PleinAir Magazine's 2023 Ultimate Guide to Painting Events & Organizations

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B. Eric Rhoads • Twitter: @ericrhoads • Facebook: /ericrhoads


Tom Elmo


Jim Speakman



Brida Connolly


Alfonso Jones


Kenneth Whitney


Nicolynn Kuper


Katie Reeves


Sarah Webb •


Christina Stauffer •


Dave Bernard •

Michael George •

Megan Schaugaard •

Jennifer Taylor • Gina Ward •


Briana Sheridan •


Katherine Jennings •


CherieDawn Haas •


Laura Iserman •


Jaime Osetek •


Nicole Anderson •


Sue Henry •


Jessica Smith •


Ali Cruickshank •

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• (for artists) (for collectors) Copyright ©2022 Streamline Publishing, Inc. PleinAir Magazine is a trademark of Streamline Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG3
PRESENTED BY PENINSULA SCHOOL OF ART July 23-29, 2023 The Midwest's Premier Outdoor Painting Event 35 INVITED PLEIN AIR MASTERS EVENT INFO: PENINSULA SCHOOL OF ART Door County, WI | 920.868.3455
Charlie Hunter
Danny Griegp Hector Acuna Christine Lashley Terry Miura
Celebrate 20 years with us! Multi-level Workshops Over $17,000 in awards Augusta Plein Air Art Festival On the Missouri Weinstrasse Final Sale and Street Festival Pop-up Art Gallery Quaint Towns Scenic Rivers & Rolling Hills Vineyards & Wineries John Lasater Farley Lewis Best of Show - $1500 Artists’ Choice - $750 Open daily 75+ artist tents Live Music Food & Drink April 20 - 29, 2023 Joshua Been 2021 Best of Show "Under The Umbrella" John Whytock 2022 Best of Show – “Hope of A New Day” – Farley Lewis 2014 Best of Show "Sunrise Over the Missouri" by Kathleen Hudson

According to art historian Jean Stern, plein air painting is the largest movement in art history … and growing.

If you study art history, as I have extensively, you’ll learn that evidence of plein air painting goes back a few hundred years. Over time, painters have been inspired to take sketchbooks, brushes, and canvas outside, and small plein air movements have arisen. e best known were Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and the Barbizon School. But each of these involved just a handful of artists.

Of course, America has its own rich history with the Hudson River School, which involved sketching, oil sketching, and, in some rare cases, full paintings on location. Later, artists like eodore Robinson, J. Alden Weir, and a small number of others who had lived and studied in Paris brought their impressionist styles back to America. As a result, plein air movements grew up in the East and in the West.

But nothing in the history of art has ever seen a movement this large, a movement that has become a lifestyle. I like to say it’s the new golf. Whether amateurs, hobbyists, or professionals, thousands of artists are living the lifestyle of outdoor painting. Plein air painting has become a sport, and, like golf, it is mentally challenging and stimulating, it’s social, and it’s relaxing and allows you to forget everything else for a while. It involves being outdoors in beautiful places, provides some exercise, and can even lead to world travel. But unlike golf, it means using your creative brain and is an outlet for developing your artistic ability. And for some it can provide an income, or at least the gratification of being occasionally involved in shows or sales.

We are seeing hundreds of thousands adopt this lifestyle, which means more painters’ groups, more events and shows, and more people being exposed to and collecting original art. ey are also joining the exotic trips PleinAir Magazine has created (Cuba, Africa, New Zealand), and attending retreats that are all painting and no workshops, like my Adirondack and Fall Color Week events. Of course they want to be part of a community and want to learn and grow,

which is why the Plein Air Convention & Expo regularly attracts a massive crowd of painters.

Our PleinAir Podcast has also been bringing more people into painting, with over 1.5 million downloads from more than 100 countries. Like last time, we expect hundreds of new plein air painters to show up at our next convention — people who have never painted before and who will buy all their supplies at the event. And we’re seeing more young people coming into the plein air lifestyle. Our PleinAirMag Instagram site is exploding with new people. And as a result of the daily YouTube/Facebook show on painting that I call Art School Live, we’ve reached over a million people worldwide to promote plein air painting.

Our role is to not only create experiences that scratch people’s itch to participate, but to hold up the best examples of quality and encourage growth and high standards.

is annual guide is evidence of the continuing success of this movement. We all play a role in keeping it moving forward, helping it grow, and keeping standards high so that plein air does not become known for fast, low-quality artwork but for high-quality paintings, often created after years or decades of experience.

We can keep this movement alive and growing for generations to come by helping others discover plein air painting — reinforcing my new goal of helping 2 million people learn to paint, because painting outdoors changes lives. We each play a role in this movement by exposing others, teaching in order to raise quality, holding high-quality shows, and promoting plein air painting worldwide. ank you for your role in this giant movement!

On the Cover: Olmsted Plein Air Invitational Best in Show Crane’s Store (oil, 14 x 18 in.) by Neal Hughes

UG6 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Bill Anton | Josh Elliott | Jay Moore | Carolyn Lord Ray Roberts | Dave Santilles | Heather Burton | Kathie Odom | Don Sahli Gay Faulkenberry | Benjamin Knox | Dawn Cohen | Shaun Horne | Brad Teare
by the Shaun Horne Gallery
All painters can participate. Work juried into the show through ongoing jury process. Open Artist Days June 1-15.
Opening August 12, 2023 This historic event will take place at the new Crested Butte Center for the Arts
“East River Gold,” Jay Moore, Oil on Linen, 24x30
UG8 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Huse 2017, oil, 10 x 12 in. Private collection Plein air
A group of painters capturing the stunning scenery during the 2022 Publisher’s Invitational in the Adirondacks

A Guide for Artists, Collectors & Organizers

INthe strictest sense, en plein air — a French phrase meaning “in the open air” — describes the practice of painting a landscape outdoors. For many, however, the term goes beyond simply a technical matter of where a painting is completed to encompass an essential artistic credo, one of a commitment to the truth of sensory reality, to the artist’s experience of place.

Recorded as far back as the Renaissance, when painting or sketching outdoors was done primarily in preparation for studio work, plein air painting took on the spirit of modernity and fidelity to nature that we recognize today through the work of such 19th-century artists such as John Constable, Camille Corot, and Claude Monet. In particular, it was Impressionism, with its attention to light and atmosphere, that had the greatest impact on the legacy of plein air painting.

Today, an ever-growing number of events and organizations have formed to promote, encourage, and support plein air painting, its practitioners, and collectors of the work. Now synonymous with the pursuits of camaraderie and community-building,

plein air continues to expand its reach. From Ireland to Malaysia, California to Maine, and all points in between, plein air groups meet to share their passions for painting and the landscape. Working in every medium, from the early morning to late into the night and in all kinds of weather, contemporary painters continue to thrive en plein air.

Whether you’re a seasoned plein air painter, someone just starting to paint or thinking about painting outdoors for the first time, or a patron who likes to watch a painting being created before your eyes, there are opportunities to participate in plein air painting groups and festivals year-round. Here’s what you need to know.


Typically, events involve artists painting on weekdays in designated areas and then submitting their completed works for an exhibition and sale over the weekend. e organizers invite or jury top artists; offer opportunities to learn about materials, equipment, and techniques; encourage collectors to buy plein air paintings; and celebrate the idea of painting specific locations. ey are “win-win”

Painters at Artists Point for the 18th annual Plein Air Grand Marais event in Minnesota

opportunities for the organizers, patrons, cities, and artists.

e easiest events to participate in are those that don’t require advance registration and are open to anyone who shows up and pays a nominal fee. ese community-oriented events are often fundraisers, and the artists donate all or a large percentage of the money they receive from selling their paintings.

ese events offer artists an opportunity to test their level of interest in timed plein air events. Even at invitational or juried events, there is often an opportunity for amateur or semi-professional artists to paint and compete in the two-hour quick draw events.


ese events can be as casual as a “paint-out” for artists who belong to a plein air group and just need someone to pick a location and date, or they can be as high-powered as the Laguna Plein Air Painters’ Invitational event in California.

e artists that participate in the Laguna event are selected by committee and sent invitations to participate. Another type of invitational is organized by an art school, commercial gallery, or civic

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG9
Members of the Spring eld Plein Air club on a paint-out in Missouri

group that wants to hand-pick the participating artists.

Ordinarily most of the participants are connected to the host organization, but others submit examples of their work and ask to be invited. One of the largest of these invitationals is the Door County Plein Air Festival in Wisconsin, which, according to the group’s bylaws, must invite a significant number of artists who did not participate in the previous year’s event.


is is the most common type of plein air festival. e organizers put out a call for applications, artists submit digital images through an online jury system, and an outside person or persons selects as many artists as can be accommodated. ere is almost always a fee to apply, and it is usual for an artist to submit digital photographs of three paintings. Most artists submit their best plein air paintings, especially those that have won awards in previous events, but others make sure to enter paintings that will catch a juror’s eye and are easy to understand and appreciate in a split second.

Plein air events of these types are almost always fundraisers for the host organization or some desig-

nated charity like a school, art center, or foundation. Commercial galleries will also host events as a way to make money, bring attention to their regular stable of artists, or bring out collectors who might become clients of the gallery.


One of the best ways to build an audience for a plein air event is to schedule timed activities and have them take place in a specified location. at makes it easier for people to find and observe a group of artists working on location, and these events are perfect material for local newspapers to feature. Two-hour quick draw and nighttime (nocturne) painting activities help to bring attention to artists and the events, and they offer another opportunity to sell paintings, since most of these timed competitions end with completed work being displayed and offered for sale.

In another variation, plein air artists are expected to spend a day painting in a specific town, historic district, or near a historic landmark. e motivation is essentially the same: the scheduled events encourage people to travel to that designated location, get to know the artists, and purchase paintings.

When time is limited by the rules of a quick draw competition or by the disappearing light at dusk, artists tend to paint on smaller panels and quickly block in the important pattern of light and shadows. It helps to identify a good location in advance of the event, perhaps even checking out locations after sunset a day or two before so the artist will know where the interior and exterior lights might work well in a nocturne.


Buying art is a very personal and individual decision that is hard to analyze. A collector’s final selection of a piece is influenced by individual taste, interest in the subject, ability to pay the asking price, and the level of energy during the opening of an exhibition. Likewise, the decision made by an awards judge (or jury committee) is just as personal and subject to the taste, standards, and — yes — sometimes the personal relationships between the judge and the competing artists. No judge will ever deliberately play favorites or pay more attention to signatures than painted images, but human nature and personal taste will always influence their final decisions.

UG10 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Attendees and faculty painting at El Santuario de Chimayo during the 9th Annual Plein Air Convention & Expo in Santa Fe

Several years ago, the staff of Plein Air Easton in Maryland conducted research and found that many folks who buy competition paintings were as interested in learning how to paint on location as they were in building a collection of plein air paintings. In particular, men and women who knew exactly when they would retire used the event in Maryland to explore the idea of becoming visual artists after they concluded their professional careers. e festival provided the perfect opportunity to see paintings develop from start to finish, ask questions about the decisions made by the artists, and buy the paintings that could remind them of the lessons offered by the painter — findings that suggest education is one of the ways artists can attract interest in their paintings.


ere are many positive aspects to being a participant, volunteer, or supporter of plein air events, both on a personal and a professional level. One has the chance to talk with other artists, learn about materials and techniques, support the nonprofit partner of a festival, buy or sell paintings of hometown scenes, make progress in one’s skills and style of painting, and establish friendships with creative people.

Volunteers and staff members spend months in advance of an event trying to increase award purses, smooth the daily procedures, prepare for the exhibition, promote participation and sales, and offer every comfort possible to the artists. Families open their homes and provide accommodations, meals, snacks, and warm hospitality to the participating artists. ose volunteers and staff members offer a valuable service to artists, collectors, and community members, and are a key contributor to the success of these events.


Collectors Jay and Mary Linda Strotkamp attend a number of plein air events around the country and have enjoyed getting to know many of the participating artists. “ at personal connection often influences our choices in terms of what we collect, as do familiar subject matter, quality of work, and an appreciation for the artist’s approach,” says Mary Linda. at direct connection to the artists influences collectors Michael Quinn and Tony Fay as well. “In general, I like to make purchases from the artists themselves,” says Michael. “I want the back story and motivation for each piece. I can tell you all about the

artists whose work I have the honor to hang in our home. Tony and I look for unique pieces that speak to us. We are not much into the ‘modern stuff.’ We like traditional, not trendy.”

For collectors Joanne and Roger Quillen, the motivation to support plein air artists and events is both personal and community-driven. “Our passion for collecting plein air began by watching artists paint during the week of the first Olmsted Plein Air Invitational [in Atlanta],” says Roger. “We were blown away by the graciousness of the artists in allowing us to watch over their shoulders and ask questions. It was like going to the Masters and being able to walk with a player and ask how he planned to hit his next shot. e access was incredible. After attending numerous lectures through Olmsted, I’ve taken up drawing in preparation for learning to paint.

“We’ve made all of our art purchases at the Olmsted event, or as a result of meeting artists there. We love the art we have purchased, but we are also committed to supporting this art form, not only for the artists we have come to care so much about, but also for the Atlanta region. If people like us don’t buy art when the artists come to town, we’ll lose this terrific cultural event.”

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG11
Richie Vios posing with the proud owners of the Best in Show painting, Old Oak, at the 15th annual Paint the Town competition in Marble Falls, Texas Collectors and artists mingling to discuss the work at the 8th annual EnPleinAirTEXAS International Juried Competition


e Best of the Best

UG12 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Cape Ann Plein Air Corner of Riggs Street (oil, 14 x 18 in.) by Charles Newman Sedona Plein Air Festival Sun Salutation (oil, 24 x 18 in.) by Krystal Brown Door County Plein Air Festival Cracked a Few Good Eggs (oil, 28 x 28 in.) by Hector Acuna Blu Strokes Paint Out Blest Be the Tie That Binds (oil, 14 x 18 in.) by Marc Anderson Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival Orange at High Tide (oil, 14 x 18 in.) by Durre Waseem Red Wing Arts Plein Air Lakeview Farm (oil, 11 x 14 in. ) by Richard Abraham


Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG13
Alexandria Museum of Art — Farm to Forest Plein Air Festival Bentley (watercolor, 12 x 16 in.) by Richie Vios EnPlein AirTEXAS SanAngelo Brilliance (oil, 9 x 12 in.) by Suzie Baker Romulus & Remus (oil, 12 x 16 in.) by Marc Anderson Wayne Plein Air Festival Poetry in Bloom (oil, 23 x 36 in.) by Cynthia Rosen Plein Air New Bern B&B on Pollock (oil, 12 x 12 in.) by Martin Geiger First Brush of Spring High Maintenance (oil, 30 x 26 1/4 in.) by Jason Bailey Escalante Canyons Art Festival Solitude (oil, 12 x 16 in.) by Eileen Guernsey Brown Plein Air in the Smokies Rock Mosaic (oil, 18 x 24 in.) by Bill Farnsworth Laguna Beach Plein Air Painters Invitational The Tide Abides (water-based oil, 18 x 14 in.) by Je Sewell Plein Air Roanoke When the Rain Came to Vinton (watercolor) by David Finnell Crooked Tree Arts Center — Paint Grand Traverse William C. Selvick at Dock (oil, 16 x 10 in.) by Kari Ganoung Ruiz Fort Wayne Artists Guild — Kekionga Plein Air Event Sunny Side (watercolor, 21 x 14 1/2 in.) by Tom DeSomer Highland Lakes Creative Arts — Paint the Town Marble Falls Old Oak (watercolor, 16 x 20 in.) by Richie Vios

2023 EVENT


January 12-16 Arts to Zion Tour, UT

January 26-28 (Beginner’s Day January 25) Watercolor Live presented by PleinAir Magazine


February 1-6 “Paint the Desert - Plein Air” Palm Springs - La Quinta, CA


March 5-11 Lighthouse ArtCenter’s 10th Annual Plein Air Festival, FL

March 6-10 17th Borrego Springs Plein Air Invitational, CA

March 9-11 (Beginner’s Day March 8) PleinAir Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

March 11-18 Shadows-on-the-Teche Plein Air, LA

March 12-16 Plein Air South, FL

March 17-26 Forgotten Coast en Plein Air, FL

March 23-25 Paint Out Savannah, GA


April 12-15 24th Annual First Brush of Spring, IN

April 15-23 Olmsted Plein Air Invitational, GA

April 16-22 Artists on Location, TN

April 19-22 Bird Dog Arts Plein Air Invitational, CA

April 20-29 20th Annual Augusta Plein Air Art Festival, MI

April 23-29 Paint the Town 2023 - Plein Air Art Competition, TX

April 23-29 Winter Park Paint Out, FL

April 26-30 St. Augustine Plein Air Paint Out–4th Annual, FL

April 29 Fallbrook Plein Air Event/Competition, CA

April 30 Celebration of the Arts Plein Air Event, PA


May 5-17 Paint Historic Waxahachie, TX

May 7-12 Wayne Art Center, PA May 8-13 Plein Air Southwest, TX

May 14-21 Plein Air New Bern, NC May 20-27 Paint Great Falls 2023, VA

May 21-25 10th Annual Plein Air Convention & Expo, CO


June 3-10 Paint Cedarburg: A Plein Air Event, WI

June 4-11 Paint Annapolis 2023, MD

June 10-17 Paint Adirondacks presented by PleinAir Magazine

June 10-22 Red Wing Arts Plein Air, MN

June 12-17 Plein Air West Reading, PA

June 18-24 Paint Grand Traverse, MI

June 20-25 Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival (International, Nova Scotia)

June 28-July 4 20th Annual Telluride Plein Air, CO


July 14-23 Plein Air Easton, MD

July 19-28 Driggs Plein Air Festival, ID

July 21-August 6 Plein Air Coeur d’Alene, ID

July 23-29 Door County Plein Air Festival, WI

July 28-29 Georgetown Plein Air, CO

July 30-August 7 Art in the Open Plein Air Festival (International, Ireland)

July 31-August 5 Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout, CO

UG14 Ultimate Guide 2023/



August 3-September 2 AIS 24th Annual National Juried Exhibition, DE

August 9-12 Paint the Point, WI

August 9-13 Artists Paint OC Plein Air Festival, MD

August 10-13 De Smet South Dakota Harvey Dunn Plein Air, SD

August 11-14 Crested Butte Plein Air Invitational, CO

August 14-19 Adirondack Plein Air Festival, NY

August 15-19 2023 Blowing Rock Plein Air Festival, NC

August 17-19 (Beginner’s Day August 16) Pastel Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

August 17-24 Estes Valley Plein Air, CO

August 21-25, 2023 Plein Air Glacier 2023, MT

August 23-26 The Kekionga Plein Air Event, IN


September 5-10 Suffolk Plein Air Festival 2023, VA

September 9, 2023-January 15, 2024 Grand Canyon Celebration of Art, AZ

September 11-16 21st Annual Sonoma Plein Air Festival, CA

September 13-17 Plein Air in the Parks, WY

September 15-17 Carmel on Canvas, IN

September 15-22 Plein Air Grand Marais, MN

September 17-23 Bluff Strokes 2023 Paint Out, IA

September 18-24 Mendocino Open Paint Out, CA

September 21-23 Black Hills Plein Air Paint Out, SD

September 22-29 Steamboat Art Museum Plein Air 2023, CO

September 24-October 1 Welcome to Plein Air in the Smokies, TN

September 29-October 5 Fall Color Week presented by PleinAir Magazine


October 1-8 Monuments and Canyons Plein Air Event, CO October 3-6 Paint Dover!, DE

October 4-6 7th Annual Paint It Orange Plein Air Paint-Out, NC October 5-7 Plein Air Abingdon, VA October 7-14 Eagle Plein Air Festival, ID October 7-15 25th Annual Laguna Beach Plein Air Painting Invitational, CA October 8-15 Cape Ann Plein Air Festival, MA October 9-14 Two Rivers Plein Air, TX October 12-15 Farm to Forest Plein Air Festival, LA October 12-15 Grand Center Plein Air Festival, MI October 16-21 Florence, Colorado, Paint the Town, CO October 18-21 Tidelands Plein Air Tappahannock, VA October 19-21, Pike Road Plein Air Paint Out, AL October 19-November 5 Brushes by the Beach, TX October 19-22 The Great Migration Paint-Out (International, Ontario) October 20-28 EnPleinAirTEXAS, TX October 20-28 Sedona Plein Air Festival, AZ October 30-November 3 Plein Air Fairhope, AL


November 9-11 (Beginner’s Day November 8) Realism Live presented by PleinAir Magazine


January 25-27, 2024 (Beginner’s Day January 24) Watercolor Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG15
UG18 Ultimate Guide 2023/ 24th Annual First Brush of Spring April 12-15, 2023 Juror: Jill Stefani Wagner Open Registration for Paint Out at in Historic New Harmony, Indiana Hoosier Salon Workshops to be Announced OVER $15,000 in AWARDS 2022 Best in Show, Jason Bailey, High Maintenance Paint O ut C ompetition Includes Q uick Draw Nocturne Hoosier Salon Art Sale Field to Finish Exhibition


Pike Road Plein Air Paint Out

Dates: October 19-21, 2023 Contact: E-Mail: Phone: 334.221.9004 Website:

Plein Air Fairhope

Dates: October 30-November 3, 2023 Opening Reception: November 3, 2023 Entry Deadline: September 15, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Eastern Shore Art Center Venue: Eastern Shore Art Center City: Fairhope Format: Open Award Total: $2000

Contact: Adrienne Clow E-Mail: Phone: 251.928.2228 Website:

Join the Eastern Shore Art Center for a weeklong community celebration of painting in the great outdoors! From sunrise to sunset, 60 painters will take it to the streets and bay front pier in picturesque Fairhope, Alabama! Work created during the “paint out” will be available for purchase in a special Wet Room and on exhibit for two months. Event includes: Exhibit Awards, Workshop, Gallery Talk, and Quick Draw.


Plein Air Painters of Alaska

Dates: July 29-30, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Plein Air Painters of Alaska Contact: Don Kolstad E-Mail: Phone: 907.333.0793 Website:


Bisbee Plein Air Festival

Dates: TBD Sponsoring Organization: Central School Project

Venue: Central School Project City: Bisbee Format: Open Award

Total: $800 Contact: Laurie McKenna E-Mail: bisbeecsp@gmail. com Phone: 520.432.4866 Website:

Fall dates TBA. Paint Old Bisbee’s historic architecture, mining remnants, scenic vistas, and colorful homes amidst the scenic Mule Mountains. On the nal day artists gather for judging at Central School Project Gallery and to view and/or purchase work. Activities, exhibitions, and children’s activity held in conjunction with the competition. Central School Project is an arts nonpro t whose mission is to preserve our historic buildings, to provide a ordable studios to artists, and to deliver the arts.

Prescott Plein Air Art Festival

Date: TBD Sponsoring Organization: Highlands Center for Natural History; City of Prescott City: Prescott Contact: Dave Irvine E-Mail: Website:

Grand Canyon Celebration of Art

Dates: September 9, 2023-January 15, 2024

Sponsoring Organization: Grand Canyon Conservancy Venue: Grand Canyon National Park Format: Juried Contact: Kathy Duley E-Mail: Phone: 480.277.0458 Website: Celebration of Art is a wonderful tradition at Grand Canyon National Park, providing a vibrant experience for visitors, a venue for artists inspired by the canyon, and a successful fundraiser to bene t a dedicated art venue at the park. Artists paint for a week at the South Rim, capturing the colors and light as the sun moves across the layers of the canyon. A sale and exhibition follow at Kolb Studio.

Sedona Plein Air Festival

Sponsoring Organization: Sedona Arts Center Opening Reception: October 20, 2023 Venue: Sedona Arts Center City: Sedona Format: Juried Award Total: $10,000 Contact: Julie Richard E-Mail: Phone: 928.282.3809 Website: Sedona Arts Center invites you along to be inspired and experience

Date: October 20-28, 2023

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG19
ONLINE ENTRIES: December 12, 2022–February 21, 2023 Juror of Selection: Bryan Mark Taylor, Nationally Recognized Utah-Based Landscape & Cityscape Painter Juror of Awards: Shanna Kunz, Accomplished Utah-Based Naturalistic Painter Festival: May 7–12, 2023 Collectors’ Gala: Friday, May 12, 2023 Exhibition: May 13–June 24, 2023 Awards: $20,000+ in cash awards Cynthia Rosen, Poetry in Bloom, Best in Show 2022 Wayne Art Center 413 Maplewood Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 610-688-3553 CALL FOR ENTRIES More Information: 15th Annual EVENTS ALABAMA to ARIZONA

master artists painting in the Shangri-La of the Southwest! Sedona is a sublime and stunningly beautiful environment steeped in art history. Sedona Arts Center dates back 65 years to the founding of Sedona’s identity as an “art colony.” Our community’s iconic and creative event — Sedona Plein Air Festival — is a weeklong celebration of extraordinary landscapes, worldrenowned artists, unique workshops, and wonderful free events!


Salmagundi Plein Air Painters of Southern California & Friends

Contact: Grace Schlesier E-Mail: Phone: 858.220.6733 Website:

Salmagundi Plein Air Painters of Southern California and Friends hosts monthly plein air events and critiques for members and friends. Being the oldest art club in America, our art club has strived for excellence since its inception in 1871. We invite you to consider joining us, both in the joy of plein air painting and the camaraderie of likeminded artists, and to learn from one another.

“Paint the Desert - Plein Air” Palm Springs - La Quinta

Dates: February 1-6, 2023 Opening Reception: February 4, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Desert Plein Air Association Entry Deadline: January 31, 2023 Venue: Artist Center at the Galen City: Palm Desert Format: Open Contact: Diane Moore E-Mail: Phone: 760.485.6798 Website:

Plein air festival. Artists paint from Palm Springs-La Quinta for 3 days. Reception with Award Ceremony. Juror: Jean Stern. Open to all artists.

17th Borrego Springs Plein Air Invitational

Dates: March 6-10, 2023 Opening Reception: March 11, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Borrego Art Institute Venue: Borrego Art Institute Gallery City: Borrego Springs Format: Invitational Juror of Awards: Jean Stern Contact: Kay Levie E-Mail: Phone: 619.701.8132 Website:

Borrego Springs 17th Annual Plein Air Invitational. e 13 artists have been selected and will compete in a paint-out March 6-10. e Awards presentation and reception will be held at the Borrego Art Institute Gallery on March 11, 3-5 pm. Paintings will hang in the Gallery through April 2, 2023.

Bird Dog Arts Plein Air Invitational

Date: April 19-22, 2023 Opening Reception: April 22, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Bird Dog Arts Venue: Bird Dog Arts City: Tejon Ranch Format: Invitational Award Total: $6000 Contact: David Gordon E-Mail: Phone: 661.330.7541 Website:

e Bird Dog Arts Invitational is a twofold event with 15 painters entering two plein air works done on location where each painter is from, followed by two paintings completed on site in beautiful Kern County, California. RSVP online for our April 22, 2023, public sales and awards event on the historic Tejon Ranch at the exquisite Bird Dog Arts Gallery. e free event includes wine, nibbles, awards, and a stunning small works silent auction.

Fallbrook Plein Air Event/Competition

Date: April 29, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 29, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Fallbrook Art Association Venue: Town of Fallbrook City: Fallbrook Format: Open Juror of Awards: Toni Williams Contact: Julie Compton E-Mail: Phone: 805.794.0709 Website: One-day event open to all artists. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cash prizes plus three Honorable Mention Ribbons awarded. 9:30 am sign-in at Gallery location, 300 N. Brandon Rd. #6, Fallbrook, and pick up map of the Fallbrook area showing painting locations. At 3 pm return your work to the Fallbrook Village Square for judging. Awards

UG20 Ultimate Guide 2023/

presentation at 4 pm. Entry forms and information available on our website 30 days prior to the event.

e Lost Sierra Plein Air Festival

Dates: May 20-27, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Gallery at Bear Creek Frames City: Quincy

Contact: Mark Reynolds E-Mail: Website:

SOCALPAPA BackBay Plein Air Art Festival

Date: July 7-16, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: OC Parks and Newport Bay Conservancy City: Newport Beach

Contact: Diane Prendergast E-Mail: Website:

e 18th Annual “Just Plein Fun”

Date: July 31, 2023-August 4, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Huse Skelly Fine Art Gallery City: Balboa Island Contact: Lisa Skelly E-Mail: Website:

Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout

Dates: July 31-August 5, 2023 Opening Reception: August 11, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 4, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Frank Bette Center for the Arts Venue: South Shore Center/ Frank Bette Center for the Arts City: Alameda Contact: Margaret Fago E-Mail: Phone: 510.332.6922 Website:

e Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout hosts up to 40 juried artists for a week of painting tree-lined streets; stately Victorian homes and shops; picturesque marinas; historic naval ships and naval air station; as well as beaches, lagoons, parks, and San Francisco and Oakland skylines in the island city of Alameda, California. e week includes a welcome reception, a quick draw, and an outdoor exhibit and sale of all the paintings on Saturday.

21st Annual Sonoma Plein Air Festival

Date: September 11-16, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Sonoma Plein Air Foundation Venue: Historic Sonoma Plaza City: Sonoma Format: Juried Contact: Irene Cook E-Mail: Website:

e Sonoma Plein Air Festival is an artists’ favorite nationwide. Juried artists gather to paint throughout the wine country, spectacular Sonoma coast, and incomparable city of San Francisco. Artists enjoy housing, welcome reception, artists’ luncheon, patron gala with silent art auction, and nally a oneday art show and sale on historic Sonoma Plaza. e festival supports arts education for Sonoma Valley’s youth with 60% of sales to artists and 40% to Sonoma Plein Air Foundation.

Mendocino Open Paint Out

Date: September 18-24, 2023 Entry Deadline: August 4, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Mendocino Art Center Venue: Mendocino Art Center City: Mendocino Format: Open Contact: Michael McDonald

E-Mail: Phone:707.937.5818 Website:

A weeklong plein air festival held in a spectacular setting along the Northern California Coast. From the rugged surrounding landscape and beaches, to the quaint Victorian architecture and water towers, to the nearby vineyards and wineries, abundant creative inspiration is sure to be found. Enjoy daily plein air painting, wet-paint sales in a professional gallery, demonstrations by featured plein air artists, a Quick Draw Competition and Sale, a Collectors’ Event, and an awards presentation.

25th Annual Laguna Beach Plein Air Painting Invitational

Date: October 7-15, 2023 Opening Reception: October 8, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Laguna Plein Air Painters Association Venue: Numerous Sites; Main Site Festival of Arts, Laguna Beach City: Laguna Beach Format: Invitational Juror

19 th Annual

Sedona Plein


Festival October 20–28, 2023

Sedona Arts Center invites you along to be inspired and experience master artists painting in the Shangri-La of the Southwest! Sedona is a sublime and stunningly beautiful environment steeped in art history. Sedona Arts Center dates back 65 years to the founding of Sedona’s identity as an ‘art colony.’ Our community’s iconic and creative event—Sedona Plein Air Festival—is a week-long celebration of extraordinary landscapes, world-renowned artists, unique workshops, and wonderful free events!

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG21

of Awards: Numerous Jurors Award Total: $45,000+ Contact: Rosemary Swimm E-Mail: Phone: 949.376.3635 Website: When a group of local artists decided to band together to paint the coastline and canyons of Laguna Beach, none of them could have foreseen how that simple get-together back in 1996 would evolve into one of the most prestigious plein air painting events held around the country. is year, LPAPA celebrates its 25th Annual Laguna Beach Plein Air Painting Invitational. Quick Draw, Nocturnal Paint Out, Collectors Gala, and Open Sunday Art Show.


10th Annual Plein Air Convention & Expo

Dates: May 21-25, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Location: Colorado Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website:

e Plein Air Convention & Expo is the world’s largest gathering of outdoor artists. With a faculty of over 80 instructors, the event is designed to inspire painters and ne-tune their skills. e convention features indoor painting demonstrations, with big-screen views, in water media, pastel, and oil painting. Daily painting as a group features instructors who o er suggestions as you paint. e giant Expo Hall features art supplies and frames at deep, convention-only discounts. ere is also an art show of faculty and attendee artworks that is open to the public. In 2023, Lori Putnam will conduct the pre-convention workshop (pre-registration required).

20th Annual Telluride Plein Air

Dates: June 28-July 4, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 9, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Sheridan Arts Foundation Venue: Sheridan Opera House City: Telluride Format: Juried Award Total: $15,000 Contact: Ronnie Palamar E-Mail: Phone: 970.728.6363 Website:

e Sheridan Arts Foundation hosts 20-25 nationally renowned plein air artists in beautiful Telluride, Colorado, for the 20th year in 2023 to paint the stunning landscape and historic architecture. e Telluride Plein Air Festival has become an indispensable part of Telluride’s Independence Day festivities, allowing locals and tourists alike to observe some of the nation’s top plein air artists at work. e festival culminates in a three-day sale in the center of the historic downtown.

Georgetown Plein Air

Dates: July 28-29, 2023 Opening Reception: July 29, 2023 Entry Deadline: July 14, late registration accepted Sponsoring Organization: Georgetown Trust for Conservation and Preservation, Inc. Venue: Georgetown Heritage Center City: Georgetown Format: Quali ed plein air artists Award Total: $900 Contact: Ruth Rosenfeld E-Mail: Phone: 303.569.0289 Website:

Sixth annual Plein Air event in vintage, picturesque Georgetown, Colorado, 45 minutes west of Denver at 8,500- . elevation, in the Georgetown-Silver Plume National Landmark Historic District. A charming town of colorful Victorian buildings ringed by mountain views, Georgetown has long been a favorite of artists. Includes Quick Draw in historic downtown. Exhibit and sale through August 13. Registration and exhibition at the Old School (formerly Heritage Center), restored 1874 schoolhouse, 809 Taos Street. Join us for this painting event in the summer mountain air! Open to quali ed plein air artists. Visit website for application information.

Snowmass Plein Air Fest

Date: July 31-August 6, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Snowmass Arts Advisory Board (SAAB) City: Snowmass Village Website:

UG22 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Selection of our 2023 Featured Artists will continue our practice of creating a hybrid roster combining 20 returning artists plus 15 additional juried artists. The returning artists are our 2022 competition award winners and the top collected artists from the event exhibition and gallery. Plein Air New Bern May 14-21, 2023 James Richards, AISM Selection Juror Suzie Baker, OPA AIS Awards Juror Plein Air New Bern is a 501(c)3 nonpro t organization. 2023 Featured Artist Audrey Cushman Charles Cashwell Dee Beard Dean Deliece Blanchard Elizabeth Rhoades Je Markowsky Jill Glassman Jim Laurino Jim Rehak John T. Eiseman Karen Crenshaw Katie Dobson Cundi Martin Geiger Mat Barber Kennedy Millie Gosch Natalia Andreeva Richard Sneary Rose S. Kennedy Russell Jewell Thomas Bucci
Call to Artists Deadline: January 10, 2023 EVENTS CALIFORNIA to COLORADO
Je Markowsky

Crested Butte Plein Air Invitational

Date: August 11-14, 2023

Opening Reception: August 12, 2023

Entry Deadline: August 9, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Horne Gallery Venue: Crested Butte Center for the Arts

Crested Butte Format: Combination Contact: Shaun Horne E-Mail: Phone: 970.349.5252 Website: e 2023 Crested Butte Plein Air Invitational welcomes all to join in a grand painting e ort. e event features plein air and studio work from the country’s best direct-observation painters, including Bill Anton, Josh Elliott, Jay Moore, and others. Painters of all abilities are invited to register as Open Artists. Crested Butte-area paintings can be submitted to the rolling jury process at any time. Paintings may be purchased in person or online.

Estes Valley Plein Air

Date: August 17-24, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 2, 2023

Reception: August 25, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: of Estes Park Venue: Gallery Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Award Total: Approx. $10,000 and gi certi cates Contact: Sage E-Mail: Phone: 970.586.5882 Website:

Estes Valley Plein Air welcomes artists to the stunning beauty of Estes Park for our h annual show. e Art Center of Estes Park, a 501(c)(3) nonpro t organization, will be celebrating its 36th year. Activities include a quick paint/auction and nocturne painting, as well as poster/wine label and miniature contests. Enjoy exquisitely beautiful painting opportunities including a fun artist group paintout. Works will hang in the Art Center of Estes Park throughout the month of September. e show bene ts the Art Center of Estes Park.

Steamboat Art Museum Plein Air 2023

Date: September 22-29, 2023

Opening Reception: 2023 Entry Deadline: September 15, 2023 Sponsoring Organiza tion: Steamboat Art Museum Venue: Steamboat Art Museum

Steamboat Springs Format: Open Award Total: $10,000 Contact: Dottie Zabel E-Mail: Phone: 970.870.1755 Website:

Paint the fall splendor in Steamboat Springs, o ering landmark ranches, alpine and river vistas, historic towns, and exclusive paint ing sites. ree unique sales events: Kick-O Quick Draw at the popular Farmers Market, Sunset Preview Reception, and Opening Reception and Awards. Exhibit and sale in the Steamboat Art Mu seum through November 4. Limited to 50 artists. Non-juried with professional and open categories. Early registration and museum membership discounts available. Registration opens January 15, 2023.

Monuments and Canyons Plein Air Event

Dates: October 1-8, 2023 Opening Reception: October 6, 2023

Entry Deadline: April 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: rado National Monument Association Venue: Carlson Vineyards

Tasting Room City: Grand Junction/Fruita Format: John Lintott E-Mail: Phone: Website:

Paint the scenic red rock canyons of Colorado National Monument and the surrounding high desert beauty in Western Colorado. Colorado National Monument Association presents the 7th Annual Monuments and Canyons Plein Air Event. Proceeds from the exhi bition provide support for education, research, outreach, and NPS special projects in Colorado National Monument. Many opportu nities for artists besides the main exhibition: optional riverpainting trip, and an extra exhibit in 2024.

Florence, Colorado, Paint the Town

Dates: October 16-21, 2023 Opening Reception: October 21, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Florence Arts Council Tower Cultural Center City: Florence Format: Open Piltingsrud E-Mail: Phone: 719.429.9579 Website: www.

Plein Air in the Smokies will once again bring 20 nationally-acclaimed artists to paint throughout Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The event concludes with several opportunities to purchase art, which benefits the national park. Apply at:

Pictured: Artist Christine Lashley

Join us for our 20th annual “Paint the Town” event in Florence, Colorado, the “Antique Capital of Colorado.” You will have an opportunity to paint mountains and mesas, ranches and buildings, ponds and the Arkansas River. Pristine views and Pikes Peak or even pumpkin patches may catch your eye. We are limited to 40 artists, and 4 pieces per artist, for the 6-day event. Quick draw on Saturday, along with awards and reception.


AIS 24th Annual National Juried Exhibition

Date: August 3-September 2, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 3, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: American Impressionist Society Venue: Somerville Manning Gallery City: Greenville Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Quang Ho AISM Award Total: $78,000 Contact: Liz Ahrens E-Mail: Phone: 231.881.7685 Website:

American Impressionist Society provides opportunities to artists working in the style of Impressionism. Annually AIS presents four juried exhibitions and panel discussions, demonstrations, workshops, critiques, painting competitions, and educational programs. Exhibitions and events are open to the public.

AIS partners with galleries and arts organizations to present our National and Small Works Showcase. Founded in 1998, AIS has grown to become one of the most respected national arts organizations in the country, with 2,100 members.

Paint Dover!

Date: October 3-6, 2023 Opening Reception: October 5, 2023 Entry Deadline: October 5, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Main Street Dover/Downtown Dover Partnership Venue: e Biggs Museum of American Art City: Dover Format: Open Award Total: $2,000+ Contact: Diane Laird E-Mail: Phone: 302.678.2940 Website: Artists from around the region take to the streets to quickly capture changing color, light, shadows, and the “spirit” of historic downtown Dover, Delaware. Held in the cooler fall season, three days of painting the architectural landscape, streetscape, gardens, parks, shops, and outdoor cafes culminate in an artwork exhibition, competition, and sales at the nationally accredited Biggs Museum. $2,000+ in awards are presented. roughout October, an extended exhibition takes place in shops and virtually. doverart


Lighthouse ArtCenter’s 10th Annual Plein Air Festival

Date: March 5-11, 2023 Opening Reception: March 5, 2023 Entry Deadline: September 1, 2022 Sponsoring Organization: Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery Venue: Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery City: Tequesta Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Kenn Backhaus Award Total: $15,000 Contact: Laura Zele

E-Mail: Phone: 561.746.3101 Website:

Lighthouse ArtCenter’s highly anticipated 10th Annual Plein Air Festival takes place March 5-11, 2023. is juried festival brings 35 of the country’s top plein air painters to the seaside town of Tequesta. e artists compete for over $15,000 in cash and prizes as they paint in picturesque locations. e festival o ers a Paint Out Competition, free artist demonstrations, workshops, a Collector’s Party, a live painting competition, and freshly painted works of art for sale.

Plein Air South

Dates: March 12-16, 2023 Opening Reception: March 13, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Franklin’s Promise Coalition Venue: Coastal Resiliency Training Center, Eastpoint City: Florida’s Forgotten Coast Format: Open E-Mail: Website:

UG24 Ultimate Guide 2023/

Plein Air South has another lineup of stellar artists who will host 5 days of presentations, demonstrations, instructional sessions, and painting outdoors! Come for the intimate faculty interaction, the chance to paint with the South’s premier painters, and exciting painting locations in Historic Port St. Joe. It’s a huge workshop, symposium, paint-out, and reunion with no pressure. You will gain a ton of information and meet great friends!

Forgotten Coast en Plein Air

Dates: March 17-26, 2023 Opening Reception: March 17, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition Venue: e Armory, Apalachicola City: Florida’s Forgotten Coast Format: Invitational Contact: Joe Taylor E-Mail: admin@pleinair .com Phone: 800.378.8419 Website:

Celebrating 18 years of documenting authentic “Old Florida,” Forgotten Coast en Plein Air is among the world’s most prestigious plein air events. Artistic excellence and production of investment-quality art is the trademark of the event, which features 20 of the most accomplished international artists and four “Florida Finest en Plein Air” painters who are honored Plein Air Ambassadors. Enjoy plein air exhibits, expansive Wet Room, demonstrations, receptions, Painting Stations, and a VIP Collectors’ Forum.

Winter Park Paint Out

Dates: April 23-29, 2023 Opening Reception: April 24, 2023

Entry Deadline: November 4, 2022

Sponsoring Organization: Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens Venue: Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens City: Winter Park

Contact: Kimberly Lewis Phone: 407.960.4718 Website:

Twenty-three professionally acclaimed plein air artists will paint at the Polasek Museum and at locations throughout Winter Park and Orlando. Art lovers are invited to watch the artists at work and attend free painting demonstrations. Works will be on display as soon as they are completed and dropped o at the museum’s wet room. ALL artwork created during the week will be available for purchase with a portion of the proceeds going to support the Museum.

St. Augustine Plein Air Paint Out

Dates: April 26-30, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: St. Augustine Art Association Venue: St. Augustine Art Association City: St. Augustine Format: Open Contact: Jennifer Flynt E-Mail: Phone: 904.824.2310 Website: Artists! You’re invited to the 7th Annual St. Augustine Plein Air Paint Out in the nation’s oldest city. is event, a nod to St. Augustine’s art history, celebrates the town’s architectural and coastal beauty through the time-honored tradition of painting en plein air. Artists will be painting in and around St. Augustine at notable locations. Observers can visit the St. Augustine Art Association’s gallery to view and buy works-in-progress and nished paintings.


Paint Out Savannah

Dates: March 23-25, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Savannah Art Association Venue: City of Savannah at Large and the Green Meldrim House City: Savannah Format: Open Contact: Martha Love E-Mail: Website:

Each spring the Savannah Art Association welcomes painters to its annual plein air competition, Paint Out Savannah! e hostess city provides endless paintable opportunities including coastal marshes, sandy beaches, historic squares, and architecturally stunning city blocks. e event closes with an awards ceremony led by this year’s acting judge. Additional information and online registration can be accessed on our website:

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG25
Nationally-acclaimed artists capture natural beauty, character and local culture in the Plein Air tradition Presented by the Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition, organizing regional cultural events to benefit local communities. A10-day event featuring on-site viewing of artists at work, a public wet room and opportunities to purchase original works of art. For more information, visit or call 800-378-8419 Join America’s plein air community this spring on Florida’s Forgotten Coast. Celebrate 15 years of artistic excellence as many of America’s finest plein air artists gather to honor and preserve this last vestige of “Old Florida.”
COASTen plein air en plein air 17-26 MARCH 2023 America’s Great Paint-Out
Featured: Steven Walker

2023 Blowing Rock

Olmsted Plein Air Invitational

Date: April 15-23, 2023 Opening Reception: April 18, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Olmsted Arts. LLC Venue: TBA City: Atlanta Format: Invitational Award Total: $40,000 Contact: Lillian Ansley E-Mail: Phone: 404.376.7075 Website: Experience the 2023 Olmsted Plein Air Invitational Gallery Exhibition and Sale. View the exhibit and sale of nearly 500 original works of art by some of America’s most esteemed contemporary Impressionist painters via the virtual catalogue.


Driggs Plein Air Festival

Date: July 19-28, 2023 Opening Reception: July 23, 2023 Entry Deadline: June 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Downtown Driggs Association Venue: Driggs City Gallery City: Driggs Format: Open Juror of Awards: Ken Spencer and Julie Davis Award Total: $3,200 Contact: Lisa Simmons E-Mail: Phone: 216.235.7532 Website:

PLEASE JOIN US for the 12th Annual Driggs Plein Air Art Festival, held on the west side of the Teton mountain range in beautiful Driggs, Idaho. Plein air workshops o ered by Ken Spencer and Julie Davis. Registration opens in January for 75 artists. Check-in from July 19-22. Artists and collectors enjoy many activities like the extended Exhibition & Sale, Opening Reception, Quick Draw Competitions, Workshops, Paint-Outs, Competition Award Ceremony, and Closing Reception.

Plein Air Coeur d’Alene

Dates: July 21-August 6, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Kootenai Environmental Alliance and Art on the Green City: Coeur d’Alene Contact: Jessica Bryant E-Mail: Website:

Eagle Plein Air Festival

Date: October 7-14, 2023 Opening Reception: October 7, 2022 Entry Deadline: August 31, 2022 Sponsoring Organization: e Gallery at Finer Frames Venue: Finer Frames City: Eagle Format: Open Award Total: $4000 Contact: Meg Glasgow E-Mail: meg@ Phone: 208.888.9898 Website:

YOU’RE INVITED to SW Idaho for the 9th annual Eagle Plein Air Festival. October 7-14. We will be o ering workshops, artist demonstrations, daily destinations, and a Collector’s party. With $4000 worth of awards given, our fast-growing festival is a great place to enjoy the camaraderie of 80+ painters while exploring Idaho’s diverse landscape: deserts, mountains, rivers, and canyonlands, all within a short drive from our central location in Eagle, Idaho.


12th Annual Prairie Plein Air Competition and Show

Dates: April 28-May 12, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Village of Schaumburg in conjunction with Blick Art Materials City: Schaumburg Contact: Roxane Benvenuti E-Mail: Website:

Paint the Town Barrington 2023

Date: October 6-14, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Village of Barrington City: Barrington Contact: Rollin Potter

E-Mail: Website:


24th Annual First Brush of Spring

Dates: April 12-15, 2023 Opening Reception: April 12, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 14, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Hoosier Art Salon and Indiana Plein Air Painters Association

UG26 Ultimate Guide 2023/
A four day event in the Blue Ridge Mountains August 15 - 19th Thanks to last year’s sponsors: Wet Paint Sale August 19th, 11am - 5pm concluding in the sixth annual
Air Festival
Blue Ridge Cows by Rena Powell Pictured: Lynn Sanguedolce

Venue: Hoosier Salon City: New Harmony Format: Open Juror of Awards: Jill Stefani Wagner Award Total: $15,000+ Contact: Linda Volz E-Mail: Phone: 812.618.5710 Website:

e 24th First Brush of Spring Paint Out is a 5-day art event with a pre-paint-out workshop on April 11-12 featuring Joe Lombardo. e paint-out kicks o with a reception at the Hoosier Salon on Wednesday, April 12; Field to Finish exhibit and awards, April 12-15; paint-out competition features a quick draw, nocturnal, professional, non-professional, and youth divisions totaling over $15,000 in awards, Saturday, April 15; art sale. Visit www. and for more information.

e Kekionga Plein Air Event

Dates: August 23-26, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Fort Wayne Artists Guild Contact: Sandra McGill E-Mail: Phone: 260.437.2187 Website:

Join the Fort Wayne Artists Guild for the 7th Annual Kekionga Plein Air Event, August 23-26, 2023. Four days of painting around Allen County, Indiana. We are hosting artists’ demos, nocturnal paint-out, art exhibition, Quick Draw, and the Kekionga Plein Air Competition during the Taste of the Arts Festival. Cash prizes/ purchase awards over $10,000. Events o er wet paint sales. Artists of all levels welcome. Workshops available through leading up to Kekionga.

Carmel on Canvas

Date: September 15-17, 2023 Entry Deadline: September 15, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: e City of Carmel Venue: e Carmel Arts & Design District City: Carmel Format: Open Award Total: $13,000 Contact: Anne O’Brien E-Mail: Phone: 317.571.2787 Website:

Carmel on Canvas Plein Air Paint Out provides artists with two days of plein air painting in the Carmel Arts & Design District, Carmel Midtown, the City Hall Japanese Gardens, Carmel City Center, and Carmel Central Park with its 161 acres of beautiful green space! ere are 4 divisions: Professional, Non-professional, Teen, and Child. ere will be more than $13,000 in total prizes — including Purchase Awards.


Blu Strokes 2023 Paint Out

Dates: September 17-23, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Blu Strokes Venue: Steeple Square City: Dubuque Format: Juried Award Total: $10,000 Contact: Wes Heitzman E-Mail: info@blu Phone: 563.845.1801 Website: www.blu

Paint historic Dubuque, Iowa, on the blu s of the Mississippi River. Dubuque boasts historic residences, buildings, and parks; river vistas and riverfront scenes; and interesting barge, rail, and industrial infrastructure. Dubuque is nestled in the Dri less Region, with unique topography and many interesting rural scenes. Our sales venue is a beautiful former German Catholic church. Visit our website for last year’s winners and explore our “Paint Dubuque” section for painting opportunities.


Shadows-on-the-Teche Plein Air

Dates: March 11-18, 2023 Entry Deadline: November 1, 2022

Sponsoring Organization: National Trust for Historic Preservation Venue: Shadows-on-the-Teche Visitor Center City: New Iberia Format: Juried Contact: Jayd Buteau

E-Mail: Phone: 337.369.6446


Shadows-on-the-Teche, a National Trust Historic Site in New Iberia, Louisiana, will present our ninth annual plein air competition in March 2023, with Dawn Whitelaw overseeing artist selection and awarding prizes. Enjoy a region enhanced by architecture, moss-draped live oaks, and sugar elds along the winding Bayou

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG27

Teche. Home of the oldest operating rice mill in America, exotic gardens, and Avery Island, birthplace of Tabasco, this region o ers excellent food, superb original music, and hospitable residents.

Farm to Forest Plein Air Festival

Date: October 12-15, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Alexandria Museum of Art Venue: Alexandria Museum of Art City: Alexandria Format: Juried Award Total: $2500 Contact: Olivia Helmer E-Mail: Phone: 318.443.3458 Website: e Alexandria Museum of Art invites you to celebrate their signature arts event, the Farm to Forest Plein Air Festival. is 5-day festival will bring artists to Central Louisiana to paint “en plein air” — outdoors! Artists will be in the city as well as surrounding farms, nurseries, and Kisatchie National Forest painting the abundant natural beauty of our area.



Air Art Festival

Date: August 16-26, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Artascope City: Yarmouth Contact: Catherine Bickford E-Mail: Website:


Paint Annapolis 2023

Dates: June 4-11, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 11, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Maryland Federation of Art, Inc. Venue: Circle Gallery Format: Combination Juror of Awards: Suzie Baker, Selection Juror; Mark Karnes, Awards Juror Award Total: $15,000 Contact: Ann Cole E-Mail: Website:

For over 20 years, Paint Annapolis has been the premier painting event for this sailing town, bringing the community together to share in the beauty of painting outdoors. Painting this year will take place from June 4-11, starting with a Quick Draw at the City Dock. Paint Annapolis has something for everyone — from artist to art lover to collector. We are excited to see you for an exciting week of painting our historic streets.

13th Annual Mountain Maryland Plein Air Competition & Exhibition

Dates: June 12-17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Allegany Arts Council Venue: Cumberland Contact: Julie Westendor E-Mail: jwestendor Website:

Plein Air Easton

Date: July 14-23, 2023 Opening Reception: July 15, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 20, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Avalon Foundation City: Easton Format: Juried Award Total: $30,000+ Contact: Marie Nuthall E-Mail: marie@avalonfounda Phone: 410.924.7279 Website:

Plein Air Easton, the largest and most prestigious juried plein air painting competition in the nation, is a project of the Avalon Foundation, Inc. It’s celebrating its 19th year in 2023; artists from all over apply online beginning December 1. Fi y-eight artists are juried into the competition by a unique juror each year. is year’s competition takes place July 14-23. Quick Draw is July 22 (open registration for all).

Artists Paint OC Plein Air Festival

Date: August 9-13, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Art League of Ocean City Venue: Ocean City Center for the Arts City: Ocean City Format: Juried Contact: Katie Brown E-Mail: Phone: 410.524.9433 Website: e Art League of Ocean City’s annual outdoor painting festival, “Artists Paint OC,” happens every August in the seaside resort. Now in its 18th year in 2023, 50 artists compete for the top

UG28 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Applications Due: March 31, 2023 Paint Out & Canvas Stamping: Aug. 26-31 Public Party and Sale: Sept. 2 EVENTS LOUISIANA to MINNESOTA

prizes of cash and prestige as they spread out across the area to paint the beautiful local scenery with its beaches, marshes, boardwalk, and Assateague Island. Painters are welcomed to the well-organized event with hospitality and opportunities to mingle.

FRESH! Plein Air Milford

Date: September 15-17, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Village Fine Arts Association City: Milford Contact: Keri Cleasby E-Mail:


Cape Ann Plein Air Festival

Date: October 8-15, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Cape Ann Plein Air Venue: Multiple locations City: Cape Ann Format: Juried E-Mail: Phone: 978.837.8273 Website: Held in the birthplace of American plein air; hosted in Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, and Manchester-by-the-Sea, Cape Ann Plein Air is a juried competition that has become a favorite among artists. is community has been the muse for icons such as Homer, Lane, Hopper, Wyeth, Sargent, and Davis. Juried artists are provided housing, opportunities to mingle with the public and to engage with local art organizations and galleries, and free access to world-class museums and theater.


Paint Grand Traverse

Date: June 18-24, 2023 Opening Reception: June 23, 2023

Entry Deadline: January 7, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Crooked Tree Arts Center Venue: Crooked Tree Arts Center City: Traverse City Format: Combination Contact: Kristi Wodek E-Mail: Phone: 231.941.9488 Website:

Spend a week creating, collecting, and celebrating in one of the most beautiful places in the country! Situated on the shores of Lake Michigan and surrounded by breathtaking dunes, lush wineries, rolling farms, and charming villages, Paint Grand Traverse draws a national eld of artists. e week includes workshops, live demos, exhibitions, and culminates with the Collectors Gala. Crooked Tree Arts Center invites you to be a part of the 6th annual Paint Grand Traverse!

Paint Tawas Bay

Date: June 15-17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Tawas Bay Art Gallery City: Tawas City Contact: Janice Dumas E-Mail: Website:

City of Dexter Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee

Contact: Josh Tanghe E-Mail: Phone: 734.580.2229 Website:


Red Wing Arts Plein Air

Date: June 10-22, 2023 Opening Reception: June 23, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Red Wing Arts Venue: Red Wing Arts City: Red Wing Format: Juried Award Total: $5,000 Contact: Heather Lawrenz E-Mail: Phone: 651.388.7569 Website:

Imagine painters situated along the Seine in Paris and transport them to the banks and blu s of the beautiful Mississippi, and you’ll get Red Wing Arts Plein Air. Red Wing, Minnesota, which sits at the entrance to the Dri less Region, features a charming downtown, dramatic blu s, vistas, and rivers that de ne the historic town. is longtime annual festival and exhibition attract the region’s nest plein air painters who capture the beauty of this stunning place.

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG29
August 23-26, 2023 (260) 437-2187 KEKIONGA PLEIN AIR EVENT
“Black River Reflections” By John C. Kelty
Courtesy of Indiana Waterways - The Art of Conservation

Plein Air Grand Marais

Dates: September 15-22, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Outdoor Painters of Minnesota Exhibit: September 22-October 15, 2023 Opening Reception: September 22, 2023 Application Deadline: May 1, 2023 Venue: Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery City: Grand Marais Combination: Juried, Open Class & Invitational Juror: Kim Casebeer Award Total: $6000 Contact: Allison Eklund E-Mail: Phone: 651.592.7858 Website: www.outdoorpaintersofminnesota. org

For 20 years, painters from across the country have gathered to paint in Cook County, Minnesota, from Lake Superior to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Daily mini-workshops, paint-outs, artist socials, and a hootenanny make this a beloved tradition. All painters are welcome: the Open Class is oriented toward learning artists, and the Competition Class is juried. An Invitational Class features Mini-Workshop Instructors and painters from the Arrowhead region of Minnesota. Join us in 2023!



Annual Augusta Plein Air Art Festival

Dates: April 20-29, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Greater Augusta Chamber of Commerce Venue: Harmonie Verein & Augusta Town Square City: Augusta Format: Open Award Total: $17,000 Contact: Lynn Buchheit E-Mail: Phone: 314.239.3988 Website:

Enjoy spring in Missouri wine country! Augusta is waiting for you to paint vineyards, wineries, farms, blu s, and the river! is 10-day event has 13 paint-outs, four theme paints, workshops, and a nal sale and festival. e nal judging awards Best of Show, Artists’ Choice, People’s Choice, plus First, Second, ird, and Honorable Mention prizes in four categories. An art gallery is open daily to display and sell your work. Open to all levels.

Summit Art Plein Air Festival

Dates: June 14-17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Summit Art Contact: Sharon Wagner E-Mail: Website:

Grand Center Plein Air Festival

Date: October 12-15, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Grand Center Inc. Venue: Grand Center Arts District City: St. Louis Format: Juried Award Total: $10,000+ Contact: Will Strang E-Mail: Phone: 314.289.1510 Website: Plein air like never before! Grand Center Arts District in St. Louis, Missouri, is the epicenter for the arts in the Midwest. Experience the culture, architecture, and people of this great city in a vibrant urban setting! All while competing for over $10,000 in prize money! ere will be opportunities for sales, workshops, and networking!


Plein Air Glacier 2023

Date: August 21-25, 2023 Opening Reception: August 26, 2023 Entry Deadline: March 31, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Hockaday Museum of Art Venue: Hockaday Museum of Art City: Kalispell Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Hockaday Sta , Plein Air Panelists Award Total: $500 Contact: Alyssa Cordova E-Mail: Phone: 406.755.5268 Website: Plein Air Glacier 2023, 14 years running! Paint in beautiful Northwest Montana, Flathead Valley, and Glacier National Park! is juried event includes a paint-out, museum exhibition, fundraiser sale, artist hikes, partnership programs with Glacier National Park, and more! Applications due March 31, 2023; Paint Out and Canvas Stamping: August 26-31; Public Party and Sale: Saturday, September 2, 5-8 pm.

UG30 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Learn More: No workshop, no juried entry, no competition, no pressure. Come paint and play with PleinAir magazine Publisher Eric Rhoads. A WEEK PAINTING FALL COLOR SEPT.29OCT. 5, 2023 F ALLCOLOR WEEK SEPTEMBER 29OCTOBER 5, 2023 EVENTS MINNESOTA to NORTH CAROLINA

Plein Air in the Parks

Dates: September 6-11, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Idaho

Art Lab Venue: West Yellowstone Montana

Contact Kara Hidalgo E-Mail: Website:


Paint Adirondacks presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: June 10-17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Paul Smith’s College City: Paul Smiths

Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website: PleinAir Magazine’s Eric Rhoads started the Publisher’s Invitational so his friends could join him in the Adirondacks to paint, but an invitation is no longer required. is event is a chance for busy painters who need a break, an opportunity to slow down, reconnect with friends, and paint beautiful places where the masters before us have painted. We make it e ortless. You roll out of your dorm bed for breakfast, pack your sack lunch for your day of painting, and show up for dinner. Our days are lled with painting the Adirondack Mountains of Northern New York State and the surrounding area.

Adirondack Plein Air Festival

Dates: August 14-19, 2023 Opening Reception: August 14

Entry Deadline: April 15 Sponsoring Organization: Saranac Lake ArtWorks Venue: Town Hall Auditorium City: Saranac Lake Format: Juried Contact: Sandra Hildreth E-Mail: Phone: 518.832.0081 Website:

Five days of painting in the glorious Adirondack Mountains of northern New York, inspiration to 19th-century artists of the Hudson River School. Located in Saranac Lake, New York, a charming village with historic architecture, and lakes, rivers, waterfalls, bogs, marshes, mountains, farms, and much more. Meet the Artists Reception, Nocturne Contest, Quick Draw, and the Show & Sale in the Town Hall auditorium. Registration opens Feb 1. Juried. 40 Artists.

Fall Color Week presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: September 29-October 5, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Saranac Village City: Saranac Lake Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website: PleinAir Magazine’s Eric Rhoads lives in a place where fall color isn’t great, so he created the Fall Color Week retreat, held in various locations during peak color season annually. It’s a week of painting with old friends and new ones. We have our meals together, and we stay on the same property … all for one price. Join Eric this fall in Saranac Lake in New York during peak fall color season. Come enjoy the beautiful fall scenery with no competition, just painting alongside your friends. No meals to cook, no one to care for, just roll out of bed, get fed, and paint all day. It’s glorious.


Hudson Valley Plein Air Festival

Date: October 9-14, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Wallkill River Center for the Arts City: Montgomery Contact: Susan Roth E-Mail: Website:


2023 Azalea Paint Out

Date: April 13-16, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Cape Fear Garden Club & Star Sosa City: Wilmington Contact: Arwen E Sosa E-Mail: Website:

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG31

Plein Air New Bern

Dates: May 14-21, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 10, 2021

Sponsoring Organization: Plein Air New Bern Venue: New Bern Farmers Market City: New Bern Format: Combination Contact: Kippy Hammond E-Mail: Phone:252.558.1689 Website:

Plein Air New Bern will again bring 35 nationally acclaimed plein air painters to Eastern North Carolina, rich with hundreds of historic and maritime sites. Along with NEW BERN, paintouts and pop-up exhibits in ORIENTAL and BEAUFORT, North Carolina, will highlight the event. Join us for a spectacular week of demos, workshops, exhibitions, artists’ forums, youth activities, and Quick Paint. Plein Air New Bern is a 501(c)(3) organization, serving Craven, Pamlico, and Carteret counties.


Blowing Rock Plein Air Festival

Dates: August 15-19, 2023 Opening Reception: August 19, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Blowing Rock Art & History Museum Venue: Blowing Rock Art & History Museum City: Blowing Rock Format: Open Contact: Jennifer Garonzik E-Mail: Phone: 828.295.9099 Website: erings/blowing-rockplein-air-festival-2023

e Blowing Rock Plein Air Festival is a 4-day, open enrollment plein air painting event. It takes place in the beautiful mountainous area surrounding the town of Blowing Rock in western North Carolina, from Tuesday, August 15, to Saturday, August 19, 2023. e event prompts applicants to explore the unique Blowing Rock architecture, spectacular Blue Ridge Mountain views, and overall Appalachian feel of one of the most scenic areas in the country.

5th Annual Plein Air Paint Out

Date: September 23, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Arts Mount Holly & Arts on the Greenway City: Mount Holly Contact: Stephanie McLaughlin E-Mail: Website:

7th Annual Paint It Orange Plein Air Paint-Out

Date: October 4-6, 2023 Entry Deadline: October 4, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Orange County Arts Commission Venue: Eno Arts Mill Gallery City: Hillsborough Format: Open Award Total: $1600 Contact: Katie Murray E-Mail: kmurray Phone: 919.245.2335 Website:

Artists are invited to Orange County, North Carolina, to capture the landscapes and landmarks of our beautiful communities of Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Carrboro. Participating artists will paint at sites of their choosing (maps are provided) throughout Orange County from October 4-6 and will submit up to three of their favorite paintings for jurying on Friday, October 6 at the Eno Arts Mill Gallery in Hillsborough.


Ohio Plein Air Society 20th Annual Competition

Dates: September 21-24, 2023 Opening Reception: September 24, 2023 Entry Deadline: September 18, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Ohio Plein Air Society Venue: Mans eld Art Center City: Mans eld Format: Open Contact: Mary Ann Clady E-Mail: Phone: 419.512.0594 Website:

Artists can paint anywhere in Richland County, a tourist and recreational hub for north central Ohio featuring state parks, Malabar Farm, the Carousel District in Mans eld, and the Ohio State Reformatory, a world-renowned historic site that serves as a location for major motion pictures such as e Shawshank Redemption. Ohio Plein Air Society, since 2002, is a group of artists and art lovers sharing a common interest in outdoor painting.

UG32 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Learn to make an arresting image from over 30 top artists…without leaving home! REALISM, IMPRESSIONISM AND MORE! STOP ‘EM IN THEIR TRACKS NOVEMBER 911, 2023 (BEGINNER’S DAY NOVEMBER 8) REALISMLIVE.COM EVENTS NORTH CAROLINA to SOUTH DAKOTA


River Towns Plein Air 2023

Dates: April 12-23, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Rivertownes PA USA City: Marietta Contact: Marita Hines E-Mail: Website:

Celebration of the Arts Plein Air Event

Dates: April 30, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Lewisburg Arts Council and Merrill W. Linn Land and Waterways Conservancy Venue: Dale-Engle-Walker Property City: Lewisburg Format: Open Contact: Barbara Baker E-Mail: Phone: 570.412.1686 Website: e ninth annual Plein Air Event sponsors’ goal is to use artwork to support and encourage the conservation of local signi cant ecological sites. e day begins with a free workshop by a local artist. Artists of all ages and skill levels are invited to paint or draw at one of the Linn Conservancy’s protected sites that day and during the following two weeks. e artwork will be displayed at a local gallery in June 2023.

Wayne Art Center

Dates: May 7-12, 2023 Opening Reception: May 12, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Wayne Art Center Venue: Wayne Art Center City: Wayne Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Brian Mark Taylor, Juror of Selection, and Shanna Kunz, Juror of Awards Award Total: $20,000+ Contact: Pam McLean-Parker E-Mail: Phone: 610.688.3553 Website:

Bryan Mark Taylor (Utah), accomplished landscape and cityscape painter, chooses 32 national plein air artists to participate in Wayne Art Center’s 2023 festival as juror of selection. Nationally renowned naturalistic painter Shanna Kunz (Utah) serves as juror of awards. Kunz presents $20,000+ in cash awards at the Collectors Preview Party & Sale May 12. Approximately 300 paintings will be on display and for sale. Kunz conducts a painting demonstration May 13 and workshop May 15-17.

Plein Air Painting along the Historic National Road

Dates: May 21, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Touchstone Center for Cra s City: Farmington Contact: Dean Simpson E-Mail: marketing@touchstonecra Website: www.touchstonecra

Plein Air West Reading

Dates: June12-17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Art Plus Gallery Venue: Olympian Ballroom & Art on the Avenue festival City: West Reading Format: Juried Contact: Russell Slocum Phone: 610.796.0418 E-Mail: Website:

e 8th annual Plein Air West Reading competition will culminate as the keystone exhibition of Art on the Avenue, West Reading’s popular street festival. Paint anywhere in Berks County all week, starting Monday, June 12, enter 3 pieces for judging. Two $1000 rst prizes: one for best done in W. Reading, the other best anywhere in Berks. Host housing or discount lodging for visiting artists. Registration $40, prospectus available 1/1/23 at


Art League of Hilton Head

Contact: Kristen McIntosh E-Mail: Phone: 843.681.5060 Website:


De Smet South Dakota Harvey Dunn Plein Air

Date: August 10-13, 2023 Opening Reception: August 10, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Harvey Dunn Society Venue: Ingalls Homestead & De Smet Event Center City: De Smet Format: Open

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG33
Stories of painters, events, painting tips, artist profiles, and more. A daily passport for artists to a world humming with creative potential.
The latest stories and events from the art-collecting world.
Secrets of award-winning pastelists, timely events, and the coolest art out there today.
Study with the finest artists in the world. Inspiring and informative watercolor tips, techniques, profiles, and more.

Award Total: $500 & prizes Contact: Janae Bell

E-Mail: Phone: 320.894.7540 Website: Paint the prairies of South Dakota and “Little Town on the Prairie” where Harvey Dunn painted and Laura Ingalls Wilder homesteaded. e 15th annual event is the longest-running plein air in South Dakota. Everything free, including registration, workshops, children’s workshop, receptions, and “wet sale.” Beginners and pros welcome. Many residents attend to buy artwork on Sunday. Artists attend from many states, and say, “ is is the most fun, well-organized, and friendliest paint-out I’ve attended. You will love it!”

Black Hills Plein Air Paint Out

Dates: September 21-23, 2023 Entry Deadline: August 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Hill City Arts Council Venue: Downtown Hill City City: Hill City Format: Open Award Total: $1850 E-Mail: Phone: 605.574.2810 Website:

e 6th Annual Black Hills Plein Air Paint Out Show & Sale will be held in beautiful Hill City, South Dakota. Quickly becoming a favorite among artists and enthusiasts alike, the event consists of all the exciting activities that make this event special: plein air painting, a special Meet and Greet event, a fabulous Sponsor & Artist Reception, and wrapping up with the fun and exciting Quick Draw and Live Auction. Make plans to attend!


Artists on Location

Dates: April 16-22, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Guild of the Knoxville Museum of Art Venue: Knoxville Museum of Art City: Knoxville Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Don Demers Contact: Julia Connor E-Mail: Phone: 865.254.8257 Website:

e Guild of the Knoxville Museum of Art is proud to host Artists on Location, a Plein Air Painting Event, beginning April 16 and ending on April 22. We are excited to announce that our featured artist and judge this year will be Don Demers. Applications for the event will be run through Juried Art Services and will be live November 2022-February 2023.

Paint Kingsport

Dates: June 26-July 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Kingsport Art Guild City: Kingsport Contact: Jennifer Phipps E-Mail: Website:


County Cultural Heritage Plein Air Event

Date: September 1-30, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Johnson County Center for the Arts City: Mountain City Contact: Temple Reece E-Mail: Website:

Welcome to Plein Air in the Smokies

Dates: September 24-October 1, 2023 Opening Reception: October 6, 2022 Sponsoring Organizations: Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park Entry Deadline: February 20, 2023 Venue: Clayton Center for the Arts City: Kodak Format: Combination Contact: Lauren Gass E-Mail: lauren@friendsof Phone: 865.257.4776 Website:

Welcome to Plein Air in the Smokies, the second annual art event inside Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In September 2023, 20 nationally acclaimed “plein air” artists will gather in the mostvisited national park to capture the beauty and magic of the Smokies.


Paint the Town 2023 - Plein Air Art Competition Date: April 23-29, 2023 Opening Reception: April 23, 2023

UG34 Ultimate Guide 2023/

Entry Deadline: November 19, 2022

Sponsoring Organization: Highland Lakes Creative Arts Venue: Lakeside Pavilion City: Marble Falls Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Charlie Hunter Award Total: $12,000 Contact: Erin Hinzmann E-Mail: Phone: 512.970.8087 Website:

Plein air artists from across the nation will be working in various mediums to capture the outdoor sights and scenes of historic Marble Falls and the panoramic Texas Hill Country. Renowned artist Charlie Hunter will judge the works created throughout the week and will choose the winners of 2023 Paint the Town. With a sales gallery, live plein air painting, free art demonstrations, and a Student Art Day, there is so much to do.

Paint Historic Waxahachie

Dates: May 5-17, 2023 Opening Reception: May 19, 2023

Entry Deadline: April 1 Sponsoring Organization: Ellis County Art Association Venue: Art on the Square City: Waxahachie Format: Juried Contact: Pam Briden E-Mail: Phone: 214.949.5543 Website:

Plein Air Southwest

Dates: May 8-13, 2023 Opening Reception: May 12, 2023

Entry Deadline: January 2, 2023 Venue: Galveston Historical Foundation City: Galveston Format: Juried Contact: Tina Bohlman E-Mail: Phone: 972.741.6154 Website: Annually, to showcase the incredible talent within our 300+ member association, we produce Plein Air Southwest, a juried painting competition event that attracts national attention and elite artists and is promoted and featured in major art magazines.

e event has earned the reputation among collectors and artists as one of the premier competition events in the Southwest. Artists are members of the Outdoor Painters Society and considered some of the best plein air painters working today.

McKinney En Plein Air 2023

Date: October 7, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: McKinney Plein Air Society; Arts and Music Guild City: McKinney Contact: Pernie Fallon E-Mail: Website:

Two Rivers Plein Air

Dates: October 9-14, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: New Braunfels Art League Venue: New Braunfels Art League Gallery Format: Open Juror of Awards: Tommy Fitzpatrick Award Total: $3000 Contact: Mary K Hammond E-Mail: Phone: 210.845.2380 Website:

Come experience the charm of historical New Braunfels, Texas! Event is open to the rst 30 artists who register and pay the $75 entry fee. Entry fee covers plein air, Quick Draw, and submission fees for the special show “ARToberfest.” Quick Draw (October 9) is open to outside artists who pay $25. Entry fee on day of the event. Art will be on display and for sale during the week of the event.

Brushes by the Beach

Dates: October 19-November 5, 2023

Opening Reception: November 11, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: G. Lee Gallery

Entry Deadline: November 5, 2023 Venue: G. Lee Gallery

City: Galveston Format: Open Contact: Brenda Lee

E-Mail: Phone: 409.370.7350 Website:

Wrap up your plein air year with warmer weather on Galveston Island. Can’t travel to the Island? No worries, this open plein air event accepts online plein air submissions created anywhere in the U.S. within the event dates. But if you can come to the Island, your plein air challenges will reach from beach to bay,

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG35

historic neighborhoods, iconic landmarks, and a working port; Galveston a ords artists a myriad of subjects. We enjoy welcoming back, year a er year, beginners to pros. Cash prizes and ribbons awarded.


Dates: October 20-28, 2023 Opening Reception: October 27, 2023 Entry Deadline: May 31, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Venue: Fort Concho National Historic Landmark City: San Angelo Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Michael Grauer Award Total: $30,000 Contact: Barbara Rallo E-Mail: Phone: 325.656.2500 Website: php

In the 1920s artists gathered on the clear spring waters of the Concho River, never dreaming today we’d be doing the same! EnPleinAirTEXAS celebrates 10 years of capturing the authentic West. Come paint on iconic private ranches and the eclectic downtown of San Angelo along that same Concho River.

e nationally acclaimed San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts welcomes you with West Texas Hospitality, host homes, and innovative events! Come experience the prestigious EnPleinAirTEXAS!


2nd Annual St George Plein Air Festival

Date: TBD Sponsoring Organization: ART Provides City: St George Contact: Elizabeth Gunter E-Mail: info@artprovides. org Website:

Arts to Zion TOUR

Dates: January 12-16, 2023 Opening Reception: January 12, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Arts to Zion | Southern Utah Venue: 35 N. Main Street and surrounding greater St George Format: Combination Contact: Bobbi Wankier E-Mail: Phone: 435.216.2651 Website: e 12th annual Arts to Zion TOUR is a county-wide art adventure of artists’ studios, galleries, and museums set throughout our stunning Southern Utah red-rock landscape! Artists will be showing from throughout the Mountain West. $10 tickets to the private studios are available on our website, public venues are FREE! Google Map is or printed maps are available a er Jan. 5 at noted public galleries on the Google map.

Wasatch Plein Air Paradise

Dates: June 23-July 4, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Midway Art Association Venue: Midway Contact: Jerry Watterworth E-Mail: Website:


Vermont Plein Air Festival

Dates: August 11-13, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Mad River Valley Arts City: Waits eld Contact: Jane Macan E-Mail: Website:


Paint Great Falls 2023

Dates: May 20-27, 2023 Opening Reception: May 27, 2023 Entry Deadline: March 20, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Arts of Great Falls Venue: e Arts of Great Falls Format: Open Contact: Meralee Fredenburgh E-Mail: Phone: 703.795.2137 Website: Join us for the 9th Annual Paint Great Falls! Capture the spring colors and gorgeous scenery in Great Falls, Virginia —

UG36 Ultimate Guide 2023/
A gathering of the Southeastern plein air community featuring five days of painting inspiration MARCH 12-16 2023
Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG37 MAY 8-12 2023 Blue Ridge Mountain region. Cash Prizes, Plein Air Roanoke ‘22 WINNER “ When e Rain Came to Vinton” 2023 ARTISTS Geo rey Allen Richard Boyer Kevin Davidson Natasha Isenhour Ryan Jensen Margaret Larlham Jason Lee Patty McGeeney Joe Mancuso Robin Purcell Stephen Stau er Toni Williams Jim Wodark 17TH ANNUAL PLEIN AIR INVITATIONAL 2023 Watercolor, oil, and pastel in an elite Plein Air paint-out and exhibition.
NITA HARPER CURATOR: KAY LEVIE Borrego Art Institute 665 Palm Canyon Drive Borrego Springs, CA 92004 Phone 760.767.5152 more info: 2022 Plein Air Invitational 1st Place Winner “Coyote Creek” by Jim Wodark

9 miles from Washington, D.C., but a world away with rolling hills and historic buildings. Artists can paint the Great Falls waterfall and private gardens, plus the historic Colvin Run Mill, Great Falls Grange, and Forestville Schoolhouse buildings. is 7-day event includes a quick draw and award reception.

Su olk Plein Air Festival 2023

Date: September 5-10, 2023 Opening Reception: September 8, 2023 Entry Deadline: March 1, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Su olk Art League, Su olk Center for Cultural Arts, Su olk Tourism, and City of Su olk, VA Venue: Su olk Art Gallery / Su olk Center Art Gallery City: Virginia Format: Juried Award Total: $4500 Contact: Darlene Keyt E-Mail: su Phone: 757.630.9832 Website:

Art enthusiasts throughout Virginia welcome artists to paint our pristine waterways, farmlands, and historic downtown. is juried event includes an Artists’ Lunch, ticketed Wet Paint Sale & Awards Celebration on Friday night with cash prizes over $4500, plus a QuickDraw competition on Saturday during the “Taste of Su olk” Downtown Street Festival with 5,000+ attendees. Local residents o er accommodations and special hotel rates are available. We invite you to join us for this fun and artist-focused event.

Plein Air Abingdon

Dates: October 5-7, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Virginia Highlands Festival Opening Reception: October 4, 2023 Entry Deadline: September 15, 2023 Venue: William King Museum of Art City: Abingdon Format: Open Award Total: $3500 Contact: Deirdre Cole E-Mail: Phone: 423.963.9007 Website: Plein Air Abingdon is a 3-day, open enrollment painting event celebrating its 7th year. e stunning fall landscape of Southwest Virginia coupled with the oldest mountain range in the world provides a magni cent backdrop for any plein air artist. With daily pop-up galleries ending in a Grand Finale Gallery and sale, artists are a orded the opportunity to o er their work for purchase to both the community and the art connoisseur searching for the next masterpiece!

Tidelands Plein Air Tappahannock

Dates: October 18-21, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Tappahannock Artist Guild Venue: Tappahannock Contact: George Jennings E-Mail: Website:


Paci c Northwest Plein Air in the Columbia River Gorge

Dates: April 24-May 29, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Maryhill Museum of Art Contact: Steven Grafe E-Mail: steve@ Phone: 509.773.3733 Website:


Paint Cedarburg: A Plein Air Event

Dates: June 3-10, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Cedarburg Artists Guild City: Cedarburg Contact: Katherine de Shazer E-Mail: Website:

For 22 years, Paint Cedarburg has been a memorable occasion for 150 artists. Paint the historic city, charming countryside, and the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Beginning with Fresh from Cedarburg, a unique event held in the historic district that includes an exhibition and sale. A 5-day painting period ends with an exhibition and award ceremony at the Cedarburg Cultural Center. Enjoy social gatherings, buyer events, and workshops. is event is a favorite throughout the Midwest.

UG38 Ultimate Guide 2023/

Date: July 23-29, 2023

Opening Reception: July 28, 2023

Sponsoring Organization: Peninsula School of Art Venue: Peninsula School of Art City: Fish Creek Format: Invitational Juror of Awards: Lori Putnam Award Total: $18,000 Contact: Crystal Chesnik E-Mail: Phone: 920.868.3455 Website:

e Door County Plein Air Festival is presented by the Peninsula School of Art & Gallery. e event features 35 invited plein air masters and takes place among the diverse natural beauty and quaint harbor towns of the Door Peninsula. Listen and learn from daily artist demonstrations. Tour local partner galleries as artists paint on site. View and purchase fresh paintings at our Collector’s Preview Gala Auction. Online exhibition and sale through August 13, 2023.

Paint the Point

Date: August 9-12, 2023 Opening Reception: August 12, 2023 Entry Deadline: June 30, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Arts Mineral Point, Inc. Venue: Historic Mineral Point Masonic Lodge #1 City: Mineral Point Format: Open Juror of Awards: ree-person jury of arts professionals Award Total: $7000 Contact: Ried Knapp E-Mail: Phone: 608.285.2958 Website: e 10th annual Paint the Point hosts 45 artists competing in Main, Nocturne, Quick Paint, and Postcard events with over $7000 in prizes. Mineral Point, a frontier mining town, was founded in 1826 and holds the slogan “Where Wisconsin Began.” It is located in the heart of the Dri less Region — an area noted for beautiful vistas unscathed by the last glacial period. Historic limestone vernacular architecture and surrounding idyllic country-side o er artists tremendous creative options.


Plein Air Fest, Etc.

Dates: June 17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: National Museum of Wildlife Art City: Jackson Hole Contact: Michelle Dickson E-Mail: Website: www.

Plein Air in the Parks

Dates: September 13-17, 2023 Opening Reception: September 17, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Wyoming Arts Council, Wyoming State Parks Venue: Curt Gowdy State Park City: Cheyenne Format: Juried Award Total: $2000 Contact: Kim Mittelstadt E-Mail: Phone: 307.274.6673 Website:

e 6th annual Plein Air in the Parks will be held at Curt Gowdy State Park, located in the foothills of the Laramie Mountains. Camping, recreation, wildlife, and exquisite vistas abound. ere will be cash prizes for Best in Show, 2nd, and 3rd place, along with a People’s Choice Award. ere will be art educational opportunities, an artist social, youth division, and more. e event will conclude with a reception and wet sale on Sunday.



Lunenburg Arts Fest 2023

Dates: July 22-23, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Lunenburg Art Society/Paint Lunenburg City: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Contact: Sharon Wadsworth-Smith E-Mail: wadsworthsmithart@ Website:

International Plein Air Painters Worldwide Paint Out

Date September 8-10, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: International Plein Air Painters Organization City: Niagara Falls Contact: J Baldini E-Mail: Website:

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG39 JANUARY 25 27, 2024 (BEGINNER’S DAY JANUARY 24) Join us. Find out more at PAINT BETTER in 3 days 20th Annual Plein Air Competition Sept. 21-24, 2023 Artists can paint anywhere in Richland County, a tourist and recreational hub for north central Ohio featuring state parks, Malabar Farm, the Carousel District in Mans eld, and the Ohio State Reformatory, a world-renowned historic site. Ohio Plein Air Society, since 2002, is a group of artists and art lovers sharing a common interest in outdoor painting. Open to all artists! OVER $5,000 IN TOTAL PRIZES ww Some of the 2022 competition winners A Plein Air EVENT JUNE 3-10 N 150 artists N 500+ Paintings cedarburg cultural center Door
County Plein Air Festival




18th Annual

Plein Air Paintout

e Great Migration Paint-Out

Dates: October 19-22, 2023 Opening Reception: October 22, 2023 Entry Deadline: October 21, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Town of Kingsville Venue: e Grovedale Arts and Culture Centre City: Kingsville Format: Open Contact: Layne van Loo E-Mail: Phone: 226.345.3714 Website:

Kingsville is located on the north shore of Lake Erie on the 42nd parallel, the southernmost point in the province. e town is home to the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary where thousands of Canada Geese stop to rest on their migration route in spring and fall. We welcome you to come and paint our variety of historical buildings, marinas, quaint farms, and lakeside vistas while enjoying the hospitality and amenities the town has to o er.


Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival

Date: June 20-25, 2023 Opening Reception: June 24, 2023

Entry Deadline: March 5, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Parrsboro Creative Venue: e Parrsboro Band Association (“ e Hall”), 44 King St. City: Parrsboro Format: Juried Juror of Awards: Kathie Odom Award Total: $6800 Contact: Michael Fuller

E-Mail: Phone: 902.728.2007 Website: Nestled in Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy, with the world’s highest tides carving unique and ever-changing shoreline scenery, Parrsboro has become home to Canada’s largest plein air festival, judged in 2023 by Kathie Odom. Enjoy world-famous hospitality and a visual feast of color and texture in the surrounding Unesco-Designated “Cli s Of Fundy Geopark.” Learn why many artists feel so drawn annually to these mesmerizing views, and a welcoming, authentic maritime experience.


Art in the Open Plein Air Festival, Ireland

Dates: July 30-August 7, 2023 Opening Reception: July 6, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Art in the Open Venue: Greenacres Gallery City: Wexford State: County Wexford Format: Open Contact: Anthony Robinson E-Mail: Phone: 086.237.2470 Website:

Join us for the 16th Art in the Open, a plein air painting week in southeast Ireland, each day visiting di erent locations including Wexford Town, coastal scenes, shing villages, historic buildings, and rural countryside. Bus transport is available daily. Optional workshops with outstanding professional artists, volunteer stewards, social events, artist talks, costume dinner, charity quick draw event, and 2-day exhibition with awards. Make Europe’s largest plein air painting festival the focal point of your Irish holiday.


July 31 - August 5, 2023

Begining in 2005 the Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout began hosting up to 40 juried artists for a week of painting tree-lined streets; stately Victorian homes and shops; picturesque marinas; historic naval ships and former naval air station; as well as beaches; lagoons; parks; San Francisco and Oakland skylines from the island city of Alameda, CA.


Watercolor Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: January 26-28, 2023 (Beginner’s Day January 25) Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Online Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website:

More and more plein air painters are picking up watercolor or gouache because of the ease of travel, with no need for mediums. If you want to learn about how to use them, or how to accelerate your progress as a painter, Watercolor Live is an online event designed for watercolor artists and those who would like to be. It’s 3 days of demonstrations from over 30 leading artists, plus painting critiques, roundtable discussions, Q&As with your favorite artists, painting together, and more. ere’s even an optional Beginner’s Day for those who need a refresher before the main event. is event is held online, so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home.

UG40 Ultimate Guide 2023/
Members: Gloria Chadwick, Grace Schlesier and Gabe Stockton Info: Photo compliments of Howard Bagley Alameda’s Golden Coast by Barbara Tapp EXPERIENCE
Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG41 24th Annual August 2023 Awards Judge Quang Ho AISM 7th Annual April • May 2023 Awards Judge Anne Blair Brown AISM Best in Show americanimpressionistsociety org 231-881-7685 Founded in 1998 • 2,100 members Best in Show Shadows-On-The-Teche New Iberia, Louisiana 337.369.6446 • Juried Competition with Judge: Dawn Whitelaw 9th Annual March 11-18, 2023 Best of Show 2022 Romulus and Remus by Marc Anderson “The Sun Came Out!” watercolor by James Turner 17th Annual Red Wing Arts Plein Air Application Due: April 1, 2023 Painting Dates: June 10-June 22, 2023 Exhibition in Red Wing: June 24-Aug 13, 2023 Red Wing Arts Plein Air is a celebration of the unique landscapes around Red Wing, MN, the gateway to the Driftless Region. CALL TO ARTISTS $5,000 IN AWARDS PAINT THE GATEWAY TO THE DRIFTLESS REGION • 651-388-7569

Minnesota’s premier plein air event

Every year for 20 years, painters from across the country have gathered to paint in Grand Marais, Minnesota, from the North Shore of Lake Superior and up the Gunflint Trail to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Daily mini-workshops, paint-outs, artist socials and a traditional hootenanny with the “Plain Errors” make this a beloved annual tradition. All painters are welcome: the Open Class is oriented toward learning artists, and the Competition Class is juried. An Invitational Class features Mini-Workshop Instructors and painters from the Arrowhead region of Minnesota. Join us in Grand Marais in 2023! plein-air-grand-marais.html

PleinAir Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: March 9-11, 2023 (Beginner’s Day March 8) Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Online Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771


If you’re looking for a way to accelerate your painting skills rapidly, and an alternative to expensive travel, PleinAir Live features 30 of the nest landscape painters on earth, over 3 days, plus an optional Beginner’s Day before the main event. Join us for demonstrations, lectures, painting critiques, discussions, group painting, and more … all online, from the comfort of your own home.

Pastel Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: August 17-19, 2023 (Beginner’s Day August 16) Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Online Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website: Sometimes we want to try new mediums, or seek ways to enhance our creativity. For decades, artists have turned to pastel for brilliant, vibrant colors. Today, pastel painting is a huge worldwide trend, and Pastel Live is an online event consisting of 3 days of demonstrations from 30 of the world’s leading pastel artists, along with lectures, painting critiques, discussions, and more. ere’s even an optional Beginner’s Day for those who need a refresher before the main event. Join a worldwide audience of passionate pastel painters and those who want to discover more about it. is event is held online, so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home.

Realism Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: November 9-11, 2023 (Beginner’s Day November 8) Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Online Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website:

ere are many forms of realism. For instance, many create impressionist paintings while others paint or draw tight, realistic subjects. Realism Live is a 3-day virtual event, with an optional Beginner’s Day, that contains art instruction demonstrations, talks on art principles, lectures on art history, painting critiques, and artist roundtable discussions. It includes all styles of realism, painting mediums, and subjects from Figure, Portrait, Still Life, Landscape, Floral, and more. is event is held online, so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home.

Watercolor Live presented by PleinAir Magazine

Dates: January 25-27, 2024 (Beginner’s Day January 24) Sponsoring Organization: PleinAir Magazine Venue: Online Contact: PleinAir Magazine Phone: 561.655.8778 or 800.610.5771 Website:

More and more plein air painters are picking up watercolor or gouache because of the ease of travel, with no need for mediums. If you want to learn about how to do it, or accelerate your progress as a painter, Watercolor Live is an online event designed for watercolor artists and those who want to be. It’s 3 days of demonstrations from over 30 leading artists, plus painting critiques, roundtable discussions, Q&A with your favorite artists, painting together and more. ere’s even an optional Beginner’s Day for those who need a refresher before the main event. is event is held online, so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home.

UG42 Ultimate Guide 2023/ Estes Valley Plein Air Estes Park, CO August 17-24, 2023 Entry Deadline: April 2, 2023 Approximately $10,000 in awards Art Center of Estes Park 517 Big Thompson Ave., Unit 201 www com 970-586-5882 August 9–12, 2023 Mineral Point, Wisconsin PLEIN AIR SHOW & SALE ARTSMP.ORG VISIT THE 10TH ANNUAL
plein airGrand Marais
15-22, 2023 Outdoor Painters of Minnesota and Johnson Heritage Post


Arizona Plein Air Painters

Contact: Megan Jonas E-Mail: Phone: 602.820.0065 Website:


Laguna Plein Air Painters Association

Contact: Rosemary Swimm E-Mail: Phone: 949.376.3635 Website:

In 1996, a group of local artists decided to band together to paint the coastline and canyons of Laguna Beach. at single get-together would evolve into one of the most prestigious high-powered plein air painting groups in the country. You can be a member of LPAPA no matter where you live. LPAPA members can submit for Juried Shows, attend member paint-outs, and access online workshops, podcasts, and more.

Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association

Contact: Maggie Renner Hellmann E-Mail: Phone: 831.462.9337 Website:

Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association (MBPAPA) is a nonpro t organization of dedicated plein air painters inspired by the sea and landscapes of the extended Monterey Bay Area. We enjoy weekly paint-outs, host workshops and demonstrations, and hold three juried exhibitions each year. Our members are friendly and dynamic, a mix of leading landscape painters and local amateurs, learning and encouraging one another along the way. Membership is open to all. Visit our website:


Plein Air Artists Colorado

Contact: Jennifer Riefenberg

E-mail: Phone: 303.250.2015 Website:


15th Annual Plein Air Key West 2023

Date: March 11, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: e Key West Art Center and Gallery City: Key West Contact: Sean, Manager E-Mail: Phone: 305.294.1241 Website:

Venice Plein Air MAP (Meet And Paint)

Contact: Karen Ann Hitt E-Mail: Phone: 941.586.0207 Website:

Mission: “Preserving Venice One Plein Air Painting at a Time

Since 2003...No Fees — Just Outdoor Painting Camaraderie!” November-April 2022-23, MAP two times each month. 1st Monday-Caspersen Beach (boardwalk and along shore); 3rd Saturday-Historic Downtown Venice & Farmers Market (start MAP at Gazebo), with our Annual MAP Saturday, Jan. 21-MAP VENICE URBAN FOREST (hit hard by Ian). We meet 8:30ish-noonish. Critique if wished, 11:30ish. Follow our Venice Plein Air Facebook & Instagram Page for updates.


Oil Painters of America

Contact: Liz Pusch E-Mail: Phone: 815.356.5987 Website:

Oil Painters of America is a nonpro t organization dedicated to preserving and promoting representational oil paintings. OPA has over 3,500 members ranging from students to advanced artists to seasoned professionals throughout North America. e $70 calendar-year membership fee includes opportunities for juried exhibitions, both national and regional; multiple online showcases; yearly convention & wet paint competition; paint-outs & workshops; virtual demonstrations, educational programs, and road trips; scholarships. Contact us for membership information.

Ultimate Guide 2023/ UG43
ORGANIZATIONS Join Today - Paint Everyday! Watch our website for show details 26th Annual National Juried Fine Art Exhibition & Sale Recent Award Winners The cure for claustrophobia. Bring the outside into your home. 800-610-5771 |


Central Ohio Plein Air Contact: Rod Hayslip E-Mail: Phone: 614.946.1559 Website:


Paci c Northwest Plein Air Contact: Cathleen Rehfeld E-Mail: Phone: 541.490.0711


32nd National Juried Exhibition & Convention Dates: March 26-April 30, 2023 Opening Reception: March 31, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 6, 2023 Sponsoring Organization: Oil Painters of America Venue: Reinert Fine Art City: Charleston Format: Juried Contact: Liz Pusch E-Mail: Phone: 815.356.5987 Website:

Oil Painters of America’s 32nd National Exhibition will be at Reinert Fine Art Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina. e exhibition will take place from March 31-April 30, 2023, featuring approximately 220 paintings by some of today’s top representational oil painters. Convention events include a wetpaint competition, demonstrations, speakers, and a Mystery Miniature Fundraiser and Whodunnit contest, and will take place March 26-31. Convention events are open to everyone. Registration required.


Outdoor Painters of Minnesota

Website: OPM is a thriving nonpro t plein air painting organization with 200 members ranging from beginners to advanced amateur and professional painters. Your $40 calendar year membership fee includes opportunities to participate in juried and open exhibits coordinated with community partners and other arts organizations, plus monthly paint-outs, quarterly workshops and plein air demonstrations, educational presentations, and “shop talk” artist socials twice every month on Zoom. Enjoy a ordable painting retreats and expeditions and volunteer opportunities to plan and organize new plein air activities around Minnesota. Join now to participate in the exciting events we have planned in 2023!


PALS Plein Air Limner Society

Contact: Jeanne Salucci E-Mail: Phone: 631.241.3749 Website:


Plein Air Roanoke

Contact: Margaret Sue Turner Wright E-Mail: Phone: 540.798.1299 Website:



Air Washington Artists

Contact: Fatima Young E-Mail: Phone: 206.954.0157 Website:

PAWA is now in its 23rd year with the mission to promote and encourage plein air painting throughout the gorgeous state of Washington. Annual membership includes participation in organized statewide paint-outs and pop-ups, winter paint-ins, and two annual juried gallery exhibitions with nationally recognized artists instructing at special workshops just for members. To join us on locations in 2023, visit:

UG44 Ultimate Guide 2023/ ORGANIZATIONS Optimize your Professional Advancement Discover Oil Painters of America and Join the new Renaissance King of the Wild Things by Anna Rose Bain OPA 2022 Gold Medal Award Winner & Members’ Choice Signature Award • 815-356-5987 32nd National Juried Exhibition Reinert Fine Art • Charleston, SC March 31 - April 30, 2023 Entry deadline: 1/6/2023 National Convention & Wet Paint Competition Charleston, SC March 26 - 31, 2023 *open to students, artists, art lovers art collectors, registration required 3rd Annual Student Art Competition No entry fee art students ages between 14 - 23 are eligible Entry deadline: 1/6/2023 After the Storm by Nancy Howe OPAM 2022 Master Signature Gold Medal Award Winner & Steamboat Art Museum Purchase Award Mother by Jenna Conlin 2022 First Place Award ©GaryRunnon Unsplash

Teton Plein Air Painters

Contact: Jennifer Ho E-Mail: jenho man@


Contact: Stephen Crisafulli E-Mail: Phone: 949.233.2468 Website: has been serving the creative community since 1998, specializing in plein air frames and o ering a variety for all genres. We o er atrate shipping of $18.95 and free with orders over $350! We also o er custom sizing on any frame. Visit us today and compare price, quality, and selection. We look forward to serving you today. Visit us at or call 888.432.7510.

En Plein Air Pro

Contact: Christina Ho erg E-Mail: Phone: 214.742.6036 Website: Take your art studio into the eld with En Plein Air Pro easels! We have thoughtfully designed easels to t the needs of plein air painters. Lightweight, functional, durable, and truly unique. Perfect for workshops and travel. Setups available for ALL mediums. Made in the U.S.A.

ltimate Guide 2023/ UG45
Visit us at www. ArtFrames . com Flat Rate Shipping $1 8 95 Custom sizes available on all frames Serving the creative community since 1998 En Plein
Inspiration is Out ere! En Plein Air Pro has assembled what many artists believe to be some of the most functional plein air easels available. Our Oil & Acrylic Series features the Advanced & Professional Series All of our packages are lightweight, portable and assemble in minutes! Visit our website for more information and to order. Introducing our NEW Pastel Plein Air Package Our Watercolor Series features the Traveler & Advanced Series Your Paint Here. Order today at We know event marketing. Contact your PleinAir Magazine Marketing Specialist today!
Air Pro

Adirondack Plein Air Festival/Saranac Lake ArtWorks UG 31, UG41

Alexandria Museum of Art...............................................UG16, UG28

American Impressionist Society UG24, UG41

Art Center of Estes Park, Estes Valley Plein Air UG23, UG42

Art In the Open, Ireland UG40

Art League of Ocean City UG28-29

Arts Mineral Point/Paint the Point UG39, UG42

Arts of Great Falls UG36, UG38

Arts to Zion UG29, UG36

Augusta Plein Air Festival UG5

Bird Dog Arts UG4, UG20

Bisbee Plein Air Festival / Central School Project UG19

Blick Art Materials UG26, UG48

Blowing Rock Art & History Museum (BRAHM) UG26, UG32

Blu Strokes UG27, UG35

Borrego Art Institute UG20, UG37

Brushes by the Beach c/o G. Lee Gallery...............................UG35-36

Cape Ann Plein Air, Inc....................................................UG29, UG37

Cedarburg Artists Guild - C/O Mel Austin UG38

Celebration of the Arts Plein Air Event / Lewisburg Arts Council


City of Carmel, Community Relations and Economic Development

................................................................................................UG2, UG27

Colorado Monuments and Canyons Plein Air Invitational UG23

Crooked Tree Arts Center UG29, UG34

De Smet Development Corp UG33-34

Desert Plein Air Association UG20, UG41

Downtown Driggs Assoc./Driggs Plein Air UG26, UG40

Eagle Plein Air Festival & Competition UG26

Eastern Shore Art Center UG19

En Plein Air Pro UG45

EnPlein Air Texas/San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts UG27, UG36

Fallbrook Art Association UG20-21

Florence Arts Council- Paint the Town Event UG23-24

Forgotten Coast Cultural Coalition UG25

Fort Wayne Artists Guild - Kekionga Plein Air.............UG27, UG29

Frank Bette Center for the Arts/Plein Air Paint Out UG21, UG40

Georgetown Heritage Center and Cultural Arts UG22

Grand Canyon Conservancy/Celebration of Art UG19

Grand Center, Inc UG38

Highland Lakes Creative Arts/Paint the Town Marble Falls

........................................................................................UG34-35, UG38

Hill City Arts Council


Hockaday Museum of Art UG28, UG30

Hoosier Salon (DT) UG18, UG26-27

Indiana Plein Air Painters Association

UG18, UG26-27

Knoxville Museum of Art/Artists on Location UG34

Laguna Plein Air Painters Association UG21-22, UG47

Lighthouse ArtCenter ....................................................................UG24

Mendocino Art Center UG21

Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association UG43-44

New Braunfels Art League, Two Rivers Plein Air UG35

New Iberia Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau, Shadows-onthe-Teche Plein Air Competition UG27-28, UG41

Ohio Plein Air Society UG32, UG39

Oil Painters of America UG44

Olmsted Gallery.................................................................UG26, UG36

Orange County Arts Commission UG32, UG42

Outdoor Painters of Minnesota/Plein Air Grand MaraisUG30, UG42

Outdoor Painters Society/Plein Air Southwest UG6, UG35

Paint Annapolis-Maryland Federation of Art UG28, UG35

Paint Dover / Downtown Dover Partnership UG24

Paint Historic Waxahachie UG35

Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival UG40

Peninsula School of Art UG3, UG39

Plein Air Artists Colorado UG43

Plein Air Easton UG28

Plein Air in the Smokies (was PAITPark) UG23, UG34

Plein Air New Bern UG22, UG32

Plein Air Roanoke UG44, UG37

Plein Air South UG24-25, UG36

Plein Air Washington Artists UG43-44

Plein Air West Reading UG33

Red Wing Arts Plein Air Festival UG29-30, UG41

Salmagundi Plein Painters & Friends of Southern California

..............................................................................................UG20, UG40

Savannah Art Association Plein Air Festival UG25

Sedona Arts Center/Sedona Plein Air Festival UG19-20, UG21

Shaun Horne Crested Butte Plein Air Invitational, LLC UG5, UG23

Sonoma Plein Air Foundation UG21

St. Augustine Art Association UG25, UG28

Steamboat Art Museum UG17, UG23

Su olk Center for Cultural Arts UG20, UG38

Telluride Plein Air/Sheridan Arts Foundation UG22, UG40

e Great Migration Paint Out, Town of Kingsville UG40

Venice Plein Air (VPA) UG43, UG44

Virginia Highlands Festival Plein Air Abingdon UG34, UG38

Wayne Art Center/Wayne Plein Air Festival UG19, UG33

Winter Park Paint Out UG25, UG33

Wyoming Arts Council UG39

UG46 Ultimate Guide 2023/ DIRECTORY
Take Your Art to New Heights Paint the Grandeur of the Colorado Rockies Join hundreds of fellow plein air painters for an unforgettable five days of painting, instruction, and camaraderie at the Plein Air Convention & Expo. But don’t delay — we sell out every year, and this one will fill up fast! “The most amazing event in the art world.” LORI PUTNAM LORE 10TH BIRTHDAY BASH MAY 21-25, 2023 REGISTER NOW! 561-655-8778
25th ANNUAL LAGUNA BEACH PLEIN AIR PAINTING INVITATIONAL Join us in Laguna Beach October 7 - October 15, 2023 World Renowned Artists Plein Air Competition October 7 - October 15, 2023 Quick Draw Competition October 8, 2023 Gala & Art Sales October 14 & 15, 2023 For more information Please visit 1999
“5th Street Upgrade” 2000
“Gridlock” 2001
“A Nap
2006 Ray
Laguna” 2007
2009 John Cosby “Pier Pleasure” 2010 John Burton “Laguna Golden Light” 2011 Ray Roberts “Morning Tide, Laguna Blu ” 2012 Billyo O’Donnell “Laguna Coast” 2013 Scott W Prior “St Mary’s Garden View” 2014 Jim McVicker “Heisler Park Sunlight” 2015 Ray Roberts “Morning on Main Beach” 2016 Jim McVicker “Morning on Main Beach” 2017 Aimee Erickson “Before Sunrise” 2018 Cindy Baron “Transitions” 2019 Jane Hunt “Back Bay Evening” 2020 Don Demers “Laguna Breakers” 2021 Carl Bretzke “Valley Below” 2022 Je Sewell “The Tide Abides” 2023 ????
George Strickland
Ken Auster
Peggi Kroll Roberts
on Laguna Beach”
Ken Auster
Morning Light”
Ray Roberts “Sycamore”
Calvin Liang
in Dana Point”
Clark Mitchell
Joe Paquet
Light Crystal Cove”
Randall Sexton
Up a Chair”
BLICK 800.828.4548 ® Find Your Plein Air Style Explore an incredible selection of supplies and gear for your outdoor studio at Blick. From paints and mediums to brushes, palette knives, easels, canopies, and more, discover art supplies and accessories that are specially made to be easy to use outside. Shop online at

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