Teaming Up Against Tobacco- Fact Sheet Two

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The Teaming Up Against Tobacco Project aims to assess and address what tobacco prevention and cessation programming and resources are available on the community level in Cabell, Kanawha, Lincoln, and Mason counties.

We surveyed individuals in the four-county area to ask about their perceptions of tobacco use and knowledge of programs and services in their communities. Here’s what we learned from 181 respondents:

Do you think tobacco use is a major health concern in your community?

Do you know if any schools or afterschool programs in your county provide any tobacco education for children or adolescents?

If you, or a loved one, wanted to quit using tobacco, would you know of an organization in your county that has a program or services that could help them quit?

Have you ever heard of the WV Tobacco Quit Line?

ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 92.27% 167 No 7.73% 14 TOTAL 181 No Yes Answered 181 Skipped 0
ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 54.14% 98 No 41.44% 75 Other (please specify) Responses 4.42% 8 TOTAL 181 No Yes Answered 181 Skipped 0
ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 25.61% 42 No 68.29% 112 Other (please specify) Responses 6.10% 10 TOTAL 181 Yes
ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 76.22% 125 No 23.76% 39 TOTAL 164 No Yes Answered 164 Skipped 17 Other (please specify) Answered 164 Skipped 17 No Other (please specify)

Teaming Up Against Tobacco


(Text emboldened by team for emphasis.)

“There are no discussions regarding tobacco use in my community though I see it frequently. “

“Regulate vape shops. There are too many of them and teen use is rampant in schools.”

“More mental health resources need to be available. Many tobacco users use it as a way to help with stress and other mental health issues, and quitting tobacco can worsen mental health symptoms during nicotine withdrawals.”

“In my occupation we see parents struggling with quitting… Parents and guardians often tell us that they need the products to keep up with life, to survive and stay functioning.”

“I believe it would be wonderful if our middle and high schools had an in-house program that is more extensive than just the inclusion of a unit from health class. We have an increasing number of students who use vape pens.”

“I think that given the high price of tobacco an emphasis should be put on how much money someone could save over the course of a month/year, multiple years if they stopped smoking. I think it would be a good campaign.”

“It is a sad situation since the state cut back funding for tobacco cessation and prevention.”

“It would be great if resources for cessation were shared by doctors at check-up appointments.”

“Extremely concerned about growing use of vaping in school aged adolescents and the lack of knowledge/understanding on how damaging it is.”

“In my occupation we see parents struggling with quitting. Many parents will even tell us that it’s a financial burden and they often have to choose purchasing tobacco products over something else needed in their home. Parents and guardians often tell us that they need the products to keep up with life, to survive and stay functioning.”

“The help is out there, but people need to know how to access it. I haven’t smoked in 20+ years and when I quit I immediately felt better.”

“Yikes! There sure are a lot of smoke shops popping up all over the place.”

Learn more about the project on Think Kids’ website: Thanks to the Pallottine Foundation of Huntington for their support of this project.

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