AWSUM Joburg North Mid-Year Achievers - July Edition

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JULY 2021


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MOOD DISORDERS KNOW THE SIGNS & WAYS TO HELP YOUR CHILD One in eight young people between the ages of 5 and 19 are at risk of developing a mental disorder, of which Mood and Anxiety Disorders are the most prevalent. Emphasis on the mental health of young people recently increased as a result of the disruption caused by Covid-19 and lockdowns which exacerbated challenges that existed before the pandemic. It has therefore once again become important to not only start talking about the mental health of young people, but also to recognise symptoms and know where to look for help, an education and mental health expert says. “The prevalence of mood difficulties among young people is increasingly becoming a concern internationally,” says Dr Jacques Mostert, Brand Academic Manager at ADvTECH, SA’s leading private education provider. Dr Mostert holds a PhD in Psychology of Education and is globally renowned in his field, having conducted experiential research in education in Denmark, the UK, South Africa and The Netherlands. Dr Mostert notes that an estimated 24% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 suffer from depression caused by the home environment, 25% are subject to cyberbullying and loneliness, 92% of LGBT youth report depression during the ages of 11 to 19, and 80% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 report a sense of isolation that causes them to feel depressed. “It is very important to understand the signs of depression, so that action can be taken timeously should concerns about the

mental wellbeing of a child arise,” says Dr Mostert. “Teachers and parents can recognise the onset of depression when a sudden change in behaviour becomes apparent and continues for at least 3 weeks or longer. These include an atypical lack of energy, becoming increasingly irritable and agitated without a rational explanation, and a sense of being down in the dumps for no reason.” Some adolescents may withdraw from friends and family over a sustained period of time, he notes, adding that this is especially concerning if this is atypical of the normal interactions of the teen. “Another red flag is the inability to concentrate in class where ADHD or other non-neurotypical difficulties are not present, as well as regularly failing to complete classroom and homework assignments in time or often being late to class because of feeling overwhelmed. “This, coupled with unusually defiant behaviour towards teachers and other school staff, especially if this is non-typical behaviour, may indicate that the teen is experiencing difficulties with mood and affect.” In the same way as with anxiety difficulties and disorder, the student often asks to go home because of feeling ill with no discernable symptoms. The teen often has days off from class time due to doctor’s

appointments, hospitalisation, or inability to attend classes. Changes in sleep patterns, a significant weight loss or gain in a short period of time and disinterest in hobbies or areas where the teen previously showed interest also raise concerns about the mental wellbeing of the teenager. Finally, a loss of future-mindedness, or talk about death or suicide, engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviour (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example) are clear signs of the teen suffering from mood difficulties or a possible mood disorder. “Not all of the above need to be present, but if there is a discernable and drastic change in a young person’s behaviour which continues for a period of several weeks or longer, intervention is necessary,” Dr Mostert says. “Most importantly, parents should trust their gut,” Dr Mostert says. “If your teenager insists that nothing is wrong, despite a prolonged period of depressed mood or being diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, parents should trust their instincts and seek help. “Should the above techniques not bring about an improvement in the mental wellbeing, parents should seek advice from their medical practitioner or a psychiatrist.”

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Baie geluk Helpmekaar Kollege Wiskunde OlimpWiade deelnemers: Gerhard le Roux (gr.12), Christiaan Botes (gr.12), Karo Bekker (gr.9) en Adriaan Mostert (gr.9) wat onder die 100 leerders IN AFRIKA is wat deurgedring het tot die finale rondte in die jaarlikse Wiskunde Olimpiade. Dit is Gerhard se tweede jaar in ‘n ry wat hy hierdie besondere prestasie behaal.




Rea Theledi, Class of 2020, has been signed to play for Salem’s Waterpolo team in the USA. He will pursue an Academic qualification while there and we have no doubt that he will continue to excel. Bennies boys today. Exceptional sportsmen tomorrow. When did you start playing Water polo? I started playing Water polo in grade 8 when I started at St Benedict’s College. How did you get introduced to the sport? When I saw the basketball boys doing fitness training at the first integrated day in grade 8, I was convinced that there was no way I was doing that, so the polo coach at the time came to me and told me that in water polo there isn’t any fitness activities needed, so my lazy self went to polo. What did it take for you to get to represent South Africa and now be selected to a university in the US? Coach Rob Ambler motivated me to always do better, because I have a talent and he constantly told me to stop being lazy. Not only that, but consistent training and commitment to the sport. How do you feel about this amazing achievement of being selected to play for a US university? Firstly, it is quite overwhelming, simply because I am moving far away from home, new people and a new environment, but I am excited and proud of myself, because I have made my parents and the red and blue army proud. What will you be studying there? I’ll be pursuing Business Administration in international business.

What role has being at St Benedict’s played in your achievement? St Benedict’s has played a crucial role in my polo career, because I started playing Water Polo when I came to St Benedict’s. What achievements are you most proud of in your life? Playing for South Africa, winning the Reef Cup and last but not least, being the sportsman of the year in 2020. What are your future life ambitions? Pursuing my career in business, starting a family and becoming a multi-millionaire. Can you share some fun experiences you have had on your Water Polo journey? Winning the Reef Cup against a very good school and spending quality time with the team and realising how much of a positive influence they were on me, were some priceless moments. If you could give advice to any aspiring Water Polo players, what would it be? Dedicate your time to conditioning and mental fitness, those are the two things that worked for me. Any final thoughts? Stay blessed and enjoy your day.


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Helpmekaar Kollege Wiskunde Olimpiade leerders deel van Top 100 In Afrika





Wat maak dit spesiaal om vir Laerskool Helderkruin se eerstespan te speel? Om die naam van my skool met TROTS te dra en bekend te wees as die Chillie-span se senter.

Wat is julle span se grootste oomblik die afgelope 5 jaar? Om deel deel te wees van ‘n Gauteng-liga span en saam alle emosies deur te gaan.

Wat is die sterkpunte van julle span die jaar? Elke liewe speler in hierdie jaar se span het besonderde individuele talent en dra by tot ‘n besonderde sterk netbalgees en span.

Wie is die grapgat in die span en hoekom? Jessica ons “VV”. Sy maak baie kere die spanningsvolle oomblike meer verdraagsaam met haar ontydige grappies.

Wat motiveer jou om Saterdag na Saterdag jou beste op die baan te gee? My passie is netbal. Ek verkies netbal bo enige iets anders. Ek glo dit beatwoord die vraag.

Wat is die lekkerste oomblik na `n wedstryd? Om na ‘n tawwe wedstryd as die wenspan af te stap en te weet ons het ons hart uitgespeel. Persoonlik elke liewe “S” van die Chillie-span, omrede dit my posisie is waar my passie is en my laerskool droom die Chillie-span is.

Julle span kom al 5 jaar saam. Wat maak julle span spesiaal? Om as span na een van die grootste toernooie uitgenooi te word, gees-beker te wen en as die span bekend te wees waarvoor almal op hul hoede moet wees en op hul tone te hou vir die afgelope 5 jaar.




Wat maak dit spesiaal om vir Laerskool Helderkruin se eerstespan te speel? Die eerstespan is ons skool se trots, en dit is vir my spesiaal om deel te vorm van die tradisies wat die Kwaggas vir ons skool beteken.

Wat is julle span se grootste oomblik die afgelope 5 jaar? Een van ons groot oomblikke was toe ons die eerste keer vir Laerskool Fairland wen, nadat ons ‘n paar keer net-net teen hulle verloor het.

Wat is die sterkpunte van julle span die jaar? Die band wat ons oor die afgelope tyd gebou het, het baie versterk toe ons almal Kwaggas word. Ons was bereid om alles te gee vir mekaar op die veld.

Wie is die grapgat in die span en hoekom? Ek kan nie enige spesifieke persoon kies as grapgat nie, omdat ons almal grappe met mekaar maak.

Wat motiveer jou om Saterdag na Saterdag jou beste op die veld te gee? Dit is vir my belangrik om die Kwagga naam hoog te hou sodat die jonger seuns wat na ons die trui oor hulle koppe trek, die tradisies kan ervaar.





Wat is die sterkpunte van julle span die jaar? Vertroue, deursettingsvermoë en ons baklei vir die beste plek.

Wie is die grapgat in die span en hoekom? Linka is die grapgat in die span, omdat sy altyd iets positiefs te sê het in ‘n negatiewe oomblik en dit maak ons soms net lag. Wat is die lekkerste oomblik na `n wedstryd? As ons almal saamkom en kan terug kyk na ‘n wedstryd en besef dat ons, ons beste gegee het en dit geniet het. My droom het waar geword om ‘n Chillie te wees, want ek het hard gewerk daarvoor.





Wat maak dit spesiaal om vir Laerskool Helderkruin se eerstespan te speel? Dit is ‘n groot eer om vir LS Helderkruin se eerstespan te speel, die Kwaggas. Dit is ook ‘n tradisie wat al vir baie jare aangaan met baie geskiedenis agter ons naam.

Wat is julle span se grootste oomblik die afgelope 5 jaar? Om te speel teen Laerskool President Steyn in die Goue-Leeus Semi-finaal. Ons het almal alles gegee en ons beste gedoen. President Steyn was net die beter span op die dag.

Wat is die sterkpunte van julle span die jaar? Ons het ‘n baie goeie mengsel van graad 6 en 7 spelers hierdie jaar. Ons was baie sterk op die aanval en ons het baie goed verdedig en nooit opgehou nie.

Wie is die grapgat in die span en hoekom? Danté Scheepers, hy weet darem hoe om slegte situasies beter te maak.

Wat motiveer jou om Saterdag na Saterdag jou beste op die baan te gee? Ek geniet netbal en speel uit my hart uit en dis genoeg motivering om elke Saterdag op die baan te wees.

Wat motiveer jou om Saterdag na Saterdag jou beste op die veld te gee? Om daardie wit en rooi trui oor jou kop te trek en jou skool se naam hoog te hou.

Julle span kom al 5 jaar saam. Wat maak julle span spesiaal? Die feit dat ons al vir 5 jaar saam speel maak ons sterk as ‘n span en dit is spesiaal.

Julle span kom al 5 jaar saam. Wat maak julle span spesiaal? Ons het al ‘n baie sterk band gebou en ons is nie net spanmaats nie, ons is broers.

Wat is julle span se grootste oomblik die afgelope 5 jaar? Ons grootste oomblik vir my was toe ons die o.11 Winter-liga se geesbeker gewen het.

Kies een: • Tackle of Clean: Tackle • Dummy of side step: Dummy • Wendrie druk of wenskop: Wenskop

Julle span kom al 5 jaar saam. Wat maak julle span spesiaal? Ons span voel soos ‘n klomp broers wat omgee vir mekaar.

Q & A met

Wat maak dit spesiaal om vir Laerskool Helderkruin se eerstespan te speel? Die feit dat ek gekies was vir die Laerskool Helderkruin se Chillie-span is reeds ‘n groot prestasie. Al die netbaldogters van die skool kyk op na die dogters van die eerstespan en dis belangrik om ‘n voorbeeld te stel.

Wat is die lekkerste oomblik na ‘n wedstryd? Na ‘n wedstryd kuier ons lekker as vriende saam.

Wat is die lekkerste oomblik na ‘n wedstryd? Om te weet dat jy jou beste gegee het. Maak nie saak of jy gewen of verloor het nie. Wie is jou rugbyheld? Brendan Venter is nog altyd my held. Kies een: Tackle of Clean: Tackle Dummy of Side-step: Side-step Wendrie druk of wenskop: Wendrie



Congratulations to Unathi Mahlangu who has been selected as Goal Keeper for the GSS netball Squad.

Jazlyn Gaddis-Riak won two first place rosettes, each for a separate 80cm show jumping class, in the recent FEI World Jumping Challenge Q1 and Graded Show Jumping competition at Maple Ridge Equestrian Farm in Krugersdorp. Both classes had over 21 riders. This is a wonderful achievent Jazlyn, congratulations!

Priscilla Muhande and Zoë Franck have been selected for the Gauteng School Netball squad – the last round of final trials – for team selection, was meant to take place this Saturday. This is truly a fine achievement and we are super proud of them.

FOURWAYS HIGH SCHOOL Grade 8 - 12 Top Achievers

Mitchell Neilson Grade 12

Dylan Braune Grade 11

Unathi Mahlangu Riley Herbert Grade 10

Jazlyn Gaddis-Riak

Chess Megan Woest has qualified to take part in the South African Junior Chess Online Championships 2021 hosted by Chess South Africa and Chess South Africa Youth Commision. • • •

Stage 1: 3 – 4 July 2021 (Wild Card) Stage 2: 10 – 11 July 2021 (Qualifier) Stage 3: 17 – 18 July 2021 (Knock-Out)

We are so proud of you Megan, congratulations!

Zoë Franck

Abby Neilson Grade 9

Danni Teasdale Grade 8

Triathlon Nadya Stolarczyk represented South Africa at the 2021 Sharm El Sheikh ATU Triathlon African Championships which took place in Egypt from 11 -13 June 2021. Nadya finished a credible 6th on the continent. She has also been selected to represent the Gauteng Modern Pentathlon Association at the South African Biathle and Triathle Championships held in Somerset West 10 to 11 July 2021. We congratulate Nadya on her amazing feats.

Nadya Stolarczyk

Ballet Micaela Mans (Grade 9) took part in the Contemporary & Ballet Awards Dance Competition on the 29th and 30th May 2021 and placed as follows in the qualifying rounds: • • •

Lyrical – 1st Place Jazz – 1st Place Contemporary – 2nd Place

We congratulate her on her outstanding achievements. Megan Woest

Priscilla Muhande

Micaela Mans

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NORTHCLIFF HIGH SCHOOL Football Congratulations to Lesedi Teffo who was selected for the U17 Central Football District Team. Lesedi’s team won the the Gauteng District Championships. This team was invited to participate in the Las Vegas Major Cup in the United States. Due to his participation and high level of performance in the United States, Lesedi has been offered a soccer scholarship to Alfred University in New York.

Cricket Werno van Wyk Congratulations to Northcliff High’s Head Boy, Werno van Wyk, who was awarded Cricketer of the Year, Player’s Player and The Clive Eksteen Trophy for Cricket.

Lesedi Teffo

Grade 8 - 12 Top 20 Achievers Grade 8 1. Carrick Knowling - 95% 2. Jossy Onyeagba - 92% 2. Carleigh Palmer - 92% 4. Leia Naidu - 91% 4. Mohit Dayal - 91% 6. Luan Espach - 90% 7. Zac Douglas - 89% 7. Neharika Govindjee - 89% 9. Jason Meyer - 88% 9. Hannah Redfern - 88% 9. Thaaniyah van der Fort - 88% 9. Mykaela Kilian - 88% 13. Mirielle Ejike - 87% 13. Tadiwanashe Mujati - 87% 15. Niamh Govindjee - 86% 15. Hannah Chetty - 86% 15. Thomas Müller - 86% 18. Joelyn McPherson ¬- 85% 18. Callia Bennett - 85% 18. Michael Nwogwugwu - 85%

Grade 9 1. Giuliana Vieira - 92% 2. Charmaine Makanza - 91% 3. Lethabo Sepane - 90% 4. Andrea Germs - 89% 4. Chloe Diedericks-Boudouris - 89% 4. Kyla van Dijk - 89% 4. Daniël Visser - 89% 8. Keira Bleksley - 88% 8. Morgan Mansfield - 88% 10. Jessica Baker - 87% 10. Jenna Goodacre - 87% 12. Kaylisha Soomar - 86% 12. Jennifer McPhail - 86% 14. Victor Agubuzo - 85% 14. Kirtana Maharaj - 85% 14. Charis Fell - 85% 14. Tessa Jacobs - 85% 18. Mikhar Sookdeo - 84% 18. Ané van der Westhuizen - 84% 18. Cameron Morrison - 84% 18. Angelica van Wyk - 84% 18. Thiroshan Govender - 84% 18. Kiara Singh - 84%

Grade 10 1. Isabelle Johnson - 92% 2. Benjamin Alberts - 90% 2. Livaran Rajoo - 90% 2. Kerry Howard - 90% 5. Amelia Byker - 89% 6. Nika du Plessis - 87% 7. Caylin-Jenna Skelton - 86% 7. Athia Ramadeen - 86% 9. Connor Morrison - 85% 9. Danita Bowen - 85% 9. Zinhle Nkosi - 85% 9. Tiana Natha - 85% 9. Ziyaad Bhyat - 85% 14. Duncan Ziegler - 84% 14. David van Rooijen - 84% 16. Joanna Chronis - 83% 16. Ashleigh Collyer - 83% 16. Connor Pace - 83% 16. Caitlyn Walbrugh - 83% 16. Darian Leite - 83% 16. Caitin Douglas - 83% 16. Jayden Louw - 83% 16. Gabriella Bennett - 83%

Grade 11 1. Caitlin de Ponte - 91% 2. Michaela van Zyl - 87% 3. Liam McIntyre - 86% 4. Ryan Fletcher - 85% 4. Chisom Emekpo - 85% 4. Mischay Naicker - 85% 4. James Neale - 85% 8. Daniela de Wet - 84% 9. Jordan Maistry - 83% 4. Angel Nwogwugwu - 83% 4. Jared Goodacre - 83% 4. Ruben du Plessis - 83% 13. Andrea Ford - 82% 13. Mishan Parbhoo - 82% 13. Tayla Moodley - 82% 13. Dylan Davis - 82% 17. Ethan Wilke - 81% 17. Nishka Kana - 81% 17. Nikhil Manga - 81% 17. Cody Tebbutt - 81%

Grade 12 1. Amy Botes - 90% 2. Joshua Lewis-Enright - 88% 2. Landen Viljoen - 88% 2. Polia Gizdova - 88% 5. Cassandra Hanmer - 87% 5. Keira van Niekerk - 87% 7. Humelo Mjikeliso - 84% 7. Grant Booysen - 84% 7. Rebecca Byker - 84% 10. Laurie Ann Shaw - 83% 10. Mikayla de Klerck - 83% 12. Jake Frankel - 82% 12. Kiarra Naidoo - 82% 12. Ashley Newland-Nell - 82% 12. Kerryn Cowper - 82% 12. Catherine Buditsky - 82% 17. Claire McLaurin - 81% 17. Scott Yatt - 81% 19. Robin Swartz - 80% 19. Lithemba Kika - 80% 19. Shaylin Velen - 80% 19. Simone Fletcher - 80%

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Performance Art

Ian van Heerden en Simon Kilian (Graad 10) Hulle het deurgedring na die landswye finaal van die ATKV-debatskompetisie.

Heinrich Voigt Hy ontvang twee goue sertifikate en die landswye algehele brons trofeë vir sy kunswerke by die ‘National Championshipsof the Visual Arts’.

Megan du Toit Sy verteenwoordig Suid-Afrika by die Performance Art International Stars teen 26 ander lande. Sy behaal ‘n tweede plek in haar ouderdomsgroep vir “Vocal Open” en ‘n derde plek vir “Vocal Pop”.

Gauteng Netbalproewe


Die volgende leerders dring deur na die finale rondte van die Gauteng-netbalproewe: o.15 - Anika vd Walt, Anshe Roos. o.16 - Juanelle Steyn, Mieke Ferreira, Euané Theart. o.18 - Chariska vd Spoel.

Die volgende dogters verteenwoordig Gauteng Sentraal by die SA Skole Interprovinsiale Tennistoernooi later die jaar: Ané Dannhauser - o.19A, Carla Dannhauser - o.19A, Almé van Schalkwyk - o.15 A, Corné van Schalkwyk - o.15 B.

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RAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Challenge

Mathematics Olympiad


Shikara Bharat, a grade 11 learner at Rand Park High School, placed 9th amongst 13201 participants in the Allan Gray Enterpreneurship Challenge. She was invited to participate in a recorded interview which was used as part of the online announcement of the winners to showcase the work done by various schools and their learners’ entries.

Congratulations to Daniel Vink (Grade 12) who has progressed to the third round of the South African Mathematics Olympiad.

Our Leaders thanked some of the many unsung heroes in our community by delivering specially wrapped chocolate gifts to the medical staff at the local healthcare/medical centres in June.

Almost 100 000 learners participate in the Olympiad each year and only 100 of the top junior and senior learners qualify for the third round.

Thank you to every learner who contributed towards this special initiative during the recent charity drives and to our Leaders for inspiring others to do great things.

She was also flown to Cape Town at Allan Gray’s expense for the final leg of the challenge and won R5000 in unit trusts for placing in the top 10. The challenge opened for entries earlier in 2021 and the winners were announced at the end of May. Shikara’s business focused on the development of an App that provides valuable information on illnesses and their cures. Participants were given five weeks to participate in the online strategy game where they were required to launch their own businesses and complete a series of tasks and assignments. The start-up businesses had to develop products or services from scratch and to commercially launch them via marketing campaigns. Participants learnt valuable information about technology, product development, marketing, recruitment of staff, reading data and statistics and how revenue models work, amongst other important skills. Mr Alan Wilke, Principal of Rand Park High School, congratulated Shikara on her success. The practical experience gained was invaluable and the use of online technology made the challenge appealing to many learners country-wide. Shikara Bharat

Daniel Vink

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Grade 1 - 7 Top Achievers

WhatsApp jou naam na 073 187 9539

Khizar Munir Grade 7

Layaanah Doodha Grade 4

Safiyyah Adams Grade 6

Maleehah Butt Grade 3

Farhan Khan Grade 2

Mustafa Adams Grade 5

Priyal Kanjee Grade 1


Wian Badenhorst Gauteng - Kampioenskappe o.17 - Rotsklimkampioen Hy het die Spoed-afdeling gewen en weggestap as algehele wenner van die Gekombineerde-afdeling.

Joshua Toms Graad 11 - (Lid van die Sentraal-Gautengspan) Suid-Afrikaanse Kunsaashengel - proewe Spankompetisie - 2de. Junior - proewe - 3de. Joshua is ook verkies tot die Protea-span.

Salomé Nel Graad 9 FEI World Challenge: “Leg 1” en ‘n algehele eersteplek in 1.10/1.20 perdespringsport.

Lehan Kruger Nasionale Toneelspelkompetisie in Kaapstad Ontvang algehele 1ste prys en toekenning vir Beste Monoloog. (Graad 10)

Micaela Staal Graad 11 Afrika Individuele Skaakkampioenskappe in Malawi Sy is die 10de beste vroue-skaakspeler in Afrika!

Johané Fritz Nasionale Toneelspelkompetisie in Kaapstad Wen Beste Televisieoudisie en Aanmoedigingsprys vir Rondte 4. (Graad 11)

Gené Coetzee SA-atletiekkampioenskappe Goud - 5000m


Q3 SANESA - Perdry Presteerders

Baie geluk aan S’fiso Magawaza wat gekies is vir die SA o.18-span wat in Augustus na Georgia gaan toer. Monnas is baie trots op S’fiso en wens hom net die beste toe!

John Grubb

Graad 8 - 12 Top 10 Presteerders Graad 8 1. Chloë Deyzel 2. Schalk Brits 3. Kirsten Snyman 4. Lizaan Smit 5. Gene-Lynne Pienaar 6. Elsabé Dames 7. Ryno Hartman 8. Ewan van der Walt 9. Corné Swanepoel 10. Ava Azevedo

Graad 9 1. Sunelle de Klerk 2. Dylan Froneman 3. Taytum Steyn 4. Waldo de Jager 5. George Waldick 6. Elandré Obermeyer 7. Mikayala de Gouveia 8. Nadia de Sousa 9. Divan van den Heever 10. Noëlle van der Westhuizen

Graad 10 1. Emile Louw 2. Jacobus de Wet 3. Megan Coetzee 4. Stefan Joubert 5. Eben de Jager 6. Clerise Begg 7. Larissa Klopper 8. Chané de Jager 9. Anton Odendaal 10. Carla Richards

Graad 11 1. Marianka van den Berg 2. Kyla Vermeulen 3. Louria Nel 4. Chamoné Grobler 5. Taryn Saby 6. Liam Deprost 7. Jan-Paul van den Berg 8. Cameron Stoltz 9. Christine Visser 10. Déniel Storm

Graad 12 1. Luca Badenhorst 2. Ashley Stewart 3. Merise Zeedijk 4. Kaelyn Rheeder 5. Elsa Seeber 6. Lana Swart 7. Elandri Dippenaar 8. Zuricka Botes 9. Damon Botha 10. Dané Willemse


Dans Prestasie Acrobatic Sport Central Gauteng .Baie geluk aan Laroché de Villiers van Laerskool Kenmare wat gekwalifiseer het vir haar Central Gauteng AFSA Federation Colours for Acrobatic Dance Sport.

Graad 7 Top Presteerder

Sy behaal ook 92% vir Show- en Acrobatic Dance tydens die SADTA Eisteddfod Arts. Dit is puik! Ons is trots op jou.

John Grubb

1ste plek Diego Vierra, 2de plek Zandri Muller, 3de plek Luan Muller.

Laroché de Villiers

Laroché de Villiers










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BRYANSTON HIGH SCHOOL Science & Technology Expo


Acrobatic Dance

Kavya Kaushik recently took part virtually in the Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl Hong Kong 2021.

Massimilliano Ambrossi in grade 10 raced the final race of the provincial XCO series this weekend at Thaba Trails.

We are incredibly proud of Luthendo Tshikwatamba who has been awarded his Central Gauteng AFSA Federation Colours for Acrobatic Dance Sport.

The expo showcased projects across many scientific disciplines from 26 countries/regions around the world. Kavya’s project ‘Detection and classification of cardiac arrhythmia using Machine Learning’ received an honorary mention during the judging ceremony held virtually on the 20th June 2021.

This race was not only the final race of the series but was also the Gauteng championship race, a race he has won two years running. We are proud to report that Massi won again and therefore retained his title as Gauteng XCO champion as well as wrapping up the series with 4 wins and a second place – He will now receive his Gauteng Cycling colours, something that hasn’t been awarded in 14 years! Congratulations Massi, we are so proud of you!

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Eisteddfod Achievers

Kata Championships

Bryanston Primary took part in an Eisteddfod during term 2, showcasing the learner’s creative skills. It’s been our largest contribution yet, we entered close on 100 pieces of art and also participated in the Performing Arts and Self Written Poetry sections. Learners were encouraged to explore many mediums and themes and they blew our minds away with their fantastic creations. All of our Performing Arts learners received Diplomas - the highest accolade. We await the remainder of our results with eager anticipation.

Saejin Naidoo participated in the 1st 4Ways Kata Championships this last term. He placed 1st and won a Gold medal in the 9-10yrs Division. He belongs to the Fourways Martial Arts academy and in all 6 Karate Dojo’s competed. Bryanston Primary family are so proud of him.

Despite the challenges presented by the current pandemic, BPS has managed to enter 5 Virtual eisteddfods so far, this year. We still have 4 to go from now until October. Congratulations to all the members of the English Department and the learners who obtained commendable results. The Grade 7 Individual Poetry entered 8 candidates. All 8 scored above 90% with one candidate scoring a Prestige Award with 95%. The Grade 7 Public Speaking group entered 12 candidates. All 12 scored 8089%. Well done. The grades 4-7 Self Writing Poems scored above 80%, with the majority above 90%. The Grade 6 Individual Poetry entered 9 poems. Well done, all 9 learners scored 90% and above, with one learner netting a whopping 96%. BPS also won the trophy and medal for The Best Primary school award for their Art eisteddfod. We are looking forward to hosting the annual National Eisteddfod of South Africa in October.

Somaan Khan, Damian Welensky, Rutendo Chiota.

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Redhill School learners through to Round 3 of the Samo Math Olympiad It’s the BIGGEST Maths Olympiad in the country – SAMO – and these two phenomenal students have made it through to Round 3!!! Massive congratulations to: • •

Ross Cokayne (Grade 12) Yian Xu (Grade 8 )

CRAIGHALL PRIMARY Federation SA Colours in Perfoming Arts

Redhill School could not be more excited or more proud! Wishing you all the best for Round 3.

Lyla O’Brien in Grade 2.

Q & A with L CAPTIAN




What makes it special to play for St Mary’ School’s first team? To be able to create long lasting friendships with girls across all the age groups. What would you consider the strong points of your team this year? We have a good foundation with some players who have been playing together for a long time and some new players who have adapted well and added some new skills to the team. What motivates you to give your best on the field week after week? To be able to represent and make my school and team proud motivates me to give my best. The girls work so hard in training, so to play well for each other is very important to us. What makes your team special? Our team is special because we have players ranging from Grade 9 to 12. To be able to bring in new players and have more girls become part of the first team family allows us to grow all the time, both on the court and in our friendship group. What has been your team’s greatest achievement over the past five years? Our biggest achievement was placing third in the district playoffs in 2018. Who is the joker of the team and why? I can not give one person that title; we are all jokers around each other on and off the court. What is the most enjoyable time after a match? Our team talks at the end of the match where we breakdown the game and celebrate each other’s great plays, plus singing our school war cry after the game with the rest of the school that has supported us. Who was your matric hero in Gr 8/Gr9? My matric hero in Grade 9 was my older sister who captained the 2018 first team. To be able to play alongside her in her final year was very special; she taught me how to be a good leader and captain the team.

LAERSKOOL ROODEKRANS Seuns wat deurgedring het na die Goue Leeus proewe

Netbal Baie geluk aan Duné van Zyl. Sy is opgeneem in die o.12 Gauteng oefengroep.

Duné van Zyl


o.13 - Kurt Prinsloo, Steph Jooste, Stian Zopick, Tristan Helmand.

Monja Wagenaar in graad 2 - Sy gaan Laarskool Roodekrans verteenwoordig by Maple Ridge Equestrian Estate vir die derde SANESA skolekompetisie.

0.12 - John Butner, Gerhard Steynberg, Heinrich Smith, Reinhardt Keyter, Damen Pienaar, Dewald Engelbrecht.

Monja Wagenaar


Oreneile Maake Grade 7

Kopano Nchabelang Grade 7

Lesedi Kubjana Grade 7

Phenyo Chokoe Grade 7

Oratile Morubane Grade 7

Manku Sigwebela Grade 7

Tshepang Mafatlha Grade 7

Kgantsho Wesi Grade 7

Tebogo Nyati Grade 7

Kailey Julius Grade 7

Leano Motlhamme Grade 6

Tshepang Takwesi Grade 6

Kitso Poolo Grade 6

Nkazimulo Magadlela Grade 6

Kelebogile Mathibe Grade 6

Zimkhitha Khumalo Grade 6

Kaylib Kyle Grade 6

Thato Mpete Grade 6

Kamogelo Thosago Grade 6

Lilly Mennong Grade 6

Rutendo Gurupira Grade 5

Vutomi Shikwambana Grade 5

Masego Mataboge Grade 5

Ayanda Sontenjwa Grade 5

Tshiamo Magagula Grade 5

Onthatile Maleka Grade 5

Banele Mafatlha Grade 5

Muxolisi Lefielo Grade 5

Emmanuel Kamfer Grade 5

Lefa Ndebe Grade 5

Kagiso Rachekhu Grade 4

Phenyo Nkabinde Grade 4

Franco Wisse Grade 4

Oratilwe Langa Grade 4

Mpilo Mazibuko Grade 4

Kgosietsile Kgosana Grade 4

Tshililo Muzila Grade 4

Naledi Motlhamme Grade 4

Bokamoso Seipei Grade 4

Azania Tsipa Grade 4

Botshelo Monageng Grade 4

Announcing the 20 schools who have been selected to make their movies for Filmit 33 Schools from South Africa and 2 from Namibia entered 2-minute film pitches for the Filmit competition during the month of June. Our first-round panel of judges consisting of Bradley Joshua from Gambit Films, Moenier Hendricks from Homebrew Films, and Marcel Spaumer and Richard September from Suidooster went through all 70 film concepts pitched by these school groups, and selected twenty they believe have entertainment value, is doable, evoked interest and should make for a good short film. All judges compiled a short video in which they share their professional opinion, observation, and subsequent recommendations on what the 20 approved film groups should focus on when heading into the mentorship programme in preparation for the making of their films. These videos are shared on the Paul Roos Gymnasium YouTube channel.

One-on-one mentorship by industry specialists kick off on the 27th of July. This mentorship will continue over a two-week period up until the 6th of August. It will take place online (via Zoom sessions) and will be presented by five actors from the TV series Suidooster. Each actor will be allocated to four of the participating schools. These actors will guide the learners in the early phases of development of their films. They are Marco Spaumer, Dean Smith, Esther von Waltsleben, Jawaahier Petersen and Eden Classens. The 20 schools who submitted the best film concepts in 2021 and who move on to the next round of the Filmit competition are: • • • • • • • •

Marcel Spaumer The Filmit team wants to inspire all schools who entered (also those who did not qualify to move on to the next round) to up their game and learn how to improve their ideas and concepts, if not for the 2021 competition – then definitely for the 2022 competition. A pre-recorded mentorship video (including advice from industry professionals) on pre-production, production and post-production of films will be shared via the Paul Roos Gymnasium YouTube channel. This video is made available free of charge for all 35 schools who entered the competition. Contributors to this video are Johannes Pieter Nel (director of photography), Louis Pretorius (screenwriter), Zandré Coetzer (Nagvlug Films), Lloyd O’Conner (sound engineer), Fahema Hendricks (director of photography), Braam du Toit (composer), Eva du Preez (editor), Neil Sandilands (acting for the camera) and Michael Botha (postproduction on sound). The mentorship programme was made possible by Atterbury and WeBuyCars. It will be uploaded and available for private streaming on the PRG YouTube channel on the 26th of July 2021.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

A magician never reveals its secrets by Curro Durbanville, South Africa Behind the Surfboard by CBC St John’s, South Africa Cascade by Rondebosch Boys’ High, South Africa Conflict: A Journey to Passion by Worcester Gymnasium, South Africa Duwweltjie by Paul Roos Gymnasium, South Africa Gedagtes maak saak by Kalahari High School, South Africa Interpreter Gone Wrong by Simon’s Town High School, South Africa Search by Fairmont High School, South Africa Theatre Kid by Bloemhof Girls’ High, South Africa The Art of Colour by St Georges Diocesan School, Namibia The Gingerbread Man by Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool, South Africa The Key by Paarl Boys’ High, South Africa Three shades of agony by Jan van Riebeeck High School, South Africa Too bright to shine by Mitchell’s Plain High School, South Africa Toue en kloue by Parkdene High School, South Africa Trigger on the beach by Charlie Hofmeyr High School, South Africa U Yolo #happiness by Desmond Mpilo Tutu High School, South Africa What do you stand for? by Table View High School, South Africa What drove her to madness by Groote Schuur High School, South Africa Zombie Blowout by Waterkloof High School, South Africa

Richard September

PRG Filmit looks forward to seeing how these learners grow, develop their film-making skills and contribute to the vast array of stories finding its origin in Southern Africa.


Cadence Meiring

Lorenzo Gregorio

Daniela Mendle

Michelle Nyathi

Danielle Naidoo

Oletilwe Mokoena

Hayley Padayachee

Sibabalo Kalipa

Khodani Nwedo

Theo Tshipamba

Lauren Pretorius

Lemogang Matsepe

Tiago Kahn

Tristan Bastiaans

Tshegofatso Nxumalo

Gabriela Kellerman

Gino Barale

Jana Beckmann

Grade 12 Prefects

Ashleigh Teen

Jonathan Harvey

Ashlee Cloete

Kyle Bevan

Aurian Bals

Leeshay Norman

Cameron Moore

Meagan Harris

Chene Grobler

Michael Kambayi

Oarabile Banda

Owam Dyam

Sam Stemela

Kutloano Masonganye

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