David and Janet Tasca turned to interior designer Michelle Lee to transform their master bathroom in Rhode Island into a Floridian oasis.
NATURE Ca ll s How a master bath in Rhode Island went south for the winter
Written by Haley Grant / Photography by Dan Cutrona
hen David and Janice Tasca decided to remodel their master bathroom, they knew they wanted to bring a piece of their Florida getaway to their home in Wakefield, Rhode Island. For interior designer and project manager Michelle Lee Parenteau, this meant combining New England living with the coastal vibe that attracts her clients to Fort Lauderdale six months out of the year. Michelle’s creativity is inspired by the colors she finds in the outdoors. “I take my inspiration from nature, which always provides vibrant colors, whether I’m staring at a sunset, taking a walk through a garden of flowers or sitting on the beach looking at the ocean,” she says. This idea is behind the mantra for her award-winning company, Michelle Lee Designs: Bring color into your life. “Nature is not afraid to be bold with color, so I feel I shouldn’t be either,” she says. Upon first meeting with the Tascas to observe their master bathroom, Michelle had an extensive conversation with the couple to understand their preferred design style. “I’m not a designer that seeks to impose my own vision while disregarding the desires of my own client,” explains Michelle. “I do research and provide them with photographs and options that work within their budget.” Only when the designer is certain of what her clients want does she move forward with the designs.
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