreen, Abigail Sweeney, Jessica Struthers. Agter: Jayden Homem de Gouveia, Daniella Homem de Gouveia, Anika v Jaarsveld, Kyra Wells. Afwesig: Cassidy Bosman.



Nuwe personeel wat aangesluit het by Laerskool Birchleigh:

Die volgende atlete van Laerskool Birchleigh het deurgedring na die D17 Atletiekkampioenskappe wat op Woensdag, 23 Februarie 2022 plaasgevind het. The following athletes from Laerskool Birchleigh took part at the D17 Athletics Championships on Wednesday, 23 February 2022. Uitslae/Results: Junior Mwa- 2nd place in 60m, Chima Dyke- 1st place in 1200m, Chane Niehaus- 1st place in 100m & 150m (New record in both events)

Nadia van der Merwe, Jolanda Badenhorst, Yolande Wegkamp, Ané Maritz, Analize Marx, Marcel Trollip, Karli Pieterse, Charné Geyser, Marchelle Joubert.

Front: Atipaishe Mhangwa u.11 boys (80m, 100m), Junior Mwa u.7 boys (60m), Chima Dyke u.10 boys (1200m), Lee-Anie du Toit u.13 girls (800m, 1500m). Back: Kenneth Phooko u.13 boys (High Jump), Norah Mwa u.10 girls (High Jump), Max van Greuning u.12 boys (High Jump), Chane Niehaus u.12 girls (100m, 150m).

Laerskool Birchleigh Leiers/Prefects 2022 Ons is trots om die 2022 Laerskool Birchleigh leiers aan te kondig!

Voor/Front: Dilan Britz (Onderhoofseun/ Deputy Head Boy), Jayden Harris (Hoofseun/ Head Boy), Masego Thipe (Hoofdogter/ Head Girl), Zayleen van Oordt (Onderhoofdogter/ Deputy Head Girl). 2de ry/2nd row: Nicole Jambo, Mackenzie Kinnear, Paballo Mahlase, Nyakallo Mello, Bohlale Matsepane, Ewald Nieuwoudt, Crystal van Zyl, Tamir El Qouar, Lukholo Nayo. 3de ry/3rd row: Tshedza Ramulongo, Thato Nyathi, Thato Magoro, Daniel Herbst, Lethabo Gulube, Elri Bruwer, Lithemba Nayo, Gabby Folscher, Dylan Lamprecht, Eliscke Rautenbach, Onthatile Tsatsimpe. 4de ry/4th row: Rochelle Boshoff, Kara Venter, Alten Keyter, Busisiwe Magoro, Kayleigh Bowler, Dona-Lee Attwell, Shanike Goosen, Rethabile Mamogobo, Phalafala Sebake, Cheyanne Neill, Michyla Sales.

LAERSKOOL EDLEEN Groter Kempton Park Atletiek Die volgende leerders het in Groter Kempton park atletiek deelgeneem.

Voor: Nkateko Maluleka, Sion Knoesen, JP Gouws, Lwandile Mdiniso. Agter: Derrick Mogale, Hayden Roux, Naomi Strauss, Oarabile Molekwa, Maggie van Niekerk.


Academics 2021

Edenglen High School are extremely proud of our swimmers, for standing tall and doing their best. We placed 4th out of 9 schools. Jayden Morgan placed second and missed 1st place by an arm’s length. We had many 3rd and 4th places.

On Friday, 11 February 2022, the Ekurhuleni North District hosted the 2021 Grade 12 District Awards at Con Amore LSEN in Kempton Park in honour of the matrics and educators. The day progressed with the theme “Resilience and acknowledgment of academic excellence”. Nawaal Letha Stratton came in 4th place in the district top 10 learners. Highest subject mark in the district History - Kerina Naidoo Visual Art - Tina Zhou Maths & Accounting - Nawaal Stratton

Public Speaking The public speaking Interhouse for Grade 8-12 was held on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 and Thursday 3rd March 2022. Thank you to all the learners from the different grades and houses who participated. The results were as follows: First Place Mopane 228 points. Second place - Tambotie 175 points. Third place - Indaba 165 points. Fourth place - Marula 139 Points. Best Speaker for Grade 9 - Chelsea Whittam. Most Promising Speakers - Chrishane Doorse, Jaden Magwaza. Best Speaker Grade 11 - Nthato Monamodi. Most Promising Speakers - Emmanuel Agu, Shirvaya Rampersad

Best educators in Life Orientation: S Mohanlall, A Joffe, B Southwood, C Sharpley. We have now won this award 6 years in a row. The top learners each received a certificate, a medal, a power bank, a tablet and a bag. Edenglen High School prides itself with all round academic excellence. Our results bear testimony to this.

Nawaal Stratton


Best Speaker Well done to Ruhi Maharaj, the head girl at Edenvale High School. Ruhi spoke at the Best Speaker Competition at Jeppe Boys on 15 February. She received an A+ for her prepared speech as well as her impromptu speech.

Edenvale High School has once again lived up to its motto and has gone from Good to Great. On the 11th of February, Dr Harmer, the principal of EHS, attended the Ekurhuleni North District awards. Edenvale High School placed 1st as the Best Performing Public High School. In addition to this – they stole the show with EIGHTEEN educators placing first in their subject, and nine subjects received top Academic awards. Accounting: Mr Narshai. Business Studies: Mrs Van Rooyen, Mrs Van Wyk. Consumer Studies: Mrs Lunt, Ms Ferreira. English: Mrs Blom, Ms Pillans, Mrs Senning, Mrs Van Huyssteen. History: Ms McLellan, Mr Swanepoel. Information Technology: Mr Nell. Mathematical Literacy: Mrs Van Der Ryst, Ms Aling. Mathematics: Mrs Taylor, Ms McGrath, Mrs Roberts. Physical Sciences: Mrs Smit.

Hockey As school sport returns to a sense normalcy, Edenvale High School recently hosted “Hockey under the Lights”. The evening was a hockey training session enjoyed by all junior hockey players. The learners competed against each other while developing their skills and fitness. We look forward to an exciting and successful season ahead.

Ruhi Maharaj

ST ANDREW’S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Rowing Well done to all our girls who competed this weekend and what a successful South African Rowing Championships it was!! We are so proud of you all!


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The news site that more than 1.5 million parents visited in 2021. Don’t miss out! AWS UM


The biggest school news platform in S.A

ST BENEDICT’S COLLEGE Swimming & Rowing St Benedict’s swimmers and rowers take first prize

‘We are so proud of how well our boys train, race and carry themselves. They are exceptional sportsmen for St Benedict’s, and we are excited for SA champs.’ said Master in Charge of Rowing, Darryn Roff.

Over the weekend of the 11th and 12th February, St Benedict’s boys were battling it out on the waters. The Rowing team at Buffalo, in East London, and the swimmers at Westville in Kwazulu Natal. Under the leadership of MIC Rowing, Mr Darryn Roff, the St Benedict’s Opens competed against a number of schools from around the country, and won both the Buffalo and Selborne regattas overall points trophy. These regattas were vital in preparation of SA Champs which St Benedict’s has won for the past 27 years and hopes to clench for a 28th time. Mr Roff was seen proudly embracing the boys after their victory, which they had invested many hours to achieve. Among the schools were St John’s College, Bishops, Rondebosch, St Albans, Selborne, Jeppe, King Edwards and a number of other schools from across the country.

Rowing Team

Across the country, in KZN, the St Benedict’s swimmers under the leadership of Swimming MIC, Mr Gerard Naus, competed against 12 of the top schools in South Africa at the Westville Gala. This gala is one of the most prestigious swimming galas in the country, held on the same weekend as the Midmar Mile. St Benedict’s won this gala for the first time, after Westville held the title for 14 years. “The boys deserve this win. They can be proud of this achievement after their consistent training and focus.” said Gerard Naus. Certainly it can be said that this Catholic school for boys in the East Rand is a force to be reckoned with on the water.

Swim Team



Thando Tshabalala St Benedict’s College, Head boy Congratulations on being selected as a leader at your school. What are you looking forward to the most during your term as leader?

What do you love the most about your school? The comradery that exists between both the boys and the staff and the fact that coming to school every day brings new challenges.

Definitely the many life lessons I will learn along the year as well as the interactions that I will be able to have with individuals of various ages and walks of life.

Matric is your final year, from an academic point of view, what are you aiming for?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What will you message of encouragement be for your prefects/co-leaders?

One of my strengths are that I am able to take criticism quite well as well as I’m able to thrive quite well under stress. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I tend to overthink things a lot!

A full house of distinctions.

We need to perpetuate the change that we want to see and above all teamwork makes the dream work. Who is your role model? Akani Simbine.

Is there anything you would like to change at your school? The “it is what it is attitude” that exists not only on the sports field but also in the classroom.

Download past exam papers Per grade Per subject

If you could be any superhero, who do you want to be and why? The flash, I’ve always considered myself a bit of a speedster myself.

Who is your Hollywood celeb crush? Megan Fox. Pick one: Netball, rugby, cricket, or hockey? Rugby Cappuccino, hot chocolate, or tea? Cappuccino Braai with friends or takeaways? Braai With friends! Binge watching series or a live music festival? Binge watching series. Android or iOS? iOS



The biggest school news platform in S.A | Die grootste skole nuus platform in S.A

AWSUM gesels met YS’ HIGH)




Ulrich le Roux, wat verlede jaar and die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl gematrikuleer het, is as die landswye topleerder van 2021 aangewys.


Behandel ander soos jý graag behandel wil word (Matteus 7:12).

Baie geluk met die prestasie. Hoe voel dit om as die slimste leerder uit die Klas van 2021 gekroon te word? Dit voel ongelooflik en ek is verskriklik gelukkig daaroor. Het jy die goeie uitslae verwag of was jy verras? Ek was redelik verras met die uitnodiging en aankondiging. Hoe was die hele ervaring tot nou toe - vandat jy as toppresteerder aangekondig is? Alles het regtig vinnig gebeur, maar dit was baie lekker om die uitslae by die skool te kry en al my vriende weer te sien. Wat was jou grootste uitdaging in jou matriekjaar? Die grendeltyd en aanlyn-leer was aanvanklik ‘n uitdaging, maar ek kon gelukkig gou aanpas. Wie is jou rolmodel en hoekom? My ouer broer. Hy het my gewys hoe harde werk tot sukses kan lei en my geleer om altyd die grense van wat ek dink moontlik is, te druk.


Beskerm jou teen ’n tong wat jok en om in waarheid te wandel.

2. BORSHARNAS VAN GEREGTIGHEID Beskerm ons harte teen beskuldigings en aanvalle.

Watter ondersteuning het jy gehad? My ma het my baie ondersteun met Wiskunde ekstra-klasse. Watter studiemetode het jy gebruik? Ek het nie ‘n spesifieke studiemetode nie. Ek het ‘n kombinasie van teorie-leer, deur die jaar se oefeninge gaan en vraestelle uitwerk, gebruik. Moes jou ma ooit sê: “Ulrich, gaan leer nou”, of het jy op jou eie studeer? Ek het altyd op my eie studeer. Wat was jou gunsteling vak en hoekom? Wiskunde. Ek hou baie van syfers en probleemoplossing. Wie was jou gunsteling onderwyser? Ek het geen spesifieke onderwyser nie, almal by HJS was regtig goed. Watter drie hoogtepunte staan vir jou uit tydens jou hoërskooljare? 1. My prestasie in die 2021 NSS eksamen. 2. Ek was in 2021 ‘n skoolprefek. 3. Ek was in 2021 kaptein van die o.19 B Hokkiespan. Wat gaan jy in 2022 studeer en hoekom? Ek gaan Aktuariële Wetenskap by Stellenbosch studeer. Ek hou baie daarvan om met syfers, wiskunde en komplekse probleme te werk. Wat is jou boodskap vir die Klas van 2022 wat ook so goed soos jy wil presteer? Geniet elke oomblik, maar werk van die begin af baie hard om jou doelwitte te bereik.


Om oor gevaarlike struikelblokke te kan loop en die boodskap van Jesus aan ander oor te dra.


Help ons om nie te twyfel nie en om te glo in God se getrouheid van sy Woord.


Om ons denke te bewaar, want sonde begin by ons denke. Help ons om tussen goed en kwaad te onderskei.


Die Woord van God (die Bybel) wat ons teen die vyand beskerm, maar wat ook gebruik word om wonde te genees.


Gauteng Kampioenskappe Volgende leerders het tydens die D7- span behaal en gaan deelneem aan die Gauteng Kampioenskappe.

Chantelize Pruis, Chanelle de Beer, Nosipho Kubeka, Leané Vallentgoed, Tristan van Wyk, Prince Umeh, Leon Liebenberg, Siphokazi Dlamini, Amelia Strydom, Mieka Mouton, Egan Vermeulen, Zian Muller, Zinzan Viviers, Jabulani Katifa, Ethan Martinson, Diaan Celliers & Mynhardt Theunissen.

Tristan van Wyk, Leon Liebenberg & Mynhardt Theunissen.

Cantare Kinderkoor


Anzèl Brown en Mbali Khambule is gekeur om deel te wees van die Cantare Kinderkoor.

Shadette Botha, Graad 3, is opgeneem in die Sedibeng skaakspan.

Shadette Botha

Anzèl Brown & Mbali Khambule

LAER VOLKSKOOL HEIDELBERG D7 Atletiek- Kampioenskappe Baie geluk aan al ons Volkie Atlete wat puik gevaar het tydens die D7-Kampioenskappe! Volkies spog met 21 Podium plekke! Die atlete wat 1ste of 2de plekke behaal het is nou deel van die D7-span wat aan die Gauteng Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Goud: Khithika Blessing - Hoogspring o.12. Laché Collen - Hoogspring o.12. Emma Barnard - Verspring o.13. Corlia Greyling - 70m Hekkies o.10. Adriaan Coetzee - 1200m o.11. Riané Marais - Hoogspring o.11. Noa Froneman Gewigstoot o.13. Kasper Rooseboom - Hoogspring o.10 | Silwer: Jolene Grobler - Hoogspring o.12 | Brons: Lizé Diedericks - 150m Hekkies o.12. Corlia Greyling - Verspring o.10. Hayden de Jongh - Hoogspring o.13. Madeleen Lewis - Hoogspring o.13. John-Martin Bekker - Gewigstoot o.11. Kayleigh van Wyk - Gewigstoot o.11. Blake Haskins - 70m Hekkies o.10. Michelle Drinkwater - 80m o.11. Finn Froneman - 80m o.11. Eward Joubert - Gewigstoot o.13. Limari Ernst 80m o.7. Ntando Dlamini 80m o.7

Onder 13

Onder 10

Onder 12

Onder 7, Onder 8 en Onder 9

Onder 11


Eerste Netbalspan

Eerste Rugbyspan Agter: Katelyn van Wyk, Jurgens Rossouw, Michael Doubell, JJ Pienaar. Middel: Linél Claasens, Lihandi Venter, Melitha vd Schyff , Jané Wepener , Luné Wepener, Marli Schoeman, Annericke Bornman, Anke Wiersma, Delaine Willemse, Inge Boshoff, Meceila Brits, Mia Boshoff, Janco Coetzer Voor: Henroux Moll, Henry Harris, Tristan la Grange, Pieter Kriel, Jessica Wehmeyer, Anzell Doubell Sittend: Dean Last, Jason Brits.

Eertse Hokkiespan

The importance of maths and science in shaping one’s future Maths and science are often considered the two most difficult school subjects that are so often avoided by students, yet they can have a significant impact on what a learner can do when they leave school. STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) skills are critical in today’s fast-paced world, but it is evident that learners in South Africa are showing less of an appetite for subjects like maths and science. This mainly comes down to misconceptions and negative perceptions of maths and science, rather than one’s ability or aptitude for the subject. “Our youth are brought up to believe that maths and science are too difficult, that it has no real value in the real world and, therefore, they are not worth the effort,” says Prof Azwinndini Muronga, Executive Dean of Science at Nelson Mandela University. “What many learners and parents fail to realise is that maths and science are enabling subjects that are a gateway to higher education and beyond,’’ says Prof Muronga. “They lay the foundation in applying knowledge when encountering complex principles competently in the school curriculum, at university and later on in life.”

“Out of the 64 countries, South African learners in Grade 5 scored an average of 374 for mathematics, and 324 for science – far below the 400 basic threshold”

The performances of learners in maths and science are well below par compared to other countries. Out of the 64 countries, South African learners in Grade 5 scored an average of 374 for mathematics, and 324 for science – far below the 400 basic threshold – despite being older than their counterparts. While only 41% of Grade 9 mathematics learners demonstrated that they had acquired basic mathematical knowledge, and just 36% of learners in Grade 9 science learners had acquired basic science knowledge.

Maths is also beneficial in other areas including problem-solving, quantifying and interpreting data, the comprehension of text, debating, project management, and personal finance. Science and technology can cultivate creativity, observation, analytical research, and can also have an impact on society such as sustainability and environmental conservation.

Cultivating a curiosity through maths and science Young people have a natural curiosity about the world around them. Learnings from maths and science ‘plant the seed’ in gaining an understanding of the order of things and how they work. These skills are honed on the education journey and applied in scenarios that go beyond the classroom, such as in the kitchen, garage, in nature and the rest of tangible reality. “Maths and science give learners more choice when it comes to applying to study at university,” says Prof Muronga. “Without them, they would not be eligible for programmes and apprenticeships in the fields of science, engineering and even commerce, as many higher education institutions place a strong emphasis on maths and science,” says Prof Muronga.

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