Wednesday 4th May 2016

Page 55




US Consular-General Tasks Nigerian Journalists on Objectivity NUJ wants a guarantee of press freedom Ejiofor Alike and Shola Oyeyipo The United States of America Consular General in Nigeria, Mr. John Bray, has urged journalists in the country to work to ensure press freedom and Internet nuetrality by offering the populace objective information on issues relating to the country. Bray, who made the call yesterday in his remarks during activities marking the 2016 World Press Freedom Day held at the multi-purpose room of the US Consulate in Lagos in collaboration with the Lagos chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), said more than ever before, the media in the country is empowered to give the people a voice and should effectively perform the function. He equally challenged Nigerian journalists to persist in the use of the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act passed in 2011 and also press hard for an amendment to strengthen

the law. Talking to media practitioners, Bray said: “I want to offer a bit of advice. Protect a free press and a neutral Internet in your country. The Nigerian people will rely on you to offer them objective information on major issues that impact the country. Today, your profession is by far better positioned to make significant contributions on behalf of the voiceless compared to the early years of democracy in your country. I wish you a stimulating and successful discourse. “Freedom of information is also closely linked to free and neutral Internet policy, which the US advocates strongly. The advent of the Internet has changed the way we live, study, and work. The ever changing technology has also produced unimaginable global opportunities. We have seen unprecedented innovation and growth driven by online activities. Education, entrepreneurship, healthcare, and good governance are accelerated by access to the Internet.

“Your profession has been profoundly impacted by social media. Today, we see every major broadcast and print media amplifying mainstream platforms via social media. Bloggers have carved a niche and have gained respect in contributing significantly to global discourse on major issues. “Overall technological innovation which drives social media has had a significant impact on globalisation and democracy. And in general, the principle of Internet neutrality affirms that start-ups have the same opportunity to access the Internet as established businesses. As well as academics and university students have the same level of access to the Internet as teachers and students in the elementary and secondary schools. No one should unfairly

slow down access to the Internet to make way for advertisers with more money. This is why we believe the Internet has broadened democratic principles. He noted that since countries that have adopted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) understand its value, Nigerians should work to make use of the FOIA that that the country adopted in 2011. “I encourage you to persist until the law is enforced, including pressing hard for amendment to strengthen the law,” he urged. Other speakers at the event included former Dean, School of Communication, Lagos State University, Prof. Lai Oso; former Editor, Next Newspapers, Ms. Kadaria Ahmed; West African representative, Committee to

Protect Journalists (CPJ), Mr. Peter Nkanga; Google Nigeria Country Manager represented by Google Communications and Public Affairs Manager for Anglophone West Africa, Mr. Taiwo Kola-Ogunlade; the Lagos State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Steve Ayorinde; NUJ National President, Comrade Abdulwaheed Odusile and the Lagos NUJ Chairman, Comrade Deji Elumoye. All the contributors to the theme of the event: Asses to Information and Fundamental Freedom and Human Right, harped on the importance of the journalism profession in informing the people and why practitioners must be at their ethical best in carrying out their responsibility of holding

government accountable to the citizenry. In a paper presented at the occasion, the national President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Mr. Abdulwaheed Odusile called for a proper constitutional guarantee of press freedom in Nigeria and not just freedom of expression as contained in the constitution. He argued that “free press could be seen, identified and regarded as the bedrock, footing and base of good governance, peace and national prosperity”. Odusile said the effectiveness of the free press as watch-dogs should have the greatest impact upon stamping out corruption and promoting transparency and freedom of information.

FG Restates Commitment to Upholding FoI Act The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has restated the commitment of the federal government to upholding the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act as a necessary instrument in the fight against corruption and promoting transparency in governance. The minister made the remarks in Abuja yesterday in his message to mark this year’s World Press Freedom Day, which has the theme: ‘Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms: This is Your Right.’ “We are indeed in a very interesting period, which calls for full support and use of the FoIAct and which recognises the citizen’s right to know, promote war against corruption and sustain economic development. If activities of public institutions are subjected

to scrutiny, it will be easier to measure their efforts against their goals and our expectations,” he said. He said the government has taken a bold step further in not just guaranteeing Freedom of Expression but creating access to information. “It is apparent that the tide today is to grant freedom of not just expression but also of access to information. However, each nation has to consider its own peculiarities in joining the fray. Since Sweden started the enactment several decades ago, many countries have embraced it and I believe many more are seriously considering the enactment. The fact is that if well utilised, an FoI Act will offer citizens a sense of involvement, belonging and fulfillment.

Saraki Commends Nigerian Media Omololu OgunmadeinAbuja Senate President Bukola Saraki, yesterday in Abuja congratulated media practitioners in Nigeria and the world over for what he described as their invaluable service to humanity as they celebrate the 2016 World Press Freedom Day. Saraki according to a statement by his Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, also commended all Nigerians on the occasion of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, saying press freedom also connotes freedom of individuals to partake in the governance of the country by participating in discussing issues and also freely giving expression to their dreams and aspirations within the ambience of the law. According to him, celebration of World Press Freedom Day signifies the prime place the media occupy in the society “because it is not all professions that have a day set aside internationally to celebrate their contributions to society.” He further said “our Constitution

granted some responsibilities and specific freedom to the press in Sections 22 and 39” to further underscore the importance of the press in nation building. “This special Constitutional and institutional recognitions bestow on the press a sacred duty and responsibility to be fair to all, to adhere to truth and to consciously work fortheunity,progress and development of their immediate and larger communities,” he added. He called on journalists and other media practitioners to always abide by the ethical principles of their profession in the discharge of their duties. Saraki noted the contributions of the media to national development at critical moments of the nation’s evolution such as the fight for independence, fight against military rule and struggle to enthrone democratic governance in the country. He urged the press not to relent in holding government accountable to the people and to continuously remain a defender of the voiceless and downtrodden in the society.


L-R: President,Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO), Igho Akeregha; Head, Campaigns and Strategy, CLO, Mr. Chijioke Odom; Olorunsoga Market Leader, Mr. Adeyemo Adewale; and market women leader, Mrs. Esther Kehinde, at a joint press conference by the CLO and traders in Olorunsoga Market, Oshodi, over threat by the Lagos State Government to demolish the market, in Lagos...yesterday Dan Ukana

Director-General of UNESCO Calls on Governments to Unite in Pursuit of Press Freedom Peace Obi reportingfromFinland The Director-General of United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Ms. Irina Bokova, has called on governments around the world to stand and remain united in the pursuit of press freedom and the right to access of information. According the Bovoka, a robust journalism requires a strong environment of press freedom and well-functioning systems to ensure the people’s right to know. She added that this is a moment for governments to stand with all journalists, to defend their safety. Speaking during the opening ceremony of the 2016 World Press Freedom Day in Helsinki, Finland with a theme ‘Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms: This Is Your Right,’ Bokova said freedom of expression goes to the very heart of what it means to be human and that it is essential for human rights and dignity for nations’ aspirations for sustainable development, for common determination to build

lasting peace. “At this time of turbulence and change across the world, including new challenges that require global cooperation and action, the need for quality information has never been so important - this requires a strong environment of press freedom and well-functioning systems to ensure the people’s right to know. Deliberating on some of the key highlights of this year’s WPFD, she said: “In marking these anniversaries, WPFD this year highlights the importance of free and independent journalism for advancing the 2030 Agenda. This includes the safety of journalists. “At a time when, tragically, a media professional is killed every five days. Over the past decades, 825 journalists have lost their lives and what makes it worse is less than six per cent of the killings have been resolved.” Enumerating on some of the UNESCO’s efforts as a United Nations agency mandated to promote press freedom, Bokova

said “guided by the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the issue of Impunity, UNESCO is working with governments around the world to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers everywhere. “In Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, South Sudan, in Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Liberia, Jordan, and Somolia, we are working with governments with professional associations, with educational institutions, with justice ministries and security forces. I call today on every government, to respond to calls for information on judicial follow-up, Bokova urged. Speaking on the three unique events that stand out the this year’s WPFD, said that the 2016 WPFD coincides with three important milestones - the 250th anniversary of the world’s first freedom of information law, covering both modern-day Sweden and Finland, the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Windhoek Declaration of press freedom principles and the

first year of 15 year life-cycle of the Sustainable Development Goals. Stressing the need to extend the defence for the fundamental freedoms to include digital journalism, also urged journalists to remain relentless saying that “it is a moment to shine light to access and share information, to succeed, we must be relentless and outspoken, we need every voice to be heard - especially those of women, she said In his opening remarks, the Prime Minister of Finland, Mr. Juha Sipila, noted that there was a strong link between freedom of expression, freedom of the press and democracy. Addressing journalists and other stakeholders from over a hundred countries, Sipila hinted that Finland is a model country when it comes to freedom of the press and that freedom of expression lies at the heart of democratic societies, as well as a prerequisite to democracy and an open, transparent, just and well-functioning society based on trust.

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